Artist Dossier Alessandra Favetto

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Artist Dossier Alessandra Favetto - - +34.653.268.266


PERSONAL INFORMATION Date and place of birth: Torino, Italia, 01 de agosto de 1968 Address: Apartado de Correo n. 310 – 41710 Utrera, Sevilla Email: - Tel: 0034 653 268 266 Website:

EXHIBITIONS 2015/2016 - Group exhibition "HitParade", Museo nazionale dell'automobile. Turin, Italy 2015 - Duo exhibition "Me in many ways". Almonaster La Real, Huelva, Spain 2015 - Group exhibition "Mediterraneo", Angevine Catle. Agropoli, Salerno, Italy 2014 - Group exhibition "Paratissima", Torino Esposizioni. Turin, Italy 2014 - Group exhibition "Projet 192", Palazzo Sums. San Marino. 2014 - Group exhibition "Unpainted Worlds", Artmeet Gallery. Milan, Italy 2014 - Group exhibition "Madrid, 11 marzo 2004", Centro culturale Altinate/San Gaetano. Padova, Italy 2014 - Duo exhibition in Cobertura Photo, Sevilla, Spain. 2014 - Mirada de Mujeres, group exhibition. Galeria Weber-Lutgen, Sevilla, Spain 2013 – Group exhibition in Cobertura Photo. Sevilla, Spain 2013 – Group exhibition “Exposición en el XXXIV Certamen nacional de arte contemporáneo Ciudad de Utrera". Utrera (Sevilla), Spain.0

AWARDS 2015 - Honorable Mention in the "International Photography Awards 2015 (IPA)" 2015 - Honorable Mention in the "Prix de la Photographie Paris 2015“ 2014 - Selected artist in "Paratissima" art fair. Turin, Italy 2014 - SILVER MEDAL in the "Fine Art - Collage" Non Professional category of Prix de la Photographie Paris 2014 2013 - Best photography project, Cobertura Photo. Sevilla, Spain. 2013 – Award in the “Exposición en el XXXIV Certamen nacional de arte contemporáneo Ciudad de Utrera" – Catalogue published. Utrera (Sevilla), Spain.

SELECTED WORKS / MAGAZINES / ARTICLES / INTERVIEWS Featured artist and series - Dodho magazine - September 2015 Featured artist - - July 2015 Photo Feature - - July 2015 Group Exhibition - Saatchi Online Gallery, "Surreal Photography: New Limited Editions Collection" (Curated by Jessica McQueen) - June 2015 Photo feature - "FotoCult" - Italian photography magazine. June 2015 issue, paper edition Group Exhibition - Saatchi Online Gallery, "Originals for $1000 and Under" collection (Curated by Jessica McQueen) - May 2015 Group Exhibition - Saatchi Online Gallery, "New Shoots: Contemporary Photography" collection (Curated by Rebecca Wilson) Group Exhibition - Saatchi Online Gallery, "New Portraits" collection (Curated by Rebecca Wilson) - April 2015 Group Exhibition - Saatchi Online Gallery, "By Price: Original Works for $1000 and Under" collection (Curated by Becky Benshoof) - April 2015 Group Exhibition - Saatchi Online Gallery, "Surrealism" collection (Curated by Jessica McQueen) - March 2015 Editor's Choice - - march 2015 Featured artist - Get Inspired Magazine - March 2015 Group Exhibition - Saatchi Online Gallery, Original Works for $1000 and Under Collection (Curated by Jessica McQueen) Featured artist - Get Inspired Magazine - November 2014 4 Photo Features - PhotoVogue, - Ocotber 2014 Photo Feature - Magazine - Summer 2014 Photo Feature - "Practical Photography Magazine" - October 2014 issue, paper edition Group Exhibition - Saatchi Online Gallery, The Printed Picture: Cinematic Photography Collection Group Exhibition - Saatchi Online Gallery, Celebrating Cartier-Bresson Black&White Photography (Curated by Bridget Carron) Photo Feature - Practical Photoshop Magazine - Issue 41, August 2014 Photo Feature - Lens-Folio - July 2014 Group Exhibition - Saatchi Online Gallery, Collection Hot Shots (Curated by Rebecca Wilson) Artist Interview - F11 Magazine - July 2014

