Architecture Portfolio

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A L E XA N D E R YU 425.443.0689



Washington State University | 2014 Bachelor of Science - Architecture


BIOGRAPHY I love design. It was this desire to create that pushed me to fill my class schedule with art classes in high school, and later pursue a degree in architecture. Whether I'm working with graphics or buildings, the lo ve for design has always been the common thread.

2015 2015

2014 2014

2012 2013

2013 2013 2013

BIM Software Manager | YT Engineers Manage the software infrastructure within the company. Responsible for integrating Autodesk Revit into the current workflow. Sales Associate | Nordstrom Salon Shoes Responsible for staying current with shoe trends and technologies to accurately fit customers. Documented sales by creating or updating customer profile records. Graphic Designer | University Recreation Collaborated with organizations throughout the university to develop advertising and promotional materials including newspaper ads, posters, banners, flyers, shirts, promotional and retail items. Graphic Designer | WSU College of Business Worked within the College of Business to develop content across a multitude of media to highlight programs and activities. Orientation Counselor | New Student Programs Facilitated a smooth transition for incoming students and parents to campus.



AutoCAD Revit Rhino 3D Grasshopper Illustrator Photoshop InDesign Lightroom Premiere After Effects MS Office Apple iWork

2010 2011

National Society of Collegiate Scholars Recognizes outstanding academic achievement among first and second year college students


PERSONAL SKILLS Visual Ideation & Diagramming Photography & Image Processing Creative Collaboration Organized, Independantly Motivated


Superintendent | Alpha Rho Chi - Architecture Fraternity Organized professional events for the rest of the fraternity. This included competitions, projects, philanthropy, as well as fundraising events.


Industry Charrette | Eggert Family Farm Chosen as one of two Architecture students to participate in a design charrette focusing on the future of organic farming, and the role of architecture. Included members of the industr y such as VULCAN, Pacific Foods, GLY Construction and Weber Thompson.


V ice President | Alpha Rho Chi - Architecture Fraternity Presided in the absence of the President. Oversaw all chapter committees for coordination with other officers.

LANGUAGES English Mandarin Cantonese

President’s Honor Roll Achieved a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.50 based on at least 15 cumulative hours of graded work at Washington State University, provided that the semester GPA is a 3.0 or better.

native conversational conversational


public | parametric | construction


parametric | programming | construction


installation | parametric | construction

ADAPTIVE REUSE public | architecture

AQUA CENTRIC PLANNING parametric | urban planning


public | parametric | construction Professor: Arash Adel Team: Jared Blakeman & Janessa Johnson The aim of the project is to create a social node where students and the local community members can engage in social and cultural activities such as student performances as well as community public events. The wooden pavilion was strategically located in the courtyard of the School of Fine Arts. This allows one to experience the structure from various perspectives - creating a unique sense of time, place and memory. The form and component geometries were generated in Grasshopper and Rhino.

Change in H (2)

Change in H (1)

Change in Tangent (2)

Change in Y

Change in Tangent (1)



The Hyperbolic Paraboloid The geometry of the system began as a flat, rectangular plane, which was twisted by translating opposing corners in the vertical direction. This created a form with two hyperbolic parabloids, one in compression and one in tension.

Construction The design ideology behind the installation was to create a complex form, using simple members that can be easily fabricated. This project investigates the integration of high-tech design computation, analysis and fabrication with linear members and vernacular construction methods. The canopy is supported by large brackets embedded in the ends of the paraboloid where it meets the podium. The brackets are then supported by precast concrete blocks within the podium. This connection will support the wind loads placed upon the structure. There are three continous rods placed longitudinally through the canopy for added structure. Blocking is also added to create a precise relationship between neighboring members.

Grasshopper The Rhino plugin Grasshopper was used to rapidly prototype and experiment with different parameters systematically in an iterative process. Parametric modeling provided the ability to manipulate the form in three dimensions simultaneously.


parametric | programming | construction Professor: Mary Polites Faceted motion was created through a generative process using Grasshopper and Rhino. The project utilizes basic geometric relationships coupled with mathematic equations in order to generate the form of the individual modules as well as to be able to predict the shape of the global aggregation. It was then possible to take these mathematical predictions and apply them to the arduino portion of the project. Arduino is used within the project to calculate the average ambient sound, control the RBG LEDs lighting the project, and finally, control the movement of the wall.

Form Finding The project started by aggregating tetrahedrons to create a surface. It was then soon discovered that by manipulating the hypotenuse of each panel, it was possible to induce curvature in the global aggregation.

