Project Type: Multifamily Building
organic photovoltaics utilizing recycled plastic integrated as roof structure, providing shade to an urban pathway
water cistern storing captured rainwater
Bario Viejo cultural context to colorful doors and windows
bike score of 84 shared bike path lane to maximize physical circulation
allow local food stands to populate + serve the community
Our Team
My aspiration as an architecture student is to discover new innovative design strategies and technologies to build a more sustainable future. With building construction and materials accounting for nearly half of the world’s global emissions, I want to take part in the change to build a better tomorrow. The solar decathlon is an incredible opportunity for me to test these technologies and find ways to build more sustainable buildings.
My passion is to explore different impactful designs that can better for future in living. Utilizing new energy simulation tools to analyze net-zero buildings, while enhancing occupants experience through architecture. Creating memories to inspire new generations. I would want to take many opportunities to learn in different firms around the world with the focus on local collective ideas.
My interest and passion for architecture, technology, and collaboration, has inspired me to discover ef fective design strategies that contribute to a sustainable future. The importance of architecture in mitigating climate change captivates my full attention as I plan to take part in the change for a regenerative future. The solar decathlon is a great opportunity to apply my knowledge in sustainable building design and proposing a brighter tomorrow.
My hope is to work in an environment that is progressive in its adoption of sustainable design principles. I see architecture as a tool to improve economic, environmental, and social dynamics of the world. Upon graduation, I want to join a firm that focuses on sustainable commercial design as I believe it would be a powerful avenue for making positive change in communities.
Alex Kolodziej Manalapan, NJ Designer
Nhan Van Vo Chandler, AZ Designer
Jonah Mikkalson Los Angeles, CA Design Lead
Andrew Norris Sacramento, CA Team Lead
Jonathan Bean Chicago, IL Instructor/Consultant
Project Goals
The large solar field found at the Avenue acts as a small power plant, generating and distributing energy to the surrounding area
The Average EUI for a multifamily building is 59.6 kBtu/yr while the Avenue has a EUI of 7.3 kBtu/ yr. The building utilizes an airtight enclosure with efficient mechanical systems
3 Market Analysis | Architecture | Comfort & Environmental Quality | Engineering | Durability + Resilience | Integrated Performance | Embodied Environmental Impact | Energy Performance | Occupant Experience
a vibrant, socially and culturally active community
Energy Hub Passive Building Community Low Cost Energy ADU's MultifamilyBuilding AttachHousing
rapidly developing technology of organic photovoltaics generates energy
a low cost
5 Market Analysis | Architecture | Comfort & Environmental Quality | Engineering | Durability + Resilience | Integrated Performance | Embodied Environmental Impact | Energy Performance | Occupant Experience Site | Market Analysis Site University of Arizona 2.1 miles 2.3 miles away DowntownTucson Miracle Manor Energy
W Grant Rd N Oracle Rd N Fairview Ave W Jacinto St Enough to Cool 280 homes 2,480,866 kWh/Year | Surplus Energy 95% of neighborhood
Miracle Manor is a Low-income neighborhood, with the median annual salary of a working resident being only $22,000.
Our goal is to create economic opportunity for parents needing additional sources of income and facilities for after-school education activities for their children. With the average rent price in the neighborhood being $670, many will not afford the rent price. To accommodate these residents and make The Avenue beneficial for all, we are exploring solutions to obtain funding and grants through LIHTC and ARPA.
Market Analysis | Architecture | Comfort & Environmental Quality Site | Market
WMiracleMile WGrantRd site NOracleRd (ACS5-yearestimate) 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2000-20092010-2019 %change inpopulation populationvs.housinggrowthbydecade commercial residential community %change inhousingunits %change inhouseholds parttime retail worker $13,000 30% $325$842 $27,000 60% $$675 $940 $40,000 80% $1,000 $1,257 $64,000 $80,000 100% 120% $1,600 $2,000 $1,700 $1,974 health care support worker single parent car mechanic familywith business person asprimary earner family with
educators est. household income
neighboringresidentialdistrict ECNashElementarySchool popularcommercialdistrictalongNOracleRd.
