MSU Communications Officer Assignment 2014 - Alexander Young

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EFRT PROMOTIONAL PLAN: 2014-2015 The Emergency First Response Team (EFRT) is a service provided by the McMaster Students Union (MSU), comprised of approximately 30 student volunteers trained to respond and provide emergency medical care on campus. Formed in 1982 as the first campus emergency response team in North America, EFRT has set the standard for university emergency response groups around the world. EFRT is a 24/7 service provided by the MSU, and all members are certified Emergency Medical Responders trained to provide assistance within 2-3 minutes of a call. Senior members are additionally trained in International Trauma Life Support (ITLS) and Advanced Medical Life Support (AMLS) in order to address a wide range of medical scenarios. In addition to their role as emergency care providers, EFRT also works to provide authorized First Aid and CPR courses to interested participants through the Canadian Red Cross. More detailed information about the service can be found at: EFRT can also be found on the following social media networks: Twitter: Facebook:

OBJECTIVES SERVICE OBJECTIVES In performing it’s role as an on-campus emergency medical response service EFRT has two main objectives:

1. To provide reliable emergency medical support to anyone on the McMaster University Campus within three minutes of being contacted

2. To offer certified First Aid courses through the Canadian Red Cross in order to educate and prepare the general public



EFRT PROMOTIONAL PLAN: 2014-2015 PROMOTIONAL OBJECTIVES Considering the above service objectives, and through discussing the state of the current service with the EFRT Program Director, Laura Fox, and Public Relations Coordinator, Alex Sapa, three key promotional objectives can be identified:


Increase student awareness of EFRT, the services it provides, and how to properly contact them in case of an emergency • Highlight how to directly contact EFRT from both on- and off-campus phones • Reduce calls on behalf of students from Pulse Staff and Community Advisors in Residence while increasing calls from students themselves

2. Larger recruitment drive in September for new student volunteers

• Increase the applicant pool and ensure those who apply comprehend the associated responsibilities

3. Raise the attendance numbers of First Aid courses throughout the year

• Ensure a variety of First Aid courses are running at capacity

PROMOTIONAL STRATEGIES In order to address the promotional objectives identified, a number of different strategies can be utilized to target the goals both individually and in a simultaneous fashion. These tactics can be broadly categorized, based upon the length they are employed, as short-term or long-term. For the purpose of this report, short-term strategies will be those that last less than a single term in length, whereas long-term strategies are designed to range for the entire academic year. Both short- and long-term tactics can be repeated on a yearly basis.

SHORT-TERM Partnership with Hamilton Fire Department: A Fire Safety and First Aid Initiative Targeted Promotional Objectives: 1 and 2 Beginning in 2011, MacDraft provided the opportunity for interested students to view a live fire safety demonstration. The goal of the initiative was to promote fire safety in residences and student housing, illustrating how quickly fire can spread and the damage it can cause.



EFRT PROMOTIONAL PLAN: 2014-2015 The event was discontinued in the summer of 2013; however, there is room for it to potentially return and grow by including an element of First Aid and Emergency Medical Response via a partnership with EFRT. Through running a joint event, EFRT, the MSU, and the University as a whole can demonstrate the potential personal injuries associated with fire, while increasing the awareness of EFRT on campus and highlighting the teams response time and proficiency. In addition, the event offers an excellent chance for collaboration between the MSU, the University Administration, and the city of Hamilton. Increased Presence During Large-scale McMaster University Welcome Week Events Targeted Promotional Objectives: 1, 2, and 3 A simple and effective way to promote EFRT on campus is to simply ensure that they are visible during large-scale events. By attending Welcome Week events that cater to as many people as possible, new students will be more familiar with EFRT and its primary purpose simply by virtue of volunteers interacting with students and standing out. For students already acutely aware of EFRT, it helps avoid an ‘out of sight, out of mind mentality’. In addition, by attending these activities EFRT is in an excellent position to quickly respond if the need arises. “Everyday Heroes” Promotional Campaign Targeted Promotional Objectives: 1, 2, and 3 In order to increase the presence of EFRT on campus, one marketing tactic that can be utilized is making the team delivering the service more relatable for the average student. The goal of this proposed campaign would be to feature short bios of EFRT volunteers via Facebook and Twitter, releasing several profiles every week. The bios would work to highlight the incredible work EFRT volunteers do behind the scenes, making the service itself seem more personable. In addition, the campaign would create unique content for the different social media platforms used by EFRT, providing a reason for students to consistently check in and interact with the service online. A potential theme for the campaign could be “Everyday Heroes”, as the members of EFRT are student volunteers, and are often in our classes without us even realizing it. Additionally, the campaign could grow to include other MSU services, such as the Student Walk Home Attendant Team (SWHAT). EFRT Promotional Video Targeted Promotional Objectives: 1, 2, and 3 A well-made video is an incredible promotional tool for any organization, as it is a much more engaging and interactive form of media than standard images. In addition, videos have the potential to go viral, even in a limited sense, as they can be easily shared far beyond the intended audience. In combination with the “Everyday Heroes” campaign and several of the long-term marketing strategies listed below, an ERFT-specific video could easily



