Architectural Portfolio

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Alessandro Citterio architecture portfolio_selected projects

address Via Asilo 9, 23801, Calolziocorte (LC), Italy phone +39 3472738363 email birth date 11/07/1992

Selected works from 2015 to 2019 _work _workshop _accademic works _competition




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museum of art _aw

photos _w

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house _w

house _w

residential building _w

beach resort _w

school campus _aw

cultural center _aw

historical museum _aw

urban strategy _ws

mosul war camp_cp


CURRICULUM VITAE In compliace with Italian legislative Decree no. 196 dated 30/06/2003, I hereby authorize to use and process my personal detail contained in this document.

Alessandro Citterio address Via Asilo 9, 23801, Calolziocorte (LC), Italy phone +39 3472738363 email birth date 11/07/1992


work experience

competitions and workshops

Politecnico di Milano, Milan, 110L/110 degree on masters programme in Architecture Urban Plannig Construction Engeneering, October

Architect in collaboration with Nicolò Sala

West Sport Park in Chengdu, International

2015 - April 2018

Politecnico di Milano, Milan, 103/110 degree on bachelor programme in Architecture Science, September 2011 - February 2015

Villa M - Tanger, Morocco Villa Y - Tanger, Morocco Residential building - Kenitra, Morocco Chiringuito - Tanger, Morocco project manager, site management June 2018 - on going

Intern part time at Architetto Diana Barassi

degree, September 2007 - July 2011

Via S. Francesco 5 23900 - Lecco, Italy Tel: +39 0341 286500 architecture and design, building practices September 2018 - January 2019


Collaboration with CE-A Studio / Carlo Ezechieli

National Institute of Art, Monza (MI), 96/100


Mother tongue


TOEIC 805/990 B2 level


Basic knowledge


Basic knowledge

publications Alessandro Citterio, Davide Rampinelli,

Modificazione del vuoto. Madrid, Plaza del Carmen, Politecnico di Milano, Milan (Italy), April 2018

EX MED workshop Caprera. Un’esplorazione progettuale e una visione per l’arcipelago della Maddalena, cured by Carlo Ezechieli, Milan (Italy) Maggioli Editore, 2017

Alessandro Citterio, Angela Giampetruzzi,

Viaggio nelle architetture di Carlo Scarpa. Il progetto nel costruito, Politecnico di Milano, Milan (Italy), Februrary 2015

Via Marcello Malpighi 1 20122 - Milan, Italy Tel: +39 (02) 29510868 landscape competition May 2018 - June 2018

Intern at MCM Fazzini Architettura

Viale Majno 17/a 20122 - Milan, Italy Tel: +39 (02) 76001766 architecture and design, studio assistant October 2015 - February 2016

Intern at Luconi Architetti Associati

IV Novembre, 17 23851 - Glabiate (Lecco) Tel: +39 0341 540371 - architecture and design, studio assistant September 2014 - Februray 2015

Intern at ASSOSTUDIO srl

Corso Milano, 45 20900 - Monza (MB) Tel: +39 039389753 architecture and design, studio assistant June 2010 - July 2010

competition (Chegdu), China, in collaboration with CE-A Studio, WINNER

Mosul Postwar Camp, international competitions, FINALIST Kaira Looro, Cultural Center for Sedhiou Metabolism of a City workshop, New York

Institute of Technology, New York (USA), landscape and urban design

personal skills Social and personal qualities: high level of

abilities in teamwork and interacting with people. A keen determination to expand my knowledge

Organisational skills: leadership experience

and quick learner, able to deliver under pressure, ensuring the execution of work is to a high standard

Artistic skills and competences: painting, drawing, self made design object, photography, conceptual rendering

technical competences Autodesk Autocad Archicad Rhinoceros Adobe Illustrator Adobe Photoshop Adobe InDesign Sketchup Pro Cinema 4D Project models Drawing 5


location: Tanger, Morocco type: work client: private year: 2018/under construction Starting from a structure already built, the commission consisted in the realization of a private home. That included a master suite, an independent guest area, an outdoor lounge, an infinity pool directly connected with the living spaces, and a solarium. The clients emphasized the importance of landscape views and privacy from all sides of the Villa. In order to fulfill those requirements, the house has been placed on the highest level of the lot, six meters above street level. The first level of the Villa has been dedicated to technical areas, while the principal ones are located on the second level. The third and upper one has been used for the suites.


