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Old Mutual Multi-Managers
Company details
FAIS FSP registration number:
+27 21 524 4430
Fax number:
+27 21 441 1199
General email: ommmclientquery@ommm.co.za
Mutualpark, Jan Smuts Drive, Pinelands, Cape Town, 7405 PO Box 44604, Claremont, 7735
Compliance officer name:
Leah-Joy Williams
Investment philosophy
The primary focus of Old Mutual Multi-Managers is on ensuring that all our portfolios consistently outperform inflation. We are convinced that this is the single most important consideration for any investor, whether individual, corporate, or retirement fund.
Then, with that key objective in place, our investment philosophy builds on this ‘inflation plus’ approach by clearly defining each portfolio’s target objectives and then working to deliver precisely on these objectives.
Defining these target objectives ensures that our investment teams and asset managers have clear targets to work towards, which keeps them 100% focused and prevents them from being distracted by market shifts or investor sentiment.
Our investment philosophy is underpinned by the three integrated pillars of:
● a long-term investment horizon; risk diversification across asset classes and asset managers, and
● a valuation-driven approach that informs all our asset manager and asset selection decisions.
FAIS requirements
Who is your FAIS complaints officer?
Leah-Joy Williams
Please provide the link to the complaints policy on your website:
Old Mutual Multi-Managers will reply to any written complaints, as defined in the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act, 37 of 2002 and which are addressed to Old Mutual Multi-Managers at the addresses stated on our contact us page. If you are dissatisfied with the response, you may contact the Ombud for Financial Services by sending your complaint to PO Box 74571, Lynwood Ridge, 0040 or calling +27 12 470 9080.
What is the ownership structure of the company?
Old Mutual Investment Group is majority owned by Old Mutual Investment Group Holdings, which is ultimately owned by Old Mutual Limited.
Who are the directors of the company?
TA Manuel (Chairman), I Williamson (CEO), J Langner, I Olufunke, CG Troskie (CFO), PG De Beyer, AK Essien, I Kgaboesele, JR Lister, Dr S Magwentshu-Rensburg, T Mokgosi-Mwantembe, and EM Kirsten (Company Secretary)
Do staff and management have an interest in ownership?
Please provide the percentage held by staff and management:
Employees of Old Mutual Multi-Managers do not directly own any level of the multi-management business. Old Mutual Multi-Managers is a member of Old Mutual. Employees participate in the Old Mutual variable base scheme.
When was the company established?
Old Mutual Multi-Managers is a specialist investment boutique within the Old Mutual Group. The business was formed in 2013 through the merger of SYm|mETRY MultiManager and the Research and Investment Management team of Acsis. Our business was renamed Old Mutual MultiManagers in 2014.
With more unit trusts in South Africa than there are shares listed on the JSE, the South African investment landscape can be complex and intimidating for many investors. Old Mutual Multi-Managers works to demystify this complex environment by offering a range of investment funds and strategies to suit the needs of all types of investors.
We deliver specialised investment offerings and administration services for the corporate and institutional clients (including retirement funds) of Old Mutual Corporate and the individual clients of Old Mutual Wealth. Currently we have more than R120 billion in assets under management.
List of mergers and acquisitions that have taken place since being established:
Old Mutual Multi-Managers was formed through the business consolidation of SYm|mETRY Multi-Manager and the Acsis Research and Investment Management team. The consolidation process began in 2013.