36ONE Asset Management (Pty) Ltd www.36one.co.za Company details
B-BBEE credentials
FAIS FSP registration number: 19107 Switchboard: +27 10 501 0250 General email: support@36one.co.za Address: 140 West Street, Sandton, 2196 Compliance officer name: External: Outsourced Compliance Services (Pty) Ltd Internal: Grant Mann
Are you B-BBEE accredited? No What is your B-BBEE status? By whom have you been accredited? Date of accreditation: -
Investment philosophy Our investment approach is centred on the principle that the market does not efficiently price securities at all times. We therefore believe that stock selection through bottomup fundamental analysis can outperform over time. We follow the same investment approach across all our funds. Although we focus primarily on bottom-up fundamental research, macroeconomic views play a supporting role in portfolio construction.
FAIS requirements Who is your FAIS complaints officer? Outsourced Compliance Services (Pty) Ltd (“OCS”) Grant Mann (Internal) Please provide the link to the complaints policy on your website: https://www.36one.co.za/legal/complaints-resolutionprocedure
Ownership What is the ownership structure of the company? 36ONE Asset Management (Pty) Ltd is wholly owned by Cy Jacobs and Steven Liptz. The founders are responsible for the two key areas of the business under which all business activities fall. Cy Jacobs is responsible for investment related matters and Steven Liptz is responsible for all noninvestment areas. Who are the directors of the company? Directors: Cy Jacobs and Steven Liptz Interest in ownership? Please provide the percentage held by staff and management: All team members receive a modest base salary. Majority of compensation is derived from bonuses which are linked to the performance of the funds. Bonuses are paid quarterly.
History When was the company established? 2004 List of mergers that have taken place since being established: –
GIPS Are you GIPS compliant? No Are you GIPS verified? No By whom have you been verified? – Date of verification: – Expiry date of verification: –
Investment mandates What are your total assets under management? R23.7 billion Please detail the mandates you currently manage and the size of each of these mandates: Institutional: R21.5 billion Retail: – Life: R2.2 billion Other: –
Key investment personnel Size of investment team: 11 Cy Jacobs CIO BCom (Hons), CA(SA) 25 years of industry experience 16 years with the firm Steven Liptz Head: Operations BCom 24 years of industry experience 16 years with the firm Evan Walker Portfolio Manager BCompt (Hons), MBA 21 years of industry experience 9 years with the firm