Perancangan Terintegrasi_BIM: pendahuluan

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Perancangan Terintegrasi melalui BIM Integrated Design through BIM

BIM = Building Information Modeling


The National Building Information Model Standard Project Committee defines BIM as: Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a digital representation of physical and functional characteristics of a facility. A BIM is a shared knowledge resource for information about a facility forming a reliable basis for decisions during its life-cycle; defined as existing from earliest conception to demolition. A basic premise of BIM is collaboration by different stakeholders at different phases of the life cycle of a facility to insert, extract, update or modify information in the BIM to support and reflect the roles of that stakeholder.

National Building Information Model Standard - US

The US National BIM Standard will promote the business requirements that BIM and BIM interchanges are based on:

• a shared digital representation, • that the information contained in the model be interoperable (i.e.: allow computer to computer exchanges), and • the exchange be based on open standards, • the requirements for exchange must be capable of defining in contract language.

What BIM is and how it is being used Dr Stephen Hamil – Head of BIM – NBS (National Building Specification, owned by RIBA)

A Building Information Model is a rich information model, consisting of potentially multiple data sources, elements of which can be shared across all stakeholders and be maintained across the life of a building from inception to recycling (cradle to cradle). •The information model can include contract and specification properties, personnel, programming, quantities, cost, spaces and geometry.

National Building Specification UK

As a practical matter, BIM represents many things depending on one's perspective:

• Applied to a project, BIM represents Information management—data contributed to and shared by all project participants. The right information to the right person at the right time. • To project participants, BIM represents an interoperable process for project delivery— defining how individual teams work and how many teams work together to conceive, design, build & operate a facility. • To the design team, BIM represents integrated design—leveraging technology solutions, encouraging creativity, providing more feedback, empowering a team.* *BIM: What Can It Do For Me?, Bill McNamara/Bentley Building Solutions, presented to the CADD/GIS Center Symposium 2006.

Building information modeling (BIM) is a new way of approaching the design and documentation of building projects. • Building - the entire lifecycle of the building is considered (design/build/operations) • Information - all information about the building and its lifecycle is included • Modeling - defining and simulating the building, its delivery, and operation using integrated tools

BIM provides several major advantages over CAD: BIM Models and manages not just graphics, but also information – information that allows the automatic generation of drawings and reports, design analysis, schedule simulation, facilities management, and more – ultimately enabling the building team to make betterinformed decisions.

BIM supports a distributed team so that people, tools, and tasks can effectively share this information throughout the building lifecycle, thus eliminating data redundancy, data re-entry, data loss, miscommunication, and translation errors.

Bentley – International Consultant

Some say BIM is a type of software. Some say BIM is the 3D virtual model of buildings. Others say BIM is a process or BIM is nothing more than the collection of all building data organized into a structure database easy to query both in a "visual" and a "numerical" way. It is safe to say that BIM is all the above and some more…

Now let’s see BIM explained in laymen’s terms. When it comes to BIM everything starts with a 3D digital model of the building. This model, however, is way more than pure geometry and some nice textures cast over it for visualization. A true BIM model consists of the virtual equivalents of the actual building parts and pieces used to build a building. These elements have all the characteristics - both physical and logical - of their real counterparts. These intelligent elements are the digital prototype of the physical building elements such as walls, columns, windows, doors, stairs etc. that allow us to simulate the building and understand its behavior in a computer environment way before the actual construction starts. Nevertheless with the advent of mobile technologies such as iPhones/iPads and the likes utilization of BIM has broken out from the close circle of professionals. Clients, building owners and operators are getting more and more access to BIM models through their mobile devices even without the need to installing a BIM application first. This shift will put the adoption of BIM onto the next level so you as a professional really cannot afford ignoring BIM. (

Graphisoft Archicad

BIM is an intelligent model-based process that provides insight to help you plan, design, construct, and manage buildings and infrastructure. (

Autodesk Revit

SPESIFIKASI MATA AJARAN Nama Mata Ajaran Perancangan Terintegrasi melalui BIM Integrated Design through BIM Kode/ SKS

: TKA xxxx / 2 SKS


: Arsitektur Dijital

Status Mata Ajaran

: Pilihan

Dosen Pengampu

: Alexander Suryandono


Mampu menggunakan Building Information Modeling dalam proses perancangan Arsitektur yang terintegrasi dengan Struktur dan Mekanikal Elektrikal.


Building Information Modelling adalah model dengan informasi mengenai bangunan yang terintegrasi untuk membantu proses perancangan, desain, konstruksi, dan pemeliharaan bangunan. Penerapan BIM pada Arsitektur mempengaruhi perubahan pola pikir sebagai seorang desainer. Proses perancangan konvensional dimulai dari desain skematik, konsep, pengembangan desain, gambar kerja, lelang sampai pada pelaksanaan. Dengan BIM, proses mulai dari desain skematik sampai gambar kerja bisa dilakukan secara bersamaan.

Selain terintegrasi antara desain Arsitektur, Sipil, dan Mekanikal-Elektrikal-Pemipaan, satu model BIM bisa digunakan untuk presentasi, analisis, dan dokumen teknis. Untuk bekerja menggunakan BIM, pengguna harus memahami metoda desain dijital, pemahaman material, manajemen data, parametric design, gambar kerja arsitektur, dokumen konstruksi, model 3d, dan teknis visualisasi gambar. Dengan menggunakan Autodesk Revit 2015, pengguna akan mengetahui konsep teoritis, pemahaman dasar, dan hal teknis yang diperlukan untuk mendesain, analisa, membuat dokumen, dan presentasi dari satu model BIM yang terintegrasi. Pada akhir semester, mahasiswa memiliki kemampuan mendesain bangunan dengan BIM dan memiliki pengalaman penggunaan Autodesk Revit 2015 dalam proses perancangan.




