StudioX PUBLIC REVIEW _Phase II (2012)

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Dessau Institute of Architecture


StudioX Brief


Invited Critics


Student Projects



Wednesday 04 JULY 2012 Session 1





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X_sprots Facility







D I A The Dessau Institute of Architecture is conducting a Master Course in Architecture at Graduate Level which is taught entirely in English. After two years these studies lead to an internationally accredited Master of Arts Degree. Today DIA has the most successful English-taught Master of Architecture Course in Germany. Its students win the highest number of scholarship awards from the German Academic Exchange Program DAAD. Some of its students have won prizes in coveted Architecture competitions like FEIDAD or the German DAAD Prize. As a School of Architecture, DIA took part in the 2006, 2008 and 2010 Beijing Architecture Biennale for young talents as the only participant from Germany. As basis for this success, I see the successful integration of such a large international student body at the famous Gropius Bauhaus location, in the multitude of academic options offered in the course, as well as the strong emphasis in teaching both theory in balance with digital media and their intelligent architectonic and technical handling. Just as the student body is international, the teaching staff reflects this too. Predominantly, DIA engages its teachers from Anhalt University. However, it has been a longstanding practice to invite an international teaching staff as Guest Professors for 1-2 years. In consequence, DIA has had Neil Leach (USC, Los Angeles), Christos Passas (AA London), Lars Lerup (Rice University), Mathias del Campo (Angewandte Vienna), Arie Graafland (TU Delft) and Andong Lu (Cambridge University) as distinguished DAAD Guest Chairs over the past six years. In addition DIA has a long list of affiliated staff that have come to Dessau to do workshops, seminars and act as critics in Charettes. DIA is an affiliate member of the American Collegiate Association of Architecture Schools (ACSA) and has many (exchange) Partner Universities around the globe. We encourage students to look at urban, technical, as well as environmental problems, with the aim of searching for sustainable proposals as solutions tackling European, but also global issues.

COURSE INTRODUCTION AND MANIFESTO Studio X is an experimental design research studio and forms part of the group of the Master’s Studios of the Dessau Institute of Architecture DIA at Hochschule Anhalt. The school’s close ties to the founding institution of the Bauhaus Dessau, and indeed its proximity to the iconic buildings give a particular impetus to units such as StudioX that are involved in the production of contemporary architectural thinking and research.

Invited in 2008 as a Guest DAAD Professor, I took on the idea of seeding a culture of design research and experimentation in an environment peripheral to académico instituciones in metropolitan centres and foster it. Based on the belief that the production of research is dynamic and regenerative, the preeminent ethic here is to emanate what is learned in each successive cycle and put forth to the next generation who are encouraged to absorb, debate and adapt as part of the learning process. With design research seen and developed both as an experimental and analytical approach, the academic approach offered is divided into an Architectural Analysis Course(theory) and a Master Design Studio. The Architectural analysis course looks into Architectural history, built and unbuilt, while the design studio is engaged in contemporary architectural issues, developing both mathematical techniques and project briefs with wider implications.

Some of the topics that StudioX has focused over the last years include: 2008: Olympic Stadium and Park for London 2012 Developing concepts of parametric and algorithmic design within a framework of understanding the workings of a Large scale global event such as the Olympics, with it’s implications on spectation, innovation, symbolism and technology. 2009: Waterworlds The water worlds brief encouraged development of theoretical architectural concepts no longer constrained by the limitations of ground based constructions. The studio concentrated on developing dynamic configurations, flexible or kinetic, working within a parametric framework.

2010: Redesigning the United Nations HQ, NYC The studio worked on a simultaneously analytical and experimental modes to understand through statistical research, issues that affect the development of humanity based on the principles of the United nations by examining Issues of conflict/ peacekeeping, monetary contributions/distributions, production/consumption, human development as ways for UN engagement with the world. 2011: Concept villas for 21st century and Parametric Collaborations The studio explores living concepts starting from the distinction between form and function , by the introducing research agendas that bridge the concepts and develop overarching techniques as a proposition for the dilution of this dialectic. The studio is finalized as a series of group thesis works where the students engage in parametric collaborations for the development of larger scale architectural projects. I hope you will enjoy looking at the work and of course appreciate your feedback.

