Aletta Toth / Portfolio

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3 /
p. 9 p. 10 / 13 p. 14 p.
p. 16 / 17 p.

Three-River Bridge

l Mölndalsån, Gothenburg, Sweden

Chalmers University of Technology

ACE465 Urban Prototypes, individual work 2023-24/I sp2


The project's focus was on the development of alternative proposals for spatial configuration from the preparation of selective cartographies of a given context and through an experimental process of spatial translation. The purpose of the design method is to create a prototypical architectural system that is almost a literal manifestation of the cartographies.


During the group research of the transect area we have identified three key problems in the urban fabric. Firstly, the area is highly segmented, and multiple buildings and public spaces are underused. Secondly, the air and noise pollution is considerably high. And finally, the entire area of the investigation is threatened by high flood-risk.


What would happen if engineering marvels served not only humans? What if a simple bridge catered to every participant in the wildlife?

The Three-River Bridge unites three substantially different segments of the city. It connects the business district, the stadium with its enthusiastic sports fans, and the restaurants stretching toward the city center. However, beyond serving humans, this bridge also caters to the smaller wildlife. It expands the habitat for tiny bugs, reptiles, and water birds, connecting the park with the forest and creating a safe haven in the midst of human hustle and bustle.
























The river, the bridge and the pods together divide the area into six zones. The variation of deep and shallow marshlands and the alternation of the area's accessibility create a diverse space structure. This space system allows both the flora and fauna to have a safe territory, free of human interruptions. The very same system enables humans to have a controlled interaction with animals in the designated area.


The artificial wetland manages the flood risk of the rivers meanwhile enhances the area's biodiversity. The four elevation changes of the ground establishes a new, wider riverbank and creates a marshland and swamp. These variation in water depth suits different species' different nesting needs.


The system of the pod's creates a flexible mean of habitat formation. The upper part of the pod - the net - and the lower part - the basinestablishes a 'safe zone' in between where small animals find a protected nook filled with lush vegetation. Moreover, the system of the pods enables animals with shorther travel distances to cross the river and access the forest. This way the park's tiny residents have a greater area for feeding and reproduction.

/temporarily flooded /seasonally flooded

/permanently flooded

upland dense emergent overbank flooding overbank flooding scrub/schrub upland public park tidal river marsh marsh river swamp upland swamp upland meadow emergent persistent meadow emergent persistent DESIGN ITERATION 'A' white-collar district publick park and cemetery
SHALLOW accessible DEEP restricted SHALLOW restricted SHALLOW accessible DEEP accessible DEEP semi-accessible

Gullbergsån /main river

white-collar district


interaction point

public area for the office workers


incoming stream of water windprotection


interaction point

'Animal Magnet' /swamp


Gullbergsån /main river Fattighusån /canal 'Sunny Slope'
prevailing wind direction wind protection swamp swamp
Old Town /commercial district Ullevi /educational institutions and sport facilities


A young woman walks along the river, with birds flying around her feet. The woman stops and watches in awe as a river snake silently glides in the water from the marshy land. Its body submerges, and it goes hunting. The woman shudders a bit but continues on her way. As she reaches the intersection of the river, she admires the delicate play of green sculptures that resemble a tiny forest but is puzzled as the giant structure of the stadium emerges from behind the towers. She has a strange feeling, as if witnessing a utopia where the forest has reclaimed humanity's intrusive creations. Yet, the usual utopian loneliness doesn't come, as the park buzzes with children projecting a different future. She quickens her pace, tired from office work, escaping the buzzing conversations of colleagues, and seeking the open sky. She wants to sit, take a moment to rest before the big shopping spree on the other side of the river, for which she is not in the mood. She wants to disconnect, quiet her buzzing thoughts for a while.

Suddenly, a child runs across the broad-walk. The little girl is chasing a butterfly, completely absorbed in the crazy fluttering of the tiny creature. Her father, a few meters away, sunbathes his face and is about to tell the girl to leave the animal alone, but the girl's attention is already elsewhere. A croaking frog catches her gaze. Miraculously, instead of

hunting down the source of the sound, she just sits on a pod and stares at the green amphibian, oblivious to the armies of small creatures living beneath her seat. However, the dog, arriving on a leash from the large park, with its joggingclad owner, is much more interested in the invisible wildlife. Wagging its tail, it roams around, exploring the signs of the intricate dance of the tiny living world.

