Visual thinking help us to

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Visual Thinking help us to…! discuss informa-on sharing, to iden-fy rela-onships between elements, to fill in missing pieces, to develop a joint understanding of mul-ple issues, and to…

Alexandra Etel Rodriguez

“…Envision and Master Plan new communi-es…”

Master Pllan by Alexandra Etel Rodriguez

Site Analysis by Alexandra Etel Rodriguez

Visualize a Strategic Plan

Visual Storytelling Alexandra Etel Rodriguez

“…iden-fy problems and create solu-ons…”

Photo Alexandra Etel Rodriguez

“…foster co-­‐crea-on and innova-on…”

Photo Alexandra Etel Rodriguez

Visualize faster Business ideas

Photo Alexandra Etel Rodriguez

“…PROTOTYPE and TEST IDEAS…” Photo Alexandra Etel Rodriguez

“…develop new Business Models…”

Photo Alexandra Etel Rodriguez

“…Summarize event key ideas…”

Photo Alexandra Etel Rodriguez

Engage Audience

Photo Alexandra Etel Rodriguez

“…create NEW learning environments…”

Photo Alexandra Etel Rodriguez

“…see the essen-al informa-on in just one image.

Photo Alexandra Etel Rodriguez

“…is really nice and didac-c, and reflect the presenta-on’s essen-al informa-on.”

“…es muy bonito y didác-co, aparte de que refleja lo esencial de la ponencia”. Javier Robles Presidente Grupo Danone

“Connect interests & Create synergies”

Photo Alexandra Etel Rodriguez

“…visualize Storytelling, Brand & Customer Experiences

“…share a vision”

Visual Storytelling Alexandra Etel Rodriguez

“…achieve beVer results from teams”

Business applications visual thinking varied human imagination! for

are as



Visual  thinking‌ Â

Please share how ! are you applying ! visual thinking?!

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