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Looks: Dense, crystalized Smell: Not very strong, fruity Taste: Smooth, earthy Good strain for: Headaches and pain

White Widow

Looks: Fluffy buds, deer green, covered in a blankent of trichomes with reddish-orange hairs sprouting out. Smell: Strong, but sweet Taste: Smooth, sort of fruity taste Good strain for: Appetite, anxiety and depression

Big Bud

Looks: Very big, ligth green, fairly, frosty buas with very fine light orange frosted hairs Smell: This bud is really dank smelling, almost musty. Also, has some sweet understones, and occasionally a bit of sour wapts Taste: Sweet with a strong flavor of grases Good strain for: Pain relief

Sour Diesel

Looks: Very darkgreen body with a time of dain orange hairs thoughout, with a fair amount of crystal throug’h out as well Smell: The faint hint of sour grapes or fruit bowl but when broken open it has a DFM smell to it. Faint but thare Taste: Very sour but enjoyable. Very smooth God strain for: Annoying pains

Hollands Hope

Looks: It is known for having purple coloning and dense buds Smell: Fruity aroma Taste: Sweet Good strain for: Lach of appetite and assist with pain management

Purlple Haze

Looks: Dense buds and purple Smell: Extremely aromatic with smells ranging from heady incense to a woodsy Taste: Grape canddy on the inhale and earthy sandalwood incense on the exhale Good strain for: Sever pain, depression

WEED FIELDS Weed Fields Magazine is a publication edited in Chile by WeedFields L.C whose legal representative is Mr. Nice, Santa Isabel 027, Providencia, Santiago. Phone: (56-) 2483956 Mail:


DEALERS Director

Alexa Mansilla

General Coordinator Constanza Ferraro


Alexandra Fonseca

Editorial Assistant Bonnie Henriquez

Design and art director Valeria Rivera


Rafael Diaz Robert Randall Mr. Nice Manuel Lagos Evelyn Matthei Marcel Claude Franco Parisi Alfredo Juan Sfeir Marco Enríquez Ominami Michelle Bachelet Roxana Miranda Tomas Jocelyn Holt Ricardo Israel Zipper Seeds’ Home

SEEDS’ HOME The stores Seeds’ Home is dedicated to preserve and sell marijuana seeds to use only as collective, for cutivation SAG authorization is requiered. Seeds’ Home has the biggest variety of seeds in the country, you can all their purchases on the new website.

Cover Photo Alex Grey


Weed Fields Magazine is a montly publication. This magazine is not responsible for the opinions of its collaborators. The ads are exclusive to the magazine.



Send the request that is at the end of the magazine with your personal data to Santa Isabel 027, Providencia before November 27 and you will be participating for two VIP tickets for the concert and the original CD “Three Little Birds”. GIVEAWAY ON DECEMBER 10 Weed Fields Magazine @weedfieldsmagazine



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STRAIGHT TO YOUR BRAIN The ecstasy and pleasure that marijuana produces has turned the plant in the most consumed illegal drug in the world.

Everyone on their lives has had the curiosity of knowing what it feels like to smoke marijuana; it is really hard to explain the truth about this since the effects of this drug vary in each person, due to their physiolgy, mood and the environment where they are. According to surveys, many people say, that they are afraid of trying the drug because it causes unknowing and hallucinogenic sensations. Bearing this in mind, the purpose of this article is to inform about the possible effects that a person may experience when this drug is consumed. First of all, people should know about the psychological effects of marijuana, the most common is the decrease of sensory stimuli, especially tactile, taste and sonorous, leading the person to have more interest in food and music. Another common effect is having hallucinations, many ideas come to mind quickly, you have perceptions that are not real, as in dreams, making easy to lose concentration and have short term memory. Some people say they have experienced a floating feeling, lightheaded or dizzy, besides of feeling their body heavier than normal weight. Researchers have said that marijuana has similar effects of an energy drink, so people can suffer hyperactivity, impatience, hilarity and loquacity. It is also common to suffer time dilation, people tend to underestimate the time, since it tends to go slower, but obviously, different things happen in each person’s mind. On the other hand, there are physical effects, Truth being said, marijuana only causes harmful effects on those who abuse of this drug, presenting problems such as headaches and nausea, but the common physical effects are pupil dilation, the eyes become red and small, rapid pulse, throat dryness and others. Obviously, when a person smokes marijuana, the smoke enters in their lungs and this smoke has almost the same harmful effects as the snuff smoke but you can also ingest, either on a cake or a glass of milk. You should know that ingesting marijuana in an edible format may cause that the effects take up to two hours to develop and also, you must be careful with how much you get because, if you consume more than what is a “normal” amount of drug you can experience dizziness and vomiting, so, if you want to try marijuana as an edible you must begin to do so in small amounts to get to know the effects that occur in your mind and body.