Series Feature "Creatively" - Zealous - July 2014 Photo Feature - Get Inspired Magazine - June 2014 Photo Feature - Camera Raw Magazine daily award - June 2014 Photo Feature - Lens-Folio - June 2014 Photo Feature - The Imaginarium, n.002 - May 2014 Group Exhibition - Saatchi Online Gallery, Collection (Curated by Rebeca Wilson) Group Exhibition - Saatchi Online Gallery, Collection Surrealism (Curated by Bridget Carron) - April 2014 Photo Feature - Stark-Magazine n° 23, print and digital – International Cover Photo - Lens-Folio - April 2014 Photo Feature - Lens-Folio - April 2014 Photo Feature - Nster - Febraury 2014 Photo Feature - - 2013/2014 Photo Feature - Artlimited - January 2014 Artist Interview - “Tara Denny’s Images” website, “Fine art Friday feature” Photo Feature - Artlimited - December 2013 Photo Feature - JCAElite Magazine, Elite Eleven [11] Top Award vol.3. Photo Feature - Lens-Folio - November 2013 Photo Feature - Lens.Folio - December 2013 Series Feature "Emotions and feelings" – Get Inspired Magazine - September 2014 Photo Feature – Worbz magazine - September 2013


I’m a self taught fine art photographer and digital artist with eclectic visions that embrace the realms of nature and the depth of human emotions and feelings. The camera is my time machine tool that allows me to draw an imaginary world full of different tones and vibrations: sometimes I jump in a surreal world where animals, plants and objects speak through allegories and metaphors, some other times I dive into the darkness of soul and translate into concepts its thousands facets. Every image is a story that leaves the door open to imagination and to each person’s thoughts, perceptions and personal experiences. I use self portraiture to create characters that are a representation of a surreal, dreamy, ironic and passionate world I would love to live in. Through my images I transport outside the conflicts of human personality, the ironic ambiguity between the wisdom of adults and the innocence of children and animals. By favoring a square frame, I encourage the viewer’s eye to move in a circle, rather than side to side or up and down, allowing to feel a well balanced perception of the scene. Each image starts with an idea and a draft on paper of the story and then the camera and the editing are the tools to bring to life what’s in the creator’s mind: a fantasy dream world hanging within the limits of surrealism and supernatural.


This series metaphorically celebrates my artistic trajectory. Totally absorbed by the themes of flower textures, twirls and ornaments; a place where woman and nature merge in a unique figure. I loved the idea of being part of the scene, dressed by the elements and integrated in its patterns. Artistically I thought of "Bloomed" as a way to celebrate my first year of fine art works and as flowers, plants and nature are recurrent in my photos I thought I could praise this event by being myself a product of that nature.

In-carnation, 2014 Digital photography and manipulation

Feel the freedom in a rose, 2014 Digital photography and manipulation

Protect me, 2014 Digital photography and manipulation

Pick a flower, 2014 Digital photography and manipulation

Summer mood, 2014 Digital photography and manipulation

Rosamorphosis, 2014 Digital photography and manipulation

Prelude to love, 2014 Digital photography and manipulation

Mystic, 2014 Digital photography and manipulation

As time swirls past, 2014 Digital photography and manipulation

Love, 2014 Digital photography and manipulation

Think twice, 2015 Digital photography and manipulation

Blues, 2015 Digital photography and manipulation

First of the season, 2015 Digital photography and manipulation


In this series my aim is to visually interpret and explore all the qualities and symbols of hair as perceived by different cultures. Hair is a powerful symbol of individual and group identity, extremely personal and public at the same time. In most cultures hair represents beauty, strength, freedom, wealth and health and is often associated with youth and sexuality. According to other cultures long hair is needed to cover women's body when buried as they lack clothes.

