AF Portfolio

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spatial resonances posters

spatial resonances stills

celebrating ruin in hallam tower

the Workshop within the context of Goldthorpe

an approach from each side of the village

the Goldthorpe Pound

goldthorpe workshop of technologies

conceptual drivers for a public architecture

logistical architectures

a community factory

skylight opening within lofted arch construction

daylit walkway for fire and level change navigation

modular bay construction for ease of expansion

navigating a sloping site

section through waving brickwork wall

exploring the possibilities of a brickwork wall

developing a modular unique brick system

comparing traditional business park typologies to freeform community campus ideas

comparing closed masterplanning to open community-focused designs

exploring social bonds in mining communities

studies into existing factory typologies, robotics and power

a welcoming night facade

automation integration centre plans

examining the intrastructural capacity of the region

examining the political history of the region

the new maker’s thinkbelt

a shared spine of circluation for both human and robotic users

environmentally controlled yet retaining communal accessibility

integrating making, community, and nature

layering construction from the inside out

self-made robotic transportable modular workpods

site sun studies

site wind studies

integrating within existing masterplans

proposed mixed use plans for refurb and new build units

elevation of new build units

duke’s wharf proposed courtyard

design & access statement example spread

sketch options developing no. 6 duke street

proposed duke street elevation including no. 6

stem ground floor plan

stem sixth form reception

photograph Š Peter Durant

main accommodation staircase

development renders for main accommodation stair

photograph Š Peter Durant

main accommodation staircase

photograph Š Peter Durant

tender drawing for supergraphic design

close out photography

photographs Š Peter Durant

3rd floor break out space including graphic design

photograph Š Peter Durant

detail section through the commons

floor plans of creative commons

creative commons in sheffield

pioneer’s quarter area action plan, joint project with town and urban planners

planning participatory technology assessment looking into drones

all watched over by machines of loving grace

example spread taken from bbest neighbourhood plan

images from design guide development as part of live project

example spread taken from bbest neighbourhood plan

bbest neighbourhood plan cover

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