BAD TRIP Marijuana smokers have a concept called “Bad Trip” which means that a person has had unpleasant experiences with the drug. Sometimes if the individual consumes an overdose of marijuana they may experience anxiety, paranoia, disorientation, agitation, dizziness, tachycardia, and loss of self-control, many people have said they have had severe hallucinations and even suffered fainting. Must be made clear that the effects of marijuana have 2 hours long maximum and such effects do not occur often, if you are a cautious and you know your body you will never live a situation like this.

SHOT OF HAPPINESS You should know that in the world of marijuana not all is bad, many people experience feelings like euphoria, pleasure and relaxation in addition to mood improvement. The effects of this plant help to eliminate stress and live a harmonious life accompanied by laughter. People tend to have more creative thoughts, philosophical and profound, the ideas flow more easily. You may also experience a pleasurable sensation in your body, you can feel a greater connection between your body and your mind, and you can have a deeper connection with the music, many people claim to have changes in their vision such as seeing colors brighter and more vivid. Besides of these sensations, marijuana can relieve pains as headaches and cramps. People such as writers, painters, composers and philosophers say that they feel inspired to be under the influence of this drug because they can appreciate the world in a different way, a situation that favors them to create their works. Finally, we can say that there are people including marijuana as a part of their lives. They smoke in various situations of daily life such as watching television, listening to music, having a conversation with friends or just to break the routine. We cannot judge marijuana smokers because they have good reasons to do it, and if you think about it, why it must be bad something that comes from our mother nature? We leave that question and we invite you to feel this kind of experience, but with caution.

By Alexandra Fonseca.


Some people say that the first time they smoked marijuana is a special occasion, an experience they will never forget, because it provides a sense of relaxation and pleasure. But on the other hand, there are people who have been smoking more than three times to feel the effects of the drug. Most people who smoke marijuana for the first time, tend to have varied hallucinations, since this drug causes an effect called “absence” consisting in loss fragments of memory and forget any activity being undertaken; because of this many people get scared and decide not trying it again. The “absence” is an effect of something that marijuana smokers call “Bad Trip”.


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VACATIONS WILL FLY When we are on vacation comes the big problem that all marijuana smokers have: How can I bring my buds out of town without getting caught? As everyone knows marijuana is illegal in our country. Did you know that if the police catch you with more than 5 grams is likely to be charged with of drug micro-trafficking? Did you know that if you get caught with more than 90 grams can go straight to jail?, Did you know that the amount “legal” you can take with you is just one bud? Well in this article we will give some tips to carry your marijuana freely. Many people have tried but few have succeeded either roadblocks, bus terminal or before boarding a plane, they have been discovered and have started their holiday with the left foot. Think you’ve had a good harvest and have saved your buds throughout the year to give you a holiday full of smoke and laughter but to be able to get yourself out of the city you have to keep in mind many things. Perhaps, as good advisors, we can say you if you will travel by plane we do not suggest you smells to marijuana, either on your clothes or in your wallet. Man’s best friend is not the best friend of a high man, but anyway cute dogs only do its job.


When you are ready to go the following question arises: where is better to carry your buds? So here are some tips you can consider: If you travel by car can be a terrible idea to hide it in the car, either in the trunk or glove compartment, since there are many chances of it being found by the police, so the best option in this case would carry it in your clothes. If you travel by bus or plane you also should follow that advice, it is better to carry the buds in your clothes than in your suitcases since the luggage is always reviewed by others. The other option that you have is send marijuana by aircraft to the place where you go but you must be careful because it is high risk to be taken to prison.

WHERE CAN YOU SMOKE? The most important thing that you must keep in mind when you smoke is that not every people think that smoke marijuana is normal therefore you must avoid congested places of people. Respect others and you will avoid a hard time. Finally it is important to remember that it is good to put next to your buds a paper with your data that says: “For personal consumption of (your name), I.D number, telephone number and address” because of this way the police will only apply the principle of take off your marijuana without take you prisoner.




