Alexander Historical Auctions Catalog 66

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LIVE & INTERNET AUCTION Saturday, February 18, 2017 Sunday, February 19, 2017 Auctions begin at 10:00 A.M. EST at our Chesapeake City, Maryland offices.

Order of Sale Day 1: Saturday, February 18, 2017 10:00 A.M. EST World War II: Autographs World War II: Documents & Archives World War II: Photography & Posters World War II: The Holocaust World War II: Uniforms & Head Gear

Lots 1 - 258 Lots 259 - 310 Lots 311 - 494 Lots 495 - 601 Lots 602 - 697

Day 2: Sunday, February 19, 2017 10:00 A.M. EST World War II: Medals World War II: Daggers & Swords World War II: Helmets World War II: Flags World War II: Relics & Personality Items World War I:

Lots 698 – 889 Lots 890 - 921 Lots 922 - 995 Lots 996 - 1039 Lots 1040 - 1236 Lots 1237 - 1355

Alexander Historical Auctions 98 Bohemia Ave Suite 2 Chesapeake City, MD 21915 Telephone 203-276-1570 Fax 203-883-1483 Abbreviations A.L.S. L.S. T.L.S. D.S. S.P. A.Q.S. I.S.P. A.D.S.

Autograph Letter Signed Letter Signed Typed letter signed Document signed Signed photograph Autograph quote signed Inscribed signed photograph Autograph document signed

A.M.Q.S b/w n.p. n.d. 4to. 8vo. 12mo. Folio

Autograph Musical Quote Signed Black and White No place indicated No date indicated Approx. 8” x 10” Approx. 6” x 8” Smaller than 6” x 8” Larger than 10” x 12”

Alexander Historical Auctions 98 Bohemia Ave. Ste 2 Chesapeake City, MD 21915

Phone: 203-276-1570 Fax: 203-883-1483

LIVE AUCTION Saturday, February 18, 2017 – 10:00 A.M. EST Sunday, February 19, 2017 – 10:00 A.M. EST

Mail and Fax Bid Form I hereby authorize ALEXANDER HISTORICAL AUCTIONS LLC to execute the following bid(s) for their Phone, Mail, Fax and Internet Auction. Please buy the following lot(s) for me at the price(s) not exceeding those I have indicated, but not including the 21.5% Buyer's Commission which I understand will be added to the hammer price. My bids are made subject to the "Terms and Conditions of Sale" and I agree to remit immediately upon receipt of the invoice. This signed bid sheet constitutes an agreement between me and ALEXANDER HISTORICAL AUCTIONS LLC. I have checked my bid form carefully.














Alexander Historical Auctions LLC

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1 Saturday - February 18, 2017

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 15,000 - 20,000

DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER AND DOUGLAS MACARTHURA likely unique photograph signed by the two military leaders who were arguably the most important generals of the last century, DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER and DOUGLAS MACARTHUR. The two men were the de facto supreme Allied leaders in their respective theaters, with Eisenhower serving as Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Forces in Europe, and MacArthur as Supreme Commander, Southwest Pacific Area. The 10" x 7 1/2" b/w image shows the two in the rear seat of a car, Eisenhower in an "Ike" jacket and smiling broadly, MacArthur in a trenchcoat and more serious, with happy soldiers looking into the vehicle's windows. The photo, taken during a post-war visit by Eisenhower to Tokyo, bears the backstamp of MacArthur's personal photographer, Tom L. Shafer. The image bears negligible losses at its upper corners and a miniscule chip at top margin, but is otherwise in very good condition, set atop a mount and into a wood frame with photographer's credit visible through a window on verso. This same piece sold two times at auction years ago, for $19,000 and $34,000.


USD 3,000 - 4,000

GEORGE S. PATTON(1885 - 1945) "Old Blood and Guts" was one of the finest tank commanders in history, rolling his forces through Tunisia, Sicily, France and Germany until halted at the Rhine. Fine association I.S.P., 7 1/4" x 9" (sight) b/w, a full-length view of Patton and Assistant to President Roosevelt and future Secretary of State JAMES F.BYRNES (1882-1972), both in uniform in Metz, France, sometime in October 1944. Inscribed: "To Hon. James F. Byrnes from G S Patton Jr." Also present is a copy of the book "Speaking Frankly", by James F. Byrnes (New York: Harper & Brothers Publishers), 1947, 324pp. 8vo., describing his experiences as an advisor to Roosevelt at the peace conferences at Potsdam and Yalta, as well as his post-war experiences as Secretary of State. The photo bears some minor surface creases, with the inscription and signature a tad light, else very good.


USD 2,500 - 3,500

ADOLF HITLER(1889 - 1945) Fuhrer of Germany and Nazi Party leader, Hitler's bloody rise to power, his military seizure of most of Europe and North Africa and his genocidal racial policies culminated in suicide in his Berlin bunker as Russian troops approached. Excellent S.P., 3 5/8" x 5 1/2" b/w, a chest-up view of Hitler ca. 1933 showing him staring intently at the camera, boldly signed in the white bottom margin. Fine. Taken from the pre-war photograph album of SS-Gruppenfuhrer Erick Brack, found elsewhere in this sale. ERIK BRACK (b. 1906) was the brother of infamous SS-Oberfuhrer VIKTOR BRACK (1904-1948), the organiser of the Euthanasia program T4 where the Nazi state systematically murdered over 70,000 disabled Germans and Austrians. Brack also conferred with Odilo Globocnik about the practical implementation of the Final Solution.


USD 3,000 - 4,000

ADOLF HITLER(1889 - 1945) Fuhrer of Germany and Nazi Party leader, Hitler's bloody rise to power, his military seizure of most of Europe and North Africa and his genocidal racial policies culminated in suicide in his Berlin bunker as Russian troops approached. S.P., 4" x 6" b/w, an early real-photo postcard, depicting Hitler in profile in a circular field, signed beneath the image in black ink. Very good. Also present are: the same photo as the above, mounted on a 6 1/2" square backing, with the original transmittal envelope; five real-photo postcards of various views of Hitler; three additional real-photo postcards, depicting the Do-X flying boat, the cruiser LEIPZIG, and a "schnellboot"; and an award certificate for the Honor Cross of the World War, granted to the wife of a veteran, with a reproduction of the accompanying medal. Twelve pieces.


USD 1,500 - 2,000

ADOLF HITLERA most unusual and important manuscript D.S., 2pp. large 4to., Berlin, October 2, 1936, being the promotion wrought entirely in calligraphy of Major GOTTLOB MULLER to serve as Oberstleutnant in the Luftwaffe, effective the same day. The document is boldly signed by Hitler at conclusion, and is also signed by HERMANN GORING at lower-right and by WERNER VON BLOMBERG at lower-left. Sold with a 3" x 4" photo of Muller with two other officers, all in uniform. Fine condition. This is the first such use of this form for a promotion that we have encountered. General GOTTLOB MULLER (1895-1945) served with distinction in both world wars. After serving in North Africa commanding Luftgau-Stab z.b.V. Afrika, he was later promoted to the rank of general in the Luftwaffe and awarded the Knight's Cross. MĂźller was killed during the Battle of Berlin, in the fighting for the crucial Gatow airfield.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 2,000 - 3,000

(1889 - 1945) Fuhrer of Germany and Nazi Party leader, Hitler's bloody rise to power, his military seizure of most of Europe and North Africa and his genocidal racial policies culminated in suicide in his Berlin bunker as Russian troops approached. Rare signed postcard, a 6" x 4" color reproduction of artist Richard Spitz's painting "The Third Reich" which was displayed in the Braun Haus in Munich. The image shows an SS man assaulting an SA member in the foreground, as masses of loyal sa members and civilians hail a sun in the image of a swastike with clouds reminiscent of struggling human figures surrounding it. Hitler has added his black ink signature at upper-right. On the verso, the card is headed: "My Comrades!", adds expressions of loyalty for "War Year 1933" and "Sieg Heil", and is signed by SS Gruppenfuhrer Erick Brack and one other man. Taken from the pre-war photograph album owned by Brack and offered elsewhere in this sale. ERIK BRACK (b. 1906) was the brother of infamous SS-Oberfuhrer VIKTOR BRACK (1904-1948), the organiser of the Euthanasia program T4 where the Nazi state systematically murdered over 70,000 disabled Germans and Austrians. Brack also conferred with Odilo Globocnik about the practical implementation of the Final Solution. Fine condition.


USD 2,000 - 3,000

HEINRICH HIMMLER(1900 - 1945) Hitler's Chief of the Gestapo placed in charge of security and responsible for the construction and operation of extermination camps. He chose suicide rather than face a hangman's noose at Nuremburg. HIMMLER GATHERS SLAVE LABOR FOR FRITZ SAUCKEL Highly-important initialed retained copy of a T.L.S. "H H" in typical green indelible pencil, 1p. large 4to., "Field Headquarters", Dec. 12, 1942 to FRITZ SAUCKEL (1894-1946), Gauleiter of Thuringia and the General Plenipotentiary for Labor Deployment. In small part: "...In the part of France which has not been occupied until now, there are 3-400 000 Spanish republicans and 5-600 000 anti-Nazi Italians, with the exception of a limited number of leading truly dangerous communist minds, who would be suitable for labor...I want to draw your attention to this possibility of obtaining a considerable number of workers. Furthermore, there are 80 000 Poles from whom we can also recruit...I have instructed Higher-SS and Police Leader of France, SS-Braigadefuhrer Oberg, to support your people by every means whatsoever to obtain those workers..." At the top, Himmler writes "Wolff", forwarding the letter to KARL WOLFF (1906-1975), Colonel-general in the Waffen-SS and liason officer for Himmler with Hitler. File holes an a spot at left margin, else near fine. These potential laborers, political and military enemies who fled occupied Poland and fascist Spain and Italy, were undoubtedly used a slave laborers by Sauckel who desperaely needed bodies to replace manpower lost to conscription. Indeed, Sauckel's desperate need for replacement labor led to to the French "Law of 4 September 1942" required all able-bodied men aged 18 to 50 and single women aged 21 to 35 to "be subject to do any work that the Government deems necessary." On Jan. 1, 1943 Sauckel ordered, in addition to the 240,000 French workers already in Germany, a further quota of 250,000 men to be dispatched by mid-March.


USD 1,500 - 2,000

HEINRICH HIMMLER DOCUMENT GROUPING OF HANS KEMPINHANS KEMPIN (1913 - 1992) Waffen-SS combat and training officer who served in the SS-Standarte Deutschland, SS-Regiment Der Führer and later commanded the 547. Volksgrenadier-Division, 38. SS-Grenadierdivision Nibelungen, 32.SS-Freiwilligen-Grenadier-Division 30.Januar, and the Waffen-SS Unterführerschule in Laibach. He held more senior commands, including two divisions and two training schools, than any other SS officer school graduate. Important grouping of five documents pertaining to Kempin's career in the SS, includes: HEINRICH HIMMLER, D.S. on "Der Reichsfuhrer-SS" letterhead, 1p. 4to., "Fuhrerheadquarters", Oct. 13, 1941, the promotion of Kempin to the rank of SS-Sturmbannfuhrer in the Waffen-SS; AUGUST HEISSMEYER (1897-1979) General of the SS and Inspector of Concentration Camps, jailed as a war criminal, his April 30, 1936 promotion of Kempin to the rank of SS-Obersturmbannfuhrer (stamped signature) along with May 20, 1935 promotion of Kempin to the rank of SS-Untersturmfuhrer, hand-signed, both on letterhead of the Reichsfuhrer-SS; a 1p. 24mo. handwritten acknowledgement that the bearer had been promoted to SS-Obersturmfuhrer, Apr.20,1936; WALTER SCHMIDT (1917-2000) Waffen-SS officer and recipient of the Knights Cross with Oak Leaves, promotion of Kempin to SS-Hauptsturmfuhrer on Der Reichsfuhrer-SS letterhead, Berlin, June 30, 1939; and a late 1987 A.L.S. in German penned on a greeting card to "Mr. Verges", very likely Jacques Verges, French lawyer who defended war criminals and militants, including Holocaust denier Roger Garaudy, Nazi war criminal Klaus Barbie and international terrorist Ilich Ramírez Sánchez a.k.a. "Carlos the Jackal".


USD 1,500 - 2,500

NUREMBERG TRIAL DEFENDANTS SIGNED "SHORT SNORTER"A special rarity, a Series 1935A $1.00 bill (or "short snorter") signed by fourteen of the major war crimes defendants while on trial at Nuremberg. The bill, still quite clean and fresh, has been signed in ink by HERMANN GOERING, ALFRED ROSENBERG, JULIUS STREICHER, HANS FRANK, BALDUR VON SCHIRACH, ERNST KALTENBRUNNER, WILHELM FRICK, ARTUR SEYSS-INQUART, KARL DONITZ, ALBERT SPEER, JOACHIM VON RIBBENTROP, ERICH RAEDER, and WALTHER FUNK. The bill was signed by the prisoners for American trials guard David Leo, and it is accompanied by a letter he sent to his sister from Nuremberg, 2pp. 8vo., May 6, 1946. In part: "...Speaking of the war trials, when mom sent me a wallet, she also sent me a dollar bill with it so I got a few autographs. It was a bad day because they all went to see they're [sic] lawyers...some guys like Hess (the nut) won't sign. When we ask him he smiles. They all say he's nots...". With the original envelope and a photo showing Leo standing beside the dock holding the prisoners. The bill is framed with one side shown along with a (poor) color scan of the verso, along with Leo's letter, an original photo of the jail at Nuremberg, and another photo of all the prisoners. A great relic with excellent provenance!

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 100 - 150

NUREMBERG AND TOKYO TRIAL FIGURESLot of five signed items, includes: ROBERT H. JACKSON (1892-1954) Supreme Court Associate Justice who also took on the role of chief U.S. prosecutor at the NĂźrnberg war crimes trials, signature on official Supreme Court engraved card; MICHAEL A. MUSMANNO, the judge who presided over the Einsatzgruppen Trials, a 1950 T.L.S. mentioning his book "Ten Days to Die"; BERNARD V. A. ROLLING, Tokyo War Crimes Judge, A.L.S. 1p. 4to., United nations, 1952, the tribunal; and HARTLY SHAWCROSS (1902-2003), lead British prosecutor at the Nuremberg War Crimes tribunal, signature on a U.N. postal cover, 1969 and a testy 1989 letter on his personal letterhead sending his autograph.


USD 1,500 - 2,000

ALFRED JODL(1890 - 1946) Hitler's Chief of Operations who signed the act of military surrender, tried at Nuremburg for war crimes and executed. Important Nuremberg trial-related partly-printed D.S., folio, [Nuremburg, late 1945]. Jodl completes an Allied quationnaire which seeks to determine his Nazi party affiliations. He signes his name at the top of the form, adding his birthplace and date of birth, noting "Generaloberst" as his "Occupation" and "Chef d. Wehrmacht" as "Present position". He notes that he has been an "honorary member" of the Nazi Party since January 30, 1943 and denies having ever held any higher position in the civilian government. Fine condition, simply matted and framed.


USD 1,000 - 1,500

NEVILLE CHAMBERLAIN(1869-1940) British Prime Minister, best known for his appeasement of Hitler's territorial expansion, embodied by the Munich Agreement of 1938. Good content T.L.S., 1p. 8vo., Basingstoke, Oct. 20, 1940, to Viscount Samuel, in full: "It was very kind of you to write to me and I appreciate very highly the fact that I retain your approval of my efforts to maintain peace. Though that proved to be impossible, it did give us breathing time and that may in the end make all the difference". Signed at the conclusion in black ink, adding an ink salutation. Professionally framed, very good. Chamberlain had been condemned by Britons since he had negotiated the ill-conceived Munich Pact which was soon followed by Hitler's invasion of Poland‌and war. Here, only a few weeks before his death, the much-maligned ex-prime minister attempts to salvage his legacy.


USD 1,000 - 1,500

ALFRED ROSENBERG(1893 - 1946) Nazi leader considered the ideologist of Nazism, Reichsminister of the eastern territories, executed at Nuremburg. Fine association inscribed book, Rosenberg's "Writings & Speeches", this volume compiling his: "Writings From the Years 1917-1921" (Munich: Hoheneichen-Verlag), 624pp. 8vo. Rosenberg's early political thought, much of which surrounds the Jews, including: "Freemasons and Jewry", "The Jewish World Domination", "The Talmud", "Burning of the Talmud", etc. On the front flyleaf, Rosenberg inscribes the book to FRANZ XAVER SCHWARZ (1875-1947), National Treasurer of the Nazi Party: "Party Member F. X. Schwarz in old friendship Rosenberg 5.4.43" Covers and spine faded and worn, esp. at edges, top edge of spine chipped, contents are very good.


USD 800 - 1,200

RUDOLF HESS(1894 - 1987) Nazi German Deputy Fuehrer and second in command after Goering, Hess was one of Hitler's closest confidantes and friends. In an unauthorized peace mission, Hess flew a German fighter to England and surrenedered, purportedly attempting to ally Germany with Great Britain against Russia. His mission, of course, failed and Hess was imprisoned at Spandau where he was found hanged in 1987. Scarce S.P., 5" x 7" b/w, a chest, up bust portrait as Deputy Fuhrer, signed at bottom. Simply framed, near fine.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 800 - 1,200

HANS FRANK'S LEGAL DISSERTATION AND ADMITTANCE TO THE MUNICH BARHANS FRANK (1900–1946) German lawyer employed by the Nazi Party in the 1920s and 1930s, and later Hitler's personal lawyer. After the invasion of Poland, Frank became Nazi Germany's chief jurist in occupied Poland. During his tenure throughout the war, he terrorized civilians and was directly involved in the mass murder of Jews and Poles. Executed following the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials. Important pair of items directly related to Frank's career as a lawyer. Included is a letter from the Bavarian Justice Department, 1p. large 4to., Munich, May 9, 1927 addressed to Frank in Munich admitting him as a lawyer to courts in Munich and surrounding districts. Folds and some toned spots. Also present is Frank's legal dissertation with a signed presentation: “Public Legal Body - A contribution to the teaching of the condition of the public entity. Inaugural Dissertation Faculty of Law, University of Kiel", 226 pp. legal folio, bound with string. Frank, at the time a civil service clerk in Munich, adds his birthday “born Mai 23., 1900” next to his name at center. At bottom he dedicates the work to his former teacher: “My dear, loyal teacher Mr. Prof Franz Kucera in Prague in reverence and gratitude presented by his student Dr. Frank Munich August 18, 1924” beside which he notes: "Test: August 8, 1924 Consultant; Prof Dr. [Walter] Jellinek Co-Consultants: Prof Dr. Pappenheim Prof Dr. Radbruch Prof Dr Beseler”. In 1935 Jellinek was ousted from his office by the Nazis on account of his Jewish ancestry. Last four or five pages damages with some loss due to old water damage, front page stained at right margin, with toned spots at bottom. Also included is a 6 ½" x 8 ¾" b/w portrait and a damaged 7" x 9 ½" b/w group photograph showing Frank with Arthur Seyss-Inquart.


USD 800 - 1,200

HANS FRANK WRITES TO HIS MISTRESSHANS FRANK (1900 - 1946) Nazi occupational Governor of Poland, partly responsible for the genocide perpetrated there. Fascinating content war-date A.L.S. "Hans", 4pp. 4to., Warsaw, Jan. 24, 1943, to his mistress, Lilly Groh, in part: "... Oh, my Lilly - to openly and freely confess to the whole world that I love you with all the man 's power of my being and yours, as God has done it - is my heart' s need ... Then I always see you before me: Always - and always. Your scent, your hair, your eyes ... everything is in front of my inner eye - and importantly, my thoughts always tell the dearest things of our community - I Without you, my Lilly - there is no life, no strength, no work for me ... In these heavy black days of our empire, I stand here on the embankment in the east, and see how magically the gray clouds of suffering and fighting are brewing upon me - God protect Germany! ..." Frank signs at the conclusion, "Ewig Dein Hans" (Forever Yours, Hans). The letter is executed on Frank's stationery from the Generalgouvernor's office in Poland. Folds, else very good. Personal letters from high ranking Third Reich figures - especially to their mistresses - are extraordinarily rare.


USD 1,000 - 1,200

JULIUS STREICHER INSCRIBES A BOOK TO HIS JEWISH PSYCHIATRIST(1885 - 1946) Nazi journalist and politician, editor of "Der Sturmer" and virulent anti-Semite, executed at Nuremburg. An absolutely incredible association piece, an anti-Semitic book presented by Streicher to his Jewish-American Nuremberg court-appointed psychiatrist! The book, "Hofjuden" ("Court Jew"), was written by Peter Deeg (Nurnberg: Verlag Der Sturmer), 1938. 547pp. 8vo. in blue cloth with gilt title along with gold "Crown" and "Star of David" emblems on cover. The front flyleaf is boldly inscribed: "Mister Dr. Goldensohn In remembrance of our meeting at Nuremberg 1. April 1946 Julius Streicher". Cracked at gutters, with two library stamps indicating that Streicher had someone bring this "relevant" book to him specifically to gift, and to clearly mock, Dr. Goldensohn! Overall very good. Leon N. Goldensohn (1911-1961) was an American psychiatrist who monitored the mental health of the 21 defendants awaiting trial at Nuremberg in 1946. Goldensohn was the son of Jews who had emigrated from Lithuania. He spent more than six months visiting the prisoners nearly every day. including Streicher. "Hofjuden", for which Streicher wrote the foreword, examines the influence of Jews in European royal courts. The text also incorporates over fifty 50 photographs and a large fold-out chart which traces the lineage of the Rothschild and Goldschmidt families, showing their relationship to Jews in the employ of specific European royal families.


USD 750 - 1,000

SIGNED PHOTO FROM THE FIRST B-29 MISSION OVER TOKYOOn Nov. 1, 1944 a reconnaissance flight over Tokyo was flown by "Tokyo Rose", a Superfortress B-29 bomber piloted by Capt. Ralph D. Steakley, who took over 700 photographs of the selected bomb sites in 35 minutes. On November 24, 111 B-29s, led by Gen. Emmett “Rosie” O’Donnell in "Dauntless Dotty", attacked the Nakajima Engine Works in the first b-29 mission to tokyo. Offered here is a historic declassified aerial photograph captioned: "1ST B-29 MISSION OVER TOKYO" signed by every crew member of the first B-29 over Tokyo, "Tokyo Rose". The 7 1/2" x 7 1/2" image (slightly trimmed) is signed on the face by the aircraft's eleven crewmen, with the plane's name, flight particulars, crew names, and signed June 25, 1945 declassification notice all hand-printed on the verso. Additionally, included is an original 5" x 4" photo of the aircraft and crew on the ground following an awards ceremony immediately after landing (photo has a clipped corner). Two pieces.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 700 - 900

ANTON KAINDL(1902 - 1948) SS-StandartenfĂźhrer and commandant of the Sachsenhausen concentration camp from 1942-1945. Convicted by the Soviets and sent to a gulag where he perished. Rare partly-printed D.S., 1p. oblong 8vo., Oranienburg, Jan. 30, 1943, a certificate releasing Horst Lehmann from "protective custody" at Sachsenhausen after slightly more than three months imprisonment, signed at bottom. Signature is blurred but completely legible.


USD 700 - 900

ARTUR PHLEPS(1881 - 1944) Austro-Hungarian, Romanian and German SS-ObergruppenfĂźhrer und General der Waffen-SS. Commander of SS-Regiment Westland and SS-Freiwilligen-Division "Prinz Eugen", undertook murderous reprisal actions in the Balkans, Serbia and Croatia. Pair of rare signed items, includes a T.L.S., 1p. oblong 8vo., [Headquarters], Dec. 19, 1943 to "Obersturmfuhrer Moosbacher". Phleps wishes his fellow SS man a speedy recovery from his severe injury, and extends holiday wishes. He also notes that he encloses a signed photo for the soldier's son, as the young man had requested. Included is a 3 1/2" x 2" candid photo of Phleps in a hospital ward, which is also boldly signed by the general. Both pieces are very good to fine.


USD 600 - 800

JIMMY DOOLITTLE AND 27 "DOOLITTLE RAIDERS"A terrific multi-signed item, a vintage 10" x 14" American war bond poster, signed by JIMMY DOOLITTLE at lower-left late in life, also signed by 27 of his fellow flyers, later called "Doolittle Raiders", who accompanied him on their famous raid on Tokyo. Fine condition. This is the largest number of Dolittle Raider signatures we've seen on a single piece.


USD 300 - 400

HENRY H. "HAP" ARNOLD(1886 - 1950) American general, commander of the Army Air Force through most of World War II, responsible for instituting the daylight bombing raids on Germany. War-date typed L.S. "H.H. Arnold", 1p. 8vo., Washington, March 29, 1943, to noted producer Hal B. Wallis. Arnold thanks Wallis for his congratulations on his promotion to full general in the United States Army. Signed at the conclusion in blue ink. Folds, else fine. HAL B. WALLIS (1898-1986) is best remembered for producing Casablanca (1942) and True Grit (1969), along with many other major films for Warner Bros. featuring such film stars as Humphrey Bogart, Bette Davis, and Errol Flynn.


USD 1,000 - 1,500

MITSUO FUCHIDA(1902 - 1976) Japanese naval air officer who commanded and personally led the first wave of the attack on Pearl Harbor; he also helped develop the disastrous attack on Midway. Fine content partly-printed D.S., 1p. 4to. [n.p., n.d.], in full: "I certify that I, Mitsuo Fuchida, led the aerial attack at Pearl Harbor on Sunday, December 7, 1941 at 7:49 A.M. I was a Commander in the Japanesse [sic] Naval Air Force. The order to attack came from Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto. Our flight which originated in 6 Aircraft Carriers, consisted of 360 planes. We were Level Bomber section of the Akagi Squadron of the First Air fleet, the Japanesse [sic] Imperial Navy". Fuchida signs at the conclusion in blue ink, adding the rank of captain. This piece is especially enticing in that Fuchida also executes several elements of the statement in his own hand, including the time of the attack, Yamamoto's name, the number of aircraft carriers and planes, and the name of his carrier. Folds, else very good.


USD 400 - 600

HUSBAND E. KIMMEL(1882-1968) American admiral and Commander of the Pacific Fleet when it was attacked by the Japanese at Pearl Harbor. Kimmel was consequently dismissed. He fought the charges for years, claiming that Roosevelt had prior knowledge of the attack. Fine content A.L.S. "H.E. Kimmel", 2pp. 4to., Bronxville, NY, Jan. 15, 1947, to Governor of Hawaii Joseph Poindexter. In part: "...I believe now there will be no further investigation of the Pearl Harbor disaster by the present congress. Congress is governed by public opinion and the public in general are tired of hearing about Pearl Harbor. I have just read an advance copy of a book to put on sale January 20. Pearl Harbor: The Story of the Secret War, by George Morgenstern ... I presume this book will soon be on sale in Honolulu and I advise you to get a copy. You will find it most interesting..." Kimmel signs at the conclusion in blue ink. Folds, else very good. Also present is the original transmittal envelope, on which Kimmel again executes his signature in the return address space. Poindexter was governor of Hawaii at the time of the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 400 - 500

WALTER C. SHORT(1880 - 1949) American general responsible for the air and ground defense of Pearl Harbor. After the Japanese attack, Short and Adm. Husband E. Kimmel were relieved of command and blamed for the debacle. However, an inquiry surmised that officials in both Washington and Hawaii were derelict. Scarce, fine content T.L.S., 1p. 4to., Dallas, Jan. 8, 1947, to Governor of Hawaii Joseph Poindexter. In part: "...I am not very hopeful of my case ever being completely straightened out. There has been too much time to cover up and politicians lose their interest as soon as public interest wanes. I suppose that statehood will be coming up strongly in the next two years and those of you who have the good of Hawaii at heart will have a hard time making yourselves heard by Congress..." Folds, else very good.


USD 800 - 1,000

'MEMPHIS BELLE" CREW SIGNED PHOTOS.P., 8" x 10" b/w, depicting the crew of the "Memphis Belle", one of the first B-17 bombers to complete 25 bombing missions against German targets, in front of their aircraft at National Airport in Washington, D.C. The photo is signed by all ten crew members, almost certainly during the war: ROBERT HANSON, HAROLD LOCH, VINCENT EVANS, CHARLES LEIGHTON, JAMES VERINIS, ROBERT MORGAN, CECIL SCOTT, CLARENCE WINCHELL, JOHN QUINLAN, and CASIMIR NASTAL. After their tour of duty, the crew of the "Memphis Belle" returned to the United States to participate in war bond drives. Several signatures are somewhat light, else very good. Also present is a contemporary typed caption for the photo, giving the location and listing the name, rank, hometown, and position of each crew member.


USD 1,000 - 1,500

DOUGLAS MACARTHUR(1880 - 1964) American general and Allied Supreme Commander in the Pacific in World War II, accepted the surrender of Japan and was later dismissed by Truman for advocating an invasion of China. Fine content T.L.S., 1p. 4to., New York, Dec. 30, 1957, to Col. Joe E. Davis, commandant of the School of Military Sciences at Texas A&M. In part: "... The Code of Honor has come down to us from even before the age of civilization. It embraces those things which are right as opposed to those things which are wrong. It separates courage from cowardice, truth from falsehood, integrity from deceit. Its practice marks man's closest resemblance to his Creator. The highest ideal of the human race is embodied in the phrase, 'the soul of honor'. It is the foundation for all men-at-arms..." Signed at the conclusion in black ink. Folds, else very good. MacArthur placed great weight upon military honor, as evidenced in his "Duty. Honor. Country." speech delivered a few years later at West Point.


USD 250 - 350

JOSEPH STILWELL(1883 - 1946) "Vinegar Joe", American Army general who commanded all American forces in the China-Burma-India theater in World War II; a brilliant tactician and combat leader. Good content war-dateT.L.S., 1p. 4to., Carmel, CA, Nov. 9, 1944, to Richard Geist. Stilwell sends Geist one of his China-Burma-India theater shoulder patches (not present), and explains the significance of each design element found on the patch. In part: "... The five pointed star is the star of India, while the twelve pointed star is the star of China. The shield represents the United States and was worn on the left shoulder of all American soldiers in the China Burma India Theatre of Operations..." Folds, paper clip marks at the left edge, else very good.


USD 500 - 700

ERWIN ROMMEL(1891 - 1944) German field marshall whose Afrika Corps threw back repeated British and American assaults in North Africa, later he defended Normandy and ultimately was forced to commit suicide due to his implication in the Hitler bomb plot. War-date typed D.S. as commander of Panzergruppe Afrika, 2pp. 4to., [n.p.], an award of the War Merit Cross with Swords to a man in his command. Fine.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 500 - 700

JOSEF "SEPP" DIETRICH(1892 - 1966) German SS General, one of Nazi Germany's most decorated soldiers. Prior to 1929 he was Hitler's chauffeur and bodyguard but received rapid promotion after his participation in the Night of the Long Knives. Commanded 6th Panzer Army in the Battle of the Bulge. Sentenced to 25 years imprisonment for the execution of Amercian P.O.W.s during the offensive. Important, fine association D.S., on Reichsfuhrer-SS Personal Staff" letterhead, 6pp. 4to., Berlin, December, 1938. Dietrich writes an introduction for an portfolio prepared for Himmler upon his tenth anniversary as "Reichsfuhrer". "Ten years have gone by...back then there was a small, disconnected group of 250, a fighting group of 250,000 men obey you and are sworn to the Fuhrer in mind and body...the old comrades remember the time of the battles and being together with the was your work that created a greater allow us to forever live in greater security...Maybe it was fate that the two men [Hitler and Himmler] met on the day of November 9, 1923 [Beer Hall Putsch]...On a day like this, I met the fighter and the man that would create the troop that would walk a unique and difficult way - Heinrich Himmler...who would give life to the Schutzstaffel...recognized the necessity to unify all the men under one leadership..." Much more praise of Himmler and reminiscences follow in this important testament. Fine.


USD 600 - 700

HARRY TRUMAN(1884 - 1972) 33rd President of the United States who led the country in the closing days of World War II and through the rebuilding of Europe under the Marshall Plan and the Korean War. Rare typed D.S. "Harry Truman" as President, 1p. 4to.,on White House Letterhead., Washington, [n.d., c. April 1946] awarding a "CITATION FOR THE LEGION OF MERIT Degree of Legionnaire" unto "Guards Colonel Boris Ilitch Mutovin, Red Army, displayed exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding services from 17 June to 1 October 1945 as head of the Political Section of the 116th Guards Infantry Division of the XXXIII Russian Guards Infantry Corps." Accompanied by Mutovin's offical citation document, signed by Secretary of War, ROBERT P. PATTERSON, 1p. oblong folio, Washington, May 22, 1946. Together, two pieces in fine condition.


USD 400 - 600

MEDAL OF HONOR BOOK SIGNED BY 115 RECIPIENTSAn incredible memorial to America's bravest soldiers, a book listing recipients of the Medal of Honor with their citations, signed by 115 of those who earned this country's highest award for bravery. The book is "America's Medal of Honor Recipients" (Golden Valley, Mn.: Highland Publishers), 1980. 1110pp. 8vo. in red boards with gilt title, with dust jacket. 115 Medal of Honor recipients from World War II to Vietnam have signed the book, at front, rear, and some at the text setting forth their citations. In fine condition. A superb and historic relic, a great gift for a veteran.


USD 400 - 600

KARL WOLFF(1906-1975) Colonel-general in the Waffen-SS, liason officer for Himmler with Hitler, German military governor of Northern Italy. Fine content and association T.L.S. "Wolff", 1p. 4to., Berlin, Feb. 4, 1939, to SS-Gruppenfuhrer Schmitt. In full: "By order of the Reichsfuhrer-SS, I spoke today by telephone with the office of Gauleiter Burckel in Vienna to obtain permission for the following press release for the 'Wiener Blatter': 'Effective February 1, 1939, SS-Oberfuhrer [Odilo] Globocnik was transferred from the SS-Oberabschnitt Donau to the personal staff of the Reichsfuhrer -SS to fulfill special duties.' Per telex, the office of the Reichskommissars Gauleiter Burckel agreed to publish the press release, which was immediately forwarded to the press office of the Reichsfuhrer-SS. I ask you to please issue the transfer papers. In agreement with the Reichsfuhrer-SS, SS-Oberfuhrer Globocnik will take 3-4 weeks of vacation, after which he will report to me." ODILO GLOBOCNIK (1904-1945) was one of the primary architects of the extermination of Jews in Poland and Italy. This letter refers to his removal as Gauleiter of Vienna after it was discovered that he had embezzled money from the party. Folds, file holes at the left margin, else very good. Also present are two color photos of Wolff later in life.


USD 100 - 150

ADOLF GALLAND(1911 - 1994) German fighter ace of World War II and general of fighters. War-date signed postcard photo of an FW-190 in flight, boldly signed across the face of the image. Addressed and postmarked Apr. 14, 1943 on the verso. Crease at lower left corner, else very good.


USD 75 - 100

ADOLF GALLAND(1912-1996) German Luftwaffe general and flying ace who served throughout the Second World War in Europe. On four occasions, he survived being shot down, and he was credited with 104 aerial victories against the Western allies. S.P. 8"x 10"b/w, a chest up view of Galland in uniform, signed at bottom in silver ink. Fine.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 150 - 200

ADOLF HEUSINGER(1887-1982) German chief of operations of the Army High Command. Stood to the right of Hitler during the unsuccessful attempt on his life in 1944. Later became armed forces chairman for NATO. T.L.S. in English, 1p. 4to., Washington, April 16, 1963, to Dr. Charles B. Burdick. Heusinger answers an inquiry from Burdick on "Operation Felix", a proposed German invasion of Gibraltar, in part: "...concerning the 'Unternehmung Felix' I very much regret not to be in a position to give you the requested information on the operation plans of the Brandenburg Regiment. This Regiment was not subordinate to the Supreme Command of the Army (OKH) but to the Supreme Command of the Wehrmacht (OKW)..." He further recommends that Burdick contact General Walter Warlimont, who may have more detailed information. Signed at the conclusion in black ink. Very good.


USD 150 - 200

ADOLF HEUSINGER(1887-1982) German chief of operations of the Army High Command. Stood to the right of Hitler during the unsuccessful attempt on his life in 1944. Later became armed forces chairman for NATO. T.L.S. in English, 1p. 4to., Washington, Nov. 5, 1963, to Dr. Charles B. Burdick. Heusinger responds to Burdick's inquiries regarding German plans to attack Gibraltar, in part: "...I do not recall that there was any consideration of an internal explosion in Gibraltar and I never heard of this before. Furthermore, I do not know who served in General [Erwin von] Lahousen's office..."Signed at the conclusion in blue ink. Folds, staple at the upper left corner, else very good.


USD 100 - 150

ADOLF HEUSINGER(1887-1982) German chief of operations of the Army High Command. Stood to the right of Hitler during the unsuccessful attempt on his life in 1944. Later became armed forces chairman for NATO. T.L.S., 1p. 4to., Cologne, April 13, 1965, to Dr. Charles B. Burdick. Heusinger apologizes for being unable to meet Burdick on a previously arranged date, as he will be in Greece at the time. He hopes that Burdick will have time to visit him after he returns. Signed boldly at the conclusion in blue ink. Folds, else very good.


USD 2,000 - 3,000

ADOLF HITLER(1889 - 1945) Fuhrer of Germany and Nazi Party leader, Hitler's bloody rise to power, his military seizure of most of Europe and North Africa and his genocidal racial policies culminated in suicide in his Berlin bunker as Russian troops approached. Important, late war typed D.S., folio, "Fuhrerheadquarters", Jan. 29, 1945, in which Hitler changes the commands of three of his most influential generals. He orders that KURT STUDENT (1890-1978), general of paratroopers who directed the invasion of Crete, is to assume leadership of Army Group H, at the pleasure of Hermann Goring. JOHANNES BLASKOWITZ, (1883-1948), a senior Wermacht general who opposed the excesses of the SS against the Jews, is to become Oberbefehlshaber of Army Group H, relinquishing command of Army Group G. Finally, PAUL HAUSSER (1880-1972), major general of the Waffen-SS and one of its most eminent leaders, is to surrender command of Army Group "Oberrhein" to take command of Army Group G. Co-signed by WILHELM BURGDORF (1895-1945), general and Hitler's chief adjutant. Fine condition, matted with a photo of Hitler, double-matted and set into a gilt frame. With the original document folder. Ex: Kenneth Rendell Galleries.


USD 1,500 - 2,000

ADOLF HITLER(1889 - 1945) Fuhrer of Germany and Nazi Party leader, Hitler's bloody rise to power, his military seizure of most of Europe and North Africa and his genocidal racial policies culminated in suicide in his Berlin bunker as Russian troops approached. Fine association partly-printed D.S., 1p. sm. folio, Berlin,. Mar. 1, 1935. Hitler appoints Oberstleutnant KURT VON TIPPELSKIRCH to the rank of oberst. Co-signed at the bottom by WERNER VON BLOMBERG (1878-1946), Minister of Defense and Supreme Commander of the German Armies early in Hitler's regime, resigned following accusations that he had married a prostitute. KURT VON TIPPELSKIRCH (1891-1957) would eventually be promoted to the rank of general in the Wehrmacht, commanding several armies and Army Group Vistula. He would be awarded the Knights Cross with Oak Leaves prior to his surrender to U.S. forces on May 2, 1945.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 1,500 - 2,000

ADOLF HITLER(1889 - 1945) Fuhrer of Germany and Nazi Party leader, Hitler's bloody rise to power, his military seizure of most of Europe and North Africa and his genocidal racial policies culminated in suicide in his Berlin bunker as Russian troops approached. Partly-printed D.S., 1p. sm. folio, Berlin, Oct. 2, 1936, being the promotion of Hauptmann Rudolph Sonning to the rank of Major of the military district command of Bath Kissingen. Co-signed by WERNER VON BLOMBERG (1878-1946) Minister of Defense and Supreme Commander of the German Armies early in Hitler's regime who resigned following accusations that he had married a prostitute. Very good. The document is brilliantly presented, matted in black cloth with silver wood trim, with a photo of the dictator and brass biographical plaque, all set into a matching antiqued silver wood frame.


USD 1,200 - 1,500

ADOLF HITLER(1889 - 1945) Fuhrer of Germany and Nazi Party leader, Hitler's bloody rise to power, his military seizure of most of Europe and North Africa and his genocidal racial policies culminated in suicide in his Berlin bunker as Russian troops approached. Partly-printed D.S., 1p. large 4to., Berlin, Mar. 11, 1936, an order to Hauptmann Walter Orschiedt to no longer carry his rank nor wear his uniform, per Wehrmacht regulations enacted in 1935. Fine.


USD 150 - 200

ALBERT KESSELRING(1885-1960) German Field Marshall General of the Luftwaffe, recipient of the Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves, Swords, and Diamonds. Printed D.S., 1p. 8vo., "Headquarters", Aug. 1, 1943, an award certificate for the Iron Cross, Second Class awarded to Heinz Schewe, signed at the bottom by Kesselring in black ink. Folds, else very good.


USD 100 - 150

ALBERT KESSELRING(1885 - 1960) Field Marshal in the Luftwaffe and at Nuremberg was tried for war crimes. Death sentence commuted due to ill health. Carbon T.L.S. 1p. large 4to. [n.p., n.d.], approves the recommendation of the award of the German Cross in Silver to Friedrich Gerhard Wolf in Padua. File holes at left, some toning, else very good.


USD 250 - 350

ALBERT SPEER AND KARL DONITZScarce signed photo, 7" x 4 3/4" b/w, shows Minister of Production and Armaments ALBERT SPEER and Grossadmiral KARL DONITZ standing side by side in an outdoor setting, signed by both beneath their respective images, ca. 1976. Fine.


USD 150 - 200

ALBERT SPEER(1905-1981) Nazi German architect and Minister of Armaments and War Production, convicted of war crimes at Nuremberg. T.L.S. "Speer", 1p. 8vo., Heidelberg, March 30, 1969, to Dave Staton. Speer thanks Staton for sharing information regarding prefabricated house manufactured by General Electric. He also responds to Staton's request for some sketches, in part: "...Right now I do not have the sketches available, as they are with my publisher. It will be around June-July before they come back to me. Even then, I would give you such a gift only if you can tell me something about yourself. Because I do not want such a sketch to fall into the hands of right-wing extremists. I hope you understand my concerns. Otherwise, how do I know who I'm dealing with..." Signed at the conclusion in blue ink. Folds, else very good. Includes the original transmittal envelope.


USD 150 - 200

ALBERT SPEER(1905-1981) Nazi German architect and Minister of Armaments and War Production, convicted of war crimes at Nuremburg. His memoir: "Inside the Third Reich" (New York: The MacMillan Co.), 1970. First edition, 706pp. 8vo., with dust jacket. Inscribed and signed on the title page. Fine.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 100 - 150

ALBERT SPEER(1905-1981) Nazi German architect and Minister of Armaments and War Production, convicted of war crimes at Nuremburg. Christmas card, 5 3/4" x 3 3/4" (closed), presumably shows Speer's snow-covered home on the front, a German greeting within signed by Speer who also signs his wife's name.


USD 150 - 200

ALBERT SPEER(1905-1981) Nazi German architect and Minister of Armaments and War Production, convicted of war crimes at Nuremburg. T.L.S. on his letterhead, 1p. 8vo., Heidelberg, May 2, 1977 to rock star RICHARD MANZI. Speer advises Manzi that he has no knowledge of an "S.S. General Knoblauch" and asks for copies of manuscripts Manzi has from Robert Ley and Fritz Sauckel which my be helpful to him. Fine.


USD 250 - 350

ALEXANDER VON HARTMANN(1890-1943) German Wehrmacht general and recipient of the Knight's Cross, commander of the 71st infantry Division. Killed at Stalingrad, while on the front lines with his troops. I.S.P., 2 1/2" x 3 1/2" b/w, a chest-up view of von Hartmann, mounted on a 5 1/4" x 7 1/4" mat. Inscribed in green ink on the mat and dated "16/17 Mai 1941". Some surface abrasion to the mat, else very good.


USD 750 - 1,000

ALFRED FRAUENFELD(1898 - 1977) Austrian Nazi leader. An engineer by occupation, he was associated with the pro-Nazi Germany wing of Austrian Nazism. Partly-printed D.S. as Generalkommissar of Crimea, 1p. 8vo., Melitopol, Jan. 30, 1943, an award of the War Merit Cross 2nd Class with Swords to a man in his command. Very good.


USD 100 - 150

ARTHUR BEAMONT(1890 - 1978) American naval officer and official artist of the U.S. Fleet serving in an official capacity until his death. Signed chromolithograph "Task Force (U.S.S. Cleveland)", 12" x 9 1/2" (sight), inscribed and signed in black indelible pencil in the lower margin: "To Comdr Leyden with best regards Arthur Beaumont". Nicely matted and set in a gilt wood frame, very good. Exhibition history: Intrepid Sea Air Space Museum, 1995-2007. Provenance: The War Museum, New York.


USD 100 - 150

ARTHUR BEAMONT(1890 - 1978) American naval officer and official artist of the U.S. Fleet serving in an official capacity until his death. Signed chromolithograph "Sea Terrier (Destroyer Escort), 11" x 8 3/4" (sight), inscribed and signed in black indelible pencil in the lower margin: "To Comdr Leyden with best regards Arthur Beaumont". Nicely matted and framed, very good. Exhibition history: Intrepid Sea Air Space Museum, 1995-2007. Provenance: The War Museum, New York.


USD 200 - 300

"SCHWESTER PIA"(1885-1981) Born Eleonore Baur, senior Nazi figure and the only woman to have participated in the Munich Beer Hall Putsch. Played a major role in the construction and administration of Dachau. S.P., 4" x 5 1/2" b/w, a chest-up view of Pia with her Blood Order medal displayed prominently or her chest. Signed beneath the image in blue ink, with a typed identification label in German affixed to the verso. Very good.


USD 300 - 400

ALFRED JODL(1890 - 1946) Hitler's Chief of Operations who signed the act of military surrender, tried at Nuremberg for war crimes and executed. Signature "Jodl" beneath a small printed photograph of the general taken after his arrest. 2 3/4" x 4" overall.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 200 - 300

ALFRED RODENBUCHER(1900 - 1979) SS-Gruppenführer, a member of the German parliament and the Higher SS and Police Chief in the Alpenland mandate. He left the SS in April, 1941 and joined the Kriegsmarine, serving in Den Helder, Crimea, Albania and Norway. T.L.S. on NSDAP Refugee Assistance letterhead, 1p. 4to., Berlin, Feb. 18, 1938 to Hitler's travelling physician and future war criminal, DR. KARL BRANDT (1904-1948) concerning the professional status of Dr. Phillip Schneider as it relates to his organization and the ministyry. File holes at left, else very good.


USD 100 - 150

ANDREY YERYOMENKO(1892 - 1970) Soviet Marshal, Acting Commander of the Soviet Western Front one week after the start of the war. Yeryomenko and Khrushchev planned the defense of Stalingrad, rallying and re-organizing men and equipment falling back to the city from the Don River, and also collaborated in ensnaring the Germans in the Stalingrad Pocket. Partly-printed D.S., 2pp. 4to., Jan. 2, 1948, a military attestation for an officer of the Omsk Military Commissariat, signed as commander of the Western Siberia Military District. Fine.


USD 250 - 350

ANTHONY MCAULIFFE(1898 - 1975) American Army general who held Bastogne during the Battle of the Bulge, remembered for his reply to a German surrender ultimatum, "Nuts!" Superb S.P., 8" x 10" b/w, a chest, up pose in uniform signed adding rank: "Lt. Gen. U.S. Army". One tiny corner crease, else fine.


USD 400 - 600

ARNO BREKER(1900 - 1991) German sculptor, best known for his public works in Nazi Germany, which were endorsed by Nazis as the antithesis of so-called "degenerate art". More than 90% of his public work was destroyed by the Allies after the war. S.P. 11 ¾" x 15 ½" b/w, a detail from his 1939 sculpture "Eos", boldly signed in black ink. Fine.


USD 400 - 600

ARNO BREKER(1900 - 1991) German sculptor, best known for his public works in Nazi Germany, which were endorsed by Nazis as the antithesis of so-called "degenerate art". More than 90% of his public work was destroyed by the Allies after the war. S.P. 11 ¾" x 15 ½" b/w, a detail from his sculpture "Kameraden", boldly signed in black ink. Fine. The dramatic sculpture depicts a standing caped man, defiant in his expression, supporting his clearly grievously wounded comrade-in-arms who is unconscious and rests in his friends arms. The original sculpture was commissioned by Albert Speer in 1940, intended for inclusion in a 240 meter frieze at a proposed Soldatenhalle in Hitler's rebuilt Berlin. A large plaster cast was displayed in the Great German Art Exhibition in 1940, from which this photo likely originated.


USD 400 - 600

ARNO BREKER(1900 - 1991) German sculptor, best known for his public works in Nazi Germany, which were endorsed by Nazis as the antithesis of so-called "degenerate art". More than 90% of his public work was destroyed by the Allies after the war. S.P. 11 ¾" x 15 ½" b/w, an image of his 1943 sculpture "Flora", boldly signed in black ink. Fine.


USD 200 - 300

ARNO BREKER(1900 - 1991) German sculptor, best known for his public works in Nazi Germany, which were endorsed by Nazis as the antithesis of so-called "degenerate art". More than 90% of his public work was destroyed by the Allies after the war. S.P. 11 ¾" x 15 ½" b/w, his 1939 sculpture "Der Kunder", boldly signed in black ink. Fine.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 100 - 150

AUDIE MURPHY(1924 - 1971) Most decorated U.S. combat soldier of World War II. Among his 33 awards and decorations was the Medal of Honor, also received every decoration for valor that his country had to offer, some of them more than once, including five decorations from France and Belgium. Credited with killing over 240 of the enemy while wounding and capturing many others. Bold signature on a 3" x 5" card. Fine.


USD 100 - 150

BALDUR VON SCHIRACH(1907 - 1974) Nazi leader of the Hitler Youth and Gauleiter of Vienna, sentenced at Nuremburg to twenty years for war crimes. Signature on a small slip dated "29.9.46" while he was imprisoned at Nuremberg. Fine.


USD 400 - 500

BENITO MUSSOLINI(1883-1945) Italian dictator whose fascist supporters marched on Rome, securing him power; allied with Hitler, after many military and political setbacks he was captured and executed at war's end by partisans. S.P., 10" x 14" (sight), b/w, a chest up view of Mussolini in uniform. Inscribed in Italian, signed in black ink at bottom right, Rome, Nov. 15, 1926. some creases and bubbling along the top margin, and extensive silvering in the dark areas of the print, still very good.


USD 150 - 200

BENITO MUSSOLINI(1883-1945) Italian politician, journalist, and leader of the National Fascist Party, ruling the country as Prime Minister from 1922 to 1943. D.S., 1p. folio. Rome, 23 Sep. 1937 in Italian. The document mentions two men, one who has been retired due to age and one who was appointed to the Court of Auditors. Also signed by VICTOR EMMANUEL III (1869-1947) King of Italy from July 29, 1900 until his abdication in 1946. Both have signed their names in black ink at bottom. Mounting remnants and minor spotting, else very good.


USD 200 - 300

BERNARD LAW MONTGOMERY(1887-1976) British Field marshal who fought in both the First World War and the Second World War. S.P. 8 ½" x 11", b/w, a torso up photo of Montgomery in later life, signed at bottom in blue ink "Montgomery of Alamein":, and dated January, 1966. Fine.


USD 100 - 150

BERNARD LAW MONTGOMERY(1887 - 1976) British Field Marshall who commenced the drive at El Alamein that ultimately drove Rommel from North Africa. Also involved in the invasions of Sicily and France. Bold signature on a card: "B. L. Montgomery Field-Marshal". Fine.


USD 250 - 350

BORIS SHAPOSHNIKOV(1882 - 1945) Soviet Marshal who planned the rapid reconstruction buildup of the Red Army following Stalin's purges, saving the Soviet Union from complete disaster. Later served as Chief of the General Staff. Excessively rare D.S. on official army letterhead, 1p. 4to., 1937, apparently approving a request by Japanese peasants on occupied islands to place sand bags upon the coast to prevent damage by the surf. The approval is given provided the work is done under the supervision of the Soviet government and NKVD Border Patrol.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 400 - 500

BRUNO STRECKENBACH(1902-1977) SS-Gruppenführer, head of Administration and Personnel Department of the Reich Main Security Office. He was responsible for many thousands of murders committed by Nazi mobile killing squads known as Einsatzgruppen. Signed book, "Neues Sozialversicherungsrecht in der Ostmark" ("New Social Insurance Law in the Austria"), by Reinhard Jakob (Vienna: Carl Ueberrauters Verlag), 1939, 365pp. 8vo., signed by Streckenbach on the front pastedown in blue ink, along with five other soldiers, adding a dedication to: "Our Comrade, SS-Scharfuhrer Karl Eckel, Christmas 1943, SS-Flak-Abt. 8". Another dedication appears on the opposite flyleaf. Some bumping to the corners and toning at the page edges, else very good.


USD 100 - 150

CHARLES H. GERHARDT(1895-1976) U.S. Army major general, commander of the 29th Infantry Division from 1943 through the end of the war. Printed D.S. "C.H. Gerhardt", 1p. oblong 8vo., [n.p., n.d.], an award certificate granted to Henry B. Hudson, recognizing his service from D-Day to the capture of St. Lo. Folds, ownership inscription from a member of Hudson's family on the verso, else very good.


USD 100 - 150

CHARLES W. LINDBERG(1920 - 2007) Marine who was part of the combat patrol that climbed Mount Suribachi and raised the first of two U.S. flags on the summit during the Battle of Iwo Jima. S.P. 8" X 10" b/w, shows the raising of the first flag atop Suribachi, signed above his image. Fine.


USD 100 - 150

CHESTER W. NIMITZ(1885 - 1966) American admiral, Commander in Chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet during World War II and largely responsible for the sucessful "island-hopping" campaign against the Japanese. Bold signature on a card adding his rank as "Fleet Admiral USN", sold with a smilar card signed with rank of Admiral ERNEST J. KING. Two pieces.


USD 200 - 300

CLAIRE L. CHENNAULT AND THE FLYING TIGERSCLAIRE L. CHENNAULT (1890-1958) American Army aviator who established the volunteer-staffed Flying Tigers to fight the Japanese invasion of China. He has also been (unofficially) credited with over 40 "kills". War-date signature and rank on a small sheet, dated May 4, 1943 in another hand. Sold with: signature on a card of his wife, ANNA CHENNAULT, along with the signatures of seven Flying Tiger pilots and (Anna Chennault again) accomplished on two postal covers honoring the general. Four pieces.


USD 100 - 150

"FLYING TIGERS"Lot of three items, includes two signed photos, each 8" x 10" color, signed (variously) by DICK ROSSI, CHUCK OLDER, ED RECTOR, and TEX HILL, along with a first day cover signed by ace PETER WRIGHT. Three pieces.


USD 200 - 300

"THE YAMAMOTO MISSION"Scarce S.P. 10" x 8" b/w, shows 15 of the 16 P-38 pilots who participated in the April 18, 1943 mission to shoot down Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto. Signed post-war by nine of the 15, including mission and flight leader John W. Mitchell and ace Rex Barber. Fine. SOLD WITH: ROBERT MORGAN, pilot of the "Memphis Belle", S.P. 8" x 10" showing aircraft and crew. Two pieces.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 600 - 700

"DOOLITTLE RAIDERS" SIGNED PRINT SIGNED BY THIRTYLarge, high quality print, 24" x 20", "The Doolittle Mission", by Jeffery Pritchard, a depiction of the B-25 bomber flown by Lt. Col. JIMMY DOOLITTLE (1896-1993) taking off from the aircraft carrier USS HORNET at the outset of the first American bombing mission against Japan. The print has been signed in indelible pencil by 30 members of the raid, including Doolittle, as well as lead pilots TRAVIS HOOVER, EVERETT HOLSTROM, DAVID JONES, EDGAR MCELROY, WILLIAM BOWER, as well as DAVID THATCHER, who was awarded the Silver Star for helping his wounded fellow crew members evade the Japanese after crash-landing in China, and RICHARD COLE, currently the only surviving participant in the raid at age 101. One signer, HENRY MILLER, trained the crews to take off from the deck of an aircraft carrier, and is thus considered an honorary raider, while another crew member, ED HORTON, has signed twice. Fine.


USD 400 - 600

JIMMY DOOLITTLE AND 21 "DOOLITTLE RAIDERS"JAMES H. DOOLITTLE (1896-1993) American aviator who gained fame both as a racing pilot and as leader of the first air raid on Tokyo during World War II. Rare signed book: "I Could Never Be So Lucky Again" by Doolittle and co-writer Carrol V. Glines (New York:Bantam Books), 1991. First edition, 574pp. 8vo. in blue cloth and board. With dustjacket, fine. A limited edition bookplate no. 151/200 signed by Doolittle is affixed to the front flyleaf, and the half-title page is signed by 21 of Doolittle's fellow aviators on his famous Tokyo mission. Fine.


USD 150 - 200

DOOLITTLE RAIDERSLot of two good signed items, includes: a commemorative postal cover honoring World War I aces Nungesser and Coli, signed by JAMES H. DOOLITTLE as well as 12 men who also flew on the same mission to bomb Tokyo; also an 8" x 10" photo of Doolittle and mission crews, signed by three. Two pieces.


USD 100 - 150

JAMES H. DOOLITTLE(1896-1993) American aviator who gained fameboth as a racing pilot and as leader of the first air raid on Tokyo during World War II. Nice pair of signed items, includes: a signed three-cent postage stamp showing American soldiers marching along the Champs Elysees in Paris, signed across the face, sold with a 1960 envelope signed at the left edge. Fine.


USD 100 - 150

JAMES H. DOOLITTLE(1896-1993) American aviation pioneer, commander of the Doolittle Raid against Tokyo. S.P., 8 ½" x 11 ½", color, a chest up view of Doolittle in full uniform much later in life. Signed at upper right corner. Fine.


USD 200 - 300

AMERICAN AND GERMAN ACES AND NOTABLESExcellent lot of 16 photos and other images signed by German and Allied aces. Includes ADOLF GALLAND (two signed photos and a signed image of an Me-109), FRANCIS GABRESKI, JOE FOSS, ROLAND BEAMONT, GEORGE GAY, GUNTHER RALL (image of an Me-110), a dogfight signed by three Flying Tigers; CHUCK YEAGER (2), JOHANNES STEINHOFF, JACOB BESER, BENJAMIN O. DAVIS., PAUL TIBBETS (signed book and two unsigned candid photos), and an unknown British ace. Fine condition.


USD 200 - 300

GERMAN ACE SIGNED BOOKFine Luftwaffe book signed by four aces and a German aircraft designer: "Hitler's Luftwaffe" (New York: Salamander Books), 1977. 248pp. 4to. with dust jacket chipped at edges. A lavishly-illustrated color compendium of aircraft of the Third Reich, a great reference, signed on the half-title page beneath an image of an Me-109 by aces ADOLF GALLAND, WALTER KRUPINSKI, GUNTHER RALL, and JOHANNES STEINHOFF. Also signed by aircraft designer HANS VON OHAIN (1911–1998), the designer of the first operational jet engine, on p. 193 across the image of an He-280. Very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 200 - 300

GERMAN ACES SIGNED PRINTLarge, high-quality print, 22 3/4" x 19", released in 1973 by Willow Creek Publishers. The print depicts a pair of German Messerschmitt Bf 109E fighters sortieing from an airfield "somewhere in France". The print is signed at the bottom by four Luftwaffe aces: HANS-EKKEHARD BOB (1917-2013), DIETRICH HRABAK (1914-1995), ADOLF GALLAND (1912-1996), and GUNTHER RALL (1918-2009), all in indelible pencil. Fine.


USD 100 - 150

AMERICAN ACES SIGNED LITHOGRAPHSGood lot of two limited edition lithographs signed by American aces, each litho. 17" x 11", the first a P-47 Thunderbolt signed by HUB ZEMKE, HOWARD PARK, DON STILLMAN, ROBERT RANKIN, and four others, with the second litho by the same artist, shows an F4S Phanton, signed by CHUCK YEAGER and three others. Fine.


USD 150 - 200

ALLIED AND AXIS AIRMENLot of four signed photographs, all post-war, includes: ERICH HARTMANN 8" x 10" b/w as he is strapped into a fighter; GUNTHER RALL 5" x 7" color portrait displaying his Knights Cross; and PAUL TIBBETS, two 8" x 10" b/w photos showing him standing before the "Enola Gay", signed adding "Pilot" and the date of his famous mission, "6 AUG 1945". Very good.


USD 30 - 40

DAVID IRVING(b. 1938) British writer, author of 30 books on Nazi Germany including The Destruction of Dresden, Hitler's War, and Churchill's War, accused of persistently and deliberately misrepresenting and manipulated historical evidence, particularly as regards the Holocaust. S.P. 10" x 8" b/w, a candid image of Irving standing beside Albert Speer. Fine.


USD 150 - 200

(HACKSAW RIDGE) DESMOND T. DOSS(1919 - 2006) Army corporal who served as a combat medic during World War II. For his rescue of 75 wounded men at Okinawa, he became the first and only conscientious objector to receive the Medal of Honor in the war. Scarce S.P. 8" x 10" b/w, a fine image of Doss after his award of the Medal of Honor, inscribed adding "God bless you" at bottom. Fine.


USD 200 - 300

DOUGLAS MACARTHUR(1880 - 1964) American general and Allied Supreme Commander in the Pacific in World War II, accepted the surrender of Japan and was later dismissed by Truman for advocating an invasion of China. Fine content T.L.S., 1p. 4to., New York, Dec. 30, 1957, to Col. Joe E. Davis, commandant of the School of Military Sciences at Texas A&M. In part: "... The Code of Honor has come down to us from even before the age of civilization. It embraces those things which are right as opposed to those things which are wrong. It separates courage from cowardice, truth from falsehood, integrity from deceit. Its practice marks man's closest resemblance to his Creator. The highest ideal of the human race is embodied in the phrase, 'the soul of honor'. It is the foundation for all men-at-arms..." Signed at the conclusion in black ink. Folds, else very good. MacArthur placed great weight upon military honor, as evidenced in his "Duty. Honor. Country." speech delivered a few years later at West Point.


USD 200 - 300

DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER(1890 - 1969) 34th President of the United States, Supreme Commander of Allied forces in Europe during World War II and largely responsible for the successful invasion on D-Day. War-date T.L.S. on S.H.A.E.F. letterhead, 1p.8vo., May 17, 1945, only nine days after the surrender of Berlin to the Russians. Ike asks that his thanks be sent to T/5 Irwin Ross for having written an article about the Supreme Commander. Folds, else fine.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 150 - 200

TUSKEGEE AIRMEN - 301ST FIGHTER SQUADRONExcellent limited edition color print "Red Tail Fury" by artist A. Ric Druet, 24" x 19", no. 1233/1500, depicts five American Mustang fighters of the 301st Fighter Squadron attacking a German airbase signed in pencil at bottom by the artist anf five "Tuskegee Airmen", including CARL E. CAREY, SR. (DFC, Air Medal with 2 Oak Leaves), WALTER M. DOWNS DFC, Air Medal with 1 silver, 2 bronze cluster), ALEXANDER JEFFERSON (Air Medal, POW Medal), HAROLD E. SAWYER, (DFC, Air Medal with 7 Oak Leaves), and HARRY T. STEWART, JR., (DFC, Air Medal with 7 Oak Leaves). Fine, with a brochure with pilot profiles.


USD 150 - 200

DOUGLAS MACARTHUR(1880-1964) American five-star general and field marshal of the Philippine Army. Signature in black ink on 3 ½" x 2" index card. Fine.


USD 250 - 350

DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER(1890-1969) American politician and general who served as the 34th President of the United States from 1953 until 1961. T.L.S., 1p. 8vo. Washington, D.C., June 26, 1947, thanks his correspondent for sending a congratulatory telegram, signed at the conclusion in black ink. Fine.


USD 100 - 150

DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER(1890 - 1969) 34th President of the United States, Supreme Commander of Allied forces in Europe during World War II and largely responsible for the successful invasion on D-Day. War-date T.L.S. on S.H.A.E.F. letterhead, 1p.8vo., May 17, 1945, only nine days after the surrender of Berlin to the Russians. Ike asks that his thanks be sent to T/5 Irwin Ross for having written an article about the Supreme Commander. Folds, else fine.


USD 100 - 150

EDDIE RICKENBACKER(1890-1973) America's most successful fighter ace in World War I with 26 aerial victories. S.P. 4 ½" x 7" (sight), b/w, a chest up view of Rickenbacker, signed at bottom in black ink, dated 1963. Fine.


USD 100 - 150

EDWARD KALBFUS(1877 - 1954) Four-star admiral, commander of the Battle Force of the U.S. Fleet from 1938-39, and President of the Naval War College from 1934-36 and 1939-42. Scarce A.L.S. on his personal letterhead, 1p. 8vo., Newport (1947), praises a man for his autograph collection which shows a "healthy interest in national affairs" and regrets that he is not entitled to frank an envelope. With photo, clippings.


USD 300 - 400

EDWIN VON WITZLEBEN1881 - 1944) German general whose forces broke the Maginot Line forcing the surrender of three French divisions. A major plotter in the July 20, 1944 bomb attempt on Hitler's life, von Witzleben was to take over supreme command of the whole Wehrmacht as the highest ranking German soldier. Following his arrest, von Witzleben was among the first to be tried and in an attempt to humiliate him, he was made to appear before the court wearing trousers that were several sizes too big. T.L.S. on his personal letterhead, 1p. 4to., [n.p.], May 12, 1941 to a publisher. In part: "...Through the friendly connection of Dean Schieber I received the magazine, 'The New Show' from your publishing house. Please accept my thanks for your interest in the care of our troops..." Fine.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 150 - 200

EMMY GORING(1893 – 1973) German actress and the second wife of Luftwaffe chief Hermann Göring. She also served as Adolf Hitler's hostess at many state functions. S.P. 4" x 6" b/w, a portrait with daughter Edda resting upon her back, signed at bottom. Small damp stain just beneath signature, else fine.


USD 150 - 200

ERICH HARTMANN(1922-1993) German fighter pilot during World War II and the most successful fighter ace in the history of aerial warfare. He claimed, and was credited with, shooting down 352 Allied aircraft while serving with the Luftwaffe. S.P. 3 3/4"x 6" b/w, A chest up view of Hartmann in profile, signed at bottom in blue ink. Fine.


USD 100 - 150

ERICH HARTMANN(1922 - 1993) German ace, the top ace of all time, with 352 aerial kills during which he never lost a wing man. Captured and held by the Soviets for ten years. S.P. 8" x 10" b/w, a chest, up pose in flight jacket, signed at right in 1989. Fine.


USD 150 - 200

ERICH KOCH(1896 - 1986) Gauleiter of East Prussia and Reichskommissar of the Ukraine with control of the Gestapo and the uniformed police. His domain now extended from the Baltic to the Black Sea; it comprised ethnic German, Polish, Belarus and Ukrainian areas. Koch worked together with Fritz Sauckel in providing the Reich with forced labor. He was also involved in the persecution and mass-murder of Polish and Ukrainian Jews. Signed book "Z" by Vassilis Vassilikos (Berlin: Lothar Blanvalet Verlag), 1968. 374pp. 8vo., with dust jacket. Signed in full on the front flyleaf while being held a prisoner in Poland. Fine.


USD 300 - 400

ERICH RAEDER(1876 - 1960) Commander and Chief of the German Navy (1933 - 1943) who was largely responsible for its expansion. Retired over growing differences with Hitler. Partly-printed D.S. "Raeder", 1p. folio, Feb. 3, 1939, a promotion document awarded to Hans Sponholz. The document bears a blind-embossed national eagle seal, signed by Raeder at bottom center in black ink. Folds, else very good.


USD 1,200 - 1,500

ERICH VON DEM BACH1899 - 1972) German SS-Obergruppenführer, his proposal to Hitler resulted in the opening of Auschwitz, a mass-murderer who received command of all anti-partisan actions in Belgium, Belarus, France, the Netherlands, Norway, Ukraine, Yugoslavia, and parts of the Bia?ystok area. In exchange for his testimony against his former superiors at the Nuremberg Trials, von dem Bach never faced trial for any war crimes. T.L.S. on his rubber-stamped official field letterhead, 1p. large 4to., Mogilew, Feb. 25, 1943 to SS-Generalmajor and Police Gen. Ernst Rode. Von Dem Bach thanks his friend for having sent congratulations upon the latter's receipt of the German Cross in Gold. He continues, asking for Rode's cooperation in the proposed separation of several SS administrative departments, to allow more effective action to be taken against partisans in teh area of Minsk. He adds: "I have a faithful loyal comrade in you!" At top, Rode himself initials his receipt of the letter. File holes at left margin, else very good. ERNST RODE (1894-1955) German Generalmajor of the Schutzpolizei and Generalmajor of the Waffen-SS, complicit in the murder of civilians and execution of partisans in Warsaw.


USD 100 - 150

ERICH-HEINRICH CLOSSNER(1888-1976) Wehrmacht infantry general, recipient of the Knight's Cross. Printed D.S., 1p. 8vo., [n.p.], Dec. 4, 1942, an award certificate granting the War Merit Cross, Second Class with Swords to Wolfgang Spichtinger, signed at the conclusion in black ink. Folds, minor damp stains and minor chipping at the edges, else very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 200 - 300

ERNST BUSCH(1885 - 1945) German field marshal, served under List during the invasion of Poland and the following year led the German 16th Army during the Western Offensive. Defeated in Russia, he was sacked by Hitler, recalled to defend against Montgomery's advance, and died in a POW camp after capture. Typed D.S. in pencil, 1p. 4to., [n.p.], Jan. 2, 1942, agreeing to a recommendation that the Knights Cross be awarded to HUBERT MICKLEY (1918-1944). In part: "...on Ocober 18, 1941...with disregard of his own person, by himself, destroyed an enemy tank with hand weapons...and he played an important part in the arresting of the Russian attack...". Mickey would be awarded his Knights Cross, and receive his Oak Leaves on Aug. 4, 1944. He would be killed at Bastogne during the Battle of the Bulge.


USD 400 - 500

ERNST KALTENBRUNNER(1903 - 1946) SS-Obergruppenfuhrer who headed the RSHA (Gestapo and Kripo) and SD, replacing Reinhard Heydrich. Executed following conviction for multiple war crimes. Important fine association typed D.S., 10pp. 4to., Vienna, late 1938, a lengthy contribution to a portfolio prepared for Heinrich Himmler celebrating the tenth anniversary of his appointment as "Reichsfuhrer". Kaltenbrunner donates an "Edda", a story of sorts of how a decade earlier Kaltenbrunner first met members of the SS in Austria, his freeing of four SS men following their arrest by Austrian authorities, his first meeting with Himmler and the discovery of "the human side of the Reichsfuhrer early on", Himmler's understanding and appreciation of those living in the Ostmark, increasing protection of SS members by Himmler as he gained power, and so on. A thorough translation and analysis is recommended!


USD 75 - 100

ERNST KUHL(1888-1972) Oberst der Reserves of the Luftwaffe, recipient of the Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves. S.P., 3" x 5 1/2" b/w, a real-photo Hoffman postcard with a chest-up view of Kuhl in uniform, signed across the chest in black ink. Signature a tad light against a dark background, else fine.


USD 200 - 300

ERNST WILHELM BOHLE(1903 - 1960) Head of the NSDAP/AO , the foreign organization of the NSDAP. The organization concentrated on the ideological training of foreign Germans, the eradication of enemy propaganda, and espionage and political pressures. Fine association T.L.S. in green indelible pencil on his official letterhead, 1p. 4to., Berlin, May 28, 1936 to ALFRED ROSENBERG (1893-1946), influential ideologue of the Nazi Party. Bohle thanks Rosenberg for sending an invitation to the National Socialist Cultural Community in Munich. He is uncertain if he can participate as a great number of foreign Germans who will be competing in the Olympics are arriving daily. File holes at left, else very good. The aim of the association was to make a significant imprint on cultural life in Germany based on the aims and objectives of the inner circles of the Nazi Party. Upon its reorganization, the club was merged with the "Dienstelle Rosenberg" (DRbg), later known as the "Amt Rosenberg".


USD 300 - 400

ERPO FREIHERR VON BODENHAUSEN(1897-1945) German General, commander of the 12th Panzer Division. Committed suicide during the defense of the Courland Pocket. Printed D.S., 1p. 8vo., "In the field", Jan. 30, 1944, an award certificate granting the War Merit Cross, Second Class with Swords to Paul Lange, signed at the conclusion by von Bodenhausen in black ink. Folds, else very good. Also present are three other award certificates, granting Lange the Eastern Front Medal, the Wound Badge in Black, and the General Assault Badge, all presented in 1942 and signed by field officers, as well as two snapshot photographs depicting a soldier, presumably Lange, writing a letter, and a knocked-out Soviet BT-7 tank.


USD 200 - 300

FRANCISCO FRANCO(1892-1975) Spanish general, dictator, and the Caudillo of Spain from 1939 until his death in 1975. T.L.S., 1p. oblong 8vo. Madrid, Dec.12, 1947, sending a signed photograph to an American admirer (not included). Some light foxing, else fine.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 300 - 400

FRANZ HALDER(1884 -1972) One-time German chief of staff until transferred to the reserves by Hitler due to policy disputes. Suspected of plotting against Hitler's life in 1944, he was interned at Flossenburg until his rescue by the Allies. Fine content A.L.S., 1p. 4to., Aschau, Mar. 9, 1968 in German discussing his alleged involvement in the July 20 plot. In part: "...Immediately after the 20th of July 44 I was arrested here in Aschau by Hitler's Gestapo. Also my wife and my oldest daughter,mother of four children, were arrested as family-prisoners, even though none of us had anything to do with the 20th of July. When the Allies moved into Germany I was moved by the Gestapo to South Tyrol and there on 5-5-45 released from Gestapo arrest by American front the same time became a prisoner of content with this information. I am not supposed to exert my decrepit eyes any more by writing...". Fine, with translation.


USD 100 - 150

FRANZ HALDER(1884 -1972) One-time German chief of staff until transferred to the reserves by Hitler due to policy disputes. Suspected of plotting against Hitler's life in 1944, he was interned at Flossenburg until his rescue by the Allies. A.L.S. on a postcard signed on recto and verso, Aschau, 1965, sending the address of fellow general Erich von Manstein. Very good.


USD 150 - 200

FRANZ MATTENKLOTT(1884-1954) German infantry general of the Wehrmacht, recipient of the Knight's Cross. Implicated, but never convicted of war crimes on both the Eastern and Western Fronts. Printed D.S., 1p. 8vo., Bug River, Ukraine, Aug. 18, 1941, an award certificate granting the Iron Cross, Second Class to Alois Hammerle, signed at the conclusion by Mattenklott in black ink. Slight soiling, else very good. Also presented is a printed Christmas card, 2pp. 4to., given to the troops of Mattenklott's 72nd Infantry Division, bearing his portrait on the front and a Christmas greeting with his printed signature on the verso.


USD 200 - 300

FRANZ VON PAPEN(1879-1969) Chancellor of Germany and later Vice-Chancellor under Hitler. Largely responsible for Hitler's entry into the government, under the supposition that he could be controlled. S.P., 5" x 7" b/w, von Papen's side-view mugshot from Nuremberg, signed boldly in black ink. Mounting remnants on the verso, else very good.


USD 100 - 150

FRANZ VON PAPEN(1879-1969) Served as Chancellor of Germany in 1932 and as Vice-Chancellor under Adolf Hitler in 1933-1934. It was largely von Papen who persuaded Hindenburg to appoint Hitler as Chancellor. Typed L.S., 1p. 8vo., Baden, Oct. 6, 1954, to Mr. Keith Thompson, in part: "...Thanking your for the invitation to join the many friends of Mr. G.S. Vierick throughout the world with a congratulation on his 10th birthday, I have great pleasure to mail today a short letter..." . George Sylvester Vierick (1884-1962) was a German-American poet, journalist, and pro-Nazi propagandist, was imprisoned from 1942-47 for his activities. Fine.


USD 100 - 150

FRANZ VON PAPEN(1879-1969) Chancellor of Germany and Vice Chancellor in Hitler's early years of power, von Papen was acused and later acquitted of war crimes. T.L.S. in pencil, 1p. 4to., Berlin, June 28, 1922, routine content sending references. File holes, light toning.


USD 100 - 150

FRIEDRICH HOSSBACH(1894 - 1980) German staff officer and the military adjutant to Adolf Hitler. General of Infantry, commanding the 82nd Infantry Division, the LVI Panzer Corps, and latterly Fourth Army on the Russian front. Recipient of the Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves. Typed war-date D.S. in pencil as commander of the 56th Panzer Corps, 8pp. large 4to., [n.p.], Mar. 15, 1944, a recommendation for the German Cross in Silver for Dr. Herbert zur Nieden who had held a position as a quartermaster. File holes, lightly toned, else very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 100 - 150

FRIEDRICH HOSSBACH(1894 - 1980) Hitler's Wehrmacht Adjutant and lieutenant general whose notes, the "Hossbach protocol" were used at Nuremberg to show the aggressive intentions of the Nazi government. T.L.S. on his personal letterhead, 1p. 4to., Gottingen, Mar. 9, 1969 to an American history professor thanking him for his letter, adding that he is unable to find their earlier correspondence and asking that questions asked of him be re-sent. Fine.


USD 150 - 200

FRIEDRICH VON SCOTTI(1889-1969) Wehrmacht Lieutenant-General, recipient of the Knight's Cross. Printed D.S., 1p. 8vo., "In the field", Sep. 10, 1942, an award certificate granting the Iron Cross, 2nd Class to Gustav Reuter, signed at the conclusion by von Scotti in blue ink. Folds, else very good. WITH: A printed D.S., 1p. 8vo., "In the field", March 17, 1944, awarding the Wound badge in Black to Reuter, signed at the conclusion by artillery general WILHELM BERLIN (1889-1987). Folds, else every good. Also present are a printed black-bordered death notice and a newspaper obituary for Reuter, giving his date of death as August 12, 1944.

121: FRIEDRICH WEBER FRIEDRICH WEBER(1892 - 1972) German general who took Rotterdam, then served the balance of Relieved for evacuating Warsaw. T.L.S. on his letterhead, 1p. 4to., Deggendorf, July 11, 1955 to an part: "...I do not know the named operations...For my side, I would be thankful if you could tell concerning the battles between the government and the partcipating Freikorps between 1918 and found...".


USD 100 - 150 the war in Russia and Poland. American history professor. In me if you have any material 1925, or where this could be

USD 200 - 300

GEORG VON KUCHLER(1881 - 1968) German field marshal who led the drive of the 18th Army to take Paris and raise the swastika over the Eiffel Tower. Briefly imprisoned for war crimes. S.P. 3 1/2" x 5 1/2" b/w, a Hoffmann photo in uniform from the chest, up, boldly signed adding rank. Addressed on verso and marked as being sent via Feldpost but bearing no other markings. Fine.


USD 200 - 300

GEORGE C. MARSHALL(1880-1959) American general and statesman, Roosevelt's Army Chief of Staff during World War II and author of the Marshall Plan which sustained eastern Europe after the war. Excellent S.P. 5 1/2" x 8" b/w, a chest, up pose in uniform signed in the white bottom margin. Fine.


USD 200 - 300

GEORGE C. MARSHALL(1880-1959) American general and statesman, Roosevelt's Army Chief of Staff during World War II and author of the Marshall Plan which sustained eastern Europe after the war. Good content T.L.S. as Secretary of State on official letterhead, 1p. 8vo., Washington, June 24, 1947 to thanking a man for his letter on "various aspects of our foreign relations. I am glad you agree that I should not attempt to answer the several questions put by you...". Fine.


USD 75 - 100

GEORGE H. GAY, JR(1917-1994) American pilot in the Pacific Theater of World War II, the sole survivor of the 30 VT-8 aircrew from the USS Hornet who participated in the Battle of Midway. T.L.S. 1p. 4to., Naples, FL, Aug. 15, 1983, declines a request for an autographed picture, and announces that he has written a book regarding his experience at the Battle of Midway entitled "Sole Survivor", and that it can be purchased with an autograph. Signed at conclusion in black ink. Folds, else fine.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 2,000 - 3,000

GEORGE S. PATTON(1885 - 1945) "Old Blood and Guts" was one of the finest tank commanders in history, rolling his forces through Tunesia, Sicily, France and Germany until halted at the Rhine. Exceptional S.P. "G. S. Patton Jr.", 8" x 10" b/w, a chest, up pose showing the general in uniform wearing his three-star helmet and looking sharply to his right. Boldly signed across the left side of his chest. Very fine condition, rarely seen uninscribed. With the original backing from the frame which contained the photo, from Brussels which Patton liberated.


USD 150 - 200

GEORGE VON KUCHLER(1881-1968) German Field Marshal and war criminal during the Second World War, recipient of the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves. A.N.S. in black ink on a taupe notecard, 2pp. oblong 12mo., Garmisch, Feb. 21, 1954, to a Mr. Moller. Von Kuchler states, after careful consideration, that he would rather not provide documents related to his military career. He concludes with a reassurance that he thinks highly of Mr. Moller. Fine.


USD 250 - 350

GEORGI ZHUKOV(1896 - 1974) Soviet Field Marshall, perhaps the greatest general of World War II, he survived crushing poverty and Stalin's purges to command the Russian armies at the monumental battles of Moscow and Kursk, and in the taking of Berlin. Four-line A.D.S. at the conclusion of a report on the performance of a deputy commander of the 87th Infantry Corps, 2pp. large 4to., [n.p.], 1947, describing the officer's cooperation, qualities, etc. Very good.


USD 200 - 300

GERHARD ENGEL(1906 - 1976) German general who commanded several divisions after serving as an adjutant to Adolf Hitler, participating in action at Aachen, the HĂźrtgen Forest, the Battle of the Bulge, and in the battle of Halbe. A recipient of the Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves. Typed D.S., 4pp. legal folio, [Nuremberg, ca. Feb. 24, 1947], a transcript of Engel's testimony in the trial of Luftwaffe Gen. Erhard Milch for war crimes whose trial started Nov. 14, 1946. Signed at the head by Engel who was also being held by the Allies at the time. Eroded paperclip stains, minor damp stains not affecting legibility, else very good. Milch was convicted on two of three counts and sentenced to life imprisonment. The sentence was commuted by John J. McCloy, High Commissioner of Germany, to 15 years and Milch was paroled in June 1954.


USD 300 - 400

GERHARD VON SCHWERIN(1899 - 1980) German general, recipient of the Knights Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords. A brilliant commander, he led commandos in North Africa, led Panzer Jager units at Stalingrad, and defended the Italian front. War-date D.S., 1p. 8vo., [France], Aug. 5, 1944, an award of the War Merit Cross First Class with Swords to a member of his 116th Panzer Division. Folds and some wear, else very good.


USD 100 - 150

GORDON GOLLUB(1912 - 1987) German Luftwaffe ace, rose to the position of General der Jagdflieger, one of only 27 to receive the Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves, Swords and Diamonds. Hoffmann postcard photo bearing a vintage signature, likely war-date. Fine.


USD 150 - 200

GREGORY "PAPPY" BOYINGTON(1912 - 1988) American military aviator with 28 "kills", his "Black Sheep" squadron harassed Japanese forces in the Solomons late in the war. S.P. 5" x 8" color, a casual full-length pose standing beside his fighter "Lulubelle", inscribed and offering "Black Sheep Blessings" at bottom, 1984. Fine. SOLD WITH: a reprint 8" x 10" photo of Blacksheep Squadron members standing about a Corsair, signed by three squadron members post-war. Two pieces.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 100 - 150

GUNTHER RALL(1918-2009) German fighter pilot during World War II and the third most successful fighter ace in history of aerial warfare. He claimed all of his victories in the Bf 109. I.S.P. 5 1/4"x 7"b/w, a chest up view of Rall in uniform, inscribed at bottom "With my best regards", adding his signature below in blue ink. Fine.


USD 100 - 150

GUNTHER RALL(1918-2009) German fighter pilot and third highest-scoring ace of all time, with 275 "kills". S.P., 3 3/4" x 6" b/w, showing a smiling Rall shaking hands with another Luftwaffe officer in front of a Messerschmitt Bf-109 fighter. His Knight's Cross is visible around his neck. Signed boldly in black ink across the bottom. Includes a modern copy of a signed photo, demonstrating his signature. Very good.


USD 200 - 300

HANS FRANK(1900 - 1946) Nazi occupational Governor of Poland partly responsible for the genocide perpetrated there. Full signature on a small sheet, likely obtained while a prisoner at Nuremberg. Very good.


USD 250 - 350

HANS KREBS(1888 - 1947) Ethnic German Nazi Party member and SS-BrigadefĂźhrer from Czechoslovakia. From 1938 to 1945 he was government president in Aussig, later becoming the Reichsgau Sudetenland. Krebs was executed in Prague 1947. Fine association T.L.S. on his Regierungspraesident Aussig letterhead, 1p. 4to., Aussig, Nov. 15, 1940 to an unnamed SS-Gruppenfuhrer. Krebs thanks his correspondent for congratulations upon his promotion to SS-Brigadefuhrer, adding: "...I am proud that the Reichsfuhrer-SS awarded my work for Fuhrer and Reich and my fight to keep the ideas of the Fuhrer pure. I also acknowledge...your constant support of my requests and recommendations, especially at the time of the liberation of my Sudeten German homeland...". File holes in left margin, else very good.


USD 150 - 200

HANS LUTHER(1879-1962) Chancellor of Germany for 482 days in 1925 to 1926, later Minister of Finance and ambassador to Washington under the NSDAP. T.L.S. "Luther", 1p. 4to., Washington, Jan. 17, 1934, to Richard Gimbel, expressing his regret at being unable to attend a dinner in Philadelphia, commemorating Edgar Allen Poe's 125th birthday, in part: "... I also was, owing to the shortness of the time, not able to secure greetings from the head of my government, but I am enclosing herewith a message to the guests of the occasion, in which, I believe, I have expressed the feelings of my people towards your great poet..." Also present is the aforementioned typed statement, 1p. 4to., in full: "Greatly regretting not to be able to be present at the distinguished assembly which has gathered tonight to commemorate the hundredtwentyfifth [sic] anniversary of the birth of Edgar Allen Poe, I wish to extend to you on behalf of myself and of the German people my sincerest and warmest greetings. It is with deep satisfaction and gratitude that a people, revered because of its poets and philosophers participates in honoring one of the greatest American poets whose brilliant sense of the beautiful, whose vivid and almost unlimited imagination and whose grace of expression will always be loved and admired as belonging to the most precious bestowals of the human mind which have been given to the world". Luther signs in full at the conclusion in full. Both pieces bear folds, else very good. Includes the original transmittal envelope.


USD 100 - 150

HANS SPEIDEL(1897 - 1984) German general, served in Russia and notably at Stalingrad, later with Rommel in France. T.L.S. 1p. 4to., Bad Honnef, Aug. 8, 1970 to an American history professor. In part: "...I have read your report and overall it is factually correct. I made some annotations which you could use...I would be thankful if you could return the manuscript to me...". Fine.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 200 - 300

HANS-ULRICH RUDEL(1916-1982) Stuka dive-bomber pilot during World War II, The most highly decorated German serviceman of the war. Rudel was the only person to be awarded the Knight's Cross with Golden Oak Leaves, Swords, and Diamonds. S.P., 4 1/4" x 6" b/w, a chest-up view of Rudel in uniform, signed boldly across the chest in blue ink, adding the date "22. 7. 79". Also present is a T.L.S., 1p. oblong 8vo., Kufstein, Jan. 22, 1979, offering friendly greetings. Signed at the conclusion in blue ink. Both pieces demonstrate his signature post-stroke. The letter has had the name of the recipient cut out, else fine.


USD 100 - 150

HASSO VON MANTEUFFEL(1897-1978) Commander of the 5th Panzer Army which spearheaded the ill-fated Ardennes offensive of January 1945. After vainly requesting more help from a vacillating Hitler, he spoke despairingly of "a corporal's war". Later served as a delegate to the Bundestag (1953-7). Pair of first day covers, each 6 1/2" x 3 3/4", the first celebrating the liberation of Luxembourg, cancelled Sep. 10, 1944 and signed in blue ink, and the second celebrating the American Bicentennial and the original thirteen-star flag, cancelled Dec. 8, 1973 and signed in black ink. Both bear biographical inscriptions in pencil on the verso, else very good to fine. Two pieces.


USD 750 - 1,000

HEINRICH HIMMLERImportant signed book: "Das Buch Liebe" ("The Book of Love") by Werner Jansen (Berlin: Georg Westermann), 1920. 304pp. 8vo. in green cloth with gilt title on spine. Small tear on edge of fine, else fine. A presentation to Himmler, inscribed to Himmler on the front flyleaf: "Oberwachtfuhrer of the Red Cross Ilse V. Doehring, with friendly greetings, November, 1940" beneath which Himmler has added his ownership signature: "H. Himmler". This epic was dedicated to young women whose men were at the front during World War I. Werner Jansen and this work were very close to Himmler's heart. In 1924, after first reading it, Himmler declared this book: "The Song of Songs to the Nordic woman. This is the ideal image we Germans dream of in our youth and are ready to die for as men..." Very good.


USD 400 - 500

HEINRICH HIMMLER(1900 - 1945) Hitler's Chief of the Gestapo, placed in charge of security and responsible for the construction and operation of extermination camps. He chose suicide rather than face a hangman's noose at Nuremburg. Group of three items related to SS officer Kurt Kubat, includes: Typed D.S. "H H", 1p. 4to., April 22, 1936, a document promoting Kubat to the rank of Obersturmbannfuhrer, signed at the conclusion in green indelible pencil. Files holes at left margin, docketed, else very good. WITH: Typed D.S., 1p. 4to., Berlin, Feb. 19, 1936, a document transferring Kubat from special assignment in the service of the Reichsfuhrer-SS back to further special duties, signed by an SS-standartenfuhrer. WITH: Typed D.S. from Kubat to Reichsfuhrer-SS Heinrich Himmler, 1p. 4to., Charlottenburg, Sep. 21, 1935, requesting permission for himself and a companion to fly from the air base at Staaken. In part: "...SS-Sturmbannfuhrer Kubat was a decorated military aviator on the western front from 1914-1918, served in the Freikorps as an aviator in 1919, earned an A-2 license in 1932, and has been flying since then without interruption. As a member of the ministry of aviation he flies at least once a week accompanied by an SA member..." File holes at left margin, some toned spots, else very good.


USD 300 - 400

HEINRICH HIMMLER(1900 - 1945) Hitler's Chief of the Gestapo placed in charge of security and responsible for the construction and operation of extermination camps. He chose suicide rather than face a hangman's noose at Nuremberg. Partly-printed D.S., 1p. oblong 4to., Munich, Oct. 19, 1932, appointing an unnamed recipient "SS-Fuhrer" of the staff of SS-Gruppe-Ost. Himmler signs with his initials "H H" in black ink at the conclusion. Staple holes at upper left, file holes mended with archival tape, and slight chipping at the right edge, else very good.


USD 250 - 350

HEINRICH HIMMLER(1900 - 1945) Hitler's Chief of the Gestapo placed in charge of security and responsible for the construction and operation of extermination camps. He chose suicide rather than face a hangman's noose at Nuremburg. Signature on a quarto sheet of paper in black ink, adding the date "24. VI. 36." File holes at left margin, folds with minor splitting, else very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 100 - 150

HEINRICH KIRCHHEIM(1882 - 1973) German general, fought with distinction in the invasion of France and in the defense of Tobruk. War-date S.P. 3 1/2" x 5 1/2" b/w, a Hoffmann photo showing Kirchheim in uniform from the chest, up, nicely signed at bottom. Verso bears Feldpost stamp and is canceled July 11, 1944. Very good.


USD 200 - 300

HEINZ GUDERIAN(d. 1953) German general and Hitler's Army Chief of Staff, the inventor of the "blitzkrieg" who commanded panzers in the Poland and France, and the Russian campaign. S.P., 3 1/2" x 5 1/2" b/w, a Hoffmann portrait signed at bottom. Fine.


USD 100 - 150

HELMUTH BEUKEMANN(1894-1981) Wehrmacht lieutenant-general, recipient of the Knight's Cross. I.S.P., 4" x 6" b/w, a waist-up view of Beukemann in uniform in the field, signed and inscribed at bottom right in violet ink, adding his rank. Mounting remnant on the verso, else very good.


USD 150 - 200

HERMANN HOTH(1891 - 1971) German panzer general who drove his forces through France to the Channel, headed Panzer Group III in Barbarossa and later besieged Stalingrad, tried and convicted of war crimes. A.L.S., 2pp. 4to., Goslar, Mar. 20, 1957 to an American history professor. In part: "...For your flattery of my Panzer operations from far away, I thank you...It is correct that Russia more than ever is a land of many unknowns, especially for a soldier...This I learned from talks with American officers...while I was in the American war criminals proson in Landsberg...military leadership ground rules are also valid in Russia and that cannot be forgotten...that is why I wrote the book...hopefully American soldiers will read it as well...I would like to write more...concerning the attack on Stalingrad...many incorrect things have been written about it...I believe my personal notes are not enough for a true depiction..." Very good.


USD 150 - 200

HERMANN HOTH(1891 - 1971) German panzer general who drove his forces through France to the Channel, headed Panzer Group III in Barbarossa and later besieged Stalingrad, tried and convicted of war crimes. A.L.S., 2pp. 4to., Goslar, July 15, 1952 to an American history professor. In part: "...I am working on the western campaign of 1940...for which I possibly have material...I was told that the German files are supposed to be returned as soon as the monographs by the generals under Halder are finished...I hope I will find additional work for the Russian Campaign, if I am still alive by then...". Very good. notes are not enough for a true depiction..." Very good.


USD 60 - 80

HERSHEL WILLIAMS(b. 1923) Medal of Honor recipient for his actions at the Battle of Iwo Jima during World War II. S.P. 8 ½" x 11", b/w, an aerial view of the island of Iwo Jima, upon which Williams marks an "X" in blue ink to show his location. At bottom right, he signs in blue ink adding "USMC". Fine.


USD 150 - 200

HORST VON MELLENTHIN(1898-1977) Highly decorated Wehrmacht artillery general, recipient of the Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves. T.L.S. "H. von Mellenthin", 1p. 4to., Wiesbaden, Jan. 8, 1964, to Dr. Charles B. Burdick. Mellenthin expresses his enthusiasm for assisting American historians researching the Wehrmacht, and gives a brief summary of his service record. He states that he does not have any specific information regarding German plans to invade Gibraltar, although he did hear some loose talk of such plans among the Army High Command. He promises that he will attempt to contact other individuals in his acquaintance who may have further knowledge. Signed at the conclusion in blue ink. Folds, file holes at left margin, else very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 100 - 150

HORST VON MELLENTHIN(1898 - 1977) General der Artillerie in the Wehrmacht during World War II who commanded several corps. He was also a recipient of the Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves. T.L.S. 1p. 4to., Wiesbaden, May 3, 1967 to an American history professor. In part: " must also consider the German views and put them in the correct historic light...I want you assurance that you will use [my picture] only for research and teaching purposes...". File holes in blank margin, else fine.


USD 150 - 200

HUSBAND E. KIMMEL(1882-1968) American admiral and Commander of the Pacific Fleet when it was attacked by the Japanese at Pearl Harbor. Kimmel was consequently dismissed. He fought the charges for years, claiming that Roosevelt had prior knowledge of the attack. Fine content A.L.S. "H.E. Kimmel", 2pp. 4to., Bronxville, NY, Jan. 15, 1947, to Governor of Hawaii Joseph Poindexter. In part: "...I believe now there will be no further investigation of the Pearl Harbor disaster by the present congress. Congress is governed by public opinion and the public in general are tired of hearing about Pearl Harbor. I have just read an advance copy of a book to put on sale January 20. Pearl Harbor: The Story of the Secret War, by George Morgenstern ... I presume this book will soon be on sale in Honolulu and I advise you to get a copy. You will find it most interesting..." Kimmel signs at the conclusion in blue ink. Folds, else very good. Also present is the original transmittal envelope, on which Kimmel again executes his signature in the return address space. Poindexter was governor of Hawaii at the time of the attack on Pearl Harbor.


USD 40 - 60

IVAN KOZHEDUB(1920 - 1991) Soviet Ukrainian military aviator and fighter ace with 66 victories, including an Me-262. 1981 greeting card sent by the three-time hero of the Soviet Union, boldly signed within.


USD 100 - 150

IVAN MAISKY(1884 - 1975) Soviet diplomat, historian and politician, notable as the Soviet Union's Ambassador to the United Kingdom during much of the Second World War. S.P. as Russian Ambassador to the United Kingdom, 7 ž" x 6" b/w showing Maisky seated at his desk, signed and dated March 25, 1937 in London. Contrast fair, else fine.


USD 60 - 80

IWO JIMA MEDAL OF HONOR RECIPIENTSS.P., 12 1/4" x 10" b/w, depicting the iconic flag raising over Iwo Jima, signed in black ink by the last three surviving (at the time) Medal of Honor recipients of the battle, JACK H. LUCAS, GEORGE E. WAHLEN, and HERSHEL W. WILLIAMS. Includes a Certificate of Authenticity from Global Authentication, Inc. Single brown spot to the left of the flagpole, else fine.


USD 100 - 150

JAMES DEVEREUX(1903 - 1988) USMC general, Commanding Officer of the 1st Defense Battalion during the defense of Wake Island. Captured after a 15-day battle. Commemorative postal cover honoring F.D.R., Oct. 2, 1945, signed on the face. Sold with a Marine Expeditionas medal with ersatz Wake Island clasp and letter "W".


USD 100 - 150

JAMES H. HOWARD(1913 - 1995) Air Force general, a Flying Tiger and the only fighter pilot in the European Theater of Operations in World War II to receive the Medal of Honor. Cloth copy of a Flying Tigers "blood chit", 8" x 10", signed across the Chinese Nationalist flag. Sold with an S.P. of Howard in uniform, 6" x 8" b/w. Fine.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 60 - 80

JOHANN LUDWIG GRAF SCHWERIN VON KROSIGK(1887-1977) Minister of Finance of Germany from 1932 to 1945 and Leading Minister of the German Reich (Chancellor) in May 1945. Return address on the detached flap of an air mail envelope, approx. 2 1/2" x 6 1/4", executing his name "Graf Schwerin von Krosigk", and adding his address. Folds and chipping at the torn edge, else very good. Also present is a photocopied letter transmitting the item to our consignor, providing provenance.


USD 200 - 300

JOHANN MICKL(1893-1945) Austrian-born lieutenant-general of the Wehrmacht, recipient of the Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves, killed by Yugoslav partisans at the end of the war. Partly-printed D.S. in Croatian and German, 1p. oblong 8vo., [n.p.], Dec. 20, 1944, granting the Austro-Hungarian Medal for Bravery in Silver to Johann Wotzlaw for his part in defending a bridgehead against enemy attack, allowing a convoy of vehicles to pass through. Signed at the conclusion by Mickl in green indelible pencil. Signature rather faint, else very good.


USD 400 - 600

JOHANNES BLASKOWITZ(1883 - 1948) Senior Wermacht general, commander of Polish occupation forces who opposed the excesses of the SS against the Jews. Fine content signed broadside, 9 3/4" x 13 3/4", Lodz, Sep. 19, 1939, a message to the soldiers of his 8th Army congratulating them on their success in the Battle of the Bzura, the opening campaign of World War II. In part: "...The ten day battle...has been victorious...The enemy has surrendered...You have this campaign against Poland...with succesful teamwork with the Luftwaffe...the victory and greatness of the war-deciding battle is yours...I am proud of your success..." Signed in facsimile at bottom, and signed by hand in blue ink at top, dated by him May 1, 1944. Folds, else very good.


USD 150 - 200

JONATHAN M. WAINWRIGHT(1883 - 1953) "Skinny", American general who defended Bataan and Coregidor after MacArthur's withdrawal early in World War II. Early post-war T.L.S. on Fourth Army letterhead, 1p. 8vo., Fort Sam Houston, Apr. 11, 1946. He sends thanks to a man for forwarding a clipping and mentioning that a lieutenant with the same last name was not likely a relative. He notes: "At that time, my family were principally in the Navy...". Fine.


USD 200 - 300

JONATHAN M. WAINWRIGHT(1883 - 1953) "Skinny", American general who defended Bataan and Coregidor after MacArthur's withdrawal early in World War II. A great "short-snorter", a Series 1935B $1.00 bill, fine condition, inscribed to "Louise" on the front, dated Feb. 2, 1946 and boldly signed, to which he adds on the verso: "To a beautiful lady with love Skinny". Fine.


USD 150 - 200

JONATHAN WAINWRIGHT(1883 - 1953) American general who defended Bataan and Corregidor after MacArthur's withdrawal early in World War II. I.S.P. "Skinny Wainwright", 8 1/2" x 12 1/2" b/w, a full-frontal seated view of Wainwright, inscribed: "To my dearest friend Fred O'Donnell, Skinny Wainwright". Signature and inscription are somewhat light, else very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 300 - 400

JOSEF BURCKEL(1895-1944) NSDAP politician and member of the Reichstag, and Gauleiter of Vienna. Signed book, "Die Stadt der Reichsparteitage Nurnberg, des deutschen Reiches Schatzkastlein" ("The City of the Reichs Party Days Nuremburg, Treasury of the German Reich"), (Nuremburg: Zerreiss & Co.), 1939, 44pp. folio, a facsimile presentation copy of a book presented to Hitler by the Mayor of Nuremburg on the Fuhrer's 50th birthday. The book consists of forty quotes by various historical figures, including Martin Luther, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Richard Wagner, and seven quotes from Hitler himself, each praising the cultural wealth and beauty of Nuremburg. Each quote is executed in intricate calligraphy, and is accompanied by a two-tone black-and-red engraving by Conrad Scherzer. This particular copy bears a tipped-in dedication bookplate to an unnamed recipient, in full: " For your faithful cooperation, this comradely greeting for the Christmas festival 1939", signed at the conclusion by Burckel in blue ink. The covers of the book are warped, else very good. Also present is an unsigned printed invitation, 1p. oblong 8vo., from Burckel, inviting a Dr. Schlodtmann to a festival dedicated to composer Anton Bruckner in Vienna on July 5, 1939. Fine.


USD 300 - 400

JOSEF SCHREIBER(1919-1945) Recipient of the Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves. S.P., 3 1/2" x 5 1/2" b/w, a chest-up view of Schreiber on a Hoffman real-photo postcard, signed at the bottom left in blue ink. Signature a tad light, else very good.


USD 200 - 300

JOSEPH STILWELL(1883 - 1946) "Vinegar Joe", American Army general who commanded all American forces in the China-Burma-India theater in World War II; a brilliant tactician and combat leader. Probable war-date I.S.P., 8" x 10" b/w, a view of Stillwell seated at his desk in uniform, with the inscription: "To Ollie - from an old admirer of athletic prowess - Joseph W. Stilwell Lieut. Gen. U.S.A." Minor folds and silvering, else very good. Inscribed to and from the collection of Army and NFL football star ELMER "OLLIE" OLIPHANT (1892-1975).


USD 150 - 250

JOSEPH STILWELL(1883 - 1946) "Vinegar Joe", American Army general who commanded all American forces in the China-Burma-India theater in World War II; a brilliant tactician and combat leader. Signature adding rank penned on the face of a postal cover picturing him. Very good.


