Architectural Meditation

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Architectural Meditation Alexandra Kurek

Thesis Exploration_2015

Consent of solitude is unknown within the confines of chaos Sought patience burdens a restless mind fixating an revolving sky controlled consistency originates attentive curiosity of escape Delicate steel disables visual interactions enlisting desired reprieve Veiled sereneness rests firmly within the discovered moments of choice The depths of marked earth bare a weighted calm within a fixed hysteria Ironic gestures of unmasked stone engage a meditative control Dense rigidity cleanses the disillusion of expanded physical perspectives While proposed filtrations of light greet exposed walls with warm relief Designed contrast evokes contemplative perceptions exposed to body Thirty feet below modest murmurs echo against concrete patterns As potent scents fill the lungs with a thin layer of stained earth Chills of rushing wind emesh the knowledgeably subtracted form As architectural tension dances to the persistent hums of movement Premeditated control evokes subtle intuitions sensationally enlightened Sixty feet below circumstantial relief battles turmoil of visual knowledge A /grave/ heartbeat contained within the depth is the release of chaos Consent of solitude is known within the extension of relief









04 Exposure 06 Iteration 08 Pattern 10 Atmosphere

14 Exposure 16 Iteration 18 Pattern 20 Atmosphere

24 Exposure 26 Iteration 28 Pattern 30 Atmosphere

34 Exposure 36 Iteration 38 Pattern 40 Atmosphere









44 Exposure 46 Iteration 48 Pattern 50 Atmosphere

54 Exposure 56 Iteration 58 Pattern 60 Atmosphere

64 Exposure 66 Iteration 68 Pattern 70 Atmosphere

74 Repetition 78 Depth 88 Height 90 Configuration

HORIZON Southern exposure invites physical encounter with a hint of uncovered earth Ramped bricks encourage focused interaction with an established marker Blanketing construction presses passage across revealing tension cables Marked heights of constructed panels physically connect body and ground Overpowering height of concrete attracts mind to exploration at a dead end


Horizon_3_April 2014_Horizon Section Perspective



A-Horizon_3_March 2015_Design Sketch Overlay B-Horizon_2_October 2014_Entrance/Horizon C-Horizon_1_October 2014_Sketch Model D-Horizon_1_October 2014_Sketch Model




The designed horizon space begins a journey with a singular ramping visual experience guiding a physical existence to seven feet below ground level, an association with the surface which intends to establish the tower as a prominent orienting marker throughout the site. The dead end intrigues the mind to wander the site in a physically meditative action. A fixed architectural design hints to the conceptualization that the studied ideals of physical meditation not having the ability to rely on the sole influence of visual sensation.

A-Horizon_3_April 2015_Horizon Path in Plan B-Horizon_3_April 2015_Sections of Horizon Room



Horizon_3_April 2015_Ramping Horizon Entrance


LIG H T Strict construction distresses an expansive body enhancing linear movement Dense enclosure interprets the disillusion of expanded physical perspective Softened light guides brick around a wall of juxtaposed formwork Increasing height enhances varying openings filtering relieving light Opportunity dictates spatial stillness pierced by designed warmth


Light_2_February 2015_Section Design Overlays


Pattern_4_August 2014_Architectural Pattern/Light Study



Dense concrete panel work contrasts the exposure of unmasked ear th as the strong repetition of tension cables squeeze the body through space. The hallway (6’h x 2’w x 15’l) recalibrates the body in a condensed dark walk before releasing the dense materials into an expansive, heated, and light-filled space (24’h x 7’w x 12.5’l). An architecturally focused pattern regulates space upon the relationship of physical scale, construction of ear th and man, as well as arbitrary visual focus.

