Portfolio alessandro bellani

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About me Here, I reveal my studies and my design method, describing the tools I use during the each design phase, without forgetting to show who I am, where I live and how old I am.

Hi, my name is Alessandro Bellani, I live in Varese and I graduated in Agro-technologies for environment and territory at the Faculty of Agriculture of Milan ( 3 year degree) and Design for Green Areas and Landscape at the Faculty of architecture of Genoa (2 year master degree). Born: April 27, 1985 Cell phone: +39 3474016893 E-mail: bellani_alessandro@libero.it

2006-2011 Bachelor degree in Agro-technologies for environment and territory at the Faculty of Agriculture of Milano.After learning the fundamentals of biology, chemistry and physiology integrated with engineering and agro-technologies, I acquired the knowledge and ability to analyze and monitor the environment, to observe environmental phenomena and to achieve the conservation and recovery of the landscape.

2011-2014 Master degree in Design for Green Areas and Landscape. Thanks to many workshops and practical experience I expanded my range of knowledge and technique of approach to design by integrating prior knowledge to new skills.

Landscape is a living element which contains men. Soil, a pine forest are biological units; landscape is the set of natural elements, of our movement, perception and of the opportunities to improve the space around us: it’s like a sum of layers of knowledge that allow evolution.


To be consulted in search of inspiration o project suggestions.

Fundamental for those long nights spent designing.

With photographs I can remember better the geometries of the territory and the present vegetation.

Notes are essential while scouting the area.

Important for development phase of the project. (software: Photoshop, Autocad and Sketchup).

Research of the area and territory within which I have to design .

Site inspection in order to better understand specific characteristics .

Initial project ideas to change the territory according to the demands.

Carrying out and completion of the project by developing it in every detail .

My works Below I present four of my projects which I consider the most instructive and the most explicit examples of my style, my abilities and my way of thinking about landscape architecture.

01 “Parco Ferroviario”

02 “Crocevia Noli”

03 “La trasformazione dello scalo ferroviario”

04 “Stanze di paesaggio”

Parco Ferroviario The intervention of “spina 4� involves the construction of a new northern entrance to the City of Turin. The construction of the metro line 2 station that will head towards this area will determine the construction of new center both local and metropolitan. The new square with two 25-story towers on the east and west sides will implement a new residential, commercial and social pole.

The vegetation master plan indicates how the park is rich of floral elements for every season which are typical of the surrounding areas of the park.

railway park

Creation of an equipped area that can support the future stop “Vercelli� of the metro line 2.

Creation of areas destined for pleasure dining areas, theaters and relaxing points.

One of the issues that the intervention will tackle will be to mend the east and west side of Parco Sempione, separation which was determined by the presence of the railway line, which is nowunderground. The overcoming of the infrastructural barrier will take place through the square and also through connections across the new urban axis .

Parco Sempione will become the northern entrance, a connection between the two sides (east- west), an integration between fast and slow pathways and service delivery on a local and urban scale.

New square area: creation of “garden “plazas” facing the buildings that will be built in the Gondrand area creation of a project design that takes into account the new high-risesthat will be built.

Workshop-Crocevia Noli The town of Noli together with the Scuola Politecnica in Genoa has arranged an intensive workshop with the aim of finding new strategies for the revival of tourism in the hinterland and in the coast, but without forgetting the cultural, agricultural and natural assets that features these areas. Starting from the obvious problems that in recent years have affected the tourism in Noli, the plan was to find solutions that would allow a whole revival of tourism.

The village of Voze is the articulation, the Noli Crovevia. The proximity to the toll of Spotorno would allow the construction of a park and ride , which would lead to decongestion of traffic along the coast. The centrality of Voze compared to all the activities that the tourism will ensure will make a focal point in the future landscape of careful development and sustainable land use .