%of area median income max affordable range market average rent
Market Analysis | Architecture | Comfort & Environmental Quality | Engineering | Durability + Resilience | Integrated Performance | Embodied Environmental Impact | Energy Performance | Occupant Experience 7 Current
Current Housing | Market Analysis
Low Income Housing
Market Analysis | Architecture | Comfort & Environmental Quality | Engineering | Durability + Resilience | Integrated Performance | Embodied Environmental Impact | Energy Performance | Occupant Experience 8 EC Nash Elementary Commercial Existing Mobile Homes Empty Lot Residential W Alturas St W Jacinto St N 14th Ave N 15th Ave Site | Architecture
Courtyard | Architecture
The Avenue restores historical Tucson values to the Miracle Manor neighborhood. The project uses color, landscape, and gathering space creating a mixed-use habitat for low-income families. The Avenue inspires creativity amongst its residents through a connection to Tucson’s culture and strong relationship to nature while educating the community.
Shaded Seating Area Fire Lane | Accessible When Needed Market Analysis | Architecture | Comfort & Environmental Quality | Engineering | Durability + Resilience | Integrated Performance | Embodied Environmental Impact | Energy Performance | Occupant Experience 9
Barrio Viejo Vibrant Colors Connected Green Walkways
Barrio Viejo is known for colorful houses, walkable spaces, and vibrant communities. The use of colorful accents against white terracotta projects the vernacular building traditions of the Sonoran desert. Bike paths and green walkways allows for a tight knit community inspired by Barrio Viejo.
Market Analysis | Architecture | Comfort & Environmental Quality | Engineering | Durability + Resilience | Integrated Performance | Embodied Environmental Impact | Energy Performance | Occupant Experience 10
| Architecture
Project Program | Architecture
Three distinct unit types are fitted together creating a larger massing form using the modular construction technique allowing for a fast and simple construction process.
threedi erentdimensiontypesofunitsarefittedtogether tocreatea biggermassingform
threedi erentdimensiontypesofunitsarefittedtogether tocreatea biggermassingform
Market Analysis | Architecture | Comfort & Environmental Quality | Engineering | Durability + Resilience | Integrated Performance | Embodied Environmental Impact | Energy Performance | Occupant Experience 11 Residential 104,406sqft. Floor1 273,560sqft. Floor2 186,550sqft. 0sqft. 564,516sqft. 123units 45units 45people 1bed/1 bath 2beds/2 baths 4beds/4 baths Floor3 Roofspace Total Dwellings Units Occupants Total Mixes-Use 109,599sqft. 15,120sqft. 0sqft. 186,550sqft. 311,269sqft. 33units 60units 120people Total 214,005sqft. 288,680sqft. 186,550sqft. 186,550sqft. 497,819sqft. 156units 18units 123units 72people 237people Education Mixed-Use Restaurant 1Bed/1Bath 2Beds/2baths 4Beds /4 Baths
1Bed/1Bath 2Beds/2baths 4Beds /4 Baths Residential 104,406sqft. Floor1 273,560sqft. Floor2 186,550sqft. 0sqft. 564,516sqft. 123units 45units 45people 1bed/1 bath 2beds/2 baths 4beds/4 baths Floor3 Roofspace Total Dwellings Units Occupants Total Mixes-Use 109,599sqft. 15,120sqft. 0sqft. 186,550sqft. 311,269sqft. 33units 60units 120people Total 214,005sqft. 288,680sqft. 186,550sqft. 186,550sqft. 497,819sqft. 156units 18units 123units 72people 237people Education Mixed-Use Restaurant 1Bed/1Bath 2Beds/2baths 4Beds /4 Baths 1stfloor 2ndfloor 3rdfloor
