Emphasis Week 2
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To show Emphasis typographically, it is to catch the readerʼs eye by changing the colour, the size, and the font of the words. You can also add dropshadows and by changing their style. In the top picture, the word “Fall” is significantly larger and has a coloured contour around its shape. This create emphasis and leads the eye towards the word and thoughtout
the whole. In the bottom left picture, the words “Greatest” and “Time” are in red in contrast to the white words. This creates emphasis by making the two words more important in the whole context. Similar to the image on the right, the word “Guide” is in red colour comparing to the rest in black shows the read the concept of the design.
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Methodology Week 3
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The idea the spatial relationship methodology is by placing one or more words into another word as a way of creating a header efficently and asthetically. The five components in order to achieve this is: by using various of point size betweens, finding spatial relationship between words, creating emphasis in typestyle, creating
a good reading order and kerning the words and letters. In the image on the right, “Step” was place slightly over the word “Up,” which leads the readerʼs eye across the whole image. In the image on the left, the words are all clustered together to draw readerʼs eye towards the whole and creates asthetics.
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Ways to
indicatea new
paragraph Week 4
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An indent or an extra space is used to show the reader that there is a new paragraph. Otherwise, a new paragraph can be determined by a large space between the end and the beginning of the paragraphs.
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, En dash &
emdash Week 5
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The phone number is 416-422-9898. I am pre–owning an appartment—until the day of summer, if you are interested, please call. Page 14
A hyphen (Ctrl+=) is used when there are two consonents, a spitted word or joined words. An en dash (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+-) is used when there are two numbers and an em dash (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+=) is used to express a break of flow in a sentance.
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Hierarchy Visual
Week 6
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A visual hierarchy means to create a design that has a clear order of visual dominance between elements and to guide the viewer始s eyes through the contents.
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4 Typographic Error Week 7
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It’s always easy to say sorry but really mea ning is the hard wf part: in life. It’s always easy to say sorry but really meaning is the hard part in life.
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