USD 250 - 350

JOSIAS, PRINZ WALDECK PYRMONT(1896 - 1967) Heir apparent to the throne of the Principality of Waldeck and Pyrmont and a general in the SS. After World War II, he was sentenced to life in prison at the Buchenwald Trial but released after three years. Fine content typed memoir, 4pp. legal folio, Waldeck, February, 1938, his experiences with Himmler in Thuringen over the previous ten years since his appointment as "Reichsminister". In part: "...1928...In Thuringen the last rush came...Himmler had been assigned to this area as a speaker from Munich...Where he speaks, he triumphs...the traditional meeting took place in Gotha...'Stay longer here!'..." He goes on to describe his report of a criticism of Himmler, a 3,000-man torchlight parade, NSKK activities, etc. Boldly signed at conclusion. Small tear at top margin, else very good to fine.


USD 300 - 400

KARL DONITZ(1891 - 1980) German admiral who headed the U-Boat arm of the German Navy, later succeeded Hitler as Fuehrer after Hitler's suicide. Fine content T.L.S. on his personal letterhead, 3pp. 4to., Aumuhle, Nov. 3, 1963 to an American historian. In part: "...I will provide you with two you can have an objective judgement about why Hitler trusted me and always treated me with courtesy...the main reason for this was his respect for me...I believe he had personal ties with me, while mine was related to my business rtelationship with him...why Hitler chose me as his successor...capitulation would then be more expediently carried out by an unpolitical soldier, rather than a party politician..." Donitz also briefly discusses the interim government he had established, charges brought against him at Nuremberg, and more. Fine.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 200 - 300

KARL DONITZ(1891 - 1980) German admiral who headed the U-Boat arm of the German Navy, later succeeded Hitler as Fuehrer after Hitler's suicide. T.Ms.S., 1p. 4to., [n.p.], a copy of Donitz's historic "Order of the Day to the Armed Forces" on May 1, 1945 in which he announces that Hitler has appointed him Head of State and Supreme Commander and vowing to continue to fight the "Bolsheviks" until all German civilians were: "saved from slavery or destruction". Signed and dated "23.10.79" at bottom. Fine.


USD 150 - 200

KARL DONITZ(1891 - 1980) German admiral who headed the U-Boat arm of the German Navy, later succeeded Hitler as Fuehrer after Hitler's suicide. Typed D.S., 1p. 4to, April 5, 1980, a copy of his order of May 6, 1945, authorizing Generaloberst Jodl to conclude a ceasefire agreement with General Eisenhower. Signed at the bottom in a shaky hand in black ink, adding the date. Very good. Also present is a soft-cover book, "Germany Surrenders Unconditionally: Facsimiles of the Documents", compiled by the United States National Archives (Washington: United States Government Printing Office), 1945, 41pp. 4to.


USD 100 - 150

KARL DONITZ(1891 - 1980) German admiral who headed the U-Boat arm of the German Navy, later succeeded Hitler as Fuehrer after Hitler's suicide. T.L.S. on his personal letterhead, 1p. oblong 8vo., Aumuhle, Sep. 1, 1963 to an American historian. In part: "...I was delighted about your interest in historical matters and your clearly defined quations. However, I would like to ask you to read through my memoirs 'Ten Years and Twenty Days'. If you have any questions I will be glad to answer them...". Fine.


USD 100 - 150

KARL DONITZ(1891 - 1980) German admiral who headed the U-Boat arm of the German Navy, later succeeded Hitler as Fuehrer after Hitler's suicide. Printed thanks for Christmas wished to which he adds his own holograph best wishes, thanks fo a photo, and his signature. Fine.


USD 100 - 150

KARL DONITZ(1891 - 1980) German admiral who headed the U-Boat arm of the German Navy, later succeeded Hitler as Fuehrer after Hitler's suicide. Scarce A.L.S. on the verso of a postcard sent from Ravello, Italy to an American friend, Oct. 12, 1963, in German, sends thanks for a letter and promises to reply when her returns to Germany. Very good.


USD 100 - 150

KARL FIEHLER(1895-1969) German politician of the NSDAP and Mayor of Munich from 1933 until 1945. Printed D.S., 1p. 4to., Munich, Sep. 10, 1942, an award certificate presented to Karolina Loichinger, granting her a silver medal for 25 years of service to the city. Signed by Fiehler at the conclusion in black ink. Signature a tad light, else fine. Also present is the original envelope containing the certificate.


USD 75 - 100

KARL-GOTTFIRED NORDMANN(1915 - 1982) Luftwaffe pilot and later a president of Mercedes-Benz in North America. As a fighter ace he was credited with 78 enemy aircraft shot down. Probable war-date signature and rank[?] in pencil on a lined slip, mounted.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 200 - 300

KICHISABURO NOMURA(1877 - 1964) Japanese Ambassador to the United States who was involved in the abortive negotiations with Cordell Hull in Washington which preceded Pearl Harbor. Rare signature on "Japanese Embassy Washington D.C." letterhead, signing twice, each in Japanese and English. A tiny spec of tape at right margin, some spotting at top, overall very good.


USD 200 - 300

KONSTANTIN ROKOSSOVSKY(1896 - 1968) Soviet general who held the critical northwest approaches to Moscow, later headed defenses at Stalingrad and near the end of the war encircled and destroyed the German 4th Army. Manuscript D.S., 2pp. large 4to., [n.p.], 1947, his attestation as to the competency of a member of a military hospital, signed as "Commander of the Northern Group". Very good.


USD 100 - 150

KONSTANTIN ROKOSSOVSKY(1896 - 1968) Soviet general who held the critical northwest approaches to Moscow, later headed defenses at Stalingrad and near the end of the war encircled and destroyed the German 4th Army. D.S., 1p. large 4to., [n.p.], Nov. 20, 1947, a military attestation as to the character and abilities of an officer of the Northern Group of Soviet troops, at the conclusion of which he notes: "Cooperates in the position he occupies" and adds his signature as head commander and marshal. Very good.


USD 100 - 150

KURT SCHUSCHNIGG(1897-1977) Chancellor of Austria. After failing to resist Hitler's plan to unite Germany and Austria, he spent the World War II years in concentration camps. Full signature on an album page, just above a printed image. Very good.


USD 200 - 300

KURT STUDENT(1890 - 1978) German general of paratroopers, the commander of the world's first airborne division who took the "impregnable" Eben Emael, later he undertook the invasion of Crete with mixed success. Signed postcard, 4" x 6", an illustrated chest-up portrait of Student in uniform, signed at the bottom in green indelible pencil, adding his rank, "General der Flieger". Fine.


USD 200 - 300

LENI RIEFENSTAHL(1902 - 2003) German film director, an intimate friend of Hitler who filmed the propaganda classic, Triumph of the Will. Vintage postcard photo, a bust portrait signed in blue ink, a bit spotty.


USD 100 - 150

LENI RIEFENSTAHL(1902 - 2003) German film director, an intimate friend of Hitler who filmed the propaganda classic, Triumph of the Will. S.P., 4" x 6" color, a chest-up view of the director later in life, signed beneath the image in black ink. Fine.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 200 - 300

LEO GEYR VON SCHWEPPENBURG(1886-1974) German cavalry officer in World War I and a general during World War II, noted for his pioneering stance and expertise in the field of armored warfare. T.L.S., 1p. 4to., Irschenhausen, Dec. 5, 1960, to Dr. Charles B. Burdick. Schweppenburg responds to a request to speak at San Jose State College, where Burdick is a professor. As Schweppenburg is busy with scholarly work and defense economy journalism, he must carefully consider such requests before accepting. He states that expects to be paid an honorarium for accepting this speaking role, and leaves it up to Burdick to decide the amount. The subject of his talks will be German plans to invade Gibraltar during World War II, especially operations "Ilona" and "Gisela". Schweppenburg was directly responsible for planning the latter. Signed twice at the conclusion in black ink, demonstrating his shorthand signature and his full name, with several ink emendations in the text. Folds, file holes at the left margin, else very good. WITH: T.L.S., 1p. 4to., Irschenhausen, Dec. 10, 1965, again to Burdick. Schweppenburg will comply with a request of Burdick's, even though he is "...usually not very keen on supporting propaganda of his own persona..." He praises the seriousness and dispassion of Burdick's scholarly work. He mentions that his friend, British military theorist B.H. Liddell Hart, is currently on the faculty of U.C. Davis, and that he has recently translated Hart's "extraordinarily open and factually correct" memoir into German. Schweppenburg concludes with his best wishes for a happy New Year. Signed at the conclusion in black ink, with an ink post-script in which he again executes his signature. Folds, file holes at the left margin, else very good.


USD 100 - 150

LESLIE GROVES(1896 - 1970) American general who, with Robert Oppenheimer, headed the Manhattan Project in the development of the first atomic bomb. Signature adding rank on a 3" x 5" card. Fine.


USD 150 - 200

LUDWIG SIEBERT(1874 - 1942) Nazi politician and Bavarian prime minister from 1933 to 1942. A.L.S., ap. 8vo., Munich, 1937, sending thanks for congratulations sent to him upon his completion of forty years of service to Bavaria. Fine. With two unrelated letters.


USD 100 - 150

MARK CLARK(1896 - 1984) American Army general, commanded the landings at Salerno and Anzio against the forces of Kesselring. War-date I.S.P., 8" x 10" b/w, a view of Clark in a winter uniform, in front of an armored vehicle, with the inscription: "To 'Ollie' From his old 'side-kick' Mark W. Clark, Italy, Nov. 9, 1944." Minor folds, else very good. Inscribed to and from the collection of Army and NFL football star ELMER "OLLIE" OLIPHANT (1892-1975).


USD 100 - 150

MARK CLARK(1896 - 1984) American general, commanded the landings at Salerno and Anzio against the forces of Kesselring. S.P. 10" x 8" b/w, an image of a tank and GIs advancing past a burning building near Nuremberg, signed in black marker at bottom. Very good.


USD 600 - 800

MARTIN BORMANN(1900-1945) Head of the Nazi Party Chancellery and private secretary to Adolf Hitler, by the end of World War II Bormann had become second only to Hitler himself in terms of real political power. S.P., 7" x 8" b/w, a chest-up view of Bormann in uniform, signed boldly across the chest in indelible pencil. Fine.


USD 600 - 800

MARTIN BORMANN(1900 - 1945?) Head of the Nazi Party Chancellery and private secretary to Adolf Hitler, by the end of World War II Bormann had become second only to Hitler himself in terms of real political power. T.L.S. in indelible orange pencil as on early NSDAP letterhead, 1p. 8vo., Bormann sends a man at court a memo stating that he has already sent WILHELM FRICK a letter concerning disciplinary measures to be taken against employees of the party, and asks for his response. Folds, else fine.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 150 - 200

MARTIN HARLINGHAUSEN(1902-1986) Luftwaffe commander during World War II and a recipient of the Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves. T.L.S. "Harlinghausen", 1p. 4to., Gutersloh, June 27, 1967, to Dr. Charles B. Burdick. Harlinghausen thanks Burdick for his previous correspondence, and transmits his resume and two photos for Burdick to use in his history classes. One photo was taken in 1943 during his service in World War II, while the other was taken in 1961, while Harlinghausen was involved with the Bundeswehr. Harlinghausen credits the Bundeswehr with fostering a good relationship between him and the U.S. Army's Historical Divisions, and he suggests that Burdick consult those divisions for the wealth of information contributed by imprisoned German soldiers at the end of the war. Signed at the conclusion in blue ink. Folds, file holes at the left margin, else very good. WITH: T.L.S. "Harlinghausen", 1p. 4to., Gutersloh, Aug. 17, 1967, also to Burdick. Harlinghausen thanks Burdick for helping him decide to share his experiences with the Luftwaff. He states that he could not make up his mind to do so before this point because so many participants in the war are still affected by the "...violent events and their consequences". As a result he states: "...Too many distorted images are produced by these participants' memory". Harlinghausen regrets that he is not a gifted writer, and believes that, even when historical accuracy is important, events need to be represented in a form that is enjoyable to the reader. On the other hand, Harlinghausen understands that it is impossible to convey historical information solely through preserved documents, since the perceptions and worldview of the participants remain hidden. As Burdick is an American professor who did not directly experience the war, Harlinghousen states that he would appreciate Burdick's comments on his personal memoirs. Signed at the conclusion in blue ink. folds, file holes at the left margin, else very good. WITH: Typed document, 4pp. 4to., Harlinghousen's transmitted copy of his resume, outlining his education, military career in the pre-war Reichsmarine and in the Luftwaffe, his various promotions, his service in Spain, Africa, Denmark Norway, and Sicily, his post-war imprisonment, his work for the lumber company W. Ruhenstith Gmbh, his work with the Bundeswehr, and his military awards, as well as personal biographical information. Folds, file holes at left margin, else very good. Three pieces.


USD 150 - 200

MARTIN HARLINGHAUSEN(1902-1986) Luftwaffe commander during World War II and a recipient of the Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves. T.L.S. "Harlinghausen", 1p. 4to., Gutersloh, Feb. 17, 1967, to Dr. Charles B. Burdick. Harlinghausen outlines his time spent as a Luftwaffe commander in Tunisia and Sicily, and relates that he heard in passing of plans for a German invasion of Spain and Gibraltar. However, he was not involved in creating or executing these plans, and cannot provide Burdick with any accurate information of the subject. He recommends that Burdick contact general Walter Warlimont, who may be able to give him better information. Signed boldly at the conclusion in blue ink. Folds, file holes at the left margin, else very good. WITH: T.L.S., 1p. 4to., Gutersloh, Jan. 7, 1983, again to Burdick. Harlinghausen transfers a short report on Luftwaffe commands in the Adriatic (not present), which he had written on the behalf of a film production company interested in making a film about Rommel. Harlinghausen believe that this film will never be made, as the army general who had been advising the producers had died the summer before. He concludes by wishing Burdick and his family the best in the New Year. Signed at the conclusion in blue ink, with a handwritten post-script. Very good. Also present is a typed translation of this second letter.


USD 75 - 100

MARTIN HARLINGHAUSEN(1902 - 1986) Luftwaffe commander and a recipient of the Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves. Pair of signed items, includes a war-date postcard image signed in blue indelible pencil. Sold with an A.L.S. on his letterhead, 1p. 4to., Gutersloh, June 28, 1984 in English to a lady: "...I am an old man, 82 years. I believe not to be a hero, I have done only my duty for my land. Your other German friends Hrabak, Rall and Wiese were in the war fighter pilots, I was general staff officer...I have sunken 23 ships...". Fine.


USD 250 - 350

MATTHEW B. RIDGWAY(1895 - 1994) American Army general who led airborne assaults on Sicily, jumped with his 82nd Airborne during the Normandy invasion, and commanded U.N. forces in the Korean War. Fine content T.L.S. on his personal letterhead, 1p. 4to., Pittsburgh, June 19, 1975 to author and collector H. Kieth Thompson. Ridgway writes an outspoken letter defending German officers for obeying what some would consider to be criminal orders. He discusses the case of Karl Donitz, adding in small part: "...I deplore the 'War Guilt Trials'..." He continues, stating he sees a difference between those who murdered POWs, for example, and those who waged war under orders of superiors: "I believe the former is fully justified...Until such distant nations can and will agree on a world political organization with judicial tribunals...trials in the second category...are steps backwards...He also quotes the moderate views of Telford Taylor on Vietnam and those of judge Robert H. Jackson. A compelling statement.


USD 150 - 200

MAX PEMSEL(1897-1985) German lieutenant general, awarded the Knight's Cross, coordinated the first German response to the D-Day landings. A.L.S. 1p. 8vo., Munich, Feb. 29, 1964 to an American history professor. In part: "...I regret that I cannot help you. I was with the 1st Mountain Division only until October, 1939. I spoke successor and learned that you already spoke to him. I don't know anybody else who would be able to report about the preparations for an attack on Gibralter...". File holes else fine.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 150 - 250

MITSUO FUCHIDA(1902 - 1976) Japanese naval air officer who commanded and personally led the first wave of the attack on Pearl Harbor; he also helped develop the disasterous attack on Midway. Bold signatures in English and Japanese on the face of a 1966 Christmas first day postal cover. Very good.


USD 200 - 300

NEVILLE CHAMBERLAIN(1869-1840) British Prime Minister, best known for his appeasement of Hitler's territorial expansion, embodied by the Munich Agreement of 1938. Good content T.L.S. "N. Chamberlain", 1p. 4to., London, July 11, 1932, in part: "... My real purpose in writing is to tell you what a tremendous contribution Wigram made to the success of our affairs in Lausanne. His intimacy with the French, and the confidence they place in him, enabled him, over and over again, to get from them information which was of the greatest value to us ... If you should feel able to recommend him for some recognition in respect of his services, it would have our warm support..." At this time, Chamberlain was serving as the Chancellor of the Exchequer, and at the time of this letter had just come away from the negotiations of the Lausanne Conference of 1932, which resulted in the suspension of reparation payments by Germany to the Allies incurred during World War I. The "Wigram" mentioned here is most likely RALPH WIGRAM (1890-1936), at this time First Secretary of the British Embassy in Paris. Wigram would later provide crucial intelligence on German rearmament to Winston Churchill. Signed boldly at the conclusion in black ink, folds, else very good.


USD 150 - 200

OMAR BRADLEY(1893-1981) Decorated senior officer during World War II who later became General of the Army. He later was appointed Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under Presidents Harry Truman and Dwight Eisenhower. T.L.S., 1p. 4to., Los Angeles, June 29, 1954, exchanging cordial greetings with his correspondent and telling him of his move to Los Angeles. Signed at the conclusion in blue ink. Folds, else fine.


USD 150 - 200

OTTO GUNSCHE(1917-2003) SturmbannfĂźhrer in the Waffen-SS and a member of the Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler, later Hitler's personal adjutant. Pair of S.P.s, includes: S.P., 4" x 6" b/w, a waist-up view of Gunsche in conversation with Hitler, signed beneath the image in blue ink. WITH: S.P., 4 1/2" x 6 1/2" b/w, a full length view of Gunsche and Hitler examining documents, signed at the bottom in blue ink. The larger photo bears a backstamp identifying the photographer as Heinrich Hoffman. Both are very good.


USD 100 - 150

OTTO GUNSCHE AND HANS BAUERLot of two signed postcards, both signed post-war, includes HANS BAUER, Hitler's chief pilot, and OTTO GUNSCHE, his personal valet and aide. Very good.


USD 150 - 200

OTTO MEISSNER(1880 - 1953) Nazi Nuremburg defendant who served as Reichsminister and Minister of the Presidential Chancellory. Typed D.S., 1p. oblong 8vo., Berlin, Oct. 4, 1939 to Hitler's personal adjutant Wilhelm Bruckner sending a telegram from "General Terauchi of Japan to the Fuhrer. Foreign Office and Military Command have received copies...". File holes, else fine. Count Hisaichi Terauchi, marshal, was commander of the Southern Expeditionary Army Group and led the occupation of Southeast Asia (Singapore and Indonesia). He suffered a stroke following the fall of Burma and surrendered 680,000 men.


USD 750 - 1,000

OTTO SKORZENY(1908 - 1975) Nazi officer and Hitler's chief and favoritecommando, he made a daring mountain-top rescue of Mussolini, placed english-speaking soldier in American uniforms to mislead American forces in the Bulge, and after the war headed the organization that helped hundreds of ex-SS officers flee Germany. Scarce war-date D.S. on his personal letterhead, 1p. 4to., Friedenthal, Sep. 25, 1943, to the personnel department of the SS. Skorzeny reiterates his various positions in the SS and advises the department of his new office address. File holes at left, else very good. Skorzeny writes this letter less than two weeks after his rescue of Benito Mussolini and follows his recovery in Vienna.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 150 - 200

OTTO SKORZENY(1908 - 1975) Nazi officer and Hitler's chief and favoritecommando, he made a daring mountain-top rescue of Mussolini, placed english-speaking soldier in American uniforms to mislead American forces in the Bulge, and after the war headed the organization that helped hundreds of ex-SS officers flee Germany. Scarce war-date D.S. on his personal letterhead, 1p. 4to., Friedenthal, Sep. 25, 1943, to the personnel department of the SS. Skorzeny reiterates his various positions in the SS and advises the department of his new office address. File holes at left, else very good. Skorzeny writes this letter less than two weeks after his rescue of Benito Mussolini and follows his recovery in Vienna.


USD 200 - 300

OTTO WEIDINGER(1914 - 1990) Waffen-SS Obersturmbannfuhrer and commander of the regiment "Der Fuhrer" and 2nd SS Division "Das Reich", implicated in the Oradour massacre in France in June 1944. T.L.S. on "Regiments-Kameradschaft DF" letterhead, 1p. 4to., Aalen, Nov. 1, 1972 to the son of a veteran, in part: " ...The regiments meeting is now two weeks past, again a special experience. I was happy about your attendance and the kind words you gave about your father. Royalties of 102.75 DM will be transferred to your account for the third quarter 1972. At the 17. Regiment 'DF' meeting we gave you a savings book of over DM 1300. Please let me know the exact number..." Weidinger continues with suggestions how to best invest the funds. Also present are two hand-written speeches, one 4pp. 4to., and the other 3pp. 4to., delivered by the recipient of Weidinger's letter to the veterans at an organization meeting. Fine.


USD 150 - 200

OTTO-ERNST REMER(1912-1997) German Wehrmacht officer who played a decisive role in stopping the 20 July plot of 1944 against Adolf Hitler. S.P., 5 3/4" x 4 1/4" b/w, a modern postcard with a wartime chest-up view of Remer in uniform, signed across the bottom in blue ink. Fine.


USD 200 - 300

PAUL EWALD VON KLEIST(1881 - 1954) German military officer, the top Panzer commander in the German Army and superior to Guderian and Hoth, invaded France and later the Ukraine where he was captured by the Russians. War-date D.S. "v. Kleist" in typical indelible pencil, 1p. large 4to., "Headquarters", Apr. 20, 1942 (Hitler's birthday), a list of 14 men slated to be awarded the War Cross Second Class, with Swords for their valor in the Russian campaign. File holes at left margin, top margin a bit ragged, else very good condition.


USD 150 - 200

PAUL TIBBETS(d. 2008) American bomber pilot of the Enola Gay which delivered the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima, August 6, 1945. Lot of two items, includes a facsimile of the orders sent to Gen. Carl Spaatz ordering the mission to drop the first atomic bomb, signed at left by Tibbets, along with a 5" x 4" glossy I.S.P. of Tibbets waving from the cockpit of the Enola Gay shortly before his famous flight. Fine.


USD 150 - 200

ENOLA GAYLot of two items, includes: a fine color photo of an artist's painting of the Enola Gay with the Hiroshima "mushroom cloud" in the background, the photo signed by Pilot PAUL W. TIBBETS, Navigator THEODORE J. VAN KIRK and Bombardier THOMAS FEREBEE. Sold with a card with the rare signature of the Enola Gay radar operator JOE STIBORIK. Two pieces.


USD 100 - 150

(ATOMIC BOMB)Postal cover honoring two atomic tests at Bikini Atoll and "Atoms for Peace", signed on the face by EDWARD TELLER, (1908-2003) American physicist, the "father" of the hydrogen bomb.PAUL W. TIBBETS, and JIMMY DOOLITTLE.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 100 - 150

ATOMIC BOMBINGS OF JAPANLot of six items signed by B-59 crewmen engaged in the atomic bombing raids on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Includes: signed book "Flight of the Enola Gay" by Paul Tibbets (Reynoldsburg, Oh: Buckeye Aviation), 1989, inscribed and signed on front flyleaf to a fellow pilot; THEODORE J. VAN KIRK personal check, signed, 1972; CHARLES SWEENEY and FRED OLIVI signed 8" x 10" photo of Olivi in the cockpit of Bocks Car; FRED OLIVI signed 8" x 10" composite photo of Bocks Car, bomb and explosion; TOM FEREBEE signed 8" x 10" showing him with aiming device beside Enola Gay; and JACAOB BESER, signed 1988 check. Fine.


USD 150 - 200

BOCKS CAR - ATOMIC BOMBING OF NAGASAKIScarce S.P. 8" x 10" b/w showing the Nagasaki atomic bomb-carrying B-29 "Bocks Car". Signed by Commander CHARLES SWEENEY, Pilot CHARLES C.D. ALBURY, Co-Pilot FRED J. OLIVI, Flight Engineer JOHN KUHAREK, and Asst. Flight Engineer RAY GALLAGHER. Fine.


USD 75 - 100

MORRIS JEPPSON(1922 - 2010) American Air Corps officer, weaponeer on the Enola Gay, responsible for arming the Hiroshima atomic bomb during the flight to Japan. Partly-typed L.S., 1p. 4to, Aug. 29, 2009, to Robert Stein, a copy of a letter sent by Jeppson to United States Senators and Representatives, calling for them to force president Barack Obama to resign, to which Jeppson has added, in his own hand, a note to Stein, thanking him for sending a list of questions and a donation, in part: "...Many of your questions require much consideration and deserve attention that I am unable to give right now..." With original transmittal envelope, fine.


USD 200 - 300

PAUL VON HINDENBURG(1847-1934) German military officer, statesman, and politician who served as the second President of Germany from 1925-34. Elaborate D.S., 1p. 4to., Berlin, May 4, 1934, appointing Dr. Eduard von Selzam a "Consul II class for use in general consuls". Hindenburg adds his very large (approx. 7") signature in black ink at the conclusion, beneath which the document has been countersigned by Foreign Minister KONSTANTIN VON NEURATH (1873-1956). This document was created less than three months before von Hindenburg's death in August, which paved the way for Hitler to install himself as Fuhrer. A rare combination of signatures. Folds, else very good.


USD 40 - 60

ROBERT C. RICHARDSON(b. 1887) American military officer, Commanding General of the Hawaiian Department, Military Governor of Hawaii, and all Army personnel in the Pacific Ocean Areas and Mid-Pacific. S.P. 5" x 4" b/w, a candid photo from the dedication of a Hawaiian air depot, boldly signed with rank. Fine.


USD 400 - 500

ROBERT LEY(1890 - 1945) Nazi leader and ardent anti-Semite who as head of the Labor Front ruthlessly enforced slave labor policies. He committed suicide in his jail cell at Nuremburg while awaiting trial. Fine content and association T.L.S. on official letterhead, 2pp. large 4to., Berlin, Jan. 22, 1940 to HANS LAMMERS (1879-1962) Minister and Chief of the Reich Chancellory, ordered arrested by Hitler in the final days, and ultimately sentenced to twenty years imprisonment for war crimes. In an angry diatribe, Ley writes: "...Reichs Leader [Alfred] Rosenberg has sent me a copy of a letter to which he expresses the fact that my objections to the draft on the ideological education were irrelevant since he had never intended to have my training at the NSDAP's primary school of education...I welcome the fact that the powers of Reichs Leader Rosenberg, who had hitherto been responsible for supervising the education of the party, have now been trtansferred to the state and to the Wehrmacht...". Docketed by lammers, file holes and a paperclip stain, folds, still very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 100 - 150

RUDOLF HENNE(1913-1962) Luftwaffe bomber ace and recipient of the Knight's Cross. I.S.P., 3 1/2" x 5 1/2" b/w, a real-photo Hoffman postcard showing a chest-up view of Henne in uniform, signed in black ink across the chest. Some small folds, else very good.


USD 150 - 200

SEMION BUDENNY(1883 - 1973) Soviet field marshal and Commander in Chief of the Southwestern Front. An inept leader, Budenny allowed Von Rundstedt's army to divide and nearly destroy his command. Manuscript D.S., 4pp. 4to., 1949-50, an attestation as to the military qualities of the head of a military headquarters in Kiev. Also signed by ANDREY GRECHKO (1903-1976) as commander of troops in Kiev. Very good. Grechko was a Soviet general who desperately resisted the German advance in the south, liberated Kiev and the Ukraine and occupied Prague.


USD 150 - 200

THEODOR BUSSE(1897-1986) German officer and Knights Cross recipient. Busse commended the 121st Infantry Division and I Army Corps, and during the last five months of the war, he commanded the 9th Army which was by then part of Army Group Vistula. Busse led his men with distinction at Seelow Heights and the Battle of the Oder-Neisse. T.L.S. "Busse", 1p. 4to., Bonn, July 7, 1964, to Dr. Charles B. Burdick. Busse apologizes that he does not have enough specific knowledge about German plans for an invasion of Gibraltar to answer Burdick's questions, and suggests that he contact General of the Infantry Otto Wohler. Busse also provides Burdick with Wohler's address. Signed at the conclusion in blue ink. Folds, file holes at the left margin, else very good.


USD 100 - 150

THEODOR BUSSE(1897-1986) German officer and Knights Cross recipient. Busse commended the 121st Infantry Division and I Army Corps, and during the last five months of the war, he commanded the 9th Army which was by then part of Army Group Vistula. Busse led his men with distinction at Seelow Heights and the Battle of the Oder-Neisse. T.L.S. "Busse", 1p. 4to., Wallerstein, Jan. 5, 1967, to Dr. Charles B. Burdick. Busse transmits a pair of photographs of himself (not present) for Burdick to use in his research. Boldly signed at the conclusion in blue ink. Folds, small tears at the top edge, and file holes at the left margin, else very good.


USD 100 - 150

VASILI DEGTYARYOVDesigner in 1928 of the light machine gun which bears his name and which remained in the Soviet arsenal until the 1960s. Typed D.S., 1p. oblong 8vo., 1944, asks the head of the 1st Import Department of Foreign Trade of the USSR to purchase for him two cameras. File holes in left margin, else fine.


USD 300 - 400

VIKTOR LUTZE(1890 - 1943) Gauleiter of the Ruhr and an early Hitler associate, Chief of Staff of the SA following Rohm's death until his own end in an automobile accident. Fine association T.L.S. in green indelible pencil on his S.A.-Fuhrer letterhead, 1p. 4to., Berlin, June 4, 1936 to ALFRED ROSENBERG (1893-1946), influential ideologue of the Nazi Party. Lutze thanks Rosenberg for his invitation to a meeting of the National Socialist Culturtal Community at Munich. He is uncertain which days he will be able to attend, and adds that he will be pleased to greet Ribbentrop personally. File holes at left, else very good. The aim of the association was to make a significant imprint on cultural life in Germany based on the aims and objectives of the inner circles of the Nazi Party. Upon its reorganization, the club was merged with the "Dienstelle Rosenberg" (DRbg), later known as the Amt Rosenberg.


USD 300 - 400

VIKTOR LUTZEExcellent I.S.P. 9 1/2" x 11 3/4" b/w, a fine close-up portrait in uniform bearing a lengthy inscription to his friend and comrade: "My old fighting comrade Obergruppenfuhrer [Theodor] old S.A. comradeship in memory of the fight in Hannover..." Lutze has boldly signed in the white bottom margin. Regrettably, a vandal folded the margins, a clean (repaired) slit exists between the white lower margin and the image, and the inscription has been written in pencil on the right margin, but much of this damage could be easily and inexpensively repaired by a competent restorer.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 500 - 600

WALTER SCHELLENBERG(1910 - 1952) SS-BrigadefĂźhrer who rose through the ranks of the SS, becoming one of the highest ranking men in the SD and eventually assumed the position as head of foreign intelligence following the abolition of the Abwehr in 1944. Rare, fine content war-date D.S. as "SS-Oberfuhrer und Amtschef", 1p. 8vo., Berlin, April 20, 1944, the award of the War Merit Cross, First Class with Swords to Kriminalpolizei Secretary Rudolph Jakobi of "SD - Ausland". Folds, a bit worn, overall very good. A rare award!


USD 75 - 100

WALTER SCHUCK(1920-2015) German aviator in the Luftwaffe during World War II. He claimed 206 enemy aircraft shot down in over 500 combat missions, eight of which while flying the Messerschmitt Me 262 jet fighter. S.P. 6"x 4" color, A view of a Me 262 jet fighter in profile, with an inset b/w portrait of Schuck at upper left. Signed by Schuck in black ink at bottom left. He adds the date "25.02.06" underneath his signature in blue ink. Fine.


USD 150 - 200

WALTER WARLIMONT(1894 - 1976) German officer, Senior Operations Staff Officer to Keitel, a member of Hitler's inner circle, tried at Nuremberg. T.L.S. "Warlimont", 2pp. 4to., Gmund, Oct. 26, 1971, to Dr. Charles B. Burdick. Warlimont describes in detail his time spent in the United States in 1929-30, during which he was attached to the U.S. Army to study industrial mobilization theory. Warlimont was selected for this role due to his language skills and previous studies of industrial mobilization. Warlimont states that Minister of Defense Wilhelm Groener wanted to make it clear that sending German military missions aboard was not forbidden under the Treaty of Versailles, a goal agreed upon by the American military attachĂŠ in Berlin. Upon Warlimont's departure, Groener told him: "What else you see or learn is not important to me". Warlimont participated in military exercises with the Army Air Force in Ohio for several before weeks, before being allowed to conduct research on his own. With the permission of the War Department, he visited army ordnance offices and other industrial operations. he also traveled to other parts of the country that were culturally or aesthetically appealing to him, including New England, Utah, Montana, Yellowstone, the Grand Canyon, New Orleans and Seattle. Following this tour of the country, he returned to Washington, where he was allowed to visit the office of the Assistant secretary of War in charge of industrial mobilization. He also spent time at the War Departments Industrial College as an instructor, at the advice of a friend who suggested: "...if you are not allowed to come to us as a student ... then come to us as an instructor and let us learn from the German Army's rich experiences during World War I that had to do with industrial mobilization..." At the Nuremberg trials at the end of World War II, these experiences were presented as acts of espionage, which Warlimont was able to refute with the testimonies of American officers he befriended during his stay. He transmitted a few reports to the German Ministry of Defense during his stay in the U.S., but doubts that they still exist in any format. Signed at the conclusion in blue ink with an ink post-script, and several ink emendations are present within the text. Very good.


USD 150 - 200

WALTER WARLIMONT(1894 - 1976) German officer, Senior Operations Staff Officer to Keitel, a member of Hitler's inner circle, tried at Nuremberg. T.L.S. "W. Warlimont", 1p. 4to., Gmund, Jan. 10, 1972, to Dr. Charles B. Burdick. Warlimont denies allegations that he was spying for Germany during his stay in the United States in 1929-30. He states that the sole order he received from the Minister of Defense Wilhelm Groener at that time was to "make friends". This order was disclosed to the U.S. War Department before Warlimont's arrival, and Warlimont himself informed the American liaison officer of the order during their first meeting. Warlimont states that he was particularly grateful to the War Department for giving him the opportunity to explore the mechanisms and organization of industrial military mobilization. He claims that, over the course of his military career, he was never involved in any sort of intelligence gathering operations, and that such accusations were only leveled against him at the Nuremberg trials in an attempt to paint him as "criminal". Such accusations caused him significant distress. Signed at the conclusion in blue ink, with several ink emendations in the text. Folds, else very good.


USD 100 - 150

WALTER WARLIMONT(1894 - 1976) German officer, Senior Operations Staff Officer to Keitel, a member of Hitler's inner circle, tried at Nuremberg. T.L.S. "W. Warlimont", 1p. oblong 8vo., Gmund, Dec. 12, 1968, to Dr. Charles B. Burdick. Warlimont expresses his delight at receiving Burdick's book about German strategy regarding Spain during World War II. He praises Burdick's "unsurpassed scholarly meticulousness" and his "simultaneous passionate representation". He states that the book is "filled with timeless life", due to the connections it draws between so many different personalities within the Wehrmacht. Signed at the conclusion in blue ink, with a few ink emendations. Folds, else very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 100 - 150

WALTHER NEHRING(1892 - 1983) German general, an Afrika Korps commander who enveloped the British on the Gazala Line, led the 1st Panzer Army in Silesia, captured by the Russians. A.L.S., 1p. 4to., Dusseldorf, June 18, 1972 to an American history professor. Nehring sends a list of writing projects he has undertaken, including biographies of Otto von Below and Wilhelm Reinhard, and the Beer Hall Putsch, and essays about his own family and developments in East Germany. Very good.


USD 500 - 700

WALTHER VON BRAUCHITSCH(1881-1948) German field marshal and the Commander-in-Chief of the German Army in the early years of World War II. D.S. "von Brauchitsch", 1p. oblong 8vo., a very rare Special Honor Roll certificate, awarded to an Oberleutnant Kruse in France on May 20, 1940, for "... particular appreciation for prominent achievements on the battlefield". This certificate was not accompanied by a physical medal, but could be recorded in the recipient's soldbuch or wehrpass. Approximately 1,322 of these certificates were awarded, with 35 going to Waffen-SS personnel, 20 to entire units, and the balance to Wehrmacht soldiers. They were signed by von Brauchitsch until December of 1941, when Adolf Hitler named himself Commander in Chief. Signed boldly at the bottom in black ink. Chipped at the upper corners, else very good.


USD 200 - 300

WALTHER VON BRAUTCHISCH(1881 - 1948) German field marshal and commander in chief who formally led the campaigns against Greece, France, Poland and the USSR. Hoffmann postcard photo bearing a vintage signature, likely war-date. Fine.


USD 150 - 200

WALTHER VON BRAUTCHISCH(1881 - 1948) German field marshal and commander in chief who formally led the campaigns against Greece, France, Poland and the USSR. War-date typed D.S., 1p. large 4to., Berlin, Aug. 21, 1939, the promotion of three officers, two in the Heer news department, boldly signed at bottom. Fine.


USD 100 - 150

WERNER ROELL(1914 - 2008) Major in the Luftwaffe and a recipient of the Knight's Cross. Large group of post-war autograph material to friends in the U.S., includes seven T.L.S.'s, most on his letterhead, a few signed with his first name, all ca. early 1990s, along with three brief A.L.S.s, two signed in full. Content largely friendly, discussing his book projects, manuscripts, visits, etc. Very good.


USD 200 - 300

WERNER VON BLOMBERG(1878 - 1946) as Minister of Defense and Supreme Commander of the German Armies. Resigned following accusations that he had married a prostitute. Partly-printed D.S., 1p. large 4to., Berlin, Nov. 5, 1937, the promotion of government employee Paul Ruderisch to "Oberregierungstat", signed at bottom, also bearing a lithographed signature of Adolf Hitler. Very good.


USD 600 - 800

WILHELM FRICK(1877 - 1946) Close associate of Hitler and participant in the Beer Hall Putsch, Reich Minister of the Interior 1933 to 1943 and the last governor of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. Tried for war crimes at the Nuremberg Trials and executed. Fine content T.L.S. on his Minister of the Interior letterhead, 1p. 4to., Berlin, Dec. 13, 1939 to Rudolf Hess. Frick displays his growing frustration with his diminishing relevance in the Nazi hierarchy, largely attributable to the machinations of Heinrich Himmler. In part: "...My position is that someone who is appointed by you pursuant to the plan which you laid out should serve to strengthen the immediate struggle of the German people, in which the basic national socialist belief of the righteous fighters for the People, Fuhrer, and Reich is especially emphasized so that the effect is...the strengthening of the inner front... it should deal with the security of the uniformity of the national socialist world view in action... I am compelled to recommend the above mentioned...". Fine condition, very elaborately framed with a photo of Frick, brass plaque, and the letter set in a swivel which reveals the translation beneath.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 200 - 300

WILHELM LIST(1880 - 1971) German field marshal and ardent Hitler supporter, led the 14th Army in Poland, the 12th Army in the Balkans, and as field marshal commanded Army Group A on the Russian front. Scarce S.P. 4" x 6" b/w, a reproduction of an artist's portrait of List signed post-war in blue ink at bottom. A war-time stamp is affixed at bottom as well. Very good.


USD 150 - 200

WILLIAM F. HALSEY(1882-1959) American admiral who led the task force attack on the Marshall and Gilbert islands and became commander of Allied naval forces in South Pacific commanding at the Solomon Islands and Leyte Gulf. Perfect signature on a small card. Mint. With a copy of a youth's poem praising the admiral, signed (presumably) by a secretary.


USD 150 - 200

WILLIAM J. DONOVAN(1883 - 1959) "Wild Bill", American brigadier general chosen by Roosevelt to head the O.S.S. (precursor to the C.I.A.). Donovan planted over 16,000 people behind enemy lines and developed elaborate plans to subvert enemy Axis military operations. Bold signature on the face of a war-date postal cover honoring F.D.R., Aug. 22, 1945. Postal cancels affect signature but do not greatly detract.


USD 300 - 400

WILLY EXNER(1888-1947) German painter best known for his commissioned portraits of Hitler and Goring. Barred from NSDAP membership due to his membership in a Masonic lodge. Signed print, 22" x 17", a black-and-white serigraph of Hitler, signed in pencil at the bottom by the artist. Mounted in a light wood frame. Very good.


USD 300 - 400

WOLF-HEINRICH GRAF VON HELLDORFF(1896-1944) Member of the Prussian Parliament and president of police for Potsdam and Germany, later executed for his role in the von Stauffenberg plot to assassinate Hitler. S.P., 2 1/2" x 3" b/w, a cigarette card with a chest-up view of von Helldorff in uniform, signed across the chest in black ink. Mounting remnants on the verso, else fine.


USD 250 - 350

WOLFGANG LUTH(1913-1945) German U-boat ace with 46 "kills", accidentally shot and killed by a German sentry. Luth was given the last state funeral of the Third Reich, the only U-boat commander to be so honored. A scarce volume from his personal library, "Von Potsdam Nach Doorn" by Graft Ernst zu Reventlow (Berlin: M. A. Klieber Verlag), 1940. 494pp. 8vo. Signed "Wolfgang Luth 1941" in pencil of the front flyleaf, as was his custom. Scattered foxing, else very good. Reventlow was a rabid anti-Semite and headed the anti-clerical and anti-Christian German Faith Movement.


USD 300 - 400

"BATTLE OF BRITAIN" SOUNDTRACK ALBUM SIGNED BY TWENTY GERMAN AND R.A.F. ACESA fantastic piece of film and military memorabilia, the soundtrack album of the epic military film "The Battle of Britain", Sunset Records, 1969, the covers signed by a total of twenty aces from both sides of the battle. Those signing include: ADOLF GALLAND, GUNTHER RALL, DIETER HRABAK, HANS ECKKARD-BOB, ULRICH STEINHELPER, WOLFGANG SCHENK, HAJO HERMANN, JOHANNES STEINHOFF, GEN. DIETRICH PELTZ, DOUGLAS BADER, DESMOND HUGHES, WITOLD URBANOWICZ, JOHN CUNNINGHAM, BRIAN KINGCOME, HUGH GODEFROY, ROBERT STANFORD-TUCK, ROLAND BEAMONT, JAMES A. CLARK (Eagle Squadron), DENIS DAVID, and GEOFFREY PAGE. One signature slightly smear. Record also present. Small line of tape residue at bottom, else very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 100 - 150

"VICTORY AT SEA" SIGNED BY CARRIER PILOTSThe soundtrack album to the series "Victory at Sea" (Vol. III), the music by composer Richard Rogers, with 15pp. illustrated bound-in insert. Signed by nine prominent carrier pilots, including GEORGE GAY, BILL ESDERS, DON "FLASH" GORDON, SCOTT MCCUSKEY, JACK REID, and also signed by MOH commander of the sub USS BARB, EUGENE FLUCKEY. Very good.


USD 100 - 150

LUFTWAFFE PILOTSPair of signed items from renowned Luftwaffe pilots, includes: ADOLF GALLAND (1911 - 1994) German fighter ace of World War II and general of fighters. T.L.S., 1p. 4to., Bonn, Nov. 10, 1982, writing his thanks for previous correspondence, and asks for a copy of an article they discussed. He also provides fellow fighter pilot Mano Ziegler's address. Folds, else fine. Includes the original transmittal envelope WITH: MANO ZIEGLER (1908-1991) German test pilot, the first person to reach the sound barrier in the Me-163 rocket-powered plane. S.P., 2 1/4" x 3 1/4" b/w, a waist-up view of Ziegler in his Luftwaffe uniform, signed on the verso in blue ink, adding the date of the photograph, 1944. A second hand has added the notation "Me 163 Pilot" in pencil. Signature somewhat smudged, else very good. Two pieces.


USD 150 - 200

WAFFEN-SS LEADERSPair of signed photographs of German Waffen-SS officers, includes: MAX WUNSCHE (1914-1995) Orderly officer to Hitler and commander within the 12th SS Panzer Division Hitler Jugend. S.P., 8" x 10" b/w, a chest-up profile view of Wunsche in uniform. Bears a biographical inscription in ink on the verso, with a Wehrmacht stamp. Fine. WITH: OTTO KUMM (1909-2004) Commander of the SS Divisions Das Reich, Prinz Eugen, and Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler. S.P., 8" x 10" b/w, a chest-up view of Kumm in uniform, signed at the bottom in black ink. Mounted to a cardstock backing. Fine. Two pieces.


USD 100 - 150

WAFS AND WASP PILOTS AND ACES SIGNED PHOTOGRAPHSLot of two signed photos, includes: scarce signed photo of an American aircraft (Corsair?) apparently being piloted by a woman at a civilian airport, 12" x 8" color, signed by 19 veteran (women) fliers, all of them either WASPs (Women's Army Service Pilots) or WAFS (Women's Auxiliary Ferrying Squadron), WITH a 12" x 8" color photo of another aircraft, similarly signed by 14 American conbat aces including CHUCK YEAGER and TEX HILL. With a third photo signed by an unknown ace, post-WWII. Fine.


USD 100 - 150

P-38 LIGHTNING SIGNED PRINTFine print of a P-38 signed by five famous military aviators, 19" x 15" sight, shows the P-38 Jandina III signed by its pilot, ace JAY ROBBINS, also signed by fellow aces REX BARBER, GERALD BROWN and JOHN W. MITCHELL, and by artist MAX CRACE. Very good, framed.


USD 200 - 300

AMERICAN MILITARY NOTABLESCHARLES W. LINDBERG (1920-2007) Marine corporal, the first flag raiser at Iwo Jima. S.P., 8 ½" x 11", b/w, a photo of the first flag raising atop Mount Suribachi. Signed at top right in black ink with date and time of the flag raising added beneath, WITH: ENOLA GAY CREW MEMBERS I.S.P., 8 ½" x 11", b/w, a view of the "Little Boy" atomic bomb with explanatory text, signed by MORRIS JEPPSON (1922-2010) assistant weaponeer of the Enola Gay, and THEODORE VAN KIRK (1921-2014) the navigator of the aircraft. Both sign in blue ink and add their position on the plane, above their small portraits at bottom; WITH: MARK CLARK (1896-1984) Senior Army officer who saw service during World War I, World War II, and the Korean War. T.L.S., 1p. 4to. Charleston, Dec. 30, 1967, gives a cordial greeting and thanks to the correspondent for enclosing a photo of the Queen Mary in a previous letter. Signed at conclusion in blue ink. Includes newspaper clippings and original transmittal envelope with Clark's return address. Folds, else fine.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 150 - 250

MILITARY NOTABLES OF WORLD WAR IILot of seven signed items, includes: WALTER BEDELL SMITH A.N.S. on a small card; ARTHUR CONINGHAM A.N.S. with rank, mentions V-E celebrations in Denmark; MAXELL D. TAYLOR signature on a commemorative chaplains cover, 1948; JESSE B. OLDENDORF typed D.S., 1p. 4to., 1959, allows use of his image and quote in a book about Donitz; and signed photos of CURTIS LEMAY and LUCIUS CLAY. Very good.


USD 100 - 150

WORLD WAR II NOTABLESLot of seven items signed by various World War II notables, includes: HAROLD STARK A.N.S. on the bottom a 1961 letter from a student asking for an anecdote about Halsey: "...we were close to each other - ashore and afloat - for many many years...I have many close & personal recollections...I am kleeping them in their personal status..."; Nuremberg prosecutors TELFORD TAYLOR and WILLIAM J. DENSON signed Nuremberg War Crimes Trial document transfer program; photo signed by Ranger LEE PROVENCHER who helped liberate Cabanatuan prisoners; 5" x 7" photos of ROBERT L. SCOTT and ADOLF GALLAND, and commemorative postal covers signed by aces PETER TOWNSEND and TEX HILL. Very good to fine.


USD 200 - 300

WORLD WAR II NOTABLESLot of seven items signed by World War II military figures, includes: Iwo Jima photographer JOE ROSENTHAL and flag-raiser JOHN BRADLEY both signing a 1966 USMC commemorative cover; OMAR BRADLEY signature on an "Atoms for Peace" card; CURTIS LEMAY signature on a Lindbergh commemorative cover; JOHN M. BULKELEY signature on a card; LOUIS MOUNTBATTEN signature on a card; FRANK L. TEIXEIRA signature on a D-Day cover; and SABURO SAKAI signature in English and Japanese on an 8" x 10" photo. WITH: two pieces Japanese occupation currency.


USD 300 - 400

ALLIED GENERALS AND OTHER NOTABLESFine lot of signed items, includes: Admiral JAMES BULKELEY signed copy of his typed biography; J. LAWTON COLLINS T.L.S. on his Army letterhead, Washington, Aug. 22, 1949, sends thanks for a letter of congratulations; JOE FOSS S.P. 5" x 7" b/w, in uniform; JOE LOCKARD, Army radar operator who was told to "ignore" the incoming waves of Japanes planes he spotted before the attack on Pearl Harbor, S.P. 8" x 10" b/w, a grainy post-war image; JOSEPH CHABOT, planned withdrawal from Bataan, a Death March survivor, signature on a first day cover; ace DAVID MCCAMBELL, signed first day cover; "COMMANDO" KELLY, signed MOH card; ARLEIGH BURKE, prob. autopen signature; MOH recipient JAMES H. HOWARD, signed color image of his plane and signed MOH citation; ROBERT MORGAN, pilot of "Memphis Belle", signed 8" x 10" of plane and crew. Overall very good.


USD 150 - 200

ALLIED NOTABLESARTHUR HARRIS (1892-1984) Popularly known as "Bomber" Harris, Commander-in-Chief of RAF bomber command during World War II. S. P., 5 1/4" x 4" b/w, a view of Harris at his desk, with two other officers. Fine. WITH: LUCIUS CLAY (1898-1978) American officer and military governor of the United States Army known for his administration of occupied Germany after World War II, and for his orchestration of the Berlin Airlift. T.L.S., 1p. 4to., Berlin, Nov. 18, 1948, to H.E.Howell of the UNU. Clay thanks Howell for bringing to his attention public remarks made by one of Clay's former subordinates, Guenther Reinhardt, who was released from his duties due to his lack of qualifications. Signed at the conclusion in black ink. Folds, else fine. Two pieces.


USD 150 - 200

(WINSTON CHURCHILL AND FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT)Signed lithograph, 11" x 15 1/2", depicts Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt seated before him, signed at bottom by the artist, SARAH CHURCHILL (1914-1982), Churchill's daughter, an actress and WAAF during World War II. With a blind-embossed image of Churchill ofeering his "V" hand sign. Fine.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 40 - 60

(SEPP DIETRICH)Letter to Dietrich by his friend and World War I colleague Josef Fischer on official Upper Bavaria Agricultural Department letterhead, 1p. 4to., Friedberg, May 25, 1938 extending his warm wishes on Dietrich's birthday and sending him an edition of a World War I publication "which will put you back in the middle of the steel storm of Flander, Douaumont and Langenmarck..". Very good.


USD 100 - 150

"THE BRIDGE ON THE RIVER KWAI"SIR ALEC GUINESS (1914-2000) British actor, most remembered for his role as Col. Nicholson in "The Bridge on the River Kwai" (1957, for which he won the Academy Award for Best Actor), Prince Faisal in "Lawrence of Arabia" (1962), and Gen. Yevgraf Zhivago in "Doctor Zhivago" (1965). Excellent S.P., 10" x 8" b/w, a still from "The Bridge on the River Kwai" showing him with his nemesis Col. Saito (Sessue Hayakawa), signed at left. Signature only very slightly lightened. Matted and framed.


USD 2,000 - 3,000

UTAH BEACH SOUTH - INVASION MAP OF LANDING CRAFT AND BEACH DEFENSESHighly important and historical map intended for use in the D-Day invasion of France in Normandy. The map, titled "UTAH BEACH-SOUTH (La Madeleine)" shows perhaps two miles of the beach with its known and suspected defenses overprinted in red. The 25" x 20" map is further marked "TOP SECRET - BIGOT UNTIL DEPARTURE FOR COMBAT OPERATIONS THEN THIS SHEET BECOMES RESTRICTED" and "FIRST BEACH OBSTACLE OVERPRINT - Information as of 12 May [1944]" All types of underwater obstacles are shown, including ramps, hedgehogs, and tetrahedrons, and shore defenses include mine fields and gun emplacements. There is also a notice to the Nazy coxswain who would be piloting and inbound craft. The bottom of the map shows a matching panoramic photo of the beachfront, and the verso has beach elevations and tidal charts. The map is from the estate of Brice W. Rhyne of the 8th Regiment who landed at UTAH, sold with a transcript of his May, 1945 recollection of the landing and aftermath. Soiling and wear consistent with use. An excellent relic.


USD 1,200 - 1,500

MAP OF THE DEFENSES OF UTAH BEACH, FROM A COMBAT VETERAN WHO LANDED THEREA most important map showing the German defenses of the four landing zones comprising UTAH BEACH, northwest of St. Marie du Mont and just east of St.Martin de Varreville. The 27 1/2" x 20 3/4" map is titled: "DEFENCES STE. MARIE DU MONT Information as at May 44". Additional printed notes include: "TOP SECRET until issued for briefing ground troops; thereafter SECRET" and "This map will NOT be carried in operational aircraft" No credit is given the map's creators, but it is certainly American and most likely the 660th U.S. Engineers. The map has light topographical and structural details, with a blue printed overlay of all of the artillery and machine gun defenses, redoubts, pillboxes, blockhouses, and fields of fire in the region, along with suspected but unconfirmed defenses. The landing zone shows a suspected minefield on the beach, limited machine gun coverage, and flooded fields. Other areas heavily involved in the opening hours of the battle are also shown, including la Houssaye and St. Martin de Varreville, just east of Ste. Mere Eglise. The verso of the map bears an exhaustive key to every symbol used on the map. The map is from the estate of Brice W. Rhyne of the 8th Regiment who landed at UTAH, sold with a transcript of his May, 1945 recollection of the landing and aftermath.


USD 700 - 800

AMERICAN ENGINEERS' MAP OF THE UTAH BEACH REGION, APRIL, 1944Excellent military map titled "STE. MARIE DU MONT" and showing the region including UTAH beach and the immediate surrounding towns and villages, dated at top: "SECOND EDITION (APR. 1944). The map, prepared by the 660th U.S. Engineers, shows some elevations, with streets and structures, offshore banks, rivers and streams, etc. Other locations involved in the battle are included, such as la Houssaye and St. Martin de Varreville, just east of Ste. Mere Eglise. The map is from the estate of Brice W. Rhyne of the 8th Regiment who landed at UTAH, sold with a transcript of his May, 1945 recollection of the landing and aftermath. Very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 750 - 1,000

D-DAY AFTER-ACTION REPORT, 4TH INFANTRY DIVISIONFine content after-action report of the 4th Infantry Division following its landing at Utah Beach on D-Day, a mimeographed document 40pp. 4to., "Headquarters 4th Infantry Division", August 10, 1944 and marked "SECRET" throughout. The 4th Infantry Division assaulted the northern coast of German-held France during the Normandy landings, landing at Utah Beach, June 6, 1944. The report, which covers the period from June 2nd to July 31st, opens with a list of the officers commanding the division and then sets forth the division's day-by-day actions starting on D-Day. The report states that resistance was heavy every day until about June 14th, and states that no prisoners were taken (!). The division encounters SS Panzer divisions, Panzer Grenadier divisions, the 14th Fallschirmjager Div., etc. which all retreat in a haphazard manner. Operations are also set forth, showing the movements of various elements per map coordinates and overlays, units relieved and those placed in action, etc. The report also shows supply and evacuations statistics, German and American orders of battle, intelligence findings including the arrests of subversives, photo intelligence, and so on. First page has a few marginal chips, one page has a clean tear, else very good. From a veteran of the 8th Infantry Reg., 4th Division. The 4th's soldiers were first to land on Normandy, and relieved the isolated 82nd Airborne Division at Sainte-Mère-Église. It then proceeded to clear the Cotentin peninsula and take part in the capture of Cherbourg on 25 June. After taking part in the fighting near Periers, 6–12 July, the division broke through the left flank of the German 7th Army, helped stem the German drive toward Avranches, and by the end of August had moved to Paris and gave French forces the first place in the liberation of their capital.


USD 700 - 900

AMERICAN ENGINEERS' MAP OF STE. MERE EGLISE, APRIL, 1944Important military map of the Norman countryside including Ste. Mere Eglise where the 505th P.I.R. or the 82nd Airborne found themselves in dire straits early on the morning of D-Day. The map, 30 1/2" x 21", is titled "STE. MERE EGLISE" and shows the strategic town near the center. Elevation, as well as other topographical details, structures, fields, forests, rivers, etc. are clearly indicated. This is a very late map, possibly the last one prior to D-Day: it is headed "SECOND EDITION (APR. 1944)". The map was prepared by the 660th U.S. Engineers who were responsible for much of the cartography of the region for invasion purposes. The map is from the estate of Brice W. Rhyne of the 8th Regiment who landed at UTAH, sold with a transcript of his May, 1945 recollection of the landing and aftermath. The 8th relieved the 82nd Airborne at Ste. Mere Eglise. Very good.


USD 700 - 900

"INVASION MAP" OF CHERBOURG, FRANCEAn outstanding map prepared for a potention invasion of France at Cherbourg, or perhaps made to deceive the Germans as part of OPERATION FORTITUDE, a 25" x 21" map titled "DEFENCES CHERBOURG Information as at May 44". The map is further marked: "TOP SECRET until issued for briefing ground troops; thereafter SECRET" and "This map will NOT be carried in operational aircraft" The map was created by Co. B, 660th U.S. Engineers. It has light topographical and structural details, with a blue printed overlay of all of the artillery defenses, redoubts, pillboxes, blockhouses, and fields of fire in and around Cherbourg, including the offshore islands. The harbor was heavily fortified with chains barring entry and fortifications and barriers lining the coast. The verso of the map bears an exhaustive key to every symbol used on the map. The map is from the estate of Brice W. Rhyne of the 8th Regiment who landed at UTAH, sold with a transcript of his May, 1945 recollection of the landing and aftermath. A rare item, in very good condition.


USD 4,000 - 6,000

JAPANESE PRISONERS OF WAR AND KOREAN "COMFORT WOMEN" P.O.W. CAMP DRAWINGSAn extraordinary grouping of 18 portraits hand-drawn and watercolor wash portrait sketches of Korean "comfort women", Japanese P.O.W.s, and Burmese nurses, 10" x 7" and smaller, most from Camp Ledo and Myitkyina, Burma, ca. 1944. The drawings, which exaggerate some features of these unfortunates, include seven "comfort women", six Japanese P.O.W.s, and five other women including two Seagrave nurses and a Singalese woman. Overall very good. The Korean "comfort girls" were recruited by Japanese agents with promises of employment in army hospitals and high pay. Nearly 800 such women were so deceived and sent to villages near Japanese army camps where they were placed on strict schedules "serving" their clients. Post-war, these women were shunned, shamed and ignored by their countrymen at home.


USD 2,000 - 3,000

"ILLUSTRATED ANALYSIS OF EASTERN ASIA CRISIS" WITH EARLY PUBLISHED PHOTO OF MAOAn excessivley rare situation map published in Chinese: "Illustrated Analysis of Eastern Asia Crisis", 30 1/2" x 21", 1936, issued by the Tokyo Daily News Publishing House, Oct. 10, 1936, printed by Tokyo Factory of Jingbang Printing Co., Oct. 5, 1936. This map, issued only seven months before the Japanese invasion of mainland China, shows the various regions of the country then embroiled in civil war: territory in pink is held by the communists, with Mao shown in a small photo portrait, gray lands held by Nationalists with Chiang Kai Shek shown, green areas are held by Zhi's group of warlords, and so on. Battle fronts, sea and supply routes, and troop movements are also indicated, with the entirety overlooked by Josef Stalin who can be seen at upper-left. A striking historic map, with only a few tiny holes along vertical fold apparent. From a single collection obtained entirely in China pre-2000.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 1,200 - 1,500

1930S CHINESE ANTI-JAPANESE NEWSPAPERAn apparently very rare 1930s Chinese [Canton?] school newspaper or broadside titled: "ANTI-JAPANESE WAR", an edition apparently published and issued by students. The sheet bears five comic strips showing alternately Japanese abuse and murder of civilians and children and the military success of the Chinese against their occupiers. Text suggests that students and children resist subjugation by the "Japanese devils" who seek to "consume" them. Folds, else fine condition. From a single collection obtained entirely in China pre-2000.


USD 2,000 - 3,000

KNIGHTS CROSS RECOMMENDATION FOR SS-OBERFUHRER HERMANN PRIESSRare, fine content typed D.S. (signed carbon), "Headquarters O.K.H.", 4pp.4to., [Berlin], Apr. 24, 1943, the recommendation that Waffen-SS Obefuhrer HERMANN PRIESS, SS Panzergrenadier Div. "Totenkopf", be awarded the Knights Cross of the Iron Cross. The document cites his actions: " the closing of the ring around Demjansk by the Russians on 3.2..42... Priess took over as artillery commander... the available combined batteries of the Group Eicke... Priess with his great experience... and week-long attacks by the Russians... destroyed the enemy... due to his leadership... they did not lose a foot of the 41 km. front held by Group Eicke... and held Fortress Demjansk...". Approved and signed at conclusion by RUDOLF SCHMUNDT (1896 - 1944), General and Chief Adjutant of the Wehrmacht and a close friend of Hitler, mortally wounded in the July 20, 1944 bomb attempt on Hitler's life. The first page of the citation bears an ink notation that the Knights Cross: "...was awarded by the Fuhrer 28.4.43...". File holes and a vertical plit between leaves, else very good. Sold with a period 5" x 7" photo with paper caption on verso showing Priess with Knights Cross, Oak Leaves and Swords. HERMANN PRIESS (1901–1985) was the commander of 3rd SS Division Totenkopf following the death of Theodor Eicke in February 1943. He would also receive Oak Leaves and Swords. Post-war, Priess was imprisoned for complicity in the murder of American prisoners at Malmedy.


USD 1,200 - 1,500

SS-TOTENKOPFVERBANDE SOLDIER'S DOCUMENT GROUPINGGroup of six documents, all related to SS member Hans Schermbacher. Includes: typed D.S., 1p. oblong 8vo., Oranienburg, April 23, 1940, a list of three soldiers, including Schambacher, who are to receive promotions at the SS-Totenkopfverbande training camp at Dachau. Schambacher is to advance to the rank of untersturmfuhrer; a typed D.S., 1p. 4to., Berlin, Aug. 8, 1940, also noting Schambacher's promotion to untersturmfuhrer; a typed D.S., 1p. oblong 8vo., Berlin, Jan. 23, 1940, extending Schambergers leave due to a medical condition, and ordering him to be examined by a doctor in Oranienburg or Berlin by March 1; a typed D.S., 1p. 4to., Wurzburg, Sep 2, 1939, an earlier document promoting Schambacher to scharfuhrer; a typed D.S., 1p. 4to., Straslund, Nov. 30, 1940, ordering that Schambacher deploy to Amersfoort, Holland, eight months after the German takeover of that country; and a typed D.S., Nov. 30, 1940, a pass allowing Schambacher to travel to Holland. All bear file holes at the left margin, with mild foxing, else very good.


USD 1,200 - 1,500

K.I.A. SS SOLDIER'S DOCUMENT GROUPGroup of six documents, all related to SS soldier Josef Holzinger, includes: Holzinger's SS identification card, 1p. 12mo., dated Sep. 15, 1938, listing Holzinger's birth date and rank of "SS-Mann"", and featuring his photograph and the facsimile signature of Heinrich Himmler; a typed document, signed in facsimile, 1p. 4to., Linz, June 17, 1939, assigning Holzinger to the SS-Totenkopfverbande, with an ink note on the verso indicating that he was sent to the SS-TV training camp at Dachau. The document also threatens consequences for failing to report for duty. Old cello tape repairs on the verso, else very good; a typed D.S., 1p. oblong 8vo., Jan. 29, 1940, certifying that Holzinger is qualified to service category III vehicles, signed by an SS Obersturmfuhrer; a T.L.S., 1p. 4to. "In the Field", Jan. 25, 1945, to Gisela Holzinger, Josef's sister, notifying her that Josef was killed in action by shrapnel from a grenade during combat north of Warsaw on Oct. 15, 1944. The letter, written in response to an inquiry from Gisela, states that he died peacefully and was an exemplary soldier. Old cello tape repairs on the verso, else very good; and a death notice card and funeral announcement card, each bearing a black border and Holzinger's portrait. The death notice lists his date of death, while the funeral announcement lists his surviving family.


USD 300 - 400

1933 NAZI PARTY POLLING RESULTS AND VOTING DOCUMENTSExcellent lot of material directly relating to the 1933 German national elections which further enhanced the Nazi Party voting block in the Reichstag and which were the last free elections in Germany before World War II. This grouping was owned by the head of a Berlin voting district, one Robert Schwerk. It includes: five tally sheets showing NSDAP candidates with commanding leads over their political adversaries; a list of members of the 1936 Reichstag; a notice on where to vote, a pass to the "House of the Reichspresident"; a sample invitation to the Mar. 21, 1933 opening of the Reichstag, and a document deputizing a poll worker. Overall very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 500 - 700

ARCHIVE OF AN AMERICAN M.P. GUARDING GERMAN P.O.W.S IN TEXASLarge grouping of material from the service of Army T/Sgt. Normand L. LaRoche, 370th M.P.E.G. (Military Police Escort Guard) who spent most of his military service guarding German prisoners being held at various P.O.W. camps in Texas. A vast collection of material is included in this comprehensive collection. Included is: two wool "M P" arm bands; a group of about 200 reports and records from Camp Fannin, Texas, Sep. 29-Dec. 20, 1944, including some camp regulations, a list of "protected personnel", multiple lists of German prisoners attached to work details, medical notations, prisoner transfers, etc.; a revised memorandum of rules and regulations, 54pp. 4to., Dallas, Nov. 6, 1944; approx. 150pp. of reports from the POW camp at Milam and Camp Fannin, Tx., late 1944, a variety of data including lists of prisoners and work production, largely amounts of wood cut; type of work done, breakdown of non-coms and regular soldiers working, etc.; approx. 40pp. of lists naming prisoners present, on work details, or transferred to camps at Milam, Huntsville, St.Augustine, Claiborne, and Fort Crockett; and much more. In August, 1945 LaRoche was sent to Bayeux, France to deal with American occupation troops. His first notebook written there bears several pages on dealing with French prostitutes. Also included is his lengthy travel diary commencing December, 1945. Publications in this grouping include LaRoche's copies of: Basic Field Manual, Interior Guard Duty; 1941 War Department Infantry Drill Regulations; Sep. 16, 1943 Infantry Regs. Field Manual; Thompson Submachine Gun guide, Dec. 31, 1941; MPs promotional booklet; Scouting and Patrolling Manual; two M1 and BAR score books (unused); 1940 Red Cross First Aid Text-Book; Red Cross Instructions Outline, First Aid Courses; 1917 Catholic Prayer Book for the Army and Navy; "My Military Missal; "Army Talks" magazine, Nov. 18, 1945 on German propaganda; July 1, 1944 Texas road map, and a murder mystery inscribed: "Read this in Berlin standing on Adolph's face". Also included are three scrapbooks with about 70 photos of LaRoche and ruins in Brussels and Berlin, but largely filled with travel souvenirs, with multiple personal notes on prisoners and other subjects, his wallet with a few passes, clippings, etc. Camp Fannin was an enormous facility which trained over 200,000 G.I.s in less than thtree years, while also containg German P.O.W.s. Only two escaped, and they were quickly recaptured. A most interesting grouping!

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 700 - 900

U.S. NAVY PACIFIC WAR ARCHIVE OF NAVY CHIEF ENGINEER NORMAN R. JOHNSONExcellent, extensive grouping related to the far-reaching World War II service of U.S. Navy sailor Norman R. Johnson, who served throughout the war in the Pacific aboard the USS DETROIT, PLUNGER, PIGEON, POMPANO, WHITLEY, BROOKS, ALCHIBA, WANDANK, HENDERSON, OTUS, SNAPPER, HOLLAND, and DAVIS. Career sailor Johnson, a chief engineer, took part in the desperate defense of Bataan during the collapse of the Philippines, and was an active participant at Iwo Jima, landing and evacuating Marines during the invasion. Included in this historic grouping is Johnson's hand-written two-year diary in a 12mo. notebook detailing Johnson's service, 1940-42. The diary is mostly a daily log of the ship's position and any notable events. The first historic event to be recorded comes on Dec. 7, 1941, with Johnson's ship, the minesweeper USS PIGEON, anchored at the Cavite Naval Yard in the Philippines. That date bears the entry: "war declared by the Nippers", with the American declaration of war duly noted the day after. On the 10th, Johnson notes that the naval yard is "bombed out", with the ship relocating to Manila Bay. On December 21, the ship relocates again, this time to the vicinity of Corregidor. All the while, Johnson records daily air raids, with as many as eight taking place each day. On Jan. 15, Johnson makes the following tongue-in-cheek entry: "Contemplated Cable to States - Dear Uncle [Sam], Please send us another plane, the one we have is almost worn out". From January to March of 1942, the PIGEON was heavily involved in the defense of Bataan, as one of the few ships available to the forces stationed there. She salvaged fuel from sunken ships, stole Japanese mines and ammunition, refueled submarines and gunboats operating covertly in the area and shot down at least four Japanese aircraft. On April 1, Johnson notes: "...Night and day bombing of Corregador & Marevelis [sic]". The entry for the 5th reads: "We are supposed to give up or else tonite", while the ninth reads: "The Army on Batan [sic] is cracking - Situation is in doubt - shelled from Cab", reflecting the increasingly desperate situation faced by the defenders. On the 10th, Johnson is evacuated to Australia aboard the submarine USS SNAPPER; Bataan had fallen to the Japanese the day before, leaving only the defenders of Corregidor to hold out until May 6. The PIGEON would be sunk two days prior, on the 4th. WITH: another diary, executed in an 8vo. notebook, detailing Johnson's service aboard the attack cargo ship USS WHITLEY from September 1944 to the end of the war in August, 1945. The diary opens with the commissioning of the WHITLEY at Oakland on Sep. 21, 1944, and mostly consists of records of the ship's daily location. Certain important events, however, are treated with much greater narrative detail. Most notably, Johnson notes the arrival of his ship at Saipan on Feb. 12, 1945, where he and his crewmates are occupied with "rehearsal" and waiting. The entry for the 16th reveals what they are rehearsing for: "Underway for Iwo Jima". On the page opposite, Johnson executes a sketch of the island as viewed from the east, labeling the air strip, the landing beach, and Mt. Suribachi as "Hot Rock". On the 19th, the invasion of the island is launched: "0900 Troops landed on beach at Iwo Jima - Tough - Mortar fire". During the invasion, the WHITLEY landed elements of the 5th Marine Division, remaining in the vicinity of the island for eight days. On the 21st, Johnson notes that the ship embarks battle casualties; air raids are noted from that date to the 24th. On the 23rd, Johnson notes: "Flag raised on Hot Rock", marking the iconic raising of the flag by Marines over Mt. Suribachi. Following the battle, the ship continues to travel around the theater, making calls at Guadalcanal, Tulagi, San Francisco, Saipan, and Pearl Harbor, among others. Johnson notes that he marries his wife, Billie, at Aberdeen, Washington on May 26. The next major event is recorded beginning Aug. 12, with the brief entry: "V-J?" The 13th and the 14th bear the entries: "Japan Will Surrender" and "Japan Surrenders", while the 15th bears a longer note: "The war is over - submitted request for discharge as per AlNav. #196 - 59 points". The last entries are made for the4 16th and 17th: "Packed Up" and "Transferred". At the bottom of the page, Johnson writes, no doubt very happily: "The End". While brief, the entries made in these diaries provide an evocative and personal view of some of the most historic and celebrated moments of the war. WITH: Johnson's photo album, recording his service aboard the CLEMSON-class destroyer USS BROOKS, containing approx. 165 photos mostly dated 1938 through 1939, with some slightly earlier images included. The album is bound in brown leather, and bears the name and image of the ship, Johnson's name, and a large variety of ports visited during the ship's cruise, including Tsingtao, New York, Bremerton, Seattle, Hong Kong, Long Beach, Juneau, and Honolulu. The album feature many image of the BROOKS, including many views of her being repainted and overhauled, likely at Pearl Harbor, as well as several views of other Navy ships, including aircraft carriers and submarines. The album also includes many images of Johnson's fellow sailors, in dress and undress whites, with Hawaiian girls during shore leave, and participating in festivities celebrating the ship's crossing of the equator. Bound into the album is a blank "shellback" certificate, to be completed at the owner's aforementioned first equatorial crossing, as well as two certificates attesting to Johnson's completion of training necessary to become a Seaman First Class and a Fireman First Class, respectively dated 1937 and 1939. Also tucked into the album is a typed document, 1p. 4to., Galveston, Jan. 3, 1940, announcing that Johnson is to be court-martialed for being absent from duty aboard the destroyer USS DAVIS for two hours and twenty minutes. The BROOKS was heavily damaged by a kamikaze at Luzon on Jan. 6, 1945, resulting in her scrapping. Also included in the lot are: a silk 15” x 12” escape map showing the Solomons on both sides; Johnson’s dog tag, two ribbon bars, and American Defense medal; 1939 diary with very brief entries but mention of convoy duty; 1943 diary aboard USS HOLLAND and USS ALCHIBA, content nil; scrapbook containing three pieces 1938 Hawaii military ephemera; two menus from the USS BROOKS (nearly sunk by a kamikaze); four passes to leave his various vessels; three training certificates; honorable discharge from the USS DAVIS; hat tally from the USS WANDANK; official copies of the two Presidential unit citations given to the USS PIGEON; his marriage certificate; and his final Navy honorable discharge, listing some, but not all of the many ships he served aboard. An excellent grouping detailing a long and varied service at the heart of some of the most momentous engagements of the pacific theater.


USD 100 - 150

1936 OLYMPICS GROUPINGLot of three documents, includes two 1936 official German government documents, each 4pp. large 4to., one showing color images of the first and second class German Olympic medals with instructions on their award, the second document doing the same for the commemorative medal. Sold with an award of the commemorative medal to Olympian Elly Balzer, signed in facsimile by Adolf Hitler. Three pieces.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 400 - 500

AMERICAN INVASION MAP OF VALOGNESImportant battle map intended for use in the capture of the strategic town of Valognes shortly after D-Day. The map is titled: "DEFENCES VALOGNES" and is further marked in red: "TOP SECRET until issued for briefing ground troops; thereafter SECRET" and "This map will NOT be carried in operational aircraft" No credit is given the map's creators, but it is certainly American and most likely the 660th U.S. Engineers. The map has light topographical and structural details, with a blue printed overlay of all of the artillery and machine gun defenses, redoubts, pillboxes, blockhouses, and fields of fire in the region, along with suspected but unconfirmed defenses. Valogne appears near the upper-right corner with les Penques appearing in the opposite, lower corner. The map measures 24" x 21" and includes a detailed key on the verso. Folds, else very good. Valognes was decimated by Allied bombs on D-Day and several days thereafter. On June 20th, elements of the 8th Infantry Regiment, en route to Cherbourg, made their way through the ruins of the town which would later serve as a communications hub. The map is from the estate of Brice W. Rhyne of the 8th Regiment who landed at UTAH, sold with a transcript of his May, 1945 recollection of the landing and aftermath.


USD 100 - 150

AMERICAN P.O.W. OF THE JAPANESE INCREASES HIS INSURANCEScarce postcard sent by an American P.O.W. to the V.A., May 12, 1944. Capt. Gordon R. Myers, held at "Philippine Military Prison Camp No. 2" (probably at Davao), asks that his life insurance be increased to $10,000 and notes that he suffers from "defects" of malaria, beriberi, dermatitis, foot fungus, and other maladies. With Japanese censor markings. Punch holes.


USD 250 - 350

AMERICAN SOLDIER'S LATE-WAR DIARYAmerican soldier's late-war diary from his combat experiences in Germany and Czechoslovakia, Nov. 26, 1944 until early June, 1945, about 25pp. 8vo., bound. Brief entries from this unknown soldier (probably an engineer), most only a line or two, but mention all cities he passes through, combat encounters and those friends killed in action whose names are preceded by a black cross. In part: "...moving to new position...across the German lighting system working...417th boys taken prisoner by SS tyroops talked themselves out of it brought in bunches of troops along with captors...two men in 417th killed...getting set to move across the Rhine...[Cross] Sgt. Ichici, sniper near Holstein...about 2000 prisoners in convoys...SS troops in PW cage, Gen. Rheinhardt captured Gestapo, 5th man in not cleared of snipers...40 German tanks retake Mulhausen...304th Infantry retake town...15 tanks still on the loose...took Salerno and load of dead into QM...Blackout on all 3rd army moves...Junkers '88' shot down...bodies all torn apart, arms, legs, guts all over the place...Burgo[meister] of Chemnitz killed by inf. col. for lying to him...SS troops...killed a lot of refugees...". Such diaries were not allowed and are rarely seen.


USD 400 - 600

AMERICAN SOLDIER'S SOUTH PACIFIC DRAWINGS AND SCRAP BOOKBound 4to. scrap book with green leather covers, with the title "Scrap Book" in gilt on the front, and with the black ink inscription "U.S. Army, 1942, Feb. 19th, Bill's Scrap Book". The seventeen or so pages bound within the album are blank, but tucked inside the album are a number of items, including eleven monochrome facsimile reproductions of works by noted war artist Frede Vidar, each approx. 4to. size, depicting a variety of scenes from the war in the South Pacific, including dead Japanese soldiers, jungle encampments, American patrols, landing craft crewmen, and aircraft wreckage. Of these, three have been colorized with watercolor paint, likely by the soldier to whom the scrapbook belonged. Also present are six monochrome facsimile reproductions of similar works by other war artists, of which a further two have been similarly colorized. The only fully original work of art present is an unsigned pencil and ink sketch on an 8vo. sheet, torn from a spiral-bound sketchbook, depicting two South Pacific native by a thatched hut built on pylons over water. This sketch is unsigned. Also present is an aerial photograph of a military base, bearing surface damage that obscures its identity and location, as well as a folio sheet bearing four handwritten poetic verses, and, somewhat anomalously, eight manuscript pages containing a report on historical flooding in Pennsylvania, accompanied by two pages of newspaper photographs on the same subject. Affixed to one of these pages is a mailing label, addressed to a Sgt. W.A. Bachelor in San Francisco, likely the "Bill" mentioned within the front cover of the scrap book. A rather unusual relic of the war in the South Pacific, worthy of further research.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 200 - 300

ARGENTINA INSPECTS A SALVAGED GERMAN U-BOATArgentine naval dossier, 38pp. 4to., containing letters and documents in Spanish related to the navy's interest in purchasing a former German U-boat, the U-167, which had been scuttled in the Canary Islands in 1943, and salvaged by a private Spanish company in 1951. The dossier opens with a cover letter from the Argentinean naval attache in Spain, Jose Cordeau, explaining the contents. Next is a letter from the salvors, "Recuperaciones Maritimas S.A." ("Maritime Recoveries"), dated June 19, 1954, enclosing a general description of the U-boat and its current status. This letter also states the price the company would like to receive from the sale of the submarine, 47 million pesetas, with another 25 to 30 million pesetas required to restore it to full working order. Following this is a twelve-page report by the salvors, describing the submarines general construction characteristics, propulsion, armament, and other features as built. This report includes two 7" x 5" b/w photographs, purportedly of the U-167, as well as a 32" x 11" line schematic of a generic Type IX C U-boat. Following this is an eight-page report of the condition of the U-167 post-salvage. Next is a second typed letter from Cordeau, authorizing three marine engineers, Jorge Delucchi, Antonio Speroni, and Ruy Becerra to inspect the submarine and determine if it can be successfully refitted and taken into Argentinean service. Following this is the trio's eight-page report, in which they conclude that the submarine can be repaired to regain all of its original functionality. They identify a shipyard in Cartagena, Bazan, which has already had experience in refitting an earlier Type VIII C U-boat, and which the engineers believe is capable of performing similar work on the U-167. Oddly, the dossier concludes with an inquiry as to whether the photographs present with these reports depict the U-167 following its salvage, or another, similar submarine. The Argentine navy was presumably unwilling to pursue this deal to its conclusion, as the U-boat was retained by Spain and used briefly as a film set, before being scrapped. Also present is an unrelated D.S., 3pp. 4to., Buenos Aires, Jan. 26. 1944, an official communique, acknowledged and forwarded by eight officers, announcing the severing of Argentina's diplomatic relations with Germany and Japan. Both sets of documents bear chipping and small tears at the edges, else very good.


USD 300 - 400

BRITISH FLIGHT MECHANIC'S STUDY BOOKExcellent war-date British flight mechanic's handwritten course book from a 17-week course given at RAF Camp Halton, approx. 200pp. 8vo., heavily illustrated by the unidentified mechanic. Virtually every topic is covered in the text to which the student has added dozens of his own illustrations. These include, in small part: tools and their care, safety precaustions, the Hurricane hydraulic system and control system, the Bristol hydraulic system, trim tab controls, Blenheim starting, fueling, aerodrome organization, general maintenance, salvage, body skins and repairs, parachutes, picketing, and much more, all neatly penned and in great detail. In a red bound "RAF" notebook. Edges of notebook worn, contents very good.


USD 100 - 150

BRITISH WAR OFFICE 1943 MAP OF CHERBOURGD-Day related map "Cherbourg", 30 1/2" x 20 1/2", a topographical and road map showing the Cherbourg and points due east contained within "Lambert Zone I (Red)". The map was prepared by the British War Office, 1943 and includes the crucial road from St. Pierre-Eglise which Americans captured, preventing German relief of Cherbourg and Normandy. SOLD WITH: a map from the same source, September, 1943, 24 1/2" x 19", showing the town of St. Pierre-Eglise. Marginal chip, toned spot. Two pieces. The map is from the estate of Brice W. Rhyne of the 8th Regiment who landed at UTAH, sold with a transcript of his May, 1945 recollection of the landing and aftermath. The 8th also participated in the liberation of Cherbourg.


USD 150 - 200

BRITISH WAR OFFICE MAP OF CHERBOURG AND CAEND-Day related map "Cherbourg & Caen", 30" x 35", a topographical and road map showing the Cherbourg to Le Havre in the east, south to Evran and east again to Alencon. The map mainly concerns itself with altitudes, and its scale of colors shows heights from zero to 400 meters. The map was originally prepared in 1914 - this 4th edition was issued by the British War Office in 1943. Folds, very good. The map is from the estate of Brice W. Rhyne of the 8th Regiment who landed at UTAH, sold with a transcript of his May, 1945 recollection of the landing and aftermath. The 8th also participated in the liberation of Cherbourg.


USD 500 - 600

CITY OF KIEL WILL CARE FOR THE DAUGHTER OF A SOLDIER KILLED DURING OPERATION BARBAROSSAMost unusual D.S., 9 1/2" x 13 1/4" vellum, Kiel, Oct. 17, 1941, in which the city promises to care for Ingrid, the daughter of Corporal Herbert Petersen, who had been killed in action in Luga, Russia, during Operation Barbarossa on Aug. 11, 1941. The document reads, in part: "The City of Kiel sees this in this task their duty to provide his daughter with all of the advice and supervision of a father until the age of majority..." The document bears a heavy wax seal with the emblem of Kiel, and is mounted in a cloth-covered board binding, with the gilt coat of arms of Kiel on the cover. Slight splitting at the base of the spine of the folder, else very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 200 - 300

DOCUMENT ARCHIVE FOR RUSSIAN GUARDS LT. COL. VITALY EFIMOVExcellent archive of award certificates, all granted to Guards Lt. Col. Vitaly Efimov of the 61st Army of the Soviet Ground Forces. The group includes ten award documents, of which six measure 8" x 10 3/4" and feature a portrait of Stalin at the top, with an image of a Soviet soldier with a Red Army flag atop a hammer and sickle-emblazoned shield, with a scene of advancing Soviet soldiers and tanks in the background. The remaining four certificates measure 7" x 9 1/2", and also feature a portrait of Stalin at the top, with a graphic depiction of a street battle in a German city at the bottom. Each of these certificates honors Efimov for his actions in a variety of battles in the advance to Berlin, including Dresden, Warsaw, and Riga, and for the defense of the Vistula and Oder rivers. One example reads: " By Order of the Supreme Commanding Marshall of the Soviet Union Stalin, on 16 January 1945, with a Debt of Gratitude for your Military Acts in the Glorious Escalated Defense of the West Bank of the Vistula River south of Warsaw." All bear Efimov's hand-written name and rank in ink at the top, and all are printed in red ink, signed by an officer and stamped with the State Seal. Also present is a printed D.S., 1p. 4to., [n.p.], June 9, 1945, again addressed to Efimov, in full: "In the battles with German Fascist invaders, you went to victory by the heroic and glorious path. Combat banners of our units are covered with glory that will never tarnish. Units of our army have brilliantly accomplished the tasks set by the command and in unrelenting fights from Moscow to the Elba river have added new pages to the book of history of our valorous Red Army. I thank you for your good service in the headquarters of the 61st Army. The Military Council expresses its confidence that you, good son of the Soviet Motherland, will further honorably conduct your duty of strengthening the might and power of our Socialist state in any of the Motherland's assignments being an example of Bolshevik vigilance, self-discipline, and culture, worthy bearer of our army traditions." This document is signed by Gen. PAVEL BELOV (1897-1963), commander of the 61st Army, Col. Zhelobanov, member of the Military Council for the 61st Army, and Lt. Gen. ALEKSANDR PULKO-DMITRIEV (1893-1962), Headquarters commander for the 61st Army. Lastly, the group includes a formal D.S., 2pp. 4to., [n.p.], Oct. 5, 1984, in both Ukrainian and Russian, an award certificate to Efimov from the Supreme Council of the Ukranian Socialist Republic: "For Activity & Participation in the Great Politically Fertile Work with Youth". The document is placed within a red leather folder with gilt lettering, and is accompanied by a medal. Present with the group are translations of selected documents, Efimov's service record (in Russian), and bios of Belov. Very good.


USD 100 - 150

DUTCH P.O.W. CORRESPONDENCELot of two German military correspondence postcards for use by Allied prisoners and those in occupied countries, sent between Sgt. G. L. Groeneveld at Stalag 369 near Krakow and his mother in Arnhem. One card is sent by the son on Mar. 17, 1943, and a response from the mother is dated Feb. 24, 1944. She writes from Arnhem, which would be the scene of battle six months hence.


USD 200 - 300

FILE OF S. A. MEMBER GEORG GOEGELEINLot of eight documents concerning the membership in, and duties of S.A. member Georg Goegelin. Included is his "fragebogen", Dec. 17, 1936 setting forth his biographical details, membership in the NSDAP, NSKK and S.A., and names, birthplaces and religions of parents, grandparents, etc. to prove he has no Jewish ancestors; marriage application setting forth his wife's family's religious background; July 16, 1935 confirmation from the NSKK that he has passed Master Craftsman certification; 1936 letter of recommendation from the NSKK re: Goegelein's work for the City of Koblenz; an NSKK listing of battle fought by Goegelein in World War I; two 1936 NSKK letters certifying that the man had originally joined the S.A. in 1929 an joined the NSKK IN 1931; NSKK letter confirm Goegelein's service as founder and platoon leader of civil defense in Koblenz, also founding the "Reichsflagge" unit of the S.A. in that city; and a 1936 letter confirming his membership in the NSDAP, no. 672 202. Fine.


USD 150 - 200

FLAK LIEUTENANT EBERHARD KUNZE DOCUMENT AND MEDAL GROUPINGGood group of five documents and one medal, all related to Luftwaffe flak lieutenant Eberhard Kunze, includes: Partly-printed D.S., 1p. 8vo., Dresden, Oct. 26, 1938, a "Fuhrungszeugnis", or certificate of good conduct, issued to Kunze by the Luftwaffe for his service as part of Flakregiment 10 for the period Nov. 4, 1936, to Oct. 26, 1938, signed at the conclusion by his captain; T.L.S., 1p. oblong 8vo., Dresden, Nov. 11, 1938, to Kunze at the University of Liepzig, informing him that he has been promoted to the rank of "Unteroffizier d. Res." (non-commissioned officer of the reserves), signed at the conclusion in indelible pencil by a superior officer; D.S., 1p. 4to., Dresden, Feb. 15, 1940, a personnel file excerpt, recording a leave of absence taken by Kunze, now a lieutenant of the reserves, effective Dec. 1, 1939, signed at the conclusion by a superior officer in black ink; D.S., 1p. 8vo., Weisbaden, Jan. 30, 1943, an award certificate granting Kunze, now an oberleutnant, the War Merit Cross, 2nd class with swords, signed in facsimile at the bottom by a General, accompanied by the medal itself; and most interestingly, a D.S., 1p. 4to., Camp San Antonio, Oct. 7, 1945, attesting that Kunze, now a POW imprisoned in the United States, has served as a volunteer interpreter and painter for a period of four months, in part: "...During this period he was a good worker and conducted himself in a highly satisfactory manner in his work, honesty and personal bearing..." Signed at the conclusion by Post Exchange Officer Milton G. Schneider. All documents bear folds and file holes at the left edge, else very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 100 - 150

GERMAN MOTHER'S CROSS LISTTyped D.S., 6pp. legal folio, Falkenau, Feb. 28, 1945, a list of 33 mothers to be awarded the Honor Cross for the German Mother, 2nd Class. The women are listed by name, along with maiden name, town, place of birth, date, address, and number of children to date which in most cases was six or seven. One mother had eight children, but her name is crossed out - likely due to death (by exhaustion?). Very good.


USD 60 - 80

GERMAN P.O.W. CAMP LETTERSGood lot of five letters from Allied prisoners held in German P.O.W. camps, includes four letters from Polish officers held at Woldenburg (Oflag II-C), two sent to Krakau, one to West Prussia, and one sent to Litzmannstadt, all with censor's stamps, 1942-45, and one letter from Stalag II-D, Oct. 20, 1942, a Polish officer's letter to a Polish address. Untranslated, generally very good.


USD 100 - 150

GERMAN SOLDIER RECEIVES A CROATIAN AWARDGood lot of three related documents, includes an informational message regarding the award of the "Bronze Zvonimir Medal with Oak Leaves" sent to the soldier, Leutnant Otto Schretter, 1p. 8vo., [n.p.], May 6, 1944. Schretter is recognized for having captured enemy material and supporting "the fight against bandits". A second document is a carbon copy of the original award document signed in type by "Poglavnik", the title used by Ante Pavelic, leader of the UstaĹĄe and of the Independent State of Croatia between 1941 and 1945. The third document appears to be the award's wrapper. Very good.


USD 75 - 100

HERMANN GOERING WERKE DOCUMENTSPair of documents, both written to Franz Fried, an employee of the Hermann Goering Werke. Includes a T.L.S., 1p. oblong 8vo., Berlin, Aug. 15, 1940, requesting the Fried prepare, sign, and return an "abwehrbogen", a photograph of himself, and provide his I.D. number, date, and place of issuance; and a T.L.S., 1p. 4to., Berlin, Nov. 15, 1940, in part: "... Effective Nov. 1, 1942, German Mine Construction G.M.B.H, established by us, assumes the responsibilities of all other mine construction companies. We would like to convey to you that [the company] has on November 1, 1940 assumed the rights and responsibilities for your employment contract...." Both documents are typed on Hermann Goering Werke letterhead, which bears a simplified version of Goering's coat of arms. The Reichswerke Hermann Goering was an industrial conglomerate, nominally supervised by Goering himself, which controlled iron mines and steel mills, many of which were absorbed following the subjugation of Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Poland. Folds, file holes at left margin, else very good.


USD 75 - 100

HITLER YOUTH EPHEMERASmall group of documents, includes Luxemburg Hitler Youth enrollment notice; a D. J. acceptance letter; a "Sport-Tagebuch" (blank diary); "Freudenborn 1938" youth hostel book; Hitler Youth Urkunde (certificate, damaged); "Leistungsbuch" in blank; book "Deutschland im Kampf" issued by the Reichs Propaganda Ministry, 1942, 160pp. 8vo. , spine chipped; and two savings books.


USD 200 - 300

JAPANESE SOLDIER'S GROUPINGA lot of items taken from an unknown Japanese soldier, includes a small photo of the soldier in uniform standing before a destroyed armored vehicle; 12 pieces of paper Japanese currency; a carefully-wrapped temple charm carried by the soldier, a 34" x 26" cloth Japanese national flag, new condition; a Japanese Red Cross medal; 18" x 15" topographic map of an unknown coastline, soiled and probably field-used; a 23" x 16" topographic map, unknown inland area; a brown imprinted documents bag with draw string; a 300pp. 12mo. bound guide for an artillery observer or perhaps for use by officers placing forces in the field, two additional bound guides, one heavily used and annotated; and a printed text contained within a green cloth cover, possibly religious content. Worth researching.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 200 - 300

K.I.A. GROUPING OF MASTER SGT. HOBART E. PITTSGrouping of items related to the death in combat of M/Sgt. Hobart E. Pitts of Rome, New York, who served with 41st Armored Infantry Reg., 2nd Armored Div. and was killed on Mar. 2, 1945 during the drive on the Rhine. Included is: Pitts' Purple Heart, named to him and in the original case; a Rome, NY medal, two regimental; patches, three "Hell On Wheels" patches, and two master sergeant's patches, all presumably Pitts'; his draft registration certigicate; Gold Star Citation given to his widow; life insurance applications; telegrams concerning the shipment of his remains back home, and other ephemera.


USD 400 - 600

KURLAND CUFF TITLE DOCUMENTAward document of the Kurland cuff title made to Leutnant Erich Meixner who was attached to the staff of Panzer Grenadier Regiment 23, April 22, 1945. Overall very good. This award document is rarer than the cuff title itself.


USD 300 - 400

LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF ROBERT LEYDR. ROBERT LEY Official typed (carbon) copy of the last will of Dr. Robert Ley, 7pp. 4to., Cologne, Jan. 18, 1945. Ley leaves his various land holdings and proceeds from his D.A.F. life insurance policy to his several children. Ley also makes provision for his mistress Madeleine Wanderer whom he believes is carrying his child who will be named Rolf-Robert Ley. He asks that he be buried on the Ley farm next to his deceased wife Inga and asks for no mourning. He adds: "…I am obliged to the beautiful women, who have embellished my life so much…I ask the Fuhrer who already is godfather to my children…to become godfather to my youngest son…I figure the net value of the inheritance to be 1.000.000RM…" Sold with a U.S. Army Finance and Property Control letter of transmittal, Berlin, Jan. 10, 1946, also a carbon. Ley's body was burned and his ashes secretly disposed of.


USD 150 - 200

LUFTWAFFE PILOT'S FLYING LICENSELuftwaffe pilot's "Flugzugfuhrerschein" (aircraft license), 20pp. 12mo., issued to Rudolf Ryba on July 23, 1941 at a flying school in Stettin. The document is signed by the recipient, and bears his identification portrait on the first page. Affixed inside the front cover is a preliminary document certifying that Ryba is to be awarded his pilot's badge, dated July 30 of that same year. The second page of the document states that he was assigned to Jagdfliegerschule 2 Zerbst on Nov. 15, 1941, indicating that he was training to become a fighter pilot. Very good.


USD 100 - 150

LUFTWAFFE PRESENTATION BOOKPresented book: "Luftwaffe from Victory to Victory: from Norway to Crete" by Peter Supf [Berlin: Deutschen Verlag], 1941. 224pp. 8vo. The front flyleaf in inscribed in German: "For birthday Kommando 'M515' 9. Febuary 1942 [Signed] Fischer Ob. Strm. u. Kmdt". Paper toned from high acid content, spine sunned and badly chipped as a result.


USD 200 - 300

MAP OF VALOGNES, FRANCE - DECIMATED ON D-DAYBritish War Office 1943 map of Valognes, France, 34 1/2" x 22", showing the ill-fated townalong with the region about fifty miles surrounding. Folds, quite soiled from use. From a veteran of the 8th Infantry Regiment. Valognes was decimated by Allied bombs on D-Day and several days thereafter. On June 20th, elements of the 8th Infantry Regiment, en route to Cherbourg, made their way through the ruins of the town which would later serve as a communications hub. The map is from the estate of Brice W. Rhyne of the 8th Regiment who landed at UTAH, sold with a transcript of his May, 1945 recollection of the landing and aftermath. The 8th passed through the town, and this map was likely used by Rhyne.


USD 500 - 600

ORTSPOLIZEI ADMINISTRATION DOCUMENT GROUPINGLot of three documents concerning Ortspolizeiverwalter Dr. Erich Eggermann. These include Eggermann's N.S.D.A.P. "Ausweis fur Politische Leiter", 5 1/4" x 4", issued May 8, 1939; his "Dienstausweis"6" x 4 1/4", issued July 29, 1938 and validated every year through 1941; his "Deutsches Turn und Sportabzeichen" handbook, ca. 1927, and a membership card. Very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 100 - 150

POLICE OFFICER IS DRAFTED BY THE SSLot of three documents, 3pp. total, concerning the drafting of Viktor Grabietz to serve as a police officer in Braunschwieg. Includes his draft notice on Reichsfuhrer-SS letterhead, Berlin, May 30, 1940, his May 8, 1944 raise in pay while in service in Dessau, and a copy of his birth certificate (taped at folds).


USD 150 - 200

R.A.D. URKUNDE AWARD DOCUMENTSLot of three Reichsarbeitsdienst "urkunde" documents, all to have been issued from Vienna, in blank. Fine.


USD 150 - 200

ROYAL NAVY IDENTIFIED PRISONER'S BIBLE GROUPINGGood lot of five items, includes: a pocket-sized bound New Testament, 2 1/2" x 4 1/4", printed by the Bible Society, New York, 1935. A small printed note affixed to the front flyleaf indicates that the American Bible Society had sent theis bible to a prisoner in accordance with rules of the "Commission of Chaplaincy Aid for Prisoners of War (World Council of Churches) Geneva... with the prayers and good wishes of the Churches of the United States..." In contrast, the title page is ink-stamped by a censor at the Marlag und Milag Nord P.O.W. camp near Bremen which held captured navy and merchant seamen. The front page bears a neat pencil note by the owner: "T. W. Smith L[eading] T[elegrapher] P.O..W. No. 31242 Marlag und Milag Nord Westertimke Germany". Also present is the Royal Navy telegrapher's leather wallet, a pre-incarcertaion photo, a June 6, 1945 letter from the Polish Embassy to Smith (now freed) thanking him for returning with letters from Polish prisoners to be sent to their family members; and the British National Registration cards for two family members, probably Smith's parents. Very good.


USD 150 - 200

SOLDBUCH OF OBERWACHTMEISTER HEINZ KRAMER, RAILROAD ARTILLERY - POSSIBLY BULLET-STRUCKSoldbuch of German Oberwachtmeister Heinz Kramer of Gross Stettin, attached to Eisenbahm Artillerie Batt. 160 (train artillery), issued Feb. 12, 1942, through Dec. 24, 1943 and showing his service in Poland, near the Balkans. The entire soldbuch has been forcefully and completely penetrated through the center of the rear cover, exiting the front cover, a piercing completely consistent with a bullet strike.


USD 100 - 150

SS DOCUMENTSLot of three SS-related documents, includes: a promotion of Fritz bock to the rank of SS-Oberstsurmfuhrer, Konigsberg, Jan. 8, 1936 and signed by an unidentified SS-Gruppenfuhrer; an award of the War Merit Cross with Swords to SS-Oberscharfuhrer Karl Kirschnickk; and an award of the Ost Medal to SS-Schutze Herbert Holder.


USD 300 - 400

SS PANZERGREANDIER'S HOLOGRAPH STUDY MANUALPair of study books used by an SS Panzsrgrenadier in his studies before joining his regiment, the soldier's name illegible but the books dated 1944. Each book is about 20pp. 8vo.and written in a very clear and distinct hand, with several illustrations. One booklet concerns a grenade launcher including uses, parts, operation, aiming, distance measuremnent, etc., the second book concerns itself with various topics including map reading, tank attack, coordination with artillery, gas mask use, MG-42 parts and operation, hand grenade use, machine pistols, distance measurement, and so on. File folder cover chipped, booklets and contents are fine.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 100 - 150

THIRD REICH APPOINTMENT CERTIFICATESGood group of three certificates appointing officials of the Third Reich to various posts, includes: Printed D.S., 1p. folio, Konigsberg, Jan. 28, 1941, appointing Kurt Walter to the post of government superintendent, signed at the bottom by the Chief Financial Officer for Konigsberg, acting for the Reichsminister of Finance, adding a blind-embossed seal. Folds and file holes at left margin, else very good. WITH: Printed D.S., 1p. folio, Augsburg, July 25, 1942, appointing Alois Geisel to the office of Postal Inspector, signed at the bottom by the Postal Director General for the Reichs Postal Minister, adding a blind-embossed seal. Folds, else very good. WITH: Printed D.S., 1p. folio, Kattowitz, April 1, 1943, appointing Alfred Witt Police Inspector, signed at the bottom by Police Superintendant Metz, for the Reichsminister of the Interior, adding a purple ink seal. Folds, else very good. Three pieces.


USD 150 - 200

U.S. ARMY 1943 TOPOGRAPHICAL MAP OF CHERBOURGScarce D-Day related map "Cherbourg", a 24" x 19 1/4" topographical map showing the crucial port contained within "Lambert Zone I (Red)", prepared by the U.S. Army 62nd Engineers and dated "Edition of July 1943". Buildings, rivers, swamps, woods, etc. all all marked. Of course, this map would have been consulted in the planning for D-Day, mainly in the diversionay actions taken to convince the Germans that Cherbourg would be the scene of the principal landings. Near fine. The map is from the estate of Brice W. Rhyne of the 8th Regiment who landed at UTAH, sold with a transcript of his May, 1945 recollection of the landing and aftermath. The 8th also participated in the liberation of Cherbourg.


USD 200 - 300

VIENNA SS ADMINISTRATION BUILDING BLUEPRINTPeriod copy of an original blueprint for the new SS headquarters in Vienna, 48" x 20", originally drawn in Vienna on May 12, 1938. The imposing structure is shown in a front view as seen from the parade grounds in 1:200 scale. The drawing was issued by the SS New Buildings department and was intended to be signed by an officer. Fine. The building was completed by the SS in 1940 and called "Kaserne Wien-Schรถnbrunn". After the end of the war, it became home to British troops and later the Austrian army moved in. Today it remains a base for that army.


