Alessando Paladin - Work Samples

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Alessandro Paladin

Work Samples

Street view. The metal addition also adds volumetric complexity, with terraces and overhangs.

Backyard view. Here the clear division of the streetfront is denied, adding a new possible reading.

Street elevation. The overall composition balances contrast and uniformity, each block has its own identity while clearly related to the others.

Section of one of the connecting volumes

Shuishi W&R Group - induastrial renovation design

Shanghai Textile Factory

Ground floor plan

This project is part of bigger scheme for the conversion of a textile factory in North Shanghai into a commercial and directional district. I was involved in the renovation of the administrative buildings of the former factory. Here the three existing buildings composing the complex, are connected by glased volumes containing the improved vertical circulation of the complex. In between these the central part of the development is ‘hugged’ by an alluminium clad addition balancing the relationship of old and new.

Rendered view of the main entrance. The slope of the facade is inverted creating a visible threshold.

North Western corner photo.

Canal-side terrace photo.

Groundfloor plan. The private functions are located closer to the road, ensuring the peacefulness of the exhibition spaces.

Shuishi W&R Group - commercial architectural design

Songdu Sales Center

Aerial view of the riverside. The distinction between main volumes and connecting parts is highlighted by the projecting facades, keeping the roofline regular. In this way I was able to create an interesting volumetric composition while staying within the client’s tight budget.

I managed this project for a 600 sqm sales center in Eastern China from initial concept to construction. The main challenge was to exploit a triangular shaped site with the aim to create a generous public space overlooking a river on the Southern side of the site. The building is a composition of voulumes arranged in a way that maximises riverviews. Each volume leans towards the water, shading the open southern facades while adopting a more detached and closed language towards the road.

Aerial view of the project area. The two new pavillions use water to relate with the existing garden. The Madrid pavillion is also visible in the top right corner of the image.

View of the Madrid pavillion facade. The use of flexible circular elements creates a dynamic composition.

Axonometric view of the two proposed new pavillions. The different height was a brief requirement. The taller one had to be more integrated with the existing water garden, while the smaller had to continue the ubran grain generated by the surrounding pavillions.

Axonometric detail of the functioning of the umbrella-like facade system of the Madrid Pavillion. The use of a system of pulleys and springs connected to each “umbrella� allows the facade to be both automatically or manually operated, giving a greater degree of flexibility. Perspective view of the accessible terrace of the 2 floors pavillion.

3Gatti Architecture Studio - invited competition

UBPA Expo Pavillions

Section of the 2 floors pavillion across the accessible terrace.

The brief for this project was quite heterogeneous. On one hand it required the design of two restaurant pavillions with a strong relationship with the existing landscape. This was atteined with the use of water as a feature on terraces and with the presence of circular gardens within the building. A sense of intimacy within a very public context is given by the use of bamboo. The other part of the brief regarded the design of a new facade for an existing pavillion, in which the flexibility of use and overall composition were paramount.

Detail plan of the restrooms on the second floor. As a contrast to the square geometry of the shop these rooms are built around a round space characterised by a revolving mechanical wall. D3

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m troo E-mail: CHIEF ARCHITECT: FRANCESCO GATTI Web: Add:office K, floor 2, 169 JinXian road, ShangHai 200020



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SCALE.比例: DATE 日期: 14-09-2012.

Toilet Detailed Plan 洗手间细节平面图


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SIZE. 纸张型号:


View of the first Floor. The clothes hang from white blocks extruded from the ceiling. 功能元素

入口 旋转结构 卫生间 盥洗室 免费香水放置架 酒架,酒仅在VIP洗手间提供


C1. 隐形水箱挂便器 C2. 集成厕纸盒 C3. 集成垃圾箱 D1. 金属制水槽 D2. 集成厕纸盒 D3. 集成垃圾箱

A. B. C. D. E. F.

卫生间包括功能区和圆形旋转结 构。 卫生间的中间是一个独立的可以 旋转的圆形结构,圆形结构墙面 上有一个门形开口和几个小的开 口。功能区(洗手间,盥洗室等 )隐藏在圆形旋转墙的后面。当 客人进入卫生间时,需要旋转圆 形墙面,使门形开口对正不同的




PROJECT TITLE 项目名称: D2C Flagship Store D2C 旗舰店

C1. Geberit Toilet C2. Integrated Toilet Paper Dispenser C3. Integrated Trash bin D1. Metal sink D2. Integrated paper dispenser D3. Integrated Trash bin

Functional Areas

A. Access-filter B. Central circulation defined by the revolving wall C. Toilet D. Washroom E. Free Porfume Shelf F. Bar

Functional Areas

材料 白色环氧涂料:15mm(刷双层) 石膏板:2x 12.5 mm 木结构:60x60 mm 胶合板 20mm 红色环氧涂料:15 mm(两层) 蒸汽弯曲胶合板 20mm 镜子 15mm

1. White Epoxy finishing: 15 mm (double coating) 2. Plasterboard: 2x 12.5 mm 3. Timber Structure: 60x60 mm 4. Plywood: 20mm 5. Red Epoxy finishing: 15 mm (double coating) 6. Steam curved plywood: 20mm 7. Mirror: 15mm


The functional parts of the toilets are distributed around the edges of a circular central circulation space. A revolving cilinder wall divides the two. The cilinder has got one door-size opening and some smaller ones. Once a visitor enters the toilet it needs to spin the cilinder in order to access al the functional parts. In order for the visitor to get out the cilinder needs to be placed in the original position, with the opening in front of the access door.