A-Light_3_February 2015_Exploded Oblique B-Light_3_February 2015_S+W Sections C-Light_3_February 2015_Construction Pattern Detail




Light_1_October 2014_Lighting and Material Study

Light_3_April 2015_High Lighting + Spatial Contrast


EA R T H Collective rest achieves sensitive calm after secluded exploration Subtle glimpses of concrete peek amongst a field of sharp earth Planted gravel directs body to paths within barriers of boulders Wooden seats relieve pressures cast upon physical frailty Windows expose sensitive sky to intrigue further exploration


Earth_2_February 2015_Initial Entrance

Earth_2_February 2015_Seclusion Exposes Reprieve


Earth_1_November 2014_Surface Elevations of Unfolded Earth Space



The initial entrance to the ear th room is the only instance throughout the project where there is a clear choice of path. The occupant can visually experience the orienting tower or follow a path straight ahead. Six foot boulders enhance the necessity to search the gravel path fixed between unmasked ear th. The first reprieve space exposes the singular entrance only once inside the seclusion hallway. Materiality design choices begin to define space within preconceived ideas of resting seats (wood + cork), movement driven paths (gravel + brick), and intrigue (aper tures).

A-Reprieve_2_March 2015_Exploded Oblique B-Reprieve_2_March 2015_S+E Sections C-Earth_3_March 2015_Unfolded Earth Space




Earth_3_April 2015_Depth of Light

Reprieve_2_April 2015_Entrance Exposure


S EC LU S I O N Overlain architectural patterns guide the body through weighted earth Arbitrary arrival interrupts consistent wood allowing contemplative entrance Sun illuminated ascension skews views within orthogonal spatial tolerance Enlightened contrast educates meditation through secluded perspectives Dark descent obscures visual interactions encouraging inward focus


Seclusion_2_February 2015_Elevator Entrance


Seclusion_1_November 2014_Elevator + Shaft Double Perspective Cut


A secluded hand pulley elevator (5’ x 5’) lifts a single person either thir ty feet above ground level or sixty feet below ground level. If the choice to ascend is experienced there is a slightly skewed perspective with slanted walls, as well as a visual bird’s eye glance of the overall site. However, with a choice of descent, the visual capabilities are removed from the experience. The meditative body must smell the exposed ear th, feel the chills of depth, and hear the rhythm of the hear t.

A-Seclusion_2_January 2015_Hand Pulley Elevator B-Seclusion_3_March 2015_Surrounding Section C-Seclusion_3_March 2015_Surrounding Plan





Seclusion_3_April 2015_Elevator Entrance

Seclusion_3_April 2015_Tower Visibility from Ground Level


R EP E T I T I O N Concrete stairs firmly place path within the forced linear foundation Regular treads overlap the foundational riser guiding the pathway Forced consistency of movement belittles chaotic sensitivities Meditative sound and stepping concrete tuned to hymns of breath Ironic finish of pattern extends a weighted pressure of forced direction


Repetition_2_February 2015_Initial Views of Stair Entrance + Exit


Repetition_1_November 2014_Unfolded Section of Stair Entrance



Various stairwells intersect the gravel and brick pathways as a repetitive release from tendencies to wander the winding site. Concrete treads for both stairwells which are four feet wide interact with the body through a subtle sound during each stepping movement. The initial entrance walls focus on wood boards perceive the depth of thir ty feet in ground as well as visually move the eye forward. While the secondary staircase brings the occupant up to ten feet below the surface focuses on an or thogonally designed construction to allow repetition of light securing the thin treads. A-Repetition_3_March 2015_Seconday Stairwell B-Repetition_2_February 2015_Entrance Stair C-Repetition_3_March 2015_Secondary Stair Detail




Repetition_3_April 2015_Sole Entrance + Exit

Repetition_3_April 2015_Interior Stairwell


S KY Subtly directed brick slowly ramps as the hallway contorts around earth A drastic angle exposes the occupancy of sky within architecture Reflective water drains the blue washed clouds into sweeping edges Reclined patience builds a wall as cork divides the bodies A sweeping opening focuses a meditative light revolving as wind


Sky_3_February 2015_Room Entrance

Sky_3_February 2015_Reclined Seat Viewpoint + Exit


Sky_1_October 2014_Hallway Perspective




The long hallway ramps to seven feet below ground level paved with moving brick. An end to the walk positions the body relative to the framed sky. An open aper ture focuses the revolving clouds onto the reflection pool. A specified design intention brings the sky within a physical reach of body. Cork seating breaks the consistency of plaster walls to provide space for a peaceful meditation. While reclined towards the sky the southern facing plaster wall casts dancing shadows and light of the evolving day.