USD 100 - 150

WEHRMACHT ADMINISTRATIVE PERSONNEL MUST REPORT FOR FRONT-LINE DUTYTyped D.S. stamped "Geheim" ("Confidential") at the top, 2pp. 4to., Vienna, June 22, 1944, to the Chief of Army Equipment and the Commander-in-Chief of the Army Reserve. The document orders that all Wehrmacht officials on the reserve list born between 1908 and 1911 who are deemed fit for duty must immediately be made available for military service. They will be assigned to army district commands as soldiers. According to the agreement with the Chief of Army Equipment and Commander-in-Chief of the Army Reserve and the Personnel Office of the Wehrmacht, some recruits may be accepted as officer cadets. After training, the responsible deputy of the General Command will decide if a particular recruit should receive officer training. Where appropriate, military salaries for Wehrmacht officials will be terminated. All selected officials are to be released from the Wehrmachtbeamten Corps and their files erased. The released officials are permitted to keep their current rank, but must add "retired" to it, and are not entitled to wear their former uniform. The verso of the document applies these mandates to a specific official, Chief Paymaster of the Reserve Johannes Hebenstrei, born Aug. 22, 1908. He is to be immediately transferred to Military District Administration IV in Dresden, where he will receive further assignment. he will be replaced by Franz Waloueh, effective July 3, 1944 (the day of Hebenstrei's departure). Signed at the conclusion by the Wehrkreisintendant (a civilian official in the Quartermaster General's department with a rank equivalent to brigadier general) in black ink. Folds, with a 4" horizontal split along one fold, else very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 75 - 100

WORLD WAR II CORRESPONDENCE OF (SECTION 8?) PVT. GIRARD H. HARRISGrouping of 12 war-date letters and covers from Pvt. Girard H. Harris, 593rd Engineers Amphibious Reg., covering his training at Camp Carrabelle (near Panama City, FL), Aug 7-Dec. 7, 1942, most 4pp. 8vo. The content of the letters, along with the fact that Harris has remained behind while his regiment has shipped-out to California, leads us to believe that he may have been in line for a Section 8 discharge, i.e. mental instability. In part: "...Received instructions on what to do before we use the boats... we were preparing for inspection...the general takes the rifle from you, looks it over... then throws it back at you... my knees were knocking... he spotted your two pictures behind my bunk... He said 'You have a very lovely wife'...[at base hospital] we have a fellow that just came in who thinks he's Napoleon. He looks it too. Something tells me I'm in the right ward... the fellow that tried to cut his wrists was put in another ward... he dove through the window and ran down the road... my outfit is out on Catalina Island... Carrabelle has been condemned but the Army has overruled it...[he encloses a miniature pair of panties and promises to replace them with a larger pair when he returns home]...There is a possibility I might be coming home... I haven't eaten in a week... Quite a few boys didn't come back from town last night... when they showed up this morning they were all battered... someone was beating them up and rolling them of their money... it happens every pay day... the men gambled again... a lot of them have gone broke... they were betting as high as $40 a hand... I never saw so much money floating around... bombs, torpedoes and mines might be found on the shores. We were told not to touch them or pick up any fragments... Tomorrow I should know if I'll get home for Christmas. Of course, a lot may have to depend on the outcome of my session with the Board... the Medical Board won't meet again ... until after Christmas...". Sold with an unrelated soldier's letter, 4pp. 8vo., Camp Adair, OR, Oct. 13, 1943 enclosing three photos of a young lady and noting: "...I don't know what to think about Dot. But she sure in hell seems a little wackie to me. You ought to see some of her letters... Here is some pictures I got from Dot... You can do anything you wish [with] them. Burn them up or throw them away or do what you want with them...". Also with nine war-date A.L.S.'s of Pvt. Alan I. Burnap, each 2pp. or more, all written from the South Pacific, 1942-43 with covers but as Burnap was very careful about content due to censorship restrictions, the content is mundane at best. 22 pcs.


USD 6,000 - 8,000

CHINESE POSTER DEPICTS THE ATOMIC BOMBING OF NAGASAKI AND VICTORY OVER THE JAPANESELarge and visually striking Chinese poster, "Majestic Scenes of Valiant Servicemen Annihilating the Enemy", 30 1/2" x 21", printed circa 1945, comprised of five color illustrations of Japanese defeats at the hands of American and Chinese forces. The top image depicts a group of Chinese Nationalist fighter aircraft attacking and destroying Japanese bombers, with the caption: "Glorious Merit Our Aircraft Rendered Above Stilwell Road", the main ground supply route between India, Burma, and China. The image on the left side of the poster depicts a group of Nationalist planes bombing and destroying a Japanese battleship, with the caption: "The Doomsday of Japan's Battleship Mutsu", which exploded and sank in Hiroshima Bay in 1943, from unknown causes. The image on the right side of the poster depicts three American soldiers advancing over the bloody corpses of Japanese soldiers, with the caption: "Annihilating the Enemy at Nanjing River", near the border between China and Burma. The bottom image depicts a Japanese tank and riflemen being overrun by American tanks and infantry, with the caption: "The Victory of the Burma-Yunnan Campaign". The most striking image of all, however, is that at the center of the poster, which depicts the base of a mushroom cloud rising over the city of Nagasaki, with the silhouette of the American B-29 "Bock's Car" in the distance, with an inset image of the bomb descending to earth via parachute. This poster is a rare instance of a Chinese illustration celebrating American efforts to aid the Chinese military in the final stages of the war. The title is printed at the top of the poster in red. The poster is toned throughout, and bears scattered pinholes at each corner, with subsequent paper loss, patched on the verso with archival tape. The poster also bears scattered foxing and damp spots throughout, none of which detracts from the drama of the scenes presented. From a single collection obtained entirely in China pre-2000.


USD 3,000 - 4,000

"GLORY TO MARSHAL STALIN WHO LIBERATED US FROM THE SLAVERY OF THE JAPANESE IMPERIALISTS!"Very rare early poster promoting Soviet-Chinese friendship, 21" x 30", ca. late 1930s to early 1940s, bears a portrait of Stalin at top flanked by overlapping Soviet and Nationalist flags. At bottom General Vasily Chuikov greets a Chinese farmer before a group celebrating in the background. Multiple worn folds with some soiling, separations and a tiny bit of loss at some fold junctions, small tape repair at top, still entirely acceptable and easily restored.


USD 1,200 - 1,500

"THE PICTORIAL OF THE CHINESE PEOPLE'S PATRIOTIC SELF-DEFENSE IN EASTERN CHINA BATTLEFIELD DURING THE FIRST YEAR"Rare Chinese commemorative publication, "The Pictorial of the Chinese People's Patriotic Self-Defense in Eastern China Battlefield During the First Year", ([n.p.]: The Mass Daily Newspaper Publishing House), 1946, 92pp. 4to., bound in the Chinese style with cord at the right edge. The publication presents hundreds of black and white photographs and illustrations depicting the struggle between the forces of the Government of China, led by Chiang Kai-Shek, and those of the Communist Party of China, under Mao Zedong. It also illustrates the first year of the civil war from the perspective of the Communist forces, and presents many views of soldiers in action and on the march; their rifles, machine guns, artillery, and tanks; their commanders and notable personalities, including a full-page image of Mao; field hospitals and the wounded, and the aftermath of battle, including civilian and military casualties. The cover features a vibrant color illustration of two CPC soldiers, with rifles and dressed in regular and irregular uniforms. The cover also bears an ink stamp, identifying the publication as the property of "The Library of Shan Xi Middle School"; this stamp also appears on an inside page. The publication bears toning and soiling, with some damp stains and minor paper loss, and appears to be missing the back cover. From a single collection obtained entirely in China pre-2000.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 2,000 - 3,000

PRESIDENTIAL PRESENTATION COPY OF HITLER'S MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE, POLITICAL TESTAMENT, AND PRIVATE WILLAn excessively rare contemporary presentation album containing full-size photo reproductions of Adolf Hitler's political testament, his certificate of marriage and his private will, along related correspondence, full translations, and a copy of the original presentation letter sent by Secretary of State Robert Patterson to President Harry Truman on March 19, 1946 when Patterson presented the documents to Truman for review. This album, 12" x 14 1/2", is bound in pebbled black leather with the cover bearing a gilt German national eagle with swastika, Hitler's name, and the contents of the album. Within are photographic reproductions on heavy semi-gloss paper of the exact same contents as the original album of these documents recovered in 1946 in Germany. In addition to the aforementioned three documents, there is also a desperate letter from Martin Bormann to Adm. Karl Doniotz stating: "Since all or Divisions failed to appear our situation seems beyond hope. The Fuhrer dictated last might the attached political testament...". Secretary of War Robert Patterson's letter to Truman briefly describes the documents and suggests that they be displayed at the library of Congress. In fine to very fine condition. We can find no other examples of this high-quality presentation anywhere in any auction or bookseller records. The originals of these documents were spirited out of the Chancellery to be delivered to Admiral Doenitz and Field Marshal Ferdinand Schoerner, commander of the Army Group Center in Bohemia. The delivery failed when the war ended and the couriers returned to their homes, hiding the documents nearby. They were soon identified, captured, and the documents were recovered. The Hitler documents went on exhibit at the National Archives on April 26, 1946, less than a year after they had been created in the bunker in Berlin. Clearly an extraordinarily rare publication, possibly unique.


USD 700 - 900

REINHARD HEYDRICH ASSASSINS REWARD POSTERVery rare bilingual poster, 23 1/2" x 17 3/4", printed in both German and Slovak, the text of an edict released by KARL FRANK (1898-1946), Secretary of State of the Reichs Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, on May 27, 1942. In part: "...On 27 May, 1942, an assassination attempt was made on the Deputy Reichsprotektor, SS-Obergruppenfuhrer Heydrich, in Prague. A reward of 10 million [Czech] crowns is applied to the perpetrators. Anyone who accommodates the perpetrators or provides them with assistance, or is aware of their identity of whereabouts, and does not notify the proper officials, is to be shot along with his entire family..." The notice goes on to establish a curfew and announce the closure of all restaurants, theaters, amusement parks, and public transport, and warns the civilian populace that those who break this curfew will be shot. On May 27, Heydrich's car was attacked by two SOE-trained Czech resistance soldiers, Jan Kubis and Josef Valcik, who wounded him with a converted anti-tank mine. Heydrich died of his injuries on June 4, and the assassins were cornered in a cathedral in Prague and killed on June 18. The assassination provoked a wave of reprisals against Czech civilians, including the massacres at Lidice and Lezaky, in which more than 1,300 people were murdered. The poster bears folds and some chipping at the edges, else very good.


USD 600 - 800

"BERLIN ATTACKED BY UNITED NATIONS' ARMY"Oustanding and undoubtedy very rare poster: "BERLIN ATTACKED BY UNITED NATIONS' ARMY", ca. 1945, 28" x 19", issued by: "Lu Shan Photolithographic Pictures Co.", Shanghai. This colorful and fantastic Chinese impression of the war in Europe shows imaginary views of fighters and bombers, paratroopers, tanks, and heavy artillery emplacements, all set in what is meant to be "Berlin". This poster, in fine condition and canvas-mounted, would have been made just at war's end or immediately thereafter before the complete entrenchment of the Communist government in China. Just an incredible view, especially rare in light of the miniscule number of Chinese poster depicting European scenes of war. From a single collection obtained entirely in China pre-2000.


USD 800 - 1,200

BANNED "STALINGRAD" POSTCARDExtremely rare German-issue "Stalingrad " postcard. This is perhaps the rarest of all Third Reich postcards, and the original version 4" x 5 3/4" with the proper "Tag der Wehrmacht 1943" title on the verso. This card was printed to give support to von Paulus' besieged 6th Army. Following the devastating German defeat at Stalingrad, the card was was removed from circulation. The card ironically reads "The Fuhrer Commands, We Follow". A satirical copy of this card was created in 1944 to mock Hitler - those possessing it obviously faced harsh punishment. Lightly abraded at top center and mounting remnants on verso, else very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 200 - 300

"BAVARIA IN THE FIRST FOUR-YEAR PLAN"Elaborately bound and heavily illustrated book of NSDAP propaganda, "Bayern im Ersten Vierjahrplan" ("Bavaria in the First Four-Year Plan"), (Munich: Zentralverlag der NSDAP, Franz Eher Nachf.), 1937, 575pp. folio, an official report issued by the Bavarian government, touting their successes in adhering to Hermann Goering's Four-Year Plan for improvements to the German economy, infrastructure, housing conditions, industrial capacity, and social culture. The book features hundreds of black and white photographs, illustrations, maps, and graphs, depicting newly-constructed roads and bridges, inns and hostels, factories and hydroelectric projects, as well as works by NSDAP-approved artists, new police units, and theatrical productions. Most interestingly, at the end of a section on public health, the report addresses the problem of homelessness, illustrated by several photographs of vagrants, including a "Jewish Insurance Fraudster and Swindler". The book is bound in taupe boards with a gilt national eagle on the front cover, and one or two pages bear small tears and punctures, as does the frontispiece portrait of Hitler, else very good.


USD 150 - 200

"BESSARABIEN UKRAINE KRIM"Rare book "Bessarabien Ukraine Krim", (Berlin: Verlag Erich Zander), 1943. 240pp. 8vo.. Heavily illustrated book covers the campaign of German and Rumanian troops through Bessarabia, the Ukraine and the Crimea, with hunreds of combat photographs, portraits of the German and Romanian commanders, officers and men awarded the Knights Cross, etc., and text describing the freeing of ethnic Germans in the area and the necessity of the capture of Crimea. Very good.


USD 100 - 150

"BLAME ENGLAND!" GERMAN PROPAGANDA POSTERLarge 48" x 32" red and black anti-British propaganda poster with large "BLAME ENGLAND" headline. The text claims that the war was brought about by England, quoting a London radio broadcast: "…we did not declare war on Germany because we were attacked, but we did it of our own free will…". Hitler quote Churchill as claiming that either Germany or England will be destroyed, and concludes: "…it will be England!". Tiny holes at fold junctions, else very good.


USD 200 - 300

"CHILDREN'S EVACUATION" POSTERScarce Third Reich-era poster, 23 1/2" x 15 3/4", advertising the relocation of German children to the countryside to avoid the large-scale Allied bombing raids against cities during World War II. the poster depicts a group of BDM and Deutches Jungvolk members, smiling and waving as they lean out of a train window. The DJ "sig" rune insignia appears at upper right, and the title "Kommt mit in die Kinderlandverschickung" ("Come With us on the Children's Evacuation") appears below the image. The poster further advises interested parents: "Applications for children 3-10 years old take place at the NSV (Nationalsozialistiche Volkswohlfahrt [National Socialist People's Welfare], and for ages 10-14 in the school". The poster was published in Berlin by the Reichsjugendfuhrung. Bears a 1" vertical tear at the top edge, repaired on the verso with cello tape, with original folds and some toning throughout, else very good.


USD 100 - 150

"DIE JUNGENSCHAFT"Lot of 28 issueS of "Die Jungenschaft", a publication of the Hitler Youth sent to leaders in the organization and intended to be used as teaching material for, in this case, younger members of the movement. Each octavo publication varies in length, generally about 30pp. in length, and a variety of topics for indoctrination or for propagandization are covered. These include: Hitler's birthplace, Hermann Goring, Hitler Youth, the Treaty of Versailles, the S.A., history and culture, etc. Some foxing, else very good.


USD 200 - 300

"FAITH AND BEAUTY"Printed propaganda book: "Faith and Beauty" by Clementine zu Castell-Rudenhausen (Munich: Franz Eher Verlag), undated. 88pp. 10 1/2" x 12" in beige cloth with purpl title. A heavily illustrated promotion of the organization of the same name which was headed by the author. Photos show young ladies in many pursuits: exercising, acting, in traditional roles, etc. The BDM-Work, Faith and Beauty Society was founded in 1938 to serve as a tie-in between the League of German Girls (BDM) and that of the Nazi "Frauenschaft" with membership voluntary and open to girls 17 to 21. Front cover worn at right edge, else very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 150 - 200

"GERMAN MEMORIAL HALL: THE NEW GERMANY"Elaborately printed and bound Third Reich propaganda publication, "Deutsche Gedankhalle: Das Neue Deutschland" ("German Memorial Hall: The New Germany"), (Berlin: Deutscher National-Verlag), [1939], 402pp. folio, a lavish celebration of Adolf Hitler's first six years as chancellor of Germany. The book, bound in blue cloth boards with the title and an imperial eagle gilt on the front cover, features many gravure images of important people and events in the early years of the Third Reich, including the "Day of Potsdam", March 21, 1933, on which Hindenberg met with Hitler to officially recognize him as Chancellor, as well as the 1936 Berlin Olympics, rallies at Nuremburg, and party heroes such as Horst Wessel. Each page of text features an embossed border of oak leaves, printed in red. The binding is slightly loose, and the cover bears some bumping and soiling, else very good.


USD 40 - 60

"HITLER YOUTH MARCHES!"Scarce book: "H. J. marschiert Sas neue Hitler-Jugend-Buch" by Wilhelm Sanderl (Berlin: Paul Franke), (pre-1933). 384pp. 8vo., color frontis portrait of Hitl;er with facsimile signature, other illustrations. Heavily illustrated children's book. Cloth binding.


USD 150 - 200

"JAGDLICHES BRAUCHTUM - "HUNTING TRADITIONS"Scarce German book: "Jagdliches Brauchtum" ("Hunting Tradition"), (Berlin: Verlags Paul Parey), 1936. 134pp. 8vo. in green cloth with white titles and emblem of the "Deutscher Jagerschaft" which includes a swastika also present on the cover and title page. Text includes hunting terms, clothes, treatment of game, post-hunt meal, superstition, and much more. Fine.


USD 200 - 300

"KRETA, SIEG DER KUHNSTEN"German publication, "Kreta, Sieg der Kuhnsten" ("Crete, Victory of the Most Daring"), (Berlin: Steirische Verlagsanstalt), approx. 200pp. 4to. Foreword by Hermann Goring. Camo covers bear creases, scuffed, small tear to spine, contents fine. A pictorial history of the paratrooper attack on Crete.


USD 100 - 150

"MEIN KAMPF"Two copies of Adolf Hitler's political manifesto, "Mein Kampf". Includes one copy, (Munich: Franz Eher Verlag), 1934. 782pp. 8vo. with dust jacket, very good. With a secong "wedding" copy, (Munich: Franz Eher Verlag), 1943. 782pp. 8vo., 1/4 leather with gilt title on spine, with calligraphy inscription to a couple and signed by a burgermeister on the first page. Two pieces.


USD 100 - 150

"OLYMPIA 1932" CIGARETTE BOOKScarce publication "Olympia 1932" (Altona-Bahrenfeld: H.F. & Ph.F. Reemtsma), 1932, 142pp. folio, in blue cloth with black lettering and gilt Olympic logo. These books, celebrating the 1932 Olympics in Los Angeles, were originally devoid of photos but were filled with images by smokers who accumulated high-quality photos as they purchased cigarettes. Both volumes are complete, with many images representing the pre-Third Reich German sporting world. President Paul von Hindenburg is given a full-page photograph at the beginning, and the first card in the set depicts American president Herbert Hoover. The original dust jacket is absent. Some slight bumping to the edges of the cover and spine, else very good.


USD 150 - 200

"OLYMPIA 1936" CIGARETTE BOOKSScarce publication, a pair of "cigarette" photo books, "Olympia 1936", Volumes I and II, (Hamburg: Cigaretten Bilderdienst), 1936, 168pp. and 126pp., each 9" x 12 1/4", in blue cloth with black lettering and gilt Olympic logo. These books were originally devoid of photos but were filled with images by smokers who accumulated high-quality photos as they purchased cigarettes. Both volumes are complete, and incredibly Jesse Owens and other racial "inferiors" are fairly represented (though caricatured at the bottom of the page). Hitler is given the first page - a full-page illustration - and German athletes are most prominently depicted. Volume I also includes a fold-out map of the Olympic village. Both volumes retain their original dust jackets. Some slight wear to the edges of the jackets, else very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 100 - 150

"PASTE THE PAPERHANGER!"Propaganda war stamp album contained within an American greeting card, encourages the recipient to collect war stamps in order to purchase war bonds. Includes seven humorous images of Hitler, Goring, Japanese, others. Very good.


USD 200 - 300

"PILOT'S NOTES FOR MOSQUITO TIII & T29"Excellent British Air Ministry publication, 32pp. 8vo. with two fold-outs in the rear, October, 1944, a guide meant to be carried by pilots of the famous British Mosquito for use aboard the aircraft. This copy bears many passaged updated with printed additions or changes pasted-in by the owner, and he additionally kept it updated through Sep. 23, 1946 as evidenced by his initialed attestation inside the front cover. Topics include summaries of the mechanical systems, flight controls, handling, operating data, combat settings, consumption curves, and emergency procedures. The fold-out include a photo of the cockpit and instrument panel with components identified, a fuel system diagram, and location of emergency equipment. An important reference.


USD 100 - 150

"ROBBER STATE ENGLAND" CIGARETTE CARDSGood group of 75 "cigarette cards", each 6 3/4" x 4 3/4", in three sets of 25, with one set in color, and the remainder b/w. These cards are part of a complete set of 122 cards entitled "Raubstaat England" ("Robber State England"), published by Cigaretten-Bilderdienst of Hamburg in 1941. They were intended to be pasted into the cigarette book of the same name, a Third Reich-era propaganda publication containing illustrations, maps, and photographs showcasing English brutality and barbarity throughout history, with special attention paid to colonial rule in India and Ireland, slavery, military conquests, and the English Civil War. Each set is packaged in its original brown paper envelope, each of which are moderately chipped and torn, with the cards themselves in very good condition.


USD 300 - 400

"SONGS OF NIGHTINGALES" CHINESE EDUCATION POSTERExcessively rare pro-Soviet Chinese education poster, "Songs of Nightingales" (Shanghai: Shanghai Education Press), 1961, 21" x 30 1/4", depicting a whistling boy at the head of a group of German soldiers. Printed on the back is an explanation of the scene, which relates the story of a young Russian boy who, during World War II, would befriend groups of German soldiers and then lead them into ambushes set by Soviet soldiers. The boy would signal his comrades by imitating the sound of a nightingale or cuckoo. The verso also bears a stamp identifying the poster as the property of Shanxie Street No. 3 Elementary School. Folds, with a small hole at the center, minor splitting, else very good.


USD 100 - 150

"STARS AND STRIPES" REPORTS ON THE ATOMIC BOMBIssue of "The Stars and Stripes", 4pp. folio, Aug. 8, 1945, featuring the banner headline "Mighty Atom Stuns the World". Accompanying this title is a story announcing a new ultimatum delivered to Japan following the use of the atomic bomb "Little Boy" against Hiroshima on the sixth, just two days previously, and a report on the "Trinity" atomic test, conducted in New Mexico on July 16. Illustrating these stories is a photograph of the Hanford Site in Washington State, which produced the plutonium used in the "Trinity" bomb and in the "Fat Man" device dropped on Nagasaki. Many other articles in this issue discuss the new weapon, collecting the responses of notable figures, including one of its creators, Robert Oppenheimer, and comparing the successful attacks to the failure of Germany's atomic weapons initiatives. The newspaper is toned throughout, with some chipping to the edges, else very good. Also present are two period souvenir images depicting the aftermath of the Hiroshima explosion, one of which depicts "ground zero", with the famous "atomic dome" of the Hiroshima Prefectural Industrial Promotion Hall visible at center. A note present with these photos indicates that they were purchased at the Hiroshima railroad station in 1951. Both very good.


USD 150 - 200

"THE FACE OF THE FUHRER"Fine Third Reich-era book, "Das Antlitz des Fuhrers" ("The Face of the Fuhrer"), by Heinrich Hoffman (Berlin: BĂźchergilde Gutenberg), 1939, 38pp. 4to., a collection of seventeen portraits of Adolf Hitler taken by Hoffman, his official photographer, between 1919 and 1939, with a forward by Hitler Youth chief Baldur von Schirach. A real-photo Hoffman postcard of Hitler reading a newspaper is tipped to the front flyleaf, and a bookplate identifying the book as the property of the SS-Totenkopf-Standarte "Oberbayern" is affixed to the front pastedown. The binding is split at several points throughout the text, and the covers bear minor bumping and soiling, else very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 60 - 80

"THE FUHRER SPEAKS" FLIPBOOKSmall souvenir flipbook, "Der Fuhrer sprichtl" ("The Fuhrer Speaks"), 1 1/4" x 2 1/4". When the pages are flipped, the viewer sees a short animation of Adolf Hitler in uniform, speaking at a rally, nicely demonstrating the emphatic gestures that punctuated his speeches. Covers worn, lightly toned throughout, else very good. Very unusual!


USD 100 - 150

"THE GERMAN WARSHIPS"Weimar-era softbound publication, "Die deutschen Kriegsschiffe" ("The German Warships"), by Erich Groner and Alexander Bredt (Munich: J.F. Lehmanns Verlag), 1931, 16pp. 8vo., containing details of every ship in commission with the Reichsmarine, the predecessor of the Third Reich-era Kriegsmarine. The pamphlet opens with an examination of the naval restrictions placed on Germany under the terms of the Treaty of Versailles, as compared to the guidelines placed on the English and French navies. Following this are side-view schematics of every ship or class of ships then belonging to the Reichsmarine, including the experimental light cruiser EMDEN, the "pocket battleship" DEUTSCHLAND, the pre-dreadnought battleships SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN, SCHLESIEN, HANNOVER, and HESSEN, as well as several classes of destroyers, torpedo boats, the training ship NIOBE, the radio-controlled target ship ZAHRINGEN, and others. Each schematic is accompanied by the ship's tonnage and armament. Next is a list explaining the command structure of the Reichsmarine, followed by several pages containing an alphabetical table of each ship, listing its builder, dates of construction, dimensions, propulsion, the fleet with which it is deployed, and much else. Notably absent from this publication are the U-boats, all of which were surrendered at the end of World War I, and whose construction would not resume until 1935. Two very light pencil notations, else very good to fine.


USD 100 - 150

"THE PIONEERS OF THE THIRD REICH"Self-congratulatory NSDAP propaganda publication, "Die Pioniere des Dritten Reiches" ("The Pioneers of the Third Reich"), by Hitler Youth chief Baldur von Schirach (Berlin: Zeitgeschichte Verlag und Vertriebes-Gesellschaft), [1933], 247pp. 4to., a compendium of short biographies of important figures in the foundation of the NSDAP, including Himmler, Goering, Goebbels, Fritz Sauckel, Julius Streicher, Alfred Rosenberg, and Robert Ley, among others. Many of these biographies are accompanied by black and white photographic portraits. Of the included figures most important and interesting is SA chief Ernst Rohm, who was murdered in 1934 during the Night of the Long Knives after Hitler began to view him as a rival. Extensive attempts were subsequently made to erase Rohm from history; all copies of the propaganda film "The Victory of Faith", which featured Rohm, were ordered destroyed, and many books in which he appeared were likewise destroyed and republished. Ironically, the passage on Rohm ends with praise for his faithfulness to the party: "... Day and night, serving only his idea and his work, the chief of staff, Rohm, served as a guide to his Fuhrer, without which there would be no Third Reich today." The book is bound in reddish-brown cloth boards, and bears some black residue on the front cover, with some loosening to the binding, else very good.


USD 60 - 80

"TURNFEST-ILLUSTRIERTE" MAGAZINE COMPILATIONBound softcover compilation of eight issues of the German athletic magazine "Turnfest-Illustrierte" ("Gymnastics Festival Illustrated"), covering the 1933 "Deutschen Turnfest" ("German Gymnastics Festival") in Stuttgart. True to its name, the compilation is very thoroughly illustrated with sepia photographs of a wide variety of men's and women's track and field events, including races, shooting events, vaulting, gymnastic routines, shot put, fencing, swimming, rowing, and others, as well as ceremonial processions, rallies featuring Nazi leaders, and maps and photos of the event venues. Also featured are numerous cartoons and advertisements for swimsuits, footwear, beauty products, and much else. The Deutsches Turnfest was first held in 1860, and continues to be held to this day. During the Third Reich era, it was used primarily for political propaganda purposes. The covers bear some chipping and wear, else very good.


USD 100 - 150

"WE BEGIN"German children's book "Wir fangen an" ("We Begin") by W. R. Richter and Franz Effenberger (Reichenberg: Roland Verlag-Trausel), 1942. A reading primer for the youngest children with color illustrations of S.A. men, goose-stepping Hitler Jungvolk, kids offering a "Hitler salute" to a swastika banner, a caricature of a Jew as a jack-in-the box, SS men, etc. Cover abraded, else very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 400 - 600

ANTI-AMERICAN PRE-WAR CHINESE NEWSPAPERChinese newspaper, "Workers and Peasants Pictoral", dated June 20, 1938, 3pp. oblong folio, printed in red, blue, and black, with illustrations on the front page appearing to comment on aid given to the Japanese by the United States, as represented by Uncle Sam. After arriving aboard American warships, Sam takes undue advantage of the situation by failing to crush the Japanese troops, but is eventually beaten back by the workers and farmers of China. The interior pages contain several articles of interest, including a notice of the death of Fu Xuecai, who was executed by firing squad for treason. Toned throughout, chipped at the edges, else very good.


USD 300 - 400

1939 NAZI "AHNENERBE" BOOK ON RUNIC SYMBOLSRare book: "Die Hausmarke, das Symbol der germanischen Sippe" ("House Markings, Symbols of Germanic Heredity") by Karl Konrad Ruppel (Berlin: Alfred Messner Verlag), 1939. 80pp. 8vo. with 34 photographic plates, cardboard boards with gray rune on cover. is a 7-1/2 x 10-1/4 inch hard cover book published by Alfred MeĂ&#x;ner Verlag of Berlin in 1939. The book contains research undertaken by the Deutches Ahnenerbe organization into Germanic runic symbols and family ("ancestor") symbols which were highly prized by Himmler and the SS. Front flyleaf bears the ink stamp of the "Reichspropagandaamt" in Tirol. Rare errate slip also present.


USD 400 - 500

ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND ORDNANCE SCHOOL ARCHIVELarge collection of World War II-era mimeographed documents and manuals, approx. 400pp., all belonging to a William J. Sullivan and related to his training at the Ordnance School at the Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland, circa 1943. The archive includes data sheets for the U.S. Army's standard pistols, revolvers, rifles, submachine guns and machine guns, including the Colt M1911, the M1 Garand, the M1903 Springfield, the Thompson submachine gun, and the Browning M2. Specific troubleshooting instructions for the M1911, the M1 Carbine, the M1928 Thompson, and the Army's .30 and .50 caliber machine guns are also present. Other illustrated manuals present address the identification of small arms ammunition, military rockets, explosive shells, the storage of ammunition, and much else. Documents present address the organization of ordnance disposal units and storage areas, and property accounting procedures, as well as Sullivan's knowledge assessment sheets and his handwritten notes and diagrams on ruled notebook paper. Also present is a printed manual, 16pp. 4to., giving directions on the best methods to destroy weapons to prevent their capture, as well as a second printed 16pp. 4to. on the recovery and evacuation of damaged vehicles and other equipment, and a third manual on the "Responsibilities and Operations of the Ordnance Light Maintenance Company", all printed by the Reproduction Plant at the Aberdeen Proving Ground. Lastly, the archive features two items alluding to Sullivan's late-war service in India. The first is a typed history of the Roman Catholic Choir of the Military Chapel at the 20th General Hospital in Assam, India, listing Sullivan as a tenor, while the second is a souvenir booklet celebrating the homeward-bound voyage of discharged soldiers from Karachi, India to Seattle, dated Jan. 29, 1946. It opens with a basic explanation of atomic energy and its potential use as both a fuel source and a weapon, and continues with a "G.I. Bill of Rights", explaining education and unemployment benefits available to returning soldiers. A wealth of weapons information. Very good overall.


USD 200 - 300

ADOLF HITLER CAPTURED STATIONERYFour pieces of blank stationery from Hitler's Munich offices at the "Brown Haus", includes: a sheet of his personalized 8 1/2" x 11 3/4" green Munich bi-fold letterhead; the corresponding 7 1/2" x 5" corespondence card; an official telegram form; and an early "Urgent" letterhead, ca. 1930, red-bordered, showing the contact information for the Gauleitung Baden office. Four pieces.


USD 100 - 150

ADOLF HITLER COMMEMORATIVE POSTCARDSGood lot of 14 postcards depicting and commemorating various NSDAP events, including six real-photo postcards depicting Hitler in motorcades, with Mussolini, and speaking to wounded veterans, as well as two cards celebrating the Anschluss and the annexation of the Sudentenland, the construction of the autobahn, and honoring Hitler in general. Two have been completed, while the rest are blank. Fine.


USD 100 - 150

ADOLF HITLER ELECTION BALLOTS (2)Pair of election ballots used in German elections, March 13, 1938. The ballots, each 5 3/4" x 4", offer the voter a "Yes" or "No" vote in the decision to incorporate Austria into the German Reich and to vote for Adolf Hitler. One ballot, worn and mounted, is marked "Yes", the other is unmarked.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 100 - 150

ADOLF HITLER THANKS FOR BIRTHDAY WISHESOfficial Adolf Hitler correspondence card with lithographed signature 7 3/4" x 5", Berlin, April, 1943, sending thanks to someone who had sent birthday greetings to him. Fine.


USD 300 - 400

AFRIKA KORPS SOLDIER'S PHOTOS AND LETTERS AS P.O.W.Grouping of items from Augustin Amann, an apparent member of the Afrika Korps eventually captured by American forces. Included are about 75 photographs, the vast majority of which were taken during his service in Africa, various sizes up to 3" x 5", largely photos of towns, some devastated, field emplacements, villages and locals, portraits of Amann and his comrades, and other non-combat images. Also included are five letters penned by Amann to family members in Germany from June, 1944 to January, 1945, all in German and untranslated but certainly of routing content. All have been written on P.O.W. letterheads from camps in Texas and New Mexico and censored both in the U.S. and Germany.


USD 300 - 500

AIR-DROPPED ANTI-NAZI AND PRO-DUTCH PROPAGANDAA group of 25 pieces of printed propaganda dropped upon German soldiers in Holland by RAF aircraft, some quite powerful including pieces equating Iron Crosses with cemetery crosses, depictions of dead German soldiers, attacks on the SS, damning quotations from Hitler speeches, etc., sold with 17 pieces of propaganda aimed at the occupied Dutch, including attacks on the Nazi occupiers, speeches by Roosevelt and Queen Wilhelmina, "Victory" logo-themed, items, and so on. Condition varies from fair to fine, overall good. 42 pieces total.


USD 100 - 150

ALLIED ANTI-ITALIAN PROPAGANDAAn especially rare lot of three pieces of air-dropped leaflets intended for distribution to Italian troops fighting the British and Americans in North Africa, each about 5" x 8" and printed on both sides. One leaflet shows a forelorn Italian soldier siting on a dock in Tripoli as a ship sails away leaving him behind. The text reads, in part: "...The last departing ship for four days - Safe in Italy or lost in the desert? Hurry up!...Rommel and was overwhelmed again by the Allies, and so will from now on. ..evacuate if you do not want to be buried planted soon...". The second flyer asks: "Why die for Hitler?...You need to thank Mussolini and his master Hitler...You, Italian soldier, have no interest in this war...This is the war of Hitler...German will fight to the last man...Italian." The third piece has the theme "1000 km on foot to end up in the Allied trap" and stresses the hopelessness of the Italian efforts. Lat flyer has a clean, small tear. Very good.


USD 500 - 700

ALLIED PROCLAMATION ON THE SURRENDER OF ITALYRare printed military proclamation printed in English and Italian, "Allied Military Government of Occupied Territory PROCLAMATION No. 1", s19" x 27 1/4", [n.p.], 1943, signed in type by British Field Marshal Harold R. Alexander as commander of British and American forces in the 165th Army Group in Italy. The broadside, unengrossed, declares that the Allies had arrived to free the population from "Fascist" control, that Alexander had been vested with his authority by Eisenhower, removes the power of the King, promisses the dissolution of the Fascist Party, and seeks to assure the population of a calm and peaceful occupation. Fine condition.


USD 100 - 150

ALLIED PROPAGANDA ATTACKS GERHARD WILCKTwo propaganda leaflets, identical but in Greman and English respectively and probably from an American propaganda headquarters file, each 5 1/4" x 8 1/4" and picturing Col. Gerhard Wilck (1898-1985) who stubbornly defended Aachen but finally disobeyed Hitler's orders and surrendered along with over 3,000 of his man. The leaflet, aimed at civilians, first describes Wilck as essentially a butcher who sacrificed the lives of soldiers and civilians in a useless defense of the city, and then surrendered himself to live peacefully at a British POW camp. The verso instructs civilians (in other cities) to discuss with soldiers that resistance to the Allied advance is useless, urges people to protect their property from looters and those who would destroy utilities (read: German soldiers), and suggests that they unite with similar thinkers as Allies approach their city. Fine.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 300 - 400

AMERICAN AIR-DROPPED LEAFLETSExcellent group of nine anti-Japanese propaganda leaflets, dropped by American aircraft over enemy and occupied territories, includes: two copies of a propaganda leaflet in the form of a Japanese newspaper, each 2pp. 4to., alerting the civilian population of Japan of increased attacks by American bombers on Tokyo and other population centers. It includes an aerial "bomb's eye" view of the Imperial Palace and central Tokyo, as well as reports of American and allied gains in the Pacific, and admonitions for the civilian population to not resist the coming American attacks and possible invasion. One copy of this leaflet is mounted to a paper backing, and both bear folds and minor splitting, else very good. WITH: A 4to. leaflet bearing an image of Harry Truman, in Chinese, announcing the death of President Roosevelt and apparently announcing that American resilience will not be weakened by this loss. It was likely intended to reassure Chinese civilians in Japanese-occupied areas that America would not abandoned them in their fight. Folds, mounted to a paper backing, else very good. WITH: Three double-sided 12mo., leaflets, each featuring the flags of the United States and Nationalist China, boasting of the "complete unity" between the two nations against China's Japanese occupiers. One of these leaflets is mounted to a paper backing with another leaflet, depicting American planes launching raids from their newly-acquired island bases against various Japanese holdings. All bear folds, else very good. WITH: An 8vo. leaflet, in Annamite (Vietnamese) and French, aimed at the civilian population of then-French Indochina, featuring two photographs of French resistance members and jubilant civilians. The text describes the establishment of covert command posts by resistance members participating in the liberation of France from Germany. This is framed with a much smaller leaflet, aimed at the occupying Japanese troops, containing a simple order: "Surrender Alone". These leaflets were saved by an American pilot who occasionally flew missions to drop these leaflets over Japanese-held territory. Present with the grouping is the metal M-16 flare casing in which he preserved the material, ironically lot-dated Dec. 1941, as well as two labels taken from packets of other leaflets intended to be dropped over Indochina, describing their contents as instructions for rescuing downed airmen, and updating the populace as to the gains made against the Japanese. A fine collection.


USD 100 - 150

AMERICAN ANTI-JAPANESE PROPAGANDA LEAFLETSGood group of three air-dropped leaflets, aimed at demoralizing the citizens of mainland Japan at the end of World War II. The first, 5" x 7 1/2", is entitled "Time is Pressing!" It depicts twelve Pacific islands, including Guadalcanal, Attu, the Marshalls, the Admiralty islands, New Guinea, and Tarawa, arranged in the shape of a clock face, with Japan at the twelve o'clock position. All but Japan are marked with broken Japanese flagpoles, signifying defeats on those islands, and the hands of the clock rest on the Philippines at the eleven o'clock position, signifying that Japan's time is nearly up. The second leaflet, 5" x 7", is a simple map of the Pacific Ocean, depicting the distances between the recently captured island of Okinawa and important Japanese bases on Formosa (now Taiwan), China, and mainland Japan, demonstrating the ease with which American forces can attack each of these targets. The final leaflet, 7" x 10", is simply titled "Tokyo Becomes a Battlefield", and depicts a map of Japan superimposed over an aerial photograph of Tokyo, indicative of the view enjoyed by American bomber pilots. The verso bears a message entitled "American Air Force Fiercely Bombs Tokyo", and goes on to describe the frequent bombing raids launched against Tokyo by large groups of planes, with an admonition to surrender. The first two leaflets described are mounted in simple wood frames, and all bear folds, else very good.


USD 100 - 150

AMERICAN FAMILY SERVICE FLAGS AND PINLot of three window service flags, various sized but average about 8" x 10", includes a blue star flag, a gold star flag (KIA), and a flag indicating that a family member was serving in the USMC. Also present is a small pin with an enameled blue star and a Navy anchor and a Marine's dog tag. Five pieces.


USD 100 - 150

AMERICAN PACIFIC WAR EDUCATIONAL POSTERSPair of double-sided educational posters, the first 16 3/4" x 22 1/4", and the second 23 1/4" x 17 1/4", both entitled "Newsmap for the Armed Forces: Overseas Edition". The larger of the two, published March 19, 1945 by the Army Information Branch, Army Service Forces, addresses the Battle of Iwo Jima, and feature b/w photos of the invasion force making its way towards the beach, Marines disembarking from various landing craft under enemy fire, Marines dug into the volcanic sands, and stretcher bearers removing the wounded from the field, as well as a small inset photo depicting the famous flag raising at Mt. Suribachi. The verso of this poster bears two maps, one depicting current American offensives in the Pacific, and the other addressing the American capture of Cologne, Germany. The smaller poster, published Oct. 22, 1945, features a map of the planned invasion of mainland Japan, specifically Operations "Olympic", an invasion of Kyushu, and the subsequent Operation "Coronet", an assault on Tokyo and Yokohama. Of course, neither of these assaults, slated for the fall of 1945, were ever carried out, as Japan surrendered on August 15, following the atomic attacks against Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The verso of this poster features a graphic demonstrating the populations of Asia, the Americas, and Europe and Africa at that time. Both posters bear their original folds, with very slight scattered chipping at the edges, else very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 75 - 100

AMERICAN PROPAGANDA FOR FILIPINOSRare American propaganda leaflet dropped upon citizens of the Philippines shortly after the invasion by Americans, probably first used at Leyte. The 7" x 5" flyer shows American soldiers running through fields and is captioned: "The Warriors of Freedom have landed on your Island!" The verso advises civilians that Americans have landed nearby, that they should stay clear of military installations and keep off roads and bridges, and "help us drive the Japs from your island!". Folds, soiled.


USD 100 - 150

AMERICAN PROPAGANDA POSTERAmerican propaganda poster, 18" x 24", by Bogorad (Dec. 18, 1944). Large text "V-Mail" on background of blue sky and clouds with planes in formation overhead. V-mail letter at bottom reaqds: "Easy to write...Fast...Great to Get... Often" Fold marks, otherwise fine.


USD 150 - 200

ANTI-BRITISH PROPAGANDA PUBLICATIONSGood group of five Third Reich-era anti-British publications, includes: "Churchills Reden und Taten" ("Churchill's Speeches and Deeds"), by Martin Pase (Leipzig: Luhe-Verlag), [n.d], 104pp. 8vo., a collection of anti-Churchill cartoons and illustrations; "A Revolution in Thought", by Otto Dietrich (Berlin: Terramare Office), 1939, 30pp. 8vo., a German-printed English pamphlet espousing the virtues of national Socialism in British society; "England ganz von innen gesehen" ("England Seen from the Inside"), by Heinz Medefind (Berlin: Im Deutschen Verlag), 1939, 112pp. 8vo., missing a segment of the title page; "Englischer Kultur-Imperialismus" ("English Cultural Imperialism") by Franz Thierfelder (Berlin: Junker und Dunnhaupt Verlag), 1940, 68pp. 8vo.; and "Rassenbiologische Betrachtungsweise der Geschichte Englands" ("Race-biological Review of the History of England") by Bernhard Pier ( Frankfurt: Verlag Moritz Diesterweg) 1935, 55pp. 8vo. All shows some wear and toning, else very good.


USD 100 - 150

ANTI-SS PROPAGANDARare anti-SS handbill, 2pp. 4to., headed: "The Fuhrer's Blank Check for the SS". The contents are unusual in that the handbill expressly attacks the SS as a state police tool of Hitler. In part: "...The reverse documents contain Hitler's thoughts about the necessity of the SS...He wants it to be known far and wide...We give him that opportunity...These are secret documents...not to defend Germany but to make the Great German Empire...Waffen-SS is used against the poorer people of Europe...It is not a war of defense, it is a war of conquest...he uses the Waffen-SS expressly as a tool for civil war...the Waffen-SS will come back to Germany as a state police...". Source, domestic or Allied, is unknown. Very good.


USD 150 - 200

ARNO BREKER AND OTHER SCULPTORS PHOTO BOOKSGood group of two softbound books, containing images of works of sculpture reflecting the neoclassical aesthetic of the Third Reich, includes: "Arno Breker", (Konigsberg: Kanter-Verlag), 1943, 62pp. 12mo., collecting images of 60 works by Breker, including portraits of Albert Speer, Paul von Hindenburg, Richard Wagner, and others, in addition to more mythological and symbolic figures. One page featuring the first two photos of the series is missing, and likely featured a depiction of Hitler. Other works with explicit Third Reich connections, such as a bust of Albert Speer and statues commissioned for the NSDAP rally grounds at Nuremburg, have had their titles obliterated, indicating that the missing page may have been intentionally removed by an anti-Fascist owner. The covering of the spine if missing, and the binding is split and held together with cello tape, with some chipping to the front cover, else very good. WITH: "Junge Bildhauer Unserer Zeit" ("Young Sculptors of Our Time"), (Konigsberg: Kanter-Verlag), 1940, 62pp. 12mo., collecting 60 of monumental and neoclassical sculpture by artists in favor with the NSDAP, including Anton Grauel, Hermann Zettlitzer, Rudolf Leptien, Rudolf Agricola, and Arno Breker. The covering of the spine is partially missing, with some chipping and soiling to the covers, else very good. Both books are marked "Feldpostaugabe" ("field post production"), indicating that they were published specifically for distribution to Wehrmacht soldiers in the field.


USD 250 - 350

ART COLLECTION SOLD FOR THE V.D.A.Gold embossed album "School Collection for the V.D.A.", used to raise funds for foreign-domiciled Germans. The album contains 30 color postcard reproductions of some excellent examples of wartime German art, all by Willrich, including Erwin Rommel, a series of "Men of the Front", Germans in foreign lands, Himmler, marches and rallies, etc. Fine condition,

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 100 - 150

BATTLE OF STALINGRAD COMMEMORATIVE POSTCARDCommemorative Third Reich postcard, 6" x 4", printed by Otto Drewitz of Berlin. The front of the card features an image of a hand in a gesture of benediction, over an NSDAP flag flying in the ruins of the city, with the text: "FĂźhrer Befiehl, Wir Folgen!" ("The FĂźhrer Commands, We Follow!") The verso of the card dedicates the image to the heroes of Stalingrad, with the date Jan. 31, 1944. Moderate soiling, else very good. A rarer postcard bearing the same motto was used earlier in the war in an anti-Nazi postcard decrying the enormous German losses at Stalingrad.


USD 600 - 800

BELGIAN UNDERGROUND NEWSPAPER COLLECTION, PART ICollection of Belgian underground newspapers printed and distributed during the German military occupation of that country. These papers, part of a large collection offered in this sale, were issued by the many partisan, royalist, nationalist and communist organizations all resisting the cruel Nazi rule of Belgium. Not researched, but some of these issues are undoubtedly extremely rare. Included in this group is: "Surs Cordum", 2pp. mimeo. news sheet, nos. 2, 6, 10, 11, 12, 15, 18, 20, 21, 22, 24, 26, 33,36,40, 50, 57, and 58; "Coeurs Belges", 8pp. printed newspaper, Vol. II, nos. 18-24, Vol. III, nos. 10-13, 1821; "Radio-Moscou", 2-3pp. mimeo. pro-Soviet news sheet, nos. 52, 59, 77, 79, 85, 86, 115, 129, and Apr. 27, 1942; "Le Monde du Travail", 2-6pp. socialist newspaper, nos. 56, 58, 61, 73, 76, 77, 80, and an undated, unnumbered edition; "Contre-Attaque!", handbill, 1p. 8vo., April, 1943, a list of collborators killed by the Belgian resistance; "La Resistance Belge", 4pp. printed news sheets, No. 8, Jan., 1944, "Churchill-Gazette", 10pp. mimeo. illustrated news sheet, pro-British, nos. 43, 54, 58, 64, 65, and the Sep., 1944 liberation issue; "L'Essor Ardennais", a rural resistance newspaper, 2-6pp. mimeo. news sheet, nos. 1, 3, and 4; "U.R.S.S.", printed pro-Soviet newspaper, 4pp., no. 6, Nov. 1942; and "Le Partisan", 2pp. mimeo. news letter, Liege, June, 1942. An historic grouping! Generally very good to fine condition.


USD 400 - 500

BELGIAN UNDERGROUND NEWSPAPER COLLECTION, PART IICollection of Belgian underground newspapers printed and distributed during the German military occupation of that country. These papers, part of a large collection offered in this sale, were issued by the many partisan, royalist, nationalist and communist organizations all resisting the cruel Nazi rule of Belgium. Not researched, but some of these issues are undoubtedly extremely rare. Included in this group is: "La Petite Gazette", 2pp. mimeo. news sheet, no. 29; "Le Courrier de la Meuse", printed newspaper, 2-4pp., nos. 24 and 29; "Le Trait d'Union", 4pp. printed news sheet by families of P.O.W.s, no. 3 (1942); "Voici l'U.R.S.S.", 4pp. mimeo. pro-Soviet news sheet, nos. 4 and 7; "La Libre Belgique", 4-8pp. printed newspaper; 67, 81 and 83; "Le Drapeau Rouge", various formats, issued by the Communist Party of Belgium, 17 issues; "La Voix des Belges", 4-8pp. printed newspaper, 3, 16, 17; "La Belge Unie", 4pp. printed newspaper, no date, lists traitors and collaborators; "L'Espoire", 2pp. printed newspaper, nos. 16, 17, and Sep., 1943; "Le Paysan", printed newspaper and mimeo. news sheet, 2-6pp., 2nd years nos. 3, 5, 8 3rd year no. 3, special number 6; "Liberte", printed and mimeo. Communist Party newspapers and news sheets, six issues from second and third year of publication; "La Lutte", 4pp. printed newspaper, no. 2, Jan., 1943; "Au Service de L'Action", mimeo. communist news sheet, 4pp., nos. 3 and 10. Overall very good.


USD 400 - 600

BELGIAN UNDERGROUND NEWSPAPER COLLECTION, PART IIICollection of Belgian underground newspapers printed and distributed during the German military occupation of that country. These papers, part of a large collection offered in this sale, were issued by the many partisan, royalist, nationalist and communist organizations all resisting the cruel Nazi rule of Belgium. Not researched, but some of these issues are undoubtedly extremely rare. Included in this group is: "Liberation", printed newspaper, 8pp. no. 19, Aug. 1944; "Le Combattant", mimeo. news sheet and printed newspaper, Dec. 6, 1942, Jan. 7, 1943, Sep.11, 1943; "La Belgique Nouvelle", printed newspaper, 4pp. , Mar. 15, 1943; "Le Mouvement Syndical", printed news sheet, 10pp. , undated and march, 1944; "Le Peuple", printed socialist newspaper, 4pp. , June, 1942, Aug. and Nov. 1943, Feb. 1944; "PAX Revue", printed news sheet, 8-10pp., nos. 8 and 10; "La Voix du Cheminot", printed newspaper, 6pp., no. 7, Jan. 1943; "Solidarite", June and July, 1944 (nos. 1 and 2), each 4pp.mimeo. news sheet, EXTREMELY RARE AND IN CYRILLIC, issued to Russian prisoners held in Belgium, with French translations and hand-drawn map used in the news letter; also "Solidarite" in newspaper form, 4pp., Jan. 1944; "L'Agent des Services Publics", 6pp. mimeo. news sheet, no. 8, Aug. 1943; and about 30 immediately post-liberation and post-war Belgian newspapers. Overall very good.


USD 100 - 150

CHARLES H. HUBBELL LITHOGRAPHS OF AERIAL COMBATGood group of five prints, each 15 1/2"x 13"(sight), each depicting Japanese aircraft of World War II. The subjects depicted include: a group of Kawasaki "Tony" fighters under attack by American F4U Corsairs, a squadron of Nakajima "Jill" torpedo bombers, a Mitsubishi "Zeke" fighters attacking a group of America B-25s, a Nakajima "Tojo" fighter on fire, and three Mitsubishi "Betty" bombers at night. Each print is matted in shrink wrap. Fine.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 75 - 100

CHINESE ARE WARNED AWAY FROM JAPANESE AIRFIELDSRare American propaganda leaflet, 5" x 7" with translation, apparently a sample or test print. It reads on the recto: "Warning to Shanghai Airfield Workers!" and on verso the text warns works that bombers of the 14th Air Force might arrive at any time to "blast Tachang, Kiangwan and Woosung airfields...Move away quickly...The bombers are coming!". Very good.


USD 100 - 150

CIGARETTE ALBUM "KAMPF UM'S DRITTE REICH"German cigarette card album, "Kampf um's Dritte Reich: Eine Historische Bilderfolge" ("Battle for the Third Reich") (Berlin: Cigaretten-Bilderdienst Altona-Bahrenfeld) 1933, 92pp. 4to., softcover, depicting the rise of the NSDAP in Germany. The album compiles a series of color cigarette cards, which the dedicated smoker would have collected as he purchased successive packs. In addition to a highly propagandistic retelling of NSDAP history, the book also features songs and speeches, as well as biographies of Nazi leaders. This example is missing six cards, with some damp stains, and tape repairs to the peeling front cover image, as well as later large ink marks inside the back cover, else very good. Present with the album is the original paperboard slipcase, heavily damaged, with ink markings throughout.


USD 150 - 200

CONCENTRATION CAMP REGISTRATION FORMPrinted document, 2pp, 4to., a blank generic form to be completed by inmates upon entry into a Third Reich-era concentration camp. At the top of the page is space for the name and type of the camp, followed by spaces for the prisoner's name, birth date, place of residence, occupation, and nationality, as well the names and race of their parents, spouse, and children, spaces to list contagious diseases, physical infirmities, criminal records, political affiliations, arrest date, and more. At the bottom of the page is a warning that falsification of information will result in punishment, while the bottom of the back page features spaces for both the date of the prisoner's release, and their death date. The foot of the page bears a date of November, 1944. Some chipping at the top edges, with some toning, else very good.


USD 400 - 600

DEUTSCHES JUNGVOLK YOUTH HOSTEL POSTERColorful Third Reich-era poster, 16 3/4" x 11 1/2", entitled "Schafft uns Jugendherbergen" ("We Create Youth Hostels"). The poster depicts a young Deutsches Jungvolk member, in a black uniform tunic with a DJ "sig" rune patch and a summer field cap, with a DJ knife and belt buckle, and a backpack and camping roll on his back, setting out from his hometown for a hiking trip. At bottom are the legends "Wir sind die Garanten der Zukunft" ("We are the Guarantors of the Future") and "Auskunft durch den Schulvertrauensmann" ("Information from the School Trustee"). The poster art was executed by Ludwig Hohlwein, and the poster itself was printed in Berlin by R.D. Schmidt, circa 1935. The poster bears minor foxing throughout, with three minute scorch marks at the right edge, else very good.


USD 75 - 100

DUTCH ANTI-ALLIED PROPAGANDADutch anti-Allied propaganda flyer, 8 1/4" x 6", uses the notorious theme of a black, ape-like creature (Bolsheviks ) coming into the civilized Netherlands to terrorize and crush the population, captioned in English and Dutch: "Onward, Christian Soldiers". The verso lists seven regions of conflict and cites "Bolshevik" influence or atrocities at each. Very good.


USD 200 - 300

DUTCH ANTI-NAZI POSTCARDSUncommon collection of ten color postcards bearing anti-Nazi cartoons by artist Ton Smits. Each 4" x 5 3/4". Very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 200 - 300

DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER D-DAY ORDER OF THE DAYAn increasingly scarce D-Day relic, an original 6" x 9 1/8" printed message from Eisenhower to the soldiers, sailors and airmen of the AEF as they embarked on their respective missions on June 6, 1944, bearing Eisenhower's facsimile signature at bottom. Folds, small section of tape at top margin with a small clean tear thereat, else very good.


USD 200 - 300

GEN. BERNARD L. MONTGOMERY D-DAY MESSAGE TO THE TROOPSScarce printed message above his facsimile signature with rank, Gen. Bernard Law Montgomery's message to 21 Army Group, deliverey upon the advent of their landings in Normandy, June 6, 1944. Monty exclaims: "The time has come to deal the enemy a terrific bl;ow...I send my best wishes to every soldier on the Allied team...We have a great and righteous cause...let us go forward to victory...And good hunting on the mainland of Europe...". Small tear at top margin, folds, else very good.


USD 300 - 400

GEN. OMAR N. BRADLEY'S D-DAY MESSAGE TO THE TROOPSRare printed "Order of the Day" marked "Top Secret", 1p. 4to., "Headquarters First United States Army", June 4, 1944. In an order meant to be read to the troops, Bradley writes in part: "...We, together with our Allies, are about to start on the greatest amphibious operation ever cross the Channel and drive her [Germany's] armies back to Berlin...we have trained hard...this is the moment for which the whole world has been waiting...the eyes of the whole world are on must succeed...". Folds, very good.


USD 500 - 700

GERMAN ARMY "DEATH CARDS" - 500 PCS."Sterbebild", or "death cards", are printed memorial cards issued upon the death of German soldiers, generally including their birth and death dates, military rank and affiliation, photograph and place of death. Offered here are approx. 500 original cards issued upon the deaths of various members of the German army, also including officers and non-coms of Panzer-Jager troops, infantry, artillerymen, flak battery members, S.A. members, and so on, each 2-4pp., 2 1/2" x 4 1/4". Chosen at random, includes those lost at famous battles, etc. Condition varies, generally very good. Should be seen.


USD 100 - 150

GERMAN PAPER FLAGSGood group of four paper flags, each measuring between 9" x 6 1/2" and 12" x 8", with two depicting the black-white-red tricolor of Imperial Germany, and the remaining two featuring the swastika of the Third Reich. All are affixed to approx. 20" sticks. All are rolled, else very good.


USD 150 - 200

GERMAN PLANE SPOTTER'S HANDBOOKUncommon publication: "Kriegsflugzeuge", 1942, 160pp. small 8vo., with a color cover illustration of German bombers attacking an industrial area. The contents include photos and descriptions of Allied and Axis aircraft of al types. Very good.


USD 200 - 300

S.A. - ENDORSED CIGARETTE ADVERTISEMENTVery rare glossy paperboard sign, 9" x 12 3/4", advertising "Trommler" cigarettes manufactured by "Sturm Zigaretten GmbH" of Dresden, a front group engaged in fund raising for the "Sturmabteilung", or the SA. The sign shows an illustration of a cigarette and the brand name against a yellow background. The cigarette prominently bears the insignia of the SA, and the same insignia appears in blue at upper left, surrounded by the slogans "Gegen Trust U. Konzern" ("Against Trusts and Monopolies") and "Handgepackt". At the bottom is the disclaimer: "nach wie vor mit Gutschein un Uniformbild" ("Still with voucher and uniform pictures"), a reference to the cards packaged with these cigarettes, which showed attractive uniforms from German military history. SA members were expected to smoke Sturm-Zigaretten products exclusively, and this scheme typically raised hundreds of Reichmarks for each SA unit per month. Some slight bumping to the edges, else fine.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 200 - 300

GI CARTOONISTS ORIGINAL ARTGood group of five pieces of original cartoon art, all dated 1945, executed in ink by soldier cartoonists. The items measure between 4 1/2" sq. and 10" x 11 3/4", with four signed "Doty", and the remainder signed "Ted Miller", with his rank and base in pencil on the verso. Doty's works depict a GI weighed down by medals, escorting a Japanese prisoner, engulfed in a cloud of smoke, and standing on a stret corner while Boy Scouts offer commentary. Miller's piece depicts two GI's commenting on various buxom women. Also present are six typed captions, two of which match cartoons present here. All show some toning with some damp stains, else very good.


USD 400 - 600

HIROHITO PORTRAYED AS A SPIDER CONSUMING CHINAExcellent anti-Japanese poster: "El Fascismo", 26 1/2" x 18 1/4", a lithograph promoting the "Conferencia El Fascismo Japones" in Mexico City, Mexico, June 9, 1939. Artist Isidro Ocampo has portrayed young Emperor Hirohito as a horned, black-bodied spider preparing to consume China. Fine. From a single collection obtained entirely in China pre-2000.


USD 500 - 600

HISTORY OF THE S.A.: "THE MEN IN THE BROWN SHIRTS"Rare history of the Sturmabteilung, or S.A., "Manner im Braunhemd" ("The Men in the Brown Shirts"), by Sturmhauptfuhrer Karl W. H. Koch (Berlin: Herbert Stubenrauch Verlagsbuchhandlung), 1936. First edition, 326pp. 4to., in brown cloth with brown title. With a foreword by S.A. leader Viktor Lutze, this is the revised second edition of "Das Ehrenbuch der S.A.", the "honor book" of the SA which set forth the history of the storm troopers. The illustrated book is divided into 20 chapters which examine the origins of the SA and the growth in membership, street battles against the Communists, life in the SA, reports from the time when the SA was declared illegal in Germany, Hitler's victory in 1933, much more. Fine, in dust jacket.


USD 100 - 150

HITLER YOUTH BOOKSLot of two books marketed towards members of the Hitler Youth, includes: "Das Fliegerbuch der Deutschen Jugend" (Reutlingen: Ensslin & Laiblins Verlagsbuchhandlung), 1940, 298pp. 8vo., featuring numerous black & white photographs and illustrations. The book charts the history of German aviation, including World War I, gliders, Lufthansa, the development of zeppelins and helicopters, and the Hindenburg disaster. It was intended to encourage Hitler Youth members to join the Luftwaffe. Bears some foxing, no jacket, else very good. WITH: "'Neue Geist - Neue Zeit" (Munich: Verlag Franz Eher Nachf) 1937, 266pp. 4to., a collection of stories for HJ and BDM members, edited by Inge Wessel, sister of Nazi martyr Horst Wessel. Liberally illustrated with monochrome line drawings, bears some foxing and toning, else very good.


USD 150 - 200

HITLER YOUTH BOOKSGroup of six books related to the Hitler Youth and other aspects of German youth, includes: "Vom deutschen Jugendwandern", (Berlin: Verlag Ludwig Simon), 1928, 95pp. 4to., a collection of photographs depicting German youth on hiking trips around the country, and the landscapes they pass through. Contains no explicit political content. Front cover seperated, with the back cover partially torn. WITH: "H.J. marschiert!" ("H.J. Marches!"), by Wilhelm Fanderl (Berlin: Paul Franke Verlag), 384pp. 8vo., an explanation of Hitler's new Germany and the role of the Hitler Youth, liberally illustrated with b/w and color photographs and paintings. Missing pages 1-6, with additional pages torn, marked with pencil on the front cover and on several pages, good to very good. WITH: "Jungen eure Welt!", by Karl Lapper and Wilhelm Utermann (Munich: Zentralverlag der Nsdap, Franz Eher Nachf.), 1938, 430pp. 8vo., a "Jahrbuch", or yearbook, containing numerous articles on Hitler Youth and NSDAP events, as well as fiction and nonfiction short stories, military stories, and much else. Liberally illustrated with b/w photos and color drawings. Several pages loose, spine repaired with clear cello tape, else very good. WITH: "Der Gute Kamerade (52. Band)", (Stuttgart: Union Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft), 476pp. 4to, a "Jahrbuch" aimed at young Germans, containing numerous articles discussion industrial and military advances, athletic events, the Hitler Youth, crafts projects, German history and much else, all illustrated with over 1000 b/w photographs, drawings, and diagrams. Very good. WITH: "Frohes Schaffen" ("Joyful Creations"), (Leipzig: Deutscher Verlag fur Jugend und Volk), 1941, 412pp. 4to., a "Jahrbuch" aimed at young Germans, containing numerous articles discussing industrial and military advances, athletic events, the Hitler Youth, crafts projects, German history and much else. Bumped and worn on the covers, with a split along the spine, else very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 40 - 60

HITLER YOUTH MAGAZINES "MORGEN" AND "DER PIMPF"Good lot of four Hitler Youth magazines, including four issues of "Morgen", dated July and August of 1935, and March and August of 1936, and an issue of its successor "Der Pimpf", dated June 1941. These well-illustrated magazines contain a variety of songs, adventure stories, reports of military conquests, and other propaganda, as well as informative articles on radio circuitry, wayfinding, and propagandistic interpretations of history. The back matter of each issue features various advertisements for air rifles, harmonicas, bicycles, and other items of interest to HJ members. All bear some edge wear, else very good.


USD 40 - 60

HITLER YOUTH MAGAZINES "MORGEN" AND "DER PIMPF"Good lot of four Hitler Youth magazines, including four issues of "Morgen",dated July and August of 1935, and March and April of 1936, and an issue of its successor "Der Pimpf", dated July of 1941. These well-illustrated magazines contain a variety of songs, adventure stories, reports of military conquests, and other propaganda, as well as well as various informative and instructive articles. The back matter of each issue features various advertisements for air rifles, harmonicas, bicycles, and other items of interest to HJ members. All bear some edge wear, else very good.


USD 100 - 150

HITLER YOUTH MEMBERSHIP CERTIFICATEPrinted certificate, 1p. 4to., inducting Johann Samer into the Hitler Youth on Hitler's birthday, April 20, 1941. The certificate bears a political eagle above the HJ insignia at the top, with the inductee's name recorded in black ink, and the signature of an HJ leader at the bottom. Folds, else very good.


USD 100 - 150

HITLER YOUTH PROPAGANDA BOOKSGroup of three pro-NSDAP books of sayings, includes: "Kampf Arbeit Feier"("Combat Work Celebration"), by Georg Stammler (Braunschweig: Verlag Georg Westermann), [n.d.], 80pp. 8vo., a collection of slogans, sayings, and songs for German youth to use on all occasions. Includes the original dust jacket, which bears minor chips, many repaired on the inside with cello tape, else very good. WITH: "Ich Dien: des jungen Deutschen Tagebuch" ("Use Me: The Young German's Diary"), edited by Wilhelm Stiehler and Horts Wiemar (Munich: Albert Langen - Georg Muller), [n.d.], 70pp. 12mo., a selection of daily sayings from a number of German figures, including the NSDAP hierarchy, as well as historical figures such as Mozart, Zeppelin, the brothers Grimm, Ludendorff, and many others. Minor water damage, else very good. WITH: "Spiele Des Deutschen Volkes" ("Play of the German People"), by Willi Schreiber (Leipzig: Arwed Strauch Verlag), 1939, 72pp. 8vo., a play intended to be performed by soldiers of the Wehrmacht. The cover is partially separated from the spine, else very good.


USD 150 - 250

HITLER YOUTH PROPAGANDA SLIDESHOWSGood group of four "Bildbung fur die Schulung der Hitler-Jugend" ("Pictures for the Education of the Hitler Youth") propaganda slideshows, each consisting of approx. 20 positive prints on a reel of 35mm film. The first, entitled "Deutsche Vorgeschicht - eine Verpflichtung" ("German Prehistory - An Obligation") gives an overview of archaeological excavations that conform with the NSDAP's ideals of Aryan superiority, and features images of Hitler Youth members conducting excavations and examining artifacts, with one using his HJ knife to clean an excavated object. The next presentation, entitled "An Der Deutschen Westgrenze" ("On the German West Border") gives an overview of Germany's relations with its western neighbors, especially France, and discusses the French Revolution, the Franco-Prussian War and World War I, before concluding with a celebration of the invasion of France in May of 1940. The third presentation, entitled "Ostpreussen Brucke und Bollwerk" ("East Prussia: Bridge and Bulwark"), briefly examines the history and culture of East Prussia, with emphasis on how it has benefitted under the Third Reich, and features views of the Tannenberg Memorial, at that time the tomb of Paul von Hindenburg. The final strip of film is not labeled as a "Bildbung fur die Schulung der Hitler-Jugend", and appears to reproduce pages from a book on archaeology, depicting German artifacts and pre-historical ways of life. The four presentations are housed in a period metal film canister, onto which the title "Nazi Film" has been scratched. Each film strip bears minor chipping at each end, but the presentations themselves are intact. Very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 150 - 250

HITLER YOUTH PROPAGANDA SLIDESHOWS ON GERMAN CONQUESTSGood group of three "Bildung fur die Schulung der Hitler-Jugend" ("Pictures for the Education of the Hitler Youth") propaganda slideshows, each consisting of approx. 20 positive prints on a reel of 35mm film. The first, entitled "Der Balkan-Feldzug" ("The Balkan Campaign"), describes the German invasion of Yugoslavia in April of 1941, and the German participation in Italy's invasion of Greece. The slides include images of German planes flying over the Acropolis, scuttled Greek ships, Stukas dive-bombing Belgrade, and more. The second presentation, entitled "Der Feldzug im Norden" ("The Campaign in the North"), describes the invasions of Denmark and Norway, it showcases the preparations made by Germany for the invasions, the use of "Fallschrimjager" (paratroopers), the naval engagements that marked the invasion of Norway, and the destructive aftermath of the battle. The presentation closes with a message from Hitler, congratulating his troops and offering the nation's thanks. The final presentation, entitled "Die grosse Schlacht in Frankreich" ("The Great Battle in France") , describes the German invasion of that country, with special emphasis placed on the overwhelming superiority of German weapons and manpower, including a derogatory depiction of French African colonial troops. The presentation concludes with photographs taken during the French surrender ceremony aboard the same railcar where the Germans had surrendered at the end of World War I. Each film strip bears minor chipping at each end, but the presentations themselves are intact. Very good.


USD 100 - 150

HONOLULU PEARL HARBOR ATTACK NEWSPAPERScarce newspaper, a contemporary reprint of the Honolulu Star-Bulletin, Dec. 8, 1941, last edition, the first 16 of 24 folio pages. The huge headline reads: "WAR DECLARED ON JAPAN BY U.S....FDR CALLS ATTACK UPON OAHU 'INFAMOUS TREACHERY'...Our Fleet At Sea As Counter Offensive Is Begun...Huge Ocean, Air Operations On". The front page stories include the text of F.D.R.'s request that Congress declare war on Japan, mention of 3,000 casualties on Oahu, unsubstantiated reports of American naval retaliation, with multiple, varied war news on the following nine pages as well. Three tape repairs at bottom of first page with two 1 1/2" marginal tears, and a few similar repairs on the last page, else generally very good. This particular reprint was made during the war for propaganda purposes or was printed very shortly thereafter certainly not a latter day reprint.


USD 75 - 100

JAPANESE "ZERO" SAKE LABELUnused World War II sake bottle label, 6" x 4 1/2", pictures two Japanese "Zero" fighters in flight with the motto at top in english: "Japanese Best Sake". Very good.


USD 100 - 150

JAPANESE PROPAGANDARare piece of Japanese propaganda, an air-dropped two-sided leaflet, 5" x 10" overall. One side depicts two well-dressed couples sipping cocktails before a radio which blares: "ANOTHER MAJOR VICTORY". The Japanese reality is exposed when this image is lifted to reveal a smirking Japanese soldier facing the viewer with tanks and fighter planes attackin from behind him. Very good.


USD 100 - 150

JAPANESE SEXUAL ANTI-ANZAC PROPAGANDARare piece of Japanese propaganda aimed at ANZAC soldiers, 5" x 7", depicts the figure of a shapely, topless woman bearing a skull with a black shawl in place of a woman's face and head. The ghoul's arms are wrapped around about the body of an ANZAC soldier. The text reads in part: "SIREN Beware, young man! The lady will get you [sic] if you don't watch out...You'll never see those green hills at home again once her clutches tighten on you...There is only one way out...". Fine.


USD 100 - 150

JULIUS SCHAUB - CAPTURED STATIONERYThree pieces of stationery captured from the Chancellery office Hitler's Adjutant des Fuhrers, Julius Schaub, includes a piece of his letterhead with a note penned by an American G.I., a pre-printed thank you note on Schaub's correspondence card, and a blank invitation to have dinner with Hitler. Three pieces.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 100 - 150

MESSERSCHMITT DESIGN PLANSGood lot of six design plans used by aircraft manufacturer Messerschmitt during World War II. The largest plan, 33" x 24", is a 1941 plan for a support or brace for an aircraft strut, details of which are shown in five views. Smaller plans include sheet metal forms for a "BfN", two specialized hand tools, and two unknown parts. Overall very good.


USD 100 - 150

NAZI PROPAGANDA BOOK ON RETURN OF ETHNIC GERMANS TO CAPTURED LANDSGerman publication: "Heimkehrer" ("Homecoming") by Hans Richter (Berlin: Franz Eher Verlag), approx. 100pp. large 8vo. Foreword by SS Gen. Kurt Daluege. Text and many photographs concerning the return of ethnic Germans to lands recently "liberated" by German armewd forces, including Meml, Konigburg, Riga, Bukovina, Cernavoda, Semlin, Graz, etc. Fine.


USD 300 - 400

OIL PAINTING OF AN AMERICAN SUBMARINELarge, framed oil-on-canvas painting, 29 1/2" x 25", a full-length depiction of an American submarine, submerged and firing a torpedo at an unseen foe. Several Japanese flags are painted on her conning tower, indicating "kills", and several sharks swim above. The painting is signed "H. Peterson" at lower left. Accompanying this painting is a print, 23 1/4" x 18 3/4", entitled "Pride of the Fleet" and depicting a very similar scene to the painting, albeit with a higher degree of detail. The painting reproduced by this print is signed "Wright", and was published by the Electric Boat Company of New York. It is our belief, given the different signatures and the higher quality of work seen in the print, that "H. Peterson" executed his oil painting as a copy of the promotional image released by the Electric Boat Company. The painting shows four small holes near the upper edge, with some minor scuffs, and the print shows some toning and some chips at the left edge, else very good.


USD 150 - 200

ORDER FOR THE REGISTRATION OF GERMAN NATIONALS IN UKRAINEPrinted document 7pp. 4to., Rowno (Rivne), Ukraine, Mar. 1, 1943, "Order of the Reich Commissioner of Ukraine". Printed in German, it instructs German citizens on how to conduct themselves in occupied eastern territories, including registering with the police within three days of arrival, reporting children up to the age of 15, making sure service officers wear a uniform, and so forth. The Reich Commissariat of Ukraine was a civilian occupation regime whose tasks included maintaining peace within the region and exploitation of persons and resources for the benefit of Germany. Light wear, toned a bit, very good.


USD 200 - 300

POST-WAR "GESTAPO" POSTERPost-war "Gestapo" poster oft touted as a war-date item yet still a compelling piece, 16" x 23 1/4" (sight), shows a grim-faced man in uniform with red lettering at bottom: "Gestapo". Heavy folds, a large corner chip at lower-left. Framed.


USD 150 - 200

PRE-WAR EDITION OF "MEIN KAMPF" IN ITALIANScarce pre-war Italian edition edition of Hitler's political treatise "Mein Kampf", namely "La Mia Battaglia", (Milan: Valentino Bompiani), 1934. Frontis portrait of Hitler in brownshirt uniform, 432 pp, 8vo., uncut, with paper dust jacket bearing red NSDAP flags. Dust jacket bears a few small tears at spine edge, else very good.


USD 75 - 100

RUDOLF HESS' DEATH NOTICE FROM HIS FAMILYPrinted card, 1p. 4 1/2" x 7", Sep. 1987, expressing thanks for the "...expressions of sympathy, respect and reverence..." received by the family of RUDOLF HESS (1894-1987) following his suicide in Spandau prison. The card bears a printed black border, and bears a handwritten message on the verso from Hess' son WOLF RUDIGER HESS (1937-2001) offering his correspondent a book from his father's collection. Includes the original black-bordered transmittal envelope. Fine. Also present are a 3 1/2" x 5 1/2" real-photo Hoffmann postcard depicting Hess as an SS-Gruppenfuhrer, and a 5" x 7" b/w photograph of EUGENE K. BIRD (1926-2005), the American governor of Spandau Prison, who lost his position for secretly collaborating with Hess on a book about the latter's mysterious fight to England.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 100 - 150

SAFE CONDUCT PASSESLot of two safe conduct passes printed in Russian and dropped on Russian soldiers with the hope that they would surrender themselves to German military forces. Of course, the fate of such prisoners was usually death. Water-stained.


USD 150 - 200

SARCASTIC ANTI-HITLER PROPAGANDA POSTERAnti-Hitler propaganda poster, likely early war period, 15" x 20", shows an ape-like Adolf Hitler chained to his organ-grinder, Uncle Sam, as the British John Bull and Chinese and Russian allies smile.The U.S. Capitol is shown in the background. The image is captioned: "WE'VE MADE A MONKEY OUT OF YOU!" Copyright 1943 by J. H. King. Fine.


USD 250 - 350

SKETCH OF A BRITISH COLONIAL P.O.W. BY HANS VOLKMAROriginal sketch in graphite, 10" x 14 1/2", a chest-up portrait of a British colonial soldier, possibly a Nepalese Gurkha, with a "Brodie"-style helmet. Obviously sketched from life, this portrait likely depicts a P.O.W. captured by the Germans during the North Africa campaign. The sketch is signed and dated at lower left: "Hans Volkmar 42". HANS VOLKMAR (1919-1987) was an official combat artist on Erwin Rommel's staff from 1941 to 1943. The sketch shows one spot of soiling and a pin hole at the lower right corner, else very good to fine.


USD 250 - 350

SKETCH OF A BRITISH COLONIAL P.O.W. BY HANS VOLKMAROriginal sketch in graphite, 10" x 14 1/2", a chest-up profile portrait of a British colonial soldier, possibly an Australian Aborigine by his bush-style hat. Obviously sketched from life, this portrait likely depicts a P.O.W. captured by the Germans during the North Africa campaign. The sketch is signed and dated at lower left: "Hans Volkmar 42". HANS VOLKMAR (1919-1987) was an official combat artist on Rommel's staff from 1941 to 1943. The sketch shows tiny pinholes at each corner, with very slight soiling, else very good to fine.


USD 250 - 350

SKETCH OF A BRITISH P.O.W. BY HANS VOLKMAROriginal sketch in graphite, 10 3/4" x 15 1/4", a chest-up profile portrait of a mustachioed British soldier with a "Brodie"-style helmet. Obviously sketched from life, this portrait likely depicts a P.O.W. captured by the Germans during the North Africa campaign. The portrait is dated at lower left: "Afrika, im 13 Juni 42", with the initials "H.V." for the artist, HANS VOLKMAR (1919-1987), an official combat artist on Erwin Rommel's staff from 1941 to 1943.The edges of the sketch are perforated where it was removed from a pad, with very slight foxing, else very good to fine.


USD 250 - 350

SKETCH OF A GERMAN FIELD SURGEON BY HANS VOLKMAROriginal sketch in graphite, 13 1/2" x 16 1/2", a chest-up profile portrait of a German Wehrmacht doctor with a peaked officer's cap, identified by an inscription in German at lower left as "Dr. Mueller". The portrait is dated at lower left "Februar 44", adding the location where the sketch was made and the signature of the artist, HANS VOLKMAR (1919-1987), an official combat artist on Erwin Rommel's staff from 1941 to 1943. The right edge and upper left corner of the portrait are slightly creased, with minor soiling at the lower right corner, else very good.


USD 250 - 350

SKETCH OF AN AFRIKA KORPS SOLDIER BY HANS VOLKMAROriginal sketch in graphite, 10 1/2" x 14 1/2", a chest-up portrait of a young Afrika Korps soldier in a tropical field cap with Heer insignia, and with a pair of desert goggles around his neck. The portrait is dated at the lower left: "Afrika, im 23. Feb 1942", and is signed by the artist, HANS VOLKMAR (1919-1987), an official combat artist on Erwin Rommel's staff from 1941 to 1943. The sketch is tipped to a slightly larger paperboard backing and shows some wrinkling, with pin holes visible at each corner, else very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 150 - 250

SOUTH PACIFIC DOGFIGHT ORIGINAL DRAWINGOriginal war-date color pastel drawing, 10 1/2" x 14 1/2" (sight), a depiction of a Japanese D3A "Val" dive bomber, on fire and under attack by an American P-40 fighter over a Pacific atoll. Other planes, American and Japanese, are visible in the background. The illustration is signed at the bottom "Bradford B.", adding the date "'44". The drawing is matted in blue and shrink-wrapped, very good.


USD 100 - 150

SS AND PROPAGANDA POSTCARDSLot of eight postcards, includes two SS-issued postcards showing approved art; a postcard send by an SS-man through the feldpost; L.A.H. men on parade; and five propaganda postcards and covers featuring standards, Hitler portraits, etc. (one damaged).


USD 400 - 600

SS CONCERT POSTERLarge paper poster, 19 1/4" x 27 1/4", advertising a "Grosse SS-Konzert" (Grand SS Concert), to be held on March 3, 1934, at the Feldschlossen-Saalbau event hall in Helmstedt, by the regimental band of the Liebstandarte Adolf Hitler. The announcement promises an appearance by celebrated German composer and conductor Paul Lincke, who is considered the father of the German operetta. Tickets were available for purchase at the SS field office and at the Cafe Reeder. Mounted on a black paper backing, folds and some edge wear, else very good. A very unusual and early L.A.H. item!


USD 150 - 200

STEREOSCOPIC PHOTOGRAPHS: "DIE SOLDATEN DES FUHRERS IM FELDE"Album of stereoscopic images "Die Soldaten des Fuhrers im Felde" ("The Soldiers of the Fuhrer in the Field" (Munich: Raumbild Verlag Otto Schoenstein), 64pp. 4to. with color plates and descriptive text. The album contains 98 stereoscopic photographs depicting the invasion of Poland, the destruction of the Polish Army, Hitler's visit to the front, etc. as well as the fold-out steel viewer. Images 21 and 71 are missing from the album. Very good.


USD 150 - 250

THIRD REICH BOOKSGood lot of three Third Reich-era books in German, includes: "Mein Fliegerleben" ("My Flying Life"), by Ernst Udet (Darmstadt: Winklers Verlag), 1943, 126pp. 8vo., softcover, the World War I ace and early Luftwaffe innovator's autobiography, printed entirely in German stenographic shorthand. Some wear, soiling and splitting to the covers, with a later ink inscription on the back cover, else very good. WITH: "Vom Pimpf zum Flieger" ("From Boy to Flier"), by Gunter Elsner (Munich: Zentralverlag der NSDAP, Franz Eher Nachf.), 1943, 245pp. with appendices, 8vo., a complete manual for the aspiring Luftwaffe pilot, tracing the necessary steps one must take, from the Hitler Youth's flying clubs through the various civil aviation groups, and finally through Luftwaffe training. The appendices include a photographic record of all of the major aircraft then fielded by the Luftwaffe, followed by a text listing of various aircraft by manufacturer. The front flyleaf and half-title are loose, with some splitting to the binding, else very good. WITH: "Mein Kampf" ("My Struggle"), by Adolf Hitler (Munich: Verlag Franz Eher Nachfolger), 1933, 781pp. 8vo., Hitler's autobiography and plans for the conquest of Europe, in very good to fine condition. Three pieces.


USD 300 - 400

THIRD REICH PROPAGANDA PUBLICATIONSGood group of six Third Reich-era and earlier nationalist and anti-Semitic propaganda books and pamphlets, includes: "Das Program der NSDAP und seine weltanschaulichen Grundgedanken" ("The Program of the NSDAP and its Ideological Principles"), by Gottfried Feder (Munich: Verlag Franz Eher Nachf.), 1933, 64pp. 8vo.; "Nationaler Sozialismus im Neuen Deutschland" ("National Socialism in the New Germany"), by Ernst Reventlow (Berlin: "Zeitgeschichte" Verlag und Vertriebs-Gesellschaft), [n.d.], 119pp. 4to.; "Der nationaldeutsche Jude in der deutschen Umwelt" ("The National German Jew in the German Environment"), by Max Naumann (Berlin: Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft fur Politik und Geschichte), 1921, 50pp. 8vo.; "Wesen, Grundsake un Ziele der Nationalsozialistischen Deutschen Arbeiterpartei"("Orgins, Principles and Aims of the NSDAP"), by Alfred Rosenberg (Munich: Zentalverlag der NSDAP), 1937, 64pp. 8vo.; "Bolschewismus in Theorie und Praxis") ("Bolshevism in Theory and Practice"), by Joseph Goebbels (Munich: Zentralverlag der NSDAP), 1936, 32pp. 8vo.; and "Wesen und Gestalt des Nationalsozialismus" ("Wesen und Gestalt des Nationalsozialismus") Joseph Goebbels (Berlin: Junker und Dunnhaupt Verlag), 1934, 22pp. 8vo. All bear some wear and minor soiling to the covers, with some containing ownership stamps and inscriptions, else very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 100 - 150

THIRD REICH STAMPSTwo sheets of German Third Reich-era stamps, includes: sheet of 100 Official Series of 1938 twelve-pfennig postage stamps, 9" x 11 1/2", slightly split along perforations near the edges, with three of the top column labels missing, else very good. WITH: sheet of 100 ninety-reichspfennig "Arbeiter-Urlaubsmarke" stamps, 10 1/4" x 6", awarded to members of the "Kraft durch Freude" ("strength through joy") program, to be redeemed for vacations and other incentives. Very good.


USD 300 - 400

U-96 "DAS BOOT" MASCOT PAINTINGVery well-executed original painting on what appears to be the inside of a detached book cover, 8 3/4" x 5 1/2", depicts the sawfish emblem of the 9th U-Boat Flotilla beneath which appears a watercolor painting of U-96 on calm seas at dusk. Fine condition. The history of U-96 served as the basis for the immensely popular war film "Das Boot".


USD 60 - 80

U.S. ARMY MILITARY INTELLIGENCE BULLETINSLot of two American M.I.S. issued by the War Department, Washington, August and September, 1944, each 5 ½" x 9", about 90pp. These bulletins were used for "informal discussions with troops" and these issues include some fine content, including Japanese reconnaissance methods, German box mines, "Ruses on Kwajalein", German rifle grenades, Japanese defense plans for Eniwetok, Japanese sniper training, and much more.


USD 75 - 100

U.S. ARMY PARACHUTE TROOPS ENVELOPESGood lot of eight 7" x 4". "U.S. Army Parachute Troops" envelopes, each bearing an image of U.S. Paratroopers preparing to land and gather their parachutes. Very good.


USD 200 - 300

U.S.S. CALLAWAY DAMAGE CONTROL GUIDEUSS CALLAWAY (APA-35) was a Bayfield class attack transport that served with the US Navy during World War II. She landed troops at Kwajalein and Saipan, returning laden with caualties to Pearl. She again landed troops at Guadalcanal and at Leyte. During the Lingayen assault on Jan. 8, 1945 a kamikaze struck the vessel's bridge resulting in the deaths of 29, with 22 wounded, but brilliant damage control efforts saved the vessel. She returned to action to land men at Iwo Jima. A crucial relic from this heroic vessel, the bound Navy publication "DAMAGE CONTROL", issued by the Naval Training School, Philadelphia, May, 1944. 252pp. woth 108pp. appendix, illustrated. Paper covers with a replica of the Revolutionary War flag reading: "Don't Give Up the Ship". The book was found with two documents within, one a transmittal letter from the Navy Training School, sending this guide to the CALLAWAY, stamped as received onboard July 23, 1944, along with the typed text of a message sent to the vessel, July 13, 1945 discussing personnel transfers. Very good. Also present are four book from one "G. E. Trester", likely the commander of the vessel, titles including ca. 1920s copies of "Practical Seamandship", "The Naval Artificer's Manual", "Standard Seamanship for the Merchant Service" and a latter Transportation Corps School issue: "Stevedoring Temporary Expedients and Improvisations". These last four items are in fair to poor condition.


USD 60 - 80

U.S.S. NEW JERSEY EPHEMERALot of three items, a period postcard of the original USS New Jersey battleship, includes a 1p. 8vo. printed notice of the launching on Dec. 8, 1942, one year after Pearl Harbor, and a commemorative postal cover honoring the launch, Dec. 8, 1942.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 100 - 150

U.S.S. WHITESIDE SOUVENIR LOGMimeographed souvenir publication, 20pp. 8vo., a "logbook" chronicling the travels of the attack cargo ship USS WHITESIDE during her first year of service, from her commissioning on Sep. 11, 1944, to Sep. 11, 1945, after the end of World War II. The pamphlet opens with a brief note from the ship's commander, C. P. Woodson, thanking the five crewmen involved in its publication "... for their voluntary and unstinted efforts in producing this historical record of the U.S.S. WHITESIDE, for the entertainment and pleasure of their shipmates...". Each of the thirty-five entries marks an important date in the ship's tour of duty, usually in a tongue-in-cheek manner, including her commissioning, her presence in Tokyo Bay during the Japanese surrender, the "ceremony" celebrating her first crossing of the equator, her participation in the landings at Iwo Jima and Okinawa, and her collision with her fellow attack transport USS Bayfield. One example reads: "November 24, 1944, arrived Pearl Harbor, Hawaiian Islands, at 1540, and discharged our cargo. The Jap sneak attack on Pearl Harbor took place December 7th, 1941, and most of the damage had been repaired when this second attack by the WHITESIDE crew, almost three years later, cut the wide swath through shore patrol, bars, and Waikiki beach..." Most pages bear simple, yet often humorous line drawings, and the two center pages feature a large, hand-drawn map of the Pacific, tracing the WHITESIDE's journey from California to Hawaii, Eniwetok, Saipan, Guadalcanal, Ulithi, Leyte, Iwo Jima, Okinawa, and Japan. The cover bears a caricature of the ship itself, trailed by two landing craft. It is likely that this represents the only surviving example of this ship-published pamphlet. Vertical fold down the center, else fine.


USD 100 - 150

UKRAINIAN PRO-GERMAN BROADSIDEScarce World War II anti-Soviet broadside, 23" x 18", printed in red and black inks with the left half in German and right half in Ukrainian, titled: "Bauern und Betriebsleiter! ("Farmers and Factory Workers!"), and urging them to put aside Bolshevism and instead sell their wheat to the Germans thus not only feeding their occupiers but starving fellow Russians as well. Folds, a small tear at right margin, overall very good condition.


USD 75 - 100

WALTHER PP BOX AND INSTRUCTION MANUALWalther PP instruction manual, ca. 1940, 12pp. 6 1/2" x 4 1/2", issued by the "Manufacture de Machines de Haut-Rhin", sold with the original box (much of it covered with cello tape) and a test target shot.


USD 75 - 100

WORLD WAR I AND II ILLUSTRATED HISTORIESGroup of seven illustrated histories of World Wars I and II, in German and French, includes: "Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges" ("Illustrated History of the World War"), (Stuttgart: Union Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft), 1920, large 4to., five volumes of a nine-volume set, depicting the German perspective of the war. All bear some bumping and wear to the covers, and one features a loose spine, else very good. WITH: "Der Weltkrieg: Illustrierte Kriegs-Chronik des Daheim" ("The World War: An Illustrated War-Chronicle of the Home Front"), Volume Ten (Bielefeld: Verlag von Velhagen & Klafing), 1919, large 4to., a heavily-illustrated depiction of the war from the perspective of the home front. The covers bear expected bumps and wear, else very good. WITH: "Histoire de la Guerre des Nations Unies" ("History of the War of the United Nations"), by Henri Liebrecht (Brussels: Editions 'Le Sphinx'), 1947, 536pp. folio, a history of World War II in French, liberally illustrated with maps, photos, drawings, paintings and diagrams. Very good to fine.


USD 75 - 100

WORLD WAR II SOLDIER ARTLot of four signed prints of wartime drawings done by soldiers, likely under the command of Gen. Robert C. Richardson, Jr., commander of Army forces in the Pacific, and emanating from his estate. Includes: "Soldier with Broom" by Vincent Zenone, 12" x 18"; "Okinawa Refugees" by A. S. MacLeod, 17" x 12", Amphibious Training" by Michael Ramos, 15" x 12", and "G. I. Joe" by "Pvt. Chapman", 18" x 24". Overall very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 10,000 - 12,000

SIEGE OF SHANGHAI PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM, 1937Excessively rare album of 110 gelatin silver prints mounted on black paper album pages documenting the aerial bombardment of Shanghai, Chinese resistance, Western ships in the harbor and Japanese troops within the city. A printed list of the photos is bound within the album, identifying each image. The 9 1/4" x 6 1/4" album is bound in black cardboard and cord with the silver printed cover illustration showing an aircraft carrier, Japanese planes and bombs raining down upon the city. The photographs, taken by professional local photographer Ah Fong, show the slow destruction of the besieged city, and includes five spectacular night-time prints in red showing the city burning. The photos include images of mobilized Chinese troops, the harbor, entrenchments, wrecked hospitals and other buildings, dead soldiers and civilians, and eerie red photos showing the city in flames at night. Fine condition. The publication of this album in English indicates that it was made for overseas consumption, to shock foreigners into supporting the Chinese in the defense of their homeland. An Fong operated studios in Shanghai and Wei Hai Wei, and is also known for his savage album, "The Rape of Nanking" which further exposed Japanese atrocities to the west.


USD 1,500 - 2,000

SS GRUPPENFUHRER ERIK BRACK'S PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMA spectacular SS officer's pre-war photograph album, thios example owned by Gruppenfuhrer Erick Brack" (SS unit designation "2/III/27") and covering the period from 1931 to 1935. About 165 original photographs are mounted with period corners into the album, plus a few SS-themed postcards and a few loose photos are also present. The images are housed in a 13 1/2" x 9" cloth-covered album bearing a printed. static swastika on the cover. Within, the photographs, which are almost all captioned and average about 3" x 5", proceed chronologically. They start with a fine view of Hitler and Rudolf Hess receiving salures from dozens of members of the Hitler Youth and civilians at a railroad station. The photos which follow include two additional images of Hitler delivering a speech; photos of Brack, one signed; many group photos in a variety of settings; early meetings and marches by SS members; a Yule feast; a pro-Hitler campaign march; mass rallies, one including a Lutheran minister; protests outside Jewish stores urging Germans to "Buy from Germans!" and avoid "Jew shacks" (one photo shows the S.A. occupation of department store Wolf-Krimmer in March, 1933); a review by Kurt Daluege; field exercises; a talk given by Himmler; a trip to the beach with the SS men dressed in full uniform; and much more. Of special interest are the captions which in many cases identify those apeearing in the photographs. ERIK BRACK (b. 1906) was the brother of infamous SS-Oberfuhrer VIKTOR BRACK (1904-1948), the organiser of the Euthanasia program T4 where the Nazi state systematically murdered over 70,000 disabled Germans and Austrians. Brack also conferred with Odilo Globocnik about the practical implementation of the Final Solution. Both the album and photographs are in fine condition. Recovered by U.S. Army officer Philips Parks Ramsey whose 1943 Army linguistics diploma accompanies the album.


USD 1,000 - 1,500

U-976 FIRST OFFICER'S PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM AND CORRESPONDENCESmall archive of material from U-boat Lt. Wilhelm Hinrichs. Hinrichs first served in the Kriegsmarine aboard the light cruiser Konigsberg during the invasion of Norway. Thereafter, he served first aboard U-597 and then U-976, which was sunk on Mar. 25, 1944 near St. Nazaire by gunfire from two British Mosquito fighter-bombers. Included are 130 photographs, most about 3" x 4". Images depict Hinrichs training, marching and stacking of arms, military review, the bow of the sunken German destroyer Bernd von Arnim and other sunken and damaged vessels in Narvik, images from aboard the light cruiser, including crew shots, mess hall, parties, multiple images of Hinrichs in uniform, etc. 37 images are from his time aboard submarines, depicting fellow crewmen, assembly on deck, photos from the conning tower and deck while underway, etc. Also included: about eight letters between family members, a postcard from prisoner Johann Peters to Hinrichs' family, a signed photo of Hinrichs just after his return to Germany, and an NSDAP notice that Hinrichs would be making a speech in his home town. Overall very good.


USD 400 - 600

WEHRMACHT PHOTOGRAPHS FROM THE FRONTGreat lot of about 240 photographs taken by Wehrmacht soldiers at the front, from France to the Eastern Front, most about 2 1/2" x 3 1/2" and larger. A wide variety of images, including artillery and machine gun emplacements, wounded soldiers on the field, troop and artillery emplacements, observation posts, enemy dead, camp scenes, advancing under fire, leisure activities, etc. Overall very good to fine.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 400 - 600

PHOTO ALBUM SS-OBERSTURMFUHRER LUDWIG HENRICHOberleutnant der Schutzpolizei und SS-Obersturmfuhrer Ludwig Henrich photograph album. Henrich is shown ca. 1940 as he begins his service with the SS-Junkerschule in Braunschweig. In this album there are about 90 pictures in various sizes that are lalmost all NSDAP, police, and otherwise associated with uniformed activities. Included are candid pictures of Hitler and Himmler at various occasions, the NSDAP Parade of "2,000 Years of German Culture" that was held to celebrate the opening of the Haus der Deutschen Kunst in Munich. There are also about 100 pictures that are miscellaneous shots taken on vacations throughout Germany, family group pictures, baby pictures, mountain scenery, monuments, etc. Also present is a card announcing the marriage of Ludwig Henrich Oberleutnant der Schutzpolizei and SS-Obersturmfuhrer to Eva Henrich (born Klinz) on 30 December 1940, in Leipzig, a menu card for the reception, and photos of the couple with their families.


USD 400 - 500

KARL DONITZ HOSPITAL VISIT PHOTO ALBUMPhoto album prepared on the occasion of Donitz's visit to a Kriegsmarine hospital. The 13 1/4" x 9 1/2" cloth-bound album bears initials "E P" on the cover. Within there are twenty-three 7" x 5" b/w photos showing Donitz being greeted by a senior officer before an honor guard, making the rounds of hospital beds with one sailor with an amputated leg shown nearby, others on crutches saluting the departing admiral, etc. At the rear of the album there are an additional 15 small photographs depicting patients in physical therapy and being observed and met by Donitz, the admiral and other officers strolling the grounds, an exterior view of the facility, etc. Thirty-eight photographs in all, set on pages with photo mounts. Very good.


USD 400 - 500

GERMAN DOG HANDLER WITH HIS SHEPARDGerman army soldier's photo album containing 60+ photographs, 18 showing the same soldier with a German Shepard whom he is clearly charged with handling. The soldier and dog are shown at a guard post outdoors, in the field, and at a military installation. Other photos include rifle training, meetings of officers, the soldiers being moved by road and rail, group shots, etc. Such images portraying dogs with their handlers are rarely seen. Very good.


USD 300 - 400

WEHRMACHT SOLDIER'S EASTERN FRONT PHOTO ALBUMCloth bound photo album, 44pp. 13 1/4" x 10 1/2", containing 230 b/w photographs and snapshots chronicling the prewar life, training, and Eastern Front service of a particular unnamed Heer soldier and his comrades. Several individual portraits of this soldier, both in uniform and in civilian clothing, appear on the first few pages of the album, and the same individual is identifiable in other group shots with his unit throughout the album. The first section of the album appears to depict the beginning of this soldier's term of service, including images of a church service and training in a winter setting, after which the setting quickly and identifiably shifts to the eastern Front during Operation Barbarossa in August, 1941. The remainder of the album includes many images of enemy dead, artillery bombardments seen from a distance, destroyed or captured Russian BT-7 tanks, the wreckage of German aircraft on a railroad flatcar, captured Russian biplanes and a Tupolev SB bomber at an airfield, German graves and a funeral service, German and Russian foxholes and trenches, Russian soldiers surrendering with hands raised, columns of Russian POWs, a group shot of Russian prisoners smiling along with their German captors and, most oddly, what appears to be a World War I-vintage British Mark V tank; there are records of Mark V's being used in the defense of Tallinn during the initial German invasion in 1941, although whether this is one of those tanks cannot be verified. Included with the album are several loose photos, one of which depicts the soldier to whom the album belonged, now an NCO, obviously photographed following his first tour of duty, with an Infantry Assault Badge and a Wound Badge visible on his tunic. The differences in his expression and demeanor between the early photos and this later portrait are a striking record of the effect of combat on a person. All in all, a fine album with numerous unusual and intriguing images.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 250 - 350

"GREATER GERMANY IN WORLD EVENTS"Set of three very large leather-bound photo albums, each entitled "Grossdeutschland im Weltgeschehen: Tagesbildberichte" ("Greater Germany in World Events: Daily Reports"), edited by Ernst Braeckow (Berlin: Verlag Joh. Kasper & Co.), both folio, for the years 1940, 1941 and 1942. Each album contains a selection of photographs, all taken or published by the studio of Heinrich Hoffmann, presenting a selection of sequentially-numbered photographs depicting the events of each month, separated by written summaries. The 1940 album is complete, with 80 pages containing 320 photographs, while the 1941 album stops at the end of April, and contains 112 photographs on 28 pages, and the 1942 album stops at the end of May, and contains 136 photographs on 34 pages. The images presented here form an excellent daily overview of the early years of the war from the German perspective, and include numerous excellent combat photographs depicting Luftwaffe aircraft attacking ships and Allied planes over the North Atlantic, the invasions of Denmark and Norway, the Battle of France, the Biltzkrieg against London, as well as various NSDAP rallies and events, the persecution of Jews, Allied prisoners of war, winter conditions in Russia, armored columns in North Africa, U-boats at sea, their fortified pens, and their victims and more. Also depicted are important international events, especially Italian and Japanese military victories, including the sinking of the U.S.S. LEXINGTON and the Japanese assaults on Java and Borneo. The covers of each album bear some scuffs and soiling, with some pages of the 1941 album separated, else very good.


USD 100 - 150

ADOLF HITLER AND EVA BRAUNGroup of three original unsigned photographs and two real-photo postcards, includes: 4" x 6" b/w, a seated view of EVA BRAUN (1912-1945) and her sister, Gretl. Shows some silvering at the corners and at the bottom edge, else very good; 3 1/4" x 4 1/2" b/w, a view of Eva and Gretl Braun walking a small dog. Fine; 3 1/2" x 5" b/w, an image of ADOLF HITLER (1889-1945) walking with a small child. Fine; a real-photo postcard, 3 1/2" x 5 1/2" b/w, a view of a seated Hitler kissing a small child on the forehead. Fine; and a real-photo postcard, 3 1/2" x 5 1/2" b/w, a view of a seated Hitler next to a small child, with a pensive expression.


USD 150 - 200

HEINRICH HOFFMANN HITLER YOUTH PHOTO BOOKSPair of photo books related to youth in the Third Reich, with images by Hitler's official photographer HEINRICH HOFFMANN. Includes: "Jugend Um Hitler" (" Youth With Hitler"), by Heinrich Hoffmann with text by Baldur von Schirach (Berlin: Zeitgeschichte Verlag und Vertriebs-Gesellschaft M.B.H.), 1934, 96p. 4to., containing 120 photos of Hitler interacting with children. Unsettling. WITH: "Jugend erlebt Deutschland" ("The Youth Experience Germany"), by Heinrich Hoffmann with text by Siegfried Zoglmann (Berlin: Verlag fur soziale Ethik und Kunstpflege), 1935, 100pp. 4to., a photographic chronicle of the 1935 Deutschlanlager, which saw Germanic youth from all over the world, including the Americas, England, Finland, Guatemala, and Palestine, return to Germany to view the progress made under the NSDAP. The photographs depict speeches by Hitler and other Nazi officials, Army, Kriegsmarine, and Luftwaffe maneuvers, rallies, parades, and other events. Both books bear minor foxing, else very good.


USD 100 - 150

ADOLF HITLERLot of six photographs of Hitler, four postcard images with two small original snapshots. Very good.


USD 100 - 150

ALBUM OF A BRITISH OFFICER IN NORTH AFRICADisbound pages of an autograph album compiles by a British officer in North Africa, about 45 captioned photos,most 2" x 3", in the desert training, with a broken-down vehicle, his tent, beside a British tank in the desert, on leave in Heliopolis and Alexandria, with family, etc. Only a few of the images are related directly to service in the field.


USD 100 - 150

HERMANN FEGELEIN (1906 - 1945) Nazi military leader and SS-Gruppenfuhrer, a Knight's Cross winner with Oak Leaves. Fegelein married Eva Braun's sister and served as liaison between Hitler and Himmler, but in the closing days of the war was caught attempting to flee and was summarily executed. Official SS photograph, 8" x 10" b/w, shows HERMANN FEGELEIN with fellow officer reviewing three other men in fatigues, very likely Allied prisoners. With SS photo attribution stamp on verso. Very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 200 - 300

CHUICHI NAGUMU(1887-1944) was a Japanese admiral in the Imperial Japanese Navy, oversaw the attack on Pearl Harbor, but he was later criticized for his failure to launch a third attack. Lost four carriers Midway, later killed himself during the Battle of Saipan. Original photograph, 4 1/2" x 6", shows Nagumo in uniformfrom the chest, up, probably a very early wartime image. Lengthy notation on verso, not translated.