The drawing shows what the main karst surface and groundwater. The Finalese is the largest karst area of Liguria; rocks that compose the substrate are for the most part Calcari of Finale Ligure (Stone of Finale).

masterplan of the areapieces

WHY A GEOPARK? Because it is an area whose boundaries well defined with a significant geological and geomorphology heritage, special for rarity scientific interest aesthetic bellow and educational worth. It enhances the geological heritage by promoting environmental education, the training, the scientific research and the sustainable tourism: geo-tourism. Protect through a coordinated strategy for the protection of this heritage through innovative conservation strategies that do not exclude man from the use of the environment. Enhances the natural environment and thus the lives of people who live favoring the increase of working place.

The project that encompasses the entire territory of the plateau is expected to improve the dense network of hiking trails, climbing and cycling routes through an immediate modernization policy.

daytime view of the Vozze resting pointpieces

Within the Noli-Vozze- Altopiano delle Manie tourism system is expected the presence of an accommodating structure. Within the tourism system Noli-Voze-Manie Plateau is expected the presence of a structure. The small “Fish House” lends itself best to being converted, and will become an info point, resting area and Noli’s crossroads.

nighttime views of the Vozze resting point.

The entire surrounding area is included within the rearrangement of the territory. In addition to the construction of three parking lots, the spaces in front of the houses will have a new use.

The access road to the structure is flanked by a square that will host festivals, markets and gastronomic events.

The space in front of the Noli crossroad will become an attractive terrace from which you can admire the splendid panorama of the Gulf of Noli.

La trasformazione dello scalo ferroviario The project of the thesis has the task of regenerating part of the city of Milan through the recovery of a railway area that has been disused for several years, which not only brings degradation to the neighborhood but represents a physical barrier that doesn’t allow an easy connection between these two areas . The park will allow you to make large scale connections by reuniting the city center with the suburbs and vice versa , increasing the mobility, thanks to the creation of cycling routes.

San Cristoforo covers an area 173 683 square meters and has been classified as an uncultivated urban green area; the area located between the Naviglio Grande and the railroad is bordered to the north by industrial, artisan and commercial settlements, meanwhile a discontinuous residential area borders the south. The area of interest is passed through, in the western part, by the Scolmatore Olona, the Fontanile Corio and the Fontanile Marcione 2. The streets that feed this area are heavily congested with vehicular traffic both inbound and outbound through the city, therefore the public service plans to upgrade the existing coverage of public transport by building the MM4, a new subway line which will connect Lorenteggio to Linate Airport. The last station of the new subway will be under Piazza Tirana in the immediate vicinity of the San Cristoforo railway station.

The green rays are a project sponsored by the City of Milan to have a new system of pedestrian and cycling routes to help improve the mobility within the city and the daily lives of citizens. Each ray, long 7 km minimum and maximum 12 km, links the city center to one of the parks in the suburbs and will feature pleasant linear pedestrian and cycling paths, shaded and cooled by the presence of thousands of new trees , which will be planted.

park furniture

The project must follow and satisfy the objectives proposed such as the creation of a linear and equipped park that starts from the border with Corsico City Hall and arrives to the future area of transformation by the Porta Genova station. The linear park with its related paths will enable the connection between the neighborhoods of Giambellino in the north and Barona in the south, which is included in the zone between the Navigli and Parco Sud. The Variante admits the presence of functions that are consistent with the park and the sports and recreation area of the Naviglio Grande, which interact with the structures of the Olona rowing structures and must be in line with aspects of the system of open spaces planned by the “waterway� project of the 2015 Expo.

playground covered with schlock proof

The masterplan has been developed considering putting together two elements that can characterize and characterize the area. The elements taken into consideration are the duality that the park may have linking areas through a social intent with semi-natural areas, and the network to which it belongs and the area where it may become a main node. Based on these two elements are born ideas for the construction of a park that encloses new spaces for social activities placed in a semi-natural environment.

playing section

The pedestrian and cycle paths are two: the first one crosses the area entirely for its entire length starting from Via Molinetto di Lorenteggio, to then merge once crossed the railroad with the future greenway that will allow you to reach the future park tthat will be built near the current Porta Genova . On the paths cyclists and pedestrians will be separated by a strip of land where vegetation will be placed and stopping areas.