A-Sky_4_March 2015_Sky Room Oblique B-Sky_4_March 2015_E-W Section Cut C-Sky_4_March 2015_ Sky Viewpoint Foldout D-Sky_4_March 2015_N-S Section Cut




Sky_3_April 2015_Orienting Entrance


M OV E M E N T Dancing cables break the bridging tension before pooling water Rushing water provides rhythmic tunes for the speed of movement Broken concrete panels juxtapose carved rock revealing hidden voids Harsh stone forces strength in pause as tension cables stretch in between Sudden stop relies on a designed interest through a retraced return


Movement_2_February 2015_Bridge Path

Movement_2_February 2015_Bridging Face


Movement_1_October 2014_Dancing Tension Cables




Ornamental tension cables conform to a patterned shape based upon the body of a dancer. Plummeting sixty feet below ground level, the cables disappear into a body of water cascading from the nor thern collection pool. As an occupant of space, the body will only physically experience about ten feet of cable. The movement meditation along the thir ty foot bridge enhances ideas of contrast from the previously occupied sky room. A level of the moving action where sound of water, physical movement, and visual dance combine for the bodily experience. While a dead end in this space forces a return along the same path. A-Movement_3_March 2015_E-W Section Cut B-Movement_3_February 2015_South Wall C-Movement_3_March 2015_North Wall D-Movement_3_March 2015_Construction Details



Movement_3_April 2015_Bridge Entrance

Movement_3_April 2015_Bridge +S Facing Wall


M ED I TAT E D VOYAG E Focused actions reveal expanded perspectives of exposed atmosphere Extended awareness discovers subtle distinctions of explored spaces Meditated movement controls the pause within details of physical ideas Forceful return releases the focused quality of mind to the same conditions Circumstantial chaos sites the body within a new measure of perception


Chaos, n. 3.a. 3.b. 5.

A state of resembling that of primitive chaos; utter confusion and disorder A confused mass or mixture, a conglomeration of parts or elements without order or connection Element, environment, space

Contemplation, n. 1. The act of beholding, or looking at with attention and thought. 2.a. The action of contemplating or mentally viewing; the action of thinking about a thing continuously; attentive consideration, study. 4. Matter for contemplation; something to be contemplated or meditated upon 5.a. The action of regarding or having respect to Meditation, n. 1.b. 1.c.

The action, or an act, of meditating; continuous thought or musing upon one subject or series of subjects; (a period of) serious or self reflection or mental contemplation. Thought or mental contemplation of something.

Pattern, n. and adj. 1.a. 5.b. 7. 9.b.

Something shaped or designed to serve as a model from which a thing is to be made; a design, an outline; an original. A sample; a part presented as an example of a larger set or group. A precedent; that which may be appealed or referred to as a prior example. A natural or chance arrangement of shapes or markings having a decorative or striking effect.

Oxford English Dictionary

Journey_1_October 2014_Early Iteration of Meditative Journey


Journey_3_November 2014_Site Plan

Journey_3_November 2014_Exposed Site Plan


Journey_2_October 2014_Initial Site Design Process







Quality of clarity is blanketed within the confinements of disorder Surface expansion envelops mind in engaged wandering of site Nomadic direction enhances curiosity desiring a warranted discovery Chaotic freedom marks existence within the heavy concrete tower Sought serenity visually reveals the restless ego to pathways of relief



Tense cables dissipate as the unmasked earth reveals full height Irregular gravel constructs a directional choice for mindful action Delicate steel obstructs visual perspectives enhancing marked interest Harsh bends sharpen seams enlisting delicate meditation of movement Arbitrary tension awakens visual capabilities leading a weighted passage



Physical comfort softly holds the weary body within surrounding wood Subtle means comfort a distressed mind before a recovering journey View portals pattern consistent volumes of explored earth and patient sky Directed light provides witness to a moving body in gentle stillness Deep contrast evokes active contemplation of a mindful clarity



Focused actions reveal expanded perspectives of exposed atmosphere Extended awareness discovers subtle distinctions of explored spaces Meditated movement controls the pause within details of physical ideas Forceful return releases the focused quality of mind to the same conditions Circumstantial chaos sites the body within a new measure of perception