USD 100 - 150

FRIEDRICH FRANZ BAUER PHOTOGRAPHSGood lot of four original b/w photographs, three 6 1/4" x 9 1/4" and one 6 3/4" x 9 1/4", each bearing a backstamp identifying the photographer as FRIEDRICH FRANZ BAUER (1903-1972), whose studio was acquired by the SS Main Economic and Administrative Office and who frequently acted as a personal photographer for Himmler. The larger photograph depicts two stereotypically Aryan youths in profile, while the remaining images all likely taken during maneuvers, show German soldiers shooting from a prone position in tree cover, using a camouflaged machine gun for anti-aircraft fire, and crossing a parade ground in a horse-drawn wagon. Each print is hand-numbered in pencil on the verso, possibly by the photographer. All are fine.


USD 100 - 150

GERMAN "DEATH CARD" WITH THE DEATH NOTICE MAILED TO THE FAMILYLot of two items, includes the "death card" ("sterbebild") printed for the death of Pionier Johann Kornmayer, killed Sep. 9, 1943 buried in central Poland, along with the death notice sent to his family, was apparently not received until 1946.


USD 150 - 250

GERMAN AND ALLIED TANKS AND HEAVY ARMORLot of 60 original photographs of tanks and heavy armor, virtually every one depicting a German piece of machionery and almost all tanks. Many are on the move, with a few shown with their crews, some wrecked, snow-coeverd, and so on. Average size about 2 1/2" x 3 1/2". Very good.


USD 150 - 250

GERMAN AND ALLIED TANKS AND HEAVY ARMORLot of 60 original photographs of tanks and heavy armor, virtually every one depicting a German piece of machionery and almost all tanks. Many are on the move, with a few shown with their crews, some wrecked, snow-coeverd, and so on. Average size about 2 1/2" x 3 1/2". Very good.


USD 150 - 200

GERMAN AND ALLIED TANKS AND HEAVY ARMORLot of 45 original photographs of tanks and heavy armor, virtually every one depicting a German piece of machionery and almost all tanks. Many are on the move, with a few shown with their crews, some wrecked, snow-coeverd, and so on. Average size about 2 1/2" x 3 1/2". Very good.


USD 100 - 150

GERMAN CHAPLAIN AND NURSE "DEATH CARDS" ("STERBEBILD")"Sterbebild" are printed memorial cards issued upon the death of German soldiers, generally including their birth and death dates, military rank and affiliation, photograph and place of death. Offered here are nine such cards concerning the deaths of members of military chaplains and nurses, each 2 to 4pp. and 2 1/2" x 4 1/4". Condition varies.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 400 - 500

GERMAN FUNERALS AND GRAVE SITESA large grouping of about 170 original photographs on an interesting topic: German funerals for soldiers and officers and German grave sites in the field. Present are images of the most elaborate...and the simplest graves and soldiers' farewells, from a helmet and rifle leaning against a simple wood cross to affairs attended by an honor guard with a long funeral train. Various sizes, average about 2" x 3".


USD 200 - 300

GERMAN HUSBANDS, WIVES, GIRLFRIENDS AND BOYFRIENDSA huge ensemble of photographs, over 130, all showing uniformed members of the German Wehrmacht in poses with loved ones. The great majority of the photos are postcard-sized images of members of the Heer, Luftwaffe, and Kriegsmarine with their new brides, with other showing children, close family members, girlfriends, and so on. Overall fine condition. An interesting collecting angle!


USD 150 - 200

GERMAN MOTORCYCLE PHOTOGRAPHSFine lot of 37 original photographs of German military motorcyclists, almost all combat shots showing the riders in the field, on boggy roads, acting as escorts, with sidecars, etc. Overall fine. Also included are four additional photos of British military riders.


USD 100 - 150

GERMAN OFFICERS IN FRANCELot of 34 original photographs, each about 3" x 4", depicting groups of high-ranking German officers at leisure, meeting on a balcony and at an outdoor meal, very likely in FGrance. Mounted to album pages, worth a bit of research. Fine.


USD 300 - 400

GERMAN PANZER TROOP "DEATH CARDS" ("STERBEBILD")"Sterbebild" are printed memorial cards issued upon the death of German soldiers, generally including their birth and death dates, military rank and affiliation, photograph and place of death. Offered here are 32 such cards concerning the deaths of members of Panzer units, each 2 to 4pp. and 2 1/2" x 4 1/4", many received an Iron Crossand served in the East. Very good.


USD 150 - 200

GERMAN PHOTO MISCELLANYLarge lot of images, includes 24 postcard photos and postcards including Erwin Rommel (3), Hitler (canceled at his birth place on his birthday, Apr. 20, 1938), portraits of Goring, Paulus, and Mussolini, Ski-jager troops, a Tiger tank, Himmler's 1944 Christmas card (poss. replica, file holes), the "Wilhelm Gustloff", L.A.H. standard, aerial attack on an Allied sub, etc., plus about 150 "cigarette book" photos, varies subjects, unmounted. Very good.


USD 200 - 300

GERMAN PIONIER'S PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMPhotograph album of Pionier Werner Hillenstedt, 9 ½" x 7", contains 68 captioned photos within, most about 2 ½" x 3 ½". The album shows the young engineer building bridges and with inflatable boats, with his comrades in Germany and in Russia in June, 1941, his promotion and his service in the R.A.D. constructing barracks. One caption mentions "Zanowitz", more likely "Janowitz", a concentration camp south of Prague, but also refers to "Talkessel", located in Austria. Worthy of research.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 100 - 150

GERMAN SOLDIER'S "STERBEBILD" AND ORIGINAL PHOTO USED TO CREATE IT"Sterbebild" are printed memorial cards issued upon the death of German soldiers, generally including their birth and death dates, military rank and affiliation, photograph and place of death. A pair of "death cards" issued for Gefr. Georg Wintermeir, killed in action in the west on Nov. 4, 1944. Also included is a period postcard photo with the same photo used in the memorial card, and another postcard sent to his brother with a note on verso signed by the unfortunate soldier, 1944. Four pieces.


USD 40 - 60

GERMAN SOLDIERS PHOTOGRAPHSGood lot of nine b/w photographs, 8" x 10" and smaller, depicting soldiers in the Luftwaffe and Heer. Two photos are formal, chest-up portraits of a Luftwaffe member and another soldier, both in uniform. The remainder are casual snapshots, depicting a soldier with his German Shepherd, another in the turret of a tank, a third holding a baby, and others. The largest depicts two shirtless soldiers digging by the roadside, while a tank crew watches in the background. Very good.


USD 150 - 200

GERMAN SOLDIERS PHOTO GROUPLarge grouping of about 120 original photographs of German soldiers in a huge variety of settings, including in the field, drill, inspection, portraits, funerals, marriage photos, at celebratory meals, and so on. Size about 2" x 3" and larger.


USD 250 - 350

WEHRMACHT SOLDIER'S EASTERN FRONT SNAPSHOT ARCHIVEGood group of 260 b/w snapshot photographs, mostly 2 1/2" x 3 1/2", all apparently taken by a Wehrmacht soldier deployed to the Eastern Front. Scenes depicted include snowbound Russian farms, demolished bridges, wedding scenes in Germany and in a village in Russia, soldiers posing with Russian civilians, many posed shots of soldiers, as well as more candid shots of them relaxing, washing, digging trenches, traveling by train and truck, several images depicting the photographer's living quarters and encampments, gravesites, and one image of a slain German soldier. It is our supposition that the photographer and many of his comrades served as signalmen; many images depict them running telephone wires and repairing communications pylons, while several posed shots show them with motorcycles and wearing armbands with the motto "Im Dienst der Deutschen Wehrmacht" ("In the Service of the German Military"). Several of the photographs bear pencil inscriptions on the verso, untranslated by us. All photos are curled, with some chipping to the edges, else very good. Also present is a partial list of the subjects of several of these snapshots, as well as an unrelated leather-bound photo album, 6 1/4" x 4 1/4", containing eight images of destroyed buildings, bridges, and other structures, taken during the 1940 invasion.


USD 100 - 150

GERMANS WITH CAPTURED RUSSIAN BANNEROriginal photograph, 2 1/2" x 4", shows three German soldiers admiring a captured Russian military banner. A note on the verso reads: "Russia" and is dated Sep. 2, 1941. Very good.


USD 200 - 300

GROUP PHOTOS OF GERMAN SOLDIERSLot of about 100 various photos of uniformed German officers and soldiers in groups of from three to perhaps 300, including gatherings of friends under the Eifel Tower to a solemn flag ritual, men in the field and marching along roads to men posed outside buildings, and so. on. Average size about 3' x 5", overall very good to fine.


USD 60 - 80

HARRY TRUMAN AND U.S. NAVY VESSELSFine grouping of ten large period photographs featuring images of various U.S. Navy vessels, and two showing President Harry Truman. The images, half colorized and average size about 10" x 13", depict Truman being piped aboard and addressing cadets, with the balance showing a carrier, battleships, cruisers, destroyers, mine sweepers, etc. Very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 30 - 40

HEER HAND-COLORED PHOTOGRAPHFine original matte finish portrait of a Wehrmacht soldier, 7" x 9", showing the young man in a chest, up pose. The image has been expertly hand-colored by the photographer. Set in a period frame.


USD 80 - 100

HITLER INSPECTS AN ARMORED PERSONNEL CARRIEROriginal oversized photograph by Heinrich Hoffmann and bearing his studio's stamp on verso, 15 1/2" x 11 3/4" b/w, shows Adolf Hitler at what appears to be a military manufacturer's exposition examining an armored personnel carrier. One corner torn, rear of tank partially retouched by hand to compensate for overexposure in the negative, rare size, very good.


USD 200 - 300

HITLER YOUTH, B.D.M.AND WOMEN'S GROUPSLot of about 150 original photographs of members of the Hitler Youth, B.D.M. and various Nazi women's organizations in a variety of settings, including parading, exercising, field exercises, constructing a glider, at hostels and on vacation, in portraits, domestic settings, etc. Size varies from 2" x 2", up.


USD 300 - 400

INTER-WAR GERMAN NAVY PHOTO ALBUMPhoto album, 16 1/2"x 11", with black leather covers bearing the coat of arms of the German state of Braunschweig, and the phrase "Linienschiff Braunschwieg" (lit." Ship-of-the-line Braunschweig"). The album contains 166 photographs, the majority of them real photo postcards, depicting the ships and crews of the Reichsmarine during the 1920's. The pre-dreadnought battleship SMS Braunschweig, which with her sisters formed the backbone of the post World War I navy, is shown undergoing training cruises, gun drills, goodwill tours to ports in Norway and the Far East, joint maneuvers with other Reichsmarine destroyers and minesweepers, and in port at Wilhelmshaven. Also well represented is the light cruiser SMS Emden, the first large warship to be constructed by Germany under the conditions of the Treaty of Versailles. A paper label bearing the name of the ship and its coat of arms is affixed to the inside of the front cover, leading us to believe that the album was assembled by a sailor stationed both on the Braunschweig and later on the Emden. The Emden is shown during construction, on her launch day, and underway with crew aboard, following her commissioning. Other Reichsmarine ships featured include the light cruiser SMS Arcona, the minesweeper M138, and various destroyers and torpedo boats. Other photos show sailors dancing with companions on the fantail of the Brauschweig, mountaineering in a fjord, exercising on deck, and eating in a cafe. Altogether, the album is a fascinating window into the German Navy as it existed following World War I, but before the rise of Hitler.


USD 200 - 300

JAPANESE DEAD IN THE SOUTH PACIFICPhoto album ID'ed to an American Army soldier containing about forty 4 1/2" x 3 1/2" often graphic photographs of death and destruction in the South Pacific. The photos, period copies of images made available to G.I.s, have scenes of landing ships, beachheads, refugees, Japanese prisoners, combat photos, and a good many showing Japanese military dead. Fine.


USD 100 - 150

JOACHIM VON RIBBENTROP NEWS PHOTOGRAPHSGood lot of 21 original German news photographs, all stamped on the verso, some also with paper captions, featuring German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop undertaking his official duties. The minster is shown meeting his counterparts from Italy, France, South Africa, Finland, and other countries, reviewing troops, meeting German military, etc. Most photos 5" x 7" or larger. Very good.


USD 200 - 300

KRIEGSMARINE NEWS PHOTOGRAPHSExcellent lot of 21 original German news photographs centered about the Kriegsmarine, each 5" x 7" b/w with paper captions affixed to the verso which is stamped by the news agency as well. Subjects include U-boat crews, sailors marching in review, cannons guarding the coast, various warships at sea, sinking British commercial ships, etc. Fine.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 200 - 300

LUFTWAFFE PHOTOGRAPHS AND "DEATH CARDS"Good lot of Luftwaffe ephemera, includes: 12 small candid photos of Luftwaffe and Allied aircraft, the German aircraft shown on the ground and in flight dropping bombs, in formation, etc. with Allied craft showin wrecked after having been shot down. Also present are 16 "sterbebild", or "death cards", printed memorial cards issued upon the death of German soldiers, 2-4pp. 2 1/2" x 4 1/2", generally including their birth and death dates, military rank and affiliation, photograph and place of death. These examples are those of pilots lost during the war, almost all shown in flight gear, a few lost over North Africa and London. Also present is a card issued for Josef Mayer, awarded the EKI, EKII, and German Cross in Silver.


USD 200 - 300

MACHINE GUN NEST ON THE FIRST DAY OF "BARBAROSSA"Excellent original photograph, 3 3/4" x 2 1/2", shows three German soldiers at a machine gun emplacement on a rise in the countryside. Inscription on the verso reads: "Firing position against the Russians. Thet won't break through the German positions. 22 June 1941". Fine. Of course, quite the opposite: On June 22, 1941 Germany launched a massive surprise attack on the Soviet Union, launching Operation Barbarossa.


USD 100 - 150

1936 OLYMPIC OPENING DAYScarce news photo, 8" x 10" b/w, shows Hitler, Hess, Frick and Blomberg at the reviewing stand on the opening day of the 1936 Olympics. German newspaper printed paper caption and ink attribution stamp affixed on rear.


USD 150 - 200

PANZER, KRIEGSMARINE AND LUFTWAFFE PORTRAITSLot of 60 portrait photographs, nearly all postcard-sized bust portraits in uniform, includes 33 Panzer troops, eight members of the Kriegsmarine, and 19 members of the Luftwaffe. Overall very good.


USD 100 - 150

PANZER-JAGER "DEATH CARD" AND PHOTO"Sterbebild", or "death cards", are printed memorial cards issued upon the death of German soldiers, generally including their birth and death dates, military rank and affiliation, photograph and place of death. Offered here is the cardissued on the death of Schutze Willi Mundy, 2pp. 2 1/2" x 4 1/4", killed in the Ukraine in 1942. Also presnt is a postcard photo of Mundy which bears the same photo as that used in the death card.


USD 100 - 150

PARTISANS ARE HANGEDOriginal photograph, 2 1/2" x 3 1/2" b/w, shows two middle-aged men in cavalry boots, undoubtedly partisands, hanged from a lamp post in a city setting, the sign beneath them indicating in Russian and German that they had set fire to a structure. Fine.


USD 40 - 60

PERIOD PHOTOS OF PT BOATSLot of two original 13 1/2" x 10 1/2" b/w photos of two Huckins type PT boats underway at speed. Shown is what is described as PT-44 which would be skippered by Lt. Frank Freeland and ultimately be hit by a Japanese destroyer at Kamimbo Bay. Also shown is PT-96, which was used for training at Newport. Matting bears some foxing, else very good, framed.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 200 - 300

PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE FRENCH SURRENDER AT COMPIEGNEOn June 22, 1940 an armistice between Germany and France was signed at Compiègne, France. Following the decisive German victory in the Battle of France (10 May–21 June 1940), this armistice established a German occupation zone in Northern and Western France that encompassed all English Channel and Atlantic Ocean ports and left the remainder "free" to be governed by the French. Hitler deliberately chose Compiègne Forest due to its symbolic role as the site of the 1918 Armistice with Germany that ended World War I. Offered here are over 100 images, each 3 3/4" x 2 1/2", very clean semi-gloss photocopies (the only set known) showing the proceedings before the surrender, the signing in the rail car, and Hitler and other top level Nazi officers celebrating the surrender and touring the area. Sold with a copy of a letter from COL. LESLIE E. JACOBY (b. 1900), a West Point graduate who was commander of the distinguished 5th Tank Destroyer Group. His unit left Munich on May 5th and made directly for Berchtesgaden where it arrived the day after the town was taken. On an envelope from Hitler's adjutant's office, on May 6, 1945 Jacoby writes his parents describing the photos and sending them home as a souvenir, describing them as "the most valuable item". The location of the original photos is unknown.


USD 300 - 400

PORTRAITS OF HEER AND LUFTWAFFE OFFICERS AND SOLDIERSGood lot of about 100 original photographs, almost all posed postcard photographs (a few smaller), showing Heer officers and soldiers in largely bust portraits in uniform. Overall very good to fine.


USD 250 - 350

PORTRAITS OF HEER, LUFTWAFFE AND KRIEGSMARINE OFFICERS AND SOLDIERSGood lot of about 125 original photographs, almost all posed postcard photographs (a few smaller), showing Heer officers and soldiers in largely bust portraits in uniform. Overall very good to fine.


USD 100 - 150

PORTRAITS OF SS MENLot of five portraits of members of the SS, all postcard-sized or larger, includes a member of the Prinz Eugen Division.One quite worn, else very good.


USD 30 - 40

POST-WAR FRENCH VETERANS PHOTOSGroup of miscellaneous military-related photos includes six 4 1/2" x 3 1/2" b/w photos of Berlin in ruins after Russian occupation, and six images of the 1936 Olympics, all from, a German photographer in Berlin. Interestingly, the photographer used old German World War I maps cut and "turned" to be used as envelopes. Also included are ten approx. 8" x 10" photos of veterans' and public events, six showing post-war proceedings at France's Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.


USD 60 - 80

PUNISHMENT FOR A HITLER YOUTHLot of six photographs taken by American Sgt. H. B. Nester, all about 3 1/4" x 2 1/2", Hollenstedt, mid-1945, shows a teenage boy and in one image, two adults, all being forced to dig graves as "punishment for stealing food". Nester identifies the youth as "Hitler Youth". Also present is an unrelated photo "liberated" by Nester showing a Hitler Youth in uniform, with a photo of Nester behind two twin .50 caliber mounted machine guns.


USD 300 - 400

RODOLFO GRAZIANI AND BENITO MUSSOLINIRODOLFO GRAZIANI (1882 - 1955) Italian military officer in Italy's Royal Army, primarily noted for his campaigns in Africa before and during World War II. A dedicated fascist, he was a key figure in the Italian military during the reign of Mussolini. Fine grouping of material, includes an S.P., 9 3/4" x 7" b/w, shows Graziani and his staff, signed and dated by him "Nov. 1939" at bottom. One crease. Also included are 16 additional LUCE Italian press photos (same size, unsigned), showing Hitler, Mussolini, Goebbels and Victor Emmanuel II, Mussolini and others inspecting new tanks at a factory, troops marching in review, one-man tanks in a parade, Mussolini addressing the crowd, and more. Very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 200 - 300

SAMUEL E. MORISON U.S. NAVY PHOTOGRAPH ARCHIVEGood group of 91 photographs, all related to SAMUEL E. MORISON (1887-1976) American historian and Rear Admiral in the United States Navy. Includes: 43 photographs, each 5" x 7" b/w, primarily taken by Morison during a trans-Atlantic crossing aboard the U.S. Navy light cruiser USS BROOKLYN in 1942. The photos each bear a typed caption on the verso, explaining the scene in great detail. Specific events during the cruise are depicted in sequences of photos: twelve photos depict the burial at sea of a seaman who has died of "aplastic anemia or leukemia"; five photos depict the Brooklyn refueling at sea from the tanker USS WINOOSKI; three images depict the destroyer USS BOYLE refueling from the tanker USS CHEMUNG; and four images taken from the Brooklyn's bridge wing depict their convoy in a heavy gale; other images of interest include: a view of the destroyer USS ELLYSON on approach to Casablanca, which the caption tells us was taken five minutes before the Ellyson had to fend off a u-boat attack on the carrier USS RANGER; several views of the Brooklyn's main and secondary armaments, and her spotter aircraft; a view of the cruiser's African-American cooks; a view of the Brooklyn's commander, Francis C. Denebrink, in battle gear just prior to the invasion of Casablanca; and views of Morison and other officers ashore. Also present are five 8" x 10" views of Morison and others, later in life (one framed), and 43 post-war and more recent color and b/w snapshots, most 4" x 6" or smaller, depicting Morison and various ships of foreign navies. Very good.


USD 200 - 300

SS-MANNSCHAFT BRENARD FREESEMANN PHOTO GROUPINGGroup of about fifty small (2" x 3") candid photographs attributed to SS-Mannschaft Bernard Freesemann (1920-1945). The images show Freesemann in a large variety of settings, from the time he was a member of the Hitler Youth until a uniformed member of the SS, with members of the BDM, in family settings, with a young lady whom it seems he married, and more. No combat images.


USD 250 - 350

THE DEFEAT OF FRANCE AND SURRENDER OF THE FRENCHFine photograph album containing about 190 original photographs, each 3 1/2" x 2 1/2", depicting the initial German invasion of France in the region of Strasbourg and the surrender of French forces in the vicinity. The album opens with images of a giant railroad-drawn artillery piece firing from just across the border, in Ettenheim, Germany. The French are shown having surrendered in droves, with thousands of rifles stacked in piles. Defensive bunkers are shown blown to pieces, and men are also shown crossing the Rhine via ferries and pontoons. The Mayor of St. Die is shown surrendering the town, and German officers are shown cavorting about the empty town, even playing on children's swings. Other images show wrecked bridges, captured artillery pieces, destroyed fuel dumps, and victory parades. Fine condition, mounted to album pages with contemporary typed captions.


USD 200 - 300

U-BOAT CAPTAIN GEORGE SCHEWE IS AWARDED THE KKNIGHTS CROSSPhoto album containing 13 postcard-sized photos of U-boat Capt. GEORG SCHEWE upon his receipt of the Knights Cross in May 1941. The photos, which are pasted one per page in a period photo album, show the captain with his parents, celebrating the award with his crew and others, being given flowers, also with a photo of Grossadm. Karl Donitz who attended, and with a cropped German news photo with printed caption taken the same day. Very good. Georg Schewe (1909 - 1989) sailed with U-60 and U-105, sinking sixteen ships on ten patrols, for a total of 85.779 tons of Allied shipping of which 71,450 tons on one patrol alone. It was the second most successful patrol of World War II. This may have been Schewe's personal album, or more likely one kept by a family member.


USD 150 - 200

U-BOAT PHOTOGRAPHSLot of nine original photographs of U-boats, most about 3" x 5", interior and exterior images and crewmen, includes one marked "U-805". Very good.


USD 100 - 150

U.S. MILITARY INTELLIGENCE PHOTOS OF JAPANESE DEAD, PERSONAL DETAILSIntruguing group of 23 photographs, 5" x 4", variously depicting individual Japanese dead, also heaps of Japanese corpses, Japanese P.O.W.s, American captors, also photos of an unknown Japanese family, a photo of a damaged photo of Japanses sailors probably found on a dead soldier's body, a photo of personal effects, etc. Interesting.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 100 - 150

U.S.S. NEUENDORF CREWMAN'S PHOTO ALBUMUSS Neuendorf (DE-200), a Buckley-class destroyer escort, was commissioned Oct. 18, 1943. Active in escort duty in the South Pacific, the vessel's crew trained intensively for the invasion of the Philippines where she conducted ASW and HUK patrols, served radar picket duty, and escorted the tankers on refueling missions. Fine crewman's photo album (disbound), contains 45 2 1/2" x 4 1/2" photos, largely group shots of fellow crewmen but also burning ships in the distance, shore leave, etc., 1944 shipboard Thanksgiving menu, and four pieces of Japanese occupation currency. Overall very good.


USD 300 - 400

WAFFEN-SS "DEATH CARDS""Sterbebild", or "death cards", are printed memorial cards issued upon the death of German soldiers, generally including their birth and death dates, military rank and affiliation, photograph and place of death. Offered here are 20 original cards issued upon the deaths of members of the Waffen-SS, 2-4pp., 2 1/2" x 4 1/4". Chosen at random, may include Panzer troops, officers, officers, victims of famous battles, etc. Condition varies, generally very good. Should be seen.


USD 200 - 300

WAFFEN-SS L.A.F., WIKING AND NORDLAND "DEATH CARDS""Sterbebild", or "death cards", are printed memorial cards issued upon the death of German soldiers, generally including their birth and death dates, military rank and affiliation, photograph and place of death. Offered here are ten original cards issued upon the deaths of members of notable Waffen-SS divisions, each 2-4pp., 2 1/2" x 4 1/4", including members of the LIebstandarte Adolf Hitler (6)m, Wiking Div. (2), Nordland Div. (1), and an SS-Jager member, so uniformed. Very good overall.


USD 400 - 500

WEHRMACHT PHOTOGRAPHS FROM THE FRONTGreat lot of about 150 photographs taken by Wehrmacht soldiers at the front, from France to the Eastern Front, most about 2 1/2" x 3 1/2" b/w. A wide variety of images, including artillery and machine gun emplacements, removal of wounded from the field, troop and artillery movements, enemy dead, camp scenes, advancement under fire, and much more. Overall very good to fine.


USD 1,500 - 2,000

"HERE IS THE CULPRIT" ANTI-SEMITIC POSTER1941 Yugoslavian anti-Semitic poster by artist "Homil", 16 1/2" x 22 3/4" Beraneck, Belgrade, depicts a caricature of a Jewish financier with a Star of David watch fob peering at the viewer from behind British, Soviet and American flag. Captioned at the bottom: "Here is the culprit!". Folds, a few small tape repairs on verso, else fine.


USD 1,000 - 1,500

"YOU WILL NOT KNOW...NOR BE AWARE" ANTI-SEMITIC POSTER1941 Yugoslavian anti-Semitic poster, 19" x 27 1/2", (Beraneck, Belgrade), depicts a caricature of bearded Jew with a Star of David-decorated yarmulke antrapping unsuspecting citizens in a noose. Captioned: "You will not know...NOR BE AWARE! Folds, a few small tape repairs on verso, else fine.


USD 1,200 - 1,500

"HIS WEAPONS: DEMOCRACY, MASONRY, CAPITALISM AND COMMUNISM" YOGOSLAVIAN ANTI-SEMITIC POSTER1941 Yugoslavian anti-Semitic poster, 19" x 27 1/2", (Beraneck, Belgrade), depicts a caricature of a leering Jewish fiddler feverishly playing above the skulls and bones of his implied victims. Captioned at the center: "His weapons: Democracy, Masonry, Capitalism and Communism lead to death" Folds, a few small tape repairs on verso, else fine.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 1,500 - 2,500

THE JEW BALANCES ROOSEVELT AND CHURCHILL ATOP THE WORLD - YUGOSLAVIAN ANTI-SEMITIC POSTER1941 Yugoslavian anti-Semitic poster, 19 1/2" x 27", (Beraneck, Belgrade), depicts a caricature of a sneering Jew balancing Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt atop the earth, with an appropriate warning printed on the margins. Folds, a few small tape repairs on verso, else fine.


USD 1,200 - 1,500

"COME AND SEE THE ANTI-MASONIC EXHIBITION" - YUGOSLAVIAN ANTI-SEMITIC POSTER1941 Yugoslavian anti-Semitic poster, 18 1/2" x 27 3/4", Beraneck, Belgrade, depicts a caricature of a Jew controlling the spinning of the earth on its axis as easily as he spins his own finger above it. Captioned at bottom: Come and see the Anti-Masonic Exhibition. The Jewish dream of being the power of the world, is now disappearing under the attack from finally-awakened nationalism." Folds, a few small tape repairs on verso, else fine.


USD 1,400 - 1,600

"THE JEW'S ARSENAL..." - YUGOSLAVIAN ANTI-SEMITIC POSTER1941 Yugoslavian anti-Semitic poster, 19" x 27", (Beraneck, Belgrade), depicts a caricature of a toothless, angry Jew, his forelocks transformed into four snakes bearing images of Freemasonry, the dollar, and the U.S.S.R. Captioned at bottom: "THE JEW'S ARSENAL: DEMOCRACY, FREEMASONRY, COMMUNISM CAPITALISM". Folds, a few small tape repairs on verso, else fine.


USD 1,000 - 1,500

"THE JEW IS HOLDING THE SCALE" - YUGOSLAVIAN ANTI-SEMITIC POSTER1941 Yugoslavian anti-Semitic poster, 18" x 27", Beraneck, Belgrade, depicts a caricature of Jew holding a balancing scale, one side of the scale holding a representation of ally Josef Stalin, the other holding a quatity of British pounds and U.S. dollars. Captioned in part: "Which side will be heavier? Neither because the Jew is holding the scale...". Folds, a few small tape repairs on verso, else fine.


USD 1,000 - 1,500

"THE PRESS IN THE U.S.A. IS 97% IN JEWISH HANDS" - YUGOSLAVIAN ANTI-SEMITIC POSTER1941 Yugoslavian anti-Semitic poster, 15 1/2" x 21 3/4", (Beraneck, Belgrade), depicts an unknown man in a suit, clearly intended to be perceived as a Jew, bursting out of the front page of the New York Times. Captioned at the bottom: "THE PRESS IN THE USA IS 97% IN JEWISH HANDS" Folds, a few small tape repairs on verso, else fine.


USD 1,500 - 2,000

FINANCE IN THE U.S.A. IS 98% IN JEWISH HANDS" - YUGOSLAVIAN ANTI-SEMITIC POSTER1941 Yugoslavian anti-Semitic poster, 16" x 22", (Beraneck, Belgrade), depicts an Roosevelt's Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau, Jr. smiling as a Jewish caricature of "Uncle Sam" unloads coins before him onto a desk already heavily-laden with riches. Morgenthau's "shadow" has been drawn to show an unflattering "Jewish" nose. Captioned at the top: "FINANCE IN THE USA is 97% in Jewish hands" Folds, a small tape repair on verso, else fine.


USD 1,000 - 1,500

"THE WORK OF JEWS" - YUGOSLAVIAN ANTI-SEMITIC POSTER1941 Yugoslavian anti-Semitic poster, 19" x 27", Beraneck, Belgrade, depicts a caricature of a Jewish businessman with a gold Star of David pendant seated atop a pile of fabric, barrels and crates which are crushing laborers and other civilians beneath them. The crates and barrels are variously marked with their contents and "Cartel" indicating that Jews were fixing prices. Captioned at the bottom: "THE WORK OF JEWS". Fine condition.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 1,500 - 2,000

FRENCH ANTI-SEMITIC POSTERIconic anti-Semitic poster in French, 16 1/2" x 23 1/4", depicting a sinister-looking figure in black with a large Star of David on his watch chain, peering out from behind the flags of Britain, the United States, and the Soviet Union. At the bottom is the title: "Et derriere: Le Juif" ("And behind: The Jew"). Editions of the poster were printed in French and German, and were intended to imply Jewish control over the Allied powers. Shows a horizontal fold at the center, mounted to a slightly larger archival fabric backing, else very good.


USD 2,000 - 3,000

"JEWS ARE NOT SERVED HERE" ENAMELED SIGNEnameled metal sign, 15 3/4" x 12", with raised black letters on a white field with a black border, reading "Juden werden hier nicht bedient" ("Jews are not served here"). The sign is slightly convex, and features a mounting hole at each corner. This sign would have been mounted on a shop or other business as part of the Nazi effort to exclude Jews from public life, which culminated in their deportation to concentration camps. Some chipping to the enamel at the edges near the mounting holes, with a further small chip at center, else very good.


USD 2,000 - 3,000

JULIUS STREICHER'S ANTI-SEMITIC CHILDREN'S BOOK "THE POODLE-PUG-DACHSHUND-PINSCHER"The excessively rare third of Julius Streicher's notoriously anti-Semitic children's books, The Poodle-Pug-Dachshund-Pinscher, written by Ernst Hiemer, Streicher's Chief Editor at "Der Sturmer" who also wrote the text for Der Giftpilz. This hard-cover volume, published by Der Sturmer's publishing house in Nuremberg, 1940, is 96pp. 8vo. and bears an imaginary mongrel dog on the cover with line drawings of various other rather disagreeable creatures. The illustrated text compares Jews to unpleasant forms of animal life: drone bees, hyenas, chameleons, coo-coos, locusts, bedbugs, starlings, mongrel dogs, poisonous snakes, tapeworms, and bacteria. The title comes from one of the stories, which focuses on a mongrel dog. Three of the stories end with outright calls to exterminate the Jews. Sample text: "...There are various kinds of poisonous snakes. There are poisonous snakes in the most varied countries in the world. The same is true of the Jews. There are little and big ones, fat and thin ones, black-haired and even blond ones...Just as the snake's bite poisons the blood of its victims, the Jews poison the blood of their host peoples...Just as the danger of poisonous snakes is eliminated only when one has completely eradicated poisonous snakes, the Jewish question will only be solved when Jewry is destroyed...The doctor advised Mrs. Muller to end her son's treatment only when she saw the tapeworm's head. It means nothing if segments of the worm are shed, for they can grow back. It takes a radical cure, continued until the worm is entirely dead...Tapeworms and the Jew are parasites of the worst kind. If we want to free ourselves of them, if we want to be healthy and strong again, there is only one cure: their extermination...It is much the same with the Jew, Many peoples have taken effective measures against the Jewish bacterium. They have passed laws against the Jew! They have driven the Jew from the center of public life! They have forced the Jew to live in special areas (ghettos)! But no people has yet succeeded in fully getting rid of the Jew...We today who are building a new Germany and a new Europe under Adolf Hitler's leadership will not carry out the final and decisive reckoning with Jewry! No! The final and decisive reckoning with Jewry is reserved for our children and their children...". These texts were so offensive even Nazi-aligned critics responded negatively to their release. Post-war, the Allies issued orders that such material be burned - this copy escaped intact as evidence. Light wear and some stains and rubbing to cover and back, with a black ink dedication for Christmas 1941 on the front flyleaf, a second inscription obscured with correction fluid, a small grease spot affecting two pages, and fourteen pages bearing some wrinkles, else very good.


USD 1,500 - 2,000

VALENTIN SCHAEFER SACHSENHAUSEN PRISONER DOCUMENT GROUPINGLarge grouping of material concerning the incarceration at Sachsenhausen of police inspector and later mayor of Bingen, Germany, Valentin Schaefer. Included is a typed D.S., 1p. 8vo., K. Z. Sachsenhausen, Apr. 1, 1943 to Schaefer's wife assuring her that her husband is healthy and will receive the medicine he needs from the campdispensary. A second document, also from Sachsenhausen, is dated Nov. 24, 1944 and is signed by ANTON KAINDL (1902 - 1948) SS-StandartenfĂźhrer and commandant of the Sachsenhausen concentration camp from 1942-1945. Convicted by the Soviets, he was sent to a gulag where he perished. Kaindl declares that Schaefer has not arrived at the camp in transport from police headquarters in Darmstadt, as expected. These two documents are accompanied by a 7" x 2" cloth patch which bears the stenciled number "62881" and a red triangle (for political prisoners), presumbly cut from Shaefer's concentration camp uniform. Also present is a great deal of additional ephemera, including Shaefer's wartime and postwar identity papers; a list of his possessions when admitted at Sachsenhausen; 14 letters on Sachsenhausen letterhead sent by Shaefer to his family; telegrams to his wife; 1914-15 police identity cards; his family tree prepared for examination by the authorities, with photos; and other post-war papers including seven travel permits. Overall very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 3,000 - 4,000

CONCENTRATION CAMP METAL TATTOO STAMPSGroup of eight stamps, constructed of metal pins set into a metal base, assembled in the forms of the numbers 1, 2 (two pieces), 3, 4, and 6, and the letters I and K. The number stamps are made with chisel-shaped pins, and are marked with the number they depict on the reverse. The "I" and "K" stamps are made with conical pins, and are both firmly attached to a 1 3/4" x 3/4" metal plate with a curved end. These plates were designed to be used with a special punch-like tattoo tool, manufactured by the firm of Jetter & Scheerer and known to have been used to tattoo inmates at the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp complex, the only camps to apply identifying tattoos to their inmates in this manner. At first, the tattoos were applied to the left side of the chest, and later to the left forearm. The initial piercing would be followed by the application of ink rubbed into the bleeding wound. The use of punched tattoos, as represented here, was eventually found to be inefficient, and was later replaced by a single heated needle apparatus. Similar examples were discovered in 2014, and are now on display at Auschwitz. The origin of these examples is unknown, but it is certain that they emanate from the Jetter & Scheerer tattooing device.


USD 3,000 - 4,000

"THE JEW AS RACE DESECRATOR"Very rare derogatory anti-Semitic publication, "Der Jude als Rassenschander" ("The Jew as Race Desecrator"), by Kurt Plischke (Berlin: NG-Druck und Verlag), [circa 1934], 109pp. 8vo. Possibly the most virulent anti-Semitic publication created during the Third Reich, with graphic images including caricatures of Jews leering at "Aryan" women (one being crucified and whipped), Jews spitting upon non-Jews, Jews clutching at innocent women, etc. Chapters cover such topics as how Jews see themselves, teachings of the Talmud, Jewish law, Jewish trade in women, and the need to punish and jail Jews. The cover is illustrated by the notorious anti-Semitic cartoonist "Philipp Rupprecht ("Fips"), as are many of the interior illustrations. This softcover edition also features a specially designed dust jacket, featuring a white Star of David on a blue background. Tight binding, with slight bumping to the corners and chipping at the edges of the dust cover, else very good.


USD 3,000 - 4,000

ARDEATINE CAVES MASSACRE EXHUMATION SKETCHESDOCUMENTING THE MASSACRE OF ITALIAN HOSTAGES Group of eight ink sketches, seven measuring 12 3/4" x 16 1/2" (sight), and one 19 1/2" x 13" (sight), documenting the exhumation and identification of the victims of the Ardeatine Caves Massacre in 1944. Seven of the eyewitness sketches are executed on acetate paper, matted and mounted on paperboard, while the eighth is executed on heavy art paper. The sketches, undertaken by an unknown Italian artist, depict the original disposition of the corpses inside the cave, the removal of the bodies by Italian workers, the blessing of the victims by a Catholic priest, the staging of film equipment in the cave, the filming and documentation of the crime scene, military officials viewing the scene, the transportation of the bodies to an identification area, and the identification of one body by chief pathologist Attio Ascarelli, as grieving family members look on. Four of the sketches are titled "Fosse Ardeatine" and dated "Agosto 944" (1944) beneath the mount. The massacre, committed on March 24, 1944, was carried out in retribution for a partisan bombing attack which killed 28 SS policemen. Hitler personally authorized the order for retaliatory executions, and 335 Italians, including Jews, Communists, resistance fighters, and a Catholic priest, were shot in the back of the head at close range inside the caves. After the massacre, the caves were sealed with explosives, only to be discovered after the Allied liberation of Rome in the summer of 1944. Film footage of the exhumation process, depicted in these sketches, was instrumental in the 1948 trial of Herbert Kappler, the head of the German security forces in Rome who ordered the murders. This footage is available online through the website of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. The sketches bear some toning, and one bears a small tear on its face, but they remain a vivid testimony to one brutal event in a vast and vicious conflict. Also present is a hardbound book, "Eye Witness", edited by Robert Spiers Benjamin (New York: Alliance Book Corporation), 1940, 306pp. 8vo., an anthology of dispatches on various topics by members of the Overseas Press Club of America. The dust jacket, covers, and interior pages bear nine ink stamps indicating that it was once part of the collection of Mussolini's Royal Ministry of Culture. The book was present with the sketches when they were discovered by our consignor.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 1,500 - 2,500

GERMAN ANTI-SEMITIC RACE AND HEREDITY TEACHING AIDPropagandistic anti-Semitic German high school teaching aid, "Erblehre und Rassenkunde in bildlicher Dartstellung" ("Pictorial Representation of Heredity and the Science of Race"), by Alfred Vogel, illustrations by Eberhard Brauchle (Stuttgart: Verlag fur nationale Literatur Gebr. Rath), 1938. 78 separate plates, most illustrated in color, each 11 1/2" x 15 1/2". This volume was produced as a teaching aid to introduce "new" discoveries in genetics and their application to racial science to high school students. The foreword touts the volume as: "...the best way to educate youth in our current and future fight for the total rejection of Jewry...". In a very clever manner, the plates and text progress from showing plants and their pollination, showing the products of cross-breeding of various colored plants, corn, wheat, etc. through the use of diagrams and illustrations, also taking into account environment. It then proceeds to introduce humans into the equation, illustrating that "sick" parents produce "sick" children, and including those who are deformed, mentally retarded, murderers, etc. The geographic proximity of those with "undesireable" character traits to each other in a reproductive sense is also explored. One plate sums up the evils previously explored: flight from the land, big-city living, and reduction of the birth rate will all lead to the death of the population. The flight of the population eastwards into the cities is examined, as is reasons for the reduction of the birth rate. By Plate 42, the text is examining the importance of "the eradication of the sick and the weak in nature", depicting a man cutting down a dead tree and a hawk consuming a rabbit. The second part of the text, "Race Science", commences at Plate 49. Two plates show the faces of various German "faces", with another plate showing the Jews as a mix of races including Blacks and Asians. Another plate compares photo portraits of German and Jewish youths, yet another compares their mentalities: "The Jews are always wandering...and greedy...". Other plates depict Jews "flooding" into Germany, dominating industry, Jews "misrepresenting" and "poisoning" German art, literature and theater, attacks on the Talmud, associations between Jews and Freemasons, results of mixed marriages, and effects of race laws. The last plate, titled: "Avoid the Jews!", shows "typical" Germans regarding signs and slogans reading: "Aryan Business...Buy only from Germans...Only go to the German doctor...Where the Jew reigns, the Farmer dies!" In hard cover portfolio with black printed title, very good to fine.


USD 1,000 - 1,500

"DER STURMER" ANTI-SEMITIC ASHTRAYAn insulting anti-Semitic ashtray given as a gift by Julius Streicher's newspaper "Der Sturmer". The brown porcelain ashtray, 5 3/4" diameter, bears at center in high relief a caricature of a grimacing Jew, typical of the artwork found in Streicher's many publications. Rare!


USD 1,000 - 1,500

"THE JEWS' WHO'S WHO"Especially rare British anti-Semitic book, "The Jews' Who's Who", compiled by Henry Hamilton Beamish (London: The Judaic Publishing Co.), 1920. Pictorial double-page front endpapers. 8vo, 255 pp.; publisher’s red cloth titled on front, spine and rear covers, binding a bit rubbed, rear end-papers with inner hinge repaired. With the ink stamp of seller Beamish on title page, two ownership signatures within. First edition of this especially rare compilation regarding Jewish influence on global politics and economy, mainly promoting as fact that Jews are gaining control over the British economy. It contains a chronological description of “The Jew Conquest of England” and a list of Jewish economists which includes their supposed income. Other chapters are titled “Our Jew-dominated Press”, “Honored Jews and Titled Aliens”, “Jew Conquerors of France”, etc. Henry Hamilton Beamish (1893-1948) was an Irish-born leading British anti-Semite. He founded "The Britons" as a propaganda organization and became involved in local politics on an anti-immigrant platform. He was among the earliest developers of the Madagascar Plan for Jewish deportation to Palestine and claimed to have influenced Adolf Hitler. For a time he served as Vice-President of the Imperial Fascist League. He settled in Southern Rhodesia but was eventually interned for his pro-Nazi sentiments.


USD 600 - 800

PRISONERS ARE EXECUTED IN A TRENCHLot of two explicit photographs undoubtedly taken by a Totenkopf Verband officer, 4" x 2 3/4" b/w, show about 15 prisoners in field jackets, civilian clothes and caps, and one man apparently wearing a striped camp uniform, first walking into a shallow trench, with the second image taken seconds before their murder with a group of SS men at right with their rifles raised and aimed. Fine condition. Such images were absolutely forbidden and thus are very rare.


USD 500 - 700

FORCED LABORERS DIG A MASS GRAVEA particularly chilling relic of the Holocaust, a snapshot photograph, 2 1/2" x 3 1/2" b/w, depicting a bedraggled group of civilian laborers - men and women - digging a very large hole. Some of the workers use shovels, while other crouch and dig with their bare hands. At the edge of the pit, a large contingent of uniformed German soldiers, likely Waffen-SS "Einsatzgruppen", ominously looks on. Although no markings on the worker's clothing indicate that they are specifically Jews, it is likely that this photo depicts a group of "undesirables", most probably somewhere on the Eastern Front, forced to dig their own mass grave in preparation for their eventual execution at the hands of the waiting soldiers. Candid views of mistreatment of civilians in occupied territories by German personnel are very scarce.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 1,500 - 2,000

RUDOLF HOESS(1901 - 1947) SS-Obersturmbannführer and the longest-serving commandant of Auschwitz, tested and carried into effect the use of Zyklon B containing hydrogen cyanide, thereby allowing soldiers to murder 2,000 people every hour. He created the largest installation for the continuous annihilation of human beings ever known. Executed after trial in 1947. Especially rare partly-printed D.S. as Commandant of Auschwitz, 1p. oblong 8vo., Auschwitz, July 4, 1943, the release of Siegmund Oppeln who had been held in "protective custody" for one calendar year. Signed in blue ink at bottom. Sold with two related documents, one from Reichs police headquarters in Berlin asking for Oppeln's transfer to "Brieg N/S", and an SS police document to Oppeln's wife also mentioning the processing of the man's release. Very good.


USD 200 - 300

GERMAN SOLDIERS BEAT PEOPLE IN THE STREETSSmall candid photograph, 3 1/2" x 2 1/2" b/w, shows four German soldiers, or more likely military policemen, standing outside a building and smiling. There are six or seven civilians on either side of them, one facing the camera as a soldier reaches into his left pocket. Another soldier has kicked an individual into the doorway before him, while a third civilian lies sprawled on the sidewalk behind the soldier. There are boxes before some of the civilians - they may have been shoe shiners, and the Germans were displeased with their service. It was of course common for the the poorer Jews of eastern Europe to be employed in that occupation.


USD 300 - 400

JEWS ARE HUMILITED IN PUBLICPostcard photo, 5 1/2" x 3 1/2" b/w, shows six well-dressed Jewish men in Vienna, late 1930s, forced to scrub and paint walls and windows of grafitti as an S.A. man looks on. Some of the grafitti includes a caricature of a Jew. Sold with three pre-war postcards bearing images of synagogues in Prague and Nurnberg, two of them having been sent to Jews before the war. Four pieces.


USD 300 - 400

UDO VON WOYRSCH(1895– 1983) SS and Police Leader in Elbe, participated in the Night of the Long Knives, ordering the execution of his SS rival Emil Sembach in Nazi Germany. Woyrsch also commanded an Einsatzgruppe charged with murdering Polish Jews. In East Upper Silesia in 1939 he led the group that murdered hundreds of Jews in Kattowitz, Bedzin, and Sosnowiec. Rare war-date T.L.S., 1p. 4to., Dresdn, Oct. 11, 1941 to SEPP DIETRICH thanking Dietrich for having sent congratulations upon the birth of von Woyrsch's son, adding: "...the three boys are the only descendants with our name...". Fine.


USD 500 - 600

WAR CRIMINAL WILHELM AVIENY DOCUMENTS GROUPINGWILHELM AVIENY (b. 1897) German banker, industrial manager, and SS Obersturmbannführer. Avieny oversaw the seizure of all Jewish property in Hesse, and oversaw the delivery of French, Belgian and Russian P.O.W.s to Opel for use as slave labor. Important group of three war-date documents, includes: KARL WOLFF (1906-1975) Colonel-general in the Waffen-SS and liason officer for Himmler with Hitler, T.L.S. on Reichsfuhrer-SS letterhead, 1p. large 4to., Berlin, May 3, 1939 to the SS personnel office advising the various ranks held by Avieny in the SS and dates of his promotion, including his service in the Race and Resettlement Office; RICHARD HILDEBRANDT (1897-1952) SS-Obergruppenführer and chief of the SS Office of Race and Resettlement, a war criminal executed, partly-printed D.S., 1p. large 4to., [n.p.], May 1, 1936, notice that a hearing had been held concerning Avieny's promotion within the SS and no concerns were voiced; and a T.L.S. by WILHELM AVIENY on his letterhead, 1p. 4to., Wiesbaden, Nov. 13, 1937 asking an SS district leader to allow him leave for training. Three pieces, very good.


USD 500 - 700

"ANTI-ANTI: FACTS ON THE JEWISH QUESTION" USED BY JEWS TO COUNTER ANTI-SEMITIC ACCUSATIONSRare set of pro-Jewish "flash cards", "Anti-Anti: Tatsachen zur Judenfrage" ("Anti-Anti: Facts on the Jewish Question" (Berlin; Philo Verlag und Buchhandlung G.m.b.H.), 1924, first edition, 59pp. 8vo., collected in a cardstock case. The flash cards contained talking points to be deployed in opposition to the rising tide of anti-Semitism in Germany following the nation's defeat in World War I. The set was commissioned by the Central Organization of German Citizens of the Jewish Faith in to allow Jews to educate themselves about the anti-Semitic myths that often dogged them in everyday life, offering their origins and tactics for combating them. Some toning to the edges of the slipcase and the edges of the pages themselves, else very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 200 - 300

"JUDENRAT KRAKOW" GHETTO POSTCARDRare postcard sent out from within the Krakow ghetto, in which a Polish doctor writes an untranslated letter to another Polish individual. The postcard is canceled in Krakow on January 10, 1945. Just above the sender's name appears a very light imprint: "JUDENRAT KRAKOW", so stamped by the sender of postal authorities. In March, 1943 all of the Jews in the Krakow ghetto were rounded up and either deported to the Plaszow work camp, or executed in the streets.


USD 800 - 1,200

"THE ETERNAL JEW"Rare anti-Semitic publication, "Der Ewige Jude" ("The Eternal Jew"), (Munich: Zentralverlag der NSDAP, Franz Eher Nachf.), 1938, 128pp. 4to., heavily illustrated with 267 sometimes unflattering photographs of prominent Jews from Germany and elsewhere both in formal portraits and candid shots. Among those featured are Charlie Chaplin, Franz Werfel, Nathan Rothschild, Gustav Mahler, Karl Marx, Theodor Herzl, Jacob Epstein, Max Reinhardt, Anton Rubinstein, Moses Mendelssohn, and so on. All images are captioned with propagandistic text. That beneath the image of sculptor Jacob Epstein reads: "Neanderthalic art. In sculpture even more than painting, Jews display their absolute lack of talent. To get the attention that their vanity demands, they turn primitive. Here, Jacob Epstein-London looks thoughtfully at his disgusting work of a pregnant idiot (1931), which he calls 'Genesis'..." On the acclaimed actor Charlie Chaplin, the text declares: "Along with Jackie Coogan, who also came from the East (Jacob Cohen), their tear-jerking comedy makes poverty both pitiable and laughable, reaching the tear ducts of the innocent viewers. The slapstick gang of this flat-footed, clumsy, impoverished yet eternally generous man with the huge shoes was a sensation for the non-Jews. Flat-footed but noble - that is Charlie Chaplin's formula..." Racism runs alongside anti-Semitism in such captions beneath Black musicians in a nightclub: "The Jew in his element: With Blacks in a Parisian night club. The Jew brings people the glittering world of perversion as a way of unnerving and enslaving them. He seems to worry as little about it as the rats worry about the plague they carry..." Much more of this rhetoric within. Wear to cover and edges, overall very good condition.


USD 150 - 200

"THE ETERNAL JEW"Color postcard, 4" x 6", promoting the anti-Semitic exhibition "The Eternal Jew", depicts an orthodox Jew with gold coins in one hand, a whip in the other, with a map of Poland with Soviet hammer and sickle. This commemorative postcard, sold to visitors, is canceled in Vienna, Aug. 15, 1938. Fine.


USD 200 - 300

"THE ETERNAL JEW" EXPOSITIONPostcard from the exposition "The Eternal Jew", 4 1/4" x 6", bearing a souvenir postmark from the site of the exposition, Munich, Dec. 18, 1937. Fine.


USD 400 - 500

GERMAN RACIAL THEORY TEACHING POSTERLarge Third Reich-era teaching poster, "Bilder Deutscher Rassen 2" ("Images of German Races 2"), 28" x 38", printed circa 1936, one of a pair of color posters deigned to educate students about the different phenotypes that supposedly comprise the Germanic "race". This second poster contains portraits of six men and women, labeled as "Ostbaltische Rasse" ("East Baltic Race"), "Ostische Rasse" ("Eastern Race"), and "Dinarische Rasse" ("Dinaric Race"). The "races" depicted on the accompanying poster (not present) include the "Nordic Race", the "Falsic Race", and the "Western Race". The posters were an important component of the culture of racial purity that the NSDAP sought to instill following their ascent to power. The poster is reinforced at the edges with cloth strips, and bears the publisher's label of Pestalozzi-Frobel-Verlag of Leipzig on the verso. The poster bears pin holes at each corner, with another at the center, with crease throughout, else very good with bright colors.


USD 300 - 400

HITLER YOUTH FILM STRIP ON "HEREDITARILY-DISEASED OFFSPRING"Rare, horrific propaganda film strip aimed at German youth: "HEREDITARILY DISEASED OFFSPRING", a strip of photos of diseased, physically handicapped and mentally retarded Germans exhibited long with quotes by Hitler and text explaining the need for racial planning to avoid the enormous cost of caring for these unfortunates. This is truly a cruel presentation as the blind, deaf, and "Idiots!" are portrayed as being a "burden" which would henceforth be eliminated by the 1934 Law for the Prevention of Hereditarily Diseased Offspring. The film strip is contained within the original cardboard container with Hitler Youth emblem and label: "Erbkranker Nachwuchs". The slides and container are are in fine condition. The law decreed the compulsory sterilization?of any citizen who in the opinion of a "Genetic Health Court" suffered from a list of alleged genetic disorders - many of which were not, in fact, genetic. A few years later, these same people would begin to be euthanized‌

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 100 - 150

JULIUS STREICHER ANTI-SEMITIC SPEECH PHOTOInternational News press photo, 7" x 9" b/w, shows notorious anti-Semite Julius Streicher delivering a speech calling for "ceaseless persecution of Jews" while standing beneath a banner reading: "[With] Jews, no world peace", date stamped Aug 23, 1935 with the same image as it appeared in a newspaper affixed to the verso. Very good.


USD 2,000 - 3,000

JULIUS STREICHER'S ANTI-SEMITIC CHILDREN'S BOOK "DO NOT TRUST A FOX IN A GREEN PASTURE OR A JEW UPON HIS OATH!"A vile piece of Nazi propaganda, the "instructional" children's book Trau keinem Fuchs auf grĂźner Heid und keinem Jud auf seinem Eid, created by 18-year-old art student Elvira Bauer and published by Julius Streicher's Sturmer Publishing Company in 1936. The brightly-colored hardbound picture book was issued to school children as a supplement to other anti-Semitic "primers" such as The Poisonous Mushroom. It is replete with lurid imagery of dirty, dark-skinned Jews up to no good amongst innocent and angelic Aryan children, and highlights the heightened Nazi perception of racial differences with every stanza. The book begins with an account of how the lazy Jews historically made their race bothersome to others, and quips: "Look, children, and the two compare, The German and the Jew. Take a good look at the two In the picture drawn for you. A joke - you think it is only that? Easy to guess which is which, I say: The German stands up, the Jew gives way". This rhetoric amplifies as the book progresses with narratives against Jews and their alleged love of money, Jewish lawyers swindling a simpleton farmer, luring Aryan women away from their men with gold and jewels, and so forth. It goes so far as to include an unabashed glorification of Streicher himself: "To him we owe our deepest thanks That German stock remains so sound. The Jews in turn he's taught a lesson, The value of a healthy folk. He let them feel the German spirit Twixt Jew and us he's shown the difference. That is Streicher!!". Of particular note is an image of a wealthy Jew driving a pauper and his daughter from his doorstep, a Jewish butcher serving Aryans cuts of meat from a filthy butcher shop, and ignorant Jewish children tormenting the school-loving Aryan kids. Trau keinem Fuchs concludes with a bucolic image of Hitler Youth on the march and the verse: "From this picture may be seen, Hitler Youth in splendid mien, From smallest to the biggest boy. All are husky, tough, and strong. They love their German FĂźhrer and God in Heaven they fear. But the Jews they must despise! They're not like these boys, So Jews must just give way!". This piece of anti-Semitism was one of the most vitriolic published by Streicher. With its bright illustrations and appealing typeface, it enjoyed tremendous popularity and had a run of over 100,000 copies. This particular example is in near fine condition with just some moderate soiling to the cloth parts of the covers and slight wear to the printed covers - the contents are fine.


USD 2,500 - 3,500

JULIUS STREICHER'S ANTI-SEMITIC CHILDREN'S BOOK "THE POODLE-PUG-DACHSHUND-PINSCHER"The excessively rare third of Julius Streicher's notoriously anti-Semitic children's books, The Poodle-Pug-Dachshund-Pinscher, written by Ernst Hiemer, Streicher's Chief Editor at "Der Sturmer" who also wrote the text for Der Giftpilz. This hard-cover volume, published by Der Sturmer's publishing house in Nuremberg, 1940, is 96pp. 8vo. and bears an imaginary mongrel dog on the cover with line drawings of various other rather disagreeable creatures. The illustrated text compares Jews to unpleasant forms of animal life: drone bees, hyenas, chameleons, coo-coos, locusts, bedbugs, starlings, mongrel dogs, poisonous snakes, tapeworms, and bacteria. The title comes from one of the stories, which focuses on a mongrel dog. Three of the stories end with outright calls to exterminate the Jews. Sample text: "...There are various kinds of poisonous snakes. There are poisonous snakes in the most varied countries in the world. The same is true of the Jews. There are little and big ones, fat and thin ones, black-haired and even blond ones...Just as the snake's bite poisons the blood of its victims, the Jews poison the blood of their host peoples...Just as the danger of poisonous snakes is eliminated only when one has completely eradicated poisonous snakes, the Jewish question will only be solved when Jewry is destroyed...The doctor advised Mrs. Muller to end her son's treatment only when she saw the tapeworm's head. It means nothing if segments of the worm are shed, for they can grow back. It takes a radical cure, continued until the worm is entirely dead...Tapeworms and the Jew are parasites of the worst kind. If we want to free ourselves of them, if we want to be healthy and strong again, there is only one cure: their extermination...It is much the same with the Jew, Many peoples have taken effective measures against the Jewish bacterium. They have passed laws against the Jew! They have driven the Jew from the center of public life! They have forced the Jew to live in special areas (ghettos)! But no people has yet succeeded in fully getting rid of the Jew...We today who are building a new Germany and a new Europe under Adolf Hitler's leadership will not carry out the final and decisive reckoning with Jewry! No! The final and decisive reckoning with Jewry is reserved for our children and their children...". These texts were so offensive even Nazi-aligned critics responded negatively to their release. Post-war, the Allies issued orders that such material be burned - this copy escaped intact as evidence. Light wear and some stains and rubbing to cover and back, with a black ink dedication for Christmas 1941 on the front flyleaf, a second inscription obscured with correction fluid, a small grease spot affecting two pages, and fourteen pages bearing some wrinkles, else very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 200 - 300

THIRD REICH ANTI-SEMITIC PROPAGANDA PUBLICATIONSPair of Third Reich-era propaganda publications with anti-Semitic content, includes: "Ostland kehrt nach Europa zuruck" ("The East Returns to Europe") by E. Frotscher ("Riga: Deutsche Zeitung im Ostland), 1941, 32pp. 8vo., paperback, a report on Reichskommisar Hinrich Lohse's tour of the recently-conquered Soviet puppet state of Latvia, with the aim of demonstrating how the country is already rebuilding under Nazi rule. As expected, the report features much anti-Semitic and anti-Bolshevist content, including a photograph of several of Riga's Jews with the caption: "You can see these Jews everywhere in Ostland but now that they have been deported into ghettos they can no longer disturb the rebuilding of the country..." A second photo on this page shows a large group of Russian POWs being marched to a prison camp. Ink ownership inscription on the title page, else fine. WITH: "Das Junge Reich" ("The Young Reich"), October, 1931, 40pp. 4to., a periodical targeting readers in the Hitler Youth, this issue featuring a ten-page article on the failings of America, complete with photographs of homeless people sleeping in front of the Capitol building, rioters being arrested and beaten by the police, African-American jazz musicians, union protesters, and other "undesirables". Toning and some edge wear, else very good.


USD 350 - 450

"ANTISEMITISM OF THE WORLD IN WORDS AND PICTURES"Anti-semitic book "Antisemitism of the World in Words and Pictures", by Dr. Robert Korber and Prof. Dr. Theodor Bugel (Vienna: Oesterreiche Berlags. M. O. Groh) 1936. 272pp. large 8vo. green cloth with gilt title, very good condition. The book, dedicated to propagandist Julius Streicher and his "tireless and dedicated struggle against the Jews", purports to provide a historical background for the current persecution of Jews in Germany and Austria. Among sources and incidents cited is the expulsion of the Jews from Egypt, Henry Ford's publication of "The International Jew", Jews on Wall Street, etc., with "scholarly" articles on anti-Semitism in ancient Rome, Middle Ages, in Africa, America and Germany. The book concludes with the usual photos and descriptions of prominent Jews, comparing them with the Nordic ideal, images of deviant art, debauchery brought on by Jewish profiteers, and so on. Most copies of this propaganda were destroyed in the post-war years - this copy remains as evidence.


USD 300 - 400

"GROSSE ANTIBOLSCHEWISTISCHE AUSSTELLUNG" EXHIBITION GUIDE BOOK Rare guide book to the "Great Anti-Communist Exhibition" of 1937, 50pp. 8vo., issued by the Ministry of Propaganda with a foreword and frontis portrait of Joseph Goebbels. This book was sold at the exhibition during the 1937 Reichsparteitag. The exhibit intended to draw attention to the goals of international communism but actually it was staged to portray all of international communism as the work of Jews. Jews are shown as automatons, methodically covering the earth with their concepts of race-mixing, military and economic conquest, monetary manipulation and the exploitation of the masses, and therefore enemies that had to be eradicated. The exhibition also traced the Jewish influence in world historical events from the French Revolution through the establishment of the Communist structure in the Soviet Union. Fine condition.


USD 400 - 600

"HANDBOOK FOR THE JEWISH QUESTION" FROM A HITLER YOUTH SCHOOLAnti-Semitic publication: "Handbuch der Judenfrage" ("Handbook for the Jerwish Question") by Theodor Fritsch (Leipzig: Hammer Verlag), 1935. 576pp. 8vo., in light green cloth with green title. Covers lightly soiled. The front flyleaf and title page both bear ink stamps from the library of the "Adolf Hitler-Schule" in Flensburg. These schools boarded select members of the Hitler Youth for education in Nazi ideology with the aim of having them placed in administrative positions. The text of this book stes forth information on the size of the Jewish communities of individual cities, controversial excerpts from the Talmud, the anti-Semitic program of the Nazi Party, a list of anti-Semitic bookstores, publishers and magazines, "Jew-free" shops, Catholic-regional newspapers chosen for their anti-Semitism, condemnation of Christianity and particularly of Catholicism ( "in its substance Jewish"), and much more.


USD 400 - 600

"JEWS ARE LOOKING AT YOU"Soft-cover anti-Semitic book, "Juden Sehen Dich An" ("Jews are Looking at You"), by Johann von Leers, (Berlin: NS-Druck und Verlag), 95pp. 8vo. Johann von Leers was a high ranking official in Joseph Goebbels' propaganda ministry. The book is a typical anti-Semitic tract, and contains photographic portraits of many notable Jews, including Rosa Luxemburg, Albert Einstein, Charlie Chaplin, Karl Marx, and Magnus Hirschfeld. The portraits are not particularly defamatory, but very derogatory caricatures of Jews appear on the front cover and the last page. Dust cover is trimmed to two pieces, held together with a plastic cover, else very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 1,000 - 1,500

"RACIAL MIXING IN HUMANS"Highly derogatory set of lecture cards distributed by the SS, "Die Rassenmischung beim Menschen" ("Racial Mixing in Humans", by Dr. Otto Reche (Munich: J.F. Lehmanns Verlag), 1936, a "Lichtbilder-Vortrage", or "light lecture", consisting of thirty-one cards demonstrating Dr. Reche's theories on the dangers of interbreeding between races, a theme naturally embraced and promoted by the NSDAP. The series starts with a simplistic explanation of Mendelian genetics, and proceeds to demonstrate the results of racial mixing. Most of the cards consists of photographs of the children produced by mixed-race couples, insultingly labeled "mischling" ("hybrid), "mulatten", "Sudwestafrikanische Bastards", etc. The set concludes with charts demonstrating the spread of tuberculosis in Norway and the weakened bone structure of certain races. The cards are accompanied by an explanatory booklet offering more "scientific" insight into each card. The entire set is packaged in a brown paper envelope, printed with the title and publishing information. Some corner wear to the envelope, else very good.


USD 150 - 200

"THE AMERICAN RIDDLE"Anti-American propaganda booklet, "Den Amerikanske Gaade" ("The American Riddle"), by Theodor Seibert, [Antikva], 86pp., 5 3/4" x 8". Seibert was a correspondent for the Nazi party newspaper "Volkischer Beobachter", and an avid anti-Semitic propagandist. The book, printed in Danish, describes the ways in which the American government under Roosevelt was secretly controlled by Jewish and Communist forces. Fine.


USD 300 - 400

"THE HANDBOOK OF THE JEWISH QUESTION"Anti-Semitic text, "Handbuch der Judenfrage" ("Handbook of the Jewish Question"), by Theodor Fritsch (Leipzig: Hammer-Verlag), 1923, 500pp. 12mo., an uncommon edition featuring a color illustration of a snake constricting the earth on the cover. Fritsch (1852-1933) was an anti-Semitic German political scientist. A great promulgator of the concept of the "Aryan Race" and supporter of anti-Semitism within the political realm, he penned this influential book in 1893 and by the end of World War II it had been read by millions. Some wear to the spine and corners, else very good.


USD 400 - 600

"THE JEWS IN CARICATURE"A hateful hardbound volume, "Die Juden in der Karikatur" ("The Jews in Caricature") by Eduard Fuchs (Munich: Verlag Albert Langen), 1921, 309pp. folio, containing 307 b/w and color illustrations, depicting anti-Semitic art from the fifteenth through the twentieth centuries, including images by noted artists such as Gustave Dore, George Cruikshank, Aubrey Beardsley, and Thomas Rowlandson. The binding is split in one or two areas, with some fading to the red cloth covers, with toning and slight foxing to the pages and a bookseller's note tipped to the front pastedown, else very good.


USD 250 - 350

"THE PROTOCOLS OF THE WISE MEN OF ZION"Rare copy of an early copy of the anti-Semitic fiction: "The Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion" (New York: The Beckwith Co.), 1920. 166pp. 8vo., with four photo plates, gray cloth in tape-repaired ink-annotated dust jacket. . The translated text of the typewritten screed by Sergei Nilus (1917) which was used by the Nazis to justify their persecution of the Jews. A notorious American publication! Sold with: "The International Jew", edited by Henry Ford and originally published in his Dearborn Independent, this a more modern copy (ca. 1965) printed by Gerald L.K. Smith of the Christian Nationalist Crusade, 232pp. 8vo., in black cloth boards. Two pieces.


USD 100 - 150

ANTI-SEMITIC GERMAN INFLATION BANK NOTEGerman inflation bank note, a 1922 $1,000 Reichsmark note that became essentially worthless as soon as it was printed due to Germany's incredible inflation rate.The rising Nazi Party gathered these notes as printed anti-Semitic slogans on the, before throwing them upon the streets for people to gather. This example reads in German on the verso: ""Kauft nicht bei Juden!" ("Do not buy from Jews!") Very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 300 - 400

ANTI-SEMITIC HITLER YOUTH SLIDE SHOWSGood group of three "Bildung fur die Schulung der Hitler-Jugend" ("Pictures for the Education of the Hitler Youth") propaganda slideshows, each consisting of approx. 20 positive prints on a reel of 35mm film. The first, entitled "Deutschtum Im Weichselland" ("Germanness in the Weichselland"), describes German resettlement is captured areas of Poland and the Baltic states following their conquest. The presentation details social conditions in these areas prior to the German invasion, with one image captioned: "The cities and countryside were overrun with Jews". The second presentation, entitled "Die Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika" ("The United States of North America"), gives an overview of American geography and history, and laments the cultural degradation that has befallen the country. The final two slides decry the Jewish influence in the United States: "With the first settlers, the Jews also came into the country. English are only about 50% of Americans. But they have stamped their stamp on the country. Their interests are closely connected with those of the Jews and determine the politics of the country." The final presentation, entitled "USA Dein Wahres Gesicht" ("USA: Your True Face"), also addresses the United States, albeit in a far more derogatory manner than previously seen. It mocks a quote by Eleanore Roosevelt, in which she describes the United States as "the land of human dignity and culture", by pointing out the rampant poverty of the Great Depression, and by using various images of riots and mud-wrestling matches. It specifically denigrates Jewish influence: "A world in which the Jew feels comfortable ... Jewish arch-capitalism dominates the state in reality ... The Jew, unrestrained in his hatred against the German Reich ... As a willing tool of the Jews, Roosevelt has prepared for war for years. No slander was too much for him, and no lie too coarse..." Each film strip bears minor chipping at each end, but the presentations themselves are intact. Very good.


USD 200 - 300

GERMAN ANTI-SEMITIC AND ANTI MASONIC LITERATUREGood group of eight pre- and post-World War II anti-Semitic and anti-Masonic publications in German, includes: "Vernichtung der Freimaurei Durch Enthullung ihrer Geheimniffe " ("Destruction of Freemasonry by Uncovering their Mysteries"), by Erich Ludendorff (Munich: Ludendroffs Verlagn GmbH.), 1940, 116pp. 8vo., written by the prominent World War I general who became a nationalist leader and took part in the Kapp Putsch and Munich Beer Hall Putsch; "Zur Volkskunde der Juden" ("On the Folklore of the Jews"), by Richard Andree (Bielefeld: Verlag von Velhagen & Klasing), 1881, 296pp. 8vo., includes a fold-out color map of the Jewish population of central Europe; "Die Wiedergeburt, das innere wahrhaftige Leben" ("The Rebirth, The Inner True Life"), by "Einem Freimaurer" (Wurttemberg: Druck und Verlag von Karl Rohm), 1908, 172pp. 8vo., front cover detached but present; "Die entdeckten Henker und Brandstifter der Welt und ihr 2000 jahriges Berschworungssnistem" ("The Discovered Executioners and Arsonists of the World and their 2000-Year Spellbinders"), by Jens Jurgens (Munich: Verlag Fortschittliche Buchhandlung), 1928, 111pp. 8vo., featuring derogatory caricatures of several Jewish figures, including Lenin and several allegedly Jewish popes; "Vortrag un Fuhrer durch die Freimaurerloge in Erlangen" ("Lecture and Guide by the Freemason's Lodge in Erlangen"), (Erlangen: Karl Muller), [n.d.], 20pp. 8vo.; "Geheime Weltmachte"("Secret World Power"), by S. Fpares (Munich: Ludendorffs Verlag GmbH.), 1936, 47pp. 8vo.; "Verschworung" ("Conspiracy"), by Juan Maler (Buenos Aires: Juan Maler), 1980, 320pp. 8vo., by SS officer Reinhard Kopps, who fled to Bariloche in Argentina following World War II and lived under the assumed name Juan Maler; and "Der Sieg der Vernunft" ("The Victory of Reason"), by Juan Maler (Buenos Aires: Juan Maler), 1978, 539pp. 8vo. Each volume is softbound, and each bears some wear and bumping to the covers and spine, with some ink notations, else very good.


USD 200 - 300

GERMAN EDUCATIONAL TEXTS WITH RACIAL CONTENTGerman middle school textbook, "Lebenskunde fur Mittelschulen" by Ernst Kruse and Paul Wiedow (Reichenberg: Sudetendeutscher Verlag Franz Kraus), 1942, 148pp. 8vo. The primary subject of the book is the history and application of genealogy, cell theory, and genetics. These ideas are extrapolated to relate to human racial theory. Of particular interest is a section entitled: "The Human Being as a Member of His Race". This section details the racial theory of the Nazi government of Germany, and includes subsections regarding the dangers of miscegenation with various races. The section on the Jews begins: "Significantly larger than the risk posed by the Gypsies is the danger to our people presented by Judaism..." These points are illustrated through unflattering photographs and illustrations, including a map of the United States showing areas in which miscegenation is illegal. The cover features a photograph of a Deutsches Jungvolk member with his trumpet. Bears some water damage, with moderate staining, else very good. Also included is a Deutsches Jungvolk educational publication entitled "Rasse die Jungenschaft" containing 21 loose-leaf pages containing songs and essays on various subjects, including racial theory. Of particular interest is a passage which urges readers not to ostracize their peers without traditionally Nordic features, such as blond hair and blue eyes. The pages are contained within a 4to. folder with an image of a rank of Hitler Youth on the cover. Spine partially split, else very good. Two pieces.


USD 150 - 200

GERMAN PROPAGANDA PROMOTES FORCED FRENCH LABORAn incredible piece of propaganda, a bound approx. 50pp. 8vo. illustrated book promoting the benefits of what was actually labor in France forced upon French citizens. The book, titled "Work-life A Sensational Report" shows a Frenchman with beret smiling and gesturing outside a German factory. The text assures teh French of treatment of the same quality as that afforded German workers, pay scales, and so on, with photographs of clean, barracks-style housing, ample meals, happy workers at machine lathes, health care, leisure, and so on. In reality, actual living conditions didn't approach those presented here. Some soiling to covers, otherwise very good. Sold with an unrelated 12pp. 8vo. fold-out brochure, 1918, explaining the causes of World War I and how peace may be made and continued. Two pieces.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 1,200 - 1,500

RACIALLY DISCRIMINATORY GERMAN TEACHING POSTERSPair of racially divisive Third Reich educational posters, entitled "Rassen der Erde" ("Races of the Earth"), each 42" x 53", and each depicting sixteen front and profile b/w portraits of eight members of various worldwide races, including "Nordische"("Nordic"), "Vorderasiatische" (Armenian), "Neger" (Black), "Jungmongolisch"(Japanese), "Nordamerikanische Indianer", and others. The posters were an important component of the culture of racial purity that the NSDAP sought to instill following their ascent to power. The posters have been trimmed slightly at the top and bottom when attached to modern wood spreaders for display; this affects the text at the bottom edge in each example. The posters also bear some soiling and creasing, else very good.


USD 100 - 150

"DAS SCHWARZE KORPS" SS NEWSPAPER WITH ANTI-SEMITIC CARTOONSS newspaper "Der Schwarze Korps", Berlin, July 8, 1943, 8pp. folio, the front page bearing a cartoon showing a caricature of a Jew pressing bottons controlling robots labeled "USA...GB...USSR" and bearing faces of the leaders of those nations. Tape backs a weak fold not affecting cartoon.


USD 300 - 400

"JEW AND WIFE"Derogatory anti-Semitic publication, "Jude und Weib" (Jew and Wife"), by Gregor Schwartz-Bostunitsch (Berlin: Theodor Fritsch Verlag), [circa 1939], 64pp. 8vo., softbound, a guide to the "Theory and Practice of Jewish Vampirism, Exploitation, and Infestation of the Host People". The front cover bears an illustration of a portly, balding Jewish man offering his unwanted advances upon a thoroughly disinterested Aryan woman. Minor wear to the spine, else very good.


USD 200 - 300

"JEWS AND AMERICANS, KINGS OF NORTH AFRICA"Vichy French anti-Semitic pamphlet, "Juifs et Americains: Rois de l'Afrique du Nord" ("Jews and Americans: Kings of North Africa"), by Andre Chaumet (Paris: Editions du C.E.A.), 1943, 48pp. 8vo., a conspiracy theorist screed exposing the alleged Jewish influence on American foreign and military policy, especially as it related to the recent Allied invasion of North Africa. The cover illustration depicts New York mayor Fiorello LaGuardia speaking into President Roosevelt's ear from within a Star of David. Bears some damage to the cover image, as well as expected age wear, else very good.


USD 150 - 200

"SCHNITZELBANK" ANTI-SEMITIC DRINKING SONG POSTERPrinted poster on fabric, 27" x 40", published by the Broadway Publishing Company of Buffalo in 1907. The poster prints twenty-four verses of the popular German children's and drinking song "Schnitzelbank", and was most likely intended to be displayed in a German-American bar. Each verse is accompanied by an illustration of the topic; one particular verse reads "Is das nicht der Judenmeier? Ja, das ist der Judenmeier." (Is this not the Jew? Yes, this is the Jew.") This verse is accordingly illustrated with a highly stereotypical caricature of a Jewish man with a large nose, sideburns and a skull cap. The poster is quite threadbare with several approx. 1/2" holes throughout, and folds, else very good.


USD 200 - 300

"THE JEW AND THE GERMAN PEOPLE"German anti-Semitic publication, "Der Jude und der deutsche Mensch" by Curt Herrmann (Breslau: Heinrich Handels Verlag) no date but ca. 1930s. 24pp. 8vo., in paper, ownership stamp on cover and title page. Text explains why Jews are the enemies of Germans, how Jews differ physically from Germans, the Jews in the First World War, their political life, the Zionist protocols, quotes of notable Germans about Jews, the solution to the "Jewish Question", etc. Rare.


USD 200 - 300

"THE JEWS IN THE USA"Anti-Semitic and anti-American propaganda magazine, "Die Juden in USA" ("The Jews in the USA"), by Hans Diebow, [Berlin: Zentralverlag der NSDAP], 1941. 64pp., 6 3/4" x 9 1/2". Magazine with the cover depicting New York Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia feasting at a picnic. The cover story on LaGuardia, whose mother was a Jew, bears photos comparing him to a grinning chimp, with additional attacks on other prominent Jews including Felix Frankfurter, Albert Einstein, David O. Selznick, Henry Morgenthau, and many others, all heavily illustrated. Light wear to cover, else fine. Crease in the middle of the front cover, light staining throughout. Very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 500 - 700

"THE JEWISH PERIL"Anti-Semitic French publication, "Le Peril Juif" ("The Jewish Peril") (Paris: Office de Propaganda Nationale), 1934. 94 pp., 4 3/4" x 7 1/4", softcover. The cover illustration depicts a hairy spider bearing a caricature of a Jew for its head, its legs encircling the earth. The book contains the complete text in French of an "official" version of the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion", the fictional piece of propaganda that alleged a Jewish plot to dominate the world. Interestingly, some of the source material for the Protocols originated from a French parody of the 1800s. Some toning, minor splitting and wear to the spine, else very good. French official anti-Semitic publications are quite rare!


USD 200 - 300

FRENCH ANTI-SEMITIC BOOKS (6)Lot of six French books, some anti-Semitic in content, others examining anti-Semitism in France. Includes: "Juifs et Chretiens Inconciliable" by Albert Letellier (Paris: Ernest Grund), 1926. 254pp. 8vo., in paper. "Le Crime Rituel Chez les Juifs" by Albert Monniot (Paris: Pierre Tequi), 1914. 378pp. 8vo., in paper. "Quand Israel est Roi" by Jerome Tharaud (Paris: Plon-Nourrit), 1921. 290pp. 8vo., in paper. Uncut. "L'Empereur Nicolas II et les Juifs" by A. Netchvolodow (Paris: Etienne Charon), 1924. 406pp. 8vo., in paper. Cover stained. "La Guerre Juive" by Paul Ferdonnet (Paris: Editionas Baudiniere), 1940. 266pp. 8vo., in paper. Ownership signature on half-title page. "Les Trafiquants de L'antisemitisme" by Jules Guerin (Paris: Drumont & Co.), 504pp. 8vo., in paper. Six pieces.


USD 200 - 300

FRENCH ANTI-SEMITIC BOOKS (6)Lot of six French books, some anti-Semitic in content, others examining ant-Semitism in France. Includes: "Synthese de L'Antisemitisme: by Edmond Picard (Paris: Albert Savine), 1892. 234pp. 8vo., in paper boards. Front cover detached. "Le Juif Errant Est Arrive" by Albert Londres (Paris: Albin Michel), 1930. 414pp. 8vo., library copy, rebound. "La Presse et Les Juifs" by Lucien Pemjean (Paris: Nouvelles Editions Francaise), 1941. 124pp. 8vo., paper boards. "Les Origines Secretes du Bolchevisme" by "Salluste" (pseudonym of Florian Brenier) (Paris: Editions Jules Tallandier), 1930. 300pp. 8vo., in paper. Tape on spine secures cover, rear cover chipped and damaged, owners notes on ff. "Judaisme et Marxisme" by Louis Massoutie (Paris: Librairie Academique Perrin), 1939. 218pp. 8vo., in paper. Uncut. "Le Veritable Proces Eichman ou Les Vainqueurs Incorrigibles" by Paul Rassinier (Paris: Les Sept Couleurs), ca. 1963. 250pp. 8vo., uncut. Six pieces.


USD 250 - 350

FRENCH ANTI-SEMITIC LITERATUREGood group of six late-nineteenth and early-twentieth century French anti-Semitic publications, includes: "La Presse et la Juiverie" ("The Press and the Jewry"), (Fribourg: Ph. Haeser & Comp.), 1877, 23pp. 8vo.; "Napoleon Antisemite", by A. de Boisandre (Paris: Librarie Antisemite), 1900, 131pp. 8vo.; "Le Juif, Notre Maitre" ("The Jew, Our Master"), by L. Fry (Paris: Editions R.I.S.S.), 1931, 266pp. 8vo.; "En Israel" ("In Israel"), by Amedee Jubert (Paris: L. Sauvaitre), 1888, 221pp. 8vo.; "Le Peril Juif: Le Regne D'Israel Chez Les Anglo-Saxons" ("The Jewish Peril: The Reign of Israel Over the Anglo-Saxons"),by Roger Lambelin (Paris: Bernard Grasset), 1921, 270pp. 8vo., signed by the author in black ink on the half-title, adding a partial inscription, with the top of the page bearing the identity of the recipient removed; and "Le Peril Juif: Les Victoires d'Israel" ("The Jewish Peril: The Victories of Israel"), by Roger Lambelin (Paris: Bernard Grasset), 1928, 239pp. 8vo. Each volume is soft-bound, and each bears some wear and bumping to the covers and spine, with one spine split in several places, else very good. Six pieces.


USD 200 - 300

FRENCH ANTI-SEMITIC LITERATUREGood group of six late-nineteenth and early-twentieth century French anti-Semitic publications, includes: "Le Peril Juif!: Les Protocols des Sages de Sion" ("The Jewish Peril!: The Protocols of the Elders of Zion"), (Paris: La Libre Parole), 1933, 64pp. 8vo., bearing anti-Semitic caricatures on the front cover; "Fugures Juives" ("Jewish Figures"), by Robert Launay (Paris: Nouvelle Librarie Nationale), 1921, 205pp. 8vo.; "Israel: Aux Mysterieux Destins"("Israel: The Mysterious Destiny'), by A. Cavalier & P. D'Halterive (Blois: J. de Grandpre et Cie.), 1933, 247pp. 8vo.; "Israel: Son Passe. Son Avenir" ("Israel: Its Past, Its Future"), by H. de Vries de Heekelingen (Paris: Librairie Academique Perrin), 1937, 274pp. 8vo.; "Juifs et Opportunistes: Le Judaisme en Egypte et en Syrie"("Jews and Opportunists: Judaism in Egypt and in Syria"), by Georges Corneilhan (Paris: L. Sauvaitre), 1889, 404pp. 8vo.; and "Le Bain Juif" ("The Jewish Bath"), by Lucienne Favre (Paris: Editions Bernard Grasset), 1932, 307pp. 8vo. Each volume is softbound, and each bears some wear and bumping to the covers and spine. The cover has separated from the spine in one instance, and several volumes feature unopened pages, else very good. Six pieces.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 150 - 200

ANTI-SEMITIC AMERICAN NEWSPAPERSPair of anti-Semitic American newspapers of the 1930's, includes: "American Gentile", 16pp. folio, Vol. I. No. 24, July, 1936 praising Spanish nationalists, with much content attacking Jews and with insulting caricatures, some taken from "Der Sturmer"; with a letter from "Right Cause Publishing Co.", Mar. 10, 1939 stating that the paper is no longer published and offering other titles; with "The Free American", 6pp. folio, New York, Dec. 4, 1941 (three days before the attack on Pearl Harbor). Both papers are brittle and have substantial splits. Sold with an unrelated copy of the SS newspaper "Der Schwarze Korps, 24pp. folio, Feb. 23, 1939, some anit-Semitic content, as always.


USD 200 - 300

ANTI-SEMITIC AND ANTI-MASONIC LITERATUREGood group of six anti-Semitic and anti-Masonic publications in English, includes: "Freemasonry" (London: Imperial Fascist League), 1939, 24pp. 8vo.; "The Growing Menace of Freemasonry in Britain" (London: Imperial Fascist League), 1936, 24pp. 8vo.; "Twelve Centuries of Jewish Persecution", by Gustav Pearlson (Hull: Vincent A. Kair & Son), 1927, 333pp. 8vo., a pro-Jewish book by a Jewish writer, heavily annotated in ink by an anti-Semitic reader, with missing spine cover; "The Jews", by Hilaire Belloc (London: Constable & Company), 1922, 308pp. 8vo.; "The Chosen People: A Brief History of the Jews in Europe", by Jerome and Jean Tharaud (London: Longmans, Green and Co.), 1929, 240pp. 8vo.; and "Bolshevism in Theory and Practice", by Josef Goebbels, 39pp. 8vo., an undated, mimeographed English translation of a speech given by Goebbels in Nuremburg on Sep. 10, 1936. Each volume bears some wear and bumping to the covers and spine, in addition to the condition issues noted above, else very good.


USD 150 - 200

FRENCH ANTI-SEMITIC PROPAGANDAFrench anti-Semitic propaganda printed on heavy stock, 5 ½" x 4 ¼", one side reading in French: "The secret agreements in Washington...What does the Anglo-American propaganda not reveal?" The verso continues: "2 billion 500 million people Will they be dominated by 17 million JEWS?" Fine.


USD 400 - 600

GROTESQUE ANTI-SEMITIC WALKING STICKWood walking stick, 37" long, with an approx. 6" head, carved from a deer antler, in a grotesque caricature of a Jewish man with an absurdly long nose, buck teeth, and no chin. The base of the antler has been carved and polished to resemble a tonsure, and the handle is set into a dyed black bone socket with white inserts, resembling a jacket. A foot of carved and polished bone it attached at the opposite end. The cane bears expected wear from age and use, else very good.


USD 300 - 400

"DER JUDEN" WOOD SCULPTURECarved wood caricature, 6" x 3 3/4" dia., depicting the head of a bearded man wearing a skullcap. The base of the sculpture bears the carved inscription: "Der Juden 1908". Minor splitting to the wood, else very good.


USD 400 - 600

"DER STURMER" BEER STEINThird Reich-era stoneware beer stein, 7" x 4" dia., bearing the phrase: "Trau keinem Fuchs auf gruner Heid/Und keinem Jud bei seinem Eid" ("Trust no fox in the green meadow/And no Jew on his oath"), above the city name "Nurnberg". This title is shared by the anti-Semitic children's book published by Julius Streicher's Sturmer-Verlag. The stein is further decorated with an image of an outraged hunter refusing to sell a rabbit to a rabbinical figure, as a fox with exaggerated Semitic features peers out from behind the altar. The measurement "1 L[iter]" is incised near the mouth. The metal cover is missing, and the handle has been repaired, else very good.


USD 200 - 300

ANTI-SEMITIC ASHTRAY "FOR ASCHE(R)"Anti-Semitic silver metal ashtray, 7 1/4" tall, 5" wide, a caricature of an Orthodox Jew with hat, long side curls and beard who holds open his coat revealing the expression impressed within, a pun: "Fur Ascher", "Asche" being German for "ashes" and the "r" well hidden in the man's robes. Very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 300 - 400

ANTI-SEMITIC METAL STATUETTEMetal figurine, 5" tall, depicting a rotund Jewish man with an oversized nose, with his thumbs hooked in his suspenders. The figure stands on a metal base, upon which is inscribed the phrase: "Now Vot About It". Very good.


USD 100 - 150

ANTI-SEMITIC BOTTLE STOPPERPainted plaster bottle stopper, approx. 4 1/2" tall, in the form of a smiling man with an oversized florid red nose. The cork base bears an original paper label reading: "A Kinkee-Bee Character" and "Made in England". A pouring spout runs from the base of the cork to the crown of the figure's hat. Minor chipping to the paint, else very good.


USD 150 - 200

ANTI-SEMITIC WOODEN PIPE AND HOLDERCirca 1920 carved wooden pipe and holder, 6 1/4" tall together, in the form of a robed man in a tall hate with an oversized nose. The figures head, bearing inset glass eyes, is detachable, revealing a wooden pipe stem with a yellow composition mouthpiece. The figure bears no markings, and appears to be unused. Very good.


USD 150 - 200

ANTI-SEMITIC FIGURAL PIPE BOWLCarved wooden pipe bowl, approx. 3 1/2" long, in the form of a scowling man with a very large curved nose. The figure bears one inset blue glass eye, with the second eye missing. The pipe stem is also missing, and the inside of the bowl bears a buildup of tobacco residue. Very good.


USD 500 - 600

ANTI-SEMITIC WOOD TOBACCO BOXCarved wood tobacco box, 8" x 5 1/2" x 5 1/2", with an oval storage cavity and an iron loop affixed inside the hinged lid. The exterior of the lid is carved with the caricatures of two bearded Jewish men engaged in an argument. The front of the box bears a carving of a long-stemmed tobacco pipe, with a bowl in the shape of a bearded Jewish man with Rabbinical headwear. The sides of the box are roughly craved, and a cork pad has been pinned to the underside. Holes at the front edge show that a metal lock was once attached, and is now missing, else very good.


USD 700 - 800

ANTI-SEMITIC BRASS ASHTRAY OF A JEW WITH "HORNS"Anti-Semitic ashtray, 4 1/2" x 5 1/4, in brass, depicting a derogatory caricature of a Jewish man with eyeglasses and a large nose, upon which smoking materials can be extinguished. Manufactured in Europe during the first half of the twentieth century, possibly during the Third Reich era. Some tarnish, else very good.


USD 300 - 400

ANTI-SEMITIC PAGE TURNERCarved wood page turner, 16 3/4" x 1 1/2", with a flat pointed blade and a handle in the form of a grotesque figure with a long pointed nose, a lolling tongue and a devilish grin. The eyes are tiny beads of inlaid glass. The piece bears a fine dark patina, worn at the tip from use. Very good.


USD 400 - 500

ORIGINAL NEGATIVES OF SS-TOTENKOPF TROOPSGroup of approx. 150 original 35mm.negattives (most uncut) showing SS-Totenkopf officers in variosu setting,most of the images apparently taken near a camp, probably near Posen where one of the film cannisters originates. Four of five of the images show soldiers digging trenches under direction of officers, most likely for the disposal of bodies. Other images show officers and men outside barracks and a "watch" station, exhibitions of SS cavalry and an SS man riding his mount, Rottweilers, images of an unknown officer and his family at home, and more. Very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 300 - 400

ROBERT HEINRICH WAGNER(1895 - 1946) Gauleiter of Baden and of Alsace, head of the civil government of Alsace during the German occupation. After clearing Baden of Jews, Baden earned the moniker "Butcher of Alsace", taking part in many trials dictating death sentences. Of the 4,464 Jews he sent to the Gurs concentration camp, only some 800 survived. T.L.S. on his personal letterhead, 1p. 4to., Karlsruhe, July 27, 1933 to the town council of Unterbaldingen. Wagner thanks the town for granting him honorary citizenship, which reflects: "...the high aims which our leader and Chancellor Adolf Hitler had put to us and in whose enthusiasm we all wish to strive with our finest soldiers..." Trimemd at bottom, folds, else very good.


USD 100 - 150

BUCHENWALD SS DOCTOR SEEKS MISSING PRISONERBuchenwald camp document, 1p. oblong 8vo., Feb. 17, 1943 in which an SS campdoctor (unidentified) writes to the Gestapo in Weimar stating that prisoner Franz Barycki had not arrived at the camp as scheduled and seeking his whereabouts. File holes, else very good.


USD 1,000 - 1,500

PLASZOW CONCENTRATION CAMP BLUEPRINTPeriod cyanotype of a war-date blueprint, 26 1/4" x 18 1/2", depicting Plaszow labor camp - and later concentration camp - in Krakow, Poland. It depicts the main portion of the labor camp, including carpenter's shops, barracks, kitchens, the quarry, fences, guard towers, and most notably, two mass graves , with the surrounding area labeled "Miejsca stracen" ("Place of execution"). The plan is titled with the name of the camp and Polish, adding the date July, 1944, and is attributed to a T. Sliwinski, whose name appears at lower right. Several outlying buildings are marked with the "sig" runes of the SS, indicating their barracks and offices. The plan may have been drafted as part of post-war trials of Nazis in Poland, as was likely committed based on inmates' memories of the camp circa 1944. Plaszow is notable for being the camp depicted in the film "Schindler's List", which prominently depicts the camp's commander, Amon Goeth's, habit of shooting prisoners at random. The plan is missing the lower-left corner, and bears folds, else very good.


USD 200 - 300

PROOF OF ARYAN DESCENT DOCUMENT GROUPINGDocument grouping setting forth the "Aryan heritage" of a German couple, Heinrich Gack and his wife, 9pp. 4to., Nuremberg, 1935-43. The first document shows Gack's lineage and it is stamped an approved at conclusion. Other documents include an attestation that Gack was not born of Jewish parents, that he is not a member of banned fraternal organizations, approved lineage of Gack's spouse, etc. Very good.


USD 100 - 150

POLISH WORKER IS LABELED "JEW"Polish worker's "Workplace Registration" card, 2pp. oblong 8vo., Lvov, ca. 1943. This card was used to keep track of laborers, classify their skills, locate employers, etc. The unfortunate owner of this card is labeled "Jude" his fate is unknown.


USD 400 - 500

SS SOLDBUCH ISSUED TO A JAGER TROOP AND LIKELY CAMP GUARDSoldbuch issued to low-ranking SS man, Rudolf Eichler, born 1921 and initially an infantryman, later a moutain soldier and very likely a guard at the concentration camp at Neuengamme. A few entries show that Eichler was outfitted with mountaineer's gear before being posted to the 6th SS Gebirgsjager Battalion Nord in Russia, a regiment which was largely raised from concentration camp staff. This soldbuch shows that Eichler actually took leave at KZ Neuengamme, attested to by a stamped entry in the rear of the book. Worn.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 700 - 900

FRENCH ESCAPED P.O.W. PRESENTATION MEDAL DISPLAYDisplay prepared for a French soldier captured by the Germans and pressed into the service of the Wehrmacht, with the soldier's photograph and medals. The printed background has the symbols of the F.F.I. and barbed wire, images of forced labor camps and prisoners, Resistance fighters, and Allies at the landing beaches, surrounded by locations of various camps including Buchenwald, Dachau, Auschwitz, Neuengamme, etc. At bottom the P.O.W. is identified as "Alfred Litzenberger" and appears in a portrait photo. Notes beneath indicate he was forcefully taken for service by the Wehrmacht in October, 1943, was on the Italian front, and was liberated on Dec. 6, 1945. Also included are three of the man's medals, including a very rare French P.O.W. Escapee Medal, Cross of Combattants, and Commemorative War Medal, all with faded ribbons. Set in a period oval frame. Impressive.


USD 100 - 150

LITOMERICE GUARD IS CLEARED FOR DUTYScarce D.S., 1p. 8vo. on "Gauleitung Sudetenland" letterhead, Reichenberg, Jan. 21, 1943, to the Prosecutor General of the Special Court in Litomerice/Prague. The document concerns Master Sgt. Othmar Premus, born 5.11.1898, and states that there are no objections to his promotion. The letter is stamped by the Litomerice prosecutor's office. With mailing envelope. This Gestapo "special court" tried over 1,800 cases in 1942 alone, almost all victims charged with espionage or high treason, and almost all executed. There was also a camp at Litomerice called Arbeitslager Leitmeritz or SS Kommando B 5. Over 18,300 inmates passed through the camp, and most were worked to death.


USD 200 - 300

SS NON-COM SENDS A PACKAGE FROM BUCHENWALDGreen canvas German military bread bag re-purposed as a shipping wrapper, 15" x 12" with carrying strap cut away. Two mailing labels have been pasted to the front, one showing the mailing office: "Weimar-Buchenwald", the other indicating that the sender was SS-Rottenfuhrer Jos. Steiner[?] who directs the package to a lady in Vienna.


USD 200 - 300

POLISH "HOME ARMY" RESISTANCE FIGHTER'S GROUP Polish "Home Army" resistance fighter's grouping, the unknown soldier possibly also involved in the Warsaw Uprising. Included is: two photos of the soldier, both showing him in Polish military uniform, one taken in England; a stamped metal Home Army hat insignia, grave marker for "VERONIKA DZIUBA" (significance unknown); Polish Warsaw Medal ("Medal za Warszawe"), 1939-1945; Medal of Victory and Freedom 1945, Medal for Participation in the Battle of Berlin (issued 1966), photo of an elaborate funeral, probably Polish, stamped approved by Stalag VIII B administrator; and reproduction Home Army armband included strictly for display purposes. Provenance: The War Museum, New York.


USD 500 - 700

BULGARIAN JEW'S STAR OF DAVID BUTTONVery rare carved button, 1 1/4" dia., in the shape of a yellow Star of David. These buttons were issued to Bulgarian Jews during the German occupation of that country by the "Commissariat for Jewish Questions", for purposes of identification and control. It was intended to be sewn to a person's lapel, and was the smallest such identification badge used in Europe during the Holocaust. An identical example is held by Yad Vashem in Jerusalem. Very good.


USD 700 - 900

WARSAW GHETTO JEWISH POLICE HAT BADGERare relic from the Warsaw Jewish ghetto, a Jewish "Ordnungsdienst" hat badge. The 1 1/2" dia. hexagonal brass badge has a screw thread and brass backing plate. The design on the badge comprises a Star of David picked out in blue enamel/paint with inscription: " ORDNUNGSDIENST. StUZBA PORZAOKOWA. R Alt Tsch R St Cz". The circular screw-on backing reads: "L Olslewski GRAWER WARSZAWA" Very good, and, unlike most offered, this example is absolutely authentic and in every respect identical to one held by the Imperial War Museum. Ghetto self-governing councils were ordered to organize ghetto police forces known as the Jewish Ghetto Police ("JĂźdischer Ordnungsdienst"). Their duties included policing the ghetto perimetres to ensure that no one left or entered the ghetto without the correct permits. This badge was part of the uniform worn by those police.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 800 - 1,200

PRISONER'S ENAMELED STEEL MESS BOWL FROM MAJDANEKRare relic from the Nazi concentration camp at Majdanek (or "Maidanek") at Lublin, Poland, an enameled steel bowl used by prisoners there to take their meals. The gray and white speckled bowl, in excavated condition, measures 9" across the top edge. The bottom bears red letters in slight relief painted on the bowl at the time the item was glazed (and beneath the glazing): "Kgl Waffen SS Lublin". The lettering is an abbreviation for: "Kriegsgefangenlager der Waffen SS in Lublin", or essentially "Prisoner of War Camp of the Waffen-SS Lublin". Majdanek was originally intended to be a P.O.W. camp. Work on the camp commenced in October 1941 with the levelling of the ground for the first five rectangular compounds, initially undertaken by a group of Polish prisoners of war of Jewish extraction, brought to the building site each day from the labour camp in Lipowa Street. Also in that month, about 2,000 Soviet prisoners of war were transferred there from Chelm and kept outdoors. Gassings began in mid-1942.


USD 200 - 300

JAKOB HABERFELD LIQUOR BOTTLE FROM AUSCHWITZClear glass bottle manufactured for the Jakob Haberfeld vodka and liquor factory at Oswiecim (later Auschwitz), 6" x 3 1/4", bearing in relief the family coat-of-arms and the inscription “Jakob Haberfeld Oswiecim”. Fine. The “Dampffabrik Feiner Liqueure Jakob Haberfeld” was established in Oswiecimin in 1804 and operated under family management until 1939 when the business was seized by the Germans. Most family members were murdered.


USD 500 - 700

FLOSSENBURG CONCENTRATION CAMP PRISONER'S LETTER GROUPINGLarge grouping of 31 letters written by prisoner Tadeusz Debski to his parents between 1942 and 1944 from the infamous prison camp Flossenburg, in Bavaria near the border with Czechoslovakia. The letters are all written in pencil on 2pp.8vo. Flossenburg approved letter sheets, and all bear censor markings on the verso. As is always the case with prisoner's letters, significant content is minimal as any substative news was simply not permitted by the German captors. In general, Tadeusz thanks his parents for sending him letters, packages and money, states that his health is good, and generally tries to reassure his family. Fine. About 96,000 prisoners passed through the camp, and nearly 30,000 died there.


USD 100 - 150

SACHSENHAUSEN PRISONER'S LETTERSachsenhausen prisoner's letter on prison camp official letter form, 2pp. 8vo., Feb. 9, 1941. Franz Szymanski writes his wife in Lublin, generally routine stating that he is healthy and sending his greeting to his children. He regrets that his wife must get by on her own, and asks how his business is faring without him. Very good.


USD 150 - 250

A JEW WRITES HIS FAMILY FROM BUCHENWALDUncommon Jewish prisoner's A.L.S. on "Konzentrationslager Weimar-Buchenwald" letter, 4pp. 8vo., May 18, 1941 in which "Ludwig Israel Ordower" writes to his daughter in Vienna. Untranslated but appranely of routine content as are all such censored letters. With the scarce mailing envelope with censor's stamp. Very good. The inclusion of the middle name "Sarah" or "Israel" was required of all Jews under Gewrman law.


USD 100 - 150

SACHSENHAUSEN PRISONER'S LETTERSachsenhausen prisoner's letter on official camp letterhead, 2pp. 8vo., May 11, 1941 in German. Prisoner No. 27389, Lucjan Krakowiak, writes to his family in Radom. Untranslated. With censor's stamp.


USD 100 - 150

ORANIENBURG CONCENTRATION CAMP 50 PFENNIG NOTESLot of 15 fifty pfennig notes ("lagergeld") issued by the concentration camp at Orianenburg to prisoner slave laborers there. These notes were a form of scrip used for small transactions at the camp, but were otherwise worthless outside the premises.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 300 - 400

DACHAU CAMP PHOTOGRAPHSLot of eight 4 1/2" x 2 3/4" b/w photographs from an American liberator at Dachau, shows hordes of German P.O.W.s, heaps of bodiers of dead prisoners, other prisoners loading bodies onto trucks for burial, etc. Grim.


USD 200 - 300

PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE GARDELEGEN MASSACREThe Gardelegen massacre was perpetrated by Waffen-SS and Luftwaffe troops during World War II on April 13, 1945 near the northern German town of Gardelegen The troops forced 1,016 slave laborers who were part of a transport evacuated from the Mittelbau-Dora labor camp into a large barn which was then lit on fire. Most of the prisoners were burned alive; some were shot trying to escape. The crime was discovered two days later by American soldiers. Lot of 16 photographs of the horrific scene of the massacre, taken only days after the scene was discovered and before the unburied and disinterred were given the proper burial demanded by the American authorities. The images, each 3 1/4" x 2 1/2" b/w, are signed and sometimes identified on the verso by American G.I. "H. B. Nester" whom we believe may have been an M.P. Images include exterior views of the burned barn, an interior view of the barn which Nester calls an "Execution Chamber", and multiple images of the dead arranged in lines ready for burial, some of the bodies hideously charred. Nestor, whose other photos are also offered here, made a habit of "liberating" other photos as well. Found with this group is a 4" x 2 3/4" photo of Luftaffe officers celebrating, along with a small photo of a German guard and four images of Sgt. Nester. A chilling grouping.