Stanze di paesaggio The area surrounding Via Quittengo is situated in the north east part of the city, north of the river Dora and the monumental cemetery. It is inserted inside the ex yard Vanchiglia. The area between Via Bologna and the cemetery, Corso Novara and the Manifattura Tabacchi form the driving force of the urban transformation tied to the execution of the new metro line. The project, starting from the recovery of the ex yard Vanchiglia, includes retracing part of the city by creating a new urban front, incrementing green spaces and improving visual connections with the hills of Torino by reinforcing its relationship with urban parks and river areas.

In this context lays a temporary project opportunity ( lasting 5 years) for the area of Quittengo, which is formed by 9000 square meters of abandoned green space and an industrial area that includes a roofed warehouse situated in the middle of our area and currently used as storage, an ex storehouse in the north which has been reconverted this summer by the association Urbe, and a air-raid shelter dating up to the Second World War. The main access roads to the area are located in Via Quittengo and Via Paganini, the first is a driveway shared with companies in the area meanwhile the second is only for pedestrians and has been used during the events organized by Urbe last summer.

west view

east view

The redevelopment consists in creating in this neighborhood a linear park connected to the city’s park system, overlooked by houses, offices and commercial activities. Behind the ex yard Vanchiglia towards Via Bologna, the territory is formed by a strip of small and medium size firms, artisan activities and housing, in this space a reorganization process and completion of the existing road access is planned and will concern the connections between Via Paganini, Quittengo and Regaldi by creating a new center with public spaces that correspond to the future metro line of Regio Parco.

The interventions made by our project include a minimization of the material flow for the creation of the installations, in fact we chose to build all of our items with wooden deck boards (400x20x5 cm) and with the aid of metal plates, screws and bolts, and with the use of recovered materials, such as wood stocks and some axes obtained from pallets. This choice besides reducing costs for the purchase of materials, has given us the ability to create frames with a modular and standard build that allows you to speed up construction, assemble and disassemble future installations. As for the furniture we focused on the recovery of waste materials such as wooden spools and chairs, the other facilities instead are to be understood as rented or otherwise resalable at the end of the five years like the playgrounds and tool sheds. All the frame elements made with ​​ horizontal and vertical boards can be recovered and reused, except for the bases of the vertical frames and the frames of the community garden which in contact with the ground will have undergone a likely deterioration.

Recreational space inside of which took place the removal of concrete to increase the permeability and to create a contrast between a semi-natural and urbanized environment. Chairs, tables and umbrellas for the bar’s activity have already been placed.

The event area provides the opportunity to engage in recreational activities; from playgrounds, taking advantage of drawings on the ground, to concerts and other outdoor events.

Horizontal frames surround the plants that grew spontaneously in the area, perforations on the boundary wall create vertical frames that offer views of another uncultivated area. A game of horizontal and vertical visions focus on the plant species which are often not considered as ornamental.

The community garden creates a space for aggregation and dialogue, sharing experiences, learning, producing and for giving space to your creativity thanks to the creation of gardens and orchards.

We meticulously designed furniture items for community gardens, to demonstrate how easy they are built and assembled. The strips of wood are joined with angular screws creating containers in which seasonal plants can grow.

My photos Last but not least are my photographs, which represent my favorite hobby. I consider it an activity that helps me increase my knowledge in the field of landscape architecture .

Photograph taken during a trip in Val d’Orcia while following a storm taken with a Nikon D5100 + 18-55 and GND filter use

Photograph taken during a trip in Holland between mills and tulips taken with a Nikon D5100 + 12-24 and GND filter use

Photograph taken during a trip between the colors of Odle (in background) in Val di Funes in Trentino taken with a Nikon D5100 + 18-55 and GND filter use

Autumn sunrise, Valtellina taken with a Nikon D5100 + 18-55 and GND filter use

Winter sunset, Lago di Varese taken with a Nikon D5100 + 12-24 and GND filter use

Thanks for your attention! I hope I have

showed you my passion and knowledge. For further information please contact me here. bellani_alessandro@libero.it alessandrobellani.tumblr.com

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