Purple Mr. Nice Guy is the last type of marijuana that has been created. This plant is the result of the cross between one of our most valued genetic auto-flowering, the “Big Devil XL” and auto-flowering genetics exotic of purple flowers. The purple characteristic of this gene is inherited from their ancestors in the area of Chitral, in Hindu Kush in Pakistan near the Afghan border. The purple genetics brings speed in flowering, sweet aromas and colors purple/pink to this plant. These plants grow with strong stem-like and numerous side branches, a large central bud and less size multiple buds on lateral branches. Resin production is exuberant, sweet and fruity aroma with citrus tones. About 80 % of the plants of this variety are able to have purple or reddish hues during flowering. Once harvested and dried acquire a dark purple color almost black. It is difficult to find in the market since it is a new seed, but is now available in our online store SEEDS ‘HOME at a great price.

DO YOU WONDER ABOUT THE EFFECTS? If you were wondering about the effects of this new plant we can say that is not very different from the others, but to be more specific we leave the following information:

WHAT DO PEOPLE THINK ABOUT THIS PLANT? We ask for comments to the people who have smoked this type of marijuana on our website - - and the answers were: Anonymous said: I could go either way with this one, unless going to sleep right after - it’s not for you. I took during the day to relax but found that it not only completely relaxed me but made my body feel sluggish and slow and all I wanted to do was lay around and eat. I have not tried at night but think this could be a good night time one. I also found it took more flower to get the full effect. Anonymous said: Very great strain. Triceratops said: Smoked this as oil and it was definitely a hit to the face. It was definitely a downer that made me feel tired and relaxed, however in a very content mood. Anonymous said: I love this stuff, it gets rid of my migraine and neck/back pain very quickly with just a couple of hits from the pipe. Other reviews said this stain is a harsh smoke but I did not find that to be true. Smells like grape both before smoking as well as the lingering smell after smoking is more like grape and less like pot. I had no negative effects. I could have slept but didn’t so it isn’t a couch lock strain unless you smoke more than just a few hits. The taste is like a blueberry but more grapey rather than blueberry flavored. I love this stuff, as a medical marijuana user I will continue to use this until I find something that works even better, which will be hard to do I think. Zeuzm08 said: Some really nice and beautiful looking strain. Has a sour yet sweet smell. Put it by the light and see all the trichomes nice and distinctive. Great taste nice green’s. AZCaregivers said: Did not like the smell or feeling. Anonymous said: Laughed all night! Everything seems hilarious.


AlexOnVinyl said: Loved this strain, Here’s a picture I have of it, best I could get at the moment, enjoy! Very harsh smoke with a distinguishing rough taste as well - kind of a more bitter taste like White Widow except a bit more bitter. I’ve been smoking this for a few days now, and it’s successfully put me to sleep like no other. More journal entries (because I didn’t find this strain when I first searched it) 2/14/13 this morning I took a puff of this and to my surprise, it knocked me out. The smoke is very harsh but sent me into a deep medicated sleep, especially when you’re sick. I’m satisfied with it so far. Anonymous said: Very strong bud. This stuff knocked me on my ass and had me locked in my computer chair for days. It was so strong I had to mix it with some other sativa-dominant strain to tone the indica effects down a little. No problem though because this and some Super Silver Haze made a fantastic combination. GREAT bedtime smoke. Gave me munchies like nothing else I’ve ever tried... normally I eat one maybe two times a day. While smoking this stuff I would eat about 4 meals a day plus stacks and late-night dessert. This strain is on my top 10 list. If I had an unlimited supply of this, though, I’d probably sleep 12 hours a day and gain 100 pounds. Ateliergravitas said: I got a quarter of Purple Mr. Nice from the clubs for the first time today via High Tides Delivery in Eureka. The buds were incredibly dense and dank, and one of them was even a cone bud. The high experienced with Purple Mr. nice is relatively pleasant albeit not overpowering; the only downside I can think of is a lot of eye dryness after medicating for a while. * We invite you to test this new plant and leave a comment with your experience on our website. References: html