Christos Passas, StudioX Master

COLLECTIVE RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENTS Phase 1 (WS11) Course Summary: The research brief for the WS11 was to design a concept villa for the 21st century. In highly urbanized, highly mobile societies the house becomes an issue demanding further research and investigation, where the consequences of a materialistic society have devolved the idea of house to that of property. Yet, the house is where everyone’s life is formed and where everyone forms the home based on the living behaviours that stem out of social, family relationships etc. The studio’s interest in the way a villa can become a formal expression for, one or a group of lifestyles and values. This close relationship can be family, sexual, occasional, and professional. A villa is a culmination and the distillation of architectonic notions within a changing societal set-up. The design of the villa will respond to the contextual content. The responsiveness of the design to the climate, the views, the site and the urban environment or lack of, around it is crucial to the task of this research. The villa must be an individual, strange unusual responsive to its environment, innovative and not complicit or conformist seeking innovation through the enhancement and expression of those elements that make it unique for a particular life scenario. Phase 2 (SS12): Thesis; Team work & Collective Developments. Following the submissions in the first semester the studio continues to explore the notion of housing as a result of design agendas that can be combined to deliver an outcome that can be implemented either as a Masterplan, a city intervention, a tower or other large scale development. The students have been asked to form teams based on shared sensibilities and work ethics and to propose a thesis that underlines the team’s design interests and combined agenda. Each team will present the design work on both a conceptual and technical level. Students are required to develop modelling and parametric skills, to be able to precisely render scenes using real materials and control issues of ambience, colour and construction with equal mastery and should develop ecological strategies based on recent technological advances in rapid prototyping and programming.

INVITED CRITICS Theodore Spyropoulos is an architect and educator. He is the Director of the Architectural Association’s Design Research Lab [DRL] in London. He has been a visiting Research Fellow at M.I.T.’s Center for Advanced Visual Studies working with the Interrogative Design Group and co-founded the New Media Research Initiative at the Architectural Association. He has also taught in the graduate school of the University of Pennsylvania and the Royal College of Art, Innovation Design Engineering Department. Theodore cofounded with Stephen Spyropoulos the experimental architecture and design practice Minimaforms. The work of Minimaforms has been exhibited internationally and is part of the collections of the FRAC Centre (France), the Signum Foundation (Poland) and the Archigram Archive (UK), Theodor has previously worked as a project architect for the offices of Peter Eisenman and Zaha Hadid Architects. He has studied at the AA,Bartlett School of Architecture and the New Jersey Institute of Technology .Currently he is completing his PHD in Cybernatic and Systemic Practice.

Bence Pap is working and teaching as an Assistant Professor in Studio Lynn at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna. He has studied architecture in Vienna at the Technical University , the Academie of Fine Arts and received his Diploma from the University of Applied Arts in 2006 with honors. He has been teaching previously at the Elisava Design School in Barcelona, and has conducted several workshops throughout Europe focusing on Digital Design and Fabrication. Bence gained his professional experience with F451 Arquitectura (Barcelona), Stan Allen Architects (Princeton, NJ) prior to joining Zaha Hadid Architects in 2008 in London where he was involved in a variety of projects large and small, from urban masterplaning to towers, cultural institutions and private residences in the Middle East and Europe.

Pavlos Fereos studied Architecture in NTUAthens and obtained his Masteris at the A.A. Design Research Laboratory [DRL]. He is currently completing an M.phil in NTUA and is a UCL Ph.D. candidate. Since 2005 he is directing his own practice in Athens with residential, commercial and interior design projects. With a broad network of Architects in Cyprus and Athens, Fereos + Associates Architects is a leading practice on the island with a large spectrum of projects from residential to industrial and urban scale. With numerous entries and awards in competitions the firmis work has been published numerous times in local and international magazines. As of 2008 the practice runs also as an experimental place for parametric Architecture, reason for which No Manis Land Project was was conceived and organized.

Student Projects

Recycling City Reparametrizing Settlement Structure of Informal Areas MARZIEH GHOLAMI Ahmed Mohammed Albadawy Marta Sowinska

No one can argue that our architecture movement targets to improve people life and their environment since the long history of the old age. People were and should still our clients, main source of inspiration for our architecture. And always the new ideas search for freedom, rich communities, and non-financial investment limits. But if we face ourselves for an honest moment, we’ll find that our architecture movement should be developed through the real world issues. We believe that there are no physical or virtual boarders to lead our architecture thought people. Ethical architecture can have this power of using the new design approaches through human issues. Our Thesis project “Recycling City of Cairo� is the challenge of using the parametric design approach with special case of poor communities, Manshiyat Naser. This community is also known as Garbage City, is a slum settlement on the outskirts of Cairo, Egypt. Our design approach went deeply into the identity of the community by the analytical research and investigates all the main parameters of this place. With one of the largest slums of the world, we found this power of the most efficient recycling system up to 80-85% efficiency. Reducing this contrast between this successful waste disposal system and the worst level of living condition for people was our target of the design. The integration of these two parameters was the design process base for developing life and spaces qualities. Our design concentrates on different levels of spaces. Working spaces are the first challenge in our approach, By organizing people and traffic movement and find the way of separating working zone from the other life activities and in the same time keep this visual relation between these two design levels. Housing quality was the second target of our design approach and in this level, the concept of unit was our proposed design idea for this community to respect their social character and behavior. Simply, unity was the idea of dealing with city growing by the way that gives them the ability to build their living spaces by their hands and keep the continuity of this process through their recycling process. This successive pulses of daily recycling process with the factor of time affect our spaces design and changing the quality of these spaces and offered them a new tissue that cover all their needs. And as a result for all this process we are creating this new tissue for one of the world slum. And present this new category of recycling cities to the world.