Believe, 2015 Digital photography and manipulation

Lost, 2014 Digital photography and manipulation

The embrace, 2014 Digital photography and manipulation

Lift me up, 2014 Digital photography and manipulation

Trapped, 2015 Digital photography and manipulation


A forced dive into the inner self to find out the endless facets of human personality. Are we the same every day? Can we tag ourselves with only a word? Or aren't we a mix of feelings, emotions and ways of being? "Me in many ways" represents the awareness of who I am, or, to say it in a Buddhist perspective, it's the awareness of what happens in my mind and how I can name and represent these moods the moment they appear. Being aware and conscious of what happens in my mind gives me the ability to take control therefore being able to live a happier and fulfilled life.

"Me in many ways" is a 30 days project with a free theme. The rules I set are simple: stand in front of the camera every day for 30 days and take a shot of how I feel in that exact moment, instinctively and coming from the heart; then sit in front of the computer and edit the photo according to the same instinctive process, without sticking to any particular work flow except for a mono tone square textured photo. The result is a poetic, ironic, conceptual and eclectic vision of who I am. Note: The project might start again ...... things always change and I do as well.

Pray, 2014 Digital photography

About a rose, 2014 Digital photography

Connected, 2014 Digital photography

Blow baby, 2014 Digital photography

Blues, 2014 Digital photography

Freedom, 2014 Digital photography

Elongated, 2014 About a rose, 2014 Digitalphotography photography Digital

Connected, 2014 Ecstasy, 2014 Digital photography photography Digital

2014 BlowDancer, baby, 2014 Digitalphotography photography Digital

Evanescent Blues, 2014 2014 Digital photography Digital photography

Point of view, 2014 Digital photography

Fragile loneliness, 2014 Digital photography

Flower therapy 01, 2014 Digital photography

Flower therapy 02, 2014 Digital photography

Evil, 2014 Digital photography

My yang side, 2014 Digital photography

The lover, 2014 Digital photography

Sainted, 2014 Digital photography

Inmersed in my world, 2014 Digital photography

Garden hat, 2014 Digital photography

I’m free, 2014 Digital photography

The mask you wear, 2014 Digital photography

Sleeping, beauty and reversed 2014 Digital photography

Through, 2014 Digital photography

The soul keeper, 2014 Digital photography

Smell of a flower, 2014 Digital photography

My ideas flow, 2014 Digital photography

Tribute to Frida, 2014 Digital photography

Where are you, 2014 Digital photography

Withered beauty, 2014 Digital photography

The mask you wear, 2014 In photography between, 2014 Digital Digital photography


Alongside my artistic work as a self-potrait artist, I love to create a fantastic and imaginary world where animals, common objects and nature meet in surreal atmospheres. "Allegories of life, lessons of nature" is a series of photos with allegorical and metaphorical meanings about life. The images come to life from my everyday life experiences: my life in the countryside, surrounded by 11 dogs, chickens, pigs, horses and all kinds of farm animals, fruit and olive trees and plantations are an inexhaustible source of ideas and inspiration for my work. It’s remarkable how sometimes the most common objects can dress symbolic meanings and almost take life completely integrated in the narrative plot. In many of these surreal pictures you can also see the my sensitivity to the defense of animals, her love for dogs and her commitment to the preservation of nature.