USD 300 - 400

BUCHENWALD PHOTOGRAPHSLot of 12 original photographs from an American soldier depicting Nazi atrocities at Buchenwald. The images, most about 2" x 3", show the camp and vehicles, bodies piled in rail cars, exhumed corpses, American soldiers, and a large pile of cans, presumably the Zyklon-B used to gas prisoners. Also included is a two Reischsmark SS-Standort-Kantine piece of scrip from Buchenwald. These notes, traded to the unfortunate prisoners for valuables of labor, were worthless beyond the camp gates. Very good.


USD 200 - 300

HOLOCAUST PHOTOGRAPHSLot of 11 photographs of Holocaust victims, includes eight original 2 1/2" x 4" from one source showing crematoria and heaps of bodies in front of barracks and on a rail car, probably at Buchenwald, with three postcard photos annotated by an American soldier, the dead laid out in trenches.


USD 300 - 400

DACHAU CONCENTRATION CAMP PHOTOSLot of ten original photographs from an American soldier likely attached to the 411th Infantry. Included are six images of newly-libertaed Dachau showing the entrance the the camp, piles of bodies, what appear to be bones, and prisoners, along with other photos of refugees, Goring's home in ruins, the Brenner Pass, etc. Some water damage, still good to very good.


USD 200 - 300

CONCENTRATION CAMP PHOTOGRAPHSLot of 54 images, ncludes 29 4" x 6" period prints of 166th Signal Corps images of prisoners, bodies, etc. they were assigned to document, the photo all captioned. Included are images from Ohrdruf, Buchenwald, Dachau, Hergenhein, and elsewhere, and 25 later prints, uncaptioned and slightly larger, taken from a different series of Signal Corps photos. Gruesome testimony.


USD 150 - 200

HOLOCAUST VICTIMS AT OHRDRUFLot of eight original photos, seven showing murdered prisoners laying outside the shattered buildings at Ohrdruf concentration camp, a sub-camp of Buchenwald. The camp, the first liberated by Americans, held 20,000 prisoners. These photos show hundreds of the emaciated dead, with two showing German civilians forced to exhume and properly rebury the dead.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 200 - 300

OTTO FRANK(1889 - 1980) Father of Holocaust diarist Anne Frank. Lot of three items, includes: T.L.S. on his personal letterhead, 1p. 8vo., Birsfelden, Feb. 26, 1965, a letter to the cast of an Anne Frank play: "...I do not know if you have ever read the book 'Anne Frank, A Portrait of Courage'...If not, I would advice [sic] you to try to get it from your library...You wrote that you received some information from the Anne Frankl Foundation. I hope this will stimulate your students..."; with a signature on a small card next to a German postage stamp honoring Anne Frank, and an A.N.S. of his second wife and a Holocaust survivor, FRITZI FRANK. Three pieces.


USD 150 - 200

MIEP AND JAN GIESSignatures of MIEP GIES (1909-2010) and her husband JAN GIES (1905-1993) on a 1969 U.N. commemorative postal cover. Fine. The couple were primarily responsible for hiding and protecting Anne Frank and her family.


USD 2,000 - 3,000

U.S.S. ENTERPRISE DAMAGE CONTROL OFFICER'S SWORD, SWORD BELT, HAT, AND EPAULETTESA spectacular set of articles belonging to Lt. Commander Herschel Albert Smith, Chief Damage Control Officer of the famed aircraft carrier U.S.S. ENTERPRISE. Presented here is Smith's ceremonial U.S. Navy dress sword, 30" blade, 35 1/2" overall, with the pommel, hilt, and handguard all of brass, decorated with a perforated pattern of oak branches with the initials "U S N". The quillion and D-shaped handguard are in the form of a traditional Navy "dolphin", and the top of the pommel bear a right facing eagle surrounded by thirteen stars, indicating that the sword was manufactured after 1941. The grip is white ray skin, secured with braided brass wire, and the original brass wire4 portapee is attached at the pommel. The brass shows slight verdigris in the crevices, but otherwise shows a very fine light patina. The blade is polished mirror-bright, and bears the name "Herschel A. Smith" engraved in a 3" plaque above the six-pointed star proof mark. No other maker's marks are present. The blade is engraved along two-thirds of its length with various floral motifs, anchors, a mast with sails, and the initials "U S N". The sword is housed in a 30 1/4" steel scabbard covered with black leather, with brass hanging loops and a brass chape featuring another "dolphin". The throat of the scabbard is engraved with Smith's initials "H A S". The brass fitting bear a fine patina, again with light verdigris. Present with the sword are Smith's sword belt, cocked hat, and epaulettes, all housed within a black metal case, bearing the initials "H A S" and "U.S.N." on the lid, along with a circular metal plaque, identifying the supplier as the "Wm. H. Horstmann Company, Philadelphia". The sword belt, 40 1/2" long, is black leather, decorated with navy blue and gold fabric, and featuring two fabric hanging straps with brass clasps. The buckle is of brightly-polished fire-gilt brass, and depicts an eagle and anchor within an oak wreath. Smith has scratched his name "H.A. SMITH" into the reverse of the buckle. The leather is slightly worn from use, else fine. The hat, approx. 17" x 7" x 5", is an officer's full dress bicorne, likely of black sable, with embroidered black silk edges and a black silk cockade secured by gold ribbon and a U.S. Navy seal button on the right-hand side. The front and rear bear decorations of gold-wire filigree, and the interior bears a black silk lining, with another "W. Horstmann Company" label at center. The hat bears some contact wear at the edges of the brim and the crown, with one small tear at the rear right-hand side, else very good. The epaulettes each measure approx. 7" x 5", and are constructed of finely-braided gold wire filigree mounted atop black leather and satin pads. Each epaulette bears an oak cluster, a fouled anchor, and a brass button with a U.S.Navy seal. On both epaulettes, the leather is splitting slightly along its seams, but the braided filigree remains very bright and vibrant, with no missing "fingers", insignia, or other elements. Also present within the case are two first-day covers, one celebrating the commissioning of the U.S.S. ENTERPRISE, franked aboard the ship at Norfolk on May 12, 1938, and the second celebrating the ship's posting to Pearl Harbor, franked aboard the ship at that port on November 7, 1939, as well as a souvenir card celebrating the ships 1942 Presidential Unit Citation, featuring a photograph of the ship and a facsimile of a hand-written message from the captain, S.P. Ginder, to the crew. A Wm. Horstmann-branded brush is also present within the case. As Chief Damage Control Officer, Lt. Comdr. HERSCHEL ALBERT SMITH (USNA Class of 1922) twice saved the Enterprise during two of her most bloody battles of the Pacific War. During the Battle of the Eastern Solomons on August 22, 1942, Japanese bombs blew holes in the side of the ship both above and below the waterline. Smith organized a damage control crew to stuff mattresses into the holes and reinforce the "plug" with wooden timbers. Later during the battle a Japanese bomb penetrated the stern deck and lodged in the steering mechanism, jamming the rudder and forcing the ship to steam in circles instead of heading up into the wind to receive returning fighters nearly out of fuel. Despite the searing heat, he managed to restore rudder control just in time to land the incoming fighter squadron. The ship was damaged again in the Battle of Santa Cruz in October, 1942, and again set out for NoumĂŠa, New Caledonia before another Japanese attack in the Solomons. Included with the lot is a copy of "The Big E", by Edward P. Stafford (New York: Random House), 1962, 499pp. 4to., containing a very specific account of the Battle of the Eastern Solomons and Smith's actions to save his ship. Aside from the minor condition issues mentioned above, these relics are in pristine condition, and are of museum quality and importance.


USD 2,000 - 3,000

WAFFEN-SS M44 DOT-PATTERN FIELD BLOUSEAll-original Waffen-SS M44 herringbone field blouse with dot-pattern camouflage. This field-worn garment retains the original five pebbled metal buttons which secure the blouse. Additionally, there are four deep pockets with flap closures which close with the same size and type of buttons. The sleeve cuffs close with black buttons which are hidden behind flaps of cloth so as not to catch on a weapon or machinery. The blouse is lined only at the armpits, with the right armpit bearing black ink manufacturing numbers indicating that the garment was made in 1942. There are many signs of extensive, genuine use of this blouse in the field: the right elbow is worn through, sleeve ends, pockets and the neckline show proper wear and tear, scattered small holes appear on the back, and there are old grease (and possibly blood) stains on the right sleeve.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 1,500 - 2,000

VIENNA-ISSUE PANZER JACKETBlack leather late-war pattern "panzerjacke" (tankers' jacket), size small, closed by two rows of five buttons at the front, and with ventilation holes under the arms and slit cuffs with two adjustment buttons. The interior canvas pocket is size-stamped, and also stamped "G. Nitsch Uniformfabrik", a Vienna maker. The jacket is in as-new unissued condition, as captured from the uniform depot in Vienna. Also present with the jacket, originally found placed within the pocket, are a pair of braided-silver panzer shoulder boards with pink waffenfarbe and the unit insignia "65", with unusual wood rods as fasteners. The jacket does not show any sign of shoulder boards having been attached, and it is unknown how the two articles are related. Both pieces very good to fine.


USD 1,000 - 1,500

SS SAHARIANA TROPICAL TUNICVery desirable SS "Sahariana" tropical tunic in absolutely mint, unissued condition as recovered from a clothing depot. The sand-colored twill jacket has four scallop-flap pockets on the front, and it is closed with four pebbled painted "JFS 1942" buttons, as are the pockets. The cuffs are closed with smaller Bakelite type buttons. A sand-colored BeVo national eagle and swastika are sewn to the left sleeve. Both shoulders bear black slip-on shoulder boards piped in light blue (Transport and Supply), and they are secured with split pins. There are two small buttoned pockets within, cloth ties on either side, and four sewn ventilation holes at each armpit. Various production marks are stamped in black ink in three places within the garment. A better example could not be found. Taken from a Vienna clothing depot.


USD 1,000 - 1,500

UNIFORM, RIBBONS, PINS AND RELICS OF SUBMARINE CAPT. ARTHUR F. RAWSON, JR.ARTHUR F. RAWSON (b. 1919) Career U.S. Navy officer, graduated U.S. Naval Academy 1942, Executive Officer aboard USS BOARFISH and captain, USS HAMMERHEAD from May, 1945 until the end of the war. Excecutive officer USS CAIMAN and USS GABEZON during Korean War, commander USS CONGER, later attached to NATO. An excellent grouping of material belonging to Rawson, much of it from his World War II service. Present is Rawson's captain's uniform, named to him in the pocket with maker's label from "U.S.Navy Naval Uniform Shop Brooklyn, N.Y.", fine condition with gold-plated sterling submariner's pin by maker H&H, submariner's combat pin with one riveted gold star, and fifteen mounted ribbons from World War II through Vietnam. Also included are some very significant keepsakes from Rawson's career. These include: a silver presentation napkin ring from the USS BOARFISH to Rawson, one side bearing the vessel name, a submariner's dolphins and a two-patrol combat submarine symbol, the reverse showing Rawson's name and the dates of his service aboard the sub, which included the destruction of two Japanese cargo ships; WITH a similar presentation napkin ring from his service aboard the USS HAMMERHEAD with (detached) submariner's dolphins, from his service during the sub's last war patrol which also resulted in the sinking of two ships, with a second napkin ring from the HAMMERHEAD which also has the name of the USS CONGER engraved on the reverse, with Rawson's dates of service; WITH a 2 ½" x 5" brass plate from one of the "21" SUBMERGED" torpedo tubes aboard the USS HAMMERHEAD, made by Electric Boat in Groton, Ct.; two metal plates from the submarine USS CABEZON aboard which Rawson patrolled the straits between Japan and Russia, includes a Mark 33 torpedo "ordnance alteration" plate and an air system plate. Finally, there are seven various membership cards, almost all service-related. A great grouping!


USD 1,200 - 1,500

GERMAN POLICE WRAP IN ITALIAN CAMOUFLAGEMost unusual German polizei wrap in Italian camouflage pattern. The wrap, lightly used, has a five-button front closure with a deep well pocket on the left chest. A non-com's epaulettes with one pip each are sewn to the shoulders and they show the same wear from use and washing as the rest of the wrap. The left sleeve bears a machine-sewn green cloth police patch. Within, this wrap bears various control numbers, the maker's name "Reitz", and "Po 1943 7. Kp." indicating a production date of 1943. Very light wear, else superb condition.


USD 750 - 1,000

KRIEGSMARINE OFFICER'S NON-DRESS "BROWNS" OFFICE TUNICPrivate purchase 1940 pattern light brown ribbed cotton twill Kriegsmarine tunic featuring a vertical, four button front closure and a lay down collar. The left fold back lapel has an additional buttonhole. The tunic has four pleated front pockets with scalloped button down flaps, and the right breast has two small vertical and one horizontal thread loops securing a breast eagle. The straight cut sleeves have simulated French cuffs. The tunic has small opened slashes at each shoulder seam which accommodate removable "pass-through" shoulder boards (studs on one are broken). The unlined interior has a small, white cardstock label with black print stapled in place: "F. Engel", and sizing. The closing buttons, made by Overhoff, are all the bright, fire gilt alloy type and feature a fouled anchor. The upper two pocket buttons are very good, while the lower buttons may be replacements. Some water stains at bottom (which may have affected the buttons), else very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 700 - 900

LUFTWAFFE FLAK/RGG NON-COM OFFICER'S TROPICAL TUNICA great Luftwaffe North African campaign non-commissioned officer's tropical tunic. This scarce jacket displays five painted and pebbled steel buttons for closing the jacket, with identical buttons closing the scalloped flaps on the four front pockets. Pleated sleeves also terminate in cuffs which each close with two of these same buttons, and all buttons are original. A triangular tropical Luftwaffe patch is machine-sewn above the right chest pocket. Two slip-on non-com's shoulder boards are fixed to the shoulders with the same buttons already described. An African Campaign ribbon has been sewn to the top buttonhole. Within the garment are various production stamps, including: "R.G.G. I/II", "L.B.A. (S)", and a 1942 production date. The soldier's ownership label is also sewn at the neck, but the ink has been obliterated. Overall in fine condition.


USD 700 - 900

LUFTWAFFE TROPICAL TUNICLuftwaffe tropical tunic in as-new condition, clearly unissued. The sand-colored twill jacket has four straight-flap pockets on the front which are secured with dark brown hollow-back pebbled steel buttons. The tunic front is closed with six of the same buttons. Adjustable cuffs are closed with small Bakelite buttons. Two metal belt supports are affixed to either side of the tunic, and a gray embroidered Luftwaffe eagle on twill backing has been machine-sewn to the right breast. Shoulder boards piped in yellow are secured with darker, more glossy buttons. There is a small buttoned pocket within, metal belt loops or hangers, and lining at each armpit. Various production marks are stamped in black ink in within, including the indistinguishable name of a Berlin maufacturer. Very fine. Taken from a Vienna clothing depot.


USD 750 - 900

WEHRMACHT TUNIC WITH COSSACK INSIGNIAUnissued dark green summer work uniform of herringbone tweed, with four patch pockets on the chest with flaps secured with green pebbled metal buttons. Each shoulder features a green wool slip-on shoulder strap with red piping and a double silver rank band, these also secured by a green pebbled metal button. A Bevo-style chest patch, consisting of a green and grey diamond-shaped mobile swastika between two elongated green and grey trapezoids, is sewn to the right breast. This combination of insignia was worn by Russian Cossack soldiers who volunteered to fight with the Wehrmacht following the German invasion of Russia, in part due to the heavy suppression of Cossack culture in the Soviet Union. In as-new condition.


USD 600 - 800

SS OFFICER'S GREATCOATThird Reich-era field-gray wool gabardine greatcoat, double-breasted with six green-painted pebbled metal buttons on either side, and with "slash" pockets with flap covers on either side of the waist. The collar is of green wool, and the left sleeve bears an SS silver bullion eagle patch, and each shoulder features a sewn-in lieutenant's shoulder strap, with white piping. Within, a hanging clasp for a dagger and an accompanying pocket are fitted, with a standard horizontal "slash" pocket above. The lining is a gray rayon twill, and besides some very minor staining to the shoulder straps from the securing buttons, the coat is in very good, unissued condition.


USD 700 - 800

DEUTSCHES JUNGVOLK UNIFORMMint condition jacket, pants and neckerchief issued to a member of the Deutsches Jungvolk. Includes: light brown cotton tunic with five button front closure and two pleated buttoned pockets, "Sudost Oberdonnau" shoulder triangle, Deutsches Junjvolg sleeve circle, "539" should strap with "18" fixing button, edelweiss collar pin and green whistle lanyard, an RZM cloth tag sewn into the garment; black corduroy button fly shorts, unissued with a small portion of the original paper tag attached; and black cloth neckerchief with leather slip knot. Three pieces, fine condition.


USD 600 - 800

AFRIKA KORPS NONCOM M40 TROPICAL TUNICGerman army M40 tropical tunic (first pattern) with metallic thread "AFRIKA KORPS" cuff title at the end of the right sleeve, unissued and in mint condition. A silver and gold German national eagle with swastika has been machine-sewn to the right chest, and the cloth collar tabs have likewise been machine-sewn to the garment. The green painted pebbled metal buttons are all original and all are present. Slip-on cloth shoulder boards are present, piped in red indicating attachment to a heavy artillery or flak unit, and an "oberschutze" circular sleeve patch is present on the left sleeve. Within is a buttoned first aid pocket, cloth loops, and the ink control numbers and name of noted uniform maker Wilhelm Bleyle. In near perfect condition, a depot find.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 600 - 800

ARTILLERY OFFICER'S M1937 PARADE TUNICScarce M1937 Wehrmacht officers parade tunic in superb condition. The green felt collar with red piping bears two perfect silver wire collar tabs which are also piped in red denoting the officer's assignment to an artillery regiment. Likewise, there are two sewn-in shoulder boards with red backing, each bearing the early crossed cannons of the artillery. A silver silver bullion eagle with swastika on black backing has been very carefully affixed to the right breast. The eight original silver pebbled buttons remain attached at front, and the threaded medal loops show some use. Insignia at the ends of the sleevesas well as trim and buttons on the back of the garment, as all excellent. The jacket bears a sturdy, heavy lining with sweat guards at the armpits. An ink stamp on a hem reads: "Gepruft: Lg. B H.F.S." The tunic exterior is perfect with no evidence of any damage at all.


USD 500 - 700

WAFFEN-SS M44 TROUSERSField-gray wool M44-style uniform trousers, with a four-plus-two button fly closure, angled slash pockets with buttoned flaps, a horizontal slash watch pocket, and a single seat pocket with buttoned flap. Six suspender buttons are located inside the waistband, which is stamped "SS- BW" with size information at the rear. This stamp, an abbreviation of "SS-Bekleidungswerke", indicating that it was manufactured by slave labor for the SS, most likely at the SS uniform depot at Dachau. The trousers also feature sewn-in webbing tabs at the front, on either side of the fly, and a single button with fabric ties at each leg opening. The trousers measure approx. 30" at the waist, with an overall leg measurement of 45". Very good.


USD 400 - 600

GERMAN LATE-WAR M44 NON-COM TUNICGermany army M44 non0commissioned officer's tunic, a typical late-war "rough" field-grey wool. A BeVo cloth eagle and swastika insignai is machine sewn to the right chest, and there are two slip-on shoulder boards made of the same material ale present, piped in white denoting an infantry affiliation. Gray metal buttons, all original, close the tunic, four pockets, and cuffs. Several sewn "rings" for medals are present, and they show some use. Within, the jacket is half-lined in green cotton and bears a manufacturer's stamp and size "44" stamp. One interior collar button lacking, else in excellent condition, no damage evident.


USD 500 - 600

SS M40 WINTER GREATCOATThird Reich-era field-gray wool M40 greatcoat, double-breasted with six green-painted pebbled metal buttons on either side, and with "slash" pockets with flap covers on either side of the waist. The left sleeve bears an embroidered wool SS eagle patch above n "obergefreiter" (corporal) rank triangle. Loops are fitted at the shoulders are to accept shoulder straps, although none are present. Within, a horizontal "slash" pocket is present at the left breast. Various size stamps appear inside the back left shoulder area, as well as a stamp identifying the supplier as the clothing depot at Oranienburg. The lining bears a 5" tear at the seam between the jacket and the left sleeve, else very good.


USD 400 - 500

R.A.F. SQUADRON LEADER R. G. B. PUGH UNIFORM GROUPR.A.F. Flight Officer R. G. B. Pugh's uniform group. Included is Pugh's tunic bearing flat service-issue wings and sleeve insignia showing his promotion to Squadron Leader. Pugh's medal ribbon bars below the pilot's wings show the award of the 1939-1945 Star, the Africa Star, clasp for North Africa 1942-43, Italy Star, and Defence Medal. Within, the tailor's label is named to "F/O R.G.B. Pugh". This early tunic has an all-cotton lining with white cotton lined sleeves and a first aid pocket, and it is constructed of light grey early war cotton. Very large bottom pockets are another indication of an early tunic. The uniform trousers are also present and bear Pugh's name. Pugh's 11 ½" x 4 Ÿ" cap with insignia is included, as is his necktie. Provenance: The War Museum.


USD 400 - 500

LUFTWAFFE LEATHER FLIGHT SUITGerman Luftwaffe leather one piece flight suit, exterior comprised of several sections of starched heavy dark brown leather, the interior green wool. One small tear at the collar, otherwise the leather is completely intact with no other tears and all tabs present. All zippers (chest, legs, pockets and sleeves) are present. The chest zipper lacks three teeth at bottom but could be re-started, other zippers are intact but need to be loosened. In much better condition than usually seen.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 300 - 400

GERMAN OFFICER'S BROWN LEATHER OVERCOATGerman military officer's full-length brown leather jacket, double-breasted with five ersatz leather buttons secured with "S" rings. Slash pockets are located at the sides and they have with straight flaps, and false French cuffs appear at the ends of the sleeves. There are also two black mility-type pebbled button at the neck, along with a snap-on strap to close the neck against inclement weather. The belt to the jacket is folded and attached on the back, and it too has two black metal bottons. Within, the dagger pocket retains its hanger ring and a snap-closing hanger strap is fitted within as well. The rayon liner shows plenty of use, especially at the bottom where a field repair was made to a long tear. The leather to this large-sized coat, though distressed, shows no holes nor tears and could be easily restored.


USD 200 - 300

(ZEMKE'S WOLF PACK) ARMY AIR FORCE A-4 FLYING SUITAmerican aviator's olive drab A-4 flight suit, issued to a member of "Zemke's Wolf Pack", the 56th Fighter Group. These flight suits were introduced in the 1930's and were standard issue throughout the early years of the war, up to 1940. Label inside the collar identifies it as being a size 42, and property of the US Army Air Force. In very good condition. From the extensive collection of 62nd Fighter Squadron, 56th Fighter Group ace FRED J. CHRISTENSON (1921-2006). Christenson collected these items during his service with "Zemke's Wolf Pack", the nickname given the famous 56th Fighter Group. Hubert A. "Hub" Zemke commanded the group, composed of P-47s which closely escorted American bombers. While under Zemke's command (he would later be captured), the 56th FG claimed over 500 of the eventual 665.5 German aircraft the group destroyed. Christenson himself shot down 21.5 aircraft, once downing six planes in less than two minutes. With a copy of a reunion flyer, patch, and paperwork from the 2006 sale of Christenson's collection.


USD 150 - 200

(ZEMKE'S WOLF PACK) ARMY AIR FORCE A-4 FLYING SUITAmerican aviator's olive drab A-4 flight suit, issued to a member of "Zemke's Wolf Pack", the 56th Fighter Group. These flight suits were introduced in the 1930's and were standard issue throughout the early years of the war, up to 1940. Label inside the collar identifies it as being a size 42, and property of the US Army Air Force. In very good condition. From the extensive collection of 62nd Fighter Squadron, 56th Fighter Group ace FRED J. CHRISTENSON (1921-2006). Christenson collected these items during his service with "Zemke's Wolf Pack", the nickname given the famous 56th Fighter Group. Hubert A. "Hub" Zemke commanded the group, composed of P-47s which closely escorted American bombers. While under Zemke's command (he would later be captured), the 56th FG claimed over 500 of the eventual 665.5 German aircraft the group destroyed. Christenson himself shot down 21.5 aircraft, once downing six planes in less than two minutes. With a copy of a reunion flyer, patch, and paperwork from the 2006 sale of Christenson's collection.


USD 200 - 300

29TH INFANTRY DIVISION "D-DAY" TUNICA great D-Day related soldier's dress "Ike" jacket bears patches and other identification tying the owner, a Technical Specialist 5 rank, to the 29th Infantry Div., 466th Quartermaster Batt. and the famous "Red Ball Express". The uniform also bears a patch for a Meritorious Unity citation and overseas stripes showing 2 1/2 years abroad. This soldier would have been involved in clearing the beach on D-Day and afterwards, establishing the beachhead, and later working in support of the 1st Allied Expeditionary Force. Fine.


USD 150 - 200

ADOLF HITLER SCHOOL MARINE HJ WORK PANTSTwo pairs of white cotton/rayon work pants, marked size 11 and 12. Both pairs feature naval-style openings, with a large flap in the front secured by four metal buttons, with additional buttons connecting the trousers to the wearer's shirt. A cotton lace is present at the rear to adjust the fit. One pair features a black cloth RZM tag, while the other bears the inked name "Radomski". Both pairs are stamped "AHS" (for "Adolf Hitler Schule") in black ink. Both bear some soiling and staining with age wear, else very good.


USD 200 - 300

ADOLF HITLER SCHOOL MARINE HJ WORK PANTSTwo pairs of white cotton/rayon work pants, marked size 11 and 12. Both pairs feature naval-style openings, with a large flap in the front secured by four metal buttons, with additional buttons connecting the trousers to the wearer's shirt. A cotton lace is present at the rear to adjust the fit. One pair features a black cloth RZM tag, while the other bears the inked name "Radomski". Both pairs are stamped "AHS" (for "Adolf Hitler Schule") in black ink. Both bear some soiling and staining with age wear, else very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 250 - 350

AFRIKA KORPS DAK M1940 OFFICER'S FIELD TROUSERSGerman Army Afrika Korps DAK M1940 tropical officer's field trousers, olive brown with a tapered-leg cut, built-in belt with front buckle, watch pocket with chain hanger, high waist, right rear pocket, slash pockets and metal dish buttons. Legs bear cotton cloth ties. Interior is unlined and bears several stamped ink manufacturing and control numbers. Mint, unissued condition. Taken from a Vienna clothing depot.


USD 150 - 250

AVIREX AMERICAN CAMPAIGNS G-2 JACKET (REPRO)AVIREX American Campaigns 1941-1953 Type G-2 345th Air Bombardment Group "Air Apaches" flight jacket. The body of the jacket is wool blend and the sleeves are distressed leather. The zip up jacket has three slant slit pockets with a zippered chest pocket. The "Indian" patch on the left sleeve is painted and embroiderd leather sewn onto the garment. The bases and targets on the back of the jacket are all embroidered. Size large. Some pilling to the wool easily remedied, interior lightly worn, and zipper needs a pull tab only, otherwise in very good condition.


USD 150 - 200

BUND DEUTSCHER MADEL JACKETBDM member's brown velveteen "kletterjacke" (climbing jacket), featuring four chest pockets with buttoned flap closures, with a fifth hidden away inside, and five buttons securing the front. The garment bears an embroidered cloth Hitler Youth insignia patch on the left sleeve. The lining of the jacket bears several large holes and tears, else very good.


USD 200 - 300

BUND DEUTSCHER MADEL WINTER UNIFORMExcellent BDM member's uniform, includes a brown velveteen "kletterjacke" (climbing jacket), size 44, with a "Ka-Ha-El Kleidung" manufacturer's label inside the collar. The jacket features four pockets with buttoned flap closures on the front, with a fifth pocket hidden away inside. A black triangular cloth region patch with the white embroidered legend "Sudost Karnten" is present on the left sleeve, above an embroidered cloth Hitler Youth patch. A white cloth label with an inked serial number is present inside the hem. Some brown composition buttons bear cracks, else very good to fine. Also present are a light blue short-sleeved cotton blouse and a navy blue wool knee-length skirt with two seat pockets, both bearing buttons marked "BDM JM". One button has detached from the blouse, but is present, else very good.


USD 150 - 200

GERMAN OFFICER'S WOOL BREECHESGray wool officer's breeches, likely a private purchase, legs tapering to zippered ankle closures with German-made "Eclair" zippers. Tab-adjusted waist with four button and hook-and-catch closure, two slash pockets close with light brown buttons, buttoned rear pocket and a watch pocket. Partially lined at top in beige cotton and rayon, shows obvious use. Overall very good.


USD 150 - 250

GERMAN TWILL MILITARY FIELD TROUSERSA pair of unidentified German military field trousers, a light-weight beige twill in a straight leg pattern, probably for tropical use. Two buttoned pockets with flaps are present at front, one buttoned pocket on rear. Six button fly, along with two pull-type tightening tabs at the waist. The interior is unlined, and it bears ink productions numbers with the maker's name: "JOH. MOLLER". Lightly soiled, unissued condition. Taken from a Vienna clothing depot.


USD 150 - 200

THIRD REICH UNIFORM ACCOUTREMENTSGood group of three Third Reich-era uniform accoutrements, includes: Black cotton Hitler Youth neckerchief, approx. 50" x 21", with a black fabric RZM tag bearing the HJ insignia, and an original woven leather slider; black leather cross strap, approx. 32" long, with pebbled metal adjustment buckle and RZM-marked clasps at each end; and a leather and silver bullion Heer sword portapee, 16 3/4" long, with red and silver thread accents, split in four places along the strap and held together by the silver thread. All pieces good to very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 150 - 200

HITLER YOUTH ATHLETIC SHIRTHeavy cotton Hitler Youth sports shirt, the red and white trim and swastika being separate pieces of trim which were applied to the white sports shirt. Soiled, easily cleaned.


USD 150 - 200

HITLER YOUTH ATHLETIC SHIRTWhite cotton sleeveless Hitler Youth athletic shirt, 23" shoulder to hem, with a printed red-and-white band and an applied cloth Hitler Youth mobile swastika in the center of the chest. The inside of the hem bears a cloth RZM tag and a small tag giving the size "43". Lightly soiled and stained, with some adhesive residue from display, else very good.


USD 150 - 200

HITLER YOUTH ATHLETIC SHIRTWhite cotton sleeveless athletic shirt, approx. 21 1/5" x 13", with two printed red bands encircling the chest, and a sewn diamond swastika patch in the center. The hem bears a small size "3" label. With expected age toning, else very good.


USD 200 - 300

HITLER YOUTH ATHLETIC SHIRTSGroup of two sleeveless Hitler youth athletic shirts, both of white cotton with printed red bands encircling the chest. One bears a sewn-on diamond-shaped swastika patch in the center of the chest, while the other lacks this patch, indicating that it likely went unissued. Both garments bear fabric RZM tags sewn inside the hem. The issued shirt also bears a manufacturer's tag inside the collar. The issued shirt bears some soiling and stains, while the unissued shirt is nearly fine.


USD 150 - 200

HITLER YOUTH ATHLETIC SHORTSLot of two pairs of black cotton Hitler Youth athletic shorts, each with an elastic waistband and a single rear pocket. One features a paper RZM label, which also bears the Hitler Youth logo. Fine.


USD 150 - 200

HITLER YOUTH FOUL WEATHER PONCHORare Hitler Youth foul weather poncho, gold cloth with an oil cloth backing, 45" long from the top of the collar to the end of the jacket. Four brown pebbled metal buttons held with split rings secure the front, and the same type of buttons are used to secure the arm openings in this sleeveless garment. Worn with some scattered holes, especially at the top of the collar, but still entirely presentable. A very hard-to-find H.J. clothing article.


USD 250 - 350

HITLER YOUTH FOUL-WEATHER PONCHORare Hitler Youth foul weather poncho, rich brown cloth with an oil cloth backing, 45" long from the top of the collar to the end of the jacket. Three smooth brown composite buttons held with miniature paperboard buttons secure the front, and the same type of buttons are used to secure the arm openings in this sleeveless garment. The verso of each button bears an RZM stamp. The back of the garment features a series of straps beneath a flap on the shoulders that would allow the garment to be rolled up for easy storage. Bears a cloth label inside the collar, with Hitler Youth and RZM logos, identifying the garment as an "H.J. Regenumhang" ("Hitler Youth Rain Cape"), manufactured by Gieral. Very slightly worn at the lower back, else as-new. A very hard-to-find H.J. clothing article, especially in this condition.


USD 150 - 200

HITLER YOUTH SWIM TRUNKSRare pair of black cotton Hitler Youth swim shorts with white trim, 30" waist with white ties. The rear of the suit bears a black cloth tag with the Roman numeral "IV" Some adhesive residue, likely from display, else very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 300 - 400

HITLER YOUTH TROUSERSThree pairs of black wool jodhpur-style trousers, with waist adjustment straps and laces at the leg openings. All feature black composite "HJ DJ" buttons at the fly and pockets. Two are unmarked, but the third bears a black fabric RZM label and a "Sporthaus Ortlepp" manufacturers label. All are very good.


USD 150 - 200

SWEATER WITH HITLER YOUTH SHOULDER PATCHNavy blue sweater, with a neck opening secured by three black composite buttons. A pocket is sewn into the inside of the left breast. The left sleeve bears a Hitler Youth diamond insignia patch, and the collar bears a label marked "Impragniert und Diazofarbig". Bears two small holes in the left sleeve, and a third small hole at the right breast, else very good.


USD 100 - 150

U.S. NAVAL AVIATOR'S DRESS UNIFORMWorld War II-era navy blue wool U.S. Navy dress uniform jacket and trousers. The jacket bears gold bullion Naval Aviator's wings on the left breast, with gold Lt. Commander's insignia on both cuffs. The inside pocket bears a manufacturer's label from "Corry Uniforms - White & White" in Pensacola, while a label inside the pocket bears the name of the owner and size 38-regular. The double-breasted jacket bears six Navy eagle buttons. The trousers include their original webbed belt, and bear no markings. Both pieces fine.


USD 200 - 300

U.S. NAVAL AVIATOR'S FLYING SUITKhaki cotton one-piece flying suit, bearing a fabric label sewn into the collar, marking it as a size 40L, with the designation: "Suits, Flying, Summer Bu. Aero. U.S. Navy Specification M-426A", manufactured by Royal Airsuit, Inc. The right ankle zipper is broken, and the left thigh area shows a period repair, else very good.


USD 60 - 80

U.S. NAVY ENLISTED MACHINIST'S MATE UNIFORMDark blue wool U.S. Navy winter dress uniform, with a "ruptured duck" patch bearing the rank insignia of a Machinist's Mate, Third Class on the left shoulder. The outline of an anchor has been stitched inside the collar in yellow thread with a small hidden pocket in the center. A second hidden pocket with zipper closure is located inside the right breast. The jumper is accompanied by a pair of dark blue wool dress pants, with the front flap secured by 14 black composite buttons, all decorated with an anchor. The trousers feature two hip pockets, one with zipper closure, and are laced in the rear. Also present is a dark blue wool Navy flat hat, with a tally ribbon bearing the legend "U.S. Navy" in green. The initials "WJP" are punched out on the sweatband. The three pieces are very good to fine.


USD 150 - 200

U.S. NAVY LIEUTENANT UNIFORM, BRIDGE COAT, AND VISORComplete World War II uniform for a Lieutenant in the United States Navy, includes: Visor cap, marked size 7 1/8, manufactured under the "Zephyr" brand by Bancroft. The sweat shield is marked as being sold by All-Bilt Uniforms of New York, and bears an label identifying the owner as Lt. (JG) D.W. Summerhayes of the United States Naval Reserve. The visor itself bears an oak leaf pattern in bullion, with a metal United States Navy badge at the front. WITH: United States Navy dress uniform jacket, double-breasted with six gilt buttons with USN insignia at front. The cuffs each bear three bullion stripes with a star, indicating a rank of Commander. Within, the jacket bears the maker's label of the Barry Mowery Co. of Detroit, with a fabric label within the inside pocket identifying the owner as J.T, Lauder. A pair of shoulder boards, bearing the same rank insignia, are located within the pocket. WITH: United States navy dress uniform trousers, unmarked but for several laundry stamps within. WITH: United States Navy bridge coat, with a metal oak cluster badge at each shoulder, again indicating the rank of commander. All pieces very good to fine.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 200 - 300

WEHRMACHT "FRANKENSTEIN" WINTER OVERBOOTSLarge pair of "Frankenstein"-style felt and leather overboots with wooden soles, designed to be used by Wehrmacht sentries in winter weather, The boots are designed to fit over the standard-issue leather boots, and are secured by two buckles on each. The wooden soles of each are fitted with hobnails at the toe and heel for added traction, and are size-stamped "28 R" or "L" on the instep. A maker's label is sewn into the top of each boot, although the name is indistinct. Some wear and stiffness to the leather, else very good.


USD 100 - 150

WEHRMACHT-STYLE MILITARY BOOTSA pair of black leather jackboots, size marked "8" on the sole with the brand name "Luxoliet", of the type worn by soldiers throughout the Wehrmacht and SS, although these boots lack markings specifically linking them to those branches. Metal plates are fitted to the heel and toe of each. Some mummification to the leather, else very good.


USD 40 - 60

WORLD WAR II ARMY AIR CORPS UNIFORMArmy Air Corps O.D. wool shirt and pants ID'd to one C. M. Roach. Moderate moth nips to shirt. From the personal collection of World War II and Civil War historian Michael Miner.


USD 100 - 150

REENACTOR'S JAPANESE NAVY LANDING FORCES PETTY OFFICER'S CAP AND JACKETReproduction I.J.N. landing force officer's jacket and visor cap, fine condition and ideal for use in a display.


USD 3,000 - 4,000

GERMAN GENERAL'S M43 WINTER CAPGerman army general's M43 with bullion eagle and cockade. The cap features gold crown piping joined at the rear with an officer's aluminum eagle and bullion cockade which was standard for general ranks up until January, 1943. This cap is constructed of heavyweight high-quality doeskin wool and has matching gold pebbled aluminum buttons. The interior is lined with green-gray, ribbed artificial silk, with size "57" stamped in gold. In near mint condition inside and out.


USD 2,500 - 3,500

WAFFEN-SS PANZER CAPAllgemeine-SS cap used by Waffen-SS Panzer forces. A very rare SS cap, used for only a very short time until the M40 cap came was issued with with the BeVo skull. This originally was originally issued as an M34 Allgemeine-SS cap but the side eagle was removed and a Waffen-SS eagle was sewn to the front. The aluminum button is RZM 1194/40 SS-marked on the reverse. The cap is otherwise textbook in every way, generally associated with SS Panzer troops and originals are especially rare.


USD 1,500 - 2,000

GERMAN CAVALRY OFFICER'S "CRUSHER" VISOR WITH TRADITIONS BADGEGerman army "crusher"-type cavalry visor, blue wool body with black side band, both trimmed with yellow piping. The cap bears a slightly-puckered flexible black leather visor with an officer's double braided metallic chin strap secured to the visor with two silver pebbled aluminum buttons. The front of the cap bears a sewn embroidered metallic eagle emblem with aluminum cockade which is likewise surrounded by silver bullion oak leaves. Between the two, the visor's owner placed a brass Prussian "traditions" pin. Within, the cap is lined in gray rayon with a brown leather sweatband, lacks the celluloid sweat protector. In overall fine condition.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 1,600 - 2,000

GERMAN OCCUPIED TERRITORIES SENIOR OFFICIAL'S VISOR HATVery rare Reichs Ministry of the Occupied Eastern Territories (R.M.B.O.) senior official's visor hat. This hat was worn by governing officials of German occupied Poland and other eastern territories. It bears the stylistic gilt all-metal national eagle insignia and matching metal oak leaf wreath, with a more subdued metal cockade at center. All insignia appear to be entirely original to the hat. The medium brown wool body has a darker brown felt side band, and both are piped in gold cloth. A gold acetate chin cord (possibly replacing the original) is fitted just above the slightly worn vulcanized fiber visor. The outside of the cap is largely free of any faults, and the inside, lined in gold rayon, shows extensive soiling and wear and tear consistent with a very long period of use. The RMBO administered many of the worst criminal activities occurring in the occupied territories.


USD 1,200 - 1,400

GERMAN POLIZEI M43 WITH EDELWEISS INSIGNIAGerman polizei M43 wool cap, heavy wool body with hexagonal patch with national eagle and cockade sewn to the front of the cap. A period patch has been sewn to the right side of the cap which was apparently damaged by a burn at some point in time. The left side of the cap bears a silver and gold edelweiss emblem stitiched to the hat in five places. Within, the sweatband shows much wear from use but remains completely intact, as is the lining. Stamped with size by maker "E. J. Trimborn".


USD 900 - 1,000

EARLY GAULEITUNG-LEVEL PARTY LEADER'S VISOR CAPVery early NSDAP Gau level political leader's visor hat. The hat is piped in crimson red with a light brown wool top with several moth holes at rear, and with a brown felt side band. An early wide gilt political eagle and wreathed swastika cockade are affixed at front. Gold wire bullion chin cords are affixed at the sides with two pebbled gold buttons; the the cords remain in very good condition. The leather visor shows only slight surface cracking due to age. The interior is lined in brown polished cotton and is marked size "58". The leather sweatband is intact and bears punctures spelling the owner's name: "LANG". Unmarked celluloid sweat shield is present and intact. Rare.


USD 700 - 800

WEHRMACHT OFFICER'S M43 CAPM43 "bergmutze" cap, marked size 56 within the crown, constructed of grey-green wool with a green trapezoidal felt patch affixed to the peak which is embroidered with a national eagle in white thread above a red-white-and black roundel. The crown is bordered with silver wire piping, expertly joined at the rear, and the two side panels are joined at the front by two green painted pebbled buttons. The leather sweatband is split at both temples, else very good.


USD 700 - 800

EARLY BAHNSCHUTZ OFFICER'S VISOR CAPEarly Bahnschutz (railroad security) officer's visor hat. This rare hat has the first pattern officer's insignia which has a smaller and thinner wreath. The hat has red crown and cap band piping and a dark blue wool upper body. The blue upper body displays light mothing but is otherwise very good. The cap band is black silk, and is very good but for a frayed spot at the back of the cap. The aluminum chin cords are of the standard officer variety and are very slightly worn near the ends, otherwise very good. The interior is lined with orange oilcloth and stamped "Reichsbahnschutz" and with size 56. The sweatband is coated paper and is torn in a few places. Overall very good.


USD 700 - 800

S.A. WEHRMANNSCHAFTEN CAP ALPENLANDExcessively rare S.A. Wehrmannschaften M-43 cap for the SA Alpenland/Donau group. This unusual hat is found in limited numbers as it was issued only to S.A. home guard troops. The cap features salmon pink front and upper side material with a matching salmon pink square to which an Edelweiss is applied. Two silver pebbled buttons hold the side panels at front, the silvering largely gone. There is a single size "56" stamp on the interior cotton lining. Overall very good to fine.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 700 - 800

EARLY ORTS-LEVEL POLITICAL LEADER'S VISOR CAPEarly "Orts" level political leaders visor cap with RZM tag. The light brown cotton cap is piped in blue and has 1935 insignia: the short-winged larger gilt party eagle and swastika cockade. The tan upper body shows normal age and wear with a small tear on right side and a small insect hole at front. The gold bullion chin cords are attached to the darker brown side band with gold pebbled buttons. This brown velvet band was added just after the velvet band was mandated, making this the earliest visor hat bearing that velvet band. The brown lacqured leather visor is a bit crazed but still entirely acceptable. Under the folds on each side are two grommets for added air circulation. The interior is lined with gold yellow polished cotton. The diamond sweatshield is present and unmarked. The leather sweatband, torn in a few places, covers an early style white RZM tag sewn within. Overall very good.


USD 600 - 800

FORESTRY OFFICIAL'S VISOR CAPForestry officer's visor hat by Cottbus constructed of dark green gabardine with dark green piping. This hat features a hand- embroidered aluminum wire kokarde on the green wool side band, and the short-winged political style eagle retains virtually all of the original frosting. The aluminum officer's chin cords are secured to the cap by pebbled aluminum buttons. The top and underside of the black visor are in as-new condition. The interior features the maker's name "Cottbus" on the celluloid sweat diamond. The sweatband is artificial leather using pressed paper, and it was torn at the front and bears a contemporary repair. The lining is artificial silk and displays light wear.


USD 600 - 700

PIONIER OFFICER'S "CRUSHER" VISOR CAPScarce Wehrmacht Pionier officer's "crusher" visor cap, grey-green tricot upper with black piping, with gray wool side bands. Black visor is in fine condition with no damage whatsoever, the underside showing the expected cross-hatching. The interior is lined with pale yellow rayon with intact celluloid shied which covers the marking: "Offizier Kleiderklasse Berlin Sonderklasse Extra", with the gray leather sweatband stamped by maker "EREL". A few miniscule moth nips to the upper, else very good.


USD 500 - 600

LUFTWAFFE OFFICER'S M43 FIELD CAPLuftwaffe officer's M43 hat with two-piece hand-sewn embroidered insignia. The aluminum factory-applied crown piping is fine and butts perfectly at the rear of the cap. The fold-down side panels are joined by two enlisted pebbled aluminum buttons. The exterior Luftwaffe blue wool is in excellent condition being free of any damage. The interior is lined with blue-gray cotton rayon fabric. The lining has separated from the bottom edge of the hat in several areas revealing the underlying material. There is an officer's partial leather sweatband at the front that displays light contemporary wear from use. The lining is stamped size 58, with additional stamped and handwritten marks which are illegible. Overall very good, clearly a late-war hat.


USD 500 - 600

EARLY GERMAN SIGNALS NCO/ENLISTED VISOR CAPEarly German army "Nachtrichten" (signals) NCO or enlisted man's visor hat, unit marked. The hat features a lemon yellow crown and cap band piping indicating attachment to a signals unit. The upper body is high quality doeskin wool is in excellent condition displaying normal wear and age and no moth damage. The insignia is matching early nickel silver. The dark green wool felt side band is likewise free of mothing. The interior is lined with copper brown artificial silk at the crown showing some sweat stains. The celluloid sweat diamond is incomplete and maker mark present faded with age. The leather sweatband is complete and free of separations. The underside of the sweatband is unit stamped with "Gepruft 3/NA"


USD 500 - 600

"PRIVATBAHNEN" GERMAN RAILWAY VISOR CAPScarce "Privatbahnen" visor cap, worn by an employee of any railway in Germany not controlled by the federal government, including connector lines and commuter lines. This peaked cap has a midnight blue body and black side band, all piped in red. At front is a gold-toned pin showing wings, a railway wheel, swastika, and arrows, beneath which is a gold metal cockade surrounded by gold laurel leaf wreaths. A black patent leather chin strap is attached to gold buttons just above a black celluloid visor. Within is a leather sweatband with light orange liner bearing the maker's gold imprinted name and city: "Heinz Ruhe Katernburg". Near fine condition.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 150 - 200

AMERICAN VISOR CAPSGood group of three World War II-era American military visor caps. The first features a cover of taupe cotton with a brass national eagle badge at the front, and is marked beneath the sweat shield as being manufactured by the Knox company of New York under the "Superfine" brand name. The sweat band is degrades at the front, exposing the underlying wicker structure, with the leather bill splitting ,else very good. The second features a cover of brown wool, with a brass eagle cap badge at the front, with an indistinct manufacturer's mark inside. The wool cover bears moderate moth damage, else very good. The final cap is a "crusher" type, with a dark green wool cover, marked beneath the sweat shield as being manufactured by Berkshire Caps. No insignia is present at the front. Three pieces.


USD 450 - 550

ARMY PIONIER OFFICER'S VISOR CAPArmy Pionier officer's visor hat by Erel. This hat features the black crown and cap band piping denoting issuance to a Pionier. The hat's aluminum officer's chin cords remain taut and are attached to the dark green wool felt side band with two pebbled aluminum buttons. The body is in very good condition with only a tiny moth nip at rear and slight "ring wear". The interior is lined with gold-yellow artificial silk. The celluloid sweat diamond is bears only single small crack. The Erel rhomboid sweatshield is marked "Ideal". The original owner's name "Friedrich" remains inserted in the sweatshield. The complete leather sweatband shows regular use.


USD 300 - 400

BAHNSCHUTZ M43 FIELD CAPGerman railway police ("Bahnschutz") M43 field cap constructed of gray wool. A metal national eagle is affixed with a pin at front, just above a cloth cockade patch. A metal edelweiss badge also has been sewn to the left side of the cap. As always, two side flaps are present, and these meet at the front where their ends are secured by two small silver pebbled buttons. The rear of the cap shows some staining, and the front buttons have transferred a little oxidation to the cloth beneath them, but no other exterior damage is evident. The light blue cloth liner is torn throughout but still holding up. Estimated accordingly.


USD 200 - 300

BRITISH SAS BERETBrown wool beret, approx. 10" dia., with an olive-green padded cotton interior, and two grommet holes at the rear. The front bears a wool embroidered patch bearing the insignia of the British Army's Special Air Service, a winged sword with a banner bearing the motto: "Who Dares Wins". The interior lining bears a faint diamond-shaped maker's stamp, of which only the date "1945" and the British "Broad Arrow" property mark are discernible. The size stamp "58" is also present outside of the diamond. The exterior wool bears one tear at the rear, and two or three moth nips at the crown, with some interior soiling, else very good. The SAS was founded in 1941, and was originally intended to be a commando unit operating behind enemy lines in North Africa. Their successes there prompted the formation of additional units to operate in Europe, as well as Free French, Belgian and Greek SAS units.


USD 300 - 400

DEUTSCHE REICHSPOST KEPI HATDeutsche Reichspost kepi-style hat. A rare hat with medium-blue wool body, piped in orange along the side panels, crown, and bottom. The kepi-style construction is offset by a vulcanized fiber visor which is very good. A short-winged aluminum state eagle is affixed above the bakelite cockade which secures the two side panels at front. The interior is lined with orange oil cloth and the sweatband is made of pressed paper. The sweat diamond displays the maker’s name “Alkero” and the size 57 ½ is shown on the diamond.


USD 150 - 200

FRENCH INFANTRY KEPIDark blue wool kepi, trimmed with red piping around the crown and a gold bullion "shell and flame" insignia at the front. A gold decorative chin strap is also present at the front, and the hat is lined inside with faded red ruched silk. The sides of the kepi are rigid, dating it to the mid 1930's to 1940's. Half of the leather sweat band is missing, and some wear is visible on the visor and extremities, else very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 400 - 500

GERMAN "TRUPPENSONDERDIENST" OFFICER'S VISOR HATGerman "Special Troop Service" ("Truppensonderdienst" or TSD) officer's visor cap with dark blue crown and medium blue piping. Formed in 1944 to draw officials into the Wehrmacht where entrants automatically assumed officer ranks, the TSD was an Administrational and Judicial branch and its late formation clearly dates this rare cap. This is an example with a gray wool body and dark green side band. Bullion national eagle and oak leaf insignia have been professionally applied to the hat, along with an aluminum cockade fitted at the center of the wreath. The silver wire chin cords are in fine condition, and are attached to silver-painted pebbled buttons at either side. The black vulkan fiber visor, cross-hatched on the underside, is nearly flawless. The upper gray body of this hat shows some slight moth damage and light even staining, though both barely detract. Within, the hat shows ovious signs of heavy genuine use: the leather sweat band is worn and stained, and the yellow liner is heavily soiled and worn from use. The original sweatshield has long been lost. A rare cap!


USD 400 - 500

GERMAN ARMY SIGNALS VISOR CAPArmy signals ("nachtrichten") NCO/enlisted man's visor cap with gray-green body and dark green side band, both piped in yellow indicating the wearer's attachment to a signals unit. The matching wehrmacht eagle and kokarde are of the the standard aluminum variety. The ribbed tricot wool material is in very good condition having minor mothing that does not detract from the overall appearance of the hat. The green felt wool side band is free of mothing. The patent leather chin is almost free of any wear or crazing. The interior of the cap is of copper brown cotton fabric and has a size 55 stamp. The original celluloid sweat diamond is missing. The artificial leather sweatband is made of oilcloth and shows wear from use. Overall very good.


USD 400 - 500

GERMAN CUSTOM'S OFFICER'S M43 CAPLand Customs ("Landzoll") officer's winter M43 cap. This "bergmutze" bears a gray-green body with dark green crown piping characteristic of the customs service. A silver flatwire eagle and cockade cloth insignia affixed to the front of the cap denotes an officer rank. The two side panels are joined in the front by a single light brown button. The exterior is free of mothing and stains, but there is a single moth nip on the underside of the visor. The interior is heavily quilted for warmth with black cotton/rayon fabric and is stamped by maker "August Schellenberg", also with size "57" and is dated "1942" as well. A full leather sweatband is in perfect condition. Rare.


USD 300 - 400

GERMAN CUSTOMS ENLISTED MAN'S VISOR CAPGerman Customs enlisted man's visor cap, gray-green wool body with dark green side band. The hat is piped in dark green which also denotes the wearer's customs affiliation. The stylized customs eagle and wreath are aluminum, the wreath encircling a standard aluminum cockade. The upper hat body has a couple of very minor moth nips near the top front crown which do not detract appreciably from the overall appearance. The dark green wool felt capband is in excellent condition being free of any damage. The black patent leather chin strap shows normal age crazing in a few places, and is size stamped "56 ½". The full leather sweatband is unmarked and shows light use. Overall very good.


USD 450 - 550

GERMAN NCO/ENLISTED MAN'S M43 FIELD CAPAbsolutely mint condition NCO/enlisted ranks M43 "einheitsfeldmutze" hat. This hat features factory machine-sewn trapezoid national eagle and cockade insignia at front. The field gray wool body is in mint un-issued condition, and under the fold-down side panels are the strips of rayon intended as pass-throughs for the panels when folded down to protect the ears from the cold. The interior is fully lined with green/gray rayon, stamped with the size "58". Very fine.


USD 450 - 550

GERMAN TRANSPORT OFFICER'S VISOR CAP WITH EDELWEISSGerman Army tranport officer’s visor hat with edelweiss. This cap has a gray-green wool body with very dark green side band, piped in the "waffenfarb" blue of a transport officer. The hat bears a combination of a metal eagle and edelweiss affixed to the front, just above a bullion-wreathed cockade on dark green felt backing which has been sewn to the cap. All the insignia match in age tone and wear. The officer's chin cords are the later rayon variety and are attached to silver pebbled buttons at the sides. The upper wool body and green felt cap band are free of mothing and stains. There is one miniscule nip on the front crown piping which does not detract. The interior displays a complete triangular celluloid sweat diamond with the size 58 ½ stamped beneath the diamond which is affixed to the gold rayon lining commonly seen in officer's visors. The lining shows normal soiling caused by contemporary wear. The brown leather sweat band also shows wear and remains supple.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 200 - 300

GERMAN VETERANS' ASSOCIATION VISOR CAPGerman Veterans' Association ("Soldatenbund") enlisted man's visor hat. The dark blue wool hat features the Soldatenbund eagle with crossed swords, Iron Cross and swastika pinned at front, just above an aluminum cockade and oak leaf wreath and the central iron cross in the eagle. The sideband shows alternating images of the organization's emblem and a mobile swastika. The black leather chinstrap is secured to the capband with two black enameled buttons. Within, the cap is lined with purple cloth which also bears the Soldatenbund emblem, and a paper tag under the leather sweatband indicates official issue by that organization. Rare and near mint.

680: HEER M43 CAP

USD 150 - 200

HEER M43 CAPGray-green wool M43 cap, with the ear flaps secured at the front by two olive-green plastic buttons. The cap bears no insignia, but it is stamped as being made by G. Kettler or Keffler, Berlin, 1944. It is also size-stamped "62". Maker's name somewhat indistinct, else fine.


USD 150 - 200

HITLER YOUTH CAPScarce navy blue wool Hitler Youth cap, 11" long, marked within in ink: "H. Schmidt VI Schotten". Three small moth holes, else very good.


USD 200 - 300

HITLER YOUTH CAPBrown cotton garrison-style cap, 10 1/4" long, with a brown silk lining, red piping around the crown, and a sewn cloth Hitler Youth insignia on the front. The inside of the cap bears a cloth RZM label, identifying the piece as a "summer cap". Slight soiling, else very good to fine.


USD 200 - 300

HITLER YOUTH CAPBrown wool Hitler Youth garrison-style cap, approx. 11" x 4", with red piping encirling the crown, and with an embroidered HJ diamond insignia at front. The interior bears a printed RZM tag, and is size-stamped "53. Fine.


USD 200 - 300

HITLER YOUTH FIELD CAPDark blue wool field cap, with a stiff bill and ear flaps secured at the front with a metal buckle. The front of the cap bears an enameled red and white HJ insignia pin, with an RZM stamp on the verso and the mark "M1/100", indicating that it was manufactured by Werner Redo of Saarlautern. The inside of the cap features light blue silk lining, stamped with the name of the maker: "G. Kramer, Frankfurt am Main, Steinweg 12". The three-piece leather sweat band is mummified and flaking, and the piece bears expected wear, else very good.


USD 250 - 350

HITLER YOUTH FIELD CAPDark blue wool field cap, with a stiff bill and ear flaps secured at the front with a metal buckle. The front of the cap bears an enameled red and white HJ insignia, secured by split pins, with an RZM stamp on the verso and the mark "M1/13", indicating that it was manufactured by L. Christian Lauer of Nuremberg. The cap features a padded cotton liner, which is stamped with the image of a skier within a diamond and the brand name "Ski-heil". The liner mark is very faint, and the piece bears expected age wear, else very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 200 - 300

JAPANESE ARMY FIELD CAPJapanese army field cap, dark green wool with mesh lining and cloth sweatband. Three ventilation holes are fitted to each side, along with a gold metal wire star insignia sewn to the front, and size adjustment string tie at rear. Sweatband chipped a bit and torn, otherwise in unissued state.


USD 400 - 500

LUFTWAFFE OFFICER'S M43 CAPM43 "bergmutze" cap constructed of grey wool. A Luftwaffe eagle insignia in silver bullion is affixed at the peak, above a high-relief wool and bullion roundel. The crown is bordered with silver wire piping, joined at the rear, and the two side panels are joined at the front by two well-worn green painted pebbled buttons. The partial leather sweatband at the bill is stamped: "QUALITATS MARKE". Shows acceptable wear consistent with use, with two small 1/2" cuts present on the crown, and a third at the front of the cap, else very good.


USD 500 - 600

LUFTWAFFE OVERSEAS CAPEarly Luftwaffe enlisted man's overseas cap, 11" long in dark blue wool, piped in green braid (military administration) with a "droop tail" cloth Luftwaffe insignia sewn just above a three-color embroidered cockade patch. Within, the cap is lined in a light grey fabric which has a black ink stamp: "Rado-Gera 57 ½". Fine condition.


USD 300 - 400

LUFTWAFFE TROPICAL OVERSEAS CAPOverseas-style military cap, or "Feldmutze", approx. 11" x 4", of brown wool, with a Wehrmacht cockade and a Luftwaffe eagle patch at the front. The interior of the cap bears a large black maker's stamp: "Almi Uniformen u. Mutzen Luxemburg", with the date 1941 and size-stamped "59". The cap appears very lightly worn, if not unissued.


USD 400 - 500

NAMED LUFTWAFFE ENLISTED MAN'S VISOR CAPPeaked Luftwaffe visor cap, with a winged wreath cockade at the front, and yellow piping at the edges. a black leather chinstrap is secured over the bill. The Luftwaffe eagle badge, which would have been present at the front of the peak, is missing in this example. A small label inserted into a plastic holder in the sweat shield gives the owner's name as "Reinhold Buhr". A Hamburg newspaper, dated April 3, 1943, has been folded up and inserted behind the sweat band for extra padding. Some slight soiling inside, with the aforementioned missing eagle, else very good.


USD 300 - 400

OFFICER'S OVERSEAS CAP, MOTORIZED HEER DIVISIONOverseas-style military cap, or "Feldmutze", approx. 12" x 4", of gray-green wool with silver piping, bearing at the front the insignia of an officer of a mechanized infantry division, a rose pink "waffenfarbe" piping, with a Wehrmacht cockade and a national eagle patch. The cap appears unworn, and bears an indistinct size stamp within. Fine.


USD 300 - 400

PANZER ENLISTED MAN'S M43 CAPBlack wool M43 cap, with two black-painted black pebbled metal buttons securing the side flaps at front. The front also bears a single-piece machine sewn BeVo national eagle and cockade patch. The cap is size-stamped "57" within. Bears a tear with a period patch on the bottom of the visor, insignia heavily worn, and a small tear at the left temple, else good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 200 - 300

POLIZEI M43 FIELD CAPPolizei M43 field cap, light green wool body with factory hand-sewn BeVo-style Polizei hexagon insignia. The two side fold-down panels are secured in the front with two green painted pebbled aluminum buttons. There is additionally an edelweiss pin affixed to the left side of the cap, the center of the flower displaying a mobile swastika. The cap is piped in light green and each side has a single grommeted vent hole. One tiny moth nip is evident. The cap is lined in a beige cotton-rayon with the owner's name, "Hartmut Pfeiffer" sewn thereto. The half-length brown leather sweatband is embossed: "Deutsche Industrie" and the lining is ink-stamped: "Hesische Polizei" ("Hessian Police").


USD 300 - 400

R.A.D. FIELD CAPReichsarbeitsdienst (RAD) gray-green twill enlisted field cap. The cap features a factory machine-sewn BeVo-style insignia applied at the front, just above a single field gray painted pebbled aluminum button. The interior is lined with tan/brown cotton fabric. Ink stamped within with size 59 and RBN number. Unissued and rare.


USD 200 - 300

REICHSPOST CAP IN STYLE OF HITLER YOUTH CAPVery rare "Deutsche Reichspost" service cap constructed in the style of a Hitler Youth flak helper's cap. This blue wool hat bears orange piping on the side flaps, crown, and bottom of the body. An aluminum state eagle is affixed above the bakelite cockade which joins the two side panels. The quilted cream-colored artificial silk liner is heavily padded for warmth. The sweatband is made of pressed paper and shows honest period use. A name tag stitched into the rear of the cap reads: “A. Voith�. Overall very good.


USD 450 - 550

SS DIVISION HANDSCHAR FEZMaroon fez worn by Muslim members of the SS Division Handschar. Maroon felt construction with trapezoidal SS eagle and totenkopf Bevo insignia machine-sewn to the fez with gray thread evident on the inside. The tassel remains almost entirely secured within the retention loops. The leather sweatband is likewise intact, thought slightly worn from use. Very good to fine.


USD 200 - 300

U.S. AIRMAN'S HEADGEARGood set of World War II U.S. airman's headgear and accoutrements, includes: brown leather Type A-11 flying helmet, marked size small, with a sewn fabric label identifying the manufacturer as Bradley Goodrich, with a stamped property number inside the crown. The Army Air Forces insignia is stamped in black inside the right-hand side, and in white on the exterior right-hand side. No radio ear pieces are fitted, and the leather bears some wear overall, with some cracking at the neck, else very good. With rubber coated throat microphones, mounted on a 5 1/2" flexible metal collar, marked "ELNO" at the ends and on the plug, and post-war radio headphones, marked "Headset Microphone H-63/U", manufactured by the Lionel Corporation of New York. Missing original microphone attachment, but with earpieces and cord intact. Some wear else very good. Three pieces.


USD 250 - 350

PHOTO AND LETTER ALBUM OF A.E.F. SOLDIER RICHARD MCMENAMYA diverse, fascinating grouping of material assembles within a 9" x 7" photo album by A.E.F. soldier Richard McMenamy. Included are approx. twenty original photos, various sizes, some good views including German prisoners, cemeteries, and "Death Valley" at Belleau Wood. Also present are three wonderful illustrated letters and three envelopes (also illustrated), all with brilliant caricatures by McMenamy and sent to his wife, various documents, clippings and ticket stubs, and more. Overall very good. McMenamy, attached to the American Commission to Negotiate Peace, was later joined in France by his wife who was a YMCA volunteer.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 1


USD 200 - 300

WORLD WAR I AMERICAN OFFICER'S PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM, INCLUDING FITZSIMONS GENERAL HOSPITALPhotograph album attributed to a "Lieut. Lowe", 13 1/2" x 10" overall, containing within 140+ original photographs, various themes and locations. The album opens with nine 9 1/2" x 7 1/2" photos of the "Army Hospital Denver", officially Fitzsimons General Hospital, including nurses' quarters and staff, all professional-quality photos, including a tubercular patient working at the hospital. Eight more small candid photos also show hospital buildings and related scenes. Additional photos include an image of a soldier on his horse "Nigger", Pershing visiting the hospital, USS BEAVER with three subs tied alongside, USS OREGON, Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. visiting the hospital, and so on. About half of the images are non-military, but still of interest showing Yellowstone Park, the New Mexico desert, Normandy, and so on. Very good.

Alexander Historical Auctions LLC

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2 Sunday - February 19, 2017

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 1,000 - 1,500

1945 DISTINGUISHED FLYING CROSSBritish award, a cased Distinguished Flying Cross with original ribbon, the reverse marked with the cypher of King George VI who instituted the award, engraved "1945" at bottom. Unnamed. In the original fitted presentation case by the Royal Mint, with gilt lettering on leather covering:" "D.F.C.". Fine. The D.F.C. is a military decoration awarded to personnel of the United Kingdom's Royal Air Force and officers of other Commonwealth countries, instituted for "an act or acts of valour, courage or devotion to duty whilst flying in active operations against the enemy"


USD 2,000 - 3,000

SS DEUTSCHLAND REGIMENT COLLAR TABRare SS Deutschland Regiment collar tab, 2 1/8" long, embroidered in silver flat wire with silver wire and black thread piping. The tab has the typical SS runes commonly seen, but also bear the Standarten number "1" indicating affiliation with the Regiment Deutschland. A paper RZM SS tag remains affized to the reverse of the tab. In fine condition. In May, 1940 Himmler ordered that the numbers of the Standarten be removed from uniform SS collar tabs, thus this tab predates that order.


USD 2,000 - 3,000

OFFICER'S SS-TK COLLAR TABFlatwire SS-TK collar tab, machine embroidered and textbook in construction, showing period use. A partial RZM tag remains affrixed to the everse and it appears the tab was removed from a scrapbook as there is minor glue residue to the reverse as well. Scarce!


USD 3,000 - 4,000

KNIGHTS CROSS OF THE WAR MERIT CROSS WITHOUT SWORDSKnight's Cross of the War Merit Cross Without Swords by Deschler & Sohn, with original worn neck ribbon and tie. This pristine award bears Deschler's "1" stamp as well as a "900" purity stamp on the bottom of the lower arm. A superior exampls, in mint condition. The Knights Cross of the War Merit Cross Without Swords was instituted on August 19, 1940 and was awarded for outsanding military or civilian merit not involving front line combat service.


USD 1,500 - 2,000

WEHRMACHT GEN. ALFRED PHILIPPI'S IRON CROSS, FIRST CLASS(1903 - 1994) Wehrmacht major general, recipient of the Knight's Cross, participated in the Polish campaign, held regimental command in France, and commanded the 361st Volks Grenadier Division during the Battle of the Bulge. An excellent group of three items signed by Philippi, as well as his Iron Cross, First Class. Includes: the cross itself, 1 3/4" square, dated 1939 and with a mobile swastika at the center, with the pin marked "L/13", indicating that it was manufactured by Paul Meybauer of Berlin. The medal is mounted in an 11" x 13" frame, alongside an S.P., 2 1/4" x 3 1/2" (sight) b/w, a chest-up view of Philippi with the Iron Cross affixed to his uniform, signed across the chest in blue ink. The photo is in fine condition, while the cross shows three or four small chips to the black enamel at the center, with some minor tarnishing, else very good. WITH: A.L.S. in German, 2pp. 8vo., Winnweiler, April 29, 1986, to a Captain Sims, in part: "... I will gladly fulfill your wish for a memento from my past. Since we had a fire in our house six years ago, and much was destroyed that meant a lot to me, I don't have very much to give, but I hereby give you my Iron Cross 1st Class. I received it in October 1942 when I was chief of staff of the 111th inf. Div. My division was responsible to force passage over the Ferak by Mosdok [in Russia]. This passage was necessary for the push along the 'Grunischen Heerstrasse' in the direction of the Caucasus. Unfortunately, the 1st Panzer Army could not hold off the Russian defense in November..." Philippi signs at the conclusion in blue ink. This letter is stapled to a typed translation, else fine. WITH: a second A.L.S. in German, 2pp. oblong 12mo., [n.p.], June 2, 1986, Philippi checks in with Sims to ensure that his Iron Cross has arrived safely, and offers to check with the post office if it has not. This letter is also stapled to a typed translation, else fine. An excellent grouping with unshakeable provenance.


USD 1,500 - 2,000

"REICHSFUHRUNG-SS" CUFF TITLE"Reichsfuhrung-SS" cuff title, issued to members of the SS high command, this example with white thread wrapped with silver comprising the embroidery, with bands of similar thread at top and bottom of the 16" cuff title. The band is cut at one end, rolled and finished at the other. Some of the silver border threads on the bottom have been pulled, still overall very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 1,500 - 2,500

SS "DEUTSCHLAND" DIVISION CUFF TITLEWaffen-SS " Deutschland" Division cuff title, white thread wrapped with silver comprising the embroidery, with bands of similar thread at top and bottom of the 18" cuff title. The cuff bears a rectangular patch covering the reverse of the embroidery to avoid snagging and pulling, and both ends of the 19" cuff title are turned and finished. Very good.


USD 1,500 - 2,000

SS "THURINGEN" DIVISION CUFF TITLEWaffen-SS "Thuringen" Division cuff title, white thread wrapped with silver comprising the embroidery, with bands of similar thread at top and bottom of the 16" cuff title. The band is cut at one end, rolled and finished at the other.Some of the silver border threads on the bottom have been pulled, still overall very good.


USD 1,500 - 2,500

SS "LANGEMARCK" DIVISION CUFF TITLEWaffen SS " Langemarck" Division cuff title, white thread embroidered lettering on a 16 1/4" x 1 1/8" black backing with silver wire trim. Finished at one end, Paper RZM label remains attached. Flemish SS volunteers originally formed the SS Freiw. Sturmbrigade "Langemarck", which later became the 27.SS Freiwilligen-Grenadier-Division Langemarck.


USD 1,500 - 2,000

ORDER OF ALEXANDER NEVSKY AWARDED A MACHINE GUN BATTALION LEADERScarce Soviet Order of Alexander Nevsky, Type 3 screw back, solid silver with gold plating which remains largely intact, partially enameled. Two-piece construction, star and ray are one piece, with no rivets on reverse, center is soldered as a separate piece. Numbered "33783". Very good. The Order of Alexander Nevsky is named in honor of Saint Alexander Nevsky (1220–1263) and was originally established by the Soviet Union as a military honor during World War II. Red Army commanders who displayed personal bravery and skillful leadership that ensured the success of an operation could be recommended. In this case the recipient was Submachinegun Battalion Commander Gerasim Kalashnikov, recognized for his action on April 30, 1945 while fighting with the 1st Guards Army in Czechoslovakia. Specifically, he is recognized for his bravery and leadership in the capture of Ostrava, near the Polish border. Copies of part of his record and pertinent documents are included.


USD 800 - 1,200

SOCIAL WELFARE BADGE, 2ND CLASSMost attractive Social Welfare Badges, 2nd Class by Godet, a simple design with black nactionaleagle surmounting a gold wreath oaf oak leaves and black swastika, with most of the badge in enamel. All of the enamel is perfectly intact, and the fire gilding is 99%+. Rare, especially in this conditgion.


USD 700 - 900

PANZER EM/NCO COLLAR TABSPanzer enlisted man or NCO's collar tabs, each 3" long, very lightly ribbed black tricot base with pink piping, an aluminum "totenkopf" affixed to each with three aluminum tabs. The reverse of the tabs reveals construction and materials fully commensurate with other authentic examples, the black fabric on one opened to reveal the coarse jute-like backing expected on these insignia.


USD 1,500 - 1,800

LUFTWAFFE PILOT-OBSERVER BADGEEarly combined Luftwaffe Pilot/Observer badge manufactured by FLL and produced in tombak. The burnished highlights to the wreath provide superb contrast, and all hardware consistent with proven authentic examples. Overall excellent condition.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 600 - 700

LUFTWAFFE BOMBER PILOT FLIGHT CLASP IN GOLDExcellent Luftwaffe Bomber Clasp in Gold with full burnished highlights, an early tombak piece by Juncker. The blackened bomb device at center is nearly untouched, as is the rest of this fine award.


USD 400 - 500

BLOCKADE RUNNER BADGE BY PLACZEKBlockade Runner Badge in tombac, blackened and silvered, maker marked "Fec. Otto Placzek Berlin", Gablonz, in very fine/mint condition.


USD 300 - 400

U-BOAT BADGE ISSUED TO A SAILOR LATER K.I.A.U-Boat badge document, 1p. 8vo., 1944, issuing a U-boat badge to Kriegsmarine U-boat crewman man Erich Baumann. Very good. The unfortunate Baumann was aboard the U-1051 was part of the vessel's crew of 25 which went down with the ship on Jan. 26, 1945 in the Irish Sea, just south of the Isle of Man following ramming and depth charging by four British ships.


USD 300 - 400

SS FOUR-YEAR SERVICE AWARDSS Four-Year Service Medal by Deschjler, an early example produced in tombak and complete with the teardrop suspension loop. Worn a bit, still very desireable.


USD 200 - 300

"GALLIPOLI STAR"The Turkish War Medal of 1915 (often called the "Gallipoli Star" or "Iron Crescent" ) was frequently awarded to German and Austrian personnel who served with the Turkish forces during World War I. It has a horizontal applied one-piece simple pin and hook closure, with no maker's mark. This is a fine example, with perfect enamel and just a bit of tarnish.


USD 150 - 200

1914 IRON CROSS CLASPSLot of two identical silver clasps, each 1 1/4" long with two pins on the reverse, a black enamel 1914 Iron Cross appearing on the front of the pin. One pin is maked by maker "Joh. Wagner & Sohn", the second is also marked but indistinguishable. Sold with a tiny silver pin being a reproduction of a War Merit Cross, marked on the reverse by a British silversmith. Three pieces.


USD 500 - 600

1936 OLYMPICS CROSS, 2ND CLASS CROSSScarce medal, the German Olympics Cross, 2nd Class with Ribbon. This unmarked medal, likely by Deschler & Sohn, still retails almost all of the original enamel but for a tiny chip in one of the rings. The balance of the enamel is faultless. The two rivets on the reverse perfectly match those of authentic examples, as do details on the front. A nice example.


USD 100 - 150

AFRIKA KORPS REMEMBRANCE MEDALLIONBrown porcelain table medal, 2" dia., reads (in German) on the front: "IN REMEMBRANCE OF THE WAR IN AFRICA" with an image of a tank, camels, and palm trees, while the reverse shows a pith helmet, sword and oak leaf wreath with the legend: "WE WILL DEFEAT THE ENGLISH WHERE WE FIND THEM". Fine.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 100 - 150

BRITISH WAR MEDALSLot of five British medals, includes two George V 1914-1918 war medals, two George VI 1939-1945 war medals, and one George VI Defence medal. Very good.


USD 250 - 350

CASED SET 1939 SPANGE TO THE 1914 IRON CROSS, 2ND CLASSCased set of two spanges, one pin back, the second with prongs (never used), set into the original fitted case with a small section of ribbon intended to be sewn into the owner's buttonhole. Fine.


USD 200 - 300

CLOSE COMBAT CLASP IN BRONZEA Bronze Grade Close Combat Clasp by Fec. W.E. Peekhaus, in zinc, marked "FEC.W. E. PEEKHAUS BERLIN", slightly vaulted, in worn condition, showing age, good.


USD 100 - 150

DEUTSCHES JUNGVOLK SERVICE BADGESGroup of two similar pin-back DJ badges, one approx. 2" x 1 1/4", and the other approx. 1" x 1/2", both in the shape of a "sig" rune, with a mobile swastika in the center, surrounded by the legend: "Fur Leistungen Im D.J." ("For Services in the Deutsches Jungvolk"). Both badges bear RZM stamps on the verso, the larger with the number "M1/120", indicating that it was manufactured by Wilhelm Deumer of Ludenscheid, and the other stamped "M1/15", indicating that it was manufactured by Ferdinand Hoffstatter of Bonn. The larger badge is further stamped "291532". The retaining pin of the larger badge appears to have been reattached with solder, else both are very good.


USD 200 - 300

EQUESTRIAN PROFICIENCY BADGE IN BRONZE WITH CERTIFICATEGerman equestrian proficiency medal in bronze, 2" x 1 1/2", depicting a horse and rider in profile within a wreath of oak leaves. The badge is maker-marked on the reverse: "L. Chr. Lauer Nurnberg-Berlin Gesetzlich Geschutzt". The badge is accompanied by an award booklet, 16pp. 8vo., naming the recipient of the award as Maria Schaper, and listing the three equestrian competitions that qualified her to receive the award. The cover of the booklet is faded, and folded in two, while the badge is fine.


USD 150 - 200

FIRE BRIGADE HONOR BADGE, FIRST CLASSThird Reich-era Fire Brigade Honor Badge, First Class, 1 1/4" dia., of pinback construction, consisting of a white enameled cross, with red enameled flames on each arm and a mobile swastika at center, surrounded by a ring with the legend: "Fur Verdienste Im Feuerloschweser" ("For Merit in Fire Fighting"). The badge is marked on the back as being manufactured by W. Kolwitz of Bergedorf, with the RZM number "M9/72". The badge bears slight surface wear, else very good.


USD 100 - 150

GERMAN ARMY MARKSMANSHIP LANYARDBraided silver metal cording with a zinc badge mounted to the top pad. Both attaching loops are present, The rayon backing to the pad show some wear, else very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 100 - 150

GERMAN ARMY MARKSMANSHIP LANYARDBraided silver metal cording with a zinc badge mounted to the top pad. Both attaching loops are present. Fine condition, with the wool backing to the pad only lightly worn.


USD 75 - 100

GERMAN FOUR YEAR SERVICE MEDALGerman Four Years Faithful Service Medal, strung by a veteran with black and white ribbons. Very good.


USD 200 - 300

GERMAN MEDAL MINIATURES JEWELRYPair of jewelry items incorporating German military medals, includes: fine set of four miniature German military medals, each approx. 3/4" dia., suspended from a braided gold chain, secured to the wearer's clothing by a 1 1/4" stick pin at each end. The medals present here include: a World War I-era Iron Cross; the Kingdom of Saxony's Friedrich August Medal; an Honour Cross of the World War 1914/1918 with swords; and a Third Reich-era Wound Badge in Gold. Bears slight oxidation, else very good. WITH: Stick pin, 2 1/4" long , decorated with side-by-side miniatures of the Iron Cross and the Wound Badge in Black. Black paint slightly worn on both, else very good. Two pieces.


USD 250 - 350

GERMAN MEDALS (4)Lot of four German medals, fairly common but these being good examples. Includes: Iron Cross, 2nd Class with small section of ribbon, the rink marked "128" for maker S. Jablonski, paint on the reverse eroded a bit, on the front much less so; 25 Years Faithful Service Award, with blue rippon and pin, lightly worn; Wound Badge in Black, and cased Sudetenland Medal. Four pieces, very good.


USD 100 - 150

GERMAN MOTHER'S CROSS IN GOLDA Cross of Honor of the German Mother in Gold, 1 1/4" x 1 3/4", consisting of a blue and white enamel cross with a black enamel stationary swastika in a white circle at the center, surrounded by a gold sunburst, with the original blue and white-striped neck ribbon. This medal was awarded to a mother in the Third Reich who gave birth to eight or more children. The bottom corners of the cross bear minor enamel loss, else very good.


USD 150 - 250

GERMAN MOTHER'S CROSSES (3)Lot of three German "Mother's Crosses", includes a bronxe example with ribbon in original presentation case, and two silver examples with ribbons, wrapped in tissue and in their original presentation envelopes. Three pieces.


USD 150 - 200

GERMAN OF THOROUGHBRED HORSE BREEDERS AND TRIALS ORGANIZATION PINSLot of four badges issued by the "Reichsverband für Zucht und Prüfung deutschen Warmbluts", buttonhole badges including examples with silver wreath, green enamel wreath, and two black enamel badges given to regular members. Each about 1 1/2" dia., all very good.


USD 150 - 200

GERMAN POLICE 25 YEAR SERVICE MEDALGerman police medal: "Fur Treue Dienst in der Polizei " ("For Fathful Service in the Police), a mercury gold gilded tombac medal, a cross with political eagle, swastika and oak leaf wreath, lacking ribbon. Finish still very good, lacks ribbon.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 200 - 300

GERMAN STICKPINSFine group of 14 organizational stickpins, includes: SS, SA, veterans, RAD, Wound Badge, more. All very good.


USD 400 - 600

GERMAN THIRD MOUNTAIN DIVISION VETERAN'S KRETA CUFF TITLE, MEDALS AND PHOTOFine grouping from a German 3rd Moutain Div., 139 Reg. veteran of the campaign in Crete. Includes a period 7" x 9 1/2" photo of the soldier in uniform, along with a display frame containing: the man's identity disc, Iron Cross, 2nd Class with ribbon; War Maerit Cross with Sword, with ribbon; Close Assault Badge, black Wound badge; KRETA cuff title, and a small pin from a 25th anniversary of mountain troops.


USD 150 - 200

GERMAN VETERAN'S STICKPINSFine lot of 13 mint German veterans' stickpins, unissued, fine condition, in original unmarked box.


USD 100 - 150

GERMAN YOUTH ORGANIZATION PINSLot of German youth organization pins, includes: Brass Bund Deutscher Madel pin, 1" x 1/2", the letters "BDM" over a red and white striped silk ribbon, badly faded in this example. The verso bears an RZM stamp with "M1/15", manufactured by Ferdinand Hoffstatter of Bonn; Hitler Youth membership badge, 1" x 3/4", a diamond of red and white enamel on white metal, with a black enamel mobile swastika in the center. Bears an RZM stamp on the verso with "M1/8", manufactured by Ferdinand Wagner of Pforzheim. Very good. Two pieces


USD 100 - 150

HITLER YOUTH COMPANY MEDIC BADGEH.J. company medic badge, 2" tall with embroidered design. Fine.


USD 100 - 150

INSIGNIA AND MEDALSBalance of a grouping, includes Australia 1939-1945 Service Medal, American Good Conduct, Asiatic Campaign, and Southwest Asia medals, Liberation of Kuwait, British 1914-1918 Victory medal, Japanese Order of the Rising Sun, 8th Class, cased, and eight various American ribbon bars.


USD 150 - 200

IRON CROSS, FIRST CLASSThird Reich-era German medal, 1 3/4" square, an Iron Cross, First Class, with a mobile swastika at center and the date "1939". The medal is a screw-back type, and the securing button is stamped "L58", indicating that it was manufactured by Rudolf Souval. The face of the medal bears a dark patina overall, which extends to the outer edges of the reverse. Some mild tarnish to the center of the reverse and the inside of the button, else very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 100 - 150

LEGION OF MERIT MEDAL WITH "V"DEVICEWorld War II-era Legion of Merit medal, 3 1/4" x 2", consisting of a five-pointed white enameled star with the points reversed and the "V"-shaped extremities capped with gold balls, superimposed over a green enameled wreath , with gold arrows between each point. At the center is a blue enameled medallion containing thirteen white enameled stars with gold borders, surrounded by a ring of gold clouds. The reverse of the medal is inscribed "United States of America" on the outside edge, with "Annuit Coeptis MDCCLXXXII" in a ring at center. A bronze "V" device is affixed to the suspension ribbon, indicating that the recipient was a member of the Navy, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard, each of whom authorized the "V" for this decoration to recognize heroism in combat. The medal is housed in a more modern generic case, along with a ribbon bar with a matching "V" device. Fine.


USD 150 - 200

LUFTWAFFE MARKSMANSHIP LANYARDLuftwaffe marksmanship lanyard, Grade One, both loops intact and both sliders present, metal emblem in perfect condition, as is the cord.


USD 40 - 60

N.S.D.A.P. EVENT TINNIESLot of four tinnies, all related to large Nazi Party rallies and special celebrations. Includes: a composite Reichsparteitag 1937 tinnie, approx. 3/4" dia., depicting three figures supporting a platform with a national eagle, flanked by a grapevine and an ear of wheat, maker-marked on the verso "Ferd. Wagner Pforzheim"; a composite Reichsparteitag 1939 tinnie, approx. 3/4" dia., depicting a reclining mother and child with a grapevine, beneath a national eagle, RZM marked on the verso "M9219", further marked Augustin Hieke, Tyssa, Sudetenland; a "Tag Der Arbeit" (Labor Day) 1934 tinnie, approx. 1 1/2" dia., depicting a bust flanked, ironically, by a hammer and sickle, above a national eagle; and a "Tag Der Arbeit" 1935 tinnie, 1 1/4" x 1 3/4", depicting a laborer, an academic, and a farmer above a national eagle, maker-marked on the verso: "Tweer & Turck Ludenscheid". All have their original retaining pins, very good overall. Four pieces.


USD 100 - 150

ORDER OF THE RED STAR AND ORDER OF THE PATRIOTIC WARPair of Russian medals, includes the Order of the Red Star, no. 2040217 (issued 1945) and the Order of the Patriotic War, no. 638,291. Both very good.


USD 100 - 150

ORDER OF THE RED STAR AND ORDER OF THE PATRIOTIC WARPair of Russian medals, includes the Order of the Red Star, no. 1001484 (issued 1944-45) and the Order of the Patriotic War, no. 6576123. Both very good.


USD 100 - 150

PANZER TROOPS MARKSMAN LANYARD SHIELDPanzer troops marksmanship lanyard insignia, depicts a tank and national eagle with swastika, 2 1/4" tall with two pins on the reverse. Very good.


USD 100 - 150

RETURN OF MEMEL COMMEMORATIVE MEDALReturn of Memel Commemorative Medal depicting two heroic figures with broken chains on one's wrist, both above a national eagle and swastike, the reverse honoring the liberation of Memel, Mar. 22, 1939. With ribbon, very good. This medal was a Nazi decoration awarded in the interwar period, and the last of the series of Occupation Medals.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 200 - 300

SERVICE RIBBON DISPLAYAttractive framed display of 42 service ribbons and 16 other pins and devices, from World War I through the Korean War, each item also labeled.


USD 300 - 400

SOVIET ORDER OF THE RED BANNERSoviet Order of the Red Banner, no. 292204, backstamped and in excellent condition.


USD 400 - 600

SPANISH CROSS IN SILVER WITHOUT SWORDSSilver medal, 2 1/4" square, consisting of a Maltese cross with a swastika in the center, with four Luftwaffe eagles between the arms and a clasp back. It is marked on the verso: "J. Godet U. Sohn, Berlin". This medal was awarded German non-combatants who performed meritorious service during the Spanish Civil War. Very good.


USD 200 - 300

SUDETENLAND MEDAL WITH PRAGUE CASTLE BARSudetenland Medal, ribbon and Prague Castle Bar, overall in very good condition. This medal was awarded to all German and Sudeten State officials and members of the Wehrmacht and SS who marched into the Sudetenland. Later it was awarded to military personnel participating in the occupation of the remnants of Czechoslovakia on March 15, 1939. The Prague Castle Bar was awarded to those who took an active part in the creation of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia.


USD 400 - 500

TANK DESTRUCTION BADGEUniform-removed Tank Destruction Badge, awarded for the single-handed destruction of a tank. Three prongs on reverse, woven silver thread. Some light wear and oxidation.


USD 150 - 200

THIRD REICH MILITARY MEDALSGood group of three World War II German medals, includes: West Wall Medal, approx. 3 1/4" x 1 1/4" dia., awarded to those who designed and built the fortifications of the Siegfried Line on Germany's western border, with original envelope; War Merit Cross, 2nd Class with Swords, approx. 3 1/2" x 2" dia., awarded for exceptional service "not in direct connection with combat", with original envelope; and a Wehrmacht Long Service Award Medal, 1st Class in Silver, approx. 3 1/2" x 1 1/2" dia., awarded for 25 years of military service. All are very good to fine.


USD 150 - 200

THIRD REICH MILITARY MEDALSGood group of three World War II German medals, includes: West Wall Medal, approx. 3 1/4" x 1 1/4" dia., awarded to those who designed and built the fortifications of the Siegfried Line on Germany's western border, with original envelope; War Merit Cross, 2nd Class with Swords, approx. 3 1/2" x 2" dia., awarded for exceptional service "not in direct connection with combat", with original envelope; and a Wehrmacht Long Service Award Medal, 1st Class in Silver, approx. 3 1/2" x 1 1/2" dia., awarded for 25 years of military service. The ribbon of the War Merit Cross is detached but present, else very good to fine overall.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 100 - 150

THIRD REICH SPORTS BADGESPair of Third Reich-era sporting awards, includes: SA Sports Badge in Bronze, approx. 2 1/4" x 2", marked on the reverse: "Eigentum d. S.A. Sportabzeichen Hauptstelle", with the maker's mark "Berg & Volte A.G. Ludenscheid". The badge is numbered 690152. WITH: Deutsche Reichsbund fur Leibesubungen (DRL) Badge in Bronze, approx. 2" x 1 1/2", consisting of the stylized initials "DRL" within an oblong vaulted wreath, with a mobile swastika at bottom. The badge is maker-marked on the verso "Ferd. Wagner" with "D.R.G.M." and the patent number 35269. Both badges bear minor oxidation, else very good. Two pieces.


USD 150 - 200

THREE-MEDAL RIBBON BARVeteran's three-medal ribbon bar with pin back, consists of a 1914 Iron Cross, 2nd Class, 1 1914-18 Service Cross with Swords marked: "No. 44 R.V. PFORZHEIM" on the reverse, and a 25-Year Service Medal. Medals are fine, ribbons in good condition.


USD 300 - 400

U-BOAT BADGE BY FRIEDRICH ORTHKriegsmarine U-Boat badge by Friederich Orth, with excellent detail. Friederich Orth maker marked on reverse. Horizontal reverse pin setup, and a textbook example.


USD 150 - 200

WEHRMACHT 25 YEAR SERVICE PINWehrmacht 25 Year Service Medal with original ribbon, in fire gilded bronze with polished highlights, 40mm x 44.6mm, unmarked. Lacks metal eagle.


USD 200 - 300

WWII RUSSIAN BADGESLot of four Soviet WWII badges and medals. Includes a Capture of Budapest medal, an Order of the Red Banner of Labor medal, a Capture of Konigsberg medal, and an Excellent Driver badge. All are very good to fine.


USD 200 - 300

WWII RUSSIAN BADGESLot of three Soviet WWII medals and badges. Includes a Medal for Valor, a Defense of the Arctic medal, and a General's hat badge. All are very good to fine.


USD 250 - 350

WWII RUSSIAN MEDAL/BADGESLot of two Soviet WWII decorations. Includes an Excellent Mortar Specialist badge and a Liberation of Belgrade medal. Both are very good to fine.


USD 100 - 150

AMERICAN WORLD WAR II MEDALSGood lot of three cased World War II-era American military decorations, includes: Cased Purple Heart, 3 1/4" x 1 1/2" dia., unnamed and without a maker's mark, along with the ribbon bar and lapel pin. Some scuffing and tape residue to the case, else very good. WITH: Bronze Star Medal, 2 3/4" long, approx. 1 3/4" dia., housed in its original case, along with the ribbon bar and lapel pin. Very good. WITH: Silver Star Medal, 2 3/4" long, approx. 1 3/4" dia., housed in its original case, along with the ribbon bar and lapel pin. The case bears tape residue, and is missing some of its fabric covering, else very good. Three pieces.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 100 - 150

AMERICAN WORLD WAR II MEDALSGood lot of three cased World War II-era American military decorations, includes: Distinguished Flying Cross, Distinguished Service Cross, and Navy Cross, most cased in modern generic cases and with ribbon bars and lapel pins present. Fine.


USD 2,000 - 3,000

SS OFFICER'S COLLAR TAB, STANDARTEN NUMBER REMOVEDRare SS officer's collar tab, 2 1/8" long, embroidered in silver flat wire with silver wire and black thread piping. There is a line of zizag stitching at right, apparently where a Standarten number had been removed. In fine condition. In May, 1940 Himmler ordered that the numbers of the Standarten be removed from uniform SS collar tabs. This collar tab is one such example.


USD 200 - 300

Scarce SS uniform collar tab of the 23. SS Volunteer Panzergrenadier Division Nederland, 2 1/8" long, apparently removed from a uniform. Worn a bit.


USD 500 - 600

HEER PANZER COLLAR TABSMatching set of Heer Panzer collar tabs with rose-pink eyes. This set was removed from a uniform and some of the original thread remnants are still present. Each tab has a slight variation in the skull pattern, and each totenkopf bears a rose-pink colored piece of wool mounted beneath the metal insignia. This was an individual preferences that today makes these tabs rarer - and more desireable. Would make for an excellent pair for display.


USD 400 - 500

WAFFEN-SS UNTERSTURMFUHRER COLLAR TABWaffen-SS untersturmfuhrer's collar tab, three pips attached with pins, silver metallic braid. The reverse shows all signs of complete authenticity. In mint condition.


USD 300 - 400

DUTCH SS COLLAR TABSDutch SS-Standartenfuhrer collar tabs, hand-embroidered, 2" x 1 1/2" with one tab bearing a paper label on the verso. In excellent condition, and quite rare!


USD 75 - 100

GERMAN SHOULDER BOARDSLot of three different German shoulder boards, cut from uniforms.


USD 150 - 200

GERMAN ARMY SHOULDER BOARDSLort of three pairs of shoulder boards, includes an unissued set of boards for a Medical Staff member, still within original paper wrapper, with two additional unidentified sets. Offered as-is.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 100 - 150

REICHSBAHN INSIGNIAReichsbahn "RBD Halle (Saale)" BeVo insignia, untrimmed, 3 ½" x 3" overall. Fine.


USD 100 - 150

PIONEER NCO'S SHOULDER BOARDSPair of Heer Pionier NCO shoulder boards, slip-on type, stiff black felt backing with silver metal wire and cloth, one pip on each board. Very good.


USD 150 - 200

SS UNMOUNTED COLLAR TABUnmounted SS BeVo collar tab, untrimmed, 3 ½" x 2 ¼" overall. Fine.


USD 100 - 150

REICHSBAHN OFFICIALS COLLAR TABSPair of Reichsbahn collar tabs, black wool over buckram, 80 x 40 mm, yellow and navy blue twisted cellon piping, gold painted metal insignia, light wear.


USD 200 - 300

N.S.S.K. CLOTH INSIGNIAThree pieces of NSKK insignia, includes silver flat wire embroidered NSKK shoulder patch with an eagle clutching a wreathed swastika in its talons beneath an NSKK banner, brown cloth backing with RZM paper tag; WITH a matching NSKK chest eagle with brown/tan stitched backing, WITH and NSKK flat wire cloth cap insignia, uncut.. Fine.


USD 300 - 400

GERMAN INSIGNIA AND BROCADEBalance of an insignia grouping, includes scarce "Techn. Vorschule d. Luftwaffe Gotha" cloth patch, seven mismatched Heer, Kriegsmarine, and Reichsbahn shoulder boards, "edelweiss" mountain troops sleeve patch, circular bullion musician's patch, veteran's[?] patch, assorted brocade, about 20 Kriegsmarine buttons with 11 "S" and split rings, and a few tinnies and other patches. Sold as a lot, as is.


USD 250 - 350

GERMAN CLOTH CAP AND CHEST EAGLE INSIGNIALot of six pieces of embroidered and BeVo cloth cap and chest eagle insignia, various services and organizations. Sold as a lot, as-is.


USD 100 - 150

LUFTWAFFE FLAK NONCOM OFFICER'S SHOULDER BOARDSPair of slip-on shoulder boards from a Luftwaffe non-commissioned flak battery officer, gold brocade trim on black felt with red piping. Worn a bit, still very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 100 - 150

HITLER YOUTH BELT AND BUCKLEHitler Youth leather belt with wool backing, 34"long, with a chrome plated buckle bearing the image of an eagle clutching a Hitler Youth insignia, with the phrase "Blut und Ehre". The buckle bears an RZM stamp with "M4/30", indicating that it was made by Berg & Nolte of Ludenscheid. The leather of the belt is somewhat hardened and cracked, with some moth nips to the wool backing, else very good.


USD 100 - 150

HITLER YOUTH BELT AND BUCKLEHitler Youth leather belt, 31 1/2"long, with a chrome-plated buckle bearing the image of an eagle clutching a Hitler Youth insignia, with the phrase "Blut und Ehre". The buckle bears an RZM stamp with "M4/39", indicating that it was made by F.W. Assmann & Sohne, of Ludenscheid. The buckle bears the expected scratches and dings, else very good


USD 100 - 150

DEUTSCHES JUNGVOLK BELT AND BUCKLEBrown leather belt, 27 1/2" long, marked: "CROUPON-442 Carl Busse, Mainz 1934", with a brown leather cross strap, and a chromed brass Deutsche Jungvolk buckle with a brass "sig" rune, unmarked. The buckle of the cross strap bears an RZM stamp, and is further stamped "UE 71". The belt shows normal wear, but the leather remains supple, while the buckle is worn, with expected scratches and dents, else very good.


USD 100 - 150

DEUTSCHES JUNGVOLK SHOULDER STRAPSLot of two unpaired DJ shoulder straps, each 4 1/4" long, both of black fabric, one bearing the white stitched numeral "83", and the other bearing "565". The "565" strap bears a paper RZM label on the verso. Both straps have been cut from uniforms at the wide ends, else very good.


USD 75 - 100

HITLER YOUTH SHOULDER STRAPSPair of dark blue cloth Hitler Youth shoulder straps, each 4" x 1 1/4", with yellow piping and the yellow stitched numeral "663". Both straps are completely intact, and both bear paper RZM labels on the verso. As new, very likely unissued.


USD 100 - 150

HITLER YOUTH SHOULDER STRAPBlack cloth shoulder strap, 4" x 1 1/4", with pink piping and the pink stitched numeral: "324", with two brass "pips" secured with split pins. The strap is somewhat soiled and shows honest wear, but is entirely intact. Very good.


USD 100 - 150

UNCUT HITLER YOUTH CAP INSIGNIAUncut white silk ribbon with five embroidered HJ insignia, 8" x 3/4" overall, each insignia approx. 1" x 1/2", intended to be cut out and sewn on to HJ garrison-style caps. In pristine, unissued condition.


USD 100 - 150

HITLER YOUTH BELT AND BUCKLEBlack leather belt, 33" x 2", with a chromed steel buckle, 2" x 2 1/2", bearing the image of a political eagle above the HJ insignia, with the motto: "Blut und Ehre" ("Blood and Honor"). The buckle is RZM-marked "M4/24", and bears expected scratches and wear. The belt leather is stiff and a bit brittle, else very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 75 - 100

HITLER YOUTH BELT WITH BUCKLEBrown leather belt, 37" x1 3/4", bearing a partial paper label with a hand-written ink notation. The belt has a metal shell buckle with matte finish, 2"x 3", with a political eagle gripping the Hitler Youth insignia, and the motto: "Blut un Ehre" ("Blood and Honor"). The buckle is RZM-marked "M2/42". Very good.


USD 100 - 150

HITLER YOUTH BELT BUCKLEMetal box-style HJ belt buckle, 2 1/2" x 2", bearing a stamped political eagle clutching the HJ insignia, with the motto: "Blut und Ehre"("Blood and Honor"). The buckle is RZM-marked "4/79". Very good.


USD 75 - 100

WEHRMACHT HAT INSIGNIAWehrmacht hat eagle, 1 1/2" x 1", constructed of stamped brass-colored metal. Two prongs to secure the insignia to the hat are present on the reverse, with a third missing, else very good.


USD 350 - 450

REICHSVERBAND DEUTSCHER FLUGHAFEN VISOR INSIGNIAAn extremely rare first pattern insignia for ground personnel of the Reichsverband Deutscher Flughäfen, gold bullion with a gold metal mobile swastika at the center of a top-view od an aircraft. Removed from a uniform, with the original thin mesh-lilke backing still apparent on the verso. Typical ageing and wear, very good.


USD 30 - 50

REICHSBAHN INSIGNIAThree pieces of Reichsbahn insignia, sold with a "tinnie" with a bust of Hitler reading: "Ein Reich, Ein Volk, Ein Fuhrer"


USD 100 - 150

LUFTWAFFE SLEEVE INSIGNIAFive pieces Luftwaffe sleeve insignia. Very good.


USD 100 - 150

JAPANESE AIR FORCE PILOT INSIGNIACloth Japanese Air Force pilot's insignia cut from a uniform, silver metallic and gold thread with a blue border, a gold star pinned to the center. 3 1/4" long.


USD 150 - 250

GERMAN INSIGNIALot of three pieces, includes: Jager cloth arm patch; Dutch Waffen-SS sleeve patch; and an enameled Hitler Youth pin. Very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 250 - 350

SS CLOTH INSIGNIARound cloth SS patch, 3 3/4" diameter and clearly haveing been removed from an article of clothing, with cloth RZM tag sewn on reverse. Fine.


USD 200 - 300

SS CLOTH INSIGNIASS cloth uniform insignia, BeVo-type, 3 1/2" x 2 1/4" overall, with SS RZM paper tag on reverse. Fine.


USD 150 - 200

LUFTWAFFE "FLIEGER" SHOULDER STRAPSGood group of two pairs of Luftwaffe flight personnel slip-on type shoulder straps, the first 4 1/4" x 1 3/4", of blue-grey wool construction, with yellow "waffenfarbe" piping, indicating that the wearer was enlisted flight personnel. The pair is slightly mismatched, with one featuring a rayon backing, instead of the cotton found on the other. The second pair, also 4 1/4" x 1 3/4", is the same as above, but with narrower underside straps and with a band of silver piping on the upper surface, indicating that the wearer was a non-commissioned officer. Both very good.


USD 150 - 200

LUFTWAFFE UNIFORM PATCHESGood group of three pairs of Luftwaffe uniform patches, includes: Two Air Gunner-Radioman patches, one rayon and one wool, each approx. 2" x 2 1/2", depicting a left-facing diving eagle with a cluster of lightning bolts in its talons; two Observer patches, each approx. 2 1/4" x 2 1/2, depicting a right-facing eagle with a swastika in its talons, one with a cotton backing; and two "kraftfahrer" (motor vehicle driver) patches, each 2" dia., depicting a Luftwaffe eagle over a radiator grille. All are very good. Six pieces.


USD 200 - 300

CHINA-BURMA-INDIA INSIGNIA GROUPINGGroup of C.B.I. insignia, almost all clearly removed from a uniform.Includes: three C.B.I. shoulder patches, one a snap-on patch of silver wire and bullion on red and blue cloth, the others all cloth; two cloth 10th Air Force patches; a 4 3/4" hand-painted leath 1891st Aviation Engineers chest patch, a clip-on "horse patch (unknown designation); two "Airborne" tabs and a ribbon bar. Also inclided are three air-dropped American surrender and propaganda leaflets dropped upon Japanese troops, untranslated but apparently safe conduct passes.


USD 200 - 300

GUADALCANAL MARINE'S INSIGNIA DISPLAYSet of various insignia from a Marine veteran of Guadalcanal, includes FMF shipboard patches, 1st and 2nd Marine Division patches, ribbon bars, pistol expert pin, etc. Very good.