The square is suddenly filled with loud speech and laughter as employees freed from their workplaces pour out of the office buildings, heading towards the bus stop. But a coffee is still needed to wrap up the day, so they enter the small corner café. The weather is nice, so with their drinks in hand, they head towards the river. If it were summer, maybe they would dip their feet into the water, but the autumn cold is already here, so they look for a secluded sunbathing spot where they can chat comfortably. In the park, they feel completely different; the fresh air and the softly murmuring stream calm their tired nerves. One of them pays no attention to the conversation, staring instead at the sudden appearance of a small army of butterflies, until their colleague nudges him to pay attention because the story is about to have a twist.

In the middle of the river, a grandfather and his granddaughter sit, quietly observing the fish. The grandfather is pleased because the little child is finally quiet after constant restlessness throughout the day. He loves

his granddaughter, but sometimes he doesn't have enough energy to entertain her. But now it's not necessary, as the mesmerizing swarm of fish captivates the child's attention. Meanwhile, the caretaker of the area arrives and lifts the cleaning device from the water, temporarily scaring away the school of fish. Reluctantly, the grandfather heads home with the little child, but of course, they have to stop for a few minutes of play.

On the horizon, a slowly walking couple appears. This is only their second date; they just came from the café but are not ready to say goodbye yet. They take a big, slow circle around the river. When they reach the sculpture forest, they finally kiss each other while a couple of butterflies flutter away from them. An elderly man, a witness to the scene, skeptically remarks, “Disney is everywhere, huh!” Romance is not his genre; he turns away and continues reading his favorite thriller while grumbling to himself that his friend is late again. They won't be playing chess this time.

In the depths of the river, a newly arrived cluster of fish searches for food. Their small bodies excitedly explore the world of aquatic plants floating close to the light. Distracting their hiding place, suddenly the water trembles, and they flee downward in fright. But the noise quickly subsides, and the lush vegetation lures them back to the surface. A little farther away, another school of fish watches the dangling legs of a small bird. Is it coming for them? But the bird was

only enticed by the thick bushes in the hidden corners. However, it cannot stay there for long before the local ducks reclaim their territory.

The girl who was observing the frogs now steps into the muddy water with her boots and squeals, “Eww, it's slimy!” - “That's how the beach will be when we go on vacation,” says the dad, who, with closed eyes, is still sunbathing. The sudden cold makes his nose run, but maybe the sun will help after a while.

The last employee from the office building peeks out of the window before grabbing her coat. She is glad she no longer has to watch cars during work. She feels at home with the forested aquatic landscape. Memories of her childhood vacation home by the lake briefly come to mind before her phone starts ringing. She must go to the store; they ran out of milk at home. But perhaps she'll take a few minutes to stop by the park first.

butterfly view Northern Lapwing Green-winged Teal cable-stayed structure net between cables /wind protection and access restriction Black-legged Kittiwake cemetery and park Common Duck Redwing 'Bridge Pods' /pod configuration to reduce the green area's segmentation and allow small criters to migrate over the water Smoot Snake Common Reed Warbler Carp Bream Clouded-Apollo Clouded-Apollo Clouded-Apollo 'Community Garden Pods' bird view Common Duck 'Sunny Slope' /raised side to provide more sunny sitting space, and to accomodate the dam white-collar district dam /wetland regulation Smoot Snake Gulalm beams as main structural elements fish swarm aquatic plantation on net fish view


The bridge, a cable-stayed structure, relies on three stay cable systems to transfer loads to the ground through the pylon columns and footings. These cables play a crucial role in supporting the bridge's weight and ensuring its stability. Meanwhile, three pathways encircle the inner basin, featuring stairs that double as seating areas.

Constructed predominantly from gulalm beams, the bridge benefits from the material's high load-bearing capacity, akin to steel but with significantly reduced weight. This characteristic allows for a streamlined design with only three supporting columns, while the main pathway is reinforced with multiple layers of gulalm beams to accommodate its greater width.