1Bed/1Bath 2Beds/2baths 4Beds /4 Baths 2 Bed | ADA Compatible Restaurants Food Carts Residents’ Laundry | Lounge Residents’ Laundry | Lounge Education Pod 1 | Science Education Pod 2 | Arts Education Pod 3 | Music Exercise Yoga Studio Lobby | Computer Room Library | Study Main Utility Plant 4 Bed 2 Bed 1st floor 2nd floor 3rd floor 1 Bed
Spatial Organization Circulation
The shifting of the forms creates outdoor shaded circulation. Vertical circulation occurs where the super modules meet. Bridges connect the buildings
Market Analysis | Architecture | Comfort & Environmental Quality | Engineering | Durability + Resilience | Integrated Performance | Embodied Environmental Impact | Energy Performance | Occupant Experience 12
Private Units Public Courtyards Private Courtyards Public Commercial Private Commercial
Circulation | Architecture
Rendered Plans | Architecture
Market Analysis | Architecture | Comfort & Environmental Quality | Engineering | Durability + Resilience | Integrated Performance | Embodied Environmental Impact | Energy Performance | Occupant Experience 13
1 Bedroom Unit
2 Bedroom Unit
Bedroom Unit
1,815sf 2,730sf 730sf
OPV Panels Centralized Mechanical Core Bridge | Plumbing Route to Adjacent Building ERV | Chiltrix | Rooftop Garden Fire Sprinklers Views out to public courtyard Bio-swells retaining rain water ADA Units Open Central Courtyard Shaded Tree Canopy Market Analysis | Architecture | Comfort & Environmental Quality | Engineering | Durability + Resilience | Integrated Performance | Embodied Environmental Impact | Energy Performance | Occupant Experience 14
| Architecture
Section Render
Module Assembly |
Detail Wall Layers
Prefabricated Assembly
Prefabricated Wall Panels
Engineered Lumber
Modular assembly allows for a simple building process that is easily replicated. Units are constructed with properly insulated and weather resistant panels. A ventilated terracotta rain screen adds durability in the native climate.
Market Analysis | Architecture | Comfort & Environmental Quality | Engineering | Durability + Resilience | Integrated Performance | Embodied Environmental Impact | Energy Performance | Occupant Experience 15
Weather Wrap Interior Air-Barrier Fully Insulated Cavity Vapor Drive INTERIOR EXTERIOR Floor Finish Sheathing TJI joists Sheathing Ceiling Finish
SILL | R35 DOOR FRAME PANEL R35 HEADER | R35 WALL PANELS R35 8’ 4’ 2’1’ 10’ 12’ 12’ 8’ 2’ 2’ 2’ 3’ 10’
Radiation | Integrated Performance
Without OPV Canopy With OPV Canopy
Solar Exposure
A radiation analysis was used to quantify are design decisions and its impact on solar exposure. The shifting of the forms provides self shading. The impact of the canopy structure was then analyzed to understand the amount of reduction of solar exposure received by the buildings. The canopy provides enough solar radiation protection, reducing the cooling load and allowing the heat pump to run more proficiently.
Shade Canopy Modifications
Extending the canopy provides shade for the west facing windows
Panels are optimized for shading windows in the harsh afternoon western sun by fanning out
Market Analysis | Architecture | Comfort & Environmental Quality | Engineering | Durability + Resilience | Integrated Performance | Embodied Environmental Impact | Energy Performance | Occupant Experience 16
Building Cost Building Cost Energy Cost Energy Cost
Energy Surplus $$$$ $$$ $$
The canopy allows for the insertion of future, more developed OPV technologies. Residents may contribute their recycled plastic to the city of Tucson to be developed into replaceable OPV panels reducing the embodied carbon of the building.
Organic Photovoltaics (OPV) provide a low cost energy production solar cell alternative. This technology is integrated into the canopy acting as a solar field.