View of the second Floor. The white blocks extruded from the floor are both steps and display devices.

Detail sections and plans of two options for some of the display cubes on the first floor.

3gatti Architecture Studio - fashion shop interior design

D2C Flagship Store

This renovation design for a high-end fashion shop in Hangzhou is based on a concept of contrast between white, sharp extruded blocks and a curvy homogenous grey surface. The blocks are used as display as well as functional units, conceling within their volume changing rooms, restrooms etc. In this project I had a leading role in the development con detailed design and contruction drawings. This shop is currently under construction.

View of the facade, based on a symmetrical system of both materials and geometry.

View of the ”brand space”.

View of the ”events space”.

Third floor plan.

Detail study of integrated seating part of the VIP cinema lounge.

Longitudinal section showing how the internal facades responds to different areas of use.

DA-trans Architecture Office - interior design project

BMW Urban Showroom Design concept diagram. Continuous bands of different materials wrap the fragmented space giving it fluidity and continuity.

In this interior design project for a BMW showroom the main challegne was that of meeting the client’s expectations for the display of cars and other objects within a long and narrow space, with limited shop windows, and fragmented by the presence of big columns and small “edge space”. Therefore we proposed to wrap the interior elevation with a continuous “interacting” band, giving the space a sense of horizontal fluidity while granting the visitor a wide variety of experiences.

Fengxian location.

View of the pedestrian street of the commercial centre.from one of the terraces surrounding it.

A typical Sheng character of the Peking opera. The branding of the client’s company is closely related to the Peking opera, therefore the theme had to be used troughout the project.

The site (pink) is located between the historical city centre, to the east, and the planned area of expansion, to the west.

Ground Floor Plan. A Pedestrain street connects the terraces of the blocks on the side to a sunken garden and mall.

DA-trans Architecture Office - mix-use masterplan

JVFoo Plaza Aerial View. The Commercial Centre has a strong longitudianl direction, with regular shopping blocks surrounding free arranged volumes of restaurants and cafes.

Cross Section. The volumes on the side step down towards the sunken garden in the centre of the site. The transition is mediated through monolythic volumes.

This is a conceptual design for a 110’00 square metres mixed-use master plan in Fengxian (Xuzhou province) for the owner of a local food production company. The main focus has been dedicated to the commercial area at the southern end of the site. In order to fit with the rural context it had to be extended while not too dense, and had to recreate a human scale urban environment. In order to be connected and easy to navigate, the south end of it, facing a main road is totally opened.



D2 Section, scale 1:5. 1. 30mm cocciopesto render 2. 10mm plasterboard 3. 15mm plywood 4. 5mm thick metal plate 5. 15mm black gum 6. 30mm whitewash render


6. 4. 1.



View of the main entrance and more visible façcade. 1:20 Plan 1.


3. 4. 5. 6.

D3 Section, scale 1:5.

View of the flexible performance space.

1. 60mm x 30mm x 1mm alluminium profile 2. 30mm translucent glass 3. LED spotlight (80mm diameter) 4. 5mm thick steel profile 5. 60mm travertino slab 6. 5mm gum edge

Section details.


1:20 plan and section detail of the freestanding façade mediating between the modern insertion and the historic context. Worm’s eye axonometric view showing the regular volume of the theatre, the ‘second-skin’ wrapping it and the system of archways connecting the performance space to the urban fabric.

Y6 Design

Officina Teatrale Malvasia This project for an experimental performance space developed quite directly from considerations on the physical and political context of the city of Padua. Its design is the result of a contiunuous analysis and questioning of the historic city at different scales. The pictures on this page are the product of the crossing over of hand and computer drawing as well as of the use of drawing conventions within physical models.

Site plan showing archways and courtyards.

Picture of 1:100 elevation model showing the western façade.











Night view of the shop and restaurant blocks with workers’ accomodation above. 3



The Merchants’ Viallge





2 3

1 3


4 3 1


View of the main entrance and the piazza in front of it.


the cladding of the first floor is projecting to protect the folding facade from the rain.