1_VILLA M _Concept and render working with the hill

outdoor visuals and natural light

Integrating the building into the existing slope. The volume follows it, gradually leaning in order to obtain three staggered levels and an underground portion.

While the southern side is closed by blinded wall with horizontal window. The western and northern sides are enclosed in a box that directs the views and frames the visuals.

infinity rimless pool

The infinity pool is designed in two different layers. The first one is smooth and reflective, in order to enjoy panoramic views over Mediterranean Sea; the second layer is deep and fresh.

front view

view from the pool


1_VILLA M _Axonometries and render axonometries

view from the living room


view from the entrance


location: Tanger, Morocco type: work client: private year: 2018/under construction The commissioner requested the house’s dimensions to be defined rigorously. The brief should comprise a predominant social area on the main level, and a more private one, constituted by four bedrooms: an ample master suite, two child rooms and a guest one. Also, the commissioner expressed his desire for a moroccan patio to be the heart of the house. The house is entirely covered in pink plaster, which is made by pigments derived from local rocks.


2_VILLA Y _Concept, axonometries and render point of view

moroccan patio

infinity pool


The house is raised on a basement to emphasize the view on the Mediterranean Sea.

Internal moroccan patio, heart of the house, opened to the Eastern side.

Infinity pool in continuity with the living room, optical extention of the sea.

The garden and the cliff are designed in order to increase the biodiversity.


exterior view


2_VILLA Y _Concept and render compression

view from the patio

Addition of volume as superfetation of mass, which generate a compression effect.

natural cooling

The cliff helps to refrigerate the patio, cooling the air inside of the house.

the pool

Moroccan patio characterized by a square pool.

view from the living room



location: Kenitra, Morocco type: work client: private year: 2019/on going Starting from necessity to build a residential building with more than fourty apartments in a small area, the volume fills the entire space, combining mass and void to meet the needs of the users. The building is composed by seven floor, characterized with a patio and a garden in the private side. Treated with white plaster and blue moroccan tiles, the faรงade make a breakage with the colonial style, typical of Kenitra.


3_RESIDENTIAL M _Concept and render move back


According to local rules, the ground floor and the last floor must be backwarded compared to the other floors. That creates a shelter with full and empty spaces.

faรงade composition

The surface is composed by holes big enough to allow for natural illumination, without compromising privacy inside the apartments.


Remove matter from the volume, using a different material to treat the surface of the excavations to make the whole operation easier to see.

to taper

private patio

rooftop pool

Using the local rules as a opportunity, the shape is folded on top in order to gradually disguise the penthouse.

The high density of the building site, requires an enclosed patio to allow the illumination inside the volume.

The rooftop is characterized by a private infinity pool, reachable only from the penthouse.



location: Kenitra, Morocco type: work client: private year: 2019/on going This luxury seaside resort combine the client requests with morphological and ambiental requirements of the project site. Adapting to the beach straightness, the volume is designed to keep the cost at a minimum and maintain reversibility, in case of future changes or dismantiling. The timber lamella shelters allow visitors to feel the fluid passageway and to see directly the ocean from any position inside the building.


3_CHIRINGUITO _Concept and render move up


A suspended volume which maintaines ground continuity, identifying a covered open space. Hierarchies is identified by treatment of the columns and the soil.


Remove matter from the original volume to illuminate the interior spaces. The void is characterized by a linear garden which separate the different programs of the building.

faรงade composition

Treat the surface of the volume uniformly, using timber lamella which admit light and air into the structure, filtering warm light and allowing for the position of the sun to shine through the structure.

the pools

modular system

make it green

Two pools, outside of the building, are requested by the client, to garantee a luxury place to stay when the seas are rough.

The structure is made by a lightweight wooden elements, repeatable and easy to assemble.

The linear garden inside the void of the volume garantee a natural shading. Combined with an extensive green roof, both reduce stormwater runoff.


5_M20 Museum of 20th Century

location: Mitte, Berlin, DE type: accademic work professors: Pierfranco Galliani accademic year: 2016/2017 Starting from the competition for the Museum of the 20th Century in Berlin, the project deals with the expansion of the museum created by Mies Van der Rohe through the formation of a new building. The project takes up the basic proportions of Mies’s project by forming a system of four volumes interconnected with each other through a common base, within which the main exhibition function is attributed. The four volumes are treated with four different materials depending on their main function.


5_MUSEUM OF 20th CENTURY _Concept genesis

the functions

organise the space

Instead of creating a single building, divide them into blocks by assigning a specific function to each volume. The various volumes are interconnected with each other through a basement, whose primary function is the exhibition. Access to the museum takes place through the central volume, while the remaining volumes have exhibition, learning and administrative functions.