Recycled Plastic For OPV:
177,934 SF surface area of recycled plastic
Recycled Plastic
Transparent conductive osice
Active layer
3,165,630 kWh/Year PV potential OPV currently can achieve efficiencies of 18%
Market Analysis | Architecture | Comfort & Environmental Quality | Engineering | Durability + Resilience | Integrated Performance | Embodied Environmental Impact | Energy Performance | Occupant Experience
OPV | Integrated Performance
Water | Integrated Performance
Water Usage
Market Analysis | Architecture | Comfort & Environmental Quality | Engineering | Durability + Resilience | Occupant Experience 18 integratedcolumngutter towaterstorage Rain Water Storage Filtration System Fixture Type amount pervariable time peruse daily usage total occupants rainwater gutter RainWater Collecting Roof IndoorFixtureWaterCalculation FiltrationSystem Occupant-Ready UVLightDisinfection Threestepfiltration: -ZeroLite -Carbon -.35micrometerCarbon integratedcolumngutter towaterstorage Rain Water Storage Filtration System Indoor Fixtures Toilets Fixture Type 0.9 gallonsperflush amount pervariable perflush time peruse daily usage total occupants waterneeded perday (gallons) 5 378 1,701 rainwater gutter RainWater Collecting Roof IndoorFixtureWaterCalculation FiltrationSystem Occupant-Ready UVLightDisinfection Threestepfiltration: -ZeroLite -Carbon -.35micrometerCarbon integratedcolumngutter towaterstorage Toilets Fixture Type 0.9 gallonsperflush amount pervariable perflush time peruse daily usage total occupants waterneeded perday (gallons) 5 378 1,701 1.5 gallonsperminute 1 minute 5 378 2,835 2 gallonsperminute 5 minutes 1 378 2,835 1.5 gallonsperminute 2 minutes 2 378 1,134 2 gallonsperminute 12 minutesperwash 1 378 9,072 2 15 Showers KitchenFaucets Dishwashers Lavatories gutter IndoorFixtureWaterCalculation FiltrationSystem Occupant-Ready UVLightDisinfection Threestepfiltration: -ZeroLite -Carbon -.35micrometerCarbon
120 MonthlyDesignData(thresholdof2%) WindRose 0 >3>7>12 >17 >24 N Jan Feb MarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec NNE NE ENE E ESE SE SSE S SSW SW WSW W WNW NW NNW 0 500 1000 1500 67°F 67°F 69°F 69°F 75°F 75°F 82°F 82°F 91°F 91°F 100°F 100°F 101°F 101°F 99°F 99°F 95°F 95°F 85°F 85°F 74°F 74°F 65°F 65°F 37°F 37°F 39°F 39°F 43°F 43°F 47°F 47°F 55°F 55°F 65°F 65°F 75°F 75°F 75°F 75°F 67°F 67°F 54°F 54°F 42°F 42°F 36°F 36°F Precipitation Meandailymaximum Hotdays Meandailyminimum Coldnights Windspeed 0°F 25°F 50°F 75°F 100°F 125°F 0mm 25mm 50mm 75mm 100mm 30 35 RelativeHumidityFrequencyDistribution(Annual) RelativeHumidityFrequencyDistribution(Annual)
iCFA (ft2) : 178,290
Dwelling Units (count) : 123
Total Bedrooms (count +1) : 360
Energy Performance
Annual Heating Demand : 1.6 kBTU/ft2yr
Annual Cooling Demand : 13.9 kBTU/ft2yr
Peak Heating Load : 2.8 BTU/ft2hr
Peak Cooling Load : 4.0 BTU/ft2hr
IPLV: Cooling 26,150 BTU
COP: 6.75
EER: 23.02
(iCFA) 178,290 x 4.0 (peak cooling load) = 713,160
713.160 x 26,150 BTU (IPLV cooling) = 27.27
Estimated 28 Chiltrix units needed on site
Sankey Diagram Energy Model Results
Wasted - uncaptured solar energy
Thermal energy transfered by heat pump
Storage losses Line transfer losses
COP: 6.75
With an overabundance of OPV panels collecting solar energy, the project generates enough renewable energy to not only supply itself, but also partially fuels the Sunblock district. With high sun exposure and solar radiation in Tucson Arizona, OPV panels will have a great long term benefit for the building by capturing solar energy and doing it sustainability.