EFRT PROMOTIONAL PLAN: 2014-2015 accomplish the previously outlined promotional objectives. Specifically, the video could kick off the “Everyday Heroes” campaign, and illustrate that although members of EFRT are student volunteers, they are also a team of highly trained individuals that are internationally recognized for their proficiency. The video could be made in a style similar to that used by the Canadian Paralympics Organization for their #WHATSTHERE Campaign and feature a slowly widening shot revealing EFRT members preforming mock emergency medical aid. The original #WHATSTHERE video can be seen here: EFRT Fundraising Calendar Targeted Promotional Objective: 1 Currently EFRT is fully funded by the MSU, and does not require any large sources of additional capital. However, this does not limit the service from raising money and donating the funds to a suitable charity, for example the Red Cross or McMaster Children’s Hospital. Fundraising campaigns such as this serve as an excellent way to raise money for a good cause while simultaneously promoting the service itself. This is illustrated by several MSU service charity events, including the Walk-a-thon currently being run by the Student Walk Home Attendant Team (SWHAT). In regards to EFRT charity initiatives, a number of different options exist, but in order to maximize the effect of the event it must be novel in order to avoid an otherwise oversaturated group. A unique option exists in the form of an EFRT Calendar similar to those created by a number Fire Departments, including the Toronto Firefighter Calendar, which raises money for cancer research. By selecting willing volunteers from the EFRT team and featuring them in a 12 month spread for charity, the service can generate excellent publicity while working towards a positive goal.

LONG-TERM EFRT Rebranding Targeted Promotional Objectives: 1, 2, and 3 Currently EFRT is a very well known service on campus, and one that has been present for over 30 years. The EFRT brand has changed very little in that time, but the same cannot be said for the MSU. The MSU brand has drastically evolved, establishing a distinct image shared among a number of services and business. However, EFRT is not one of these services, and could stand to gain from a new brand more in line with that currently adopted by the MSU, such as the example seen on the next page.





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By rebranding EFRT, a number of promotional goals can be met simultaneously. To begin, it would ensure that the service itself is directly associated with the MSU, but in addition it would serve as its own form of advertisement. By creating a new brand that is aesthetically pleasing, it will not only catch the eye of students unaware of EFRT, but also those who are already acutely aware of the service and its purpose. Coupled with a social media push and a larger scale promotional campaign, rebranding becomes an excellent way to increase the presence of a service.



EFRT PROMOTIONAL PLAN: 2014-2015 Increased Social Media Presence via Scheduled and Spontaneous Tweets Targeted Promotional Objective(s): 1, 2, and 3 EFRT has an established social media presence, having created connected Twitter and Facebook accounts in 2012. However, currently both social media platforms could be better used by the service in order to better engage their audience and create a larger online presence. In order to address the need for increased content, the most effective method would be to create a set of scheduled tweets on a weekly basis. There are a number of programs that allow easy tweet scheduling, and in addition the MSU Social Media Coordinator and Communications Officer could work with EFRT to deliver the tweets on a weekly basis. By composing scheduled tweets in advance to advertise First Aid courses, recruitment, contact information, and health-related facts, EFRT volunteers could save time while maintaining a consistent online presence. These scheduled tweets would have to be complimented by spontaneous tweets, which have an increased importance for a service such as EFRT. Spontaneous tweets make the service seem more personable, and in addition can be used to highlight specific activities such as a particular training session or course, as well as appropriate antics from volunteers on shift.