Furthermore, the inherent homogeneity of materials facilitates the bridge's integration into the surrounding natural environment. The strategic placement of pods and elevation above high water levels further camouflages the main structure, resulting in a design that harmonizes with its surroundings while minimizing visual impact.


The bridge's strength lies in its ability to forge a distinct connection between three city districts while facilitating the migration of smaller animals across the river. Constructed solely from sustainable, locally sourced materials, the bridge underscores its commitment to environmental responsibility. These pods, designed with versatility in mind, can host multiple functions and can be effortlessly scaled and deployed to various locations as needed.

The pod system offers versatile integration into urban areas where traditional greening solutions may not be feasible, such as contaminated land. In the future, this system could transform existing infrastructures to prioritize the needs of both humans and the natural world. Furthermore, the design aims to elevate society's perception of marshland aesthetics, fostering an appreciation for the natural beauty of chaos in its authentic form.

The weaknesses of the project include the potential intrusiveness of the structure until water levels rise significantly. Cold weather conditions could also lead to underutilization of the sitting area. Also, the bridge design's specificity to a particular urban context complicates its application elsewhere. While the diversion of nearby roads, although essential, increases project costs and may provoke public opposition. Additionally, air pollution from the nearby highway could render the area temporarily unsuitable for human presence, compounding the project's challenges.


Consulate for the Climate Emergency I l

Gothenburg, Sweden

Chalmers University of Technology

ACE400 Architecture in the Anthropocene, group work 2023-24/I sp1


The objective of the project is to conceptualize a prototype building or a small complex adaptable to diverse contexts and climates. The project aims to explore how the proposed buildings intersect with various Climate Emergency Design Themes, with a particular emphasis on materialization, assembly, passive resilience, and performance. During the design process, we conducted analyses, simulations, and consultations to implement environmental adaptation strategies and enhance the bioclimatic sustainability of the design.


The group's goal was to design a series of adaptable, small-scale modular prototypes. The modularity of the design opens the possibility of community participation in the construction process. Additionally, the design's simplicity ensures easy adaptability to different environmental conditions while allowing for flexible configuration and potential expansion.

On the Gothenburg site, the optimized wall-to-window ratio and the orientation of the openings reduce the heating energy demand of the building during the winter and provide adequate natural light in the interior spaces.

The system of public and private areas creates precise circularity within the buildings, safeguarding the security of the consulate's restricted areas. Meanwhile, the variability in size and configuration of the residential modules allows families to find the best fit for their needs.

*Isometric plan, courtesy of Monika Walawender

Consulate for the Climate Emergency II

l Kutupalong Refugee Camp, Bangladesh

Chalmers University of Technology

ACE400 Architecture in the Anthropocene, individual work 2023-24/I sp1


In the subsequent phase of the project, the system initially designed in the preceding phase underwent adaptation and customization to suit the unique climate conditions of the Kutupalong refugee camp in Bangladesh.


The Kutupalong refugee camp, recognized as the world's largest, boasts an unparalleled density of 46,000 persons per square kilometer. Established in 1991, the camp has undergone rapid expansion and continues to do so. However, the makeshift settlement contends with a host of environmental challenges, particularly during the monsoon season, when both heavy rains and tropical cyclones threaten the site and its inhabitants. Moreover, the precarious shelters, constructed on steep hillsides, are susceptible to landslides.


Given the extreme high density and anticipated population expansion, the building system required greater net area and flexibility for horizontal and vertical expansion. The units were designed with the understanding that the average Rohingya family size is eight persons.

Individual unit orientation, compact configuration, and appropriately sized openings mitigate incident radiation, while the open structure promotes natural ventilation to counteract high tropical temperatures.

The camp's development has entailed the partial clearance of 8,000 acres of forested land, placing significant strain on the habitat of endangered Asian elephants. Situated along the elephants' migratory route, the camp has become a focal point for human-elephant conflicts, posing ongoing challenges for both communities.

The stepped pattern and alignment of corridors with prevailing wind directions minimize the risk of wind corridors. Furthermore, the continuous load path and separation of load-bearing structures enhance cyclone resistance. Moreover, the raised floors not only prevent flooding but also serve as pathways for Asian elephants.