USD 150 - 200

LUFTWAFFE FLAK LIEUTENANT'S COLLAR TABS AND SHOULDER BOARDSLuftwaffe flak battery lieutenant's shoulder boards, metal wire on red felt backing with one pip each, along with two collar tabs also bearing silver wire embroidery. Very good.

807: LUFTWAFFE FLAKHELFERIN PATCH LUFTWAFFE FLAKHELFERIN PATCHLuftwaffe flak assistant's shouler patch, unissued.

USD 60 - 80

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 150 - 200

REICHSARBEITSDIENST BELT BUCKLE AND BELTR.A.D. belt and belt buckle, the aluminum buckle marked "B & N 36", attached to a 34" leather belt. Very good. The buckle a bit worn, else very good.


USD 150 - 200

POLITICAL LEADERS BELTGerman political leader's belt, 1938, two-pronged buckle with stippled surface, 41 1/2" long, the leather embossed with the year of production. Very good.


USD 100 - 150

LUFTWAFFE BUCKLELuftwaffe belt buckle, silver wash. A bit worn. Unmarked.


USD 75 - 100

GERMAN BELT BUCKLEGerman Heer belt buckle, the familiar "GOTT MIT UNS" design with leather tab. Good.


USD 150 - 200

HITLER YOUTH SLEEVE PATCHESPair of uncut Hitler Youth BeVo sleeve patches, 9" x 3" overall, fine condition.


USD 150 - 200

DUTCH SS COLLAR TABDutch SS collar tag, likely recovered by an American soldier at the Dachau depot, the 2 1/8" tab with Dutch SS rune embroidered with white cloth thread. Very fine.


USD 400 - 500

SS COLLAR TABSS collar tab with paper RZM tag, likely recovered by an American soldier at the Dachau depot, the 2 1/4" tab with SS runes embroidered with silver thread and bearing piping of twisted silver wire-covered cord. Very fine.

815: WAFFEN-SS TOTENKOPF CAP INSIGNIA WAFFEN-SS TOTENKOPF CAP INSIGNIACap insignia, 1 1/2" wide, clearly removed from a cap. Very good.

USD 200 - 300

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 200 - 300

WAFFEN-SS TOTENKOPF CAP INSIGNIACap insignia, 1 1/4" wide, clearly removed from a cap. Very good.


USD 100 - 150

"GOTT MIT UNS" BELT BUCKLE1938 German army buckle "GOTT MIT UNS" with remnants of the original green paint finish, with brown leather tab.


USD 100 - 150

"GOTT MIT UNS" BUCKLEChromed steel German army belt buckle reading "Gott Mit Uns" in relief, made in 1940 by "NOELLE[?]" as indicated on the blind embossment on the leather tab. A few tiny oxidized spots.


USD 200 - 300

FELDPOLIZEI GORGETFeldgendarmerie gorget and chain, oxidized and worn from exposure to the elements but entirely intact.


USD 150 - 200

INFANTRY LIEUTENANT'S SHOULDER BOARDSShoulderboards issued to a German lieutenant of infantry, metal wire with white piping on stiff black felt strap-on backing, with a sulver pip attached to each. Very good.


USD 100 - 150

FELDGENDARMERIE TROPICAL SHOULDER STRAPSCloth button-on should straps for the tropical uniform of a member of the German Feldgendarmerie. Fine.


USD 250 - 350

OFFICER'S PANZER WRAP SHOULDER BOARDSPair of shoulder boards intended for a Panzer officer's "wrap", of short jacket. The 4" long semi-rigid boards have the traditional gold ribbon about the edge with a double strand of joined silver ribbon which apparently replaced the two silver "pips" usually attached to the boards. A heavy felt button-on tab is sewn on the underside. Apparently unissued, very good.


USD 100 - 150

GERMAN POLICE SHAKO EAGLE (2)Pair of German police shako eagles, each 6 1/2" wide, stamped aluminum with two screw posts on the reverse. One is soiled with a dent to the wing at right, the second example is fine.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 1,500 - 2,000

SS "FLORIAN GEYER" DIVISION CUFF TITLEWaffen SS 8th Kavallerie Division "Florian Geyer" cuff title, white thread embroidered letters with bands of silver metal-covered thread at top and bottom of the 19 1/2" band. Rolled and finished at both ends. Very good.


USD 250 - 450

KRIEGSMARINE SECOND PATTERN "SCHNELLBOOT" BADGEZinc badge, 2 1/2" x 2", depicting a German "Schnellboot" (fast attack boat) surging through the waves, surrounded by a gilded wreath. This wartime badge once bore the maker's mark of Souval, but a past owner has obliterated this mark due to the maker's reputation of making post-war reproductions.This badge was awarded for a variety of accomplishments in the Schnellboot service, including wounds in action, the completion of 12 sorties against the enemy, or outstanding leadership. Gilding worn in spots, else very good. Umarked.


USD 600 - 700

DUTCH SS SLEEVE RAUTEBlack felt diamond-shaped sleeve insignia, 2 1/2" x 3", depicting the SS "sig" runes in silver metal thread, with silver and black piping. A paper RZM tag is present on the reverse. This insignia was worn on the sleeves of Dutch SS officers. Fine.


USD 1,500 - 2,000

SS TOTENKOPF VERTICAL COLLAR TABBlack felt collar tab, 2 1/4" x 1 1/2", depicting a left-facing "totenkopf" in silver metal thread, with black and silver piping around the edge, worn by an SS-Totenkopf NCO. The reverse bears the remnants of a paper RZM tag. Fine.


USD 1,500 - 1,800

LEIBSTANDARTE ADOLF HITLER SHOULDER STRAPSMatched pair of black felt shoulder straps, each 4" x 1 3/4", both bearing the monogram "LAH", for Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler, embroidered in white thread, with black and silver wire piping around the edges. Fine.


USD 1,500 - 2,500

ALLGEMEINE-SS "OST" COLLAR TABBlack felt collar tab, 1 3/4" x 2 1/2", with the word "Ost" in Sutterlin script embroidered in silver thread, and silver and black piping about the edges. This collar tab was worn by NCO's of the SS- Oberabschnitt from 1936 to 1936, when the Sutterlin script was replaced with Gothic script. Piping slightly loose, else very good.


USD 350 - 450

NSDAP KREIS ABSCHNITTSLEITER COLLAR TABSMatched pair of brown velvet collar tabs, each 2 3/4" x 2", each bearing a single gold oak leaf and a gray metal national eagle, with white piping. The left-hand tab bears a paper RZM label on the reverse. Fine.


USD 350 - 550

WAFFEN-SS PANZER HAT PATCHTrapezoidal black felt patch, approx. 2" x 2 3/4", depicting a death's head beneath a national eagle in silver thread. The patch was taken from an M43 hat worn by Waffen-SS Panzer crew, and bears associated thread remnants, else fine.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 650 - 850

SS STURMBANNFUHRER COLLAR TABSMatched pair of black felt collar tabs, each 2 1/4" x 1 1/2", the left tab bearing four gray metal rank pips, and the right tab blank. Both tabs bear silver wire piping. Fine


USD 300 - 400

WEHRMACHT PROPAGANDA COMPANY CUFF TITLEBlack felt cuff title, approx. 19 3/4" x 1 1/2", with the legend "Propagandakompanie" embroidered in grey thread, worn by soldiers in the Wehrmacht assigned to propaganda duties. Unissued, fine.


USD 500 - 700

SS STURMBANNFUHRER COLLAR TABBlack felt collar tab, 1 1/2" x 2 1/4", with four gray metal pips, indicating the rank of Sturmbannfuhrer in the SS. The tab bears braided silver piping at the edges. Piping loosening slightly, else very good.


USD 1,500 - 2,000

WAFFEN-SS TOTENKOPF COLLAR TABBlack felt collar tab, 1 3/4" x 2 1/4", with an embroidered SS-Totenkopf insignia in silver bullion thread, and with braided silver piping at the edges. The tab bears a partial paper RZM label on the reverse, and would have been worn on the right lapel. Fine.


USD 300 - 400

NSDAP KREIS HAUPTABSCHNITTSLEITER COLLAR TABSMatched pair of brown velvet collar tabs, each 2 3/4" x 2", each bearing a double gold oak leaf and a gold metal national eagle, with white piping. Both tabs bear paper RZM labels on the reverse. Fine.


USD 1,500 - 2,000

EARLY SS-TOTENKOPF COLLAR TABBlack felt collar tab, 1 3/4" x 2 1/2", bearing an early version of the famous "death's head" insignia above the numeral "11", both embroidered in silver bullion thread. The edges are outlined in braided black and silver piping. This tab was intended to by worn by a Waffen-SS enlisted man or NCO. Fine.


USD 1,500 - 2,000

SS-TOTENKOPF CONCENTRATION CAMP COLLAR TABRare black felt collar tab, 1 3/4" x 2 1/4", with letter "K" in Germanic script embroidered in brown thread. This insignia stood for "Konzentrationslager", and identified SS-Totenkopfverband personnel assigned to concentration camps until it was discontinued in 1937. The edges are outlined with braided silver metal and black fabric piping. Fine.


USD 1,500 - 2,000

SS DACHAU TRAINING CAMP COLLAR TABRare detachable black felt collar tab, 1 3/4" x 2 3/4", on a metal backing fitted with four screw-tipped posts, to facilitate removal. A Germanic letter "U" is embroidered on the face in silver metal thread, and the edges are outlined with braided silver and black piping. This tab would have been worn on the white summer uniform of SS personnel stationed at the "Ubungslager", or training camp, at Dachau. Fine.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 500 - 700

SS PANZERGRENADIER SHOULDER BOARDSingle slip-on shoulder board, 1 1/4" x 4", consisting of braided silver cord atop a green waffenfarbe, all on a black wool backing, as worn by panzergrenadiers, with gold two split-pin pips attached indicating the rank of hauptsturmfuhrer. Minor moth damage to the waffenfarbe, else very good.


USD 250 - 350

WAFFEN-SS PIONEER'S SHOULDER BOARDSPair of slip-on shoulder boards, each 1 1/4" x 4", consisting of braided silver cord over a black waffenfarbe, on a black felt backing, with two bronze split-pin pips affixed to each, indicating the rank of hauptsturmfuhrer. These boards would have been worn by a member of a pioneer, or combat engineer, outfit. Some fraying to the cords, else very good.


USD 2,000 - 2,500

WAFFEN-SS TOTENKOPF COLLAR TABRare black felt collar tab, 1 3/4" x 2 1/4", intended to be worn on the left lapel, with an embroidered inward-facing death's head insignia in silver bullion thread. The edges are outlined with braided silver metal piping. Fine.


USD 500 - 700

WEHRMACHT GENERALLEUTNANT'S SHOULDER BOARDGerman Wehrmacht shoulder board, 1 1/2" x 3 3/4", consisting of braided gold and silver interwoven cord on a red felt wool backing, with a single large burnished split-pin pip, indicating the rank of Generalleutnant. Appears to have been cut from a uniform, else very good to fine.


USD 500 - 600

SS-SD UNTERSTURMFUHRER'S COLLAR TABS ON COLLAR REMNANTSPair of black wool collar tabs, each 1 3/4" x 2 1/4", each affixed to an approx. 3" x 4" section of green wool uniform lapel. The left tab is black felt with braided silver thread piping, while the right bears three grey metal split-pin pips, indicating a rank of Untersturmfuhrer, and is piped in the same manner. The Sicherheitsdienst, or SD, was the intelligence arm of the SS. Very good.


USD 1,000 - 1,500

SS-TOTENKOPF CONCENTRATION CAMP SHOULDER BOARDSPair of shoulder boards, 1 1/4" x 4 1/2", consisting of braided silver cord atop a light-brown waffenfarbe, on a black wool felt backing. Each board bears a single grey metal split-pin pip, indicating a rank of Obersturmfuhrer. These boards would have been worn by SS personnel assigned to concentration camps, and appear to have been cut from a uniform. Some wear, else very good.


USD 600 - 800

WEHRMACHT GENERAL'S GREATCOAT SHOULDER BOARDSPair of shoulder boards, each 1 1/2" x 5", consisting of braided gold and silver metal cords interwoven over a red wool felt backing, with two silver split-pin pips, indicating the rank of "General der Waffengattung" ("General of the Branch"). These boards were intended to be worn on a greatcoat, and bear green thread remnants indicating that they were removed from such. Very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 600 - 800

WEHRMACHT GENERAL'S SHOULDER BOARD AND COLLAR TABSingle shoulder board, 4 1/4" x 1 1/2", consisting of braided silver and gold bullion cords, interwoven over a red felt wool backing, with two silver split-pin pips, indicating the rank of "General der Waffengattung" ("General of the Branch"). The felt backing bears a split at the inside end, else very good. WITH: General's red wool collar tab, 1 1/2" x 3 1/4", embroidered with gold bullion thread and sewn to a section of dark green wool material removed from the lapel of a uniform. Very good.


USD 1,500 - 2,000

SS-TOTENKOPF COLLAR TABBlack felt wool shoulder tab, 1 1/2" x 2", bearing a death's head insignia in silver bullion thread, with the edges outlined with braided silver piping. Bears the remnants of a paper RZM label on the reverse. Fine.


USD 350 - 450

N.S.D.A.P. KREIS HAUPTGEMEINESCHAFTSLEITER COLLAR TABSPair of brown velvet collar tabs, each 2" x 2 3/4", each bearing a gilded metal political eagle above four split-pin pips, each with a tiny political eagle on the face. The brown velvet backing is further decorated with a gold and brown ribbon along the bottom, and the edges are outlined with white piping. The left tab bears a paper RZM label on the reverse. These collar tabs would have been worn by a Hauptgemeineschaftsleiter, or Head Community Leader, within the NSDAP. Some of the pips are oxidized, else very good.


USD 900 - 1,100

GAU BADEN HONOR BADGERare metal badge, 1 1/4" x 1 3/4", a Gau Baden Honor Badge. The badge features a chromed stylized political eagle within an oval wreath, with the legend "Gau Baden" applied at the bottom in black enamel. The reverse bears the makers mark: "FR. Klett Karlsruhe". Gau badges were political awards given by the Gauleiter of a given district in recognition of a variety of achievements in the service of the NSDAP. Very good to fine.


USD 1,200 - 1,400

GENERAL GAU BADGE 1925 Third Reich-era General Gau Badge, consisting of a large swastika with the honor date of "1925" at the center. The badge awarded by the Brown House, the NSDAP headquarters in Munich, and was issued in two degrees, known as the 1923 and 1925 Gau Badge. The badge was produced from "800"-proof silver, and this example is uncleaned with proper, desirable patina. Very good.


USD 400 - 500

STAFF LEADERS OF S.A. HIGH COMAND CUFF TITLEPre-war S.A. cuff title: "Oberste S.A.-fuhrung", orange cloth with silver metallic thread embroidery and trim, 19 ¾" x 1". Remnants of ancient paper adhere to the reverse of the embroidery, some staining, still very good. Rare.


USD 350 - 450

SS ARMBANDSS armband, heavy red wool contraction with separate "ribbed" white circular field and "folded" black swastika, black stripes sewn to top and bottom, all materials correct. A black fabric SS-marked RZM tag is sewn within, with the maker code "St 509/37". 19" x 4 1/2", not joined.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 300 - 400

SS armband, heavy red wool contraction with separate "ribbed" white circular field and "folded" black swastika, black stripes sewn to top and bottom, all materials correct. 16" x 4 3/4", joined at reverse.


USD 500 - 700

DEPUTY GAULEITER'S N.S.D.A.P. POLITICAL ARMBANDScarce Deputy Gauleiter party armband, red wool with four bands of gold metallic cord and a line of gold thread brocade at center, with additional gold metallic cord and light blue piping at top and bottom edges of the 18 3/4" x 5" band. In the center is a white grosgrain field with a separately fabricated black cloth swastika, the swastika and the circular white field also trimmed in metallic gold cord. A gold metal pip is affixed to the centyer of the swastika. The band is open on the rear, with an original RZM paper tag on reverse. Lightly soiled, in overall fine condition.


USD 300 - 400

KREIS LEVEL N.S.D.A.P. POLITICAL ARMBANDKreis level political armband, red wool with gold metallic cord and gold thread brocade at top and bottom, piped in yellow cord, 19" x 5". In the center is a white grosgrain field separately fabricated black cloth swastika, the swastika and the circular white field also trimmed in metallic gold cord. The band is open on the rear, with an original RZM paper tag on reverse. Worn from genuine use, scattered moth holes.


USD 400 - 500

GAU LEVEL N.S.D.A.P. POLITICAL ARMBANDGood condition gau level political armband, bright red wool with gold cellulon and metallic cord and brocade trim, 19 1/2" x 5" band. In the center is a white field with embroidered black swastika. Both the field and swastika are trimmed in gold thread. The band is open on the rear, with an original RZM paper tag affixed. Two small moth holes.


USD 350 - 450

REICHS LEVEL N.S.D.A.P. POLITICAL ARMBANDReich level political armband, bright red wool trimmed with gold metallic cord on the edges and 7mm. brocade oak leaves that run the length of the 19 3/4" x 5" band. In the center is a white field with embroidered black swastika. Both the field and swastika are trimmed in gold thread. The band is open on the rear, with an original RZM issue tag. Moth holes on right and left, estimated accordingly.


USD 100 - 150

KYFFHAUSERBUND MEMBER ARMBANDArmband issued to a member of the Kyffhauserbund veterans and reservists' umbrella group between 1900 and 1933. The armband, unused, is 15" long, 3 1/2" wide, and bears a BeVo-type patch with the organization's emblem sewn thereto. Fine.


USD 100 - 150

GERMAN STATE SERVICE ARMBANDGerman state service armband, 14" x 4", yellow cotton with black BeVo national eagle with swastika, joined at the ends. Fine.


USD 100 - 150

"KRIEGSBERICHTER DER LUFTWAFFE" CUFF TITLEWool cuff title for a Luftwaffe war correspondent, wool embroidered with white thread, 14" x 1 1/8". Very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 300 - 400

KRIEGSMARINE "AFRIKA KORPS" CUFF TITLERare "unofficial" Kriegsmarine sailor's Afrika Korps cuff title. The lettering "AFRIKA" is accomplished in gold bullion upon a black cloth backing. These non-regulation examples can be seen in numerous period photographs. Threads are pulled in a few spots, else very good.


USD 100 - 150

HITLER YOUTH ARMBANDRed cotton armband, 7" x 4 1/4", with an applied white band and one-piece mobile Hitler Youth swastika in the center. The piece is unmarked and bears a few small holes near the insignia, and some minor soiling, else very good.


USD 100 - 150

HITLER YOUTH ARMBANDRed cotton armband, 7 1/4" x 3 1/2", with an applied white band and mobile Hitler Youth swastika in the center. The arms of the swastika are constructed of separate pieces of cloth, sewn onto the white field. The piece, unmarked, is moderately soiled, else very good.


USD 100 - 150

HITLER YOUTH ARMBANDRed cotton armband, approx. 6 1/2" x 3 3/4", with an applied white band and an embroidered white diamond with a mobile swastika, also embroidered. Bears a dark stain on the face, else very good.


USD 100 - 150

"DEUTSCHE WEHRMACHT" ARMBANDYellow cotton armband, 6 3/4" x 3 3/4", expertly embroidered with the title "Deutsche Wehrmacht" in black thread. These armbands were typically worn by civilian employees of the Wehrmacht. Lightly soiled, else fine.


USD 100 - 150

HITLER YOUTH ARMBANDRed cotton armband, 6 1/2" x 4 1/4", with an applied white band and the Hitler Youth insignia - an embroidered mobile swastika on a white diamond - applied at the center. The ends are joined at the rear, and no RZM tag is present. Very good.


USD 100 - 150

N.S.D.A.P. ARMBANDThree-piece construction N.S.D.A.P. armband, 15 1/2" long, 3 3/4" wide, joined at the rear. Some soiling and light wear consistent with use.


USD 100 - 150

HITLER YOUTH ARMBANDRed cotton armband, approx. 7" x 3 3/4", with an applied white band and an applied white diamond with woven swastika. Somewhat soiled, else very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 100 - 150

N.S.D.A.P. ARMBANDRed cotton armband, 3 3/4" x 7 1/4", bearing an expertly embroidered black mobile swastika within a white circle. Lightly soiled, else fine.


USD 200 - 300

N.S.D.A.P. ORTS-LEVEL ARMBANDWool armband with multi-piece constructed swastika, piped in blue to indicate Orts-level leadership level and sewn together at rear. Very good.


USD 200 - 300

UNTEROFFIZIERSCHULE CUFF TITLEGreen cloth cuff title with army "Unteroffizierschule" woven BeVo style in silver thread, 16 1/2" x 1 1/4", very good.


USD 150 - 200

FELDGARDARMERIE CUFF TITLEBrown cloth cuff title with white embroidered "Feldgendarmerie", 16" x 1 1/2", well-worn.


USD 150 - 200

GESCHWADER HINDENBURG CUFF TITLECuff title from the Luftwaffe squadron "Geschwader Hindenburg", 17 1/4" x 1 1/2", black wool with white embroidered lettering. A few moth holes, still quite good. The squadron was a Luftwaffe bomber unit which used Heinkel He 111 and later Heinkel He 177 bombers. It participated heavily in the attacks on the Low Countries and in the Battle of Britain.


USD 200 - 300

AFRIKA CORPS CUFF TITLEFine, original "Afrika Korps" cuff title, 17 1/4" x 1 1/4", consisting of a dark green cotton center stripe with diagonally-ribbed aluminum flat-wire edge trim, and tan rayon borders at the top and bottom edges. The central stripe features the legend "AFRIKAKORPS" in Latin block letters, machine woven in aluminum flat-wire thread. All letters are of the correct size, proportion and placement, and the weaves pattern on the reverse is the correct tight "herringbone". In fine, unissued condition.


USD 100 - 150

NSDAP ARMBANDRed wool NSDAP armband, 19" x 4 1/4" (unfolded), with an applied white silk disk at the center, to which has been sewn a mobile swastika of black ribbon material. The armband is unmarked, and bears two small holes, possibly from pins, at the upper edge, with slight soling to the center disk, else very good.


USD 75 - 100

N.S.D.A.P. ARMBANDNSDAP party member's armband, three-piece construction 14 ½" x 4 ¼", with RZM paper tag on the reverse. A N.S.D.A.P. ARMBAND NSDAP party member's armband, three-piece construction 19 ½" x 4 ¼", with RZM paper tag on the reverse. A late example, unissued.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 100 - 150

GERMAN 1ST SKI JAGER DIVISION IDENTIFICATION DISCGerman soldier's two-piece identification disc, identifies the owner as a member of: "SKI. JG. ERS. BTL. 1". The German 1st Ski Division was created on the Eastern Front in the autumn of 1943 and was enlarged into a full division in the summer of 1944. The division fought exclusively on the Eastern Front as part of Army Group Centre, including in an approach to the Vistula river and during the retreat into Slovakia, southern Poland and the Czech lands.


USD 200 - 300

SS-TOTENKOPF DIVISION I.D. DISK WITH POUCHMetal soldier's identification disk, 2 3/4" x 2", bearing the stamped legend: " 178 14./5. SS-T. Sta." on each half. The "SS-T" indicates that the bearer was a member of the SS-Totenkopfverband. Also present is a leather storage pouch with snap closure for the disk. Both items are in good excavated condition.


USD 1,500 - 1,700

SPANISH CROSS IN SILVER WITH SWORDSPin-back metal, approx. 2 1/4" square, a Spanish Cross in Silver with Swords, awarded to German soldiers sent to fight for the nationalist government during the Spanish Civil War. The Luftwaffe-style eagles are separately soldered to the medal, as is the central disk. This disk and the arms of the cross both bear sharp and detailed stippling. The reverse is marked "L/13", indicating that the award was manufactured by Paul Meybauer. The silver version of this award was granted to soldiers who took part in decisive battles or had considerable fighting experience. Very good.


USD 600 - 900

OCCUPIED POLAND "OST" SLEEVE TITLEVery rare brown wool sleeve title, 17 1/2" x 1", with the legend "OST" hand-embroidered in yellow thread, and the edges outlined with gold piping. A paper SA RZM label is affixed to the reverse, not original to the piece. This cufftitle was intended to be worn with the brown service uniform by senior Third Reich government officials assigned to temporary duty in occupied Poland. This particular example was featured in "In the Service of the Reich", by John Angolia (San Jose: R. James Bender), 1995, page 155. Fine.


USD 300 - 400

S.D. / SS NCO SLEEVE DIAMONDSicherheitsdienst (SS Security Service) black wool diamond-shaped sleeve insignia, hand-embroidered in silvered wire with the block letters "S D", 3" tall. The reverse of the insignia still has the original coarse cotton fabric beneath the overlapping black cloth, the center possibly removed to determine the authenticity of the stitching. Clearly removed from a uniform as a few scattered clipped black threads still run through the edge of the insignia. Rare!


USD 300 - 400

SS COLLAR TABUnissued SS collar tab, 2 1/8" x 1 ½", mint condition. Likely recovered at the Dachau clothing depot.


USD 600 - 800

LUFTWAFFE GENERALMAJOR'S COLLAR TABSPair of cream wool felt collar tabs, each 1 3/4" x 2 1/4", and each bearing the image of a stylized eagle in flight within a laurel wreath, all embroidered in gold bullion thread. The edges of each tab are outlined with braided gold bullion piping. Fine.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 650 - 750

SS COLLAR TAB FROM DACHAUSS collar tab recovered by an American soldier who helped liberate Dachau, the 2 1/4" tab with SS runs embroidered with silver thread and bearing piping of twisted silver wire-covered cord. Very fine. Recovered by Pvt. Norman B. Bunch, 45th Infantry, 176th Combat Reg't at the Dachau Supply Depot. Consigned by a family member, sold with one of the depot's letterheads which Bunch also obtained at Dachau.


USD 200 - 300

SS MOUNTAIN TROOPS I.D. DISKMetal soldier's identification disk, 2 3/4" x 2", bearing the stamped legend: "SS-Geb. Jag. A. U. E. Batl. 6" on each half of the face, with "1490" on the reverse. The "SS-Geb. Jag." stands for "SS-Gebirgsjager", and indicates that the bearer was a member of a Waffen-SS mountain infantry division. In good excavated condition.


USD 200 - 300

SS SIGNALMAN'S I.D. DISKMetal soldier's identification disk, 2 3/4" x 2", bearing the stamped legend: "16440 SS-Nachr. Ers. Rgt." on each half. The "SS-Nachr." stands for "SS-Nachtrichten", and indicates that the bearer was a signalman, while the "Er. Rgt." stands for "Erstaz Regiment", indicating that he was a reservist. In good excavated condition.


USD 100 - 150

SS IDENTIFICATION DISK AND OST MEDALLot of two pieces consigned in one grouping, includes an aluminum two-part SS identification disk, with an "Ost Medal" and ribbon recognizing service on the Eastern Front. Also included is a 1936 Reichsparteitag badge, not associated with the other items.


USD 150 - 200

SS "HITLER YOUTH" IDENTIFICATION DISCSS "Hitler Jugend" identification disc, intact, reads: "12SS HITLER JUGEND PANZ. GREN. REGT 25 3042". Good condition.


USD 200 - 300

WACHGRUPPE NORDLAND I.D. DISKMetal I.D. disk, 2 3/4" x 2", bearing the identification "Wachgruppe Nordland", with the serial number "301". Wachgruppe Nordland was a privately raised Flemish guard company of about four or five hundred men, primarily tasked with guarding Luftwaffe installations around Antwerp. Very good.


USD 1,500 - 2,500

KOTO-ERA "O-SURIAGE" KATANA BLADEFinely-forged, massive katana blade, measuring 27" from "kissaki"(tip) to the habaki stop, and 36 1/4" overall, with a blade width of 1" at the kissaki and 1 1/4" at the habaki, with a weight of more than two pounds. The blade dates from the Koto period, prior to 1596. The sword is "mumei", meaning that the tang bears no signature or other identifying inscriptions, and the blade is "o-suriage", meaning that it was cut down at the tang to reduce the overall length. The tang shows a finely-oxidized, dark patina, with files marks evident on both sides, and two holes for "mekugi", or securing pins. Strong ridges appear on each side of the blade, with a third along the spine. The forging process has resulted in a great deal of "hataraki" or activity visible in the grain. The blade edge shows a wavy and distinct "hamon", or temper pattern, along the entire length. The surface of the steel shows some minor, isolated oxidation and scratches, expected given the age. The habaki is of mottled silver-plated copper. The blade is housed in a "shirasaya", a plain wooden scabbard and grip lacking a "tsuba" (hand guard) and any decoration. These mountings are used when a blade is to be stored for a long period of time, as the typical lacquered wood mountings retain moisture and encourage corrosion. The shirasaya scabbard bears the ink inscription: "From the collection of Utsunomiya Hiroshi", while the grip is similarly inscribed: "Suginami Ward, Koenji 4-537". The blade is secured within the shirasaya grip by a single mekugi. An extremely well-forged, antique example.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 600 - 800

WAKIZASHI SWORD BLADE BY A STUDENT, IN THE STYLE OF A SADA MUNE SWORDFinely forged Japanese Wakizashi blade, 26 3/4" long, created during the Koto period, likely circa 1450. The tang features the appropriate layer of fine brown oxidation, and bears the signature "Sadamune", in reference to a highly-regarded sword maker of the era. The sword was likely forged by a student, and the signature was applied by his master in recognition of his talent. The reverse of the tang bears a date inscription. The blade is entirely hand-forged, with the grain of the folded metal clearly visible. A brass "habaki", or collar, is present above the tang, and is deeply etched with leaf pattern. The blade is housed in a "shirasaya", a plain wooden scabbard and grip lacking a "tsuba" (hand guard) and any decoration. These mountings are used when a blade is to be stored for a long period of time, as the typical lacquered wood mountings retain moisture and encourage corrosion. The blade is retained within the "tsuka" (hilt) by a wooden peg, or "mekugi". The blade bears very slight corrosion near the tip on one side, but is otherwise a fine antique example from a skilled swordsmith.


USD 800 - 1,200

S.A. DAGGER WITH HANGER BY RASSPERare S.A. dagger, scabbard and hanger from maker Ernst Hugo Rasspe of Solingen. The grip of the dagger bears original SA button and eagle which fit properly. Theree is a tiny ding or two to the wood, mentioned only for accuracy. Detail to the crossguard and upper fitting remains entirely acceptable. The blade is very good, with etching still dark, though there is a small bit of corrosion where the blasfe meets the crossguard. Running lines are minimal. The scabbard bears a good deal of oxidation and one of the fittings lacks a screw: perhaps a little restoration might be called for with such a rare piece. Estimated accordingly.


USD 750 - 1,000

ENGRAVED PRESENTATION S.A. DAGGERPresentation S.A. dagger. The dagger bears a dark brown wood grip inset with a somewhat oxidized S.A runes button and nickel eagle and swastika which retains excellent detail. The wood of the grip is slightly uneven incolor, and bears a little roughness at the upper hip. Both crossguards appear original to the dagger, fit very well to the grip, and are in very good condition. The reverse of the lower crossguard is marked: "BO". The blade bears a few very light running marks, and the etching of the S.A. motto "Alles fur Deutschland" ("Everything for Germany") is deep and still dark. The reverse rincasso is marked by the maker Carl Eickhorn. The red-brown scabbard is straight throughout. It has been repainted, and the lower fitting and ball bear some dents. The upper nickel fitting reads: "Treue um Treue ST. 2/1" with the reverse engraved with the owner's name: "Snelhof". The scabbard also bears the original short brown leather hanger with snap clip. Overall very good.


USD 3,000 - 5,000

EARLY SS DAGGER WITH HANGERA superb SS dagger, one of the earliest of RZM production and marked "120/34" (possibly by Pack), with solid nickel components. The grip is near perfect, with only one negligible tiny surface indent, while the fittings, SS button and inlaid eagle are all originaland fit perfectly. Correct for this maker, the lower cross guard is MĂźnchen district "I" stamped. The pommel nut is unscratched. There are some minor green spots on the fittings which are very easily cleaned. The blade's engraving is dark, and running marks are nominal and entirely acceptable. There is some surface oxidation to the blade, which might be correceted to some extent. A vertical hanger is present, and it is SS 48/34 RZM-stamped. The buckle on the hanger is nicely marked with the Assman logo as well as "DRGM". The scabbard is free of any distractions whatsoever. A superior dagger.


USD 500 - 700

LUFTWAFFE DAGGER, SECOND MODELSecond model Luftwaffe dagger, 10" blade, 15" overall. The oval pommel depicts a swastika surrounded by oak leaves, with the initials "G.H." custom-engraved on the top. Fitted with orange celluloid-covered wood grips with a wire wrap that remains in place and tight. The cross guard, depicting a left-facing national eagle in flight with oak leaves on a plain pebbled field, exhibits splendid detail and shows virtually no wear. The pebbled side of the crossguard is likewise excellent. The nickel-finish blade bears the mark of the Carl Eickhorn of Solingen, is fine, with only the tiniest spots of darkening. The scabbard is pebbled with an oak leaf pattern at the tip and on the hanger band. It is straight and has no scratches, dings or dents. Also present is a metallic silver portapee.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 600 - 700

THIRD REICH POLICE DRESS BAYONETElaborate Third Reich police dress bayonet, 13" blade, 17 1/2" overall, with stag horn grips decorated with a nickel state police emblem, consisting of a national eagle within a wreath. The nickel-finished brass pommel is in the shape of a stylized eagle's head, while the hilt and quillion are decorated with oak leaves, worn away on one side from contact with the leather frog. The blade bears a bright nickel finish, and bears marks on both sides of the tang identifying the maker as "Weyersberg, Kirschbaum & Cie." of Solingen. The scabbard is black leather with a nickel-finish throat and tip, with the original frog present. The blade shows slight run marks, with a tiny bend and some slight oxidation to the metal tip of the scabbard, as well as the wear to the quillion mentioned earlier, else very good.


USD 1,500 - 2,000

SS SERVICE DAGGERLate M33 SS service dagger at an affordable price. The hardwood ebony-stained grip is fitted with the original SS runes button which is entirely intact, though the national eagle fitted beneath is possibly a later replacement. The grip is chipped at top and bottom, undoubtedly due to the wood swelling in a damp climate. The nickle-plated fittings are very good, retaining sharp detail with very little wear. The round pommel nut shows no evidence of having been ever turned thus we believe this dagger has never been apart. The blade is beautiful: The engraving: "Meine Ehre heisst Treue" is deeply cut and retains almost all of the original darkeining. Running marks are nominal, and the cross-graining on the blade remains distinct throughout. The reverese is marked: "RZM 1198/39" with SS runes. The scabbard is in equally fine condition, with the fittings bright and fine, and the bulbous tip undamaged. The black paint is almost perfect, with only a very few miniscule chips wiely scattered. Also present is a regulation black ss leather hanger with the snap clip marked "RZM M5/71". But for the chipped grip and replaced grip, an excellent dagger worthy of restoration.


USD 1,500 - 2,000

SS SERVICE DAGGEREarly M33 SS service dagger. The hardwood ebony-stained grip is fitted with an original SS runes button which is entirely intact though the enamel is discolored in places. The national eagle is perfectly inset into the grip and original to the piece. It is undamaged and retains a great deal of its original detail. The grip is chipped at top and bottom on the obverse and reverse, undoubtedly due to the wood swelling in a damp climate. The nickle fittings remain quite good, and show no more than typical age and wear. The blade is very good, and the engraving: "Meine Ehre heisst Treue" is deeply cut and retains a good deal of the original darkeining. Running marks are minimal, and much cross-graining remains evident. The reverese is marked: "RZM 121/34" with encircled SS runes. The "anodized" scabbard is very good though lacking the original lacquer finish. The nickle fittings, though bearing a few surface scratches and tiny indents, also remain very good. The ball at the tip of the scabbard has a small split. A good example, estimated accordingly.


USD 600 - 700

LUFTWAFFE DAGGER, FIRST MODEL WITH HANGERFirst model Luftwaffe dagger, 11 1/2" blade, 17 1/2" overall, with aluminum pommel and hilt, with inset brass sunwheel-style swastikas at the center of both. The hilt features downswept triple wing quillions, and the grip is covered with dark leather over wood, wrapped with braided silver wire which remains taught. The blade bears the oval maker's mark of E & F Horster of Solingen, Germany. The scabbard mounts are also aluminum, with an aluminum hanger and clip marked "Ges. Gesch." and "OLC". The scabbard is also covered with navy blue leather. All fittings are clean and bright, detail remains sharp throughout. Leather on the grip and scabbard is chipped in places, the blade is bright, with one tiny spot of surface oxidation.


USD 400 - 600

FAIRBAIRN-SYKES FIGHTING KNIFEFine example of a double-edged stiletto-style fighting knife, 6 1/4" blade, 11 1/4" overall, with a blackened checked vase-shaped brass grip, an oval hand guard and no ricasso. The blade is etched "The F-S Fighting Knife" on one side, and with the maker's name "Wilkinson Sword Co. Ltd. London" on the other. Unusually, the blade of this example has been left "in the white"; the majority were blackened along with the grip. The knife is housed in a black-painted steel scabbard with a brown leather belt loop, possibly a custom replacement. The blade bears minor oxidation with slight pitting, and a few run marks, while the black coating of the handle is rubbed thin in a few areas, else very good. These knives were designed by William Fairbairn and Eric Sykes, instructors in close-combat fighting at the Commando Basic Training Centre in Scotland. The knife came to be most closely associated with the British Commandos, but was also used by British and Canadian Airborne troops, the SAS, the American OSS and Army Rangers, and some U.S. Marine units. It remains one of the most instantly recognizable fighting knife styles.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 500 - 600

HEER OFFICER'S DAGGER WITH HANGERThird Reich Heer officer's dagger, 10" blade, 14 1/2" overall, with a white celluloid-covered wood grip capped by a circular pommel with an oak leaf motif around the rim. The cross guard depicts a national eagle with spread wings, with scrollwork at the ends of the quillions, and an oak leaf pattern on the ferrule. Both fittings are exceptional, and in nearly as-new condition with all detail perfect. The nickel-finish blade bears the maker's mark of the Robert Klaas, and the blade shows only the most minor running marks. The metal scabbard is fully pebbled, with an oak leaf pattern on the hanger bands. It is straight and bears no dents, dings, or other damage. The hangers are faced with silver wire, and continue the oak leaf motif on the buckles; like the dagger, it too is in superior condition.


USD 400 - 500

CAPTURED LUFTWAFFE DAGGER, FIRST MODELFirst model Luftwaffe dagger, 11 1/2" blade, 17 1/2" overall, with aluminum pommel and hilt, with molded sunwheel-style swastikas at the center of both. The crossguard features downswept triple wing quillions, and it, along with the pommel nut are oxidized, the latter also having lost the gilding to the swastika .The handle is covered with dark leather over wood, wrapped with braided silver wire, which remains tight. The scabbard mounts are also aluminum, with an aluminum hanging chain and clip marked "Ges. Gesch." and "OLC". On the throat of the scabbard, someone, presumably an American captor, has carved the name "Buck" and the date "[19]45". The scabbard is covered with black leather showing a minor tear and some chips. The blade is bright and beautiful, unblemished but unmarked, else very good.


USD 100 - 150

CZECH-CONVERTED GERMAN MAUSER BAYONETGerman M1884/98 bayonet, 10" blade, 15 1/4" overall, a knife bayonet designed for use with the Mauser 1898, Kar98k, and other similar rifles. The bayonet features brown wood grips, secured with two screws. The hilt is marked "P.R.8." on one side, and "5513" on the other. It is believed that these markings indicate Czech service; Czechoslovakia made extensive use of the kar98k and its related accoutrements following World War II. The metal scabbard bears the same markings. The blade is fully blued, and shows slight run marks, with some minor use wear to the grips and pommel, and some minor oxidation and scratches on the scabbard. Very good. Present with the bayonet is an unmarked dark brown leather frog.


USD 200 - 300

GERMAN EICKHORN DRESS BAYONETGerman Wehrmacht KS98 dress bayonet, 8" blade, 12 3/4" overall, with tightly checkered black plastic grips, secured by two domed steel rivets. The blade bears the Eickhorn maker's mark, with the original leather washer present at the tang. The original red felt insert is also pr4esent within the mounting socket. Some run marks to the blade, some wear of the scabbard from contact with the frog (missing in this example), else very good to fine.


USD 100 - 150

GERMAN MAUSER BAYONETGerman M1884/98 bayonet, 10" blade, 15" overall, a knife bayonet designed for use with the Mauser 1898, Kar98k, and other similar rifles. The bayonet features textured brown composite grips, secured with two screws. The tang of the blade is marked "860" on one side, and "44ffc" on the other, the latter indicating that it was manufactured by F. Herder of Solingen. The metal scabbard bears the same markings. The blade is fully blued, and shows slight run marks, with some minor use wear to the grips and pommel, and some minor oxidation and scratches on the scabbard. The leather frog is absent, else very good.


USD 75 - 100

GURKHA DAGGERImpressive Gurkha dagger, possible war-time fabrication, 20" long with beige bone handle, quite sharp, with leather scabbard with brass trim.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 400 - 500

HEER OFFICER'S DAGGER WITH HANGERThird Reich Heer officer's dagger, 10" blade, 14 1/2" overall, with a solid orange celluloid grip capped by a circular pommel with an oak leaf motif around the rim. The oak leaves on the pommel have retained their original detail, and there is only a small scratch on one edge from where the dagger may have once been dropped. The cross guard depicts a national eagle with spread wings, with scrollwork at the ends of the quillions, and an oak leaf pattern on the ferrule. It also is in excellent condition, retaining almost all of its original detail. The nickel-finish blade bears the deeply-etched maker's mark of the Carl Eickhorn, and it is entirely clean but for a few tiny corroded spots near the tip. . The metal scabbard is straight and has one small dent near the tip. The bands and pebbling remain otherwise very good. Hangers are present, faced with silver wire, with an oak leaf motif on the clasps, buckles, and top loop. The clasps and the loop are both marked "D.R.G.M."


USD 150 - 200

HITLER YOUTH KNIFESingle-edged Hitler Youth knife, 5 1/2" blade, 9 1/2" overall, with black bakelite grips with an inlaid elongated Hitler Youth dimond insignia. The blade bears the RZM mark "M7/12", indicating that it was made by Max Weyersberg of Solingen. The knife is housed in a black metal scabbard with a leather hanger. The blade is sharpened, obliterating part of the RZM mark, with wear marks on both sides of the pommel, while the scabbard shows scratches and oxidation, with wear eliminating most of the black finish of the leather hanger, else good.


USD 150 - 200

JAPANESE BAYONETJapanese World War II-era Type 30 sword bayonet, 15 1/2" blade, 20" overall, with wood grips and a curved quillion. The tang markings indicate that it was produced by the National Denki company under the supervision of the Kokura Arsenal. The end of the pommel bears the serial number. The blade is fully blued. The blade bears slight running marks, the handle shows minor wear from use, and the metal scabbard bears some oxidation and scratches, else very good. The Type 30 was used with the Arisaka Type 30, Type 38, and Type 99 rifles, and was in service from the Russo Japanese war to the end of World War II.


USD 150 - 200

JAPANESE BAYONETJapanese World War II-era Type 30 sword bayonet, 15 1/2" blade, 20" overall, with wood grips secured with oval washers, and a curved quillion. The tang markings indicate that it was produced by either the Tokyo Arsenal or the Kokura Arsenal, who used the same mark during different periods. The end of the pommel bears the serial number. The blade is bright. The blade bears noticeable run marks, the handle shows minor wear from use, and the metal scabbard bears some oxidation and scratches, else very good. The Type 30 was used with the Arisaka Type 30, Type 38, and Type 99 rifles, and was in service from the Russo Japanese war to the end of World War II.


USD 150 - 200

JAPANESE BAYONETJapanese World War II-era Type 30 sword bayonet, 15 1/2" blade, 20" overall, with wood grips secured with oval washers, and a straight quillion. The tang markings indicate that it was produced by the Toyoda Automatic Loom Works under the supervision of the Nagoya Arsenal. The end of the pommel bears the serial number. The blade is fully blued. The blade bears noticeable run marks, the handle shows minor wear from use, and the metal scabbard bears some oxidation and scratches, else very good. The Type 30 was used with the Arisaka Type 30, Type 38, and Type 99 rifles, and was in service from the Russo Japanese war to the end of World War II.


USD 150 - 200

JAPANESE BAYONETJapanese World War II-era Type 30 sword bayonet, 15 1/2" blade, 20" overall, with wood grips secured with rivets, and a straight quillion. The tang markings indicate that it was produced by the National Denki company under the supervision of the Kokura Arsenal. The end of the pommel bears the serial number. The blade is fully blued. The blade bears noticeable run marks, the handle shows wear from use, and the hilt, pommel, and metal scabbard bear some oxidation and scratches, else very good. The Type 30 was used with the Arisaka Type 30, Type 38, and Type 99 rifles, and was in service from the Russo Japanese war to the end of World War II.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 150 - 200

JAPANESE BAYONETJapanese World War II-era Type 30 sword bayonet, 15 1/2" blade, 20" overall, with wood grips secured with oval washers, and a curved quillion. The tang markings indicate that it was produced by either the Tokyo Arsenal or the Kokura Arsenal, who used the same mark during different periods. The end of the pommel bears the serial number. The blade is bright. The blade bears noticeable run marks, the handle shows minor wear from use, and the metal scabbard bears some oxidation and scratches, else very good. The Type 30 was used with the Arisaka Type 30, Type 38, and Type 99 rifles, and was in service from the Russo Japanese war to the end of World War II.


USD 150 - 200

JAPANESE BAYONETJapanese World War II-era Type 30 sword bayonet, 15 1/2" blade, 20" overall, with wood grips secured with oval washers, and a curved quillion. The tang markings indicate that it was produced by either the Tokyo Arsenal or the Kokura Arsenal, who used the same mark during different periods. The end of the pommel bears the serial number. The blade is fully blued. The blade bears faint run marks, the handle shows minor wear from use, and the metal scabbard bears some oxidation and scratches, else very good. The Type 30 was used with the Arisaka Type 30, Type 38, and Type 99 rifles, and was in service from the Russo Japanese war to the end of World War II.


USD 150 - 200

LUFTWAFFE "TEAR DROP" SWORD HANGERS (2)Lot of two Luftwaffe sword hangers, leather, 8" long overall with metal snaps, each ink-stamped by maker on reverse: "Varkaufs-Abteilung der Luftwaffe", Berlin. Some oxidation, very good.


USD 400 - 500

LUFTWAFFE DAGGER, FIRST MODEL WITH HANGERFirst model Luftwaffe dagger, 11 1/2" blade, 17 1/2" overall, with aluminum pommel and hilt, with inset brass sunwheel-style swastikas at the center of both. The hilt features downswept triple wing quillions, and the grip is covered with dark leather over wood, wrapped with braided silver wire which remains taught. The blade bears the oval maker's mark of E & F Horster of Solingen, Germany. The scabbard mounts are also aluminum, with an aluminum hanger and clip marked "Ges. Gesch." and "OLC". The scabbard is also covered with navy blue leather. All fittings are clean and bright, detail remains sharp throughout. Leather on the grip and scabbard is chipped in places, the blade is bright, with one tiny spot of surface oxidation.


USD 100 - 150

LUFTWAFFE SWORD HANGERScarce Luftwaffe sword hanger, leather teardrop 4 1/2" long with metal snap, ink-stamped by maker on reverse: "Verkaufs-Abteilung der Luftwaffe", Berlin, with attached white asjustable sling which bears a few rust stains. Scarce.


USD 400 - 500

S.A. HONOR DAGGERHonor dagger of the "Sturmabteilung" (SA), 8 3/4" blade, 13 3/4" overall, with brown wood grips inlaid on one side with a nickel silver national eagle and the insignia of the SA. The blade is etched with the motto of the organization: "Alles fur Deutschland" ("All for Germany"), and bears the maker's mark of the Asso company of Solingen on the reverse. The reverse of the lower crossguard is stamped "Ns", indicating the regional branch of the SA to which the owner belonged. This stamp also indicates that the dagger was manufactured prior to 1935. The dagger is housed in a scabbard of anodized steel with nickel silver fittings, and with the brown leather hanger present. The blade shows some running marks and slight oxidation near the hilt, with some slight tarnish to the crossguards. The SA button is scratched and a bit worn, but the inset eagle is fine, and both are original to the dagger. The "ball" at the end of the scabbard appears slightly deformed, and the anodized finish is heavily oxidized. Estimated accordingly.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 400 - 500

S.A. HONOR DAGGERHonor dagger of the "Sturmabteilung" (SA), 8 3/4" blade, 13 3/4" overall, with brown wood grips inlaid on one side with a nickel silver national eagle and "button" insignia of the SA. The blade is deeply etched with the motto of the organization: "Alles fur Deutschland" ("All for Germany"), and is stamped "Gebruder Heller" on the reverse. The blade has some pitting near the tip, and has been cleaned with an abrasive agent to remove old corrosion. The reverse of the lower crossguard is stamped "Th", indicating the regional branch of the SA to which the owner belonged. This stamp also indicates that the dagger was manufactured prior to 1935. The dagger is housed in a scabbard of black-painted steel with nickel silver fittings. Estimated accordingly


USD 500 - 600

SECOND MODEL KRIEGSMARINE DAGGERThird Reich second model Kriegsmarine dagger, 10" blade, 15 1/4" overall, with a white celluloid-covered wood grip, wrapped with braided brass wire. The pommel is in the shape of a national eagle with-half folded wings, clutching a wreath-encircled swastika. The crossguard depicts a fouled anchor at the center, with acanthus leaf designs on the quillions. Both mountings are brass. The pommel and cross guard bear moderate rubbing. The nickel-plated blade bears no engraving or other markings, save for the maker's mark of the ALCOSO company of Solingen, and it is in excellent condition with only a few tiny specks of corrosion. The leather washer at the tang is intact and remains supple. The scabbard is brass, with lightning-bolt motifs and two hanging rings with bands bearing a pattern of oak leaves. The scabbard is straight, though there a few tiny dings.


USD 150 - 200

SWAGGER STICK WITH CONCEALED DAGGERSwagger stick, 19 1/2" long, possibly of Japanese origin, consisting of 11 segments of black horn or composite material. The last two segments form the handle of a square-profiled dagger with a 5" blade, which screws into a threaded space in the stick. The threads at the dagger handle are chipped, as it the body of the stick at various points along its length, else very good.


USD 6,000 - 8,000

WAFFEN-SS HELMET WITH "BRING BACK" PAPER WORKGerman steel single-decal M1940 combat helmet, with a very dark green painted finish overall, well-worn and oxidized in some areas, with a decal bearing the "sig" runes of the Waffen-SS, slightly scratched and dinged, on the right-hand side. The inside of the left-hand rim is heat-stamped "ET66", indicating that it was manufactured at the Eisenhuttenwerke at Thale. The rear rim is heat-stamped "228 5". The eight-fingered liner is of light brown leather, flaking slightly and size-stamped "58", with the original adjustment cord present. The dark brown leather chinstrap is cracking in several spots, but present and intact. Included with the helmet is a wood box, 13" x 7" x 10", used by an American soldier, Arthur Galloway, to ship his souvenir home to his mother at war's end. The box is addressed on the lid: "Mrs. William Galloway, Whitehall, New York", with the return address: "T/5 Arthur Galloway 62040938, Ser. Co. 36th A[rmored] I[nfantry] R[egiment], A.P.O. #253 c/o Postmaster, New York, N.Y." with the disclaimer "Contents: German Helmet". This address appears again on the front and back of the box. On the front, the address is partially obscured by the original capture certificate for the helmet, which is secured to the wood by four tacks. This certificate, dated March 6, 1945, is signed by Galloway's superior officer, and certifies that the value of the helmet as a trophy is not exceeded by its scrap or training value, and that no explosives or firearms are to be shipped. The certificate lists the specific items to be shipped as "German Helmet & Coins", although the latter are no longer present. The box further bears several postage stamps and an Army inspector's stamp. Records present with the helmet indicate that Arthur Galloway enlisted in the Army in January of 1941 and was discharged in September 1945, and saw service in North Africa and in Germany. It is most likely that he captured this helmet from a surrendering soldier in Germany, shortly before war's end, as indicated by the date on the shipping certificate. A superlative relic in as-captured condition.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 3,000 - 5,000

THE TWO-STAR GENERAL'S HELMET OF GEN. WILLIAM H. H. MORRIS, JR., WORN WHEN HE RELIEVED BASTOGNEA special find, the mid-war American M1 helmet owned and worn by General William Henry Harris Morris, Jr. during his service in Europe. The helmet is an early war fixed bale M1 with the seam of the rim appearing at the front and with a very lightly textured dark green paint. At the front of the helmet, two stars are affixed, apparently brazed to the helmet surface and then painted to match the existing finish. The original chin strap remains attached, pulled above the front rim of the helmet. Within, the steel body bears the painted identification: "Maj. Gen. W. H. H. Morris, Jr." which clearly was applied many decades ago. The woven composite helmet retains all original straps and ties. It too has the same white painted identification and it has been done in the same hand. It is also aged identically to that written within the helmet. The front of the liner also has two stars painted thereon. A "Capac Manufacturing" stamp appears within. Overall very good condition. This helmet was purchased from a collection in New Jersey, where Morris was born and raised. During World War I, he served in France as a commander of a battalion in the 360th Infantry Regiment and he was wounded in combat. During World War II Morris commanded the 6th Armored Division during its stateside training, was promoted to brigadier general in January, 1942 and major general in May, 1942. In 1943 and 1944 he commanded II Armored Corps, which was later reorganized as the XVIII Airborne Corps incorporating the 82nd and 101st Airborne Divisions. In 1945, Morris brilliantly commanded 10th Armored Division in the relief of Bastogne during the Battle of the Bulge. Following this he was assigned to command VI Corps in the Seventh Army which drove from the Rhine to Italy in the spring of 1945.


USD 3,000 - 4,000

M38 FALLSCHIRMJAGER HELMETLate war German Fallschirmjager helmet. Original gray-black paint with single slot screw heads. The screws appear to have perhaps been removed once though the liner appears unmolested. But for normal wear and tear, the shell and its paint are in much better condition than normally seen. Within, the liner shows comparatively light wear with all ink markings fully legible including size 57 liner, 68 shell. Chin and rear support straps are completely intact and supple showing only normal dust and some surface crazing here and there. The helmet remains unmarred, and is stamped "4185" on the inside brim. Lacking Luftwaffe eagle decal. Overall very good.


USD 2,500 - 3,500

SS M40 DOUBLE-DECAL HELMET BY QUISTDouble-decal M40 SS helmet by noted maker Quist. The comparatively rough-surfaced slate-gray helmet bears a party shield decal to the left side, with the remnants of a second pattern SS decal affixed to the right side. The failure of these decals is often attributed to the surface applied to the helmet by Quist. Within, the helmet has an eight-finger leather liner marked with size "57", and the original draw string is still present. Remnants of the leather chin strap remain attached to the bails. The right side of the apron is stamped by the maker: "Q64", with the production number: "6481" appearing at the rear". Due to the damaged decal, estimated accordingly.


USD 2,500 - 3,500

M40 HELMET WITH "ZIMMERIT" CAMOUFLAGEA true rarity, an German M40 single decal Heer helmet with hand-applied "zimmerit" camouflage finish leaving no doubt that it saw combat use. The finish was neatly applied so as not to obscure the Wehrmacht eagle decal on the left side, and teh paint and decal remain entirely intact. The interior features a complete leather liner with the otiginal leather tie and chin strap. Zimerit coating also appears along the interior apron and covers the maker and helmet size stamps. Overall very good. Zimmerit was a paste-like coating used on mid- and late-war German armored fighting vehicles. It produced a hard layer, providing enough separation that magnetic anti-tank mines would fail to stick to the vehicle. In this case, the coating provided a non-reflective surface in an effort to defeat snipers.


USD 2,000 - 3,000

M44/45 HELMET WITH WIRE BASKETExcessively rare German M45 combat helmet with wire net, the last example of the Third Reich's combat helmet. This example has been identified as a M45-B model due to the M44 liner system present, and a distinct characteristic of these late war helmets is the lack of ventilation holes. The helmet features a dark rough textured field gray paint finish with twisted wire criss-crossing the shell. The interior features a much simplified liner having no band for attachment but instead relying upon the three rivets attached to the shell for support. The low-quality cowhide liner is stamped with size "57" and it also bears the original drawstring. The rear of the interior apron is stamped "hkp64" along with the batch number "5032". The black leather chinstrap is also present, stamped "44". Very rare.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 2,000 - 3,000

SS/SD M34 MEDIUM DUTY HELMETRare SS/SD M34 medium duty lightweight helmet, the type primarily worn by SS/ SD personnel during non-combat operations. The shell bears a smooth, light green finish with typical sctratches and scuffs from use. The national decal on the left is about 95% complete, whiole the silver SS runic decal on the right is a bit more worn. The interior of the helmet has a complete leather liner with original drawstring and quick-release chinstrap. The size "55" is stamped on the liner, and the previous owner's name has been partially removed. The liner is separated from the outer shell by four pressed coirk. pads. The right side of the apron is lightly stamped "EDEL[STAHLHEM]".


USD 1,500 - 2,500

CAMOUFLAGE-PAINTED SAND-FINISH M40 HELMETArmy re-issued M40 single decal camouflage helmet, formerly issued to the Waffen SS. This helmet features a hand-painted light green semi-textured tropical camouflage finish leaving the Wehrmacht eagle decal exposed. On the opposite side of the helmet is the area where one can see the remainin "shadow" of where there was once an SS runes decal. The interior bears a somewhat worn eight finger liner with the original tie and chin strap. The left side of the apron is stamped "ET64" while the rear shows the batch number as "711. 43". The owner also had applied his intials to the rear apron: "E. D.".


USD 1,500 - 2,500

M1C PARATROOPER'S HELMET WITH 506th P.I.R. INSIGNIAUnited States Army M1C steel helmet shell and liner, designed specifically for use by paratroopers. The swivel-bale shell of the helmet is heat-stamped "912A", and the exterior is painted with a white "spade", denoting the famous 506th P.I.R., on each side, although the white "tic" marks that would have denoted the wearer's battalion are absent. These insignia show honest wear, and the original cork finish is intact. The liner is stamped as being manufactured by Westinghouse, and the smaller leather chinstrap and leather headband appear to be modern replacements. The nape support band is a fine original khaki color. The liner webbing and the "A"-loop chinstrap with its padded leather cup are all original show honest wear and soiling, and the "A" shaped washers bear some oxidation, else very good


USD 1,500 - 2,000

TRANSITIONAL DOUBLE-DECAL AUSTRIAN M1917 HELMETAustrian steel M1917 combat helmet, requisitioned for use by the German Heer due to the ease with which the shell could be fitted with the M1931 liner system. The helmet bears a smooth dark green finish overall, with a national eagle decal on the left-hand side, and a German tricolor on the left. Both decals bear slight chipping and wear, as does the exterior finish. The top of the crown is heat-stamped "736". The interior is fitted with a light brown eight-fingered liner, showing thorough wear and size stamped "57". The numeral "57" is also stamped in black ink inside the crown; no other markings are apparent. The original dark brown leather chin strap is present, intact, and secured over the rim. A fine example of a transitional helmet, showing only slight wear overall.


USD 1,200 - 1,500

M35 HELMET WITH NORMANDY CAMOUFLAGE SCHEMEArmy M35 camouflage combat helmet by ET, the hand-applied paint showing certain combat wear. The green and tan color shades suggest tropical and Normandy use, and the paint is well-worn and chipped. The interior features a complete eight-finger leather liner with its original drawstring. The chinstrap is present, and its condition is commensurate with that of the liner and shell. The left side of the apron is stamped "ET68" and the apron's rear is stamped "1269". A very nice genuine example.


USD 800 - 1,200

M35 LUFTWAFFE HELMET WITH FACTORY-REVERSED DECALSPossibly unique Luftwaffe helmet that actually had the decals applied at the factory on the wrong sides of the helmet! The decals are original to the helmet, and display the Luftwaffe eagle on the RIGHT SIDE and the national shield on the LEFT side, insted of the reverse which was requirted per regulations. This SE66 M35 also bears the original chinstrap and has a "4697" lot number embossed on the apron. The liner is in good overall condition but two of the fingers have seperated over time though are still connected to the liner string.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 1,200 - 1,400

M40 HELMET WITH SPRAYED CAMOUFLAGE SCHEMESteel M40 combat helmet, identifiable by the embossed ventilation holes at the temples. The exterior of the helmet bears a sprayed-on camouflage scheme of brown, olive green, and tan overall, indicating use in tropical settings or at Normandy. A national eagle decal has been applied to the left-hand side. It appears that the camouflage scheme was applied over the original finish and decal, as the camouflage partially covers the decal in spots. The exterior shows wear and small scratches overall, not greatly affecting the finish. The interior is fitted with a brown leather eight-and-a-half fingered liner, size-stamped on the extra half-finger. The interior rim is heat-stamped "615" and "NS68", the latter indicating that it was manufactured by Vereinigte Deutsche Nikelwerke. The original brown leather chin strap is present, intact, and secured over the rim. Shows expected wear from age and use, else very good.


USD 750 - 900

FRENCH MILICE HELMETEspecially rare French helmet issued to a member of the Milice (militia), the political paramilitary organization created in 1943 by the Vichy regime (with German aid) to help fight against the French Resistance. The organization also participated in summary executions and assassinations, and helped to round up Jews and resistants in France for deportation. The helmet, essentially of the design issued to French army soldiers, is painted a flat black. Attached to the front of the helmet is the emblem of the organization, a Greek letter "gamma" fairly crudely fabricated aluminum badge with black painted background, possibly very early or regionally made. Within, the helmet has a rubberized liner and the complete original brown leather chin strap. In very good condition. A particularly rare item from this collaborationist organization.


USD 700 - 800

M1C PARATROOPER'S HELMET WITH CAMOUFLAGE NETTINGUnited States Army M1C steel helmet shell and liner, designed specifically for use by paratroopers. The swivel-bale shell of the helmet bears no heat stamp, but has a sewn-in webbing chinstrap with a clasp marked with an anchor. The exterior is covered with a taupe cotton camouflage web, and is painted a relatively light shade of green with a fine sand finish. The interior of the liner bears the manufacturer's mark of the Westinghouse Company, and bears snaps allowing it to be secured inside the shell. The webbing nape support and headband adjustment appear to be of the post-war style (circa Korean War), and are likely replacements. The liner's leather chinstrap is broken, and the liner webbing, headband, and leather chin cup are all original and show honest wear. Very good.


USD 200 - 300

AMERICAN FIXED-BALE M1 HELMETWWII-era American M1 helmet, painted a dull olive green with a rough sand finish throughout. The helmet feature fixed chin strap bales and a sewn-in strap with an early-war clasp, and the seam of the rim is located at the front. No heat stamp is present. The helmet liner is a post-war Model 1958, as indicated by the lack of a grommet hole at the front and the Korean War-style adjustable headband strap, and the dome stamp: "US 45 M I I". The leather liner chin strap is missing, else very good.


USD 100 - 150

AMERICAN M-1 HELMETUnited States Army M1 steel helmet shell and liner. The shell features swivel strap bales and a seam at the front, identifying it as a mid-World War II example. The interior of the liner bears a mark identifying the manufacturer as the Firestone Tire & Rubber Company, and an open grommet hole at the front. The headband appears to be a slightly later replacement, and features a Korean War-era adjustment strap at the rear. The crown support webbing has been secured by a piece of compression bandage, and two straps are torn. The washers are well oxidized, the liner and shell chin straps are both missing, and the shell shows considerable oxidation, else very good.


USD 150 - 200

AMERICAN M-1 HELMETUnited States Army M1 steel helmet shell and liner. The shell features swivel strap bales and a seam at the front with sewn-in chin webbing straps, all of which identify it as of mid-World War II manufacture. The interior of the shell is heat-stamped "20A" over "S", the latter identifying it as a Schlueter-manufactured example. The interior of the liner bears a mark identifying the manufacturer as the Capac Manufacturing Company, and an open grommet hole at the front. The sweat band and nape strap appear to be later replacements. The leather chin strap is missing, the headband and webbing shows honest wear, and the rivets shows green corrosion, else very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 200 - 300

BULLET-STRUCK JAPANESE M30 HELMETWorld War II Japanese M30 combat helmet, painted copper-brown throughout, with a five-pointed metal star insignia attached with split-pins at the front. The liner includes two padded leather flaps, with the chinstrap, a hemp weave tie with no buckles. The inside rim bears a Japanese character, indicating the size. Other Japanese characters are faintly visible on the liner. Most strikingly, the back-right side of the helmet bears an approx. 1/2" dia. hole, almost certainly a bullet strike. Very good.


USD 600 - 700

CAMOUFLAGE-PAINTED M1940 HELMETGerman single-decal M1940-style combat helmet, with a national eagle decal beneath the rivet on the left-hand side. The exterior of the helmet is hand-painted throughout with a brown-and-green swirl camouflage scheme, radiating out from the center of the crown. The paint clearly shows wear commensurate with its age. The inner left-hand side of the rim is heat-stamped "SE64", indicating that it was manufactured by Sachsische Emaillier in Lauter. The rear rim is stamped "10029". A name has been added in matching green paint inside the rim, but it is so worn as to be indecipherable. The eight-finger brown leather lining is intact, and is size-stamped "56", although the chin strap is missing. A very strange camouflage pattern which we just can't see being faked.


USD 700 - 1,000

DOUBLE-DECAL M35 HELMETSteel German M35 combat helmet, identifiable as such by the riveted vent holes at the temples. The helmet bears a fine dark-green finish overall, with expected scratches and wear overall. The helmet bears a national eagle decal on the left-hand side, partially obliterated, and an almost completely obliterated NSDAP decal on the right. The interior is fitted with a brown leather eight-fingered liner, and the inner rim is heat-stamped "E.153" and "NS 60", the latter indicating that it was manufactured by Vereinigte Deutsche Nikelwerke. The original leather chin strap is present, intact, and secured over the rim. The helmet shows expected wear, scratches, and minor oxidation, else very good.


USD 200 - 300

EARLY AMERICAN COMBAT HELMET WITH INTERWAR MOSQUITO NETTINGVery early World War II American M1917A1 soldier's helmet with interwar mosquito netting. The helmet, similar to those worn in the defense of Wake and Midway Islands, has a dark green coarse sand painted finish. The original canvas chin strap passes through fixed bales. The brown leather liner with padded top is also complete and bears the ink-stamped names of two previous owners. The helmet is accompanied by a 20" fully-enclosed sleeve of black mosquito netting to protect the wearer's face and neck. Two canvas tabs would be tied to the uniform at one end, and a drawstring brought up and secured about the helmet. The tabs are maker stamped by "J. K. Tavior Mfg. Co. Boston Depot". One hole in the netting, and a tear at the tabs, still 95% intact.


USD 350 - 450

FEUERSCHUTZPOLIZEI M34 HELMETFeuerpolizei M34 civil style double decal helmet, painted in black with canted swastika and national escutcheon shield decals. The shell has two plugs used to close the hole where the aluminum comb would have been affixed, and there are two vent holes on either side, above each decal. The finish shows scuffs and scratches, fairly typical of normal extended use. The interior has a nine finger liner with pressed cork separating the liner from the shell. The top of the shell is separated from the wearer by an additional leather-covered pad. The rear of the apron is stamped by maker: "D.R.P."


USD 400 - 600

GLADIATOR-STYLE HELMET WITH SA INSIGNIAMild steel "gladiator"-style helmet, with two sets of ventilation holes on each side, ear cut-outs in the two-piece apron, and a beaded crown. The exterior bears a dark-green finish overall, with a slightly askew national eagle decal on the left-hand side, and the insignia of the Sturmabteilung, or SA, on the right. The exterior shows some wear and scratches, with resultant oxidation to the exposed underlying metal. The chin strap, strap bales, and liner are all absent, and no stamps are apparent on the interior. The inside of the crown shows more noticeable oxidation, else very good. A rare helmet in any condition.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 300 - 400

GLADIATOR-STYLE LUFTSCHUTZ HELMETMild steel "gladiator"-style Luftschutz helmet, with two sets of ventilation holes on each side, ear cut-outs and a beaded crown. The helmet bears a dark blue finish overall, with a Luftschutz insignia decal at the front. The interior is fitted with a brown leather civil liner, and is heat-stamped "RL2 - 38/28" on the rear inside rim. The rear interior rim also bears a decal with the legend "Approved in accordance with the air raid protection law 8", with the size below. The chinstrap is absent. The interior decal is somewhat chipped, else very good.


USD 300 - 400

IDENTIFIED THIRD REICH M1942 HELMETGerman steel late-war M1942-style single-decal helmet, identifiable as such by the lack of the rolled edge found on the previous standard-issue models. A national eagle decal is present on the left-hand side, missing only the bottom portion including the swastika. The inside of the rear rim bears the name of the owner "Obgefr. Kunz" in white ink, indicating that this individual held a rank roughly equivalent to "senior lance corporal". The interior is also heat-stamped "ET62" on the left-hand side, and "1425" on the rear, the former indicating that it was produced at the Eisenhuttenwerke in Thale. The eight-finger brown leather liner is intact and remains supple, while the leather chin strap bears a period twine repair, with the buckle missing. The helmet bears some surface oxidation and wear to the paint throughout, else very good.


USD 2,500 - 3,000

KRIEGSMARINE M40 HELMET WITH "TIGER STRIPE" CAMOUFLAGE, CAPTURED BY AN AMERICAN SOLDIERRare example of a Kriegsmarine M40 black-striped camouflage helmet by Quist. This fine example has an alternating painted black stripe over the original gray smooth finish. The right side of the helmet bears the Kriegsmarine yellow decal. The interior bears a complete leather liner with drawstring and chin strap. The left side of the apron is stamped Q68. The rear is stamped 873. Along the apron the American G.I.who took this as a prize lightly scratched: "TO MY WIFE VERNA HOME SOON XXX, KRAUT NAVY HELMET PFC PRINKA JULY 14 1945". Very good.


USD 500 - 600

NAMED KRIEGSMARINE M42 HELMETGerman steel M42 combat helmet, identifiable as such by the lack of the rolled rim seen in earlier models. The helmet has been refinished and reissued by the Kriegsmarine, and bears a dark gray sand finish on the exterior, with a smooth finish within. The finish bears minor abrasions and slight chipping from period use. A Kriegsmarine-style decal is affixed to the left-hand side, bearing some chipping and retaining about 60% of its original area. The interior is fitted with a light-brown leather liner, worn and size-stamped. The original leather chin strap is present. A previous owner has inscribed his name, "Nagel", in white paint inside the visor. A heat-stamped number appears at the inside rear, possibly "1357". The helmet shows period wear and tear overall, else very good.


USD 600 - 800

KRIEGSMARINE M40 HELMETScarce Kriegsmarine M40 helmet with semi-rough textured paint and gold Kriegsmarine decal affixed to the left side, this example a reissued Heer helmet. The paint on the shell remains very good, showing only a few scuffs largely found only on the top of the shell, and the decal is 90%+ complete, though is has faded slightly. Within, the original leather lining is complete with right fingers and tie string, though it is soiled and bears a few tears in places. Chin strap no longer present. Overall very good.


USD 1,200 - 1,400

LANDESPOLIZEI M1934 ALUMINUM HELMETRare M34 civil style double decal helmet, field gray paint bearing canted swastika and national escutcheon shield decals. The paint is very good, showing only a few scratches on the upper-right. The interior features a nine-finger liner with pressed cork separating the liner from the shell. The original leather chin strap is present, pulled above the visor. In very fine condition.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 400 - 600

LUFTSCHUTZ BEADED M40 COMBAT HELMETGerman steel M1940-style combat helmet, issued to the Luftschutzpolizei Air Protection Police). These helmets are identical to those issued to the Wehrmacht, but for the weight of steel used and the raised "bead" around the crown, which was added during the manufacturing process to differentiate these civilian-issue helmets. The helmet exhibits a dark satin-blue finish overall, with a decal depicting the Luftschutz insignia at the front. The finish shows minor wear and abrasions, but is fully intact. The interior of the helmet is fitted with a faux-leather civilian-style liner and brown leather chinstrap, and is heat-stamped "DN142" and "Q64" inside the rim, the latter indicating that it was manufactured by Quist. Bears minor wear overall, else very good.


USD 400 - 500

LUFTWAFFE M1942 HELMETGerman single-decal M1942 combat helmet, identifiable as such by the lack of the rolled rim seen in earlier helmets. The helmet is finished in black overall, and the left side bears a Luftwaffe eagle decal which is 95% intact. The inside of the left rim is heat-stamped "NS62", indicating that it was manufactured by the Vereinigte Deutsche Nikelwerke at Leipzig. The rear rim is stamped "4657", although this mark is heavily worn. The eight-finger brown leather liner is intact, and is size-stamped "55", although the chinstrap is missing. The inside of the crown also bears a very faint black ink stamp. Overall very good.


USD 700 - 800

LUFTWAFFE SINGLE-DECAL M40 HELMETLuftwaffe simgle decalhelmet, paint generally very good with a 90%+ complete white Luftwaffe eagle decal affixed to the left side. The liner is a bit worn at the lower edge, but otherwise completely intact with all eight fingers, tie, and chin strap present. Helmet apron is stamped "9800" at rear and "SE66" on right.


USD 700 - 800

LUFTWAFFE SINGLE-DECAL M40 HELMETLuftwaffe M40 single decal combat helmet by Quist. This helmet features a Luftwaffe semi-rough texture field gray finish. The second pattern Luftwaffe eagle is in perfect condition, near 99% complete. The interior has a complete leather liner with original drawstring, stamped size "56". The chin strapis also present, drawn over the visor. The left side of the apron is stamped "Q64" indicating the maker and shell size, while the rear of the apron is stamped with the production number 1072. Overall near fine.


USD 700 - 800

M1 HELMET WITH 1ST INFANTRY DIVISION INSIGNIAUnited States Army M1 steel helmet shell and liner. The shell features fixed strap bales and a seam at the front, with sewn-in straps, and with the paint of the rim flaking away to reveal the bright metal surface beneath, all of which are hallmarks of early World War II helmets. The shell bears the painted insignia of the 1st Infantry Division, a red numeral "1" within an inverted diamond, slightly off-center at the front. It appears that a post-war armorer attempted to remove this insignia with some sort of abrasive substance. There is also a horizontal white "follow me" stripe painted on the rear of the shell, indicating that the wearer was an officer. The shell is also heat-stamped "223C", and the exterior crown bears some oxidation and scratching. The liner bears the stamp of the International Molded Plastics company - a man within an upright oval - within, with the correct World War II-style herringbone webbing, leather chin strap, and nape strap. A white vertical stripe is painted on the front of the liner. The shoelace which would have allowed the wearer to adjust the fit of the webbing is missing, but the webbing itself is intact but for a minor tear to one loop. The chin strap is also broken at one end. With honest wear to the webbing and leather throughout, else very good.


USD 700 - 900

M35 HELMET WITH TROPICAL CAMOUFLAGEGerman steel M35 combat helmet, identifiable as such by the riveted ventilation holes at the temples. The helmet displays much of its original yellowish-tan paint, indicating tropical issue, likely field-applied over the standard pea-green finish. The finish is well-worn throughout, with much chipping and some oxidation evident. No decals are present. The interior is fitted with a dark brown liner showing appropriate period wear, although the split pins securing it within the shell are loose, indicating that it may have been removed at one time. The partial heat stamp "283" is visible inside the rear rim, while the tan finish obscures the rest. The original dark brown leather chin strap is present and intact. The helmet shows extensive wear and tear throughout, but remains a good example with an uncommon finish.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 1,000 - 1,200

M40 HELMET WITH HAND-PAINTED CAMOUFLAGE SCHEMESteel M40 combat helmet, identifiable by the embossed ventilation holes at the temples. The exterior of the helmet bears a thickly hand-painted green and tan camouflage scheme, almost certainly field-applied, indicating use in tropical settings or in Normandy. The paint is worn and chipped in several spots throughout, exposing the original underlying brown finish. No decals are present. The interior is fitted with a brown leather eight-fingered liner, and the inner rim is heat stamped "8030" and "NS64", the latter indicating that it was manufactured by Vereinigte Deutsche Nikelwerke. The interior rim also shows the original brown finish. The original leather chin strap is present, intact, and secured above the rim. The helmet bears expected age wear throughout, else very good.


USD 800 - 1,000

M40 HELMET WITH TROPICAL FINISHGerman steel M40 combat helmet, identifiable by the embossed ventilation holes at the temples. The helmet is finished overall in light tan, moderately chipped and worn throughout, indicating tropical issue, with considerable spots of oxidation at the inner and outer rims. The interior is fitted with a brown leather eight-fingered liner, well-worn from use but entirely intact. The rear inner rim is heat-stamped "TN499" and faintly, "Q64", the latter indicating that it was manufactured by Quist. The chin strap is absent, and no decals are present. The helmet shows honest wear and tear throughout, else very good.


USD 500 - 600

M40 SINGLE-DECAL HELMETGerman steel M40 combat helmet, identifiable as such by the embossed ventilation holes at the temples. The helmet is finished field-gray overall, with a single national eagle decal affixed to the left-hand side. The finish is well-worn overall, with large areas of oxidation throughout. The decal is similarly well-worn, retaining approx. 60% of its original area. The interior is fitted with a brown leather liner and chin strap, both somewhat stiff but intact. The inside rim is stamped "IN148" and "Q64", the latter indicating that it was manufactured by Quist. As mentioned, the helmet bears honest wear and oxidation throughout, but has not been altered or disfigured in any way. Very good.


USD 600 - 800

NAMED DOUBLE-DECAL M35 HELMETSteel Heer M35 helmet, identifiable as such by the riveted ventilation holes at the temples. The exterior of the helmet shows a dark field-gray finish overall, and bears a national eagle decal on the left-hand side, and a German tricolor on the right. The former shows extensive wear and cracking, while the latter is so worn as to be all but indistinguishable. The overall exterior shows scratches and wear from age and use. The interior is fitted with a brown leather eight-fingered liner, with the numbers "4621" and "ET64" heat-stamped inside the rim, the latter indicating that it was manufactured by the Eisenhuttenwerke at Thale. Inside the rear rim, a former owner has added his name "Uffz. Tornow" in white paint. The original leather chin strap is present and secured over the rim, although it is almost detached near the left-hand swivel. Shows heavy but expected wear from age and use, very good.


USD 2,000 - 3,000

RE-ISSUED M40 HELMETGerman steel M40 combat helmet, identifiable as such by the embossed ventilation holes at the temples. The helmet is sand-finished in medium green overall; the interior of the helmet shows a much darker and well-worn field-gray finish, indicating that this helmet was refinished and reissued during its service life. A pristine national eagle decal is present on the left-hand side. The interior is fitted with a well worn but perfectly intact brown leather liner and chin strap. The inside rim is heat-stamped "5180" and "ET64", the latter indicating that it was manufactured by the Eisenhuttenwerke at Thale. The interior bears expected age wear overall, while the exterior shows a few scattered scratches and blemishes to the finish, else very good.


USD 300 - 400

THIRD REICH POLICE HELMETGerman steel double-decal M34-style helmet, black with silver police insignia on the left side, and a swastika on the right. The nine-fingered leather liner and separate padded crown panel are fully intact and remain supple, with the lacing present. The interior of the shell bears no markings, save for the single stamped letter "Q". The leather chin strap is present and intact, and the decals bear very slight chipping. Very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 300 - 400

UNIT-IDENTIFIED THIRD REICH HELMETGerman steel M1935-style helmet with a heavily worn and repainted shell, still showing some small remnants of a Third Reich national eagle decal on the left-hand side. The eight-finger black leather liner is intact, as is the chin strap. The interior is heat-stamped "Q64" on the left-hand side, and "321" on the rear, the former indicating that it was manufactured by Quist. The interior rear rim also bears an inscription in white paint, indicating that the wearer belonged to the 105th Artillery Regiment. A paper label attached to the liner tells us that this regiment was formed in November of 1938 and was stationed in Sankt Wndel during peacetime, and was later placed under the command of the Border Troops in Saarpfalz, later participating in the Battle of France as part of the 10th Panzer Division.

968: M40 HELMET

USD 400 - 500

M40 HELMETGerman steel M40 helmet, identifiable as such by the embossed ventilation holes at the front. The helmet bears a single decal, a national eagle on the left side, and the exterior is painted overall with a camouflage scheme of browns and greens, most likely post-war. The inside of the left rim is heat-stamped "ET66", indicating that it was manufactured by the Eisenhuttenwerke at Thule. The brown leather eight-fingered liner is dried but present and intact, although the chin strap is missing. The interior shows some oxidation, else very good.


USD 100 - 150

POLICE PARADE HELMETGerman police parade helmet, vulkanfibre, complete with padded liner, eight fingers with laces and four-point leather chin strap. Black paint remains fairly good, but insignia on either side have been removed and metal trim at front visor must be moved back into position. Size 54.


USD 200 - 300

WORLD WAR II GERMAN SS HELMETGerman M1916 helmet, of the type used by combat units throughout World War I. Surplus stocks of these helmets were commonly issued to early SS units, before the establishment of the Waffen-SS and the wide availability of the M1935 helmet. This helmet, a dug relic, features a badly worn SS rune decal on the right-hand side. The helmet shows considerable damage at the rear, with two approx. 1/2" holes located in a vertical line above the rim. Between these holes, and spreading out to the sides of the helmet, is a very large crack. The entire helmet is deformed, likely as a result of this damage. The leather liner and chinstrap are missing, and no interior markings are visible. Sold as-is


USD 30 - 40

BRITISH BRODIE HELMETBritish steel Mk. II "Brodie" helmet, approx. 12" x 11 1/2", of the type worn by British and Commonwealth troops throughout World War II. The outside of the shell is painted dark green, while the interior is finished dark brown. The leather and foam rubber liner is intact and in good condition, and is marked size 6 3/4, and maker-marked "CCL II", with the date 1950. The elastic webbing chin strap is present and in good condition. Very good overall.


USD 200 - 300

GERMAN TROPICAL SUN HELMETArmy tropical sun helmet ("tropenhelm") commonly used by the Afrika Korps. The helmet has a medium green one-piece felt covering trimmed in brown leather (chipped at the front), with Wehrmacht and national colors shields affixed on opposite sides. The exterior is in otherwise excellent condition displaying light wear. The chinstrap and leather trim along the brim have two cracks but are otherwise very good. The interior features a leather sweatband with ink-stamped manufacturing information and size 57 on the reverse of the light brown leather sweatband, which is dated "1942" as well.

973: M1917 A1 "KELLY" HELMET

USD 100 - 150

M1917 A1 "KELLY" HELMETInter-war American M1917A1 steel helmet painted olive green throughout with a crushed cork finish. The helmet features a brown leather four-finger liner with a leather pad inside the crown, as well as a taupe webbing chinstrap. These helmets were the standard for the military from 1936 to the introduction of the M1. This particular example appears to have been created using a refurbished World War I-era M1917 helmet, repainted and given a new liner. The exterior shows some scuffs, else very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 100 - 150

CANADIAN "BRODIE" HELMETCanadian-manufactured steel Mk.II "Brodie" Helmet, of the type worn by British and Commonwealth troops throughout World War II. the shell is painted olive green inside and out, and the inside rim is stamped "G.S.W. A P MK.1 1942". This indicates that it was manufactured by General Steelwares of Toronto, and reflects the Canadian Mk. 1 designation applied to these helmets. The chinstrap is missing, and the liner is dried and cracking in places, but intact, else very good.


USD 100 - 150

EUROPEAN PARADE OR FIRE HELMETSteel helmet of unknown origin, with a bright polished finish and a comb welded to the crown. No liner is present, but a leather strap runs across the inside of the crown. A black leather chin strap with a clasp at one end is present, and is secured by a replacement loop of twisted wire. The helmet is superficially similar to a German "stahlhelm"-style helmet, but the shape is markedly different from known examples of German parade helmets. The helmet bears some oxidation within, and minor dents, scuffs, scratches, and tape residue on the exterior, else very good.


USD 75 - 100

GERMAN FIRE PROTECTION POLICE HELMETSteel alloy M1934 combat helmet, painted black overall, with a shield-shaped swastika decal on the right-hand side, and a decal bearing the national police insignia on the left. The crown of the helmet bears two oblong holes, which would have accommodated an aluminum comb, unfortunately not present here. The inside of the right rim is heat-stamped "Thale-Stahl", indicating that it was manufactured by the Eisenhuttenwerke at Thale. The ten-finger brown leather liner is intact, and bears the name "Job Ridder" in black ink. The liner also bears an incised cross design. The leather chin strap is present and intact, with some cracking. Both decals are mostly intact, although the swastika shield is heavily crackled, possibly indicating heat exposure. Very good.


USD 150 - 200

CAMOUFLAGE-PAINTED M1942 HELMETGerman M1942 combat helmet, identifiable as such by the lack of the rolled rim seen in earlier helmets, with no decals with a rough sawdust finish and painted overall with a sand and rust brown camouflage scheme. The interior of the helmet bears hand-applied green paint, and is heat-stamped "CKL64" and "47[xx]" on the inside of the rear rim, with the end of the second stamp being indecipherable. The former stamp indicates that it was manufactured by the Eisenhuttenwerke at Thale. The eight-finger brown leather liner is intact, although several of the adjusting holes have torn. The chinstrap is not present. Probably repainted by a hobbyist or reeanactor. Estimated accordingly.


USD 200 - 300

SAND-FINISH M1940 HELMETGerman M1940-style combat helmet, with no decals, with a light sand finish overall. The helmet is painted a dull grey-green overall. The inside of the left rim is heat-stamped "06", possibly with additional characters worn smooth. The rear rim appears to be stamped "DN355", although some characters have again be worn away. The eight-finger brown leather liner is present and intact, and bears the ink inscription "Muy", possibly a name. The brown leather chinstrap is a replacement marked: "RB Nr. 0/0390/0204", a common marking on reproductions. The helmet is well-worn and scratched throughout, with some minor oxidation present, else very good.


USD 60 - 80

LUFTSCHUTZ HELMETGerman M1942-style medium-weight helmet, as used by the "Luftschutzpolizei", or Air Protection Police. The helmet features a horizontal metal "bead" around the circumference, used to distinguish it from contemporary combat helmets. It bears a repainted matte dark-blue finish overall, and a Luftschutz insignia decal at the front. The inside of the back rim is heat-stamped "hkp62" and 3754, the former indicating that it was manufactured by Sachsische Emaillier at Lauter. The nine-finger civilian-style brown leather liner is intact with minor tears, and is size-stamped "54". Chinstraps were generally not fitted to these helmets, and none is present here. The helmet bears expected age wear, scratches, and very minor oxidation throughout, else very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 100 - 150

M1935 HELMET WITH POST-WAR ADDITIONSGerman M1935 combat helmet, identifiable as such by the riveted air vents. The helmet is finished in dark bluish-black, and bears a yellow hand-painted Luftwaffe eagle on the left-hand side, almost certainly done post-war, likely by a re-enactor. The inside of the left-hand rim is heat-stamped "ET64", indicating that it was manufactured by the Eisenhuttenwerke at Thule. The rear rim is stamped "3652". The brown leather liner appears to be a later replacement, and shows appreciable wear. No chinstrap is present. Sold as-is.


USD 200 - 300

M1940 POLICE HELMETGerman M1940 helmet finished in slate-grey with a shield-shaped swastika on the right hand side, and a decal bearing the national police insignia on the right. Decals appear to have been either replaced or coated in some manner. The inside right-hand rim of the helmet is heat-stamped "Q62", indicating that it was manufactured by Quist in Esslingen. The eight-finger brown leather liner is missing its adjustment cord, and bears a few small tears, but is otherwise intact. Lacking chin strap. Very good. Because of the decal issue, sold as-is.


USD 200 - 300

PAINTED M1942 HELMETGerman M1942-style combat helmet, identifiable as such by the lack of the rolled rim seen in earlier helmets. The helmet bears a national eagle decal on the left-hand side, and bears a cross on the front and a swastika on the crown, both in white paint. Both of these insignia are very faint, and it is likely that a previous owner attempted to remove them, as they were probably added post-war. The inside of the rear rim is heat-stamped "hkp64" and "2249", the former indicating that it was manufactured by Sachsische Emaillier at Lauter. The dark brown liner is a replacement, and is falling apart where it meets the metal band. No chinstrap is present. Sold as-is.


USD 300 - 400

REPRODUCTION GERMAN M1938 PARATROOPER'S HELMETWell-made re-enactor's reproduction of a Luftwaffe M1938 "Fallschirmjager" ("Paratrooper") helmet, with a national eagle shield decal on the left-hand side, and a German tricolor decal on the right. The helmet is painted overall with a green, brown, and sand camouflage scheme, and the exterior is covered with a chicken-wire basket, allowing foliage to be added as further camouflage. The brown leather liner is secured to the helmet by seven pads of modern foam rubber, and the liner itself bears two black ink stamps denoting the sizing information and the maker. The inner rim is heat-stamped "ET 71" and "154", reproducing the stamp style of the Eisenhuttenwerke factory at Thule. Very good to fine.


USD 75 - 100

GERMAN HELMET LINERSGood group of five German helmet liners, each consisting of eight leather fingers on a zinc or aluminum band. All bear size and makers marks, and various wartime dates. Some wear and mummification to the leather, else very good.


USD 150 - 200

SPANISH MODEL 1935 TANKER HELMETBlack leather padded helmet, worn by tankers in Spain's post-civil war fascist army. At the front of the helmet is a brass badge in the form of a crowned eagle, with a painted red cross, the insignia of the Francoist forces. A removable padded leather ring fits around the crown, and a leather neck flap is attached at the bottom rim. The interior features a seven-fingered black leather liner, with a woven liner above, and a wide black leather chin strap. This model of helmet was first developed by the Italians and used heavily in Ethiopia and Libya, and was later adopted by Spain, who used it until the 1960s. The leather bears some wear to the crown and neck flap, else very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 100 - 150

FRENCH M26 "ADRIAN" HELMETWorld War II-era M26 "Adrian" helmet, with a metal comb affixed to the crown with four pins, and with the insignia of the French artillery service - a flaming bomb with the initials "RF" (Republique Francaise) in front of two crossed cannons - on a circular disk at the front. The interior features an intact six-finger black leather liner, padded with felt and mounted on four square metal struts, and secured at the center by an adjustable cord. The helmet is painted olive green throughout. The leather chinstrap is missing, several of the clips securing the liner are absent, ant the helmet bears some surface oxidation, else very good.


USD 75 - 100

THIRD REICH POLICE HELMETGerman steel single-decal M34-style helmet, painted black, with a silver police insignia on the left side, defaced to remove most of the eagle and wreath, likely immediately post-war. The nine-fingered leather liner and separate padded crown panel are fully intact and remain supple, with the lacing present but broken. The liner is size-marked "55". The interior of the shell bears no markings, save for the single stamped letter "A". The leather strap is present and intact, and the shell bears surface oxidation throughout, else very good.


USD 100 - 150

UNIDENTIFIED MILITARY HELMETUnusual, unidentified military helmet, sharing the same shape as the Japanese M30 and the Swedish M26, but with the four square metal struts that make up the liner system of the French M26 "Adrian". Numerous small holes and vents are present in the shell, and the leather liner itself is missing. Sold as-is.


USD 150 - 250

PAINTED M40 HELMETGerman steel M40 combat helmet, identifiable as such by the embossed ventilation holes at the front. The helmet has been painted overall with a layer of thick green paint, around a national eagle decal affixed on the left side. The interior has an eight-fingered brown leather liner, with spurious ink attributions. Sold as-is.


USD 100 - 200

LUFTSCHUTZ "GLADIATOR"-TYPE HELMETMild steel "gladiator"-style Luftschutz helmet, with two sets of ventilation holes on each side, ear cut-outs and a beaded crown. The helmet bears a dark blue finish overall, with a Luftschutz insignia decal at the front. The interior is fitted with a brown leather civil liner, and is heat-stamped "RL2 - 40/2 Hochstpreis Rmk. 8" on the rear inside rim, indicating that it retailed for eight Reichsmarks. The rear interior rim also bears a stamp with the legend "Approved in accordance with the air raid protection law 8", with the size below. The civil-style chin strap is present and intact. The finish shows some chipping and wear throughout, with minor oxidation to the exposed areas of underlying steel, else very good.


USD 300 - 400

LUFTWAFFE M40 HELMETLuftwaffe M40 helmet, original very dark blue-gray paint with well-worn second pattern eagle and swastika decal. Original liner present, though some of the leather fingers are damaged and tie cord missing. Chin strap present. Estimated accordingly.


USD 300 - 400

LUFTWAFFE M40 HELMETLuftwaffe M40 helmet, original dark blue-gray paint with very light sand texture, second pattern eagle and swastika decal 85% complete. Original liner present, initialed "K. D.", tie cord missing. Chin strap is also present. Apron stamped "1277" and "ET66".

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 300 - 400

LUFTWAFFE M40 HELMETLuftwaffe M40 helmet, an uncommon dark green toned paint with heavily worn second pattern eagle and swastika decal. Original liner present, the leather fingers bearing field repairs, tie cord and chin strap are also present. Apron stamped "23739" and "EF64".


USD 250 - 350

HEER M35 HELMETHeer M35 helmet, original field gray paint heavily worn with Wehrmacht eagle decal about 80%, national colors decal lost. Original liner, adjustment cord and chin strap are all present, showing similar wear. Apron stamped "DN62" and "NS64". Estimated accordingly.


USD 200 - 300

HEER M40 HELMETHeer M40 helmet, original field gray paint extremely worn with with adler decal at only about 50%, national colors decal lost. Original liner present but leather is brittle and chipping, no tie cord nor chin strap. , adjustment cord and chin strap are all present, showing similar wear. Apron stamped "868" and "hkp62". A project helmet, estimated accordingly.


USD 1,500 - 2,000

SS BARRACKS FLAGAn exceptional SS barracks flag, 58" x 30", with sewn white SS rune symbols on both sides of the high-quality black cotton banner. The top of the banner has a 1 3/4" wide pole pocket which allowed the flag to be suspended vertically. At the left side of this pocket appears the remnants of a paper RZM tag with original staple still attached to the banner. In as-new condition.


USD 750 - 1,000

D.A.F. FACTORY HONOR FLAGScarce D.A.F. Factory Honor Flag, approx. 6' x 10' displaying a printed design of the D.A.F. yellow cog wheel on a red field with yellow border, a loop sewn to one end of the hoist, with a free, longer line whipped at the end sewn at the other end of the hoist. In excellent condition.


USD 600 - 800

JAPANESE WORLD WAR II REGIMENTAL FLAG AND ACCOUTREMENTSLarge Japanese military flag, 26 1/2" x 36", not including fringe, featuring a gold eagle atop a white floral-shaped field with cherry blossoms, all on a maroon field. It is framed by a knotted and tasseled gold fringe on three sides. This was most likely the flag of a home defense group or youth league during World War II. The flag is accompanied by a collapsible flag pole and tripod, and by two finials, one in the shape of a cherry blossom, and the other in the shape of a chrysanthemum, both of which are Japanese national symbols. The entire assembly is stored in a hard case covered with brown leather. The chrysanthemum finial is moderately dented and misshapen, but the package as a whole is in very good shape.


USD 400 - 500

DEUTSCHES JUNGVOLK TRUMPET BANNERBlack cotton D.J. trumpet banner, 18 1/2" x 19", bearing a sewn-on white cotton "Sig" rune on each side. The banner bears three cloth ties at the top, to secure the piece to the instrument. The remaining three sides bear a 1" wide gold metallic fringe. The fringe is slightly unwound in places, else very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 150 - 200

"HEIM INS REICH" PENNANTTriangular high quality cloth pennant, 9 ¼" x 5 ½", bears on both sides circular black-on-white patches displaying a mobile swastika and the motto "HEIM INS REICH", or "Homewards into the Empire" sewn thereto. Two small steel rings are attached to the hoist. Fine. "Heim ins Reich" was a foreign policy initiated in 1938 to convince ethnic Germans who were living outside of Nazi Germany that they should strive to bring these regions "home" into Greater Germany.

1002: "TENO" FLAG

USD 250 - 350

"TENO" FLAGSmall cloth Technische Nothilfe ("TeNo") tie-on flag. The cotton flag, possibly intended for temporary use on a vehicle, measures 11 ¼" x 8 ¼" and displays a left-facing national eagle and swastika with TeNo emblem on a black field with a white border. Two cloth ties appear at the top and bottom of the hoist. Fine.


USD 250 - 350

GERMAN STATE STAFF CAR FLAGEarly German national staff car flag and chromed support pole. The two-sided embroidered flag measures 10 ½" x 7 ½" and displays embroidered static swastika and national eagle with mobile swastika on both sides. The flag is attached to a 14 ¾" support pole with pole top. Typical aging with some worn spots chrome showing use, still very good.


USD 200 - 300

GERMAN VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION FLAGOne-sided German vehicle identification flag, German, 38" x 75" with a white disk with black printed swastika sewn to center. Steel grommets are fited at the corners to facilitiate the flag being tied to the roof, hood or other surface of a vehicle. Soldiers from Ohio, Maryland and Kansas City added their signatures to the white center of the flag. Very good.


USD 200 - 300

HITLER YOUTH FLAGRed cotton flag, 30" x 43", with an applied white cloth band and mobile Hitler Youth swastika in the center. Moderate soiling, some small tears near the hoist, else very good.


USD 300 - 400

HITLER YOUTH FLAGLarge rayon Hitler Youth flag, approx. 9' 7" x 5', constructed of three joined red and white bands, with an applied white diamond with a mobile swastika at the center. Two metal clips are present at the hoist. The flag is soiled, and bears several larger holes, else very good.


USD 200 - 300

HITLER YOUTH FUNERAL BANNERThree-piece fabric Hitler Youth funeral banner, 32" x 6", likely taken from a wreath. The three red and white bands are glued together on the reverse, and a white circle containing a mobile swastika is sewn to one end. This end also bears a 2" silver metallic fringe. The glue has separated at one end, else very good.


USD 300 - 400

HITLER YOUTH TRUMPET BANNERRed and white trumpet banner, 15" x 15", of three-piece construction, with an applied mobile swastika on each side. The top edge bears four 1" loops, the ends of which are secured to the banner with snaps, which allow the piece to be secured to a trumpet. The remaining three edges bear a 1 1/2" gold metallic fringe, about 2" of which is missing at one corner. Moderately soiled throughout, with a moth hole on the swastika on one side, else very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 300 - 400

HITLER YOUTH TRUMPET BANNERDouble-sided banner, 19" square, consisting of two red bands with a sewn-in white band, along with an 8 1/4" square diamond with a sewn-on black mobile swastika at the center. Three edges are decorated with a 2" metallic gold thread fringe, while the top edge bears three red cloth ties, allowing the banner to be attached to a trumpet. The banner bears minor soiling and staining, primarily to the white areas, else very good.


USD 200 - 300

IMPERIAL GERMAN REICHSKRIEGSFLAGGESmall pre-World War II "reichskriegsflagge", or Imperial Battle Flag, 24" x 15", of woven wool construction, with a black cross offset to the hoist on a white field, with a Prussian eagle at center, and a black Iron Cross over a national black-white-red flag in the canton. There is no reinforcement to the hoist, and all but the bottom edges are frayed. The flag bears small moth nips throughout, else very good.


USD 150 - 200

JAPANESE "GOOD LUCK" FLAGSilk Japanese national flag, 33 1/2" x 27 1/2", of two-piece construction, consisting of a white field with a red "rising sun" sewn into the center, and with a folded-over and sewn reinforcement at the hoist. Two silk ties at the hoist corners allow the flag to be flown. The flag bears several calligraphy inscriptions in black ink, including slogans for good luck and the name "Sabu Watanabe" possibly the soldier to whom it was given as he was deployed. Very slight soiling and fraying at the edges, else very good to fine.


USD 250 - 350

JAPANESE "GOOD LUCK" FLAG WITH BAMBOO STAFFExcellent Japanese "good luck" flag, a national flag of coarse organic fabric, 40" x 28". The flag is entirely covered with "good luck" and patriotic slogans written in black ink. It is attached with cord ties to a collapsable bamboo staff, the first time we have seen this type of arrangement which may have been used for display in an administrative or officer's quarters. Two holes in the body of the flag, still very good. The first such arrangement we've seen.


USD 200 - 300

JAPANESE ARMY BATTLE FLAGJapanese Army battle flag, 60" x 42" cotton, leather tabs attached to the corners along the hoist with two braided ties at each tab as well. Scattered small moth nips, still very good.


USD 150 - 250

JAPANESE ARMY BATTLE FLAGJapanese Army battle flag, 35" x 26" rayon, leather tabs with ties attached to the corners along the hoist. Some water stains, else very good.


USD 150 - 250

JAPANESE ARMY BATTLE FLAGJapanese Army battle flag, 27" x 20" cotton, gilt cardboard tabs with ties affixed to the upper and lower ends of the hoist. I very fine condition.


USD 150 - 250

JAPANESE ARMY BATTLE FLAGJapanese Army battle flag, approx. 62" x 40" cotton, leather tabs sewn to the corners along the hoist with two braided ties at each tab as well. Scattered moth holes, estimated accordingly.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 200 - 300

JAPANESE ARMY BATTLE FLAGJapanese army combat flag, 32" x 17" cotton depicting a sun and rays at the center, two reinforced tabs at the corners along the hoist with small ties, in fine condition.


USD 100 - 150

JAPANESE FLAGSPair of Japanese flags, includes a decorative Japanese Army battle flag in silk with yellow fringe, some red ink spotting or offsetting, and a few tiny holes. Also included is a small rayon national flag, 15" x 12". Two pieces.


USD 100 - 150

JAPANESE NATIONAL FLAGJapanes national flag, 32" x 25", well-worn, sopiled, with several holes and very likely recovered in the field by an American soldier. The flag has two reinforced tabs at the ends of the hoist with tie cords, also a few handwritten Japanese characters. Very good.


USD 200 - 300

JAPANESE SOLDIER'S "GOOD LUCK" FLAGJapanese soldier's "good luck" flag, a rayon Japanese national flag, 30" x 24", amost entirely covered with with slogans (untranslated) and bearing several "chop" stamps. Typical soil and wear from age.


USD 200 - 300

JAPANESE SOLDIER'S "GOOD LUCK" FLAGJapanese soldier's "good luck" flag, a rayon Japanese national flag, 35" x 28", with multiple slogans and exhortations (untranslated). Typical soil and wear from age.


USD 250 - 350

JAPANESE SOLDIER'S "GOOD LUCK" FLAGJapanese soldier's "good luck" flag, a cotton Japanese national flag, 40" x 28" and entirely covered with with slogans and exhortations (untranslated). This flag was undoubtedly taken in the field, showing much hard use, wear, diferent stains, various holes, etc. An evocative relic.


USD 200 - 300

JAPANESE SOLDIER'S "GOOD LUCK" FLAGJapanese soldier's "good luck" flag, a cotton Japanese national flag, 33" x 25", entirely covered with with slogans and exhortations (untranslated). This flag was undoubtedly taken in the field, toned. One of the most heavily marked flags we've seen.


USD 150 - 200

JAPANESE SOLDIER'S "GOOD LUCK" FLAGJapanese soldier's "good luck" flag, a rayon Japanese national flag, 34" x 28", bearing inked slogans or exhortations (untranslated). Likely taken in the field, with scattered holes and small stains.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 200 - 300

JAPANESE SOLDIER'S "GOOD LUCK" FLAGJapanese soldier's "good luck" flag, a silk Japanese national flag, 32" x 25", entirely covered with with slogans and exhortations (untranslated). This flag was undoubtedly taken in the field, toned. A scarcer, very-heavily painted flag.


