Alessandro Berni Reviews – Providing a Virtual Window to Art
Alessandro Berni is an acclaimed art curator born in Italy who has ushered in a revolution in the field of contemporary art. He is the mind behind conceiving the famous Clio Art Fair. The Alessandro Berni Gallery Reviews in Perugia derives its name and raison d’etre from him. He has been instrumental in bringing a deep understanding of event management and marketing skills in art promotion. The results are in the form of highly successful art galleries and fairs that have global recognition today.
Alessandro Berni Gallery - Perugia Having gathered experience from his work as NY reporter for Artribune, Berni started his own foray into the world of art by setting up the now famous Alessandro Berni Gallery in Perugia. His business acumen has since led to a series of participations in a number of exhibitions in different cities spread across the globe. With contributions by different artists under his aegis in Dubai, Miami and Basel based art exhibitions, the name Alessandro Berni is synonymous with artistic excellence. The gallery is a haven for contemporary and individual artists to showcase their art work to a global audience. What began as a gallery in Perugia, Italy, has now become a torchbearer in the world of art. The gallery as well as the exhibitions provide artists just the platform they have sought as well as the chance to interact with the best on the scene.
The Business of Virtual Access to Art It is undeniable that successful promotion is an essential part of art galleries and fairs. They are meant to facilitate buying and selling of art pieces. Alessandro Berni brings in fresh perspective in this regard. His keen business sense along with long experience of over 15 years is a big help. Tying up with online platforms like Artsy has been instrumental in opening up the virtual art front. The platform plays a big role in making artwork accessible worldwide to a global audience. In keeping with this line of thought, the website of Alessandro Berni Gallery helps enhance the experience. There are artists, fairs, and current exhibition details on the website. A detailed and easy to navigate online experience makes it smooth buying for interested art lovers.
Artists Showcased on Berni Gallery An array of contemporary artists makes use of the amazing premises and facilities at the Alessandro Berni Gallery to display their creations. Stunning architectural settings and lighting along with innovative viewing and seating makes the gallery a pleasure for artists and viewers alike. The artist list is a who’s who of contemporary art. It includes names like Anna Romanello, Cristian Stefanescu, Rawan Ita, Sylvia Lockhart and Heidi Curko to name a few.
There is of course Pablo Picasso whose works and creations continue to defy age and seem contemporary in every decade. The Berni Gallery also provides expertise and consultation to individual artists in their endeavor to display their works in different fairs and shows. Alessandro Berni’s success in promoting the cause of art is a testament to the heights to which passion can take a person. It has also helped open up new vistas for artists across the world. Source Credit: 93973989376/alessandro-berni-reviews-providing-a-virtu al