Energy produced 622847,6 kWh/year (33 modules= 1485m2) approx. 419,426 kWh/year/m2 Energy consumed 19,886 kWh/year (8 modules=360m2) approx. 0,05524 kWh/year/m2 Incident Radiation Direct Sun Hours Sun Path Wind Rose Solar Envelope February April, 09.00-17.00 Illuminance Calculaton ORIENTATION & CLIMATIC INTEGRATION STEPPED CONFIGURATION, ELEVATION & SCALING STRUCTURAL MODIFICATIONS LOAD PATHS & CONFIGURATION
UNHCR camp office general access from infrastructure endangered Asian elephant migratory route possible photovoltaic system stormwater collector low-rise surrounding buildings
wind buffer wall
prevailing wind direction /monsoon, cyclone, tornado
North-Eastern Hills /Ukhia
Chittagong Coastal Plain Land /Kutupalong refugee camp North - South alignment effective shading
sun protection
balcony flood protection closed west and east facade for sun protection PUBLIC
12 natural ventilation /cyclone resistant air pressure optimization continuous load-path for cyclone resistancy deep, heavy foundation for cyclone resistancy raised floor on stilts /flood management eyes on the streets /safe public spaces closed street facade /wind buffers optimal 35° roof angle Asian elephant migratory route rain water management modular stacking /adaptability


The two sites necessitated distinct approaches. The goal was to design a module adaptable to both climates, offering the flexibility needed for fundamentally different environmental conditions. Ultimately, modifying the base module became imperative.

In certain instances, prioritizing sustainability criteria proved challenging due to conflicting conditions between the two locations. For instance, in Bangladesh, balancing the need for adequate interior sunlight with protection against solar heat gain posed a significant challenge.

During the material selection process for the Kutupalong refugee camp, emphasis was placed on the use of locally available materials. However, the sustainability of certain materials, such as bricks, raised concerns, as most are produced in Bangladesh using non-renewable energy sources or hazardous biomasses.

Furthermore, Sweden boasts greater access to clean energy sources compared to Bangladesh. Consequently, while a photovoltaic system proves highly effective in the tropical Bangladeshi climate, its implementation in the project is unlikely due to resource availability.

According to simulations, the Bangladeshi consulate generates a significantly larger amount of energy than it consumes, underscoring its sustainability and efficiency.

13 separate structure /cyclone resistence deep, heavy foundation /cyclone resistance & flood mitigation locally produced brick /hand-made brick /recycled brick moduel connectivity tailored to spatial needs minimal glazing /solar protection locally cultivated bambo tin roof sheets locally produced rammeed earth bricks shaded semi-public areas & external sun protection stepped pattern against wind tunnel effect /cyclone resistancy optimal 35°roof angle small overhangs braced by ties to structure natural ventilation clear separation of structure and envelope /Design for Disassembly

Children's Health Centre l Nagykovácsi, Hungary

Földes Architects Kft. professional work 2022


Generated construction detail drawings, lighting plans, and furniture plans. Planned the roof structure. Designed the interior of offices and doctors' rooms.


The project aimed to develop a new additional building for the Nagykovácsi Bölcsöde in Nagykovácsi, Hungary, serving as the health center for children. The style and construction techniques closely resemble those of the existing buildings.

FELDHAUS 400 és 435 klinker lapka burkolat fagyálló ragasztóval

Anyagváltásnál 2 rtg üvegszövet erősítés

Kiegyenlítő habarcsréteg

EPS hőszigetelés

Elemmagas áthidaló

Z-acél rögzítő elem

ME508-as fólia

ME508-as fólia a szigetelő tábla felülete kellősített

Polietilén habszalag + tartósan rugalmas PUR kitt Alumínium (RAL 8004 vízcseppentő

