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Fashion designer personal site
Whenever the user enters the site - reminder is changed. The order of contacts depending of the meaning of reminder."Meeting with Vessi" put the home address first. The idea is to encourage people to interact with the author. I want to make the personal brand. Close to the stakeholders.
Customers can see other works by this author
Link to personal blog of the author. Customers can monitor the process of creating the idea. Making of the models.
The beauty of this decision is that the client acquires an idea not just for the real color of the clothing, but the texture of the textile
Customer can see list of stores where the product is available. He/she can make her/himself a profile, and the system will remember the his/hers exact size. It will offer only stores that have that size. Every six months the system will ask if the sizes are still the same.
Color bar. When the client choose color the sketch and the textile change in this color.
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