Organise the different volumes with alternative dimensions, interconnected by the base that becomes public space usable by visitors to the museum. The distances and proportions of the various volumes are calibrated to guarantee large spaces, capable of accommodating a large number of people.



Create a base in which the shape surrounds the St. Matthew’s Church raising it to the level of the basement of the Neue Nationalgalerie of Mies.

Divide the basement into four different volumes arranged to form a spatial order and hierarchy.



Create a set of two stairs to the basement, located in two key points of the area: on the staircase on Potsdamer StraĂ&#x;e that connects the homonymous square to the Neue Nationalgalerie; the second staircase is located near the church and connects the new museum to the Kulturforum.

Each volume is assigned a specific function subdividing the exhibition spaces, the offices, the classrooms and the main entrance. This one is placed at the center of the other volumes and connected to the two access stairscase. 17

5_MUSEUM OF 20th CENTURY _Museum connection

continuous spaces

different exhibitions

Connect the new museum to the Neue Nationalgalerie through a gallery located inside the basement

Create double heights that give shape to a continuous space.

Different spaces allow to create different exhibitions.

east elevation



5_MUSEUM OF 20th CENTURY _Access and facade different access

The primary access to the exhibition spaces is through the central volume which opens to the public spaces through a covered entrance. The emergency exits of the exhibition spaces are turned towards the inside of the base, integrating with the faรงade.

Entry for users with mobility difficulties is through a dedicated access, equipped with an elevator. Access to the classrooms takes place both inside the exhibition spaces and from the base, remaining accessible to different types of users.

facade and light exhibition

main entrance


To mask the volume dedicated to the exhibition spaces through the use of a natural stone faรงade cladding.

Use a translucent material to filter the light inside the foier creating a soft light.

Use a series of pilasters to filter the light inside the administrative spaces.


5_MUSEUM OF 20th CENTURY _Level ground floor


5_MUSEUM OF 20th CENTURY _Developement axonometric section



location: Val Bisagno, Genoa, IT type: accademic work professors: Marco Bozzola, Carlo Ezechieli accademic year: 2015/2016 The urban redevelopment proposed by this project faces a waterfront problem concerning the aesthetic and functional qualities of the area, along with the flooding. Conceived as a mega structure, the building is a connector element between two detached urban areas. The creation of two new parks gives the possibility to the entire urban area to regain a quality of life that is currently lost.


6_CAMPUS _Analysis disjointed



Two urban areas are detached from each other forming a currently unused cemented void. The presence of a highway overpass makes the area degrading the quality of life.

This gap generates discontinuity of the building fronts, highlighting the critical issues of the project area.

Flooding affects a large part of the project area, making it clear how the intervention will have to solve this environmental problem.



controlled flooding

Following layers of existing roads in past eras, the will is to connect the two urban areas to each other, creating a connection also between the two banks of the river, extending to the slope to reach the Roman aqueduct.

Following the new direction that connects the two urban areas, continuity is given to the building fronts, but detaching from the river embankment, taking into consideration the problem of flooding.

The flooding problem is limited by a subtraction of the land in front of the new building, thus forming an expansion basin able to accommodate a greater volume of water, lowering the overall level.





6_CAMPUS _Concept directions








6_CAMPUS _Development axonometric section


6_CAMPUS _Development working with the hill

Realize three levels of residences which are inserted inside the hill, opening towards the valley through terraces that recall the terracing typical of the Ligurian cultivations. This shape creates a shared space between the various levels where students can spend their free time.

suspended auditorium

To the east ,there is the head of the building, which hangs above a public square, in front of the entrance to the auditorium. It is inserted inside the suspended extremity, exploiting the inclination of the building to create a stalls within.

compression and dilatation

The entrances to the building are designed as a game of spatial compression and dilatation. To access it, you pass through corridors that extend horizontally towards the entrances and find, at their highest point, a well of light illuminated zenitally.

respecting the natural habitats

The particular shape of the building allows to turn all the remaining land into a park. This choice significantly increases biodiversity, giving the neighborhood a new place to spend their free time.


main section and ground floor



10 5 1


7_CCoM Cultural Center of Madrid

location: Plaza del Carmen, Madrid, ES type: accademic work professors: Pierfranco Galliani accademic year: 2017/2018 This thesis deals with the theme of public space modification that has seen, over the years, a constant transformation to make it a very degraded space. Through the formation of a new building that traces the shape of the original building block, the new cultural center aims to revitalize a public space having to face the problem of the pre-existence of an underground parking to preserve. Through a refined structure, the project moves within the problems of the place trying to define the guidelines for a modification of an empty space.