Takaró elem

Üveg szövet erősítés

Rolós belső árnyékoló

Tömör fa keretes nyílászáró

Fehér bútorlap, vastag élzárással

Alumínium (RAL 8004 párkány kitt szél.: 7cm

Ékelés + PUR hab kitt + tartósan rugalmas PUR kitt

ME508-as fólia

Öntapadó EPDM szigetelés Toktartó L-acél

Vakolóprofil és tartósan rugalmas szilikon kitt EPS hőszigetelés

vagy azzal műszakilag egyenértékű

É-K-1 6 RAJZ SZÁMA RAJZ CÍME CSP06 Kaszáló utca Nagykovácsi 2094 Hrsz.: 4420/115 orvosi rendelő épülettel Budapest Nyúl tel fax 36 788 9383 e-mail studio@foldesarchitects hu MEGBÍZÓ Nagykovácsi Nagyközség Önkormányzata Kossuth 61 Nagykovácsi 2094 A tervek szerzői jogi védelem alatt állnak - tervről méréssel méretet levenni tilos - Bármilyen ellentmondás kérdés és észrevetel esetén tervező haladéktalanul értesítendő - tervektől való eltérésből származó hibákért felelősséget nem vállalunk - tervek szerzői jogi védelem alatt állnak LÉPTÉK 1 5 21 0 5 0 5 2 1 41 15 5 6 38 1 3 48 1 14 1 2 5 13 1 24 +0,93 +2,56
1 38 6 5 15 48 15 5 8 1 65 65 145 65 1 15 1 125 1 65 1 +0,90 +2,40 +2,72
15 5 3 23 15 1 3 22 26 5 5 2 +3,50 +2,85 +2,89 +3,11 +3,31 +3,58 R 0,10 32° Alumínium RAL 8004 cseppentőlemez FELDHAUS 400 és 435 klinker lapka burkolat fagyálló ragasztóval Tetőléc CREATON RONA egyenes vágású hornyolt tetőcserép natúrvörös színben 2 cm vastag deszkázat alátét héjazat Hézagolás D szerelőprofil T1 F Teljes tégla elem Alumínium RAL 8004 ereszcsatorna Perforált alumínium RAL 8004 eszellőzést biztosító rovarháló Koszorú előtt XPS hőszigetelés 20 10 10 40 10 28 47 2 14 15 5 2 38 19 16 20 15 10 10 20 10 10 5 2 Bitumenes szalag Beglettelt hézagerősítő szalag Rugós gyorsfüggesztő D szerelőprofil P3 EPS hőszigetelés Tőcsavar REVÍZIÓ É-K- 5 SZÁMA CSP05 LÉPTÉK 5 KIADÁS DÁTUMA ÉPÜLETGÉPÉSZET VILLAMOSSÁG felelős építész tervező GENERÁLTERVEZŐ - ÉPÍTÉSZET Földes László Földes Architects Kft Kaszáló utca Nagykovácsi 2094 Hrsz 4420 115 Építési Nagykovácsi bölcsőde bővítés orvosi rendelő épülettel tervek szerzői jogi védelem alatt állnak - A tervről méréssel méretet levenni tilos - Bármilyen ellentmondás kérdés és észrevetel esetén tervező haladéktalanul értesítendő - A tervektől való eltérésből származó hibákért felelősséget vállalunk - jogi 0,00 343,39 mBf földszinti padlósík TŰZVÉDELEM Szabó Norbert Häfner Tibor 1026 Budapest NyúlMEGBÍZÓ Nagykovácsi Nagyközség Önkormányzata MEGJEGYZÉS TARTÓSZERKEZETEK Nagy Zoltán - -17083 -0931 VT-01-2099 Balázs Judit 1093 uda est Lónyay 29 - -SZ MK 01-7397 Nagykovácsi BM OKF -107 2018 2071 Páty Levendula utca 27 Szabó és Társa Szakértői és Szolgáltató Bt ArtVill Mérnöki Ir Kft Cserjés Petra építész tervező Lapidárium Mérnöki Kft 1221 uda est Tordai 2023 június 15 HAor Tervező és Tanácsadó Bt 1115 Budapest Bánk bán utca Csépke Tamás Csömöre-Botlik Emese építész munkatárs Kovács Rita Georgina Schoblocher Edina Tóth Aletta