Aggregation Calculations




Given A=3.5”, B=2”, J=2.5”, ANGLE Cylinder Calculations RADIUS R =((J/2)/sin(ANGLE)) LEAN = R-Rcos(ANGLE) = R(1-cos(ANGLE) = ((J/2)/(sin(ANGLE))(1-cos(ANGLE) OUT =SQRT(B2-(J/2)2) - LEAN =SQRT(B2-(J/2)2) - ((J/2)/(sin(ANGLE))(1-cos(ANGLE)


Inverted Triangle Calculations



TRUE HEIGHT =SQRT(A2-(J/2)2) FLOOR HEIGHT =SQRT(TRUE HEIGHT2 - LEAN2) =SQRT(A2-(J/2)2-((J/2)/(sin(ANGLE))(1-cos(ANGLE)2 C =SQRT(OUT2 + FLOOR HEIGHT2) C =A2 + B2 - 2(J/2)2 - 2SQRT(B2 -(J/2)2)(((J/2)/sin(ANGLE)) (1-cos(ANGLE))

The only component length that varies is the length of the push rod, or “c”, and as a result, it is possible to utilize the pythagorean theorem to calculate the “lean” of each module. Once the “lean” distance is calculated and assuming each module is placed on a flat surface, the global curvature can then be calcualted. The aggregation can continue vertically indefinitely because the end of each tier remains parallel to the ground plane.

//LIBRARIES #include “Statistic.h” #include <SoftwareSerial.h> #include <Wire.h> //PINOUTS #define BLUE 6 #define GREEN 5 #define RED 3 //INTEGERS int sound; int averagesound; int oldaveragesound; int threshold1 = 1280; int threshold2 = 1300; int threshold3 = 1320; int threshold4 = 1340; Statistic myStats; //SETUP void setup(void) { Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(GREEN, OUTPUT); pinMode(BLUE, OUTPUT); pinMode(RED, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(GREEN, HIGH); digitalWrite(BLUE, HIGH); digitalWrite(RED, HIGH);



//LOOP void loop(void) { long sound = analogRead(A0); myStats.add(sound*100); Serial.print(“ Count: “); Serial.print(myStats.count()); Serial.print(“ Average: “); Serial.print(myStats.average(), 4); Serial.println(); //AVERAGE SOUND CALCULATION if (myStats.count() == 20) { long averagesound = (myStats.average()); myStats.clear(); Serial.println(); Serial.print(averagesound); //LIGHT PANEL if(averagesound<threshold1) //GREEN { analogWrite(RED, 0); analogWrite(GREEN, 255);

analogWrite(BLUE, 0); { } analogWrite(RED, 255); else analogWrite(GREEN, 0); if(averagesound>threshold1, analogWrite(BLUE, 0); averagesound<threshold2) // } AQUA else{} { analogWrite(RED, 0); analogWrite(GREEN, 255); delay(3000); analogWrite(BLUE, 255); } } } else if(averagesound>threshold2, averagesound<threshold3) // BLUE { analogWrite(RED, 0); analogWrite(GREEN, 0); analogWrite(BLUE, 255); } else if(averagesound>threshold3, averagesound<threshold4) // PURPLE { analogWrite(RED, 255); analogWrite(GREEN, 0); analogWrite(BLUE, 255); } else if(averagesound>threshold4) //RED

motor2.onestep(FORWARD, //AVERAGE SOUND CALCULASINGLE); TION } if (myStats.count() == 20) void backwardstep2() { { motor2.onestep(BACKWARD, SINGLE); long averagesound = (myStats.average()); } myStats.clear(); Statistic myStats; //MOTOR SHIELD Serial.println(); AccelStepper Serial.print(averagesound); stepper1(forwardstep1, backint sound; wardstep1); int averagesound; stepper1.setMaxAccelStepper int oldaveragesound; Speed(500.0); int stepnumber; stepper2(forwardstep2, backstepper1.setAccelerawardstep2); int oldstepnumber; tion(100.0); int newsteps; stepper1. void setup() moveTo(averagesound*1000); { //PORTS Serial.begin(9600); AF_Stepper motor1(513, 1); stepper2.setMax} AF_Stepper motor2(513, 2); Speed(500.0); stepper2.setAcceleravoid loop() //SINGLE STEPS tion(100.0); void forwardstep1() { { stepper2. long sound = analogRead(A15); moveTo(averagesound*1000); motor1.onestep(FORWARD, myStats.add(sound*100.0); SINGLE); }; Serial.print(“ Count: “); void backwardstep1() {; motor1.onestep(BACKWARD, Serial.print(myStats.count()); Serial.print(“ Average: “); SINGLE); delay(5000); Serial.print(myStats.average(), } } 4); } void forwardstep2() { Serial.println(); //LIBRARIES #include “Statistic.h” #include <AFMotor.h> #include <SoftwareSerial.h> #include <Wire.h> #include <AccelStepper.h> #include <AFMotor.h>

Arduino LED Script This is the script that was developed to control the LEDs independant of the wall’s movement. The RGB LEDs allow control over the red, green and blue values independently. Each panel has the ability to change colors in order to reflect the ambient sound.

Stepper Motor Script This is the script that was developed to control the wall with the arduino micro processor. The stepper motors are programmed to move in proportion to the ambient sound level within the space.