7_CCoM _Concept 1560-1935



Complete the building block by continuing its shape with a new volume.



Line up following the directions of the neighboring buildings.



Variation of the elevation on the square extending one side of the building.

Subtract a portion of the ground floor to create an interpenetration between the building and the public space.


7_CCoM _The project suspended volume

Suspend the volume above the underground parking to detach the two load-bearing structures, freeing the ground floor from vertical elements.

space frame

Formation of two load-bearing blocks, one of which is inserted into the existing structure of the underground car park, which become a supportive layer for a space frame capable of responding to structural needs.

a continuous space

Create a direct connection by a ramp from the square to the first basement, which is transformed and integrated into the cultural center, thus having direct access from the public space.

fragmented facade

Develop a faรงade cladding by hiding the space frame and integrating the building with the urban context.


The two load-bearing blocks are grafted with the existing load-bearing structure, making it very unobtrusive for the parking space below and ensuring great versatility for the new interior spaces of the building. The space frame clings to the supporting blocks, allowing all the floors to be suspended and to avoid further points of support in the existing structure.

7_CCoM _Integration old load-bearing system

new load-bearing system

The existing structure has two access ramps positioned in opposite directions. The first basement is messy and mostly empty.

The new intervention adapts to the existing structure, inserting the loadbearing blocks in such a way as to be minimally invasive for parking. It is defined by only one bi-directional ramp for parking access



7_CCoM _The faรงade faรงade concept

facade closed space frame

Masking the space frame will integrate the building within the context in which it is inserted.

faรงade movement

Create a raised perspective like a low relief, to create a play of light and shadow.

view from the square



Make large windows in correspondence with the empty spaces of the space frame, in order to filter large quantities of light.

vertical light elements

Use light vertical elements arranged over the entire surface of the faรงade, to give continuity to the volume and filter the light during the hottest hours.

7_CCoM _Temporary exhibitions curtain system

first level

three spaces

Longitudinal subdivision of the space to create a tripartition of the exhibition hall.


Closed curtains in order to create a room divided from the hall.

open the spaces

Arrange the curtains to create a series of connected spaces.

In this variant the ground floor is organized through a tripartition of the curtains. It is possible to identify the reception to the north of the hall, the two load-bearing blocks that accommodate the stairs and the toilets and the administration, located to the north of the building. In the square it is possible to identify the access ramp to the basement and the car ramp of the underground car park.

view from the hall


7_CCoM _Concert hall different scenary dancing room

The space can be transformed into a dancing room through the modulation of the ceiling, ensuring a sound suitable for the function.

concert hall

The subdivision of the roof panels allows to hide the lighting elements, making the room suitable for small-scale concerts.


Using the maximum room height, you can use the space as an auditorium, ensuring the necessary airiness for the required function.

double height

The height of the room makes it possible to create a subdivision useful for the technical management of lighting systems and mobile panels.


view from the main concert hall

7_CCoM _Faรงade detail exterior

axonometric section +21.40


3 1

4 +13.40




1- Raised floor 30 mm Adjustable metal supports Double tar-paper Polystyrene insulating panels 50+50 mm Vapor control layer Corrugated sheet renforced with concrete Steel alveolar beam h 1200 mm Metal countertop Illumination system 2- HEA beam 400 Faรงade docking system Aluminium closing carter Polystyrene insulating panels 50+50 mm Alucobond panel 3 mm




5- Plasterboard panel thk. 30 mm Steel support frame Lightweight prefabricated concrete panel in polystyrene with thermal break 150mm Polystyrene insulating panel 50 mm Alucobond panel 3 mm 6- Steel support frame Polystyrene insulating panel 100 mm Plasterboard ceiling 15 mm

3- Aluminium frame

7- Raised floor 30 mm Adjustable metal supports Cement mortar 10 mm Corrugated sheet renforced with concrete 140mm Steel alveolar beam h 1200 mm

4- Gres floor 6 mm Cement mortar 10 mm Corrugated sheet renforced with concrete 140mm Steel alveolar beam h 1200 mm Metal countertop Illumination system

8- Marble blocks Lioz Chainette thk. 30 mm Self-leveling screed 40 mm Double tar-paper Polystyrene insulating panel 100 mm Vapor control layer Corrugated sheet renforced with concrete Steel alveolar beam h 1200 mm 35

7_CCoM _Void detail interior

u-glass system +21.40






location: Mantua, Lombardy, IT type: accademic work professors: Pierfranco Galliani accademic year: 2016/2017 Through the preservation of existing structural elements, the project operates between modification and restoration, grafting onto a 20th Century building by Pierluigi Nervi, a former paper mill, now in disuse and degraded. The will is to give a new life to the building through the transformation of its interior to create a series of exhibitions spaces that explain the history of the paper mill and its creator.


