Cleo is a magical unicorn who travels through space with her shooting star friends to find her lost sister Starla.
Table of Contents CHARACTERS Size Comparison chart
DESIGN ELEMENTS Patterns Icons Borders Colors & Fonts
is the bravest Lumier shooting star in the galaxy. He is very helpful when Cleo needs him to f ind her sister. He guides the way to rescue Starla.
Cleo is a fun loving and
friendly creature, who enjoyed traveling the galaxies. One day she and her dear sister Starla got seperated, and she had to travel through the galaxy to find her. Her two friends Lumier and Lumi , who are shooting stars guided her way. This was the biggest adventure of their lives.
is a spunky unicorn, who is rescued by Cleo, and her two friends. She was lost in space but knew her sister would rescue her.
Lumia is a kind-hearted star, who is always there to give guidance to her friends. She cares for her friends, and always wants to help.
Size Comparison Chart
Galaxy Pat tern Pink
Galaxy Pat tern Purple
Galaxy Pat tern Black
Star Pat tern White
Star Pat tern Blue
Star Pat tern Black
Star Cluster Pat tern Purple
Star Cluster Pat tern Blue
Borders Rainbow Border
Starburst Border
Lumier Border
Cleo Border
Star Border
Planet Cluster Border
Starla Border
Lumia Border
Colors & Fonts
Pantone 226
Pantone 7409
Pantone 032
Pantone 389
Pantone 117
Pantone 370
Pantone 1915
Pantone 339
Pantone 1767
Pantone 3255
Pantone 1345
Pantone 298
Unicorn NF
Clemente P
AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNn OoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz
Helvetica Neue
AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNn OoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz
Pantone 100
Pantone 2613
Pantone 102
Pantone 246
Cleo Backpack
T itle Hat
Starla Lunchbox
Art Approvals Because the art approval process requires several distinct and important steps, we ask that licensees submit their work as early as possible and at all stages of development. By doing this, you enable Cleo in Space to provide meaningful feedback early in the development process and avoid costly delays. Copyright Notice A trademark and copyright must appear on all Cleo in Space products, packaging, advertising and promotional materials. It must be legible and positioned adjacent to the art. Unless otherwise noted, the notice should read: TM/Š 2011Cleo in Space In addition, the letters TM should be placed next to the Cleo in Space logo (lower right) when it appears on licensed merchandise, packaging, advertising, and all promotional materials. No Unauthorized Use! All information, materials and images contained in this styleguide are strictly confidential, shall not be disclosed to any unauthorized third party and are subject to the terms and conditions contained in the nondisclosure agreement between you and Cleo in Space.