Materials The wall is constructed out of a lightweight frosted plastic cardboard material that allows the structure to be aggregated without weighing very much. There is a network of wires on the back of each panel to provide inputs to the 15 RGB LED’s that are located on the back of each panel. The materials come together to create a wall that allows natural light to penetrate. In addition, the materials highlight the mechanical system that makes the structure move while the structural panels take secondary prominence.


installation | parametric | construction Professor: Arash Adel Team: Kevin Jones & Alex Scofield The aim of the project is to create a complex form that encapsulates space with a simple module. The result is a form that can be easily manipulated and scaled to accomodate different programs. While cutting edge software like grasshopper was used to generate the form, and determine the placement of the bricks, this project resresents an opportunity to rethink how typically mundane modules can be utilized in interesting ways to create interesting global forms.





Tower Form

Brick Course

The form started as a top and bottom rail of equal length, but different diameters. This resulted in a tower with a narrowing aperture, but a constant cross-sectional length which is necessary to implement a stretcher brick bond.

The lofted surface was then subdivided to provide a center rail for each course of bricks. The bricks were then aggregated along each rail at a prescribed offset to one another.

Construction Each course of bricks was printed at full scale to ensure that the placement of each brick was perfect. Upon placement, each brick was glued in place. Because of the tremendous weight, the tower was divided into segments four courses high, and final assembly was done onsite.


public | architecture Professor: Kevin Reeves San Francisco is a vibrant city full of buildings built while the city was in its infancy that must be preserved because of the rich culture and historical significance that they hold. This project sought to repurpose the old postal building built along the pier, and give it new life as a gallery, research and development area, as well as a residential space. The interplay between public, semi-private, and private spaces coupled with the interaction between the existing building drove the spatial arrangement of the spaces.

Gallery Space The gallery space is placed above grade to create visual prominence and intrigue. Public access is through a glass stair well that transitions patrons from a public courtyard, to a semipublic gallery. Research and Development By entering through the side of the building, the research and development space is given more privacy, but still allowed the large amount of space necessary for specialty equipment and prototyping. Residential The entrance to the residential units are off to the side, and on the opposite side of the building from the gallery and research entrances. The units are situated next to the water, overlooking the bay.


parametric | urban planning Professor: Darrin Griechen Team: Rachel Hall, Janessa Johnson & Craig Hoffman Spokane is currently going through an urban revival, and as a result, there is a growing need for housing closer to the city. The site is within close proximity to downtown Spokane, thus making it an attractive location to live. The main design considerations were methods to integrate with the existing neighborhood, developement density, size of streets, and finally, community impact.

Pond Proximity The topography of the site was obtained through open streetmaps, and then grasshopper was used to run a rainfall simulation, to understand how the site would react. The conclusion was that rain tended to pool in four distinct areas within the site.

Street Grid Integration The streets from the existing neighborhood were extended through the site to provide clear thoroughfares.

Rain Runoff The neighboring roads use non-moutable curbs with a road side gutter drainage system that promotes stormwater runoff.

Stormwater Filtration The roads in the new development employ stormwater management through the use of trees, native vegetative cover, and pervious surfaces on either side of the road. The addition of trees will also make the paths more pedestrian friendly by providing a physical and visual barrier from traffic.

Seasonal Community Engagement The Pacific Northwest has four distinct seasons, and different outdoor opportunites are afforded with each season. We sought to create spaces where people would be able to experience nature throughout the year, despite the harsh Spokane winters. Therefore we created a boardwalk that would provide year-round access to the four ponds.

Central courtyards and plazas between the buildings create spaces for people to gather. They have a gentle slope to keep water from pooling. At the edge of the slope there is pervious concrete to help filter the runoff before it seeps into the earth.


Community gardens provide seasonal vegetables and herbs to the neighborhood and can be used to teach residents about planting and harvesting.


Orchards provide seasonal fruits to the neighborhood as well as shade during the summer months.


Tool sheds on the sides of the greenhouses store tools necessary to care for the community gardens and green spaces. These also house the compost bins where residences recycle food waste and scraps from their kitchens.


Greenhouses provide the community with vegetables and herbs year round cutting food costs for the neighborhood. They also serve as an educational space to learn about food production and growth.


Small rain gardens capture and filter excess rain water from the roofs of the buildings. The rain gardens also act as a water feature in each block courtyard.




Deciduous trees provide shade during the summer and natural light during the winter months. Native vegetation uses less water and thrives in the Spokane region.

Covered Parking lots are oriented in the North-South direction and have butterfly roofs with PV panels on each side allowing for maximum solar gain. Mossy planting also helps filter rain water before it hits the pervious concrete lot and soaks into the soil. The covered lots can also be used as market spaces during the summer and harvesting months.

Community Spaces We sought to create community spaces that would make this community more vibrant and walkable. As a result, there are a network of paths through the site connecting the four ponds together. Furthermore, covered parking structures in the higher density areas can be repurposed as markets during the summer months.

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