pult fölött 60 cm magasságban Zalakerámia Marmit 20 30-as fekvő matt fehér csempe falburkolat pult fölött 60 cm magasságban Zalakerámia Marmit 20 30-as fekvő matt fehér csempe falburkolat pult fölött 60 cm magasságban Zalakerámia Marmit 20x30-as fekvő matt fehér csempe falburkolat padló Tarkett iQ GRANIT - granit white green 0338 pvc burkolat oldalfalon fehér festés lábazat PVC 10cm magasságig padló Tarkett iQ GRANIT - granit white green 0338 pvc burkolat oldalfalon fehér festés lábazat PVC 10cm magasságig padló Tarkett iQ GRANIT - granit white green 0338 pvc burkolat oldalfalon fehér festés lábazat PVC 10cm magasságig padló Tarkett iQ GRANIT - granit white green 0338 pvc burkolat oldalfalon fehér festés lábazat PVC 10cm magasságig padló Tarkett iQ GRANITgranit white green 0338 pvc burkolat oldalfalon fehér festés kivéve a beülőkben színes kerámiafesték oldalról és 210 magas vb lemez alján lábazat PVC 10cm magasságig színes festés 3 oldalról a beülőben és padlóvonaltól számított 210 cm magasságban a födém alja festett színes festés 3 oldalról beülőben és padlóvonaltól számított 210 cm födémmagasságban alja festett színes festés 3 oldalról beülőben és padlóvonaltól számított 210 cm födémmagasságban alja festett 212 RENDELŐ 21 90 m 216 SZAKORVOSI RENDELŐ 19 25 m 215 RENDELŐ 18 05 m2 207 VÁRÓ 45 30 m2 211 ÖLTÖZŐ 4 42 m2 217 GÉPÉSZET 5 59 m2 203 TAK SZERTÁR 3 85 m2 NŐI204WC 1 50 m 206 ELŐTÉR 3 13 m2 205 GYER WC 1 80 m2 210 TEAK 8 05 m2 208 WC 1 97 m 213 ELK WC 1 45 m2 214 ELKÜLÖNÍTŐ 14 44 m2 SZÉLFOGÓ201ELŐTÉR 4 74 m2 1,70 1,80 60 1,50 2,90 60 1,50 2,90 76 1,80 2,44 60 1,50 2,10 10 1,70 10 2,40 20 5,00 1,00 2,17 1,50 10 1,93 1,50 10 1,50 10 1,45 5,60 1,97 48 1,80 60 2,40 2,45 5,00 3,67 10 3,43 5,00 5,60 5,60 1,70 3,90 1,50 1,55 3,05 4,20 1,80 20 60 5,00 5,60 2,60 10 2,30 3,50 1,70 10 1,50 1,70 1,20 10 48 2 1,54 1,80 5,80 7,60 1,60 10 1,90 10 1,30 10 2,30 1,32 1,63 3,50 1,85 1,90 3,70 1,90 1,54 10 2,96 17,34 10 1,00 10 1,20 1,50 10 1,54 10 1,46 1,50 2,96 2,96 60 1,63 padló Tarkett iQ GRANITgranit white green 0338 pvc burkolat oldalfalon fehér festés lábazat PVC 10cm magasságig padló Tarkett iQ GRANIT - granit white green 0338 pvc burkolat oldalfalon fehér festés lábazat PVC 10cm magasságig padló Tarkett iQ GRANIT - granit white green 0338 pvc burkolat oldalfalon fehér festés lábazat PVC 10cm magasságig padló Zalakerámia EIFFEL matt 30 30as greslap burkolat ZGD 32076 falburkolat Zalakerámia 20 25 cm álló matt fehér csempe 2 00 m magasságig fölötte fehér diszperzit festés padló Zalakerámia EIFFEL matt 30 30-as greslap burkolat falburkolat csempe 10 fölöttemagasságig fehér festés padló Zalakerámia EIFFEL matt 30 30-as greslap burkolat ZGD 32076 falburkolat Zalakerámia 20x25 cm matt fehér csempe 2 00 m magasságig fölötte fehér festés padló Zalakerámia EIFFEL matt 30 30-as greslap burkolat ZGD 32076 falburkolat Zalakerámia 20 25 cm matt fehér csempe 00 m fölöttemagasságig fehér festés padló Zalakerámia EIFFEL matt 30 30-as greslap burkolat falburkolat csempe 10 fölöttemagasságig fehér festés padló Zalakerámia