8_BURGO _Concept, location and intervent void


Transformation of the hole on the short faรงade, reinforcing the concept of the void and making it a representative element of the intervention visible from the outside.

double height

integration with old structure

Take advantage of the different interior levels to form a double height thus giving ample space to the main entrance and making immediately recognisable measurements of the interior space.

reuse the space

Give new life to existing structural elements, reinterpreting them as dynamic exhibition elements through which it is possible to move.


actual condition

8_BURGO _Area of intervention meeting the container

suspended lights

shape the void

Take advantage of the container to install a meeting room space, as required in the competition announcement. Below the meeting room, the remaining space is dedicated to the exhibition hall.

The interior height makes it possible to create a filiform suspended lighting system, thus making it a quality design element.

The opening of the hole on the short faรงade allows the creation of an internal patio in which the shape follows the need to place an auditorium on the second floor. The external space is differentiated from different materials.



8_BURGO _Development facade

second floor





location: Red Hook, New York, USA type: workshop name: Metabolism of a City date: 04/2017 The project was conceived as the first answer to a problem that afflicts Red Hook: the raising of water and flooding. The initial idea was to rethink the coast as a sequence of berms, raised compared to what will be the future level of rising water. Through an arrangement of new attractors and a new connector path, the goal is to solve the problem of flooding to give new life to the area of Red Hook.


9_ZIPPER _Analysis the main infrastructure

two grid

The infrastructure is one of the most critical elements inside the metropolitan scale, that defines a division between two areas. It is permeable, but represents a very strong perceptive limit.

There are two recognizable areas defined by different grid structure: the majour is in continuity with Brooklyn while the other one refers to the Manhattan grid.

not living waterfront

Discontinuity in the structure of the side. Not living waterfront.

new berms

Create a new waterfront with a new continuty of the berms, that follow the shape of the hook, now closed to the bay to prevent the floods.


living berms

New main actractors behind the berms, to prevent flood damage.

main attractors

To add new main attractions such as a museum, ferry station and campus. Their strategic position allow to give a new life to the waterfront.

no continuity

The area is characterized by a broken line of the cruise and industrial terminals.

maximum flood level

The water floods the urban areas with rising tides.

the path

Creating a new path, each berms can be linked in a new pedestrian infrastructure, equipped along its extension to ensure usability.

flooding problem

The rising of the water invaded a large part of the urban area, causing larger damage.

green berms

The new berms are much higher than previous. Green areas guarantee a live waterfront.

the fingers

Each berms have a different “fingers�, the little green island would be inaccessible, thus allowing nature to grow.

9_ZIPPER _Project




location: Mosul, Mosul, IQ type: competition result: finalist date: 12/2017 Since the rise of the Islamic State, the world has witnessed some of the worst examples of barbarism and cruelty in recent history. However, the real catastrophe that is shocking the world is the human drama experienced by hundreds of thousands of people escaping from the continuing attacks on cities in Iraq and Syria and the destruction of their homes. For that reason, the concept starts from the idea to treat the volume as a super-structure, an Ark capable of accommodating populations fleeing the war. The volume lies and folds along the network’s pattern of the agricultural fields creating dynamic spaces and following the road as a backbone.


10_POSTWAR CAMP _Analysis overview

The Tigris River bay’s area represents the perfect spot for the refugee camp because of its natural protection given by the river itself and because it crosses two routes of migrants coming from both the West and the East side.


The volume lies and folds along the network’s pattern of the agricultural fields creating dynamic spaces and following the road as a backbone.


Close and define the space with a folded covering that invokes the distant mountains.

wireframe shades

Optimised roof perforation to allow daylight without excess solar gain or wind flow.

prefabricated houses

Use of prefabricated houses to guarantee mobility to individual units.


Create a linear park in order to create different areas inside. 45


type: work theme: building site accademic year: 2018-2019




2018 - on going


2018 - on going


Alessandro Citterio selected works 2015-2019

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