USD 200 - 300

KRIEGSFLAGGEGerman "Kriegsflagge", or battle flag, in absolutely mint, unissued condition, approx. 52" x 30" (80cm x 135cm), two-sided printed image with reinforcement stitching along all edges, and braided loops sewn to the hoist. Ink-stamped by maker "Lorenz Summa Sonne Oberkotzau".


USD 300 - 400

N.S.D.A.P. BANNER CAPTURED BY AMERICANS IN BERLINLarge N.S.D.A.P. banner, 48" x 86", constructed of cotton with a separate white circular field with printed mobile swastika sewn to the red body. The banner originally had a factory-sewn loop of cloth at the top to accomodate a hanging pole. At some point in time, perhaps when this souvenir was acquired, the red cloth sides were trimmed and crude white stitching replaced the original. Trace sewing holes from the original work survive. The flag is purported to have been captured by American troops. A 3 1/2" x 4 1/2" candid photo and typed provenance indicated that the flag was "taken off the wall of a police station outside Berlin", with the photo showing three GIs holding up this prize before their jeep. From the collection of an aviator who instructed pilots during World War II and later founded the Waterbury-Plymouth airport (N-41).


USD 100 - 150

N.S.D.A.P. HANGING BANNERN.S.D.A.P. hanging banner, 21 1/2" x 28 1/2", red cotton with a separate white circular field with a black printed swastika chain-stitched to the center. The top of the banner is looped about a wood dowel which bears two turned gilt wood ends and a blue and white braided cord for suspending the banner. Small tear at top, else very good.


USD 200 - 300

N.S.D.A.P. PODIUM BANNERRed cotton podium banner, 29" x 36", with an applied white cloth border, and a white circle with a printed mobile swastika in the center. The top edge bears three brass hanging rings, while the bottom bears a 2" gold-colored fringe, some slight discoloration to the white fabric, else very good.


USD 150 - 200

NSDAP BANNERSmall double-sided NSDAP banner, 14" x 20", a red field with applied white disks on each side, each printed with a mobile swastika. The hoist edge has been folded over and sewn, allowing the flag to be flown. The white disks bear some soiling, else very good.


USD 150 - 200

NSDAP FLAGDouble-sided NSDAP political flag, 30" x 19 1/2", featuring a separate white disk with a printed black swastika sewn to each side. No hoist reinforcement is present, but an original paper price label is attached to the upper corner by means of a staple. Bears two minute holes at the flight edge, else very good to fine.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 150 - 200

NSDAP FLAGLarge, double-sided NSDAP flag, 72" x 56", of cotton construction, featuring a separate white disk with a black mobile swastika sewn to each side. The hoist has been folded over and sewn for reinforcement, and a rope has been sewn-in along the entire length. The hoist also bears a small fabric manufacturer's label: "Fahnen Richter gegr. 1869 Koln 8". The flag bears two repaired tears near the top, with three additional minute holes and soiling throughout, else very good.


USD 200 - 300

NSDAP HANGING BANNERVery large single-sided NSDAP hanging banner, 58" x 195", with a separate white disk with a black mobile swastika sewn to a red field. The ends are folded over and sewn for reinforcement, with metal grommets at each corner. Grommets are also placed at the middle edges, with added sewn reinforcements. The banner is unmarked, and bears some ink stains to the white disk, else very good to fine.


USD 300 - 400

SS CAR PENNANTSS cloth car pennant, 12 1/4" x 8" with insignia imprinted on both sides, two cloth ties on the hoist which also bears a sewn RZM/SS label. Washed-out a bit, some glue remnants on reverse could be removed, else very good.


USD 150 - 250

STATE SERVIVE HANGING BANNERCloth banner, 31" x 38", a light cotton/rayon hanging banner from an unknown organization, reminiscent of a state service organization, with a pole loop sewn at top. Fine condition.


USD 250 - 350

THIRD REICH REICHSKRIEGSFLAGGEVery large World War II-era German "reichskriegsflagge", or battle flag, 79" x 132", depicting a black and white cross offset towards the hoist, with a black mobile swastika within a white disk at the center, and a black Iron Cross in the upper canton. The hoist has an extra strip of fabric folded over for reinforcement, with a line sewn in, with further sewn-on reinforcements at each hoist corner. The hoist bears the printed designation "Reichkriegsfl." with the size in centimeters, with a national eagle over the initial "M", denoting naval use. The opposite end of the hoist is maker- marked "Fahnen Kreisel". The flag bears several moth nips and holes along the hoist, else very good.


USD 200 - 300

THIRD REICH REICHSKRIEGSFLAGGEVery large Third Reich-era "reichskriegsflagge", 55" x 192", of one-piece construction, depicting a black and white cross offset towards the hoist, with a black mobile swastika within a white disk at the center, and a black Iron Cross in the upper canton. The hoist features an added strip of fabric, folded over and sewn for reinforcement, and the flight end features additional reinforcing stitches. The hoist is marked "R. Kr. Fl. 150 x 250", giving the size in centimeters, with the maker's mark: "Curt Brautigam" over "Plauen, Vogtland". Fine.


USD 150 - 200

U.S. ARMY 27TH ORDNANCE COMPANY GUIDONSingle-sided unit guidon, 29" x 19 1/2", woven from red wool, bearing the sewn-on insignia of the 27th Ordnance Company: the numeral "27", the "flaming bomb" insignia of ordnance units, and the company designation "C". The hoist is folded over and sewn for reinforcement, with two leather tabs sewn in at each end. The 27th Ordnance Company was deployed to the Southwest Pacific Theater during World War II, and later saw service as part of one of the Army's first air-mobile divisions during the Korean and Vietnam Wars. Fine.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 150 - 200

U.S. NAVY JACK AND COMMISSIONING PENNANTPair of items from a World War II U.S. naval vessel includes: a narrow commissioning pennant, 50" long with separately sewn white, blue and red fields, painted stars, and a single grommet in the hoist; with a 12" x 18" Navy jack, 48 individual stars sewn to both sides of a blue wool field, white canvas hoist with two grommets and maker's stamp of "F. Vanderherchen's Sons", Phila. Some minor moth damage to both, which still remain entirely presentable. When at anchor or moored, the jack is flown at the bow, and the commission pennant is flown from the at the main mast.


USD 200,000 - 300,000

ADOLF HITLER'S PERSONAL PRESENTATION TELEPHONE, RECOVERED FROM THE FUHRERBUNKERADOLF HITLER'S PERSONAL TELEPHONE, presented to him by the Wehrmacht and engraved with his name, gifted by Russian officers to Montgomery's Deputy Chief Signals Offcer who had arrived at the Fuhrerbunker only days after the fall of Berlin. ARGUABLY THE MOST DESTRUCTIVE "WEAPON" OF ALL TIME, WHICH SENT MILLIONS TO THEIR DEATHS AROUND THE WORLD This Siemens phone, originally bearing a black Bakelite body, was professionally painted a deep red and bears on the reverse a 1 1/2" engraved NSDAP eagle and swastika above the recipient's name, "ADOLF HITLER", appearing beneath the handset cradle. The rotary dial is comprised of red Bakelite with a faded interior number dial on its surface, with a black numbered dial beneath. The handset bears an approx. 40" braided cord. Interestingly, the handset must be rotated almost 60 degrees before it can be removed from the cradle, this to prevent it from shaking loose during transport in a train, automobile, etc. The phone also has a 54" braided connection cord which terminates in four metallic loops: these loops would be pulled over pin-type connectors for quick connection. On the bottom, the phone is ink-stamped: "W38 Fg. tist 182b 31V.4." [Model W38 Fernsprechgeraet Tischstation 182b.; 31 representing the factory Berlin-Siemensstadt, "V" for 1940, "4" for April], and it is marked "A.23." in one corner. Paint on the left side of the phone is slightly darkened or scorched, and is crazed. Dimensions 6" wide, 7 1/2" deep, 6" tall. The telephone is stored in a vintage leather carrying case with strap which belonged to Brigadier Rayner and which bears various shipping line and destination stickers of the time, as well as a British wartime mail economy notice bearing the officer's typed name. This incredible relic, unequaled in historic importance, is accompanied by unshakeable provenance. It has been consigned by a direct descendant of Brigadier Sir Ralph Rayner (1896-1977). Rayner was commissioned into the Duke of Wellington's Regiment, in which he served as a signals officer. He was seconded to the Royal Flying Corps in 1916. During the First World War he served on the Western Front and India. He then entered politics and was Member of Parliament for Totnes from 1935 to 1955, and was Knighted in 1956. Early in the war, Rayner rejoined the Royal Corps of Signals, fought with the B.E.F., and was evacuated at Dunkirk. Promoted Brigadier, he served under Major-General C.M.F. White, Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery's Chief Signals Officer. On May 5, 1945, a day after the German surrender, Brigadier Rayner was order by Montgomery to establish contact with the Russians in Berlin. Very likely the first non-Soviet victor to enter the city, Rayner went to the Chancellery where Russian officers offered him a tour. On entering Hitler's private quarters, Rayner was first offered Eva Braun's telephone, but politely declined claiming that his favorite color was red. His Russian hosts were pleased to hand him a red telephone - the telephone offered here. Brigadier Rayner also left the bunker with an Allach porcelain Alsatian,likely gifted to Hitler as well (and offered elsewhere in this auction). Included with the lot is: the consignor's very detailed notarized letter of provenance which fully sets forth his personal recollection of the telephone being brought to England and his research on its history; a 1977 newspaper article showing Brig. Rayner with the telephone; a Jan. 29, 1988 letter from Peter von Siemens to the consignor offering manufacturing details of the telephone and stating that the color was not typical of that produced by the firm; a copy of a photo of Luftwaffe aces Dieter Hrabak, Hans-Ulrich Rudel, and Erwin Hentschel at an awards ceremony in April, 1943 possibly handing Hitler the gift of a telephone; an original fax message (faded) with translation from ROCHUS MISCH (1917-2013), SS-OberscharfĂźhrer and a member of Hitler's personal bodyguard, from Jan. 16, 1945 telephone operator in the bunker, states: "...From the photo I agree this was the red telephone that accompanied my Father [Hitler] constantly during the last two years of the war..."; photos of Russian soldiers in Hitler's quarters, imprints of the telephone's feet visible on the soot covered table (a failed attempt to burn the quarters had been made prior to their capture); a copy of a May 18, 1945 letter from Brig. Rayner in Germany to his wife mentioning meeting with the Russians in "a pile of rubble"; and a copy of a Sep. 9, 2006 letter from Rayner's daughter also mentioning her knowledge of her father returning from Germany with the telephone. There are additional photographs and research further buttressing the authenticity of this incredible museum piece. It would be impossible to find a more impactful relic than the primary tool used by the most evil man in history to annihilate countless innocents, lay waste to hundreds of thousands of square miles of land, and in the end, destroy his own country and people...with effects that still menacingly reverberate today. This was not a staid office telephone used to solicit contributions to the party, or to answer polite calls at the Berghof...this was Hitler's mobile device of destruction, used in vehicles, trains, his field headquarters, at the Wolf's Lair...and in the last desperate days deep beneath Berlin. While Hitler vehicles, tunics, accessories, tableware, and other personal items are readily available, an item of this importance with such solid provenance is offered perhaps once in a lifetime. A video of the interview can be seen at

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 25,000 - 35,000

ADOLF HITLER'S ALLACH PORCELAIN ALSATIAN, TAKEN FROM THE FUHRERBUNKERAdolf Hitler's porcelain Alsatian figure, made by slave labor at Dachau and almost certainly personally presented to Hitler by Heinrich Himmler. The figure represents a reclining Alsatian dog, his front paws crossed, and it measures 17" long and about 10 1/2" tall. The piece is marked on the bottom: "TH. KARNER", with the number "76" with the Allach hallmark incorporating stylized SS runes. Fine condition, with absolutely no damage or repairs visible. This impotant relic is accompanied by excellent provenance, idential to that supplied with Adolf Hitler's personal telephone offered elsewhere in this sale. It has been consigned by the daughter of Brigadier Sir Ralph Rayner (1896-1977). Rayner was commissioned into the Duke of Wellington's Regiment, in which he served as a signals officer. He was seconded to the Royal Flying Corps in 1916. During the First World War Rayner served on the Western Front and India. He then entered politics and was Member of Parliament for Totnes from 1935 to 1955, and was Knighted in 1956. Early in the war, Rayner rejoined the Royal Corps of Signals, fought with the B.E.F., and was evacuated at Dunkirk. Promoted Brigadier, he served under Major-General C.M.F. White, Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery's Chief Signals Officer. On May 5, 1945, a day after the German surrender, Brigadier Rayner was order by Montgomery to establish contact with the Russians in Berlin. Very likely the first non-Soviet victor to enter the city, Rayner went to the Chancellery where Russian officers offered him a tour. On entering Hitler's private quarters, Rayner was first offered Adolf Hitler's personal telephone, and as he left the bunker he was given the Allach porcelain Alsatian. Included with the lot is our consignor's letter of provenance on eher personal letterhead, Sep. 9, 2016, in part: At the end of May, 1945 my father...returned from Germany with Adolph Hitler's telephone and a large porcelain model of an Alsatian dog...My father always had Alsatian dogs as indeed did Hitler...My father told me that as we was about to leave Hitler's apartments in the bunker he had admired the white porcelain model sitting on [Hitler's] desk...He was then given the Alsatian by the Russians as a further good will gesture. I have kept the Allach model with great care ever since I was given it...". Additional provenance present includes: a copy of the telephone consignor's very detailed notarized letter of provenance which fully sets forth his personal recollection of the telephone and porcelain being brought to England; three original photographs of the daughter holding the porcelain and a detail of the piece; a copy of a May 18, 1945 letter from Brig. Rayner in Germany to his wife mentioning meeting with the Russians in "a pile of rubble"; a copy of a 1977 newspaper article with photo in which Brigadier Rayner is shown with Hitler's telephone; and a copy of a 2016 email from the Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial in Germany stating their belief that such high quality items were sent by the SS to Berlin. The porcelain factory "Porzellan Manufaktur Allach" was established as a private concern in 1935. In 1936 the factory was acquired by Heinrich Himmler to produce works of art that would represent, in his eyes, true Germanic culture. Production was based at Allach, the largest subcamp of Dachau, and it used slave labor in the production of these pieces. Himmler was especially proud of the porcelain produced at Allach, and made a habit of gifting the finest pieces to those close to him. It is therefore almost a certainty that Heinrich Himmler himself gave this figure to Adolf Hitler, who would have receive and displayed it with great pleasure.


USD 10,000 - 15,000

MONUMENTAL "NUREMBERG" HAND-CARVED WOODEN EAGLEA most impressive, monumental hand-carved wooden statue of a Third Reich "political" eagle, 41" tall and 50" wide at the wings, mounted atop a 17 1/2" x 25 1/2" x 6" wooden base. The eagle faces left, with its wings folded vertically, and its talons clutch a wreath of oak leaves which enclose a stationary swastika. This eagle in nearly identical to the examples created by sculptor Kurt Schmid-Emen, who created such examples on an enormous scale for the German pavilion at the 1937 Paris Exposition and the National Socialist Party rally grounds at Nuremburg, among others. Experts we have questions believe that this example may have served as a model. or may have have been a presentation piece created by Schmid-Emen himself. Reproductions of Schmid-Emen's eagle became the standard for use in Nazi Party administrative and other official buildings, and at important party meetings. Unfortunately, the statue lacks any identifying markings. The wings were separated from the body at one time, probably intentionally to facilitate transport, and they have been professionally reattached. The area of the eagles eyes has been slightly indented from handling, but could be professionally restored. Note: This is a very large and heavy piece. Buyers should be prepared to make arrangements for shipping, with which we would be pleased to assist.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 12,000 - 15,000

THE LAST AMERICAN FLAG TO LEAVE WAKE ISLAND BEFORE ITS CONQUEST BY JAPANAn extremely important relic of the Pacific Theater of World War II, a wool American flag, 5' by approx. 7'1", flown over Pan American Airways' Wake Island office when the island was attacked by Japanese aircraft on December 8, 1941, signaling the start of the Battle of Wake Island. The flag was manufactured by Annin and Co. of New York, under the "Sterling brand name, and is so marked on the sewn-in hoist. Each stripe is a separate piece of fabric sewn together to form the main body of the flag, with the blue upper canton consisting of yet another separate piece. Each of the forty-eight white stars is in turn sewn onto the canton. The hoist bears two metal grommets at the top and bottom, into which have been inserted two metal split rings. The corners of the flag at the hoist have an additional sewn-in triangular reinforcement. The colors of the red stripes are somewhat faded in places, and show some soiling, and the ends of the fly are frayed, with the loss of several inches of their length, and with the individual stripes coming a bitunsewn. The condition is entirely indicative of its age, as is the wool construction, which was largely phased out beginning in 1939. It would not have been unusual for a civilian enterprise such as Pan Am to have used a commercially-available flag such as this in its overseas installations. The first Japanese air raid on Wake took place just hours after the attack on Pearl Harbor, although it is recorded as occurring on December 8 due to the International Date Line. A flight of 36 Mitsubishi G3M3 bombers destroyed eight of Wake's complement of twelve F4F Wildcat fighters. Pan Am's Philippine Clipper had recently arrived and was preparing to evacuate the company's personnel when the raid occurred. It was slightly damaged by Japanese machine gun fire, but was still able to evacuate all but two of the Pan Am passengers and personnel. The only personal item removed from the item on this flight was this flag, which was flown over Pan Am's administration building, making it the last American flag to leave the island in American hands. Left behind on the island were forty-five Chamorro (indigenous people of the Mariana Islands) employees of Pan Am, as well as the island's complement of Marines and a number of civilian civil engineers. The defenders of the island would hold out against the Japanese until December 23, repelling two more air raids and an amphibious assault, surrendering after exhausting nearly all of their ammunition. This flag was given by the crew of the Philippine Clipper to William Van Dusen, then Pan Am's public relations director. Van Dusen's estate later presented the flag to noted aviation collector and historian Don Thomas, who allowed it to be displayed at the St. Petersburg Museum of History in Florida. In 2004, the flag was purchased from Thomas by Jon E. Krupnick, who featured it in his book "Pan Am's Pacific Pioneers - The Rest of the Story", where it was pictured along with an image of the Pan Am station over which it once flew. Finally, the flag was purchased from Krupnick in 2004 by our consignor. Present with the flag is a letter between Krupnick and our consignor, attesting to the above chain of ownership, a second letter from Krupnick describing Thomas's acquisition of the flag fromVan Dusen's widow in greater detail, a photocopy of the check used to purchase the flag from Krupnick, and several pages of excerpts from Krupnick's book. All things considered, the flag presented here is an important and evocative relic of one of the United States's darkest hours, at the immediate outbreak of a war for which we were unprepared and under-equipped, but which would cement our position as a world power.


USD 12,000 - 15,000

ADOLF HITLER'S COPY OF "MEIN KAMPF", CAPTURED BY AN AMERICAN OFFICER AT THE BERGHOFA most important relic epitomizing the rise and fall of the world's most notorious dictator, a battered copy of Adolf Hitler's political manifesto "Mein Kampf", taken by a decorated American officer from the ruins of the Berghof, Hitler's vacation retreat at Berchtesgaden. This 1926 rare limited edition was printed by Verlag Franz Eher, the official NSDAP printers located in Munich. There are 292 octavo pages plus notices of other NSDAP publications in the rear of the book, and a frontis portrait shows Hitler in a left profile. The volume is representative of what war-torn Germany was like when the book was captured: the red cloth and gilt-titled covers are heavily chpped and worn at the edges, with tears and chips along the spine, the spine is coming loose from the rest of the book, and a few pages are disbound; overall the book shows evidence of initial water damage and then rather unprofessional handling but the contents are excellent. This historic piece is accompanied by an originally unused envelope also taken from the Berghof, imprinted: "Adjutantur der Wehrmacht beim Fuhrer", a position held by Gen. Wilhelm Burgdorf. The front of the envelope bears handwriting in cursive English: "From Hitlers Headquarters near Berchtesgaden 6 May 1945" The handwriting is in the hand of COL. LESLIE E. JACOBY (b. 1900), a West Point graduate who was commander of the distinguished 5th Tank Destroyer Group. His unit left Munich on May 5th and made directly for Berchtesgaden where it arrived the day after the town was taken...and the day he captured this relic. Additionally, this book is from the same edition as the one found in his Munich apartment and auctioned by Alexander Historical Auctions early in 2016 for over $20,000. Much provenance accompanies the book: a signed original 2001 letter of provenance from Jacoby's son; Jacoby's May 6, 1945 letter on captured "Adjutant der Wehrmacht" envelope to his father mentioning mentioning this book and its limitation number, original May 11, 1945 letter and envelope on Martin Bormann stationery to his parents describing crossing Germany and visiting the Eagle's Nest; an original letter to his parents on captured Adolf Hitler letterhead (taken from Berchtesgaden), Salzburg, May 18, 1945 mentioning the Berghof, the Platterhof, the Eagle's Nest ("I expect in the future the place will become a tourist attraction..."); original "capture" papers showing Jacoby's sending relics home, original war-date photo of Jacoby and ruins in Nuremberg with original July 1, 1945 letter mentioning them; Jacoby's Silver Star citation (carbon); 5th Tank Destroyer Group immediate post-war histories with foreword by Jacoby and original ink portrait used therein, and much more. A most demonstrative relic of the fall of the Third Reich. -

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 2,000 - 3,000

THE KEY TO ADOLF HITLER'S QUARTERS AT BERCHTESGADENOrnate, intricately-cut key stamped "345", 5" long with the remnant of a leather strap or fob attached. The key was crudely and obviously rapidly attached to the correspondence card of the "Chefadjutant der Wehrmacht Beim Fuhrer" with Berlin return address, at that time Gen. WILHELM BURGDORF. An unknown soldier or officer has written a presentation upon the card: "Room Key to Hitlers Apartment donated on May 6, 1945 at Berchtesgaden to Col. Jacoby." The officer referred to in the note was COL. LESLIE E. JACOBY (b. 1900), a West Point graduate who was commander of the distinguished 5th Tank Destroyer Group. His unit left Munich on May 5th and made directly for Berchtesgaden where it arrived the day after the town was taken. Much excellent provenance accompanies this relic, including: signed original 2001 letter of provenance from Jacoby's son; a copy of Jacoby's letter home on Blomberg's letterhead dated May 6th sending some of his finds, a copy of a letter home written on Martin Bormann's letterhead describing his race through Germany and his visit to the Eagle's nest; a portion of an original signed declaration of "war trophies" being sent home, an original Aug. 15, 1945 letter sent to his parents from Nuremberg, a copy of his signed Sep. 17, 1945 declaration of items being sent home, and additional solid supporting documentation.


USD 2,000 - 3,000

ADOLF HITLER SILVER TABLE PLATTERSilver platter from an early set of Adolf Hitler's personal table silverware, a 21 1/4" x 14-1/8" oval serving tray. The tray bears on one edge an engraved national eagle with wreath and static swastika which itself is flanked by Hitler's initials. The platter is hallmarked by silversmiths Wellner on the bottom, with a "82" purity stamp and individually numbered "7116" along the underside outer edge. . The piece shows some minor surface scratches and dings from normal use, as is usully the case with these platters. Tarnished.


USD 1,500 - 2,000

ADOLF HITLER WINE GLASS CAPTURED BY THE 506TH P.I.R.Especially rare wine glass from a set of Adolf Hitler's formal crystal tableware, this example captured at Berchtesgaden by Col. Robert Strayer, the Executive Officer of the 506th P.I.R., 101st Airborne. The wine glass bears an engraved left-facing (political) eagle and swastika which is flanked on either side by Hitler's initials. The edge of the glass and its base are finished in gold. A professional repair has been made to reattach the stem to the bowl of the glass where the two were at one time broken. This relic is accompanied by a ca. 1978 note indicating that the glass had been given as a gift to a couple by Col. Robert Strayer. Robert L. Strayer (1910-2002) was given command of the 2nd Batt., 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment while a major. In 1945 he was made Executive Officer and his position as 2nd Battalion XO was filled by Major Dick Winters. During his service he earned four Bronze Stars, one Silver Star and one Purple Heart.


USD 1,500 - 2,000

ADOLF WAGNER ANTIQUE SILVER SERVING PLATTER, GIFTED TO ADOLF HITLERAntique silver serving platter with scalloped edges, 17 ½ x 10 ž", with an engraved national eagle and static swastika appearing on one raised edge. The platter is marked on the bottom by noted silversmith "[Eduard] WOLLENWEBER" with a "13" above the hallmark. The platter was recovered by COL. LESLIE E. JACOBY (b. 1900), a West Point graduate who was commander of the distinguished 5th Tank Destroyer Group. His unit left Munich on May 5th and made directly for Berchtesgaden where it arrived the day after the town was taken. Much provenance accompanies this relic, including: signed original 2001 letter of provenance from Jacoby's son stating that the platter was recovered at Berchtesgaden, copies of letters from Jacoby on letterhead captured from Bormann and Blomberg in which Jacoby described events leading up to and during his time at Berchtesgaden, copies of "capture" papers showing Jacoby's sending relics home, and much more. Adolf Wagner, a very frequent visitor to the Berghof, died from the effects of a stroke on April 12, 1944 and Hitler made a rare public appearance to attend his funeral. Wagner likely gifted this platter to Hitler early in their long-time friendship.


USD 800 - 1,200

ADOLF HITLER WINE BOTTLE COASTERSterling silver wine bottle coaster used at Adolf Hitler's lunch and dinner tables. The 4 1/8" diameter coaster is engraved "A H" in Roman lettering on one side. The top of the coaster flares sharply outwards, and within the coaster contains a brown absorbent felt filler. The bottom is hallmarked by noted silversmith "Wellner". Fine. Shown on page 78 of "COLLECTOR'S GUIDE TO 'LIBERATED ADOLF HITLER MEMORABILIA'" by Mark D. Griffith, M.D.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 2,000 - 3,000

1939 "FLIEGERGRUPPE BRANDENBURG" LUFTWAFFE SAXOPHONEPossibly unique 1939-dated Luftwaffe numbered saxophone, silver plated brass with mother of pearl accents on the keys, cased and complete with accessories. The saxophone is heavily engraved with a floral decoration, Luftwaffe eagle, and the name of the maker: "G. H. Huller Saxophon Fabrik", with a "DRGM" marking as well. At the mouth of the horn it is further engraved: "Fl. Gr. Bbg." for the "Fliegergruppe Brandenburg" to whom the horn was issued. Included in the case are additional accessories such as a music holder, extra reeds, a polishing cloth, etc. and while the case does appear of the era, it is stamped as being American-made. The instrument is 100% fully functional, though it has not been conditioned in some time. Quite a relic!


USD 1,200 - 1,500

DUNKIRK EVACUATION - H.M.S. MEDWAY QUEEN COMPASS AND AZIMUTH CIRCLEA superb relic from the crucial early-war evacuation of the besieged British Expeditionary Force from France, the separately cased Admiralty-issued compass and azimuth circle issued by the Royal Navy to the paddle steamer H.M.S. MEDWAY QUEEN, a "little ship" which earned the nickname "The Heroine of Dunkirk". The battleship-gray compass is fitted within a 11" x 11" x 8" mahogany box which has been adapted to fit the compass. The compass, a three-way gimballed type, requires fluid but may still be operable. When we removed the compass from the box, a pencil note became visible in the in the bottom of the box: "Ships compass which was on board during [?] many trips to Dunkirk when she rescued many troops from the French beaches 26/8/64". Additionally, a small brass plaque crudely stamped: "DUNKIRK 1940" has been affixed to the underside of the case lid. "Medway Queen" has also been written in ink next to the brass plaque. Externally, the case base the painted with the model number of the original compass held within, prior to the evacuation. Also present is the cased azimuth circle which accompanied the compass, "Pattern 1950" in a 9 3/4" x 9 3/4 x 5 1/2" case. This case also bears a metal plaque: "DUNKIRK 1940 MEDWAY QUEEEN" and likewise has the vessel's name penned upon the lid. Finally, included is a color postcard of the vessel, and a 72pp. illustrated book issued by the vessel's preservation organization describing the ship's history. Four pieces. The Medway Queen was built in 1924 for river and Thames Estuary service. In 1939 she evacuated Kent children from Gravesend to East Anglia, and was later refitted with her aft modified to take minesweeping gear. In October 1940 Operation Dynamo was launched to rescue the retreating British Army soldiers from Dunkirk in northern France. HMS Medway Queen became part of the flotilla of "little ships". The vessel was fitted with a 12-pounder gun and two machine guns. On her first trip, soldiers were taken off the beaches in lifeboats and ferried to the ship. On her return to Dover, her arrival coinciding with an air raid. She shot down a German aircraft outside the harbor, and rescued survivors from a foundering vessel. On her second trip she took the soldiers directly off the beach, and on later trips, the Medway Queen penetrated the damaged Dunkerque port and took off men from a concrete jetty. On June 3, Medway Queen made her seventh trip. She was at the mole in Dunkirk when an explosion smashed her starboard paddle box. She finally limped back to Dover with 400 French soldiers on board. Medway Queen gained four awards for gallantry, having shot down three enemy aircraft, making seven crossings and rescuing 7,000 men. The vessel today lies in drydock, preserved as a historical treasure from the war years. Provenance: From the collection of the late Malcolm Smith, the long-time assistant secretary to the Battle of Britain Association; The War Museum.


USD 4,000 - 6,000

1936 OLYMPICS TORCHOriginal Olympic torch from the Olympic Games in Berlin, 1936, used in the first torch relay to bring the Olympic flame from Olympia to Berlin. Designed by Entwurf Walter E. Lemcke, Berlin and made by Krupp, Essen, the torch stands 10 ½" tall and 6 1/8" across the top. It is lightly engraved with a Germanic eagle clutching five Olympic rings above the legend: "FACKEL-STAFFEL-LAUF OLYMPIA-BERLIN 1936". Also illustrated is the route the flame took, from Olympia, Greece to Berlin. The top of the torch is further engraved: "ALS DANK DEM TRAGER ORGANISATIONS-KOMITEE FUR DIE XI. OLYMPIADE BERLIN 1936". The underside of the top tray also is engraved with maker's name and steel type. Two small dents appear on the stem below the underside of the top tray, else very good. These torches, a total of just over 3,000, were kept by those running the Olympic flame as gifts offered by the German Olympic Committee.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 1,000 - 1,500

DUNKIRK EVACUATION - ENSIGN, COMPASS, MASTHEAD LIGHT AND OTHER RELICS OF THE "POLLY"The "Little Ship" Polly was a 28 foot auxiliary cutter built in 1931, a sloop of wood construction with an auxiliary Hyland four cylinder engine. Called into service by her country, Polly made two trips to the shores of France and rescued 38 British soldiers from inevitable capture by the Germans. Attorney George Saunders was among the crew of four, his job being to attend to the stubborn inboard engine, and he kept a number of relics from the vessel. Included in this lot are seven items tied to the brave vessel's service: the Polly's British ensign, 35" x 18", inscribed along the hoist: "Dunkirk May-June 1940 'Polly'"; the Polly's masthead oil lamp, 11 3/4" tall with fresnel lens, the fuel well painted: "P" (Port), "S" (Starboard), and "P[OL]LY"; the vessel's 1940 compass: "Lionel Corporation 1940 N.Y. U.S. Navy BU Ships 4-Inch Boat Compass Mark 1 N 4372" in a custom made 12" x 7 1/2" x 7 1/2" wood case with a small battery-powered light and lidded compartment intended to hold a battery; the Polly's portable cabin sink, 8 1/2" x 8" x 9", with an official Admiralty "Demand for Repairs" affixed to the rear and naming the vessel, issued in Portsmouth, Feb. 26th 1942; copper and brass tray, 19" x 11 3/4" with simply engraved inscription: "'Operation Dynamo' Dunkirk May 27 June 4 1940 Presented to the crew of the 'Polly'"; Saunders' well-used peaked seaman's cap, with gold bullion, anchor and crown device at front; and a period mounted photograph, 11" x 9" overall labeled: "George Saunders and crewmen on their return from the second voyage to the beaches of Dunkirk in 1940". Included is a letter from Saunder's daughter, Skegness, Dec. 16, 1967. The lady correctly identifies the Polly's owner and mentions that her father volunteered for the mission. She further mentions that her father's "wartime memorabilia" had been displayed at the Skegness Life Boat Station for years before being returned to her upon her father's death. The lady also explicitly mentions the flag, lamp, compass, and photo, and states that the equipment had accompanied the vessel to Dunkirk. Also present is a copy of the City of Dunkirk memorial certificate given to Saunders, a Dunkirk veteran's medal, and further information from the Association of Dunkirk Little Ships. Provenance: George Saunders; The War Museum.


USD 4,000 - 6,000

A BLAST-DAMAGED CLOCK FROM HIROSHIMAAn astounding relic recovered from near "ground zero" at Hiroshima, a mantle clock which vividly shows the ferocity of the heat and blast generated by the 15 kiloton atomic bomb "Little Boy", which largely destroyed the Japanese city on August 6, 1945. The once-ornamental brass and steel clock stands 5" tall and is 7 3/4" wide at the base. There are a number of frightful signs of the ordeal which this relic witnessed: the 1/8" thich steel base is warped almost 1/2" from level, and the entire case of the clock is twisted, causing the rear of the casing to partially open. The glass cover of the clock has melted upon the hands and face, freezing the hands in place, though not surprisingly not at the actual hour of the blast. There is a coating of what appears to be fused sand or earth on the metal surfaces, but what is even more striking are the two small gears from within the clock which are now fused to the trim surrounding the clock. From a long-time consignor in Japan who has previously given us a very small number of choice relics from Hioroshima and Nagasaki. This example is the best Hiroshima relic we have handled!


USD 2,500 - 3,500

110TH FIELD ARTILLERY HEADQUARTERS GUIDON, LIKELY FLOWN ON OMAHA BEACH JUNE 6, 1944Guidon of the headquarters of the 110th Field Artillery, 29th Infantry Division. This "swallow-tail" cotton guidon measures is 29" long, 21" along the hoist. Both sides of the guidon have white crossed cannons sewn thereto, indicating an artillery affiliation, along with lettering: "110" and "HQ". There are a few small very scattered moth nips, else very good. This flag was kept by Col. Stratford E. McKenrick (1913-1992) who was a senior member of the headquarters staff of the 110th Field Artillery, 29th Infantry Division. On June 6, 1944 McKenrick and elements of that division landed on one of the "Fox" landing zones on Omaha Beach to establish observation points and offload ammunition. The ammunition was soon struck by enemy fire, forcing McKenrick's contingent to temporarily withdraw. This guidon would almost certainly have accompanied McKenrich at the time of his landing, and was undoubtedly with the headquarters when it landed in its entirety the next day, June 7, 1944. With letter of provenance from the officer's daughter, the consignor.


USD 1,000 - 1,500

R.A.F. 332 SQUADRON (NORWEGIAN) FLAGA superb D-Day and defense of Britain relic, the flag of RAF 332 Squadron (Norwegian) which played a prominent role in offensive and defensive operations from Britain and France from January, 1942 until the end of the war. This large flag measures 7' 9" x 5' 7" and is constructed of separate pieces of blue, white and red cloth. The hoist also has a length of hemp rope and a closed brass loop sewn within white canvas. The outer corners of the flag are worn and rounded from obvious extended time flown. The upper-left corner of the flag has been professionally painted with the squadron number "332" in 4" tall gold letters outlined in black. An evocative relic in very good condition. No.332 (Norwegian) Squadron was a fighter squadron that served with Fighter Command until 1943 and then with 2nd Tactical Air Force. It was formed at Catterick in January 1942, and with sister Squadron 331 formed a wing based at North Weald. The two took part in offensive sweeps over France, and in the Dieppe raid in August 1942. In 1944, the squadron was used to provide fighter cover for the D-Day landings, and it was moved to Normandy in mid-August. It soon flew armed reconnaissance missions in support of the advancing armies, and then attacked enemy transport and communications in Germany until the end of the war.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 1,500 - 2,000

FIFTIETH BIRTHDAY OF HITLER EDITION OF "MEIN KAMPF"Scarce special edition of "Mein Kampf", by Adolf Hitler (Munich: Zentralverlag der NSDAP), 1939, 705pp. sm. 4to., published to celebrate Hitler's 50th birthday. The volume features the ex-libris bookplate of the "Gastehaus des Reichs", otherwise known as Bellevue Palace in Berlin, which was used as a guest house for the Nazi government, and which is now the official residence of the President of Germany. The volume is bound in dark blue leather boards, with a gilt sword above the title on the cover, and a gilt circular swastika above the title on the spine. Fine condition.


USD 750 - 1,000

ITALIAN SS LEATHER PORTFOLIO AND BLOTTERAn impressive high-ranking Italian fascist leader's leather portfolio and blotter. The very impressive pair of items includes 14" x 18" (closed) leather-covered rigid writing portfolio with an Italian republican fascist emblem of an eagle with fasces on the textured brown leather cover. The cover is attached with leather tabs to a steel rod which serves as the spine of th eportfolio. Within and on the back cover, all surfaces are covered in single layers of smooth brown leather. Also present is the 6 1/2" x 3 1/4" hand blotter with the maker's name and "Milan". Leather worn and damaged in a few places, still quite good and the first such blotter we've seen.


USD 750 - 1,000

U.S. MARINE CORPS PACK AND PISTOL BELT WITH ACCESSORIESComplete World War II-era U.S. Marine's pack and pistol belt, with many accessories, includes: Canvas upper pack half, marked "U.S.M.C. Boyt 44" inside the flap; canvas lower pack half, also marked "U.S.M.C. Boyt 44" inside the flap, and "B6R 260" on the exterior; U.S.M.C. double sided camouflage shelter half, marked with black paint and bearing a fabric label dated "1943", with several period patches and repairs; olive-drab wool bedroll; entrenching tool with "T-shaped handle, stamped "US Ames 1943" on the half, with a canvas cover marked "U.S." and "B.B.S. Co. 1942". Also present is an M1936 pistol belt, fitted with two aluminum canteens in canvas covers, one with accompanying mess cup and one without, dated 1944 and 1943, respectively; a leather M1916 holster for a 1911 pistol, marked "US" on the flap; a double magazine pouch, marked "U.S." on the flap, containing two magazines for the M1 carbine, unmarked; and a pair of wire cutters with black rubberized handles, marked "US 20,000 Volts HKP", housed in a canvas cover marked "U.S." and "Schell Lea Cos.[?] Co. Inc. 1944". Some articles show minor fraying or small holes from wear, with some oxidation to some of the fittings, else very good. A great display of U.S.M.C. equipment. Eleven pieces.


USD 400 - 500

D-DAY UTAH BEACH VETERAN BRICE W. RHYNE RELIC AND DOCUMENT GROUPINGGroup of relics and documents from the estate of T/5 Bruce W. Ryne, 8th Infantry Reg., 4th Infantry Div., who landed on UTAH Beach on D-Day and fought his way through Normandy, France, in the Battle of the Bulge, at the Hurtgen Forest, and the taking of Munich. Included in this grouping: five French banknotes including one he has annotated: "INVASION MONEY JUNE 6 - D-DAY" and signed, preumably on the same day, along with a 100 france note which he also marked: "INVASION MONEY" and signed; four German banknotes; 26 photos (22 war-date), most showing his comrades; his 4th Division shoulder patch, Presidential Unit Citation ribbon, and infantryman's collar disc; report of induction, Mar. 4, 1942; five booklets with history of the 4th, advice for returning to civilian life, etc.; multiple transcripts including a memoir of landing at UTAH, letters home, etc., a captured 10 lire occupation note with soldier's cartoon, and other ephemera. Overall very good to fine.


USD 400 - 500

OBSCENE CHURCHILL "POP-UP" STATUECrass and derogatory plaster statuette, 7" tall, depicting a cigar-chomping Winston Churchill clad in a loosely fitting blue cloth robe. A yellow string protrudes from the back which, when pulled, causes the figure to give a "thumbs up "gesture, while another ... appendage arises from beneath the robe. The figure is unmarked but appears to be contemporary, and was almost certainly not manufactured in Britain. Some fading to the robe, else very good.


USD 1,500 - 2,000

HERMANN GORING'S EYEGLASSES AND CASED MONOCLEA superb pair of personal relics once owned and used by Hermann Goring, horn-rimmed eyeglasses and leather cased monocle. The simple round glasses bear mildly corrective round lenses set in an imitation horn frame. One metal arm remains and is a bit rusty, one arm is lost, apparently due to a missing screw. Also present in this lot is Goring's 1 3/4" rimless glass monocle (broken), in its brown leather case with red velvet lining. Both items originate from the internationally-known collection of Nuremberg Trials physician Dr. John Lattimer and illustrated in his book: "Hitler's Fatal Sickness", p. 89 (copies included). Ex: Hermann Historica.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 2,000 - 3,000

GERMANS VERSUS BRITISH HOME-MADE CHESS SETExcellent complete set of 32 porcelain chess pieces, each between 3" and 5 1/2" tall, depicting the opposing World War II-era forces of Britain and Germany. On the British side, the castles are represented by a cigar-smoking Churchill, flashing his iconic "V-for-Victory" sign, while the knights are represented by a saluting Field Marshall Montgomery in a tank, and the bishops by a British bulldog. The king and queen, naturally, are the King and Queen of England. On the opposing side, the castles are represented by Goring with his Field Marshall's baton, while the knights are represented by Rommel with his binoculars in a tank, and the bishops by an eagle perched atop a swastika. The queen and king are represented by Eva Braun and a comically saluting and bellowing Hitler. The pawns on each side are represented by the common soldiers of each nation. Each piece was created from a mold, but all are individually hand painted, and were likely made in England during or immediately after the war. Churchill's finger on one castle has been expertly repaired with a metal pin, with some negligible chipping to the paint on one or two figures, otherwise all are in remarkably fine condition


USD 500 - 600

"DER BERGHOF" PHOTO BOOK, TAKEN FROM BERCHTESGADENA great relic captured by an American officer at Berchtesgaden, and very likely at the Berghof itself, a government-issued photo book given to visitors to Hitler's home of the same name. The 9 ¾" x 6 ¾" book bears a state eagle and swastika on the cover with the simple title: "Der Berghof". It contains tipped within twelve color 6" x 4 ¼" postcard photos showing interiors and exteriors of the structure. Some toning and light stains to the covers. This book and other items offered was recovered by COL. LESLIE E. JACOBY (b. 1900), a West Point graduate who was commander of the distinguished 5th Tank Destroyer Group. His unit left Munich on May 5th and made directly for Berchtesgaden where it arrived the day after the town was taken. Much provenance accompanies this relic, including: copies of letters from Jacoby on letterhead captured from Bormann and Blomberg describing events leading up to and during his time at Berchtesgaden, copies of "capture" papers showing Jacoby's sending relics home, and much more.


USD 150 - 200

"DOGFIGHT OVER LONDON BRIDGE"Original tempera on board painting depicting a Vickers Spitfire which has shot down a Messerschmitt 109 high above London Bridge, 24" x 18", signed and dated: Rick Verer[?] 1990" at lower-right. Fine condition, in an antique partially-gilt brown wood frame. Provenance: The War Museum, New York.


USD 800 - 1,200

"EIN PFERDEBUCH" TAKEN FROM THE REICHS CHANCELLERYBook taken from the Reichs Chancellery library, "Ein Pferdebuch" ("A Horse Book"), by Hein Gorny (Munich: F. Bruckmann KG), 1938, 127pp. 4to., a collection of the New Objectivist photographer's images of horses. Bound in maroon cloth boards. Moderate warping and water stains to front and back covers, spine split at the title page, several loose pages throughout, else good. Gorny was barred from military service in World War II due to his refusal to divorce his Jewish wife, making it rather ironic that this book should find its way into Hitler's Reichs Chancellery. Our consignor's father was the chief of staff, American Headquarters, Berlin Air Command from June to August, 1945. During this period, he had the opportunity to "liberate" several volumes from the Reichschancellery, specifically Hitler's offices and those adjoining. This example is one of those volumes. With a copy of the consignor's notarized letter of provenance.


USD 200 - 300

"HITLER'S TERROR" BRITISH BULLDOG PORCELAIN FIGURECeramic figure, approx. 5 1/2" x 7", glazed red overall, depicting a bulldog wearing a British "Brodie"-style helmet. The helmet bears the incised label "Hitler's Terror" at front. The figure is unmarked, and bears patches of black overall, likely from the original firing process. Bears white paint splatters and slight chipping to the glaze, else very good.


USD 150 - 200

"PIN IT ON HITLER" PIN CUSHIONWar-time anti-Hitler souvenir, a comical painted cast plaster figure of Hitler showing him bent-over with his cloth-covered rear end serving as a pin cushion. Copyright dated 1941 on the base. A few very small scattered surface chips, otherwise very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 200 - 300

"RUN RABBIT RUN" ANTI-HITLER FIGUREWorld War II-era plaster statuette, approx. 6" x 5 1/4", depicting a bounding rabbit with the face of Adolf Hitler, with painted hair, eyes, and moustache. The legend "Run Rabbit Run" appears at the bottom. The figure is unmarked, and bears some slight chipping to the nose and ears, else very good.


USD 150 - 200

(ZEMKE'S WOLF PACK) BF-109 ANTENNA MAST BASE AND FW-190 ACCESS HOLE COVER PLATEMetal radio antenna mast mounting with the wooden base of the mast itself, from a Messerschmit Bf-109 fighter, along with a metal wing access cover from a Focke-Wulf FW-190 fighter. Both are heavily corroded, being recovered relics from crash sites. From the extensive collection of 62nd Fighter Squadron, 56th Fighter Group ace FRED J. CHRISTENSON (1921-2006). Christenson collected these items during his service with "Zemke's Wolf Pack", the nickname given the famous 56th Fighter Group. Hubert A. "Hub" Zemke commanded the group, composed of P-47s which closely escorted American bombers. While under Zemke's command (he would be later captured), the 56th FG claimed over 500 of the eventual 665.5 German aircraft the group destroyed. Christenson himself shot down 21.5 aircraft, once downing six planes in less than two minutes. With a copy of a reunion flyer, patch, and paperwork from the 2006 sale of Christenson's collection.


USD 400 - 500

613 SQUADRON DE HAVILLAND MOSQUITO ENAMELED CIGARETTE CASEExcellent ca. 1945 sterling silver cigarette case with enamel painting depicting a British de Havilland Mosquito all-wood fighter banking in flight, her markings showing the aircraft to have been from 613 Squadron. The painting on the hinged cover of the 6" x 3 1/2" x 3/8" case is flawless. Within the case is gold washed and bears the maker's mark "J. H. W." for John Henry Wynn of Hylton St., an English sterling mark, a Birmingham assay mark and a "V" indicating that the case was made in 1945. 613 Squadron was equipped with Mosquitoes beginning in 1943, and joined No. 2 Group as a day and night tactical strike unit. While the squadron mostly undertook night intrusion sorties, its most famous action was a precision strike on April 11, 1944 against the Dutch Central Population Registry building, where the Dutch Gestapo stored their records. Provenance: The War Museum.


USD 800 - 1,200

A BOOK FROM ADOLF HITLER'S LIBRARYA book from Adolf Hitler's personal library and bearing his personal bookplate. The book is "Hindenburg-Denkmal fur das deutsche Volk" ("Hindenburg Memorial for the German People") by Paul Lindenburg (Berlin: Vaterlandischer Verlag), 1922. 488pp. 10 1/2" x 13 3/4" with pictorial and gilt-titled cloth cover. An elaborate, heavily-illustrated tribute to Hindenburg. The front pastedown bears Hitler's bookplate which bears his name, "Ex Libris", and shows a national eagle, swastika, and oak leaves. Fine.


USD 750 - 1,000

A BOOK ON THE ROMAN EMPIRE, TAKEN FROM THE REICHS CHANCELLERYBook taken from the Reichs Chancellery library, "Augustus - Ausstellung zur Verherrlichung des Roemischen Weltreiches" ["Augustus - Exhibition for the Glory of the Roman Empire"], (Rome: Casa Editrice C. Colombo), 1937, 175pp. 12mo., a catalog to accompany the two-thousand year anniversary of the birth of the Roman Emperor Augustus. Includes numerous photographs and text explanations to the artifacts, statues, models, and other exhibits featured in the celebration. Bound in red leather board, very good. Our consignor's father was the chief of staff, American Headquarters, Berlin Air Command from June to August, 1945. During this period, he had the opportunity to "liberate" several volumes from the Reichschancellery, specifically Hitler's offices and those adjoining. This example is one of those volumes. With consignor's notarized letter of provenance.


USD 200 - 300

ADOLF HITLER CORRESPONDENCE CARDS (2)Lot of two of Adolf Hitler's unused personal correspondence cartds, each 8" x 4 3/4" and printed in raised green ink, bear his name and political emblem. Taken from the Chancellery at Berlin.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 200 - 300

ADOLF HITLER ENVELOPE SEAL AND MAILING INSTRUCTIONSLot of three scrace Nazi postal items, includes: a 6" x 4" paste-on label "Fuhrerpost" instructing that the paricular piece of mail is to be sent by the fastest possible method, andd given to the conductor of a train or in the hands of the pilot depending on the means of transport. Also present is the paper seal used to secure Hitler's envelopes, and a similar seal used to secure envelopes from the Chancellery.Three pieces.


USD 100 - 150

ADOLF HITLER STATIONERYUnused Adolf Hitler Berlin correspondence card, 7 1/2" x 5" with raised gilt national eagle and swastika above Hitler's name, with city name. Fine. Sold with two 8" x 10" reprint photos of the dictator.


USD 300 - 400

ALLACH "BERLIN BEAR"Scarce Allach "Berlin Bear", a porcelain full-figured standing bear, 8 1/4" tall symbolizing the City of Berlin and given to dignitaries on the occasion of their visits. This piece was designed by artist Franz Nagy and placed into production in 1939. Nagy's name appears embossed on the bottom of the figure, along with green printed stylized SS runes and the Allach hallmark. Fine condition, with absolutely no damage. The porcelain factory Porzellan Manufaktur Allach was established as a private concern in 1935. In 1936 the factory was acquired by Heinrich Himmler to produce works of art that would represent, in Himmler's eyes, true Germanic culture. Production was based at Allach, the largest subcamp of Dachau, and it used slave labor in the production of these pieces.


USD 700 - 900

ALLACH "MUNCHNER KINDL" PORCELAIN FIGURE (NO. 81)Allach "Munchner Kindl" ("Munich Child") porcelain figure, an attractive, highly-detailed piece standing 7" tall, depicting a young child dressed in a robe with a pointed hood, clutching a book, a representation of the coat of arms of Munich. The piece is marked on the bottom: "T. KARNER", with the number "81" and a printed Allach hallmark incorporating stylized SS runes. Fine condition. The porcelain factory Porzellan Manufaktur Allach was established as a private concern in 1935. In 1936 the factory was acquired by Heinrich Himmler to produce works of art that would represent, in his eyes, true Germanic culture. Production was based at Allach, the largest subcamp of Dachau, and it used slave labor in the production of these pieces.


USD 400 - 600

ALLACH "STEHENDES REHKITZ NO. 84"Allach porcelain piece, the "Stehendes Rehkitz No. 84" ("Standing Fawn"), a most attractive full-standing figure of a fawn, about 11 1/4" tall overall and 9 1/4" wide. This piece was designed in 1938 by Prof. Theodor Karner, the senior director of the SS porcelain works at Allach. Allach stylized SS runes are embossed on the underside, along with Karner's name, the model number, and "Allach". Fine condition, with only a minute chip to the very tip of the right section of the front left hoof, largely unnoticeable and easily mended. The porcelain factory Porzellan Manufaktur Allach was established as a private concern in 1935. In 1936 the factory was acquired by Heinrich Himmler to produce works of art that would represent, in Himmler's eyes, true Germanic culture. Production was based at Allach, the largest subcamp of Dachau, and it used slave labor in the production of these pieces.


USD 300 - 400

ALLACH DECORATIVE PLATEDecorative ceramic plate made at the SS-owned Allach factory at Dachau which was staffed with slave laborers. The 13" diameter plate bears a sky blue bowl with a 1 1/2" unglazed rim bearing runic swirls and triangles. The underside of the plate bears a speckled green glaze and presents the stylized SS runes of the Allach factory. Fine.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 200 - 300

(ALLACH PORCELAIN) PROF. THEODOR KARNER PORCELAIN DEER FIGURETHEODOR KARNER (1884-1966) German porcelain sculptor, painter and designer, appointed an SS-Haupsturmfuhrer for his role in supervising the SS slave labor porcelain factory at Allach, a sub-camp of Dachau. A small, delicate sculpture of a reclining deer, 3 1/4 wide in white unpainted porcelain. This piece was designed by Karner, and it bears his name on the bottom, along with the number "48" and the mark of the maker "Essenbach". Fine.


USD 200 - 300

ALLIED DELEGATION PLACECARDS FROM NUREMBERG TRIALSPair of purported printed stand-up table placecards for the "FRENCH DELEGATION" and "SOVIET DELEGATION", each 6" x 3". Sold with a Petrovice, Czechoslovakia A.D.S., 1p.oblong 8vo., Dec. 18, 1946 mentioning the American prosecutor at Nuremberg, Telford Taylor, several times. Untranslated, found with the placecards. With an 8" x 10" photo of the trials in session.


USD 200 - 300

AMERICAN A-11 FLIGHT HELMETBrown leather flying helmet, size extra-large, with black rubber Harvard-style ear cups, mounted with ANB-H-1 headphone receivers. The interior is lined with calfskin, and features an embroidered label identifying the model and giving the manufacturer as the Selby Shoe Co. of Ironton, Ohio. The interior also bears the insignia of the U.S. Army Air Corps in black ink. The same insignia appears faintly above the left ear cup in silver. Some wear and soiling within, else very good.


USD 100 - 150

AMERICAN BOMBARDIER'S BRIEFCASEAmerican Bombardier's Case Type E-1, 21" x 13", green canvas with three zippered compartments (one zipper "derailed" and requiring repair), leather trim and handles secure, intyerior pocketsd and pen holders are fine. The name "COL. L. ROTH, JR." is stenciled on the back. This could use a little cleaning and a simple zipper repair, else very good.


USD 100 - 150

AMERICAN CIVILIAN GAS MASKAmerican M1A2-1-1 noncombatant gas mask, size medium adult. The mask consists of a olive-drab rubberized body, with yellow plastic lenses. A canister filter with printed instructions is mounted at the mouth, and a single exhale valve is placed beneath the chin. The mask is stored in a green canvas satchel, printed with the U.S. Chemical Division logo and the size information. Also present is the original cardboard shipping carton with printed instructions. In fine, unissued condition.


USD 150 - 200

AMERICAN PARATROOPER'S WRIST COMPASSAn interesting piece of trusted WWII relic field gear, an original liquid-filled paratrooper's compass. Measures 56mm diameter with leather strap, a Taylor Model stamped "U.S. Army Compass Wrist Liquid Filled". This type of compass was made for wearing on the wrist, keeping the hands free for other tasks. Near fine condition, exhibiting but little wear.


USD 150 - 200

AMERICAN SOLDIER IN NEW GUINEA MAILS A COCONUT HOMEGenuine hand-painted coconut 9 ½" long, mailed by Army Warrant Officer Ellsworth F. Stein from New Guinea to his parents in Rochester. The mailing and return addresses have been painted on one side of the coconut, with a beach, palm tree and cloudy sky scene painted on the reverse. Paintings are worn, but still a very unusual piece!

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 500 - 700

AMERICAN SOLDIER'S SOUVENIR SOUTH PACIFIC DUGOUT CANOEWooden dugout canoe, approx. 97" x 14", hand-carved from a single log, with upturned ends and adze markings visible throughout. The canoe was acquired as a souvenir during World War II by George P. Frech of the 377th Transportation, Harbor Draft, and Maintenance Battalion. To facilitate sending it home, Frech had cut the canoe into two pieces, and secured the open ends of each half with wooden planks. Both halves of the canoe are addressed from Frech to his wife, once on each side in white paint: "To: Mrs. Geo. P. Frech, 302 Eddy Rd., Cleveland, 8, Ohio", and: "From: T/5 Geo P. Frech, 377th Harbor Craft Co., APO, 565% PM, San Francisco, Calif." Another hand, likely that of a postal worker, has added a second address in black graphite: "Forward to: Route 6, Box [?], Cambridge, Ohio". Large patches of grey paint have been added to the sides of the canoe, to allow the addresses to be applied with greater ease. A paper label has been affixed to each half, although both are so faded as to be indistinguishable. The canoe retains its outrigger, although this has also been cut in half for shipping, as well as the framework used to mount it, consisting of sharpened stakes lashed together with plant fibers, although these are in a state of disassembly as well. Lastly, two broad wooden paddles bearing attractive and figurative carvings are present. The canoe itself has had an approx 25" section broken off of the top of one gunwale, with several other large cracks following the grain of the wood, else very good. Although records on this unit are scant, we do know that the 377th spent the last year or so of World War II in the Philippines, so it is possible that the canoe was acquired there, although considering Frech mailed it from San Francisco, it is also possible that he acquired it in trade with another soldier stationed elsewhere in the Pacific. The native peoples of the South Pacific served a number of vital roles in the Allied war effort, especially as "coast watchers", providing intelligence on Japanese shipping and naval activity. In 1943, two Solomon Islanders, Biuku Gasa and Eroni Kumana, discovered the shipwrecked crew of the PT-109, including its commander, John F. Kennedy, on Olsana Island. Traveling by dugout canoe, they carried a message from Kennedy through Japanese-patrolled waters to American forces, allowing them to launch a successful rescue. As such, offered here is an unusual and evocative relic of an unsung aspect of the war in the Pacific.


USD 200 - 300

AMERICAN SUBMARINE R-13 PRESENTATION SILVER CIGARETTE CASESilver cigarette case, 3 3/4" x 3", bearing the initials "PM", engraved within a small box on the lid. The reverse is engraved with the dedication: "From the Crew of the U.S.S. R-13", along with a profile image of the submarine. The inside of the case bears the characters "IIV", but is otherwise unmarked. The R-13 was an R-class coastal submarine, launched at Quincy, MA, on Aug. 27, 1919, and was stationed at Pearl Harbor, where she contributed to the development of the U.S. Navy's submarine tactics. She was transferred to New London and later Key West, where she was used as a training vessel throughout World War II. Very good. Ex: The War Museum, New York.


USD 100 - 150

AMERICAN TRENCH ART ASHTRAYHand-made trench art ashtray, 6" tall by 3 1/4" dia., consisting of a brass 75mm artillery shell casing, cut down to 1 1/2" above the base, with a complete .50 caliber round attached vertically at the base by a screw through the primer hole. The tip of the projectile is also drilled though, possibly as a match holder. The work appears to be rather rough, further indicating that it was done in the field. Bears an expected patina to the brass, very good.


USD 400 - 600

ANTI-CHURCHILL PIGGY BANKPainted terra-cotta piggy bank, approx. 8 1/2" tall, depicting British Prime Minister Winston Churchill squatting with his pants around his legs, with his expression matching the task at hand. A large slot for coins is cut into the figures back, and the piece is unmarked. Shows some minor chipping to the paints overall, else very good.


USD 300 - 400

ANTI-HITLER PROPAGANDA MATCHBOXA terrific little propaganda piece, a painted steel matchbox showing a hand choking Adolf Hitler by the neck, the fingers labeled: "CHINA...BRITAIN...AMERICA...RUSSIA...FGREE FRENCH". Captioned: "In the Allies Grip". The reverse has a little poem reading in part: "Why oh! why, Must I die All through you...With one twist of that wrist, We'll be through..." with the author noted as "Mussolini". Still contains the original match box. Very good condition.


USD 150 - 200

ANTI-NAZI SOUVENIR ASHTRAYBronze ashtray, 3 1/4" wide, 2 1/2" tall, shows the Brussels "Manneken Pis" urinating upon a static swastika in relief beneath him. The use of a static swastika indicates this may be a pre-1945 item. Very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 300 - 400

ART CAPTURED FROM HERMANN GORING'S HOME AT BERCHTESGADENSmall engraving taken from the homeof Hermann Goring at Berchtesgaden, 5 3/4" x 4 1/4" depicting a king ill and apparently on his deathbed, being attended by his grieving wife, attendants, and a bishop. The engraving is tied to a manila folder to which it is tipped by a blue hand stamp from the French 2ieme Division Blindee which was first to reach Berchtesgaden on May 4, 1945 and which seized some of the finest "war booty" from the homes of the Nazi leadership. Very good.


USD 200 - 300

B-4 "MAE WEST" LIFE PRESERVERAmerican Type B-4 "Mae West" inflatable life preservers commonly worn by airmen during World War II. The vest is inflated by two carbon dioxide cartridges, one of which appears to be unused. The vest is marked as being manufactured by the Firestone Robber Products Co., and as being the property of "Air Force, U.S. Army". The vest also bears inspection dates, ranging from February of 1944 to June of 1945. One strap bears the ink inscription "Porth", possibly a user's name. The vest bears moderate wear and soiling, else very good.


USD 800 - 1,200

BENITO MUSSOLIN BRONZE BUSTSuperb period solid bronze bust of Italian fascist dictator Benioto Mussolini, 12 1/4" tall and set on a 1" circular marble base. This is a beautiful piece, highly detailed, showing the Italian leader in military uniform with epaulets, ribbon bars, and a large chained medal about his neck. The bronze bears no defects and is in excellent condition. Aging to the fixing bolts on the base indicate this is a vintage and most probably a period bust.


USD 150 - 200

BRITISH BULLDOG ANTI-NAZI FIGURINEWhite ceramic figurine, approx. 4 1/2" x 5", depicting a British "bulldog" with painted features, with a painted NSDAP flag in its bared teeth. The figure is stamped "1021" on the base, and bears a fine crackling to the glaze overall. Some minor chipping to the paint on the flag, else very good.


USD 300 - 400

BRITISH MERCHANT MARINE MEDAL, PIN AND CERTIFICATE GROUPINGExcellent, rare assemblage of items related to the invaluable services of the merchant marines. Included is a British certificate issued in honor of one "S. Gardner, Donkeyman" who gave his life in the service of the British Merchant Marine. Present is the 13" x 8 1/2" printed certificate bearing King George's royal seal commemorating Garner's sacrifice: " King and Country...and gave his life to save mankind from tyranny. May his sacrifice help to bring the peace and freedom for which he died...". Present also is a rare "TORPEDOED"pin given to those who served on merchant vessels torpedoed while in service to the nation, 1 1/4" sterling with enamel trim and a "V" emblem. The reverse is also stamped with "I.J.W.U."(American manufacture) logo, the pin set into a British seller's jewelry box. The British medals are also present: a George VI War Medal, the Atlantic Star, and the British Star, each tacked to each other at top, perhaps awarded to Seaman Gardner posthumously. Overall fine. Provenance: The War Museum, New York.


USD 150 - 200

BRITISH SUBMARINE DEPTH GUAGELarge brass dial, 12"dia., used to measure depth on a British submarine of World War I or early World War II. It is marked on the face as being manufactured by John Bulmer & Sons of Newcastle on Tyne, and is graduated in 10 fathom increments up to 100 fathoms. Bears minor pitting and scratches, expected wear from age, else very good.


USD 75 - 100

CHILD'S WOOD "TORPEDO-DESTROYER" MODELA wooden ship model kit produced in Bavaria ca. 1938, one of a set of three "Fleet Models" offered by the firm. The pre-painted pieces are packed within a 15" x 2" box bearing an image of the various models. Within are two sets of plans from which the child could choose to build either the French or German version of a "torpedo-destroyer". The plans also offer some statistics on crew, armament, etc. of the genuine vessels. Very good, and it appears that all pieces are present.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 150 - 200

CHURCHILL CARICATURE STATUEFine porcelain statuette, 7 3/4" tall, depicting a caricature of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, with top hat, walking stick and cigar. The figure is marked on the base: "'Our Gang' Copyright/The Boss", with the maker's mark "The Bovey Pottery Devon England", indicating that the piece was manufactured circa 1945. The glaze shows some fine crackling overall, else very good to fine.


USD 100 - 150

CHURCHILL VICTORY DRINKING MUGExcellent figurative ceramic mug, approx. 6" x 4 1/2" dia. glazed green overall, depicting a large barrel inscribed with the phrase "Roll out the Barrel", a favorite drinking song of Winston Churchill's. The handle of the mug, fittingly, is formed by a standing figure of Churchill. The piece is unmarked, but was almost certainly manufactured in England during or immediately after World War II. Fine crackling overall, else very good to fine.


USD 700 - 900

COBURG PRESENTATION BEER STEIN GIVEN TO A BLOOD ORDER HOLDERFinely crafted pewter beer mug with lid presented to a member of the Blood Order, one of 1,500 members of the N.S.D.A.P. who participated in the abortive "Beer Hall Putsch" of November 9, 1923. The 6 1/2" tall mug bears an emblem of a sword with mobile swastika pommel, a representation of a Coburg Badge, surmounted by "Stadt Coburg". The lid of the mug bears a representation of an acorn and is engraved: "Adolf Hitler Haus Coburg 14./15. Oktober 1938 To Party Comrade Fritz Eitel In Remembrance of the 16th Anniversary of the Parade of the NSDAP". Fine condition, with two small photos depicting variously the Adolf Hitler Haus and a group of S.A. men standing before a bus. This mug celebrates Eitel's reunion with his fellow SA stormtroopers to celebrate a weekend rally held in Coburg on Oct. 22, 1922. Adolf Hitler led 800 SA stormtroopers and a band by train to Coburg to direct them in numerous pitched street battles with leftists and communists. In the end, the final victory belonged to the Nazis. Later, the day was known as the "Deutscher Tag in Coburg" (German Day in Coburg).


USD 400 - 600

COMMISSIONING PENNANT FROM THE SUBMARINE USS DRUMCommissioning pennant from the submarine USS DRUM, 70" long overall and 2 3/4" wide at the canvas-covered hoist which is stamped in black ink: "COMMISSIONING" and which is is also is fitted with a single brass grommet. Attached to the hoist is a blue button reading"LAUNCHING U.S.S. DRUM". Typical soiling and age, still very good. DRUM was launched on 12 May 1941, sponsored by Mrs. Beatrice M. Holcomb, wife of Major General Thomas Holcomb, Commandant of the Marine Corps. The boat was commissioned on November 1 with Commander Robert H. Rice in command. She would receive a total of 12 battle stars for her World War II service, sinking 15 ships, a total of 80,580 tons of enemy shipping, eighth highest of all US submarines in total Japanese tonnage sunk.

1106: D.D.A.C. PENNANT

USD 150 - 200

D.D.A.C. PENNANTTwo-sided pennant from the German automobile club ("D.D.A.C."), 13" long, 8" along the hoist. The heavy-duty pennant displays the organization's insignia, a black national eagle and swastika logo, and red and black striped heavily embroidered to both side. Two steel clips are present on the hoist. Fine.


USD 150 - 200

DECEASED JAPANESE SAILOR'S PERSONAL EFFECTSLot of eight items recovered from a presumably deceased Japanese sailor, includes a waterproof wallet [?], a small piece of cloth in a plastic sleeve, the cloth imprinted "1943 SAN JACINTO" with a red "meatball" painted on it with inked Japanese characters; a 4" x 5" b/w photo of dead Americans and shattered tanks on a beach; a broken mirror, currency, a small cloth bag, a picture of a young lady, presumably his girlfriend, with a rising sun and notation on the cover, and a few other small items.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 300 - 400

DENTAL BRIDGE FROM A JAPANESE SOLDIER K.I.A. AT IWO JIMAA particularly gruesome souvenir of World War II, a partial dental bridge, approx. 1" square, consisting of three glass artificial teeth, fastened to two real human teeth, one at each end, by means of a metal connector. The assembly would likely have replaced the wearer's lower front teeth, and would not have been removable except in the case of serious periodontal disease or death. Present with the item is a Silver Star commendation letter, issued to Marine Corps ambulance driver Louie F. Vickers for his actions on Iwo Jima, in part: "... Proceeding to the front lines to remove casualties, Corporal Vickers encountered a heavy mortar barrage and stopped to take cover in a cave. Inside the cave, he came upon seven Japanese, one of whom shot him in the leg. Quickly firing his .45 caliber pistol, Corporal Vickers killed two of the Japanese in rapid succession and, covering the remaining five, took them prisoners. With the aid of another Marine, he delivered the captured enemy to his Commanding Officer before having his own wounds treated..." The letter is signed at the conclusion by Secretary of the Navy JOHN L. SULLIVAN (1899-1982), indicating that the award was granted postwar. The two items were found together in a brown cloth wallet, and it is our belief the dental bridge was taken by Vickers as a souvenir, either from one of his prisoners, or more likely, from one of the two soldiers he killed.


USD 150 - 200

DOUGLAS MACARTHUR COMMEMORATIVE GROUPINGLot of eight items commemorating the military service of Gen. Douglas MacArthur. Included is: signed photo, 9 1/4" x 12 1/2" b/w, a full-standing view, signature significantly faded, image bearing spotting; two plaster and one metal miniature bust, two copyrighted 1942, 7-8 1/2" tall, cap brim on one plaster bust damaged; two nylon pennants printed with a head shot of MacArthur over-lettered "Our Hero", 12" x 8" and 18" x 12"; a pair of aluminum bookends, 7 1/2" tall with bas-relief bust portrait; and a 7" x 10" bronze-painted plaster head and shoulders plaque, copyright 1942. Overall very good.


USD 750 - 1,000

DR. ROBERT LEY'S IRON CROSS AND LABOR-RELATED PINSA superlative set of relics attributed to DR. ROBERT LEY (1890-1945), Nazi politician and head of the German Labor Front from 1933-45, taken when Ley was captured by soldier of the 101st Airborne in May, 1945. Included in this superlative grouping is Ley's World War I Iron Cross, Second Class by Sy & Wagner, with Third Reich-era ribbon (probably fitted by Ley); a small gilt Iron Cross decorative pin with opal(?) at center, a 1936 Tag der Arbeit pin, and a Deutsches Frauenwerk pin. Ley had been awarded his Iron Cross as an artilleryman at Verdun, before he became an aerial artillery observer. Ley no doubt cached these items in or near his residence, and they were discovered when the area was searched. As head of German labor, Robert Ley (1890-1945) effectively disbanded the labor unions, making workers tools of the state while enriching himself enormously. He establish the "Strength Through Joy" program to offer vacations to workers, and created the "people's car", the Volkswagen. At war's end, Ley went into hiding near Berchtesgaden, but was captured on May 16, 1945 by soldiers of the 101st Airborne acting on a tip. According to newspaper and family accounts, among Ley's captors was Staff Sgt. Theodore F. Faugh, an intelligence officer attached to the headquarters of the 502nd P.I.R. One Rochester newspaper article ca. mid-January, 1946 states that Faugh not only helped capture Ley, but returned to the U.S. with Ley's sword. According to a sworn statement by Faugh's son (included) and corroborated by other family members, Faugh also returned with other items owned by Ley, including the above, which he displayed in his home until his demise. With additional items documenting Faugh's service.


USD 400 - 500

FAIRY TALE BOOK INSCRIBED TO ADOLF HITLER FROM GAULEITERIllustrated book of fairy tales, "Herm. Vogel Bilder- u. Geschichtenbuch", illustrated by Hermann Vogel (Munich: Braun u. Schneider), 1903, 96pp. folio, in a red paperboard slipcase. The book is a collection of fairy tales and myths, with lavish and intricate pen-and-ink illustrations by Vogel, a premier German illustrator of the early 20th century. Most interestingly, the verso of the flyleaf bears the inscription, in full: "With Christmas greetings from the Vogtland forest to our dear Fuhrer Adolf Hitler, with faithful devotion and dedication, Martin Mutschmann, Christmas 1928". MARTIN MUTSCHMANN (1879-1947) was the Gauleiter of Saxony from 1925 to the end of the Third Reich. The book bears some soiling and bumps to the covers, and minor splitting at the spine, else very good.


USD 150 - 200

U.S. ARMY NURSE DOLLPlastic-bodied doll, 6 1/2" tall, with brown synthetic hair, dressed in a well-executed replica of a World War II-era U.S. Army nurse's uniform, complete with cap, accoutrement bag, and red cape. The doll is housed in its original shipping carton, addressed to "The Merry McIntires" of Jefferson, Illinois, from Capt. J. McIntire, U.S. Army Medical Corps. Our research shows that McIntire was herself a nurse. The box bears several ink inscriptions, including: "Do Not Open Until Christmas Day!" and "There Are Always Surprises At Christmas!" The postmark gives a date of Nov. 15, 1944, squarely during wartime. Both pieces in very good condition.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 300 - 400

FW-190 GAUGES AND INDICATORSFine lot of nine items from the cockpit control panel of a Focke-Wulf 190 fighter. Included is: oxygen pressure gauge, fuel gauge, propeller pitch setting indicators, homing gauge, ammo counters, with additional lamps and indicators. Very good.


USD 150 - 200

GERMAN "SWASTIKA" CHRISTMAS TREE ORNAMENTGlass Christmas tree ornament, approx. 2 3/4" x 2" dia., hand-painted silver with alternating red panels, and with black swastika painted in every other panel. Some slight chipping, else very good.


USD 150 - 200

GERMAN "SWASTIKA" CHRISTMAS TREE ORNAMENTGlass Christmas tree ornament, approx. 2 3/4" x 2" dia., hand-painted silver with alternating red panels, and with black swastika painted in every other panel. Some slight chipping, else very good.


USD 150 - 200

GERMAN "SWASTIKA" CHRISTMAS TREE TOPPERGlass spear-shaped Christmas tree topper. 8 1/4" long, painted silver with a red border, and a painted black swastika at the center. Very good.


USD 300 - 500

GERMAN AERIAL RECONNAISSANCE PHOTOGRAPH VIEWERA rare piece of Luftwaffe intelligence equipement, a "Durchleuchter 7 x 9" slide viewer, a projector of sorts used to illuminate from beneath 700 mm. photographs from aerial cameras so that they might be examined under magnification. The apparatus has a white screen lit with two bulbs from below. The long, uncut film strip would be wound by means of a thumb wheel at right. A fold-down magnifier fitter into the lid allowed the view an approx. 10X magnification of the image. The entire apparatus is fitted into a 11" x 7" x 9" black-painted wood box with leather carrying handle. Very good to fine, a nice display piece.


USD 200 - 300

GERMAN AIRCRAFT SERVICE HATCHAluminum "wartungklappe" (service hatch), 6 1/4" dia., of the type found on a variety of Luftwaffe aircraft, including the Bf 109 and Bf 110 fighters, and the Ju 88 light bomber. The hatch retains its original white or sand-colored paint, as well as its access latch assembly. The hatches would commonly be found on the underside of the wings or fuselage of the aircraft, where they would provide access to hydraulic or electronic components, weapons, oxygen tanks, or landing gear, among other uses. The paint of the surface is scratched and worn throughout, and the aluminum bears minor oxidation, else very good.


USD 100 - 150

GERMAN AMMUNITION POUCHESLot of four German ammo puches, three K-98 of which two are unit-marked, along with a WWI pouch made by Franz Herrmann.


USD 250 - 350

GERMAN ARTILLERYMAN PLAQUECast metal presentation plaque, 10 1/2" x 6 3/4", displays a side view of a helmeted German artilleryman at the rear os an artillery piece.Mounted to a wood plaque. Finish worn.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 150 - 200

GERMAN BREAD PLATEHand-carved wood German bread plate, 13 1/4" diameter, the edge bearing block letters (in German): "HONOR THE EARTH THAT FEEDS US". Two crossed ears of wheat appear in relief at bottom. Fine.


USD 75 - 100

GERMAN CAR FLAG HOLDERCelluloid car flag holder with burgundy leather trim, 16" x 10 ½". A leather flap with four snaps remains, but one celluloid side of this case is lost, so this item would be best used to display a pennant on one side only. Estimated accordingly.


USD 100 - 150

GERMAN FIELD SURGICAL KITSmall German field surgical implements kit in original 6 1/4" x 3 1/2" leather case stamped by maker "Karl Dollmann & Co." and dated 1939, includes within, packed in a canvas wrapper: two scalpels, hemostat, scissors, and tweezers. Good condition.


USD 700 - 800

GERMAN FLAK BINOCULARSGerman World War II-era "flakfernrohr" binoculars, approx. 14" x 8" x 6 1/2", used by anti-aircraft gun crews to spot targets. The binoculars are marked "D.F. 10x80 dkl 'KF' 17917" on the right prism housing, indicating that they are manufactured by Schneider of Bad Kreuznach and have a 10x80 magnification factor. A rubber face mask protects the individually-adjustable eyepieces, while a knob on the top adjusts the eyepieces to the width of the user's eyes. A second knob cycles through a selection of filters, to be used in various lighting situations. The optics are in good shape, with only minor interior dust and no discoloration. The lens hoods, tripod, and case are all absent, and the dark finish has been worn through in several spots, exposing the red primer beneath, else very good.


USD 2,000 - 3,000

U-BOAT COMMANDER'S CARL ZEISS BINOCULARSVery desirable Kriegsmarine U-Boat commander's 7 x 50 binoculars ("Doppelfernrohr 7 x 50 fur U-Boote" or "U-Boot-Fernglaser"), manufactured by Carl Zeiss. These very rare binoculars were issued as standard equipment to U-boats and used by those on watch on the conning tower of those vessels. The binoculars feature black rubber eye cups and a protective frame jacket secured to the frame with steel screw-on brackets. Beneath the right hinged covers are the markings "7x50 46388 blc" which is the serial number and manufacturer's code for noted optics manufacturer Carl Zeiss. The ends of the binoculars are likewise covered with a protective rubber coating to prevent damage from rough handling. The foam-green body is painted with a sand-type finish allowing the user to maintain a solid grip. The "auto-focus" lenses, a brilliant achievement at the time, are still in excellent condition allowing clear and undiminished vision. The set also comes with the remnants of a cloth lanyard. These binoculars are identical to the pair shown in Gordon Williamson's authoritative work, "Torpedo los!", published by R. James Bender Publishing, 2006, pp. 316, 319 and 319.


USD 100 - 150

GERMAN GAS MASKUnissued German gas mask in original gray painted steel container, issued 1938, reinspected and stamped 1942. Straps all present, rubbers parts still supple, overall very good.


USD 100 - 150

GERMAN GAS MASKGerman gas mask with filter system, model RL1 38/4 with Waffenamt, a full head mask with attached filter. Straps are made of the same rubber material as the mask. Uncommon

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 100 - 150

GERMAN MAP CASEMap case, 7 1/2" x 11" stipled black leather, with pencil holders outside, two compartments within. All straps present, in good condition . Marked: "LLK 1944" on reverse of flap. Very good.


USD 400 - 500

GERMAN PANZER TANK BINOCULARSGerman tank binoculars madse by Zeiss Jena, about 12" x 7" with a sand-colored steel body. Flip-open rubber-lined eye cups with individually-adjustable eye pieces (optics still fair) with magnification apparently up to 12 x 60. There are various adjustmunt knobs for focusing, colored lenses, etc. and the binoculars are also fitted with "iron sights" on top to allow easier initial alignment with the target object. Bakelite cap for eyepieces is chipped, else very good.


USD 400 - 500

GERMAN-AMERICAN BUND BUST OF HITLERAmerican-made plaster bust of Adolf Hitler, 7" x 9 1/2", beige paint with the bust appearing above an incised swastika, with incised: "Copr. 1938 M. HEUCKE" on the edge. Likely made for German-American Bund supporters. Very good. Heucke received a copyright for his work: "Keep Smiling!".


USD 1,000 - 1,500

HANS FRANK'S COPY OF "GERMAN SCULPTURE OF OUR TIME"Hans Frank's person copy of "Deutsche Plastik Unserer Zeit" ("German Sculpture in Our Time"), (Munich: Verlag Otto Schรถnstein), 1942. Hardcover, 120 pp. 4to. Light brown paper boards with silver lettering on front cover and spine. The first marbled page bears Frank's distinctive 4" x 6 7/8" personal bookplate picturing Hephaestus hammering lightning bolts, Frank's name at bottom along with the name of the printer, Ludwig Hohlwich, Munich. The book contains 135 stereographs and a black viewer stereoscope resting inside the front and rear covers. The impressive survey of sculpture in the Third Reich covers a wide range of subjects, including male and female nudes, busts of important figures including Hitler, military figures, animals, etc. which were created for display at official buildings, including the Reichs Chancellery, Luftwaffe and Wehrmacht buildings, the Reichsbank, Ordensburgen of the NSDAP, the Feldherrnhalle,the parade grounds at Nuremberg, the Berlin Olympic Stadium, etc. Many of the photographs were also taken at the House of German Art in Munich, established to counter "degenerate art". Photos also accompany the text within which elaborates on the artists, including Georg Kolbe, Arno Breker, Josef Thorak and Adolf Wamper. Frank himself made efforts to establish state museums in Poland early in the war, and considered himself a patron of the arts. Fine condition. Sold with a damaged period press photo of Frank.


USD 250 - 350

HERMANN GORING CAKE KNIFESilver cake knife, 8 1/4" long, bearing the coat of arms of Luftwaffe chief Hermann Goring, with a fist gripping a ring, at the base of the handle. The item bears the hallmark of French maker Emile Puiforcat, and is believed to have been commissioned for Goring's 50th birthday. The silverware was collected by Herman Smith, a mess sergeant who served in the 101st Airborne Division under General Maxwell Taylor. His unit made their headquarters at field marshal Wilhelm Keitel's summer headquarters at Berchtesgaden, and used the 48-person silver service, liberated from Goring's nearby hunting lodge, to entertain high-ranking army officers, including Dwight Eisenhower. Very good.


USD 400 - 600

HERMANN GORING CAKE KNIFESilver cake knife, 8 1/4" long, bearing the coat of arms of Luftwaffe chief Hermann Goring, with a fist gripping a ring, at the base of the handle. The item bears the hallmark of French maker Emile Puiforcat, and is believed to have been commissioned for Goring's 50th birthday. The silverware was collected by Herman Smith, a mess sergeant who served in the 101st Airborne Division under General Maxwell Taylor. His unit made their headquarters at field marshal Wilhelm Keitel's summer headquarters at Berchtesgaden, and used the 48-person silver service, liberated from Goring's nearby hunting lodge, to entertain high-ranking army officers, including Dwight Eisenhower. Very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 200 - 300

HERMANN GORING CRUMB KNIFESilver crumb knife, approx. 12 1/2" x 2", bearing the coat of arms of Luftwaffe chief Hermann Goring, with a fist gripping a ring, at the base of the handle. The piece bears the hallmark of French maker Emile Puiforcat, and is believed to have been commissioned for Goring's 50th birthday. The silverware was collected by Herman Smith, a mess sergeant who served in the 101st Airborne Division under General Maxwell Taylor. His unit made their headquarters at field marshal Wilhelm Keitel's summer headquarters at Berchtesgaden, and used the 48-person silver service, liberated from Goring's nearby hunting lodge, to entertain high-ranking army officers, including Dwight Eisenhower. Splitting between the handle and the blade, else very good.


USD 300 - 400

HERMANN GORING LOBSTER PICKSilver lobster pick, 7 1/4" long, bearing the coat of arms of Luftwaffe chief Hermann Goring, with a fist gripping a ring, at the base of the handle. The item bears the hallmark of French maker Emile Puiforcat, and is believed to have been commissioned for Goring's 50th birthday. The silverware was collected by Herman Smith, a mess sergeant who served in the 101st Airborne Division under General Maxwell Taylor. His unit made their headquarters at field marshal Wilhelm Keitel's summer headquarters at Berchtesgaden, and used the 48-person silver service, liberated from Goring's nearby hunting lodge, to entertain high-ranking army officers, including Dwight Eisenhower. Very good.


USD 300 - 400

HERMANN GORING LOBSTER PICKSilver lobster pick, 7 1/4" long, bearing the coat of arms of Luftwaffe chief Hermann Goring, with a fist gripping a ring, at the base of the handle. The item bears the hallmark of French maker Emile Puiforcat, and is believed to have been commissioned for Goring's 50th birthday. The silverware was collected by Herman Smith, a mess sergeant who served in the 101st Airborne Division under General Maxwell Taylor. His unit made their headquarters at field marshal Wilhelm Keitel's summer headquarters at Berchtesgaden, and used the 48-person silver service, liberated from Goring's nearby hunting lodge, to entertain high-ranking army officers, including Dwight Eisenhower. Very good.


USD 500 - 700

HIROSHIMA BLAST-FUSED COINSScarce relics recovered from the immediate blast zome at Hiroshima, two small groups of coins which were literally welded together from heat by the blast, and a piece of melted terracotta which show the intense heat generated by the 15 kiloton atomic bomb "Little Boy" dropped from the Enola Gay on Aug. 6, 1945. Frightening.


USD 75 - 100

HITLER CARICATURE STATUETTEPainted porcelain statuette, 3 1/2" tall, a caricature of Adolf Hitler in full uniform,with an unhappy expression. Fine.


USD 75 - 100

HITLER CARICATURE STATUETTEpainted porcelain statuette, approx. 6" tall, a caricature of Adolf Hitler in full uniform, with oversize black boots, and with decorations and insignia picked out in gilt paint. The Fuhrer has his hands clasped in front of him, with his head cocked to one side and a goofy, simpering expression on his face. The base of the figure bears the inscription "London 1953". Fine.


USD 300 - 400

HITLER PRESENTATION PORTRAIT PLAQUEFine 3 3/4" x 5 1/2" copper-plated plaque bearing a left-side profile of Adolf Hitler above his quote in relief: "The prerequisite for a deed is the will and the courage for truthfulness" which itself has been placed above a swastika. The verso indicates that this plaque was the first such image of Hitler to be approved by him and the government. This was a special officially recognized NSDAP non-portable award presented to middle ranking political and state officials in recognition of special achievement.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 100 - 150

HITLER YOUTH BREAD BAGSPair of brown canvas Hitler Youth bread bags, each approx. 11 1/2" x 10", consisting of a single large subdivided pocket, covered by a large button-down flap. One bag features a black ink "NSDAP Hitler-Jugend" stamp inside the flap, while the other is unmarked. Both are missing their shoulder straps, else very good.


USD 250 - 350

HITLER YOUTH DRUM AND DRUM STICKSHitler Youth drum, 13" diameter, 6 ¼" tall, wood rims painted with the saw-tooth black and white design of the Hitler Youth. Most hardware is present, skins top and bottom have been replaced with modern material. A pair of H.J. drumsticks is also present. Typical wear and tear, still very good.


USD 150 - 200

HITLER YOUTH DRUM HANGERDJ/HJ drum hanger, 5 1/2" long with a 3" leather belt loop, in the shape of an eagle cast from brass, with two curved steel hooks pinned to the reverse and hanging down on either side of the tail. The belt loop is attached above the eagle's head by a hinged swivel loop. Bears expected age wear, else very good.


USD 100 - 150

HITLER YOUTH FIFEEbony Hitler Youth fife, 15" long, with seven finger holes and nickel silver caps at both ends. Unmarked. Bears expected age wear, else very good.


USD 400 - 600

ICE BUCKET CAPTURED FROM THE PLATTERHOF BY A G.I.Chromed steel ice bucket, 8" tall and 9 ½" wide at top, marked "PFEIL CHROME" and "GEBRUDER SCHWABENLAND" on the bottom. The ice bucket bears no other markings. This relic was recovered by COL. LESLIE E. JACOBY (b. 1900), a West Point graduate who was commander of the distinguished 5th Tank Destroyer Group. His unit left Munich on May 5th and made directly for Berchtesgaden where it arrived the day after the town was taken. Much provenance accompanies this relic, including: signed original 2001 letter of provenance from Jacoby's son; copy of Jacoby's May 8, 1945 letter on Hitler's letterhead mentioning his seizure of this relic, letters from Jacoby on letterhead captured from Bormann and Blomberg describing his arrival at Berchtesgaden, and much more. Very good.


USD 150 - 200

INTER-WAR BARLCLAY TOY SOLDIERSLot of 13 cast lead soldiers made American toymaker Barclay Manufacturing, probably just before World War II. All different, including soldiers with a searchlight, machine gun, hand grenade, etc. Paint chipped and worn from use. With a cloth tent we suspect was part of the set as well. 14 pcs.


USD 150 - 200

IWO JIMA SEABEES RELIC GROUPINGA fine collection of seven items concerning the Seabees, five directly related to the invasion of Iwo Jima where the contribution of these engineers cannot be overstated. Included in the collection is a period red handkerchief embroidered "U.S. Navy Seabees" with their emblem; a Seabees brass belt buckle for a canvas belt; , a larger embroidered pillow case with Seabees name and emblem; two aluminum hand-cast models of Iwo Jima with Seabees figured on them; together with a three hand-cast aluminum models of Iwo Jima, one with an aircraft, another showing the flag raising, and the third showing the terrain, each casting about 3" x 5". Exhibited: Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum, New York, 1995-2007. Provenance: The War Museum, New York.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 600 - 700

JAPANESE BODY FLAG, NATIONAL FLAGS, CURRRENCY AND DOCUMENTS CAPTURED ON OKINAWAA large grouping of items captured by U.S. Marine Corps artilleryman Verner F. Thomas, attached to the 2nd Defense Battalion, Special Weapons Group. These battalions were charged with coastal defense of various naval bases in the Pacific to repel landing forces. In late 1944, the 2nd, 5th, 8th, and 16th Antiaircraft Artillery (formerly Defense) Battalions prepared to invade the Japanese Home Islands. They landed on Okinawa in April, 1945 and became engaged in combat with the entrenched Japanese defenders. Included in Thomas' grouping is: one of his USMC collar insignia; a 29" x 34" Japanese "good luck" body flag, a silk national flag bearing inked nationalistic slogans and exhortations, with an old display card found with the flag stating it had been recovered in a "banzai" charge; a similar silk flag, 27" x 36", unmarked; a 48" x 64" period national flag, cotton, with leather reinforcements and sturdy cotton ties at top and bottom of the hoist, unused; a Japanese sailor's personal effects including naval service hand book, pay book[?], blank diary and notebook, and a photo of the sailor and two other sailor; and most interesting, a 11" x 6" x 3 Âź" wood box with metal handle containing within perhaps 500 or more unissued 50 centavo and one peso Japanese occupation banknotes intended for use in the Philippine Islands. An intriguing grouping with a tale to tell.


USD 100 - 150

JAPANESE "GOOD LUCK" FLAGSmall Japanese national flag, 24" x 20", essentially a "good luck" flag bearing patriotic slogans and an unknown hand stamp. War-time production style.


USD 200 - 300

JAPANESE SOLDIER'S "GOOD LUCK" FLAGAn excellent example of a Japanese soldie'r "good luck" body flag, a cotton Japanese body flag 30" x 30" covered with hand-applied ink patriotic slogans and exhortations including: "Lond Live the Imperial Army" and "Fortune Everlasting in War". Certainly a field-carried flag, with wear, soiling and staining so consistent.


USD 250 - 350

JAPANESE 1,000 STITCH BELT, GOOD LUCK FLAG, AND TEMPLE FLAGGood lot of three Japanese World War II relics, includes: silk sash, approx. 43" x 6 1/2", a "senninbari", or one-thousand stitch belt, printed with an image of a tiger and with a rising sun in the form of 1,000 red dots. The piece also bears a black ink signature, very good. WITH: silk Japanese "meatball" flag, 29 1/2" x 42 1/2", bearing slogans in black ink, wishing the bearer, a Take Isamu, good luck. Very good. WITH: white cloth banner, 36 1/2" x 18", topped with the printed images of the Japanese national "meatball" and the military "rising sun" symbol. Beneath these symbols are a variety of slogans in black ink. Bears small pin holes throughout, else very good.


USD 600 - 800

JAPANESE AIRCRAFT COMPASSJapanese Type 98 "Kou" model compass, approx. 4 1/2" x 4" dia., manufactured by the Tokyo Aero Indicator Co. Compasses of this type were used in the Ki-43 "Oscar", Ki-61 "Tony", and Ki-84 "Frank" fighters. The dial of the compass is marked on the edge, and is read edge-on through a square window. It bears a metal manufacturer's tag mounted to the top, with the serial number "92283". The fluid has long drained out of the instrument, else very good.


USD 250 - 350

JAPANESE NAVAL COMPASSWorld War II-era metal-cased Japanese naval compass, 4 1/2" x 6 1/2" dia., with a glass dome base and a metal maker's tag in Japanese affixed to the side. The compass has long since been emptied of its fluid. It is housed in a dovetail-jointed wood box with a broken webbing carrying strap, bearing a Japanese inscription in black ink on the lid. Bears expected age wear, else very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 750 - 1,000

JAPANESE TYPE II BOMBER COMPASSJapanese metal cased navigational compass, 4" x 5" dia., taken from a Kawasaki Ki-48 "Lily" light bomber. The compass is black-painted brass, in a spring-dampened mount to reduce the vibrations from the aircraft, further cushioned by a felt pad. A metal manufacturer's tag is pinned to the side, with the serial number "107852" stamped thereon. The compass retains its interior fluid, and the needle still points to true north. The instrument bears expected age wear and minor tarnish to the brass, else very good.


USD 700 - 900

JAPANESE AIRCRAFT TURN AND BANK GAUGEMetal aircraft instrument, 6" x 3 1/4" dia., a turn and bank indicator, used in Japanese fighter and attack aircraft of the World War II period. A ball in a slightly curved liquid-filled tube indicates if the aircraft is flying level or at an angle, while a needle with luminescent paint indicates whether the aircraft is in a right or left turn, as indicated by Japanese characters at each end of the dial. The face of the dial bears Japanese characters, likely manufacturer's marks, and a painted serial number plaque is present on the top of the housing behind the dial, with the serial number "477967" inscribed thereon. The black-painted case bears some minor scuffs and dings, and the glass faceplate is slightly cloudy, else very good.


USD 200 - 300

JAPANESE BUGLERare brass Japanese military bugle, 13" long overall with chained mouthpiece, the body partilly wrapped in hand-sewn black cloth. The brass just beneath the mouthpiece is stamped with a chrysanthemum and several Japanese characters. Sone dings, oxidized.


USD 150 - 200

JAPANESE ARMY BUGLEJapanese army bugle, 11" long overall, brass body with dented horn, steel mouthpiece. With Japanese tag attached.


USD 150 - 200

JAPANESE ARMY CANTEENTin canteen, approx. 7 3/4" x 5 3/4", painted brownish-green, secured in an olive-green webbing harness. A painted wood stopper is attached to the harness by another webbing strap. The base of the canteen bears both stamped and printed markings on the base, one of which indicates that it was manufactured by the Toyoda Automatic Loom Works, a common contractor of military goods during the war. The canteen bears a slight abrasion on the back, else very good.


USD 1,000 - 1,200

JAPANESE BOMBER PISTON HEADLarge steel Japanese piston head, 3 3/4" x 6", taken from the engine of a Japanese Mitsubishi bomber of the World War II period, likely a G3M "Nell" or a G4M "Betty". The piston sockets within bear a version of the Mitsubishi logo, as well as the serial number "26916". The head bears some soiling, but lacks any oxidation or other damage.


USD 500 - 700

JAPANESE BRONZE BUST OF HIROHITOWar-era cast bronze bust of a youthful Emperor Hirohito of Japan, 8 1/2" tall with description in Japanese on the reverse, shows Hirohito chest, up in full military uniform. To the rear of the part in the Emperor's hair there is a narrow hole perhaps 1/4" long, perhaps a casting flaw, else very good with an excellent, aged patina.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 700 - 800

JAPANESE CARGO PARACHUTE WITH ORIGINAL SHIPPING BOXImperial Japanese Army silk parachute in its original canvas pack, approx. 9" x 8" x 8", designed to drop small containers of weapons and other supplies in conjunction with paratroopers, allowing them to jump unencumbered. The bottom of the pack incorporates a circular plate with four rope loops, allowing a cylindrical metal cargo container to be attached. Sewn to the side of the pack is a rectangular fabric label, identifying the manufacturer as "Kokka Koku Heiki", above which appears the five-pointed star stamp of the IJA. The parachute itself has not been examined fully deployed, although the visible areas show very minor soiling in scattered spots. The bungee cords used to secure the cargo are dry-rotted and have lost their elasticity, and the canvas pack bears minor soiling overall, else very good. The parachute is housed in its original unmarked wood shipping box, which shows some splitting and has had modern tape applied, else very good.


USD 300 - 400

JAPANESE FLAG FROM NEW GUINEA WITH ALLIED PATCHESJapanese national flag, 32" x 30" rayon and of apparant wartime construction with leather tabs at the top and bottom of the hoist, decorated with various patches and insignia of American and British regiments and air corps which served in the Far East, most likely New Guinea. Nine vintage patches have been hand-sewn to the flag, including 5th Air Force, 11th Air Force, AAF Far East Forces, 7th Cavalry, etc. A Rangers patch originally at the center of the flag has been removed, else very good.


USD 600 - 800

JAPANESE FLAG SIGNED BY ATOMIC BOMB FLIGHT CREWMENAn items rarely seen signed by any Enola Gay or Bocks Car crewmen, a World War II silk Japanese flag, approx. 33" x 29", bearing the following signatures: PAUL TIBBETS who adds "Pilot 6 AUG 1945"; Capt. CHARLES D. ALBURY who adds: "Co-Pilot 'The Great Artiste' Hiroshima Aug. 6, 1945 'Bocks Car" Nagasaki Aug. 9, 1945" and further adding a sketch of the atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki, labeled by him: "'Fat man; Nagasaki Aug. 9, 1945"; THEODORE "DUTCH" VAN KIRK who adds: "Navigator - Enola Gay 6 Aug. 1945"; and "MORRIS R. JEPSON" who adds: "Weapons Test Officer Enol;a Gay 'Mission'". Additionally, the latter three signors have all added the phrase: "Victory Over Japan Aug. 1945" at the red center of the flag, and their signatures are very early, far-predating their "mass-signing" days, Flag bears some stains and aging.


USD 300 - 400

JAPANESE GAS MASK MH-179Rare unissued Japanese MH-179 gas mask and carrying bag, unissued with cloth and paper labels intact, rubberized parts intact and supple. Straps are perfect.


USD 250 - 350

JAPANESE HEAD BANDSLot of three Japanese head bands, cotton, with "rising sun" emblems and patriot mottos. One of the mottos is the famous "Divine Wind", most notably worn by kamikaze pilots and also bearing other hand-inked characters, likely also Japanese. With a Japanese infantryman's field cap, wool, possibly a repro. Four pieces.


USD 200 - 300

JAPANESE ONE-THOUSAND STITCH "GOOD LUCK" BELTJapanese soldier's "1,000 stitch good-luck belt", a 50" x 6" cotton belt with long ties at either end which would be used to affix the belt to the soldier's body. The belt has 1,000 hand-sewn stitches which were applied by the soldier's friends and asquaintances and two Japanese coins also stitiched to the belt. The belt also has an open top to accommodate other personal objects within. Very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 300 - 400

JAPANESE SOLDIER'S FLAG, BANNER, AND SASHLot of four items identified to Japanese soldier "Hashimoto Singh", includes: a Japanese national "good luck" flag, 36" x 27" cotton with cloth ties, his name with other characters written thereon with broad black ink strokes; a hand-painted 21" x 9" window banner, also personalized, with Japanese national and battle flags, two letters ink-eroded and lost; a 48" x 4" white linen body sash, also personalized with additional wording in black ink lettering; and a 9" x 13" pale yellow ditty bag upon which the soldier has written his name in the space provided, again using identical characters as the previous items. Also included is a 4 3/4" x 3 1/4" photo of Japanese soldiers advancing on a collapsing building, one of them possibly the owner of these relics.


USD 100 - 150

KPM PORCELAIN CELEBRATES BERLIN'S FOUNDINGBisque porcelain plaque by KPM, 4 5/8" x 2 1/2" x 3/8", bears the seal of the City of Berlin with the dates "1237 - 1937" at bottom, the verso reading "With thanks and commemorating the Reichs capital 1937". Issued on the 700th anniversary of the city. In original (damaged) presentation box.


USD 300 - 400

LUFTWAFFE AVIATOR'S SUMMER CAP WITH THROAT MIC AND CORDLuftwaffe aviator's summer flying cap, Model LKp S101, fabric exterior with brown lining, wool-edged ear speakers. Throat mics (2), straps and electrical connection all present and intact. Fine.


USD 200 - 300

LUFTWAFFE FLIGHT HELMET WITH GOGGLESGerman Luftwaffe K33 winter flight helmet, constructed of brown leather with a white fleece lining. An embroidered cloth label is sewn into the interior, and reads: "RB-Nr. 0/0915/5232" with an ink size stamp. The underside of the leather chin strap is stamped "L.B.A. (S)43", in black ink. The leather exterior shows expected signs of use and wear, else very good. Also present with the helmet are a pair of unmarked "Auer" type flying goggles, with glass lenses and grey foam-rubber eyecups, an a non-elastic adjustable cloth headband. The foam rubber is cracking throughout, most noticeably at the bridge of the nose, else very good.


USD 250 - 350

LUFTWAFFE GARMENT BAGScarce Luftwaffe officer's garment bag, 24" x 17" Luftwaffe gray cloth with leather carrying handle and affixed to the rigid bottom as well. The bad is fitted with three zippers, still operable, which when opened reveal within a cloth compartment which closes with two leather straps, and several cloth ties at the top of the bag. Maker's ink stamp shows a 1938 date of production.


USD 300 - 400

LUFTWAFFE K33 FLIGHT HELMETGerman Luftwaffe K33 winter flight helmet, constructed of brown leather with a white fleece lining. An embroidered cloth label is sewn into the interior, and reads: "Striegel & Wagner Rom. Ges. Lichtenfels/Bayer. Ostmark". The label is also six-stamped "58". The underside of the leather chin strap is stamped "L.B.A. (S)43", in black ink. The leather exterior shows expected signs of use and wear, else very good.


USD 400 - 500

LUFTWAFFE LKPS101 SUMMER FLIGHT HELMETLuftwaffe summer flight helmet Model LKpS101, tan cloth, silk lined, the earphones leather covered on the exterior and fitted with wool rings for comfort on the interior. Earphones and integral Bakelite Mi4b throat microphone rig with cord complete with end plug. Ca. 1937, made by Siemens. There is no sign of moth damage or repair, but there is wear and soiling from honest use.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 100 - 150

LUFTWAFFE PLAQUELuftwaffe painted steel plaque, 5" x 3" with image painted on both sides, two small holes drilled at top. Use unknown, possibly for a vehicle.


USD 350 - 450

LUFTWAFFE WINTER FLIGHT HELMET LKPW101Luftwaffe winter flight helmet in near-new condition, complete with throat mics and white wool lining. The bottom edge of each side of the helmet has a leather chinstrap with a chamois and wool reverse with corresponding buckles and horizontal leather retaining loops, all intact. The bottom forward edge of the left side of the helmet also has a small horizontal slash designed to pass the right side chinstrap through before buckling for a secure closure. Each side of the helmet has earphone receivers housed in leather covered panels. The reverse of the helmet also has retaining loopstraps to secure a pair of flight goggles. The reverse nape of the neck of helmet has a long, extended, black rubberized electrical communications wire with a four pronged break coupling plug in molded black bakelite housing. The bakelite plug housing is well marked with embossed Luftwaffe parts number. The reverse of the helmet also has dual leather straps with internal electrical wires to dual carbon Mi4b throat microphones in molded brown and black bakelite housings. The interior of the helmet also has a small, white rayon label with blue machine woven script and purple ink stamps. The script to the label includes, "Fl.Kopfhaube Gr. 59", the model, "Baumuster Lkp.W.101", the equipment number, "Gerät-Nr. 124-436A",and the manufacture’s name and location, "Siemens Liefer: Luftfahrtgerätewerk Hakenfelde". Fine.