EIFFEL matt 30x30-as greslap burkolat ZGD 32076 falburkolat Zalakerámia 20 25 cm matt fehér csempe 2 00 m magasságig fölötte fehér festés padló Zalakerámia EIFFEL matt 30x30-as greslap burkolat ZGD 32076 falburkolat Zalakerámia 20 25 cm matt fehér csempe 2 00 m magasságig fölötte fehér festés padló Zalakerámia EIFFEL matt 30 30-as greslap burkolat ZGD 32076 falburkolat Zalakerámia 20 25 cm matt fehér csempe 2 00 m fölöttemagasságig fehér festés padló Zalakerámia EIFFEL matt 30 30-as greslap burkolat ZGD 32076 falburkolat Zalakerámia EIFFEL matt 30 30-as greslap burkolat 10 cm lábazat fölötte fehér festés 209 ZUHANYZÓ 2 55 m2 202 AM & FFI WC 5 62 m PVC padlóburkolat Tarkett iQ GRANIT - Granit WHITE GREEN 0338 vagy azzal műszakilag egyenértékű Fülke falfestése Trilak kerámia matt falfesték S 5020-B30G vagy azzal műszakilag egyenértékű Fülke falfestése Trilak kerámia matt falfesték S 2060-R vagy azzal műszakilag egyenértékű Fülke falfestése Trilak kerámia matt falfesték S 1515-B50G
Zalakerámiapadlóburkolat EIFFEL matt padlóburkoló ZGD 32076 vagy azzal műszakilag egyenértékű
±0,00 -0,60 -0,45 -0,02 2% lejtés 25 20 6 15 15 1 15 5 8 1 1 1 28 8 59 5 Purenit toktoldás PE fólia technológiai szigetelés Sarokmerevített acél konzol a vasbeton aljzatba rögzítve Öntapadó EPDM fólia pára és légzáró szigetelés nyílászáróhoz rögzítve Rugalmas szilikon tömítés Szigetelést védő dombornyomott lemez Modifikált bitumenes vastaglemez szigetelés Geotextil Vízszigetelés a küszöb alá vezetve Öntapadó EPDM fólia páraáteresztő szigetelés nyílászáróhoz rögzítve Cementbázisú kent vízszigetelés Ben maradó műanyag alátét REVÍZIÓ É-K- 4 SZÁMA CÍME CSP04 LÉPTÉK 5 KIADÁS DÁTUMA ÉPÜLETGÉPÉSZET VILLAMOSSÁG felelős építész tervező GENERÁLTERVEZŐ - ÉPÍTÉSZET Földes László Földes Architects Kft Kaszáló utca Nagykovácsi 2094 Hrsz 4420 115 Építési kiviteli terv Nagykovácsi bölcsőde bővítés orvosi rendelő épülettel A tervek szerzői jogi védelem alatt állnak - tervről méréssel méretet levenni tilos - Bármilyen ellentmondás kérdés és észrevetel esetén tervező haladéktalanul értesítendő - tervektől való eltérésből származó hibákért felelősséget vállalunk - tervek erzői jogi védelem alatt állnak ±0,00 343,39 mBf földszinti padlósík TŰZVÉDELEM LÉTESÍTMÉNY Szabó Norbert Häfner Tibor 1026 Budapest Nyúl tel fax 788 9383 -mail studio foldesarchitects MEGBÍZÓ Nagykovácsi Nagyközség Önkormányzata MEGJEGYZÉS TARTÓSZERKEZETEK V Nagy Zoltán -T 13-17083VT-01-2099 Balázs Judit 1093 uda est Lónyay 29 - -SZ MK 01-7397 Kossuth 61 Nagykovácsi 2094 BM OKF -107 2018 2071 Páty Levendula utca 27 Szabó és Társa Szakértői és Szolgáltató Bt ArtVill Mérnöki Ir Kft Cserjés Petra építész tervező Lapidárium Mérnöki Kft 1221 uda est Tordai 45 2023 június 15 HAor Tervező és Tanácsadó Bt 1115 Budapest Bánk bán utca Csépke Tamás Csömöre-Botlik Emese építész munkatárs Kovács Rita Georgina Schoblocher Edina Tóth Aletta
*Photo of the existing buildings, courtesy of Levente Sirokai