Playground, 2013 Photo manipulation

My treasure – part 01, 2013 Photo manipulation

My treasure – part 02, 2013 Photo manipulation

Picnic, 2013 Photo manipulation

Perseverance, 2013 Photo manipulation

Dilemma, 2013 Photo manipulation

A house for all, 2013 Photo manipulation

Solitary game, 2014 Photo manipulation

Risk, to be yourself, 2013 Photo manipulation

In an arid world, 2014 Photo manipulation

Road to freedom, 2013 Photo manipulation

Let it flow, 2013 Photo manipulation

Knowledge, 2014 Photo manipulation

Swim out to it, 2014 Photo manipulation

Not always, 2013 Photo manipulation

Pop?, 2013 Photo manipulation

Desire, 2013 Photo manipulation

Save (me), 2013 Photo manipulation


Back stories is an allegory of the past described through images of my back, figuratively expressing the “past" . The project is a series of digital pictures, all self-portraits, processed with the help of photo manipulation, in which the protagonist is my back. This interprets how humans live and perceive the past. The past is part of our history and of who we are today. All experiences, good and bad, joys and pains, people who cross our path, dreams and goals, have marked our lives and our sew our present. Now they’re gone, left behind, but keep reminding us where we came from, where we are and where we want to go . Although we have our roots in the past, sometimes we get stuck in it and carry to the present the weight of his being. We cannot forget it but we cannot look back either; sometimes the past runs after us, sometimes it just falls in forgetfulness where everything becomes blurred and indefinite . We need to preserve the past because it's part of our history, it is part of us, as our back that, from behind, always follows and accompanies us .

Back stories, 2013 Digital photography and manipulation

Touch me, 2013 Digital photography and manipulation

Locked, 2013 Digital photography and manipulation

Roots, 2013 Digital photography and manipulation

Weight of time, 2013 Digital photography and manipulation


The photographic set "Emotions and feelings" began spontaneously and naturally from the need to immortalize a feeling I was living. Get emotionally in a state of mind, try it and let it come to light, allowed me to closely interpret and photograph the feisty energy of human feelings. What attracted me to pursue this photographic interpretation of emotions and feelings was that everyone, regardless of race, gender and culture, could read my images as they had a common and recognizable language. Jealousy, fear, anguish, pain, are the same in all corners of the world and all have experienced, at least once, these sensations. Thus, "getting into the image" and "feeling" the vibrations it produces is like living again a state of mind. The images, all self-portraits, focus on body positions; the force and energy of body plasticity and the predominant colors, enhance power and character to the photos. The square format emphasizes the lines and shape of the body and forces the eyes to focus on the subject and on what it conveys.

Censored, 2013 Digital photography

Abandoned, 2013 Digital photography

Pain, 2013 Digital photography

Cracked out, 2013 Digital photography

Anguish, 2013 Digital photography

Hanging, 2013 Digital photography

The positive way, 2013 Digital photography

Jealousy, 2013 Digital photography

Shame and desolation, 2013 Digital photography

Relief, 2013 Digital photography

Lost identity, 2013 Digital photography

Confused, 2013 Digital photography

Feed your soul, 2013 Digital photography

The woman who survived her fears, 2013 Digital photography

Holding on, 2013 Digital photography

Rebirth, 2013 Digital photography

Disconnected, 2013 Digital photography

Purified, 2013 Digital photography


Creatively is a set of mixed works, images that capture a moment, a fantasy, a representation of a lived reality. The square format is still present in her work as well as conceptualism and photo manipulation.

Fall, 2013 Digital photography

Growing, 2013 Digital photography

He should have bought her flowers, 2013 Digital photography

The flourishing book, 2014 Digital photography and manipulation

Love yourself, 2013 Digital photography

Sail away, 2014 Digital photography

The Kodak Brownie camera n째1, 2013 Digital photography

Gone, 2013 Digital photography

Make yoyr dreams come true, 2014 Digital photography

We are responsible, 2014 Digital photography

Fragile, 2014 Digital photography

Fly, 2014 Digital photography and manipulation

The palm tree, 2014 Digital photography

Loves me, loves me not, 2014 Digital photography

Help yourself, 2014 Digital photography and manipulation

About a falling angel, 2014 Digital photography

A nightmare with eyes open, 2014 Digital photography

Don’t fear pain, 2014 Digital photography

The kodak n.0 brownie camera, 2014 Digital photography

Lost identity, 2014 Digital photography

Don’t let me fall, 2014 Digital photography

0034 653 268 266

Work in progress, 2015/2016

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