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Perpetua Investment Managers (Pty) Ltd
Company details
FAIS FSP registration number:
+27 21 674 4274
Fax number: +27 21 674 4599
General email: info@perpetua.co.za
5th Floor, The Citadel, 15 Cavendish Street, Claremont, 7708 PO Box 44367, Claremont, 7735
Compliance officer name: James George +27 86 127 3783
Investment philosophy
The bedrock of Perpetua’s investment philosophy is valueorientation. We invest in assets which offer value and that are trading at a meaningful discount to their intrinsic/ fundamental value. We believe that an asset’s price and its intrinsic/fundamental value are not always in line, as asset prices are more volatile than underlying fundamental value. The reason for asset price volatility is largely due to the effect of market sentiment and human emotion on the daily pricing of assets, which creates mispricing in the short term. This mispricing provides opportunities for those who seek to exploit these anomalies. Taking advantage of this mispricing requires a form of contrarian mindset and an ability to invest based on convictions and not on popularity or herding. Our key focus at Perpetua therefore is on determining an asset’s intrinsic/fundamental value and we seek to achieve this in a holistic way. Whilst it is difficult to predict precisely when the price of a security and its intrinsic value will converge, by focusing our attention on ensuring our investment research is thorough and up-to-date, and that we as investors remain patient enough for the investment thesis to be fulfilled.
The key tenets of our investment philosophy are that:
● We are valuation-based
● We seek a margin of safety when investing
● We adopt an holistic approach in considering the fundamental qualities of a business
● We employ a long term view when considering the prospects of a business.
FAIS requirements
Who is your FAIS complaints officer?
Logan Govender
Please provide the link to the complaints policy on your website: www.perpetuaim.co.za/governance/
What is the ownership structure of the company?
85% of the shares in the company are held by directors and staff. The remaining 15% is held by RMI Investment Managers. Perpetua has granted them an option to acquire an additional 10% over the next two years. Who are the directors of the company?
Delphine Govender, Logan Govender, Patrick Ntshalintshali, Raymond Ndlovu, Alida de Swardt and Refilwe Moloto
Do staff and management have an interest in ownership? Please provide the percentage held by staff and management:
85% of Perpetua’s shares are held by management and staff.
When was the company established?
List of mergers and acquisitions that have taken place since being established:
B-BBEE credentials
Are you B-BBEE accredited?
What is your B-BBEE status?
Level 2
By whom have you been accredited?
Exempt as per QSE scorecard
Date of accreditation: 2022-11-07