2,480,866 kWh/Year | Surplus Energy
EUI: 7.29
Meets Phius 2022 Criteria
Market Analysis | Architecture | Comfort & Environmental Quality | Engineering | Durability + Resilience | Integrated Performance | Embodied Environmental Impact | Energy Performance | Occupant Experience 19
Envelope Area (ft2) :
85% 15% SUN 97% 3%
ciency of OPV (organic photo-voltaic) panels Inverter e ciency
Inverter Electricity transformed into thermal energy
Waste -
Heat pump (in
cooling mode)
Thermal energy stored in tanks Useful cooling energy Input Energy
Distribution | Energy Performance
OPV’s act as a small power plant generating enough energy to cool 280 homes. Energy is stored in thermal storage tanks and is easily distributed.
Phius certifiedbuilding ADU's
Air-to-water HeatPump
7unitsof thermal energy (kBtu)
Market Analysis | Architecture | Comfort & Environmental Quality | Engineering | Durability + Resilience | Integrated Performance | Embodied Environmental Impact | Energy Performance | Occupant Experience 20 ++
+ +
SunBlock Energy Distribution Energy Distribution Map
Still generates energy during cloudy days and even when damaged
Easily insert replaceable panels
Terracotta rain screen contributes to the durability
Enhancing the community while providing economical growth.
Market Analysis | Architecture | Comfort & Environmental Quality | Engineering | Durability + Resilience | Integrated Performance | Embodied Environmental Impact | Energy Performance | Occupant Experience 21
Enclosure | Durability & Resilience
Drainage mat
Lightweight concrete
Lightweight concrete
Railing base
Railing base
Drainage mat
Drainage mat
The building achieves an airtight assembly free of thermal bridging. Lightweight concrete over a drainage mat on the habitable roof areas integrated with the terracotta rainscreen enclosure ensures proper drainage throughout every part of the building
The building achieves an airtight assembly free of thermal bridging Lightweight concrete over a drainage mat on the habitable roof areas integrated with the terracotta rainscreen enclosure ensures
Ext. strapping
Water resistant membrane
OPV panel
Habitable rooftop deck
OPV structure
B-public modular wall panels
Habitable rooftop deck
Habitable rooftop deck
Terracotta rainscreen
The building achieves an airtight assembly free of thermal bridging. Lightweight concrete over a drainage mat on the habitable roof areas integrated with the terracotta rainscreen enclosure ensures proper drainage throughout every part of the building
Airtight assembly free of thermal bridges. Terracotta rain screen enclosure ensures proper drainage throughout every part of the building
Cavity insulation
Ext. strapping
Engineered Lumber
Ext. strapping
Water resistant membrane
Water resistant membrane
Cavity insulation
Cavity insulation
Terracotta rainscreen
Engineered Lumber
Engineered Lumber
Air barrier
Terracotta rainscreen
Terracotta rainscreen
Air barrier
Air barrier
Cement board
Ext. strapping
Cement board
Cement board
Int. strapping
B-public modular wall panels
B-public modular wall panels
Engineered lumber floor structure
Terracotta rainscreen
Terracotta rainscreen
Engineered lumber floor structure
Engineered lumber floor structure
Shaded windows
Shaded windows
Cement board ext. finish
Cement board ext. finish
Shaded windows
Cement board ext. finish
Ext. strapping
Engineered lumber (TJI)
Ext. strapping
Int. strapping
Int. strapping
Gyp. wall board
Engineered lumber (TJI)
Engineered lumber (TJI)
Gyp. wall board
Gyp. wall board
Floor finish
Termite barrier
