La sĂŠrie/ le film revisitĂŠs
Emilie Anandappane Timothée Beaudhuin Charles Bouche Quentin Briand Arthur Calles Paul de Planchard de Cussac Louise Diebold Alice Jouhannet Victor Jourdant Pauline Lafargue Kenza Lahlou Caroline Léger Manon Maignan Corentin Malbec Agathe Mombazet Matthieu Martin Romane Maudru Robin Pelour Léandre Robert Alix Rothea JoséphineSalvatelli Sylvaine Sansone Laura Taillard
Emilie Anandappane
Star Wars 2015, 2017, 2019
TimothĂŠe Beaudhuin La Haine
Charles Bouche
La forma della cittĂ La vie au bout des doigts Le ruban blanc John Berger, about time Pour une poignĂŠe de dollars Ueli Steck - Explorers
la vie
For millennia, the look of women body in water has change no more than the look of the sea. In ancient China, this could have been seen. Today scientists estimate that life first appeared on the earth 4 thousand million years ago. The story began with the coming into being of single organic molecules and is reproduced mysteriously by the action of light on certain mineral elements. Then, after many many attempts - and its very hard to avoid the notion of will - the first single organic cells eventually gave brith to something capable of reproduction. So it took 4 thousand million years to produce the form and surface of the human body. Yet the camera records this image in less than one hundred to the second.
Pour une poignĂŠe de dollars
Quentin Briand Hollywood
C ! p a
00,00,00 00,00,00 00,00,00
Arthur Calles Prison Break
Paul de Planchard de Cussac Tiger king
Louise Diebold Un Divan à Tunis
Alice Jouhannet Pierrot le Fou
Victor Jourdant
Le château ambulant
Pauline Lafargue Paris, Texas
Kenza Lahlou/ Sylvaine Sansone The platform
Caroline LĂŠger Shameless
Manon Maignan
The Big Bang Theory
Corentin Malbec Dragon Ball
Matthieu Martin/ Laura Taillard Interstellar
1 : 38 : 50
00 : 20 : 24
Romane Maudru Dark
LĂŠo Pauvarel Zodiac
Agathe Mombazet/ Robin Pelour Inception
Léandre Robert Jane Got A Gun
Alix Rothea Shining
JosĂŠphine Salvatelli Scarface
Mathilde Tosato Vice versa
Mai- Juin 2020 Atelier APV Alexandra Sá- S6 École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture Paris La Villette