Journey_3_November 2014_N-S Section Cuts

Journey_3_November 2014_E-W Section Cuts


A-K-Journey_5_April 2014_Section Model Series (11 of 80 sections)_Entrance, Earth, Seclusion, Repetition


G-Light, Earth, Reprieve + Repetition

H-Earth, Reflection + Sky

I-Movement + Sky

J-Movement + Sky


C-Seclusion + Horizon

D-Entrance, Earth + Seclusion

E-Entrance, Earth, Seclusion + Repetition

F-Light, Earth, Reprieve + Repetition



Meditation is a continuous thought or mental contemplation of varying truths and ideals. However, it is often noted that a full meditative experience is not understood with the mind, but with the experiential use of the body.

My thesis studies how the architectural ideas, elements, and conditions of light, earth, sky, movement, seclusion, reprieve, reflection, and pattern can heighten the awareness of the meditative body through contemplative spatial interactions.

The idea of distracting chaos has become the circumstantial site in which my project begins. A series of interconnected spaces step in ten foot increments below ground level. A design approach intended to disconnect chaotic distractions from the meditating body.

Can the ego disconnect from a physical consciousness in an architectural meditation?

Each level of the sequenced spaces interacts directly within the ideas relating to the meditative body. For instance, after a chaotic ground level, the ten feet below defines action within the mind, thirty feet below reveals mindfulness described as meditation of heart, and finally sixty feet below is a sense of clarity or the core of body. Circumstantial rooms based upon architectural ideas are patterned in order to situate experiential contemplation. A patterning of scale, proportion, material, light, and sound becomes the critical architectural tool in articulating the spatial environments. Each room is ordered along a path of moving brick or unsteady gravel based upon ideas of recalibrating body and space. High architectural contrast is proposed to support a bodily awareness of spatial exploration. For instance, an understanding of light is unknown without the knowledge of darkness. Writing sparks the start of a creative experiential space, while also acting as the tool which regulates self analysis of designs. Ekphrasis of poetic beauty enhances awareness of underlying meanings of material and design moves. While a storybook poem interacts directly with a meditative experience through the project. Text placement and physical paper portray furthermore, within the process of design, an encompassing meditative experience. No music or movies play as each line of a drawing experiences concentrated meditation. As a meditative body journeys throughout the series of architectural spaces, the intention is an awareness of these contemplative patterns.


A ramping visual experience guiding the physical body to 7’ below ground level. Establishes the tower as the orienting marker throughout the site. The dead end intrigues a mind to wander the site physically in meditative action. Hints to the idea that meditation can not be solely a visual experience.

Entrance First mediation of movement in relationship to material. Counting breathes become in sync with the echoes of footsteps on concrete. Wood panels horizontally define depth in relation to the body. Light

An example using the idea of high contrast to recalibrate the body’s awareness. A tight dark hallway expands to the light filled warmth of the superimposed space.

Decision The only instance throughout the project where there is a clear choice. The occupant can visually experience the marking tower or follow a straight path. Six foot boulders enhance the necessity for a meditative wandering throughout site. Seclusion A hand pulley elevator establishes depth determined through the quality of clarity. Ascension skews perspective, enhances strong noises, and focuses on light. Descent removes visual experience as they hear a heartbeat or smell the earth. Reprieve Only visible on the journey after exiting the seclusion hallway. Wood and cork are established with ideas of seated meditation and reflection. Reveals in the concrete walls expose architecturally designed spaces of intrigue. Sky

The largest space of a peaceful seated meditation in contrast to nearby spaces. A reflection pool intends to bring ideas of sky closer to the physical body. Cork seating holds the human form to watch revolving shadows dance on plaster.

Movement High contrast of meditative movement to the patient waiting of sky. Moving meditation interacts with rushing water (sound), a bridge for physical movement, and dancing tension cables (visual). The journey is intended for a specific return throughout the same path. The series of rooms will open to reveal more of the overall perspective of spaces. Subtle difference are only understood with previous knowledge of the initial journey carefully dictated path. A study intended to be created in opposition with a knowledgeable journey of joy.

“My work is more about your seeing than it is about my seeing, although it is a product of my seeing. I’m also interested in the sense of presence of space, that is space where you feel a presence, almost an entity - that physical feeling and power that space can give.” James Turrell

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