CONSIDERATIONS FOR IMPLEMENTATION Various factors must be considered when working to implement the short- and longterm strategies outlined above. The two key factors that must be accounted for are cost restrictions and time. Although very cost-effective, the promotional plans discussed would require some funding, be it for supplies or labour (in the case of design work). However, in discussing available options with current EFRT executive members, they feel that the proposed plans are feasible options that could be budgeted for given their current capital resources. In regards to time, as EFRT is a group of student volunteers, an increased presence on campus in tandem with creation of promotional videos and print material would require more hours from team members. Allowing EFRT to produce some material in-house could easily minimize this potential issue, allowing more flexible timing for members. In addition, EFRT could work in partnership with existing MSU services, such as the Underground, and staff, including the Social Media Coordinator and Communications Officer, to help facilitate the process and support the service with regards to any promotional needs.






UNION MARKET PROMOTIONAL PLAN: 2014-2015 Union Market (UM) is the MSU’s go-to stop for your campus essentials: coffee, bagels, and grab-and go meals. Conveniently located at the heart of campus in the McMaster University Student Center (MUSC), UM is a business that offers a wide variety of fast and healthy food and drink options, catering to the socially conscious on-the-go consumer. In addition, UM takes debit and credit, and offers the cheapest prices on campus, allowing students and faculty to purchase a light meal for under $5. Alongside UM’s role as a MSU business, it also facilitates affordable and highly visible advertisement via in store electronic promotion (i.e. TV ads) and banners on coffee cups sleeves. More detailed information about the business can be found online at: UM can also be found on the following social media networks: Twitter: Facebook:


SERVICE OBJECTIVES As a MSU business, UM has a number of goals and objectives; however, in regards to the services it provides to those at McMaster, there are three main points:

1. To offer a wide variety of convenient and cost effective food options for students, staff, and visitors to McMaster University

2. To

work towards providing socially conscious food and drink choices and alternative dietary options

3. To

consistently provide quality customer service and an enjoyable experience for customers



UNION MARKET PROMOTIONAL PLAN: 2014-2015 PROMOTIONAL OBJECTIVES Given the three service objectives outlined above and an in-depth discussion regarding promoting the business with the current UM manager, Matthew Bergen, two promotional goals were determined:

1. Increase the number of customers that utilize UM

• Appeal to a wider demographic on campus including First Year students

2. Highlight the large variety of goods UM has to offer

• Move away from the label of UM providing only coffee and bagels

PROMOTIONAL STRATEGIES In order to address the promotional objectives identified for UM, a number of a different strategies can be utilized to target the goals both individually and in unison. Based upon the length of time the promotional plan will be employed, these tactics can be placed into one of two categories: short-term or long-term. For the purpose of this report, shortterm strategies will be those that last less than a single term in length, whereas long-term strategies are designed to range for the entire academic year.

SHORT-TERM UM Mobile Booth for Welcome Week and Frost Week Targeted Promotional Objective(s): 1 and 2 UM is an established and financially successful MSU business, appealing to a wide range of customers and generating revenue throughout the year. Nonetheless, there is always room to grow, and untapped consumer bases to reach. One of the largest groups that has not been fully engaged are First Year students, largely due to their use of residence food options and the McMaster University meal plan. However, UM still can provide service to First Year students, and through better promotion starting immediately during Welcome Week attracting a larger base of First Years is a distinct possibility. Specifically, the best way to attract these students is by an increased presence on campus during Welcome Week events and activities. Given that these events take place throughout the campus, creating a mobile booth or station that can be easily moved between residences and buildings would offer an excellent way to interact with students exploring McMaster and what it has to offer.



UNION MARKET PROMOTIONAL PLAN: 2014-2015 To help facilitate this process, the mobile booth could feature promotional material and free samples available for purchase at union market, as a number of providers that work with the business, namely RedBull and Coca Cola, are often looking for ways to more effectively market their product to consumers. “We Take Debit� Term 2 Promotional Campaign Targeted Promotional Objective(s): 1, 2, and 3 One of the well-known features of UM is that it is one of the few businesses on campus that accepts debit and credit card purchases. This is particularly useful for Faculty members, University staff, and upper year students, highlighting the broad appeal of the business itself. However, the ability to use debit and credit also provides an opportunity for a marketing campaign midway through Term 2 targeted at First Year students, a relatively untapped demographic as previously mentioned. At this time of year, it is commonplace for a large subset of students to have used the majority of funds available on their meal plan, and subsequently for those students to consistently transfer money onto their student cards. By running a series of advertisements on printed posters, on the TVs in residence and on campus, and via social media, UM could reinforce that it accepts debit transactions in order to appeal to those students who have finished their meal plans and are looking for affordable food options for the remainder of the year.

