Design Portfolio

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I’m a student with a passion for Visual Communication, I’m fluent in Arabic, English and Adobe Illustrator seeking a creative position to apply my creative knowledge and improve my skilss


German Jordanian University (GJU) BA Design and Visuual Communication


Lady of Nazareth College IGCSE

Experience Hareb Field Team Mental Health Awareness

2018-Present 2018-Present







Languages Arabic - Native Language English - Fluent German - Good 0795490706 15-07-1998 Amman / Jordan

Albawaba Entertainment Editorial Assistant

Good time management allows you to accomplish more in a shorter period of time, which leads to more free time, which lets you take advantage of learning opportunities, lowers your stress, and helps you focus, which leads to more career success. Each benefit of time management improves another aspect of your life.Time management is a presious tool that not everyone posses, with this planner, you will be able to proactively manage your tasks and accomplish daily goals.

for this planner i Thought the best way to make a relaxing, useful planner was to impliment the distinct flower of each month to a send a feeling of tranquility to the user and decrease anxiety and stress level of daily tasks, and i also added a ‘Goals Achieved’ page to encurage the user to set goals and achieve them. i chose the color light pink due to its connection to flowers and plants, which can also give a peacefull feeling for the user.


SKETCHES Coins Obssesed



Open Minded Dark Colors

What makes me me? Army


Social Comfort Over Beauty

Men’s Fashion

For this Fashion project we were asked to design a piece of clothing that represents our personality, the first step i took was making a mind map consisting of my charachteristics, then i made a moodboard based on the mindmap, and last but not least i decdied to design a jacket because i felt it is what represents me the most. in my jacket was half camoufalge to implement my love for the army, and the other half i used black color as it is my favorite colors, and for the design i used mesh fabric to impliment the openness in my personality

In this Typography project i translated ‘IT’ movie poster to arabic, i analyzed each font used and tried to find arabic fonts that matches the enlish fonts used in the original poster. for the title i used the original word IT and Photosoped it so it can look like the word ‘‫’ ات‬. in addition to the movie poster and the DVD cover i also made a sketchbook with arabic and english logos on the cover.

This Arabic Calligraphy project was definitely the most fun to work on, i used the ‘Kufi’ font which is the font of the holy ‘Qura’an’ using this font i wrote the names of my classmates in the and added Islamic decoration on the sides, then i did another different ‘Kufi Murabaa’ design using also the names of the my classmates and it had a square shape. lastly i illustrated the original ‘Qura’an’ font and wrote a verse from the Holy Quraan and wrote my name in addition to my major.

This is My Silk Screen Project, the theme was Artists from the ‘30s’ i chose a very famous Arab celebrity ‘Um Kallthum’ i printed the design progress on a sketchbook so i can figure out my final design, eventually i chose the black color on a gray pillow. Silkscreen Printing is a stenciling method that involves printing ink through stencils that are supported by a porous fabric mesh stretched across a frame called a screen

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