Leier Model Home

l Budapest, Hungary

Földes Architects Kft.

professional work, Leier "Házat, de gyorsan!" competition 2022


Sole responsible person for interior design and visualization. Co-designer of architectural design with Emese Csömöre-Botlik.


The project sought to establish a model home spanning 110-150m2, tailored for a family of five, prioritizing optimal space utilization and superior energy efficiency.


The integration of sloping steel beams for the porch, extending as a natural continuation of the rafters, alongside the incorporation of solar panels within the roof structure, exemplifies our commitment to seamlessly blending architectural elements with energy-efficient solutions. To enhance the building's operational efficiency, a combination of solar panels, well-insulated windows, and strategically limited openings on the western façade were meticulously integrated into the design.

Furthermore, the house's compact mass is strategically interrupted by a thoughtfully designed loggia. This feature not only enhances the architectural aesthetics but also provides an inviting space for communal dining or relaxation, rendering it usable across various seasons of the year.

KONYHA 11 34 m2 NAPPALI 19 87 m2 GARDRÓB 5 61 m SZOBA 9 74 m FÜRDŐ 4 79 m2 SZOBA 9 05 m2 SZOBA 8 62 m2 FÜRDŐ 4 46 m2 SZOBA 9 05 m2 HÁZT H 3 32 m WC 1 44 m2 ÉTKEZŐ 10 64 m ELŐSZOBA 4 55 m2 KÖZLEKEDŐ 5 94 m M3 0 1:100 -0,02 +3,06 +5,26 -0,02 +2,40 +4,27 +5,26 -0,02 +2,40 +3,28 M2 Metszet 1:100

Hungarian Business Incubator

l Budapest, Hungary

Budapest Metropolitan University Diploma Project, individual work 2022


The project objective was to conceive an incubator space tailored to support Hungarian startups specializing in the development of environmentally-friendly products. Functioning as a catalyst for innovative endeavors, the building adheres rigorously to various international accreditation systems and guidelines such as LEED, BREEAM, WELL, and Cradle to Cradle, ensuring compliance with the highest standards of sustainable architecture.


The adaptable space is engineered to prevent the generation of construction waste during changes, promoting low-energy reconfigurations via flexible wall systems. Strengthening the building's passive resilience, the design optimizes natural daylight and employs cross-ventilation techniques to reduce the need for supplemental energy. Prioritizing superior indoor environmental quality, the project champions the restoration of green infrastructure, incorporation of biophilic elements, and adoption of eco-friendly materials and furnishings. Moreover, by minimizing alterations to existing structures, the construction's environmental footprint is markedly diminished.

The building is structured around the elevator shaft, encircled by spiraling stairs, framed by authentic 1880s walls.

Niches are attached to the facade to increase the amount of net usable area and let extra daylight penetrate the building while create visual contact of the nearby streets.

The inner system of walls divides the space according to function. The functions are placed in a system akin to a sandwich. The middle, noisy levels are open to outsiders, while the lowest and the two highest levels are closed up for visitors.

Interposed between the core and the framework are newly installed flexible partition walls that serve to delineate the space. In stark contrast to the stringent arrangement of the original walls, these partitions evoke a sense of airiness and transparency that permeates the entirety of the building. They facilitate a seamless transition between the core and the outer framework, enhancing the architectural harmony of the structure.

Metal acoustic panels fro partition walls, in bright natural colors.

The internal partitioning system strategically organizes the space based on functional requirements, adopting a hierarchical arrangement akin to a layered sandwich.

Positioned centrally, the intermediate levels remain accessible to external observers, fostering transparency and engagement, while the lower level and the two uppermost tiers are reserved exclusively for visitors, ensuring privacy and controlled access.

The selection of materials and furniture was meticulously curated to meet stringent environmental standards. The majority of furnishings boast prestigious certifications like Cradle-toCradle or 0% Formaldehyde, ensuring adherence to eco-friendly principles. Notably, office furniture such as the ACTIU Berbegal y Formas S.A. Longo office desks, sofas, and armchairs feature recycled materials, with each item comprising 71% recycled content and 87% recyclability, underscoring a commitment to sustainability throughout the design process.

First floor Second floor
(SE) +46 769 727 040 (HU) +36 303 990 084

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