ProtoHabitat Living architecture for 21st cenury Alexanra Virlan Maksym Yurovnikov Boris Petrov Heidy Amanda Herman Moeis Our proposal is an artificail ecology, a village dedicated to leisure habitation that fulfill the needs of repause and entertainment dedicated to 21st century society lifestyle in highly populated and demanding cities. As Federico Soriano highlights, our society of work has mutated into a society of leisure time, of entertainment. Continuous schedules, even in schools and universities, a forty hour working week, the hybridization of sports, culture and amusement with their commercial benefits is joint symptoms of the invasion of play in our lives and work. ‘I don’t know if today’s home will have work, but it surely will have entertainment.’ The proposal finds the site in Tenerife, as a metaphore between sea and mountain, our proposal is situated between dream and reality, nature and technology, a surreal approach which is augumenting the direct experience within the specifity of the place. Our approach is challenging the balance of the cultural and natural qualities of a specific site within 21st century conditions of habitation, culture, life-style and technology. Our design is developed through means of algorithmic design methods in order to develop ecological strategies bassed on recent technological advances.

DuneLab Environmental Scientist Village Olga Kovrikova Asa Darmatriaji Timothee Raison

Primarily our architectural investigation are based on our mutual interests of non-additive process (building with materials found on site), sand as an abundant and free material, sun as an energy source that has big potential for future development, and the emergence of sand sintering process. We have chosen a site in Algeria, El Bayadh Province, El Abiodh Sidi Cheikh as our case for further research investigation, because it is one of the most endangered area by desertification, it has already infrastructure (i.e. airport,road networks, etc), and it needs an activity generator to ameliorate the current condition. We are proposing an Environmental Scientist Village that will be a collaborative place between the local’s and researchers to find architectural solutions, to develop the technology for locals to adapt this climate change, and also to test robotized building processes as our main topic. It is a research center for housing development in desertification endangered area which comprises: houses, a research centre, a civic centre, a mosque, a school, shops, agricultural facilities, a sport centre, infrastructures and open spaces. Our project is a masterplan that is being informed with the landscape previously scanned by swarming robots in order to be able to classify certain geological condition, to produce the network structures on site. It is a nonadditive architectural approach highly interrelated with the landscape through the creation of an artificial terrain that has multi layer spaces and machinic ornamentation. The project is being developed through multi-agent system that are inspired by nature, in our case desert, dune field pattern-formation, desert erosion processes, which are proliferating continuous spaces that have striated, contoured, cavernous surface aesthetics. We are envisioning with the addition of digital tools an advanced industrial process that would allow to create more responsive architectural solutions, low impact materials, which will lead toward better efficiency, and also more economical for long term use.

X_sport Passage Iurii Kaygorodtsev

Kirill Tsuman Michal Pabich This project is interesting and innovative due to the special architectural and parametric methods of organising structure of the complex, more over because of flexible interaction between given place and all variety of sports, by using adaptive kinetic systems.Data gathered after profound research of different conditions that affect particular sports, was the starting point of the project. According to the key aspects of each extreme winter sport the following design strategies were established: 1. Strategy of organising sport complex, based on creating a network of tracks for skiing, freeride and so on, that’s are done according to level difference, angle or length of the track that have parametric relation with topology of the area. This helps to organise location of sports that require less space, like ski freestile. 2. Design strategy. According to key properties, that characterise a curtain sport, the elements that effect the way of particular sport activity were designed. Secondary factor after length and angle of the track is a a whole system of obstacles and barriers. Kinetic system gives a possibility to dynamically create obstacles along the track. For this multiple experiments where done, both physical and digital, which eventually helped to create a smooth and flexible system of adapting track to curtain needs of users. The most portable element is a mobile snow park system that consists of hexagon modules. This system has a potential for lots of variations of surface change, which allow to create different snow parks is one area. 3. Articulation of the structures. Final stage was to connect various system by adding dwelling cells that are also elements that are used for sports. This sport complex consists of various dynamic structures, that are adapted according to different extreme winter sports yet at the same time they all are connected in one solid shape.

4th JULY 2012 14:00-18:00

StudioX PHASE_II_ FINAL PUBLIC JURY Dessau Bauhausstrasse 5

08 AudiMax Building room 155

DESSAU INTERNATIONAL ARCHITECTURESCHOOL ANHALT UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT 3 Bauhausstrasse 5 06846 Dessau-Roßlau Germany Tel +49 (0) 340 5197 1531 Fax +49 (0) 340 5197 1599

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