Context of Modernized Macbeth Play Start: Act 1 Three financial and business analysts are having a boardroom talk with Macbeth, they say that the company is in a bad way because of the current economic crisis, Macbeth who is an advisor to Duncan, the owner of the company asked Macbeth to find out where all the money is going. Macbeth investigates all the revenue statements of the company and looks at the possibilities of where money could have gone, Macbeth eventually after searching for some time finds some disruptions with the paper work of Judas (Thane of Cawdor, Director of Computing sector), a senior company executive. Immediately, Macbeth notifies the department of fair trading, who send a fraud investigator to look into the problem. The investigator finds out that the money Duncan gave to Judas, which was intended at growing the company, was used by Judas for his own personal ambition, Judas decided that he’ll pocket the money and manipulate the balance sheets to make it look like profit was actually coming in from his sector. The fraud investigator notifies Duncan that Judas was stealing the money, Duncan is devastated and asks what has happened to Judas (Duncan and Judas were best friends), the fraud investigator, unfortunately tell Duncan that Judas is on the run with the money, the investigator asks if he should tell the police, but Duncan says he’ll deal with it. Macbeth and Banquo are on the look out for Judas, the fate and future of the company rests in finding Judas, who has millions of dollars from money laundering of the company. Macbeth and Banquo trace down phone calls, and locate Judas’ location: the airport. Macbeth and Banquo are too far away from the airport, so call Ross, who organizes Duncan’s guards to get Judas. Duncan is told that Judas is found, due to the intelligent and smart work of Macbeth and Banquo. Duncan then decides that it is fitting for Macbeth to gain what Judas lost, and gives the position of senior company executive and director of the computing sector to Macbeth. On the way back to Duncan, Macbeth goes back to the boardroom to check something, here; Macbeth meets one of the financial advisors, who he spoke to before, he tells them that Banquo and himself have found the problem and fixed it, before saying another word, the financial advisor tells him that Duncan is an idiot for trusting Judas in the first place, and now the fate of the company is going to suffer because of Duncan’s stupid decision, and the only way of not going bankrupt and surviving the economic turmoil is new leadership. Macbeth is concerned by this, he sort of understands what the financial analyst is implying, but he still can’t understand it. They tell him that word has come round that he is going to be the new senior executive on the board and he is going to take over Judas’ former role as Director of the computing sector. Macbeth is overwhelmed and speechless, he turns around to see Banquo, who is just as much bemused as he is. Awkward silence breaks loose, until one of the analysts tell Macbeth that, the new title, when he gets it, still doesn’t fit a man of his calibre, he deserves more, Macbeth questions the analyst, who then tells him, that they believe he is the right man for the job, not Duncan, they say Duncan is
a great leader, but Macbeth will be better, because Macbeth won’t make stupid mistakes like Duncan did. Macbeth is confused and dazzled, but thanks the analysts for their input. Macbeth and Banquo then continue on their trip to meet Duncan, then Macbeth gets a surprise phone call, asking him to meet Duncan at a different location. Macbeth and Banquo follow the directions to an improbable location, when the GPS says there where they should be, it seems like an old chapel, the graven gates perched near by, with grass in the foreground, Macbeth and Banquo carefully persist towards the location, they knock on the door and enter, Macbeth comes in first, Duncan is there close by, Malcolm, Duncan’s son is next to him and then, close to both of them, on the floor, kneeling down is Judas. Duncan signals one of the guards to close the door, the other guard, draws a gun with a silencer on it and hands it to Macbeth. “the honour is yours”, squeaks Duncan and Macbeth’s eyes light up, and Macbeth puts the gun to the back of Judas’ head, and pulls the trigger. Macbeth shaking and taken over by shock dubs the Colt SS on the floor and takes a few steps back, Duncan looks around and announces himself. They have a conversation, before Duncan makes an announcement: Macbeth is going to take over Judas’ position for the company and the new heir to the company is going to be Malcolm, Duncan’s son. Macbeth is initially overjoyed by the announcement that he is going to take Judas’ old position, he will now have power and authority over the company, but what upset him was that Duncan announced that his son; Malcolm, will be the heir to the company. Only now Macbeth realises how much he wants to own the company. That night, Macbeth is in a horrid state, he feels hard done by and blames the financial analysts for making his hopes high, Lady Macbeth sees how bad Macbeth is, she sees that he is not happy, and something is on his mind. Lady Macbeth demands to know, so Macbeth tells her everything, doesn’t leave out one detail, he tells her that Judas cheated the company, how the financial advisors told him that he is the man for the job, not Duncan, and then tells her about his promotion and about killed Judas himself. Lady Macbeth is bewildered, she is first in shock, and then in absolute jealously, she says that Macbeth should be boss and that he will be boss – eventually. Lady Macbeth believes what the financial analysts said to be true, and she has dreams of one day the life she can enjoy with her husband if he becomes owner of the company. Lady Macbeth has a dream, in this dream she sees a future vision, she realises that Macbeth is too soft and will never be able to get to the top without her help, she also realises that the only way for Macbeth to get to the top, is if they kill Duncan, Lady Macbeth sees a vision of a frail old man in the background, muttering something she can’t understand, seeming as if it is a spell. Lady Macbeth wakes up from her nightmare, and goes out to get a drink of water, when she sees Macbeth up, she questions him and asks what he is doing up so
late, Macbeth tells her he just got off the phone from Duncan, who says tomorrow night he is going to come to stay at their house. They have the dreaded conversation, Lady Macbeth tries to persuade Macbeth, reasoning with him, asking him questions like; won’t you do anything to get to the top? Macbeth is confused as, yes he does want to get to the top, but killing Duncan doesn’t seem justifiable, since Duncan had only been kind to him and being a good mentor and friend. The next evening, Lady Macbeth greeted Duncan more thoroughly than if he had been running for congress, she shook his had, smiled and gave him a hug, but the smirk could never have been wiped off her face. Lady Macbeth goes into the kitchen for a while, as Duncan, Macbeth and the others are seated around the dining table waiting for dinner. Macbeth goes towards the kitchen and Lady Macbeth looks him straight into the eye, Macbeth looks her in the eye and looks back, he feels sick in the stomach, asks to be excused and goes upstairs to his bedroom, here Macbeth rushes his hand and fingers through his hair, sits on the floor next to the door and tries to think, he looks up, acts uncomfortable and stares straight at the mirror and starts talking to himself, he evaluates the pros and cons of killing Duncan; he sees it as a mistake and can’t even believe that he is thinking like this, Duncan has been so good to him, and also he can’t dispute how good Duncan has been for the company, Duncan single-handily raised the company up, killing him would be wrong in so many ways. It comes down to the simplest of reasons – which is; Macbeth’s person ambition and agenda. Macbeth has tasted blood before, but he didn’t like it and he doesn’t want to do it to a friend. Lady Macbeth comes in and questions Macbeth about keeping to the ‘plan’, Macbeth answers her with releasing his pains and burdens through a poem/song. At the end of this he tells Lady Macbeth, why he shouldn’t kill Duncan, and why risk all the glory he’s recently achieved over a stupid ‘fairytale’ by a few Advisors. Lady Macbeth becomes furious, questions his manhood and gets all snappy, saying it’s a perfect opportunity and time to grasp it. Macbeth reluctantly agrees to what she says after vivid, extreme and long dialogue.