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Professional Provident Society Management Company (RF) (Pty) Ltd

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Company details

FAIS FSP registration number: registered as per CISCA as a collective investment scheme


+27 860 468 777


PPS House, Boundary Terraces, 1 Mariendahl Lane, Newlands, Western Cape 7700

PO Box 44507, Claremont, Western Cape 7735

Compliance officer name:

Mahdie Fakier

+27 21 680 3691

Investment philosophy

Our investment philosophy is to identify and combine skilful investment managers to deliver on the investment objectives of our clients more consistently. We understand risk as falling short of our client’s objectives, and our investment process is deliberately structured to minimise this likelihood over an extended period

We have a rigorous screening process to identify managers that may have skill, and an extensive qualitative due diligence process to back this up. Our entire universe of managers is screened bi-annually, and detailed and extensive due diligences are conducted throughout the year

Managers that pass our due diligences are placed on a buy-list that may then be included in client portfolios. Our buy-list is deliberately designed to ensure managers with different styles and competencies, and where we have high conviction performance is likely to persist, are included on the list.

We strive to ensure our buy-list remains relevant both to our client’ needs, and the portfolio managers that use it to construct their portfolios. We are especially mindful of the importance of not placing too much emphasis on short-term performance, and pride ourselves in our intimate understanding of our managers’ strategies. PPS Multi-Managers has deliberately constructed an investment process that is transferable and scalable, and we have successfully applied its simple, consistent, and repeatable approach to a wide range of investment mandates.

FAIS requirements

Who is your FAIS complaints officer?

Mahdie Fakier

Please provide the link to the complaints policy on your website: https://www.pps.co.za/sites/default/files/2022-02/ PPS%20Complaints%20Handling%20 communication%20to%20members%20220211%20 EW%20and%20SP%20edits.pdf


What is the ownership structure of the company?

Professional Provident Society Management Company (RF) (Pty) Ltd is owned soley by Professional Provident Society Investments (Pty) Ltd

Who are the directors of the company?

Radha Govender, Izak Smit, Dirk Du Plessis, Shaylen Trikamjee, Nicholas Battersby, Alastair Fraser, Stephen Gerber, Anushuya Gounden

Do staff and management have an interest in ownership? Please provide the percentage held by staff and management: No


When was the company established? 2008

List of mergers and acquisitions that have taken place since being established:

B-BBEE credentials

Are you B-BBEE accredited? Yes

What is your B-BBEE status?

Level 3

By whom have you been accredited?

Empower Logic

Date of accreditation: 2022-11-07


Are you GIPS compliant? No

Are you GIPS verified? No

By whom have you been verified? –

Date of verification: –

Expiry date of verification: –

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