Floor finish
Floor finish
Termite barrier
Termite barrier
Wood studs
Rigid foam insulation
Wood studs
Wood studs
Concrete foundation
Rigid foam insulation
Rigid foam insulation
Concrete foundation
Concrete foundation
Market Analysis | Architecture | Comfort & Environmental Quality | Engineering | Durability + Resilence | Integrated Performance | Embodied Environmental Impact | Energy Performance | Occupant Experience 12 Enclosure | Durability and Resiliance
Market Analysis | Architecture | Comfort & Environmental Quality | Engineering Durability + Resilience | Integrated Performance | Embodied Environmental Impact | Energy Performance | Occupant Experience 22
Market Analysis | Architecture | Comfort & Environmental Quality | Engineering | Durability + Resilence | Integrated Performance | Embodied Environmental Impact | Energy Performance | Occupant Enclosure | Lightweight concrete OPV
Railing base
Market Analysis | Architecture | Comfort & Environmental Quality | Engineering | Durability + Resilence | Integrated Performance | Embodied Environmental Impact | Energy Performance | Occupant Experience 12 Enclosure | Durability and Resiliance
OPV panel
Durability & Resilience
Details | Durability and Resiliance
Ext. strapping
Water resistant membrane
Terrracotta rainscreen
Engineered lumber
Shading device attachment
Shading device
Flanged window attachment
Flanged window attachment
Shading device
Shading device attachment
Terrracotta rainscreen
Ext. strapping
Terracotta fasteners
Water resistant membrane
Cavity insulation
Air barrier
Gyp. wall board
Int. strapping
Engineered lumber
Low E glass
Ext. strapping
Water resistant membrane
Terrracotta rainscreen
Terracotta fasteners
Door header
Int. strapping
Gyp. wall board
Air barrier
Cavity insulation
Engineered lumber
Drainage mat
Water resistant membrane
1” min. foam
Engineered lumber (TJI)
Engineered lumber attachment
Gyp. ceiling board
Int. strapping
Gyp. wall board
Cavity insulation
Air barrier
Engineered lumber
Door sill
Wood studs
Floor finish
Lightweight concrete
Acoustic barrier
Air barrier
Cavity insulation
Market Analysis | Architecture | Comfort & Environmental Quality | Engineering | Durability + Resilence | Integrated Performance | Embodied Environmental Impact | Energy Performance | Occupant Experience 13
Market Analysis | Architecture | Comfort & Environmental Quality | Engineering | Durability + Resilience | Integrated Performance | Embodied Environmental Impact | Energy Performance | Occupant Experience 23
Details | Durability & Resilience
Market Analysis | Architecture | Comfort & Environmental Quality | Engineering | Durability + Resilience | Integrated Performance | Embodied Environmental Impact | Energy Performance | Occupant Experience 24 Heating & Cooling | Air to Water Heat Pump District Ventilation Systems Refrigerant Pipes Compressor Heat Exchanger Pump DHW Out G-1 Valve Sensor City Water DHW Heating Pump 2000 gl Chiltrix Utility Shaft Fan Coil Valve Chiltrix Shaded by OPV Inverter Rooftop ERV Utility Shaft Supply Air Exhaust Air Systems | Comfort & Environmental Quality
Passive | Comfort & Environmental Quality
Passive strategies contribute to the buildings sustainability. Human comfort is achieved through self shaded areas and enhanced cross ventilation. The units receive suf ficient daylight, reducing the need for artificial light and the use of energy.
Site Section
Shifting of the units creates a self shading form Ceiling fans initiate cross ventilation Orientated east to west to minimizing solar exposure.