A_Shops 1. Typical Products Shop 2. Art Workshop 3. Art Exhibition 4. Used goods Shop B_Restaurant 1. Reception 2. Diner 3. Bar 4. Restaurant 5. Guests’ toilets 6. Kitchen 7. Food Storage 8. Fridge-room 9. Staff toilets






View of the shop block on event day: the façade folds out and becomes a deck for activities.

The main entrance translucen policarbonate panels


Market day!



C_Music Production 1. Entrance 2. Recording Studio 3. Mixer-room 4. Communal space


D_Circulation Hub 1. Foyer 2. Guests‘ toilets 3. Maintenance acces to Plant room 4. Bar’s storage 5. Storage E_Management Office 1. Reception 2. Office Space 3. Archive 4. Communal space 5. Building material Storage F_Auditorium 1. Foyer 2. Box Office 3. Cloakroom 4. Bar 5. Main Performance space 6. seats’ Storage 7. Secondary Performance space 8. Green-room 9. Artists’ Entrance


folding foundations to bear the facade when in orizontal position



The Merchants’ Viallge

Ground floor plan showing the different functional blocks and the use of existing volumes (black).

secondary foundations that can be attached to the main ones

Y5 Design

Il Milione

Market day!

This project for a transportable commercial centre represented a challange on a technological level, investigating the relationship between a very definite construction system based on shipping container modules, the allocation of functions and the relationship with existing buildings. Due to the complexity of the task I tested my ideas through different virtual models. Axonometric view showing the integration between the transportable intervention and the existing volumes, that creates by subtraction a system of piazzas and alleys.

The site, overlooking the village of Cormons, in North-Eastern Italy, near the Slovenian border.

Nightime view of the restaurant building and its terrace.

View of the main piazza connecting the Spa, restaurant and rooms blocks.

Ground floor plan. The existing structure is defined by the thickness of its masonry walls. The added volumes are distinguishable in shape and structure. The exterior space is treated as a system of terraced gardens and piazzas.

Interior view of a room on the tones of red grapes.

Interior view of a room on the tones of white wine

Interior view of the lounge facing the vine yard.

Interior view of the basement level thermal pool.

StudioMas - private concept design

2,2m ÂŁ RIBA stages A to C

Ca’ Sarvognan Resort & Spa

Elevation of the main rooms’ block, partly fitted in one of the existing barns (on the left) and partly new built (right).

In this project for the conversion of an 18th century farm into a luxury resort & spa all the existing volumes were retained minimising the interventions on the existing masonry structure and combining the texture of the stone with plaster and timber insertions re-defining the existing openings. My contribution to this project was mainly focused on the definition of the different accesses to the street and the system of terraced gardens and piazzas bringing the complex together as an autonomous village.

Competition entry model, showing the ‘cell’ as focal point of the exhibition.

Interior view of the ‘cell’ in its latest version.

Testing of different ideas of the ‘cell’ envelope.

Firts floor plan showing the exhibition space around the ‘cell’ overlooking the cloister.

Exploded axo of the herbal arden and the portico around it.

The bookshop towards the street.

StudioMas - musem of history of medicine final design


6,5m £ RIBA stages C to G The focal points of this project for a museum within a 15th century monastery were the courtyard, which alternates strips of pavement, seatings and herbs’ gardens; and the “cell”: an independent double-height structure inserted within the ancient building and intended to be the climax of the exhibition. I produced construction drawings for the first, and 3D studies for the latter, the bookshop and the conference hall.

The bookshop towards the courtyard.

Detail section of the seating in the courtyard.

Cross section showing the relationship between the two blocks and the role of the terraces ti control solar exposition. Possible layouts of the medium apartments.



Possible layouts of the larger apartments.



Aerial view of the proposed intervention. The shape of the blocks was determined by footprint restrictions of local building regulations. The terraces provide private exterior space while improving navigation through their colour.

Axonometric diagram showing the relation between orientation and building layout.

StudioMas - competition entry


1m ÂŁ RIBA stages A to C In this project for a public housing scheme, internal movable partitions and free-standind terraces were employed to maximise the space allocated to each tenant within a tight brief. My contribution included the overall layout (strictly determined by planning regulations), the design of interior spaces in their different configurations, and the production of a 3D cad model for rendering purposes.

View of the main access and central garden.

Aerial view of the new complex, the existing school in gray. From left to right: the nursery, the keeper’s house and the primary school.

The main access to the complex.

The shared piazza.

Exploded axo showing the strategic layout of the primary school.

Ground floor plan of the intervention.

The access to the nursery.

Hallway of the primary school.

StudioMas - competition entry Cross section scheme of the primary school.

City of Albino

6.8m ÂŁ RIBA stages A to C In this project for a new education complex the footprint of the intervention was minimised while the natural slope was exploited to reduce the visual impact of the new volumes. The existing street is transformed into a piazza linking the existing school with the new buildings. For this project I designed the general layout and interiors of the main building. I also produced 3D digital models for presentation purposes.

Perspective cross section of the primary school.

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