LONG-TERM UM 8tracks Account Targeted Promotional Objective(s): 1 In addition to cost effective food options, UM is also very well known for the music constantly playing throughout the store. For regular customers, the music is one of the unique qualities of the business, as the genre is constantly changing depending on which staff members are currently working. In order to appeal to these customers while at the same time offering a unique service outside the sale of food, UM could begin to create musical playlists curated by staff members on existing music based social media platform such as Songza, YouTube, or 8tracks. By implementing this form of promotional strategy, UM can appeal to a wider student demographic in a way simply selling products cannot allow, and also offer staff a rewarding opportunity to be creative and express themselves. A number of options exist in regards to the implementation of such a strategy, including timing, music selection, and content delivery, making for a very dynamic and flexible form of promotion.



UNION MARKET PROMOTIONAL PLAN: 2014-2015 UM CFMU Weekly Radio Show Targeted Promotional Objective(s): 1 and 2 UM has, in the past, been approached by CFMU to feature content from the radio station during store hours in order to promote the radio station, and another MSU service, to UM customers. Although UM has instead opted to play its own selection of music, there are additional opportunities for collaboration between the two organizations, chiefly in the form of a weekly, 1/2 radio show aired during the day. Similar in nature to the proposed 8tracks playlists, the CFMU UM radio show would feature music selected by staff members each week, mixed with advertisements regarding current product specials. The show could be recorded live or in advance, but nonetheless be broadcast in the store while airing. Given the nature of CFMU broadcasts, the show could be easily downloaded as a podcast by interested listeners after airing, and would work to promote both UM and CFMU, allowing both groups to reach a broad demographic. Increased Social Media Presence via Scheduled Tweets Targeted Promotional Objective(s): 1 and 2 The use of social media platforms to advertise and promote UM is a relatively recent development, as the UM Twitter account was started in 2011, but Facebook was only adopted in early 2013. Given this, there is room to grow through both social media outlets, specifically by increasing the level of content provided on each. In order to achieve this, several different strategies can be employed, the most efficient of which are linking the current UM Twitter and Facebook accounts, and scheduling tweets on a weekly basis via software provided by Twitter. Currently, there is no connection between the UM social media accounts, meaning that each has to be updated individually, essentially doubling the work required to manage social media for the business. In addition, all current posts are spontaneous, restricting content based on the time available to employees managing updates. By connecting Twitter and Facebook, and working to schedule weekly tweets featuring daily sales and special promotions, a more consistent online presence can be established while reducing the overall workload required by staff. Creation of UM Snapchat or Instragram Account Targeted Promotional Objective(s): 1 and 2 An emerging social media output currently gaining a large amount of traction is Snapchat. Snapchat exists for a fairly singular purpose, which is the sharing of images and video clips for 1-10 seconds. Although limited in its functionality, the promotional applications offered by Snapchat are numerous. Snapchat gives organizations the opportunity to interact with consumers in a unique and creative fashion, giving enough information to pique individual’s interest while simultaneously leaving them curious enough to learn more. As a business, UM



UNION MARKET PROMOTIONAL PLAN: 2014-2015 could make excellent use of Snapchat in order to quickly send updates to interested students regarding daily specials, sale items, trivia questions, and when new shipments arrive. The use of Snapchat would not necessarily serve as a large-scale marketing campaign; however it would allow UM to better connect with its consumer base on a more personal level. The same strategy could be applied through the use of Instragram, which would also allow for the permanent posting of photos and more interaction and sharing with other social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook.

CONSIDERATIONS FOR IMPLEMENTATION When considering promotional plans, several other factors must be considered, namely monetary restrictions and time available to the UM manager and employees. In terms of budget, the strategies outlined above offer highly cost effective methods to help UM achieve its marketing goals. The majority of the proposed strategies would incur little to no cost, with the exception of the mobile UM booth. However, in discussing this option with the current UM manager the booth would be an item the business could plan for accordingly in its yearly budget. With respect to the additional time these tactics would require from UM employees, much of the work needed to implement these strategies (e.g. organizing or suggesting music for the 8tracks playlist) could be shared, minimizing the strain on any one individual. Additionally, UM could rely upon existing MSU services, for example CFMU, the Communications Officer, and the Social Media Coordinator, in order to better facilitate their promotional strategies.






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