Roof structure catches wind enhancing natural cross ventilation within the units and courtyards
Month DesignData MonthlyAverage DailyMax/Min 1 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 23456789101112 Temperature(F) MonthlyDesignData(thresholdof2%) WindRose 0 >3>7>12 >17 >24 N MarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec NNE NE ENE E ESE SE SSE S SSW SW WSW W WNW NW NNW 0 500 1000 1500 65°F 65°F 36°F 36°F Hotdays Meandailyminimum Coldnights Windspeed 0mm 25mm 50mm 75mm 100mm RelativeHumidity% 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 %OfTime 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-4040-5050-6060-70 70-80 80-9090-100 RelativeHumidityFrequencyDistribution(Annual) 1950 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 AverageDailyMaxTemperature[F] 2040 2050 2060 2070 2080 2090 3000 AnnualClimateTimeline Year CO2LevelPredictedwithRenewableEnergy CO2LevelPredictedwithoutRenewableEnergy Market Analysis | Architecture | Comfort & Environmental Quality | Engineering | Durability + Resilience | Integrated Performance | Embodied Environmental Impact | Energy Performance | Occupant Experience 25
Embodied Environmental Impact
Material Transportation Maps
Approximate net embodied
C02: 16,273 metric tons
Standard CMU Assembly
exteriorterracotta clay
Prefabricated Wall Assembly
Global Warming (kg CO2eq) Global Warming (kg CO2eq) -3,734,374 2,280E+007 179,097 631,429 377,574 520,436 5,352,201 209,339 -252,552 589,864 Environmental Impact Enviromental Impact Product Stage [A1-A3] Product Stage [A1-A3] Construction Stage [A4] Construction Stage [A4] Use Stage [B2-B5] Use Stage [B2-B5] End of Life Stage [C2-C4] End of Life Stage [C2-C4] Module D [D] Module D [D]
Market Analysis | Architecture | Comfort & Environmental Quality | Engineering | Durability + Resilience | Integrated Performance | Embodied Environmental Impact | Energy Performance | Occupant Experience
pre-fabricatedwallpanel climateready architecture engineering factory Site
recycle plastic
NanoFlexPower Scottsdale,AZ RecycledPlastic Recycle1 Phoenix,AZ
101miles 112miles
ModuleComponents B.Public Albuquerque,NM
CMU yielded 2.280E + 007 (kg CO3e2) of global warming impact with 92% of global warming coming from the product life cycle.
Tally tracked the carbon impact of our project over a 60 life cycle. -3,3734,374 (kg CO3e2) and 91% of the global warming potential coming from the end of life. Pre-fab is carbon friendly
Market Analysis | Architecture | Comfort & Environmental Quality | Engineering | Durability + Resilience | Integrated Performance | Embodied Environmental Impact | Energy Performance | Occupant Experience 27 Food Pod Science Pod
Athletic Center
Mixed-Use | Occupant Experience
Art Center
Daylighting | Level 3
Typical Bedroom
Typical Living Space
Daylighting | Level 2
Typical Kitchen
Typical Bedroom
Open floor plans allow for adequate ventilation and distribution of light throughout each unit. Strategically placed windows enhances cross ventilation within each apartment while providing excellent light quality. Modern interior finishes give occupants a luxurious experience in each unit type while maintaining an affordable price.
Market Analysis | Architecture | Comfort & Environmental Quality | Engineering | Durability + Resilience | Integrated Performance | Embodied Environmental Impact | Energy Performance | Occupant Experience 28
Living Space | Occupant Experience
Market Analysis | Architecture | Comfort & Environmental Quality | Engineering | Durability + Resilience | Integrated Performance | Embodied Environmental Impact | Energy Performance | Occupant Experience 29 Smartphone App Energy Efficient Appliances Educational Use 294 kWh/per year Beko Brand Refrigerator 199 kWh/per year 3.2 gal/ per cycle Miele Brand Dishwasher 14 gal/ per cycle LG Brand Washer & Dryer Smart Home Thermostat 105 kWh/per year Low flow shower head Residential Use Energy Efficient LED Smart Living | Occupant Experience
Green walkable spaces shaded by pigmented OPV panels. The translucency of the OPV panels creates a joyful engaging environment.
The colorful light contrasted against white terracotta activates a playful interaction between materials.
Meandering paths connect the occupant to the desert landscape.
Vegetation in bioswales keep pathways cool
Market Analysis | Architecture | Comfort & Environmental Quality | Engineering | Durability + Resilience | Integrated Performance | Embodied Environmental Impact | Energy Performance | Occupant Experience 30
| Occupant Experience
Thank you! On behalf of the Multi-Family Sunblock team.