Memahami penggunaan BIM

Mampu menerapkan dasar-dasar Mengembangkan kemampuan

dalam fase perancangan

mendesain bangunan dengan

menggunakan BIM dalam

Arsitektur: Konsep, Skematik,

BIM dalam fase perancangan

perancangan Arsitektur

Pengembangan Desain, dan

Arsitektur: Konsep, Skematik,

Menerapkan penggunaan BIM

Gambar Kerja.

Pengembangan Desain, dan

dalam mengerjakan tugas,

Memahami pola berpikir

Gambar Kerja menggunakan

penelitian, dan proyek di lapangan

mendesain bangunan secara


Meningkatkan kemampuan

terintegrasi dengan bantuan

menggunakan software untuk

software melalui BIM.

mendukung perancangan

terintegrasi melalui BIM.

METODA YANG DIGUNAKAN Metoda yang digunakan adalah tutorial interaktif. Mahasiswa bersama dosen sebagai mitra dan fasilitator bersama melaksanakan proses pembelajaran sesuai SAP dan dikembangkan dengan mengacu pada interaksi dosen dan mahasiswa.





Tatap Muka

45 menit /satu pertemuan



45 menit


Evaluasi Tengah Semester

90 menit


Evaluasi Akhir Semester

90 menit





Pembuatan model

120 menit


Browsing Internet



Studi Pustaka



Tugas Individu

Memerlukan waktu 1 jam di Rumah







Mengikuti perkuliahan




family (revit components)


adaptive component


panel and curves


conceptual mass


customized building component


final design


paper/ karya tulis


Presentasi tugas I




(parametric tower) 4

Keaktifan mahasiswa

Presentasi tugas II (apartment)


Tanya jawab di kelas


SUBSTANSI PEMBELAJARAN Penguasaan software Pemahaman dasar mengenai penggunaan software 2d, 3d lulus dijital arsitektur Perkuliahan Satu semester dibagi menjadi dua bagian. Bagian pertama membahas tentang desain konseptual. Desain konseptual meliputi bentuk komplek dan adaptive components. Bagian kedua fokus ke pengembangan model, teknik dokumentasi, dan presentasi visual. Tugas mahasiswa diberikan melalui teknik, cara, metodologi, dan strategi untuk membentuk membentuk pemahaman tentang BIM untuk menghasilkan desain dan dokumen konstruksi.


Minggu Ke I

Pokok bahasan

Sub pokok bahasan

Bentuk pembelajaran

Revolusi dalam Project Delivery Method

Pemahaman mengenai BIM

Tatap muka

Perkenalan Building Information Modelling

Perancangan terintegrasi


(Tugas) Download dan install Revit

Penggunaan family dan project

Penyesuaian default setting dengan

Revit environment II

Praktek, tutorial, diskusi

standar Indonesia Conceptual mass


Model massa dengan file family

Reference points

Perkenalan ke tugas pertama: gardu

Praktek, tutorial, diskusi


Digitalization of analog model IV

Desain massa dengan parameter empat Praktek, tutorial, diskusi titik

Curves melalui titik

Ekspor family ke project

Surface and parameter V Adaptive components

Tipe parameter

Type dan Instance

Penerapan family dalam project

Pembuatan komponen adaptif: panel dan Praktek, tutorial, diskusi

Praktek, tutorial, diskusi

pipa VI




Ujian tengah semester


Lantai gardu pandang

Impor file lokasi

Rendering eksterior

Penerapan curtain panel pada bangunan

Penyelesaian project dan presentasi

Praktek, tutorial, diskusi

Presentasi karya dalam bentuk poster A3 Proposal paper

Wall structures




dengan Praktek, tutorial, diskusi

standar Indonesia


Pin up

Perkenalan ke tugas kedua: apartemen

Sweep dan reveals

Dinding tumpuk

Window, door

X Floor and Roof XI

Structures XII Section, Annotation XIII Schedule, Lighting, Rendering XIV

BIM: what’s next XV XVI

Ujian akhir semester

Edit family jendela

Edit family pintu

Penerapan dalam desain

Edit family lantai

Edit family atap

Slope, overhang

Penerapan dalam desain



Kolom dan balok

Edit family langit-langit

Membuat potongan

Memberikan keterangan, dimensi


Self illuminance

Interior lighting

• • • •

Material Penerapan BIM dalam kehidupan nyata Unsur manusia dalam mesin Posisi yang kita pilih

Presentasi karya dalam bentuk poster A3 Pengumpulan karya ilmiah dan publikasi

Praktek, tutorial, diskusi

Praktek, tutorial, diskusi

Praktek, tutorial, diskusi

Praktek, tutorial, diskusi

Praktek, tutorial, diskusi

Tatap muka Diskusi

Pin up

DAFTAR PUSTAKA Deutsch, Randy AIA LEED-AP. BIM and Integrated Design Strategies for Architectural Practice. Hoboken: Wiley, 2011. Duell, Ryan, and Tobias Hathorn. Autodesk Revit Architecture 2015 Essentials Autodesk Official Press. Hoboken: Wiley, 2014.

Krygiel, Eddy, and James Vandezande.Mastering Autodesk Revit Architecture 2015. Indianapolis, Indiana: Sybex, a Wiley Brand, 2014. Wing, Eric. Autodesk Revit Architecture 2015 Autodesk Official Press. Hoboken: Wiley, 2014.


• (official Autodesk Revit website)

• (online forum)

• (video tutorial by Eric Wing)

• (video tutorial by Jeremy Roh, also visit his web )

any feedback? thank you

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