USD 400 - 500

LUFWAFFE WINTER LEATHER FLIGHT HELMET WITH MICS AND CORDLuftwaffe leather flying helmet Model LKpW 101 in excellent condition, winter weight, with full wool lining. Ear phones are fitted, along with dual throat mics and rubber covered cord with Bakelite plug. Lining in excellent condition with very little wear, likewise the leather brow sweatband is in good to excellent condition as are mics, rubber cord covering chipped from age. A very nice example.


USD 800 - 1,200

MARBLE CARVING OF CHURCHILL EXECUTED IN A SHELTER DURING AIR RAIDSExcellent carved marble plaque, 6" x 12", a full-body depiction of Winston Churchill in top hat and carrying a small satchel. The plaque is mounted to a slightly larger wood plank backing, to which is affixed a paper label reading, in part: "...Sculptured during the first part of war starting 1939. Sir Winstone is depicted carrying his gas mask ... The work by my brother ... during a bad air raid over Birmingham & Coventry. I should like my Grandson John to have this & treasure it..." Some surface wear overall, else very good.


USD 400 - 500

MARTIN BORMANN SILVER DRINK COASTERA fine relic said to be from the Berchtesgaden home of Nazi party Secretary Martin Bormann, his personal sterling silver drink coaster. The circular coaster is 4 1/4" wide, bearing the German left-looking political eagle and swastika emblem on bottom, as well as the hallmarks of noted silversmiths "WELLNER". A brown velvet-covered absorbent foam insert is placed in the silver holder. Although Bormann's Berchtesgaden silver was unmarked, Wittmann has sold an identical piece with this attribution.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 500 - 700

MILITARY ENGRAVINGS TAKEN FROM THE REICHS CHANCELLERYGood pair of engravings, each 3 1/4" x 5", both depicting chaotic and well-executed scenes of German troops in battle, likely during World War I. The first depicts a group of soldiers charging with rifles and grenades at the ready, across a barbed wire-strewn no-man's land. The second depicts a wagon drawn by four horses careening across a battlefield over a number of slain soldiers, with artillery shells bursting all around. Both pieces are signed "Arendt" in pencil, and both are matted and framed. The verso of one frame bears a vintage facsimile of testimony by a naval officer named Millard F. Billings, who was attached to the U.S. Group Control Council for Germany. The Council entered Berlin on August 2, 1945, among the first Americans to arrive. The testimony reads, in part: "... In the Chancellery building everything that had not been looted by the Russians had been destroyed by fire, bullets, or bayonets. The walls were covered with graffiti. On the top floor, the fifth, in the front of the building, was a large room, [which] apparently had served as an office where gifts sent to the Fuhrer had been received, acknowledged, and stored. The shelves were now empty and the roof was opened to the sky. Rubble littered the floor, perhaps a foot deep. As I walked over this litter, my foot struck something buried in it. I dug down in the rubble and found a large portfolio which contained these etchings. Buried nearby was another ... with more etchings. After some difficulty with the Russian guard, I got them to my waiting jeep, and when I returned to the U.S. I brought them with me." Both bear slight toning, else very good to fine.


USD 600 - 700

MITSUBISHI AIRCRAFT ENGINE ELECTRIC STARTER SWITCHMitsubishi aircraft engine starter switch, approx. 3 1/2" x 2 1/4" dia., with a 14" long double cord. The face of the instrument features a four-position metal thumb switch, with each position labeled in Japanese characters, with an identifying inscription above. The side of the instrument bears a metal serial number plaque, with the stamped serial "129815". Additional Japanese characters are visible on the rear of the switch. The switch would have been secured to the aircraft control panel by four screw eyelets, one of which has been crushed into side of the switch, with resulting loss of paint, else very good.


USD 150 - 200

N.S.D.A.P. OFFICIAL'S CAR PENNANTCar pennant, 11 ½" x 7 ½" cloth with embroidered static swastika and eagle on both sides, one braided tie still remaining. Soiled a bit from use.


USD 150 - 200

N.S.D.A.P. POLITICAL RIBBONN.S.D.A.P. political ribbon, 18 3/4" x 3" rayon, issued to celebrants at a city festival at Bremen, bearing printed text: "In remembrance of the 1st Gaufest in Bremen Lower Saxony...July 18-21, 1935". The verso bears a red linen field with a white circular field and green mobile swastika sewn thereto. In a homemade wood presentation box.


USD 100 - 150

NAMBU PISTOL HOLSTERLeather pistol holster for the Japanese 8mm Nambu semi-automatic pistol. Top flap completely detached and should be re-sewn to the body of the holster. A small sticker attached indicates that it was captured on Okinawa in 1945 by a member of the 77th Infantry.


USD 150 - 200

NAMBU PISTOL LANYARDSPair of Japanese pistol lanyards, each approx. 36" long, of woven cotton construction with leather fittings, designed for use with the Type A ("Grandpa"), Type A Modified ("Papa"), Type B ("Baby"), Type 14 and Type 94 Nambu pistols, and the Type 26 revolver. Both shows expected signs of wear and age, else very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 200 - 300

NATIONAL SOCIALIST WAR VICTIM'S CARE SIGNEnameled metal sign, 18 1/4" x 27", depicting a swastika-emblazoned Iron Cross over an upright sword, surrounded by a wreath, all within a white disk on a red background, with the organization name; "National-Sozialistiche Kriegsopferversorgung" ("National Socialist War Victim's Care), or NSKOV. The bottom margin bears the name of the artist, C. Robert Dold of Offenburg, and is also marked "Ferro-Email". The sign is missing a 2 3/4" dia. circle of enamel to the right of the sword tip, with several other gouges to the enamel at the edges and corners, else very good.


USD 150 - 200

NAVAL AVIATOR'S CERTIFICATE, PLOTTING TOOLSWar-date naval aviator's certificate, Dept. of the Navy, Oct. 10, 1944, issued to Ens. Arthur C. Haymen and issued at the air station in Pensacola. In leather case, very good. Sold with Hayman's dead reckoning computer, compass, naval aviator's wallet, and leather case with his name penned within, with an unrelated UAAAF ESM/1 emergency signalling mirror with cord. Six pieces.


USD 300 - 400

NSDAP FUNERAL SASHRed rayon banner, 77" x 5 1/4", with a white paper disk with a printed mobile swastika at each end. Each end also features a 1 1/2" silver metallic fringe. The sash is stained throughout, with several holes along its length and on one swastika disk, good to very good.


USD 100 - 150

OMAHA BEACH RELICSLot of three relics recovered from Omaha Beach by an American official of the Office of Homeland Security at the U.S. Embassy in Brussels and a "digger" in his spare time. Includes an explosives fuse, ring, and a smaller piece of unidentified metal. Very good. From the official's estate, with a copy of his business card.


USD 200 - 300

P-38 HOLSTER AND AMMUNITION POUCHESWar-date German leather holster for a P-38 holster, stamped with Waffenamt and "d.k.k." on th einside of the flap, also with paper label bearing owner's name pasted in (indistinguishable), sold with a G43 ammunition pouch and a Luftwaffe ammuntion pouch. Three pieces.


USD 300 - 400

PARATROOPER RELICS FROM A B-17 ENGINEERA great group of relics gathered by T/Sgt. Ray E. Russell, a B-17 flight engineer who completed 35 missions in the ETOand was awarded a Bronze Star. Immediately after the close of the war, Russell gave a group of items to an Ohio high school student who framed them for display. Offered are: two approx. 4" x 5" candid photos of Russell in flight gear, one with a small section of camo parachute cloth mounted above the image; an approx. 8" x 10" piece of camouglage parachute cloth with paper label identifying it as having been used in the D-Day invasion of France, June 6, 1944; a 5" x 7" piece of white parachute cloth with label "U.S.A. BELGIUM MAY, 1945" from a Belgian member of the 5th Special Air Service; and an early post-war American propaganda leaflet: "The time after the war will be difficult...How difficult depends upon you..." Each items is separately set into a contemporary frame. The 5th SAS was an elite airborne unit consisting entirely of Belgian volunteers. It saw action in Normandy, Northern France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany. Initially trained in sabotage and intelligence gathering, they converted to motorised reconnaissance on armoured jeeps.


USD 250 - 350

PHOTOS OF HERMANN GOERING, TAKEN FROM HIS HOME AT BERCHTESGADENPair of postcard photographs shopwing Hermann Goering in full uniform and with his baton, the two jined at top due to exposure to dampness. These items were recovered at the ruins of Goring's home at Berchtesgaden by COL. LESLIE E. JACOBY (b. 1900), a West Point graduate who was commander of the distinguished 5th Tank Destroyer Group. His unit left Munich on May 5th and made directly for Berchtesgaden where it arrived the day after the town was taken. Much provenance accompanies this relic, including copies of letters from Jacoby on letterhead captured from Bormann and Blomberg in which Jacoby described events leading up to and during his time at Berchtesgaden, and copies of "capture" papers showing Jacoby's sending relics home. Other notable Jacoby lots are included in this sale as well.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 150 - 200

R.A.F. BENEVOLENT FUND BELL AND ASHTRAYExcellent pair of rare items, relics from the Battle of Britain "re-purposed" to be sold to benefit R.A.F. airmen and their families. Included is a 5" tall cast aluminum bell bearing profiles of Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin, description in reliefe reading: "R.A.F. Benevolent Fund Cast in Metal from German Aircraft Shot Down Over Britain 1939-1945", along with a 3 1/2" tall ashtray, identically marked. Two pieces, fine. Provenance: The War Museum


USD 150 - 200

R.A.F. BENEVOLENT FUND PISTON HEAD ASHTRAYCircular metal ashtray, 1" x 5 1/4" dia., bearing the inscription: "Made from a Rolls-Royce 'Merlin' Engine Piston as Used in the Battle of Britain - August-October1940". The item is further inscribed with the badge of the Royal Air Force at center, and with the motto "Never in the Field of Human Conflict was so much owed by so many to so few", with the facsimile signature of Winston Churchill below. The ashtray is stamped "Made in England" on the base, and bears minor oxidation and soiling, else very good.


USD 150 - 200

R.A.F. BENEVOLENT FUND SOUVENIR BELLS CAST FROM CRASHED AIRCRAFT METALGood group of cast metal bells, the first measuring 6 1/2" x 4" dia., and the second 6" x 4 3/4". Both bears profile portraits of Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin on the sides, with the letter "V" for victory on the handle. Each bell bears a variation of the inscription "R.A.F. Benevolent Fund Cast In Metal From German Aircraft Shot Down Over Britain 1939/45". Both bear slight surface oxidation, else very good.


USD 400 - 500

R.A.F. MARK IIIA AVIATOR GOGGLESRare British Mark IIIA aviator's goggles, typically used during the Battle of Britain. First issued in 1936, the pattern reflected the same design characteristics of the Mk 111 but with smaller face pads, as the earlier goggles were designed for open cockpit use. The Mk 111A also featured curved Perspex lenses which caused distortion and also scratched easily so in the Battle of Britain many pilots chose not to wear them which resulted in many casualties from burns and serious eye injuries. The design was also developed independently of the RAF B helmet, so this model was quickly superseded. The brass frames are in fine condition and retain all their black paint with both the hinge stops and ventilation trumpets in place. All four screws are present and the original leather nose cover is perfect. The lenses show only minor scratching. On the reverse the velvet face pads showing only light wear. The back strap is near perfect, no stretched or damaged springs or covers. The leather back strap perfect and the curled end is still in place. The friction adjustment buckle is fine with no rust per se. The stamping on the back strap is very faint but shows the model number and has an Air Ministry logo.


USD 300 - 400

R.A.F. TYPE B FLIGHT HELMET, 1937Fine condition Air Ministry "B" type flying helmet, complete with large style maker label, this label being also dated. Helmet leather is in supple, clean condition, showing light honest service use only, scattered scuffs to the brown finish. Size 6 1/2" - 6 3/4". All straps and buckles present and in good matching order. Ear cup zips also in good working order, and original audi cables remain attached. Interior of helmet showing light use, wear and sweat staining. The large silk maker label remains present, from "Wareings (Northampton) Ltd. , St James St Northampton". The archetypal RAF flying helmet, much used during the Battle of Britain.


USD 100 - 150

REICHSBAHN GAS MASKFrench TC-38 gas mask pressed into use by the Deutsches Reichsbahn late in the war. This comparatively primitive mask has elastic head bands and celluloid eye coverings with a screw-on filter. There appear several Reichsbahn stamps on both the canvas of the mask and the filter which also bears an issuing date stamp of January, 1945. Rare.


USD 150 - 200

REICHSCHANCELLERY SUGAR CUBE TONGSPair of delicate silver sugar cube tongs, 4" long, one arm engraved with a left-facing eagle clutching a static swastika very carefully applied. This emblem was typically used on Chancellery silverware. Typical tarnish, else very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 200 - 300

ROOSEVELT AND CHURCHILL VICTORY DRINKING MUGExcellent figurative pottery mug, approx. 6" x 4 1/2" dia. glazed brown overall. The central mug section is formed by a hollow globe, flanked on each side by statuettes of Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt, which serve as handles. A stream of ships and planes can be seen moving between the United States and England on the globe, with national borders and other details delineated by silver-painted highlights. The motto "Let's Drink to Victory" appears at the base of the globe. The base of the mug bears the painted inscription "W.H. & Co. 'Royal Victoria' Pottery England", with a second indistinct mark, and was likely manufactured during or immediately after World War II. Fine crackling overall, else fine.


USD 200 - 300

S. A. VEHICLE PENNANTTriangular S.A. pennant flown from the front of a vehicle, 8" x 12", with a sewn-on BeVo S.A. emblem on each side. Two round brass fittings are sewn to either end of the hoist. Very good.


USD 150 - 200

SILVER PRESENTATION GOBLETPresentation silver plated goblet, 6" tall and 3 1/2" wide at the rim. There is a silver raised band about an inch below the rim which bears two borders of detailed laurel leaves. In the center of the band is the raised inscription: "JUBILĂ„UMSGABE DER KAMERADSCHAFTLICHEN VEREINIGUNG" ("Anniversary Gift from the Comrade Organization") with a mobile swastika at center. Probably originates from a police or political organization. Beneath, the goblet is marked: "Original Wellner Aug. Wellner & Sohne A.G.". Very light pitting.


USD 300 - 400

SILVER TOTENKOPF RINGContemporary WWII German Totemkopf ring, a silver skull and bones tapering into a filigree design, 13/16" inside dia., stamped with "800" purity mark. Fine.


USD 150 - 200

SOLDIERS' THEATER-MADE "SWEETHEART" BRACELETSLot of two American G.I. theater-made "sweetheart" bracelets, made by soldiers while overseas with the intent of sending them to their girlfriends back in the States. Both bear sheet metal cut aluminum bands, sometimes from salvaged Japanese or American aircraft, with one example bearing two cowrie shells and engraved: "Marcella Bill Philippines" with palm tree images, with the second bracelet also bearing palms, engraved: "Guam 1945 Marianas". Very good.


USD 150 - 200

SOUTH PACIFIC NAVY SAILOR'S CARVED PIPEA museum-quality carved American sailor's pipe from the island of Santu Spirito, northeast of Australia. The pipe, 5 1/2" long, bears an elaborately-carved bowl which features images of stars, stripes, palm trees, the initials of the owner, "U.S.N.", an eagle...and dice and a high-stepping naked woman! The pipe shows only occasional use, but is overall fine. Also present is a (non-regulation!) 3 3/4" metal emblem depicting a buxom woman, originally meant to be pinned or sewn to a hat or garment. During World War II, particularly after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the island was used by Allied forces as a military supply and support base, naval harbor, and airfield. Provenance: The War Museum


USD 200 - 300

SOVIET AIRMAN'S FLYING GOGGLESPair of Soviet flying goggles, approx. 7" x 3", with a red elastic headband and grey rubber eyepieces with presumably custom red felt padding sewn and glued thereto. The eyepieces bear markings in Cyrillic, and the headband is attached to the frame by means of metal split rings. Bears expected age wear, but all components are intact and undamaged. Very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 800 - 1,200

SS ESTONIAN LEGION RINGVery rare silver Estonian Legion ring, issued to members of that military unit within the Waffen SS Verfügungstruppe and consisting of Estonian soldiers. This ring, similar in several respects to the SS Totenkopf ring, bears an arm with upraised sword on a shield at front, surrounded by several indistinguishable symbols. Within the band are two hallmarks, as well as evidence that the band was professionally resized at some point in time. Worn a bit, still very good. Ex: Hermann Historica. The Estonian Legion was announced on August 28, 1942 by the German occupying powers and formally established on October 1, 1942. Its members, under German command, fought largely in the Ukraine.


USD 100 - 150

SWASTIKA AND OAK LEAF WREATH DESK ORNAMENTDesk ornament, a metal swastika with round oak leaf wreath surrounding it, set upon a white marble pedestal. Well-worn, as-is.


USD 200 - 300

SWASTIKA TAPESTRY RELICLarge section taken from what was once an ornate Nazi banner. The 50" x 51" section has a backing or ribbed white cloth sewn to a burgundy backing. A black velvet static swastika is sewn upon the white field, and three parallel bands of ornate gold metallic ribbon has in turn been sewn upon the swastika. Water-stained. Undoubtedly cut from a very large tapestry of sorts, probably by a souvenir-hunting G.I.


USD 150 - 200

TANK ASSAULT BADGE SILVER RINGCommercially-made silver ring incorporating the design of the German Tank Assault Badge with oak leaves on either side, appears well-worn and possibly of wartime manufacture.


USD 150 - 250

THEATER-MADE B-17 MODELFine theater-made model of an American B-17 bomber, 16 1/2" x 12", cast from aluminum, with well-represented cockpit, turrets, and two (out of four original) articulated propellers. The landing gear is no longer present, the tip of one remaining propeller blade has been broken off, and the model bears expected scuffs and dings, else very good.


USD 200 - 300

THEATER-MADE CRUISER AND DESTROYER DESK MODELSGood lot of seven theater-made desk top models of cruisers and destroyers, varying levels of quality and skill using cast brass, wood, etc., silhouettes, waterline models, plaques, etc., average about 10" long. Also present are two smaller cast bronze emblems celebrating the launching of USS CASE and USS CONYNGHAM, 1935, and USS MACDONOUGH. Nien pieces. Exhibition history: Naval War College Museum exhibition "Trench Art and Naval Scrimshaw", 1990; Intrepid Sea Air Space Museum, 1995-2007. Provenance: The War Museum, New York.


USD 100 - 150

THEATER-MADE METAL PLANE MODELSLot of four theater-made models of U.S. Navy carrier fighter planes, each with wing spans about 4-5". Three of the four are apparently made of cast aircraft aluminum. Some damage, esp. broken props. Exhibition History: U.S. Naval War College Museum "Trench Art" & Naval Scrimshaw", 1990; Intrepid Sea Air Space Museum, 1995-2007. Provenance: The War Museum, New York.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 150 - 200

THEATER-MADE P-38 DESK ORNAMENTFine Pacific Theater-made desk ornament, approx. 11 1/2" x 7" x 6 1/2", a representation of a Lockheed P-38 fighter, supported by a curved piece of clear Plexiglas over a metal plaque depicting a map of New Guinea, inscribed "Far Eastern Air Force, New Guinea 1943-44". The map is further inscribed with notable settlements on the island, each marked by a small dot of inlaid green glass. The whole is mounted on an oval wood base. The P-38 appears to be lacking its propellers, else very good.


USD 200 - 300

THEATER-MADE U-BOAT HULL PLAQUESPair of plaque-mounted hull models of German U-boats, theater-made either onboard a U-boat or at a machine ship on shore. The first plaque, 13 1/2" x 5", bears a polished brass model of a sub with periscopes and deck guns fore and aft. A hand-painted Kriegsmarine ensign has been placed at the rear of the conning tower. The second model consists of a sheet of copper which had been hand-hammered into the form of a U-boat at sea, set onto a 13 1/2" x 5 3/4" finished wood base. Very good.


USD 100 - 150

U.S. ARMY CANTEEN AND MESS CUPWorld War II-era U.S. Army standard issue aluminum canteen, approx. 7 1/2" x 4 1/2" x 2 1/2", with a black plastic cap secured by a chain. The face of the canteen is stamped: "U.S. T.A.C.U. Co. 1943", indicating that it was manufactured by The Aluminum Cooking Utensil Company in 1943. The canteen is accompanied by a zinc-plated stainless steel mess cup, approx. 4" x 5 1/2" x 3 1/2", with a folding handle, stamped "U.S. L.F. & C. 1942 I.C.", indicating that it was manufactured by Landers, Frary & Clark. Both pieces bear expected dings and small scratches. The kit is housed in a canvas cover and secured by two metal snaps. Very good.


USD 150 - 200

U.S. ARMY PISTOL BELT AND POUCHESU.S. Army model M-1936 fabric webbing pistol belt, 44 1/2" x 2 1/4", with eighteen vertical rows of metal grommets for adjustment. The belt is stamped "U.S." with the date "1942" on the reverse. Attached to the belt is an M1918 dual magazine pouch for the Colt M1911 pistol, 4" x 5 3/4", stamped "F.S.F." with the date "1918" inside the flap. The pouch contains two magazines, one marked and the other unmarked. Also attached to the belt is an M1910 first aid pouch,5" x 3 1/4", stamped "J.Q.M.D. 1942" inside the flap, with the property mark "K5717" both stenciled and hand-inscribed beneath. The pouch contains an original, unopened "Carlisle Model" pocket first aid kit, in a green painted copper container with embossed directions on the lid. All bear minor wear and soiling, else very good. Also present is a treated canvas oxygen mask stowage bag, 6 1/4" x 9", so marked in white on the front, with the property number "M0639" stamped outside and in. The name "J. Moran" is inscribed in black ink on the reverse. Very good.


USD 200 - 300

U.S. FLEET SUBMARINE WITH "TSUNAMI" WAVESBeautiful full-body waterline model of a U.S. World War II fleet submarine with expertly-cut black wood tsunami "waves" affixed to the 15 1/2" wide base. The cast bronze model is quite detailed, with superstructure, deck planking and periscope, all floating on a restive bronze "sea". At rear two cut-out "tsunami" waves are attached, the pair standing 9" tall. Two small holes in the hull remain, probably from dislodged fittings no longer present but not greatly detracting from the overall piece. This unique model was exhibited at the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum, New York, 1995-2007.Ex: The War Museum.


USD 100 - 150

U.S. MERCHANT MARINE LIFE VESTWar-dated life jacket of the exact type used by the U.S. Merchant Marine, white duck fabric with several kapok-filled compartments, the front closed using two cloth ties. The vest bears an ink stamp on the back: "APPROVED BUREAU OF MARITIME INSPECTION AND NAVIGATION...JULY 8, 1940 BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS" with a cloth label above indicating "ELVIN SALOW CO." of Boston as the maker, and citing approval by the Department of Commerce. Maker also notes: "Hang up to dry after use.". Very good. Provenance: TIME-LIFE Collection; The War Museum.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 300 - 400

U.S. MILITARY RADIO SETSGroup of four U.S military radio components, including the receiver, transmitter, and power unit for the TRC-8 radio system (measuring 18 1/2" x 9 1/2" x 12", 11" x 12 1/2" x 13 1/2", and 17" x 8" x 13 1/2", respectively), and the receiving set for the AN/URR-35 radio, measuring 17" x 7" x 18". The TRC-8 was intended for use by the U.S. Army at stationary field communications centers, while the AN/URR-35 was primarily used aboard ships of the U.S. Navy. Both of these sets are well-liked among modern amateur radio operators and collectors for their reliability and durability. All are untested,, but appear to be in good working order, with no signs of blown vacuum tubes or damaged wiring.


USD 300 - 400

WR1/P "RUDI" GERMAN FRONT LINE RADIOA desirable display piece, a German WR1/P "Rudi" front line radio. The radio, enclosed within a 14 1/2" x 18" x 10" wood case was widely used by in the Wehrmacht during World War II as a source of entertainment. It was ruggedly constructed and would operate with a "universal" power supply including batteries, 90-260 volts AC or DC. The radio was also fitted with an external wire which served as an antenna, and it could also serve as a gramophone amplifier or loudspeaker. The front panel could accommodate two headphones, a telegraph key, microphone, and had a connection for a FF-33 telephone. These are not present, and the wood front cover of the case is also missing. Not tested, but these units are commonly refurbished. Requires ground shipping, radio weighs about 50 lbs.


USD 150 - 200

U.S. NAVY ANTI-AIRCRAFT RANGE FINDERU.S. Navy anti-aircraft range finder intended for emergency use by American vessels under attack while in European waters. This very clever device, 5 1/4" diameter, would be held 24" from the viewer's eyes. The distance between two vertical wires in the center of the viewer could be quickly adjusted to match the width of the enemy aircraft's wingspan. Fifteen aircraft are listed on the range finder with various distances attributed to various groups and by pre-identifying the aircraft, its distance could be determined in one or two seconds and the relayed to gunners usually manning 20mm to 40mm guns or a 3" gun mount typically used on auxiliary ships and small craft. Made by A.C. Gilbert. Very good.


USD 300 - 400

U.S.M.C. COMBAT SPEED GRAPHIC COMBAT CAMERAVintage World War II USMC "Speed Graphic" combat camera, with a 127mm f4.7 Kodak Anastigmat Special lens and a side-mounted flash and canvas hand strap. The body is of treated wood, which better resisted tropical humidity, painted combat green and with a steel film holder afffixed to the back. A plate affixed to side shows it to be Marine Corps property, manufactured by the "Folmer Graflex Co." of Rochester, NY. The focusing mechanism requires adjustment, and the battery operating the shutter should be replaced, else very good.


USD 100 - 150

U.S.N. AIRCRAFT BOMB AND DEPTH CHARGE RACKRelic from a war-time Navy aircraft, a bomb rack from which was suspended a bomb or depth charge while the aircraft was in flight to its target. The side of the unit is embossed: "NAVY BUR. OF AERO...RACK-BOMB", further noting that the rack had a capacity of 100 to 1,600 pounds. The 23 1/2" steel fixture has two clamps at bottom and an electrical connection leading to a switch within which would open the clamps when desired, releasing the explosive. Should the electronics fail, there are two cable attachments at top permitting manual release. Fine condition, ready for use. Exhibition History: The Mariner's Museum. Newport News "Carriers, Codes and Silent Ships", 1996. Provenance: TIME-LIFE Collection, The War Museum.


USD 200 - 300

WAFFEN-SS WALL MIRRORVery rare wall mirror featuring a helmeted Waffen-SS soldier, octagonally-shaped and 12" across, backed in wood with the original metal chain. The mirror is in excellent condition, showing only the slightest occasional loss of silvering at extreme edges.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 100 - 150

WEHRMACHT BREAD BAGOlive-green canvas bread bag, approx. 11 1/2" x 10" closed, of the type used by the German Wehrmacht throughout World War II. The large flap at the opening is secured by two leather straps and accompanying tin buttons. Two leather-reinforced loops and a belt hook at the top allow the bag to be carried on a belt, while two pairs of metal "D"-rings allow a shoulder strap to be fitted (not present). The interior consists of one large compartment, and no markings are present. Some drying and cracking to the leather components, else very good.


USD 700 - 1,000

WEHRMACHT CATHOLIC CHAPLAIN'S CROSS AND PHOTO ALBUMGerman photo album and military chaplain's cross of Roman Catholic Chaplain Anfons Sieber. The 12" x 8 1/4" cloth-covered album bears a black-painted cover with red cross upon which Sieber affixed his military crucifix with part of the original silver chain. The sterling silver cross is 2 1/2" tall with dark wood insert upon which is fixed an image of the crucified Christ. It is suspended to a 10" section of the original chain, firmly attached to the album's cover. Within, the album contains about 55 photos documenting the priest's career, including images from his training at the seminary, his teachers, photos of his brother in army uniform, German officers and an inhospitable shelter deep in a forest, military graves, etc. Very good.


USD 150 - 200

WEHRMACHT TIN SOLDIERSGood group of 33 semi-flat tin figures, each approx. 2" long, depicting soldiers, weapons, and vehicles of the pre-World War II German Wehrmacht. The group includes 23 foot soldiers in various poses, including two drummers, a bugler, and a flag bearer with a Third Reich-era "reichskriegsflagge" with swastika. The group also includes one ship, two airplanes with swastika roundels, a mounted drummer, a motorcyclist, an artilleryman with field gun, a supply truck and staff car, and a chemical mortar with a gas mask-clad operator. One figure is slightly larger, and is likely not original to the set. Minor oxidation to two or three figures, else very good.


USD 500 - 700

"POTATO MASHER" GERENADE WITH FRAGMENTATION SLEEVEModel 24 "stielhandgranate" ("stalk hand grenade"), 14" long with a 3" x 2 1/2" dia. head, commonly known as a "potato masher". The top of the head is dated "1940" and bears the waffenamt marking "Wa. A. 590". The head has also been fitted with a removable checked fragmentation sleeve, which would turn into deadly shrapnel as the grenade detonated. The bottom of the head has been drilled out, and the explosive charge removed, rendering the weapon completely inert. Very good.


USD 100 - 150

U.S. NAVY PRACTICE BOMBCast-iron An-Mk23 practice bomb, 8 1/4" long by 2" dia., used by the U.S. Navy to practice low-level or dive-bombing procedures against land targets during World War II. The center of the bomb consists of a hollow cavity, which would have held a specially-designed 10-gauge shotgun shell and a dye marker, which would detonate upon impact, allowing observers to determine its accuracy. The end of the bomb bears four fins, and the model and serial numbers are stamped into the sides. No detonator or dye packet is present. Light oxidation, else very good.


USD 100 - 150

GERMAN FLAK CANNON MAGAZINEGerman pressed steel ammunition magazine, approx. 14" x 8 1/2" x 2 1/4", for a 20mm Flak 30 antiaircraft gun. The magazine bears a painted white stripe on each side, with the painted black letters "PZ", likely denoting PzGr 40 tungsten carbide ammunition. The magazine features numbered inspection holes allowing the users to determine the remaining ammunition (up to 20 rounds), and a Waffenamt mark "WaA542". Bears minor surface corrosion and expected wear from age and use, else very good.

1231: P-38 GRIPS

USD 100 - 150

P-38 GRIPSPair of brown bakelite P38 pistol grips, war-time manufacture by Julius Posselt, both in very fine condition.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2

1232: PISTOL GRIPS (6)

USD 150 - 200

PISTOL GRIPS (6)Lot of three pairs of matching pistol grips, two pairs to fit a luger; one in black bakelite with maker's stamp obliterated (probably post-war), the second checkered wood with a national eagle and swastika stamped within, a chip near the top.The third set is a bakelite set of grips for a P38 with war-time maker's mark and attaching screww.


USD 150 - 250

JAPANESE TYPE 92 MACHINE GUN AMMO STRIPAmmunition strip for a Japanese World War II-era Type 92 heavy machine gun, consisting of thirty 7.7x58mm Arisaka rifle rounds, secured in a semi-flexible brass holder, approx. 16 1/2" x 3 1/4" overall. This strip would be loaded into the weapon from the left-hand side and then feed through as the weapon was fired, being ejected out the other side when all rounds were expended. The strip is packaged in its original holder of cloth-covered paperboard, which bears the remnants of an original paper seal with an identifying stamp in Japanese. Notable oxidation appears on the bullets, cases and the brass holder. Sold as a relic only ammunition shipping rules apply.


USD 150 - 200

JAPANESE TYPE 92 MACHINE GUN AMMO STRIPAmmunition strip for a Japanese World War II-era Type 92 heavy machine gun, consisting of thirty 7.7x58mm Arisaka rifle rounds, secured in a semi-flexible brass holder, approx. 16 1/2" x 3 1/4" overall. This strip would be loaded into the weapon from the left-hand side and then feed through as the weapon was fired, being ejected out the other side when all rounds were expended. The strip is packaged in its original holder of cloth-covered paperboard, which bears the remnants of an original paper seal with an identifying stamp in Japanese. Notable oxidation appears on the bullets, cases and the brass holder. Sold as a relic only ammunition shipping rules apply.


USD 100 - 150

20MM "LONG SOLOTHURN" ROUND20 x 138mm round, 8" long, a "Long Solothurn" round utilized in several German, Swiss, Italian, and Finnish anti-tank rifles and anti-aircraft guns during World War II. The base of the brass case is stamped "P" at the twelve o'clock position, a star at one, a stylized "G" at three, "39" at six, and "13a" at nine, indicating that the round was manufactured in Germany for export to Sweden. The projectile itself is painted yellow with a white band at the neck. The projectile is slightly loose in the case, and the round is inert. The round is housed in a cardboard tube. The round bears some wear to the paint on the projectile, and other expected age wear, else very good.


USD 100 - 150

WORLD WAR I AND II PISTOL COMPONENTSGood group of grips and magazines from a variety of World War I and World War II-era pistols, includes: Set of black bakelite grips for a Walther P38 pistol, approx. 3 1/4" x 2", with early war-time markings on the inside faces; Set of black composite grips for a Luger P.08 pistol, unmarked, with some chipping; Set of checked wood grips for a Luger P.08 pistol, both marked "95" on the interior face; Pair of World War I-era magazines for the Luger P.08 pistol, each with a serial number stamped on the bottom of the wood magazine follower button, slightly oxidized; Pair of magazines for a Browning Hi-Power pistol, unmarked; Pair of magazines for a Fabrique Nationale Model 1922 pistol, each marked with the "FN" crest and "7.65mm"; Magazine for a Colt 1911 pistol, unmarked; and a magazine for a French Model 1935A pistol, unmarked. Eleven pieces.


USD 100 - 150

JOHN J. PERSHING(1860 - 1948) American general "Black Jack" Pershing commanded troops sent to capture Pancho Villa, and later was Commander in Chief of all American forces in Europe in World War I. S.P. 6" x 8 1/4" b/w, a probable war-date Signal Corps photo showing him full-length in uniform, signed at bottom. Faded a bit. Sold with a 7 1/2" x 5 1/2" photo of a bomb-shattered church and village. Both photos are very good, in identical period frames.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 100 - 150

JOHN J. PERSHING(1860 - 1948) American general "Black Jack" Pershing commanded troops sent to capture Pancho Villa, and later was Commander in Chief of all American forces in Europe in World War I. T.L.S. on his personal letterhead, 1p. 4to., Washington, May 6, 1935 to Rep. Hamilton Fish, Jr. sending regrets that he cannot attend a reunion dinner of the 4th Division. He adds that such dinners are: "...important in keeping alive the fine spirit of the A.E.F....convey to those pride in the achievements of the division...". Verfy good, matted and framed. Pershing led the valiant 4th in the St. Mihiel offensive and in the Meuse-Argonne campaign.


USD 100 - 150

ALVIN C. YORK(1887 - 1964) American soldier of World War I who single-handedly captured 132 German prisoners and was awarded a Medal of Honor. Bold signature: "Sgt. Alvin C. York" on a small card. Fine.


USD 100 - 150

ALFRED VON TIRPITZ(1849-1930) German admiral, considered the founder of the German Imperial Navy. Signature as part of the return address on the flap of a 3 1/4" x 5 1/2" envelope containing the calling card of a Dr. Hanemann. The envelope was mailed from Berlin, and is franked Nov, 18, 1920. Slight chipping to the edges of the flap, else very good.


USD 75 - 100

EDWARD V. RICKENBACKER(1890 - 1973) American aviator and World War I ace credited with 26 "kills", later president of Eastern Air Lines. Fine vintage signature on a blank letterhead: "Capt. Edward Rickenbacker 1932" Very good.


USD 60 - 80

FELIX VON LUCKNER(1881-1966) German nobleman, naval officer, author, and sailor who earned the epithet "the Sea Devil" for his exploits in command of the sailing commerce raider SMS SEEADLER during World War I. I.S.P. "Felix Graf von Luckner", 7 1/4" x 11" b/w, a chest-up view of Luckner in full naval uniform, signed beneath the image in black ink, adding the inscription in German: "My dear friend Henry Richter from your sea-devil", with the date beneath. The photo is missing the upper left corner, and bears tears at the bottom edge, repaired on the verso with archival tape, else very good.


USD 100 - 150

PHILIPPE PETAIN(1856 - 1951) French marshal who defended Verdun in World War I, later Premier of Nazi-sympathetic Vichy France. Signature on a 4 1/2" x 3 1/2"card: "Marechal Ph. Petain 30 Juillet 1936". Fine.


USD 100 - 150

REINHARD SCHEER(1863-1928) Admiral of the Imperial German Navy, led the High Seas Fleet at the Battle of Jutland. Pair of signed items, includes: T.N.S. "Scheer Admiral", 1p. 12mo., Weimar, Oct. 20, 1920, a thank you note to an unnamed recipient, signed at the conclusion in violet ink. Fine. WITH: Signature "Scheer" as part of the return address on a 3 1/2" x 6" envelope, flap missing and with a resultant ragged edge at top, else fine. Two pieces.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 60 - 80

RICHARD C. B. HAKING(1862 - 1945) British general, who commanded XI Corps in the First World War, perhaps unfairly remembered for the high casualties suffered by his forces at the second Battle of Fromelles, launched while the Battle of the Somme was underway. Fine S.P., 11 3/4" x 17 1/2" sepia (overall), a fine chest, up image in uniform signed adding: "Comdg XI Corps France 5th August 1914 to 18 Nov'r 1918". Fine.


USD 100 - 150

WILHELM II(1859 - 1941) "Kaiser Wilhelm", Emperor of Germany and King of Prussia, a socially progressive ruler whose reign ended with Germany's defeat in World War I. Bold signature cut from a manuscript document, 2 3/4" x 8 1/4", with about 20 words intact, including the date Oct. 17, 1889. Folds, else very good.


USD 100 - 150

WILLIAM A. "BILLY" BISHOP(1894-1956) Canadian aviator of World War I, officially credited with bringing down 72 enemy aircraft. S.P. 7" x 10" sepia, contained within "The People's War Book" [Cleveland: R. C. Barnum Co.], 392pp. 4to., a very detailed history of World War I. Bishop has signed beneath a printed image showing him from the waist, up in uniform, boldly signed in blue ink beneath the caption. Cracked at the gutter, as is often the case, spine a bit worn, else very good to fine.


USD 100 - 150

IMPERIAL GERMAN ADMIRALSGood pair of cut signatures of Imperial German admirals of World War I, includes: FRANZ VON HIPPER (1863-1932) Admiral of the Imperial German Navy, commander of the battlecruisers of I Scouting Group at the Battles of Dogger Bank and Jutland, and in raids against towns on the English coast. Signature cut from a printed document, 3 1/2" x 1 1/2", adding his rank and the name of his flagship, the battlecruiser SMS SEYDLITZ. A second hand has added the date "9 Sept 1916" in pencil. Very good. WITH: WILHELM VON LANS (1861-1947) Commander of the SMS ILTIS, the only German ship present at the Battle of the Taku Forts during the Boxer Rebellion, later clashed with Tripitz over naval policy towards the North Sea. Signature cut from a printed document, 2 3/4" x 4 1/2", adding his rank and the date Sep. 16, 1913. Very good. Two pieces.


USD 800 - 1,200

"A BOOK OF LIFE" - A VOLUNTEER AMERICAN DOCTOR IS RECOGNIZED BY THE FRENCH SOLDIERS HE SAVEDA heart-moving gift from wounded soldiers to the chief American doctor who saved their lives, their signatures and places and dates of wounding (many also adding rank and regiment) penned in a presentation book with gilt title: "A BOOK OF LIFE JUILLY SEINE ET MARNE AUGUST 1916" The 6 ž" x 8" black leather bound volume bears a manuscript presentation in French: "The wounded soldiers from the American Ambulance of Juilly (France) to Monsieur the Doctor Bryan (Chief Doctor) In sincere homage and recognizance". Within, 184 grateful men added their names to the blank pages. Those wounded and saved through Bryan's efforts include men who had fought at Verdun, Douaumont, Butte de Mesnil, Fort de Vaux, Champagne, Fort St. Michel, and so on. One soldier adds that his right arm had been amputated, and two of those treated were French military pilots. Two small photographs of the brave surgeon are included s well. Front cover and spine badly chipped and torn, contents are fine. Juilly, with 200 beds, was the first of several "auxiliary" hospitals under the auspices of the American Hospital of Paris.


USD 750 - 850

"DEUTSCHLANDS HEER UND FLOTTE IN WORT UND BILD. GERMANY'S ARMY AND NAVY BY PEN AND PICTURE"A spectacular book, printed by The Werner Company, (Ohio), 1900. First edition, hardcover. Text in German and English, with one column on each page devoted to each. Original pictorial cloth, 17 1/2" x 13 1/2", 181 pp., with 42 fine, bright chromolithographic plates of military uniforms, ships, and troops on parade, drilling, on horseback, reconnoitering and scouting, bivouacking, in the field and barracks, engineering -- in short, these are far more than static costume illustrations but rather ones that depict action scenes. Publisher Werner was a leading German American publisher in the late nineteenth century that began by publishing a German newspaper in the U.S. This bilingual publication was perhaps the company's most opulent book and clearly was aimed at appealing to the patriotism of the immigrant community well before the First World War squelched this type of fervor. A beautiful presentation in extra fine condition.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 400 - 500

WOUNDED AUSTRIAN SOLDIER'S TWO-YEAR DIARYLength war-date diary of an unidentified Austrian soldier fighting the Russians on the northern front, approx. 220pp. 8vo., penned in black ink during 1914-15 and apparently intended to be given to his wife. Translations very limited, but one entry mentions a near wounding by a sniper in a forest, with another entry reading in part: "[Oct. 23, 1915]...I have heavy loss of blood. My pants are full of blood and it even runs in my boots.There is no medical orderly visible in the whole area so I start to walk to the bandage dugout at Jagiello.My foot aches terribly. I built a crutch of strong boughs and leave the combat area. I reach the bandage area after 6 hours. After arriving my wound was tended. Then we went to the kitchen where we got food and I received some letters from my dear Eli and tobacco from 5 PM a transport starts for Przewoisk but there are so many seriously wounded that there is no place for me. So we had the choice to walk or stay here until the next morning...we reached the hospital that was a sugar factory in peace time. Here lay light and seriously wounded soldiers on straw on the ground. More than 1,000. The seriously wounded swamin their own blood. The night was full of moaning, groaning, and dying..." Should be translated. Fine.


USD 400 - 500

JAPANESE SAILOR'S "GOOD LUCK" FLAG AND DOCUMENTS GROUPINGA rare grouping of items from a Japanese petty officer, first class who served in the IJN during World War I. Included in the lot is: the sailor's "good luck" body flag, a 28" x 32" national flag with two leather tabs with tie cords at either end of the hoist, the flag embellished with many slogans and exhortations painted in black ink; approx. twenty documents, some holograph, some printed, including award documents for the Tsingtao Medal (1915) and Siberia Expedition Medal (1921), pay documents, several promotions, notes on signals, etc. Also present is a printed map-newspaper, three notebooks or workbooks with holograph maps and printed regulations, hand-drawn insignia, and two bound handbooks, both covering cavalry and the care of horses. Untranslated, should be seen.


USD 500 - 700

U.S. ARMY ENGINEER'S WORLD WAR I NOTEBOOKSPair of bound notebooks, each approx. 144pp. 8vo., belonging to Sgt. H.D. Hayes of the 101st Engineer Battalion. Notes inside the front cover of each notebook tell us that Hayes trained at the U.S. Naval Academy from 1914-1916, and at the Allied Expeditionary Force training ground at Gondrecourt in 1917, before attending the Army Engineer School in 1918. These notebooks likely date from this latter posting, as both contain copious notes on various engineering topics, including pontoon and traditional bridges, trenches, obstacles, gun emplacements, communications, supply requisitions, types of artillery fire and projectiles, and how to build defenses against them. All of these topics are accompanied by copious pencil and ink illustrations and diagrams, most notably a series of very detailed profile views of nine types of trenches. Several tactical subjects are also featured, including notes on artillery which feature insights such as: "Counter Preparation: Shell with 75's, T.M's the Boche [German] trenches & lines of communication. Big guns, counter battery work, communications, attacks on villages. To kill Boche inside of his trenches ... Barrage on Boche when they leave their trenches in 'No Man's Land'. Barrage only used when you have Boche in the open..." Hayes records his name several times in each book, and accompanying the lot is a real-photo postcard depicting Hayes in uniform. Both bear expected age wear, else very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 300 - 400

WORLD WAR I AMERICAN SOLDIER'S JOURNALThe manuscript diary of U.S. Army Pvt. Thomas Oskin, executed in a pre-printed "Army and Navy Diary" (Chicago: Stanton and Van Vliet Co.), 1917, approx. 180pp. 12mo., bound in black cloth boards, which contains spaces for the soldier to record their personal information, addresses of friends, and battle participated in, as well as a glossary of French phrases and a guide to the metric system. Pvt. Oskin records his hometown as Duquesne, Pennsylvania, his enlistment date as Oct. 31, 1917 at Pittsburgh, and his basic training location as Camp (now Fort) Meade, Maryland, where he trains as a member of an engineering battalion. His first entry is dated Dec. 2, 1917, while still at Camp Meade. He and his unit sail from Hoboken for France on Jan. 23, 1918, arriving at Brest on Feb. 5. From there his battalion travels by train to St. Nazaire, where they are employed building mess kitchens and other infrastructure for the camps there. The battalion departs for the front lines in the vicinity of Toul on Feb. 23, where his battalion continues to perform various tasks close to the front lines. Oskin reports hearing distant artillery firing throughout the day, records German casualties and prisoners and later witnesses several air raids, and an aerial duel between French and German fighters. He also frequently mentions singing with several other members of his battalion, guard duties, bouts of illness, and all of the different construction and repair duties that the battalion is tasked with. He captures the uncertainty of being stationed so close to the front, with frequent gas alarms, moving camp, being shelled by artillery, and constantly waiting to be called to the trenches. For leisure, the men hold baseball games, box, wrestle, sing and occasionally watch a film. Oskin is also tasked with building an "old fashioned" chimney and fireplace for the officers' quarters. Om May 30, he makes the following entry: "... went up to the front tonight to patch shell holes. The boys went over the top at 2 and there shure was something doing..." He continues the following day: "... The boys brought back 20 Germans last night for ornaments and killed all others in sight. Fine day..." On June 11, he records" ... Gas alarm twice last night as the Bochs [Germans] tried to come over but got fooled..." At the end of July, the battalion relocates to the vicinity of Chateau Thierry, where Oskin continues to make daily records of interesting events, including swimming in the Marne and recovering a body, nightly German bombing raids, and transporting supplies by truck between various villages, At the beginning of September, Oskin falls ill, and has to be transported to Paris by the Red Cross for treatment. While there, he records a bombing raid on the city and visits several monuments and museums. The Armistice finds Oskin and his unit in the vicinity of Vraincourt, where he writes on Nov. 11: "... The Germans are supposed to have signed an armistice today and we are hoping for the best. Having a general singing time tonight..." He continues the following day: "... The armistice is signed so things are going our way..." The end of the war does not signal an end for Oskin's duties, however. A few days after the Armistice, he is tasked with driving several officers to inspect the German-held city of Verdun. Oskin remains in France until at least March 23, 1919, which is that date of his final entry. One page of the diary is torn, and several pages are loose but still attached, and the diary as a whole bears expected age wear, else very good and perfectly legible.


USD 500 - 700

WORLD WAR I REPORTER'S NOTEBOOKManuscript journal, approx. 60pp. 8vo., a notebook bound in red card boards, containing a report, written by an unnamed British journalist, of the situation of the war in France around the time of the Battle of the Somme in 1916. The first twenty pages contain the writer's brief notes, recording the places he visited and the sights he saw during his tour. The remaining pages appear to contain the draft of a newspaper report, assembling the details the writer witnessed into a narrative format. Every other page of this draft is a copy of the previous one, made with carbon paper. The writer describes his journey across the channel to Calais, and from there to the British Army camp at Beaumarais, where he observes bakeries staffed by Chinese laborers, ordnance storage areas and other depots. He describes a lecture given by a French officer, which explains the motivations of France and her tactical choices at the start of the war, as well as the necessity of relocating the majority of her industrial infrastructure away from areas under German occupation. He next describes travelling to the town of Arque and visiting an airfield there, where he interviews the commander "... who informed us his men & himself were responsible for 28 Bosche machines in a fortnight, 11 of which were the day before & in addition he himself had brought down two that very morning...". Travelling to the site of the Battle of Vimy Ridge, he describes the scene that greets him: "... The place is one mass of shell holes and trenches where bones and sculls [sic] can be seen. Also the crosses which are the graves of the British soldiers ... we had a good view of Noulette ... Gavendry, Grenay, Leavin and Souchey which was taken & retaken 12 times. Of course there is scarcely one stone on another in these villages. I saw several sculls & skeleton feet projecting from the ground. Devastation everywhere, & not a civilian inhabitant..." He also drafts an introduction for his essay, which includes the following admonition: "... We here on our island home are sometimes apt to get careless & not consider what the boys on sea or land are doing for us, & some allow their selfish nature to get the better of them & strive to make profit out of this terrible war by going on strike & hold up the munitions of war & hereby endanger the lives of those at the front & hence their brothers & wives at home..." The journal is written entirely in pencil, and bears expected age wear, else very good and completely legible.


USD 400 - 600

WRECKAGE FROM ZEPPELIN L-31An approx. 10" x 10" x 10" piece of aluminum framework taken from the wreckage of the German zeppelin L-31, shot down on Oct. 1, 1916 over Potters Bar, just north of London. The relic is accompanied by a 1980 signed letter of provenance with photo which identifies the relic, states that it originated from the collection of "A. G. (Arch) Whitehouse", which later came into the possession of "Mr. Dennis Gordon". Very good. The first bombing raid on London was made during the night of May 31, 1915 by a single ship. Other raids followed, with as many as 16 Zeppelins attacking in a single night. On Oct. 1, 1916 L-31 was caught in the beams of several searchlights, allowing a British night fighter to attack from beneath and set the airship afire. To the great delight of the relieved city below, the airship crashed at Potters Bar, killing all 19 aboard.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 100 - 150

149TH FIELD ARTILLERY (ILLINOIS) HISTORYScarce unit history of Battery "C", 149th Field Artillery (1st Illinois F. A.), , Gunthorp-Warren Printing Co., 1930, 254pp. 4to. A lengthy history of the distinguished battery, part of the 42nd "Rainbow" Division, which saw action at St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne, with fold-out photos of battery members, maps, illustrations, etc. Very good.


USD 40 - 60

AMERICAN LEGION SUITCASEMetal suitcase, 24" x 15" x 9", secured with brass clasps and leather straps, and decorated with a number of travel stickers. These include three circular stickers, 6" diameter, designated the suitcase as belonging to an attendee of the 1927 American Legion National Convention in Paris, France. The stickers are chipped and faded, the suitcase is dented and scratched, the handle is missing and the leather straps are broken. Fair overall.


USD 150 - 200

AUSTRIAN WORLD WAR I PHOTO ARCHIVEGood group of ten second-generation photographs, all between 2" x 2 3/4" and 5 1/2" x 3 1/2", all depicting various scenes of World War I from the Austrian perspective. The views featured here include soldiers milking cows and operating a field post office, group shots of units in the trenches and, possibly as prisoners, a supply rain, two views of destroyed houses, and casualties partially buried in a collapsed trench. The most interesting image appears to depict two men in civilian clothing, possibly Italian partisans or collaborators, hanging from trees, with a large group of civilians and Austrian soldiers looking on. One photo postcard is dated Nov. 1916 on the verso. Several images show chipping at the edges, with minor toning, else very good.


USD 150 - 200

CAPTURE AND SINKING OF U-58 BY THE SS FANNINGScarce lithograph of a photograph of the crew of the German submarine U-58 and an American boarding crew shortly after the vessel's surrender on Nov. 17, 1917. The 20" x 16" presentation "THE NAVY'S FIRST U-BOAT CAPTURE" was clearly issued during the war and is set into a period frame. Some soiling else very good. USS Fanning and her sister destroyer USS Nicholson patrolled the eastern waters of the Atlantic on convoy and rescue duty. On Nov. 17, 1917 the sub's periscope was spotted and the vessel was forced to the surface following a depth charge run and shelling. The crew surrendered and the vessel was subsequently scuttled. Provenance: The War Museum.


USD 150 - 200

FIRST AMERICAN PRINTINGS OF THE PEACE TREATIES WITH GERMANY AND AUSTRIA"Treaty of Peace With Germany" and "Treaty of Peace Between The Principal Allied and Associated Powers" (Washington: Government Printing Office), 1919. Two volumes, 538pp. and 220pp. 4to. respectively. First edition. The first United States Government printings of the Treaty of Saint Germain-en-Laye (September 15, 1919) Sentae Documents 51 and 92 in their entirety, as submitted into the record by Sen. Henry Cabot Lodge. Bound with marbled endpapers and 1/4 cloth boards and spine, raised hubs, gilt titles. Covers worn, contents very good to fine.


USD 300 - 400

FRENCH WORLD WAR I FUNDRAISING POSTERLarge paper poster, 31" x 44", depicting a startled-looking German soldier being crushed by a large gold coin with a ferocious Gallic rooster. The top of the poster bears the legend: "Pour La France, Versez Votre Or" ("Deposit Your Gold for France"), while the bottom reads: "L'Or Combat Pour La Victoire" ("Gold Fights For Victory"). The image was created by French illustrator Abel Faivre, and was printed by the engraving firm Devambez. Affixed to a canvas backing. Fine.


USD 100 - 150

GERMAN OFFICER'S PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMWorld War I German officer's photograph album, 8" x 10" with tri-color ribbon on cover, contains 50 photos showing the unnamed officer who was possibly an engineer, with some images from home, most from the front. The 3" x 5" scenes include trenches, transport to the front, a destroyed bridge and its replacement, soldiers being addressed by officers, men on the march, etc. Very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 150 - 200

IMPERIAL GERMAN PHOTO ALBUMGerman photograph album, ca. 1917, contains 42 original photographs about 2" x 2" to postcard size. Subjects include Prince Heinrich of Russia, pilots and reserve officers at leisure, many wearing pilots and observers badges, group images, etc.


USD 200 - 300

KRIEGSMARINE PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMGood photograph album from a young Kriegsmarine sailor, apparently attached to a coastal patrol vessel or destroyer. Includes 108 original photos, most about 2" x 3", subjects include training at sea, drill, his station in Holland, destruction from bombings, and many photos of vessels at the dock and at sea, including the Graf Spee, a U-boat, camouflaged destroyers, merchant vessels, E boats, etc. Very good.


USD 100 - 150

LUSITANIA AND CUNARD LINE PROMOTIONAL EPHEMERALot of two items includes a 14pp. 8vo. photo illustrated brochure issued by Cunard showing their various vessels and scenes within, three including the LUSITANIA, trans-Atlantic routes, describing the various vessels and classes, sold with a postcard picturing the LUSITANIA and bearing a log abstract on the verso showing her average speed of over 24 knots allowing a crossing in only four days and 18 hours. Overall very good.


USD 150 - 200

ORIENTEERING AND EVASION LECTURE POSTERSLot of five hand-drawn posters on brown paper, likely used to illustrate points made in speeches given before soldiers, each about 17" x 34" or larger. Topis include: "Correst use of cover" showing how a soldier my observe the enemy from various positions without being detected; "Finding direction by watch and sun..." showing how one may determine north by various means; a larger poster illustrating various topographic terms; a poster showing how one may determine various distances; and a poster shopwing soldiers advancing through a small village. A Pvt. Burton H. Matthews, the artist, signs most at bottom. Generally good to very good.


USD 150 - 200

WORLD WAR I EASTERN FRONT PHOTO ALBUMLeather-bound photo album, 52pp. 4to., containing 87 photographs, the majority being real-photo postcards taken by German photographers on the Eastern Front during World War I. Scenes depicted include German soldiers in dress uniform and combat gear, with rifles, greatcoats and pickelhaube helmets in evidence, horse-drawn munitions and artillery trains, artillery pieces, the hanging of a Russian spy, Orthodox churches, damaged buildings, a German field kitchen, Russian fortifications, many images of Russian civilians, and most interestingly, group photos of German soldiers with Russian civilians. While many of these images appear to be commercially released, the group portraits appear to be personal prints, and as such are rare images. Also present are six CDV's, each 2" x 4 1/2", each depicting a German soldier in dress uniform. The photos show some silvering and fading, but are on the whole very good.


USD 400 - 500

WORLD WAR I LANTERN SLIDESWooden box containing 46 b/w 3 1/4" x 3 1/4" glass lantern slides. Photographs depict soldiers in trenches, battlefield views and front line activity. Slide markings and period label on box state that this collection is "Serie II". Very good.


USD 100 - 150

WORLD WAR I PHOTOGRAPH GROUPINGGood lot of eighteen photographs and postcards with German and British images, largely standing portraits of German soldiers in uniform, also: a child dressed as a German soldier; postcard photo of von Richtofen; five photo postcards of captured German aircraft, and a fine 6" x 9" press photograph of British troops awaiting a German attack. Very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 100 - 150

WORLD WAR I PHOTOS Lot of five original photos, about 7" x 5", almost all Signal Corps or original images of American or British tanks on the move. With two unrelated 8" x 10" stills, probably from a WWI film.


USD 150 - 200

WORLD WAR I REMEMBRANCE PENNANTBlack wool hanging pennant or banner, 18 3/4" x 9", likely of American manufacture. The banner is hung from a wood dowel, and bears the title "Over the Top", at top. This title is flanked by a furled American flag on each side, with the flags of Great Britain, France, Italy and Belgium arranged vertically beneath. The center of the banner depicts a scene of trench warfare, with two airplanes surrounded by shellbursts at the top, beneath which appear two soldiers advancing prone across "No-Man's Land" towards a German tank at center. In the foreground appears a trench occupied by three soldiers, with a bunker entrance visible at left. Beneath this scene is a field of poppies, emblematic of the soldiers killed during the war and a common symbol of Remembrance Day, with the inscription "The Supreme Sacrifice for Everlasting Peace" in a scroll at the bottom edge. The paint used in the printing of this banner is cracking in several places, else very good.


USD 600 - 800

IMPERIAL GERMAN ARMY GENERAL'S FROCK COATVery eleborate, heavily decorated Imperial German general's frock coat. The coat, pre-1914, is constructed of a very dark, nearly black velvet-like fabric, is likely of Prussian origin. It features a raised collar which is entirely covered with two rows of silver decorative wire denoting the owner's rank. The same insignia, also constructed of silver wire, appear at the end of each sleeve where they are applied against a red backing with a bronze botton attached to each insignia. The shoulder boards are constructed of interwoven copper and silver wire, each attached to teh coat with a large silver button at one and and sen at the shoulder. A very long double braided cloth and wire aiguillette extends from the right shoulder to the right cuff, and it is fitted with decorative ends. The front of the coat has seven brass buttons (one missing), and there is a repaired 5" tear at the top of the left shoulder. The jacket is fully lined in a light blue wool, and overall this garment remains in very good condition.


USD 250 - 350

ROYAL FLYING CORPS MK-I GOGGLESRare pair of ca. 1916 British Royal Flying Corps Mark I flying goggles, flass removable lenses with wool padding, mounted to a brown leather wind screen with elastic strap. The elastic remains intact, and lenses are, but for a bit of crazing on the left lens, in fine condition.


USD 300 - 400

STUTTGART PICKELHAUBE, M/1915Black leather pickelhaube helmet with grey painted steel mounts; consisting of round spike base and detachable round spike, trim to rouded front peak, spine and chinstrap lugs. Fitted to the front of the helmet is the Royal Arms of the King of Wurttemberg. Rear leather trim stitching almost gone, lining lost.


USD 400 - 600

PRUSSIAN SHAKOImperial German enlisted man's shako, constructed of lacquered black leather, bearing a metal "wappen", or helmet plate, at the front, depicting the coat of arms of the German state of Prussia, a crowned Imperial eagle clutching a scepter and orb, with the motto "Mit Gott Fur Koenig Und Vaterland" ("With God for King and Fatherland"), on a banner across the breast, over the initials "FR". The helmet features vent holes on either side of the crown, with a serrated Imperial German cockade affixed to the right rosette; no cockade is present on the left-hand side. The interior features an eight-fingered brown leather liner, torn and hanging loose on the left-hand side but all present. The interior of the crown is size-stamped "55", with the date 1916 and an indistinct maker's or acceptance mark. The chin strap in absent, the liner is well-worn in addition to the damage mentioned above, and the leather shows crackling over the entire exterior, with an approx. 1 1/2" square section of the lacquer missing from the rear right-hand side, else very good. Shakos of this type were frequently issued to "Jager" light infantry units, often employed as scouts or skirmishers.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 700 - 800

PRUSSIAN PICKELHAUBEWorld War I-era German "Pickelhaube", constructed of lacquered black leather, with a brass circular plate at the crown bearing four starbursts, topped with a 4 1/2" brass spike. The front bears a "wappen", or helmet plate, depicting the coat of arms of the German state of Prussia, a crowned Imperial eagle clutching a scepter and orb, with the motto "Mit Gott Fur Koenig Und Vaterland" ("With God for King and Fatherland") , on a banner across the breast, over the initials "FR". A brass replica of an 1813 Iron Cross has been applied atop this "wappen". An ornamental leather chin strap, covered with overlapping metal plates, runs across the visor, attached at each end by serrated rosettes with correct mismatched cockades - black white and red, for the German Empire, on the right, and black and gold on the left. The brass fittings are secured within by brass nuts. The interior features a brown leather sweatband with a brown silk lining, split down the middle to allow access to the mounting screws. The rear visor of the helmet is partially detached at both ends, and the front visor is held on by two original brass pins at each end. The helmet shows minor abrasions overall, else very good.


USD 400 - 500

PRUSSIAN ARTILLERYMAN'S PICKELHAUBEPrussian Model 1895 enlisted artillery pickelhaube, ca. 1895-1915, leather shell with pressed gilt metal Prussian insignia, intact leather chin-strap, brass trimmed visor and ball, ht. 7 3/4 in. Ball dented, paint on reverse retouched and flawed, small dent left rear and front visor trim slightly dented as well.


USD 500 - 700

HESSIAN PICKELHAUBE HELMETWorld War I-era German "Pickelhaube", constructed of lacquered black leather, with a brass cruciform plate at the crown topped with a 4 1/2" brass spike. The front bears a "wappen", or helmet plate, depicting the coat of arms of the German state of Hesse, a crowned rampant lion clutching a sword, flanked by oak and laurel branches. A black leather strap with two brass buckles runs across the rounded visor, attached at each end by rosettes with correct mismatched cockades - black white and red, for the German Empire, on the right, and alternating white and red, for Hesse, on the left. The brass fittings are secured within by brass split pins. The interior features a fifteen-finger brown leather liner, slightly dried and curled from age, with the adjustment cord missing. The crown of the helmet is slightly indented, with two cracks in the lacquer at the rear. The spike base is also slightly deformed at the junction of two arms. Slight abrasions to the leather inside and out, else very good.


USD 500 - 600

IMPERIAL GERMAN ENLISTED MAN'S GREATCOATWorld War I-era Imperial German enlisted man's greatcoat, constructed of heavy field-gray wool felt. The front is closed by five metal shell buttons, each bearing an imperial crown, and a hook and eye closure at the collar. The rear features a belt for size adjustment, and a vertical slit closed by three polished bone buttons. The exterior of the coat bears two flap-covered diagonal slash pockets, with a third horizontal slash pocket in the white cloth interior lining. This lining is stamped "BA XVIII" over "1916" within a black box, with "J.R. 118" in a separate box below. The lining is also size-stamped, and marked by the manufacturer: "Julius Buschhoff/Worms". This factory was established in 1888 but was ransacked and forced to close as a result of the "Kristallnacht" attacks in 1938, due to the owner's Jewish heritage. The liner of the coat also bears the hand embroidered initials "H. T. " in red thread, with the remainder of each name added in pencil. The first name is indistinct, but the surname appears to be "Tonner". The liner bears some slight soiling, with minor scattered moth nips, else very good to fine.


USD 400 - 600

BAVARIAN SOLDIER'S FIELD CAPBavarian soldier's field cap, wool body with red side band and red piping, metal imperial and Bavarian cockades affixed at front. Lininig stamped: "B.A.X.II 14" indicating 1914 construction, size 59 1/2". A few tiny scattered moth holes.


USD 400 - 600

BAVARIAN SOLDIER'S FIELD CAP WITH EDEWEISS PINBavarian soldier's field cap, wool body with red side band and red piping, metal imperial and Bavarian cockades affixed at front with a period "Edelweiss" pin affixed to the left side. Lining stamped: "B.A.XVII 16" indicating 1916 construction.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 150 - 200

BRODIE-STYLE HELMETSGood group of four "Brodie"-style helmets of different nations and vintages, includes: British Mk. 1 helmet, with brown-painted sand finish, of the type issued to soldiers during World War I. The liner is missing, while the chin strap is present and intact; anAmerican M1917 helmet, with original sand finish but repainted green, likely post-World War I. The leather liner is missing, but the felt crown pad and chin strap are present, although the latter is broken; an American or British civil defense or construction helmet, manufactured of tin or mild steel in the style of a "Brodie" helmet. Painted olive green overall, with intact chin strap and liner; an American mild steel M1917-style civil defense helmet, painted white overall, with a crudely painted red cross at the front, identifying medical personnel. Liner and grey chin strap are present and intact. Paint flaking in areas, else very good.


USD 100 - 150

BRODIE-STYLE HELMETSGood group of three parade or construction helmets, patterned after the "Brodie"-style helmets used by the American and British armies during World War I. The first is brightly polished aluminum, and features a civilian-style "Stationary Cushion Lining" as denoted by a cloth label affixed thereto. An embroidered label bearing the name "J. Lo Bello" is also sewn to the liner. The remaining two helmets are brass, one with a rolled rim and one without, with the latter featuring a civilian-style canvas liner and a broken leather chin strap. The rolled rim helmet is the shell only. Very good. Three pieces.


USD 300 - 400

CAMOUFLAGE-PAINTED GERMAN M1916/1917 STAHLHELMSteel German M1916/1917 helmet, identifiable as such by the externally-visible lugs for attaching the chinstrap. The exterior of the helmet is painted overall with a camouflage scheme of browns, greens and grays, with thick black dividing lines. The helmet is stamped "R 1 3 3 6" within the crown, and a faint, illegible heat stamp is also present within the left rim. A black ink or pencil ownership inscription is also present inside the rear rim. The leather liner and chin strap are absent, but the metal band retaining the liner remains. The exterior paint bears some chipping and oxidation, else very good.


USD 400 - 500

CAMOUFLAGE-PAINTED M1916/1917 STAHLHELMGerman steel M1916/1917 combat helmet, identifiable as such by the detachable leather chin strap. The exterior of the helmet is painted overall with a fine example of a "tortoiseshell" camouflage scheme of dull green, brown and tan, divided by black bands. This camouflage has worn away at the crown, but remains very distinct throughout the rest of the helmet. The exterior also bears a fair amount of caked-on soil or mud, easily removable if necessary. The interior of the helmet is fitted with a light-colored six-fingered leather liner, backed with fabric padding at the front and sides. The liner shows age-appropriate wear and soiling, and all fingers and pads are present and intact, and connected by the original adjustment cord. The inner rim is heat-stamped "E.T. 64.", indicating that it was manufactured by the Eisenhuttenwerke at Thale. A numeral, possibly "75" is stamped very faintly in black ink inside the rear rim. The brown leather chinstrap, bearing minor cracks but otherwise present and intact, is secured over the rim. A fine, intact example, bearing honest wear from age and use. Very good.


USD 300 - 400

CAMOUFLAGE-PAINTED M1916/1917 STAHLHELM HELMETSPair of German steel M1916/1917 combat helmets, both bearing painted "tortoiseshell" camouflage patterns of brown, green and tan divided by black bands overall. Both helmets lack liners and chin straps, although one retains the metal liner band one strap bale, and the strap adjustment buckle. This helmet is heat-stamped "Si.66". The second helmet shows more modern paint spray and dripping, affecting the external camouflage pattern, and bears no discernible heat stamp. Both show extensive wear, abrasion and oxidation overall, in fair to good condition. Two pieces.


USD 150 - 200

CAMOUFLAGE-PAINTED M1917 HELMETSteel M1917 helmet, the standard issue for American soldiers during World War I. The original felt and leather padded liner is present but detached, and the leather chin strap is missing. Most interestingly, the rim of the helmet is painted black, possibly with a layer of tape beneath. Three similar bands of green paint with underlying tape cross over the crown, and a black band has been added to the underside of the front of the rim. Many returning veterans painted their helmets with unit insignia and patriotic motifs at war's end, although the dull and abstracted pattern seen here would be very unusual, making it also possible, though unlikely, that the paint was added during the war as a crude means of camouflage. Very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 150 - 200

CAMOUFLAGE-PAINTED M1917 HELMET WITH 27TH INFANTRY INSIGNIAAmerican World War I-era steel M1817 helmet, painted with a brightly-colored camouflage scheme, and with a white star at the crown with two lightning bolts emerging from it. The front of the helmet bears the painted insignia of the 27th Infantry Division in red and black, depicting a monogram of the initials "NYD" (for "New York Division"), and seven stars in the shape of the constellation Orion. Returning soldiers painted their helmets in this manner for the victory parades which took place across the country at war's end. The liner and chin strap are missing, as are the rivet at the crown and the strap bales, indicating that the helmet may have at one time been used as a lamp shade, as some were.


USD 250 - 350

ENGRAVED FRENCH WORLD WAR "ADRIAN" PARADE HELMETWorld War I-era M15 "Adrian" helmet, with a metal comb affixed to the crown with four pins, and with the insignia of the French infantry - a flaming bomb with the initials "RF"(Republique Francaise) - at the front. The helmet features an intact six-finger brown leather liner, mounted within the shell. Unusually, the exterior of the shell is highly polished, and engraved on the front and rear rims and on the crown with laurel branches. The rear bill is also engraved "1914-1918", and the helmet was likely used in the many victory parades held across France at the conclusion of the war. The chin strap is missing, and the liner is partially detached, else very good. The Adrian is widely considered to be the first steel combat helmet in regular service in the modern era.

1292: FREIKORPS M1916/1917 HELMET

USD 700 - 900

FREIKORPS M1916/1917 HELMETGerman M1916/1917 combat helmet, identifiable as such by the externally-visible lugs for attaching the chinstrap. The front of the helmet bears a large painted "Totenkopf" ("Death's Head") design, indicative of use by a "Freikorps" soldier of the uprisings of 1919-20. The emblem has clearly been applied through the use of a stencil versus being painted free-hand. The white paint shows every indication of legitimate age. The detachable leather chin strap appears to be original, although the brown leather liner is almost certainly a replacement.


USD 100 - 150

FRENCH M15 "ADRIAN" HELMETWorld War I-era M15 "Adrian" helmet, with a metal comb affixed to the crown with four pins, and with the insignia of the French infantry - a flaming bomb with the initials "RF"(Republique Francaise) - at the front. The helmet features an intact six-finger brown leather liner, mounted within the shell on bands of corrugated metal, and secured on the center by an adjustable cord. The brown leather chinstrap is intact and secured over the brim. The helmet is painted dark blue throughout. The interior leather is dried out, and the helmet bears expected minor oxidation and age wear throughout, else very good. The Adrian is widely considered to be the first steel combat helmet in regular service in the modern era.


USD 150 - 200

FRENCH M15 "ADRIAN" HELMET WITH COMMEMORATIVE PLAQUEWorld War I-era M15 "Adrian" helmet, with a metal comb affixed to the crown with four pins, and with the insignia of the French artillery service - a flaming bomb with the initials "RF" (Republique Francaise) in front of two crossed cannons - at the front. The helmet features an intact six-finger brown leather liner, mounted within the shell on bands of corrugated metal, unattached at the center, and a brown leather chinstrap. The bill of the helmet bears an attractive metal plaque with laurel branches in relief, and bearing the legend "Soldat de La Grande Guerre 1914-1918" ("Soldier of the Great War"). The helmet is painted dark blue throughout. The interior leather is dried out, and the helmet bears expected minor oxidation and age wear throughout, else very good. The Adrian is widely considered to be the first steel combat helmet in regular service in the modern era.


USD 500 - 600

GERMAN ARMY M1917 OFFICER'S VISOR CAPMint condition M1917 German officer's visor cap, royal blue upper body with red side band, piped in red. Two kockardes are affixed to the front of the cap, above a vulkan fiber visor. Within, this cap is fitted with a black satin liner and black leather sweatband which itself it trimmed with a white ribbon. One tiny moth hole on top of the blue body, else in exceptionally good condition.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 300 - 400

GERMAN FIELD CAPFeldmutze, black body with red side band and red piping, German national cockade sewn to the front, just above a brass eagle insignia which appears to have been reapplied. Black leather sweatband, unlined.


USD 200 - 300

GERMAN INFANTRYMAN'S CAPGerman infantryman's cap, blue upper body with black side band, with two kockardes affixed to the front of the cap. The cap is lined in heavy white cotton and bears numerous ink stamps by the maker, inspectors, etc. A small moth hole is evident at the left side seam,else near fine condition.


USD 400 - 500

GERMAN M1910 OFFICER'S VISOR CAPGerman Model 1910 officer's visor cap, darl blue body and side band trimmed in red piping with a single kockarde affixed above the leather brim. Within, the cap bears a mustard cotton lining imprinted with the name of the makler, "J. Greipl" in Munich, and a torn brown leather sweatband is also present. The top of the visor bears surface mothing only, otherwise this visor is in very good to fine condition.

1299: GERMAN M1916/1917 STAHLHELM

USD 200 - 300

GERMAN M1916/1917 STAHLHELMGerman World War I-era M1916/1917 "Stahlhelm", or steel helmet, identifiable as such by the externally-visible lugs for attaching the chinstrap. The exterior bears surface oxidation throughout, as well as a 1 1/4" vertical crack at the rim at the left temple. The surface oxidation continues on the interior, and the three-fingered brown leather liner is mostly intact, but dried and cracking, with one adjustment loop detached but present. The brown leather chin strap is also thoroughly dried, but present and intact. The helmet bears no apparent markings. Very good. This model stahlhelm was the first to be issued to German front-line soldiers, and was quickly supplanted by the M1918, which had an integral chin strap.


USD 250 - 350

GERMAN M1917 OFFICER'S VISOR CAPFine condition M1917 German officer's visor cap, green upper body and side bands, piped in white. One kockarde is affixed to the front of the cap, above a vulkan fiber visor. Within, the cap is fitted with a white satin liner with celluloid protector, and a (torn) gray leather sweatband. A few tiny moth hole on top of the green body, else very good.


USD 200 - 300

GERMAN M1917 OFFICER'S VISOR CAPM1917 German officer's visor cap, gray upper body with red side bands, piped in red. Two simple kockardes are heavy pressed paper visor. Within, the cap is fitted with a thin cotton mesh and faux brown leather sweatband. Clearly a theater-made example, or very late war. Worn and stained in places.


USD 250 - 350

GERMAN M1917 OFFICER'S VISOR CAPFine condition M1917 German officer's visor cap, dark green upper body and side bands, piped in red. One kockarde is affixed to the front of the cap, above a vulkan fiber visor, while a second kockarde appears to have gone missing. Within, the cap is fitted with a coated cotton liner with gilt maker's name and a somewhat worn brown leather sweatband. A few tiny moth holes on top of the green body, else very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 250 - 350

GERMAN M1917 OFFICER'S VISOR CAPM1917 German officer's visor cap, gray wool green upper body and black side band, piped in red. Two kockardes are affixed to the front of the cap, above a vulkan fiber visor. Within, the cap is fitted with a black cotton liner (apparently a replacement), and it bears the original brown leather sweatband. A moth hole appears on top of the gray body with some nibbles to the piping, else very good.


USD 600 - 800

GERMAN SOLDIER'S FIELD CAPGerman soldier's cap, blue body with red piping and all-black cockade sewn to the front - likely sanitatspersonnel. The gray lining is stamped in black ink" B.J.A.G. 1918 g." and cap size "57". Fine condition.

1305: M1916/1917 STAHLHELM

USD 400 - 500

M1916/1917 STAHLHELMGerman steel World War I-era M1916/1917 combat helmet, identifiable as such by the detachable leather chin strap. The helmet is finished dark green overall, with the remnants of the tan patches and black bands of a tortoiseshell camouflage scheme faintly visible overall. The interior is fitted with a brown leather six-fingered liner, with three fabric pads at the front and sides of the head. The adjustment holes at the tips of three fingers are torn. The interior rim is heat-stamped "S1.66"; no other markings are apparent. The aforementioned black leather chin strap is present and intact. The helmet shows much period wear overall, but is all-original and intact.

1306: M1916/1917 STAHLHELM

USD 300 - 400

M1916/1917 STAHLHELMGerman steel World War I-era M1916/1917 combat helmet, identifiable as such by the lugs allowing the chin strap to be easily removed. The helmet is finished gray-blue overall, worn thin and abraded overall but still readily apparent. An approx. 1/4" crack appears at the top of the dome. The interior is fitted with a dark brown leather six-fingered liner, backed with fabric pads at the front and sides, although three fingers are missing and a fourth is torn. The interior rim is heat-stamped "2.66", and a faint and indecipherable inscription appears inside the rear rim, possibly an owner's name. The chin strap is missing. The helmet shows honest wear from age and use overall, else very good.

1307: M1916/1917 STAHLHELM HELMETS

USD 200 - 300

M1916/1917 STAHLHELM HELMETSPair of German steel M1916/1917 combat helmets, both in original finish, the first fitted with a six-fingered brown leather liner backed with fabric pads at the front and sides, although one pad and two fingers are missing. The inside rim is heat-stamped "ET86", indicating that it was manufactured by the Eisenhuttenwerke at Thale. The liner band is stamped "BA XIII" over "1916" in black ink, with the name "H. Eitel" also inscribed thereupon in black ink. The chinstrap is absent, although both chinstrap bales are present at their attachment lugs. Three very old strips of fabric tape are present at the rear exterior of the helmet. The second helmet bears no liner or chin strap, although the liner band is present albeit in poor condition. The inner rim bears an indistinct heat stamp. Both helmets show extensive wear and tear, with much surface abrasion and oxidation, in just good condition. Two pieces.


USD 400 - 500

M1916/1917 STAHLHELM WITH CAMOUFLAGE PAINT SCHEMEGerman steel World War I-era M1916/1917 combat helmet, identifiable as such by the lugs allowing the chin strap to be easily removed. The exterior of the helmet bears a green, brown, and yellow-tan camouflage paint scheme overall, worn thin in many areas, with some oxidation affecting the underlying steel. The interior is fitted with a brown leather six-fingered liner, backed with tied fabric pads at the front and sides, although two fingers and one pad are missing, with additional splitting to the leather. The inside rim is heat-stamped "Si.66", and an indecipherable black ink inscription, most likely an owner's name, has been added inside the rear rim. All but an approx. 3" section of chin strap, retaining the adjustment buckle, is missing, although both bales used to attach the strap to lugs within the helmet are present. The helmet shows extensive wear from age and use overall, else very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 150 - 250

M1917 HELMET WITH 26TH INFANTRY DIVISION INSIGNIAAmerican World War I-era steel M1917 helmet, with the painted insignia of the 26th infantry division, a tree with a red trunk within a white box. The owner has further added, in white paint, the name of his division and regiment (the 102nd), as well as several notable battles in which the division participated: St. Mihiel, Verdun, and Meuse-Argonne. The original leather liner and chin strap are missing, but the felt crown pad remains. The painted inscriptions are flaking and faded in areas, with some oxidation, else very good.


USD 150 - 200

M1917 HELMET WITH 2ND INFANTRY DIVISION INSIGNIAAmerican World War I-era steel M1917 helmet, painted apple-green throughout the exterior, and with the painted insignia of the 2nd infantry division, an Indian head in profile within a star, at the front. Returning soldiers painted their helmets in this manner for the victory parades which took place across the country at war's end. The liner and leather chinstrap are dried and worn, but present and intact. The exterior of the helmet bears some dents, with minor chipping to the paint, else very good.


USD 200 - 300

M1917 HELMET WITH ALLIED POWERS FLAGSAmerican World War I-era steel M1917 helmet, painted at the front with an American Flag shield, flanked on either side by the flags of Great Britain and France. Returning soldiers painted their helmets in this manner for the victory parades which took place across the country at war's end. The liner and chin strap are missing, as is the right-hand strap bale, and the exterior paint is lightly faded, else very good.


USD 150 - 250

M1917 HELMET WITH AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES INSIGNIAAmerican World War I-era steel M1917 helmet, painted with a brightly-colored camouflage scheme, incorporating an abstracted American flag, with a blue triangle at the front containing the initials "A E F", for American Expeditionary Forces. Returning soldiers painted their helmets in this manner for the victory parades which took place across the country at war's end. The liner and chin strap are missing, but the felt crown pad remains. The crown of the helmet is dented and much of the paint in that area has flaked away, but the majority of the design remains.

1313: M1917 HELMETS

USD 150 - 250

M1917 HELMETSGood group of five American steel M1917 helmets, as issued to troops during World War I. The group includes four examples in the standard brown paint scheme with sand or cork finish, with one featuring its original liner and chin strap, with the remaining three retaining only its felt crown pad, and two with fragments of their leather chin straps. The final helmet features a smooth finish and is painted black inside and out. No liner or chinstrap is present. Very good overall, five pieces.


USD 300 - 400

SHRAPNEL-STRUCK GERMAN M1916/1917 HELMETAn especially evocative World War I relic, a German M1916/1917 "Stahlhelm"-style helmet, identifiable as such by the externally-visible lugs for attaching the chinstrap. The helmet has received massive shrapnel damage, opening up an approx. 3" dia. entry hole in the center of the forehead, and a second exit hole of approximately the same dimensions in the crown. Needless to say, such damage would have resulted in instantly fatal wounds. The strap and liner are missing, and the helmet bears expected oxidation, else very good given its condition and obvious history.


USD 250 - 350

SHRAPNEL-STRUCK GERMAN M1916/1917 HELMETA striking relic of the carnage of World War I, a German M1916/1917 "Stahlhelm"-style helmet, identifiable as such by the externally-visible lugs for attaching the chinstrap, finished in grey-green throughout. The helmet has received what appears to be shrapnel damage, resulting in an approx. 1 1/2" irregular entry hole on the left side, and a triangular 1" exit hole opposite. The helmet is missing its liner and chinstrap, and bears some white paint splatter and oxidation on the exterior, else very good given its condition and obvious history.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 150 - 200

LUGER HOLSTERLeather luger holster with flap and spare magazine, in excellent condition with maker's name and manufacture date "1938" embossed on the reverse, serial no. 9311. Fine condition.


USD 1,500 - 2,000

ROYAL FLYING CORPS ACE'S AIRCRAFT KILL ROSTER PLAQUEAn outstanding World War I presentation piece, a section of wooden aircraft propeller, approx. 21" x 9 1/2", planed flat on the verso, with a carved representation of the Royal Flying Corps' "wing" insignia at the top (with one wing missing), and with a brass RFC hat badge at the center. Beneath this is the legend "No. 25 Squadron" in white paint. On the left-hand side is the legend "Kills", again in white paint, with six painted Iron Cross-style symbols, each with the letter "W" at the center. To the right of each of these, most interestingly, is a scrap of painted fabric beneath the legend "Confirmed", presumably from each German plane destroyed by this ace. At the bottom tip of the plaque is a painted red-white-and-blue roundel. It is our belief that this plaque represents the victories of Sgt. James Hubert Green, who claimed six victories while flying the Farman F.E.2b between October 1916 and June 1917, before being killed in a training accident in December of 1917. No. 25 Squadron only produced nine aces throughout the war, and Green was the only one who scored six victories, as represented by this plaque. The piece is suspended from two metal hooks, with a replacement length of white rope. The plaque bears a large repaired vertical crack, likely contemporary as the paint of the roundel covers it, and additional small scuffs and aging, else very good.


USD 400 - 600

GERMAN MEDALS OF THE FIRST WORLD WARExtraordinary period display of nine medals issued by Germany during and immediately after World War I. Included are: Wound Badges in Black, Silver, and Gold; Iron Cross, 2nd Class; Iron Cross, 1st Class (unmarked, screw-back); Baltic Cross (Freikorps issue, vaulted); and War Service Crosses, all three grades. A great period piece!


USD 250 - 300

WORLD WAR I IRON CROSS, FIRST CLASSPin-back medal, approx. 1 3/4" square, an Iron Cross, First Class bearing the date "1914" beneath the letter "W" on the face, indicating that it was awarded during World War I. The reverse of the bottom arm bears a tiny numerical stamp, reading "L/52". The medal is vaulted, allowing a closer fit to the uniform tunic. Some wear, else very good.


USD 60 - 80

1915 ROSENTHAL PORCELAIN RED CROSS PLATERare 1915 Rosenthal porcelain plate, 8 3/8" dia., issued to benefit the "Vaterlandischer Frauenverein" and the Red Cross. Fine.


USD 100 - 150

BAVARIAN AND GERMAN WORLD WAR I MEDAL GROUPGood lot of 11 items, includes 1918 Weihnachten Golden Wedding Commemoration medal, Black Wound Badge, Kyffhauserbund Medal, Bavarian Military Order of Merit, also same with Swords, ribbon bar, Serbian Medal for the Liberation of Kosovo, "Paris" bar, an unknown 1915 medal;, two button bars, and a replacement ribbon. Condition varies.


USD 100 - 150

BRITISH ROYAL SCOTS FUSILIERS MEDAL GROUPINGLot of three medals issued to Pte. J. Gorman of the Royal Scots Fusiliers, includes: 1914-15 Star, named to Gorman on the reverse, George V 1914-1918 War Medal, named to Gorman on the rim, and the 1918 Victory Medal. All three bear their original ribbons. Members of the regiment fought at Ypres, the Somme, and Gallipoli.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 100 - 150

FRENCH CROIX DE GUERRELot of two French Croix de Guerre (1939) medals, one with original ribbon with three stars for gallantry, the second with a replaced ribbon, the medal itself bearing a small dent. Two pieces.


USD 100 - 150

GERMAN HUSSAR'S SKULL EMBLEMSkull and crossbones emblem from headgear typically worn by German Hussars, about 3" wide, with four fixing pins still attached on reverse. Very good.


USD 100 - 150

GERMAN PILOT'S BADGEWorld War I German pilot's badge, a design unknown to us and possibly a decorative piece, appears to be period construction of stamped gilt metal with an enameled cross aT bottom, early type pin and catch on reverse. Very good.


USD 100 - 150

HAND-CARVED IRON CROSS BLOCKWood block, approx. 1 1/2" x 2" x ½", bears in relief a hand-carved image of the front of a 1914 Iron Cross, 2nd Class. The purpose of this relic is unknown, perhaps a piece of trench art.


USD 200 - 300

MARINES CARTOGRAPHER A. N. CONNETT, JR. EQUIPMENT AND MAP GROUPINGLot of material from Marines cartographer A. N. Connett, Jr. Included is Connett's leather officer's belt, 2" wide, complete with snap-on leather sword hangers and cross-over chest strap; a leather tri-fold map case, 15" x 10 1/2" overall, bears Connett's name and "New York" embossed in gold on the cover, black stamped official military buttons, the carrying strap torn from the case, cover split at seams, a few other flaws due to age; original drawing on tracing paper executed in various colors, 18" x 38", a map showing physical features such as paved and dirt roads, rivers and streams, forests, and fields, and also shows boundaries between battalions, a "Line of Departure" from which American soldiers would presumably advance, the "Enemy Outpost Line", and the village of "Tissey" and the road to "Vezannes". This region is southeast of Paris, therefore this map was used in maneuvers. Also present are two chain metal hangers, along with five pin-on and sewn-on ribbon bars which include the Legion of Merit, World War I Victory Medal, American Campaign Medal (indicating his probable service in World War II), Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal, and others.


USD 100 - 150

MORTAR FINSLot of five aluminum mortar fins, each 4 ¾" long, possibly German. Unissued.


USD 100 - 150

ROYAL RED CROSS MEDAL, GEORGE V, 2ND CL.Royal Red Cross Medal, 2nd Class, features profile of King George V. Ribbon defective, some tarnish, in fitted Garrard case.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 60 - 80

TRENCH ARTTwo pieces of German trench art, includes: an iron worker's ashtray clearly fashioned from materials at hand, probably in the trenches. The 6" wide ashtray has a frame made to resemble a horseshow ith nails, with an anvil at one end and two hammers attached with small chains. Small black painted laurel leaves surround the ashtray. Very good. SOLD WITH: a second item, a rather crudely cast aluminum replica of a 1914 Iron Cross, 4" diamater, hand-painted. Two pieces.


USD 150 - 200

WORLD WAR I IRON CROSS AND HONOR CROSSPair of medals on a medal bar, includes a 1914 Iron Cross, 2nd Class with ribbon, mounted beside an Honor Cross of the World War, also with ribbon. Both are mounted upon a black felt pin-back.


USD 80 - 100

WORLD WAR I SOLDIER'S SOUVENIRSLot of four items likely purchased as souvenirs by German soldiers for loved ones at home, includes a gold-tone bracelet adorned with oak leaves and an Iron Cross (clasp broken), a delicate bracelate made of captured Russian kopek coins, dated 1916 and also with an Iron Cross, and two small pins bearing bust photos of German infantrymen in uniform.


USD 1,000 - 1,500

IMPERIAL GERMAN NAVY OFFICER'S DAGGERImperial German Navy officer's dagger with "elfenbein" grip by WKC. The grip, an extra cost option, has aged very nicely to a warm vanilla-brown, anty the original wire wrap remains intact and tight. The pentagonal crown pommel nut is moderately worn, as is often the case, but is still very good. The lower crossguard displays a fouled anchor with capstans at either end, and it ius similarly aged, with one arm slightly bowed downwards. The 10 3/4" blade has etched panels that have worn down and some pitting is evident at the end of the blade which is now otherwise clean and rust-free. The reverse rincasso displays the WKC knight's head maker's mark. The scabbard has the entwined roped suspension bands and is of the "lightning bolt" style. It is straight but bears some dings about one edge with a few on sides as well. iA rare dagger, good to very good condition.


USD 1,000 - 1,500

IMPERIAL GERMAN NAVY OFFICER'S DAGGERRare Imperial German Navy officer's dagger with "elfenbein" grip by an undetermined maker. The grip, an extra cost option, bears uneven coloration due to age, an effect often seen with this type of material. The pentagonal crown pommel nut retains exellent detail, as does the lower crossguard which displays a fouled anchor with capstans at either end. A German patent notice and number are engraved beneath the crossguard. The full length 13 1/4 inch blade has etched panels that retain most of the original etched design, though there is some minor loss from oxidation most obvious at near the top. The entire blade is now clean and free of rust, displaing nicely. The scabbard has the entwined roped suspension bands and is of the "lightning bolt" style. It is in very good condition, quite straight and clean with but a single dent on the obverse at mid-length. A gold bullion portepee, udoubtedly original, remains affixed to the dagger. A vertical crack runs the length of the grip. Overall very good to fine.


USD 500 - 600

SWORD HANDLE CANDLE STICKSPair of Imperial German Navy lion's head sword candle holders from World War I era. Two standard Imperial German naval sword hilts have been converted to candle holders by attaching them to cast brass bases and adding to the blades. The sword hilts were salvaged from leftover stocks of unissued swords. Both lions have red jeweled eyes, grips are wired and in excellent condition.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 500 - 600

AERIAL BOMBRare World War I Allied aerial bomb, either inerted or used for practice. The 37" silver-painted steel body has four swept-back fins and the nose unscrews to reveal the hollow cavity within. It also appears that the tail cone may also be removable as well. This relic may have been an actual bomb which was inerted, or may have been used to train pilots in which case it would have been filled with sand or shot to similate the true wight of such an explosive. Ex: Bannerman's military surplus. Very good, certain to liven up any collection of period ordnance...or your next pool party.


USD 200 - 250

"BUTCHER'S BLADE" MAUSER BAYONETGerman M1898/05 sword-type bayonet, 14 1/2" blade, 19 3/4" overall, for use with the Mauser 8mm Gewehr 1898. The tang of the blade is marked: "Waffenfabrik Mauser A.G. Oberndorf a N", with the serial number "4385". The back of the blade bears several proof marks, as does the pommel. The grips are wood with parallel cuts for added purchase, and the weapon is housed in a blackened steel scabbard, with a maker's mark and serial number matching that found on the blade. No frog is present. The blade bears minor oxidation but is bright overall, while the metal pommel and quillion are well-oxidized. The scabbard bears a fine layer of brown oxidation, else very good.


USD 150 - 200

143RD INFANTRY OFFICER'S DUFFEL BAGA green oiled canvas duffel bad belonging to a captain serving in the 143rd Regiment of the A.E.F. The bag is 24" wide, 28" tall (closed), and custom-lined much like carpet bags of the past, with various vertical segments of leftover cotton fabric so that the officer's clothes would not become stained by the oily waterproofing. The flap securing the bag has four slits which match four loops on trhe otehr side: a strap would pass through securing the flap, and another strap passes arount the bag vertically. The bag bears the painted identification: "A. A. NICHOSON CAPT. 143RD INF. E. CO." with the added notation to stevedores: "Stateroom" and the blazon of the regiment. Typical staining and wear from age and use. As part of the 72d Infantry Brigade, the 143rd went into the line on Oct. 3, 1917, relieving a regiment of the U. S. 2nd Division. They came under fire on Oct. 10th, and fought through several days of bitter battle to gain the northern bank of the Aisne River by Oct. 12. The regiment was relieved from front line duty on Oct. 28 having taken very substantial losses.


USD 100 - 150

1918 WORLD WAR I GRENADE CARRIERUncommon U.S.-issued green canvas grenade carrying apron, 18" x 10 1/2" with ten pouches with snap closures, neck strap and two chest straps, unissued. Verso is stamped by maker "George P. Doe[?] & Co. June 1918" with inspector's name. Very good.


USD 200 - 300

AMERICAN AVIATOR'S DECORATED GAS MASK BAGScarce canvas gas mask or utility bag issued to a member of the U.S. 24th Aero Squadron, likely while he was serving in France. The khaki bag is stenciled with "24TH. AERO. SQDN." on the front and within. The bag is also marked "A[ir] O[perations] G[roup]". Beneath, the owner added a small painted image of a biplane with American Air Corps markings, adding the name of the aircraft: "Putt Putt 1". Markings within the bag indicate that it was issued by the Rock Island Arsenal. Typical soiling as one would expect, else very good.


USD 75 - 100

AMERICAN RED CROSS MUSETTE BAGKhaki canvas bag, 12" x 12" (closed), with red stenciled letters: "AMERICAN RED CROSS BROOKHAVEN [Long Island]", closing strap and carrying strap also present. Within is a smaller drawstring bag with a pocket and a cloth label: "American Red Cross Delhi New York Chapter", along with a small folding cloth bag contained within, also bearing the same Red Cross patch.That pouch contains a small kit with buttons, needles, and thread, and a pocket New Testament. Very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 100 - 150

ARMY NURSE CORPS NURSE'S GARMENT BAGGreen garment bag issued to a member of the U.S. Army Nurse Corps, 28" x 40" overall, green cotton twill sewn to a wood rod with a padded leather carrying handle. The bag has various pockets and hooks on the reverse to accommodate shirts, jackets, shoes, etc., after which it would be rolled-up and secured with the two straps provided. The front of the bag is stenciled in white paint: "U.S. ARMY NURSE CORPS BADE HOSP. 116". Beneath painted by hand appears the nurse's name and another designation: "M. HEITZMAN H-71". Expected soiling and wear, still very unusual. Base Hospital 116 was at Bazoilles-sur-Meuse, between Paris and Strasbourg. The Army Nurse Corps had approximately 403 nurses who were active at the onset of the war. The number of nurses rose significantly, as women enlisted by the thousands, and by the last year of the war there were approximately 12,000 active nurses serving across the world.


USD 200 - 300

CASED GAS MASK OF P.E. MONAGHAN, 316TH INFANTRYThe complete cased gas mask of American doughboy P.E. Monaghan of "Co. K 316 Inf." and so annotated in ink by him on the back of the case. Although the black ink has faded in many places, we can make out the following: "Arogone [sic] Montfaucon Sept. 26-30 St. Mihiel Verdun" followed by Monahan's name, comp[any and regiment. The carrying bag is ink-stamped within: "S-18-13". The gas mask and cylinder are still present, thought the mask itself is thoroughly decomposed. The original instruction booklet is also still enclosed. The 316th fought with great distinction. Capturing the town of Malancourt on 26 September 1918, they assisted the 313th Infantry on the following day in taking Montfaucon-d'Argonne. The 79th Division was relieved on Sep. 30 and transferred to the Troyon sector where they were harassed with mustard gas, shelling, and enemy trench and air raids but held the line. At the end of October, they were ordered to participate in the Meuse Argonne Offensive. On Nov. 1, they advanced and and by the 9th had captured the towns of Crepion, Waville, and Moirey. The following day the unit captured Buisson Chaumont, Hill 328. On Nov. 11, the 314th stopped firing at 11 a.m., at the time of the Armistice. By the end of the day, the 314th had made the greatest advance into German lines east of the Meuse River.


USD 200 - 300

EXPLODED SHELL CASING TRENCH ART LAMPAn unusual piece of trench art, a shattered 4" shell casing, origin unknown, which was fashioned at the time or very shortly thereafter into a table lamp. The entire lamp is 24" long, and it could easily be fitted with a new base and rewired for modern day use. The casing has been rubbed with an abrasive of some type, but this could be polished away as well. This shell exploded outside the breech of a gun and very likely killed anyone standing nearby. Ex: Bannerman's Military Surplus.


USD 300 - 400

GERMAN P.O.W. JEWELRY BOXA most impressive German-made piece of P.O.W. art, a tabletop jewelry box constructed with several thousand wooden matches and including felt-lined Maltese Cross designs and lined drawers. This artwork measures 15 1/2" x 7 1/2" x 8" tall and every side is covered with match sticks glued in a decorative design to a hardened cardboard backing. Five small pull-out drawers are present, each with an inset Maltese Cross with a black cloth interior and a tiny handle. The drawers are lined with a cheap faded brown terrycloth, probably section of a disused towel owned by the prisoner/artist. This is a professionally constructed item with close tolerances, undoubtedly built by someone with carpentry or furniture-making experience. In very good condition.


USD 200 - 300

GEWEHR MODEL 1888/05 COMMISSION RIFLEGerman Gewehr Model 1888/05 bolt-action rifle, 28 3/4" barrel, 48 1/2" overall, chambered for 7.92x57mm Mauser. It is marked at the top of the receiver as being manufactured in Danzig in 1890, with the model name "Gew. 88" on the left-hand side of the receiver. The receiver also bears the serial number "2859". These rifles were originally designed to use a rounded bullet in a Mannlicher-style "en bloc" magazine. However, beginning in 1905, many were altered to use a pointed "spitzer" bullet and a standard Mauser stripper clip system with the addition of a magazine guide notch at the rear of the breech. Most of these refitted rifles, designated the "88/05", were given to the Ottoman Empire as military aid during World War I, where they saw much use. The examples retained by Germany were also issued during the war, mostly to rear-echelon troops, freeing up more modern rifles to be sent to the front. This example bears a crescent moon symbol above the manufacturer's cartouche on the receiver, and the original sight graduations have been ground down and replaced with Turkish graduations. The bolt, bolt handle, and safety lever all similarly bear small crescent moon stamps, with additional Turkish characters. The front barrel band bears a pre-refit German regimental marking, and the wood stock bears various stamps and cartouches. A non-matching serial number appears on the underside of the magazine housing, as does a metal plate designed to seal the bottom of that housing. No upper handguard is fitted, and the barrel is protected by a steel sleeve. The bore is mostly bright, with minor pitting evident, but retaining strong rifling. The ladder aperture is missing from the rear sight, and the crevices are liberally caked with cosmoline or a similar preservative, else very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 100 - 150

IMPERIAL GERMAN NAVY MANOMETERAntique brass case and fittings from a double manometer once fitted to an Imperial German naval vessel, or possibly a U-boat. The maker, Schaeffer & Budenberg, was located in Magdeburg. Simply mounted to a wood stand.


USD 600 - 800

IMPERIAL GERMAN NAVY OFFICER'S DAGGERImperial German Navy officer's dagger with "elfenbein" grip by WKC. The grip, an extra cost option, has aged very nicely to a creamy beige surface cracks typical to this material being evident. The pentagonal crown pommel nut displays good detail though the cross at top has been hammered-down, and the rising arches above the crown signify this too was an extra cost option purchased by the owner of the dagger. The matching lower crossguard displays a fouled anchor with capstans at either end, and it also retains much virtually all of its original sharp detail. The 13 1/2" blade has etched panels which remain 75% visible, the balance affected by surface pitting which has been cleaned and the entire blade is now stabilized. The reverse rincasso displays the WKC knight's head and king's head maker's marks. The scabbard has the entwined roped suspension bands and is of the "lightning bolt" style. It is straight but bears some dents at the ball-tipped end on both sides. The original leather cushioing washer remains present. All in all, a rare dagger in very good condition. A rare dagger, in good to very good condition.


USD 100 - 150

U.S. ARMY CAVALRY CANTEENArmy cavalry canteen, the cover stamped "U.S." in black ink and dated "3-1918" by maker "Brauer Bros. Mfg.". Snap clips operable, chained cap still retaining the cork within. Leather cavalry strap and steel snap in exceptionally good condition.


USD 75 - 100

U.S. ARMY PICK AXEWood-handled pickaxe or mattock, 23 3/4" long, with a 12" steel head incorporating a pick at one end and a chisel at the other, stamped "U S". Pickaxes of this type were frequently used as entrenching tools during World War I. The head is loose and can be detached from the handle, else very good.


USD 100 - 150

WORLD WAR I ARTILLERY SHELL CASINGSPair of World War I brass artillery shell casings, the first a 4" round and 11 1/4" long, made 1917; the second a 3 1/2" round, and 9" long, made 1915. Very good.


USD 100 - 150

WORLD WAR I BANDAGES WITH PRINTED ILLUSTRATIONSPair of triangular cotton or linen bandages, each approx. 51" x 24". Both are examples of "Esmarch bandages", designed to expel blood from a limb cut off by a tourniquet. The first bears the printed title "Der erste Verband nach Professor Esmarch"("The first Dressing from Professor Esmarch"), after its inventor, Friedrich von Esmarch, as well as some further manufacturing information. It features a printed illustration of six wounded men, demonstrating thirty-two methods of application for the bandage. The second bandage reproduces this illustration, but with the title "For First Aid, Esmarch Bandage, Johnson & Johnson, New Brunswick, New Jersey, U.S.A.". This American version further demonstrates the potential use of the bandage as a tourniquet or as an ocular dressing. The second bandage is somewhat faded, while both bear minor soiling, else very good.


USD 75 - 100

WORLD WAR I ERA PARADE FLAG HARNESSHeavy duty parade flag harness, 2 1/2" wide adjustable straps with leather trim meeting at a horse-hair stuffed leather pad to which is attached a swiveling cup which would support the staff of a parade flag. The leather reverse of the supporting cup is worn, else very good.

Militaria Auction Winter 2017 Day 2


USD 150 - 200

WORLD WAR I ZEISS ARTILLERYMAN'S BINOCULARSWorld War I German Carl Zeiss Jena 6 x 30 binoculars, marked "Dienstglas", typically issued to German officers and artillery. This pair bearing a scale visible at bottom, used for ranging thus belonging to an artilleryman. Strap and cap for eye lenses still present, optics remain very good.


USD 100 - 150

"THE BUNS OF AUGUST"Despite the ongoing slaughter of World War I, soldiers still had time to laugh at themselves and send some of their ribald photographs home to friends. Included here are 12 original postcard photographs showing soldiers "at ease" in the field. A few of these were actually sent back to Germany via the mails, and one identifies the "sitters". Very good.

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