THE DOUBLE PENALTY HIV positive sentenced to three years and one day in prison for using medical marijuna. Rafael Dias is 45 years old, is HIV carrier and more than 10 years that he is marijuana smoker to treat complications that causes him the disease. In 2001 he was arrested for have marijuana in his house but he was acquitted because he had an alleged judicial permission authorizing him to plant. Everything seemed in order until on March, 2008 things took a turn. After suffering an assault at his home he called the police who upon finding marijuana in the dining room and plants on the garden chose to arrest, again. What at first seemed like a simple simple misunderstanding was complicated by the passage of time and his medical antecedents or legal permission from the courts do not served in nothing, since on Wednesday December 3 the third oral Santiago court issued his judgment and he was condemned by traffic of drugs for three years and one day in prison. To begin to understand more his story we will talk more about his life. Rafael Diaz occasionally smoked marijuana as anyone else but his life changed when he discovered he was HIV-positive, he decided to quit drugs since he had to ingest many medications. During an interview he said in the time that he took medications he was very bad, he felt poisoned and he felt nauseous and dizzy all day. His life took another turn when his friend told him to change the drug by marijuana, and he did, after that event he began planting until 2001 was detained for 53 days, finally prosecutors gave him a permit authorizing him to have plants in his home. Time later Mr. Rafael Diaz had another problem since one day he received a call about a robbery in his house, he decided to call the police and when they were there they noticed marijuana plants that Rafael had in his garden. After that he was arrested again, but this time he returned home three years later Now we will show a small and important part of the interview. Then why did you leave arrested that year? “I was in the center of town when someone called me and said me that someone had come to rob my house. I called the police; they came and were taking my statement at the dinner table. Right there, next to one of the officers had a box with marijuana. They asked me what had the box and I told them the truth. They asked me why I smoke and I said that because I had HIV and had an authorization to smoke marijuana, they asked me if I had more and I showed them all the plants I had in my garden. We continue talking and half an hour later came a lieutenant and said me: “You’re under arrest” How do you explain that you have been condemned by drug trafficking if you were authorized to plant? The argument that the judge used was that I had a lot of marijuana; he said that was impossible that all these plants were just for me. I was condemned for having five kilos of marijuana but counting the trunks, leaves, roots and even land. At trial led to


an expert testifying that the entire plant had THC and thus the whole plant was smokable. Any person who understands the subject knows that is illogical. For me, an expert has to be someone who knows deeply the issue and not a person who reading a flyer from CONACE about how bad that makes the drug. Do not you presented witnesses or any evidence that would show that what the expert said was false? Yes, I presented evidence but the problem was that they did not listen me. They did not listen the arguments of my doctor, they did not listen my witnesses. For the prosecutor I had 5 kilos of marijuana and five kilos of marijuana were 9,000 buds and nobody can smoke 9,000 buds, then, I just had to be a drug dealer. And in that kind of stupid arguments was based their accusation.


THE PATIEN ZERO First person in the United States in getting legal access to marijuana. In this case we have a completely different reality. Robert Randall is known as Patient Zero as it was the first person to get legal access to marijuana. Randall suffered glaucoma at a young age, many doctors said he would be blind, but this never happened, Reason? Marijuana. Randall cultivated their own marijuana for a long time until he was arrested by police. In the judicial process he had many medical tests that determined the substance that helped more for their disease was marijuana. Under this argument he managed to convince tribunals on the use of medical marijuana. So So in 1976, the “Patient Zero” won the case and the U.S. government had to give free marijuana belonging to their own fields of research crops. In 1978 the government established a special program called IDR (New Drug Research) for that some patients could legally access marijuana. In 1981 Randall and his wife created the “Alliance for Cannabis Therapeutics”, devoted to propose reforms to study the therapeutic effects of marijuana could have about AIDS it was another disease affecting Randall. In this way they helped many people suffering from this disease, hundreds of AIDS patient joined the initiative. Robert Randall was the first person to prove at trial the therapeutic potential of cannabis and he received state marijuana until June 2, 2001, the day he died of AIDS. Now we will show a small and important part of the interview. How crucial is your treatment? It’s very important. I cannot quit my remedies and I have to take my medicine smoking a bud because if I don’t do it I feel very bad, I feel upset and a series of effects that due to marijuana I don’t feel it and I can have a normal life.

Who of all the people you’ve seen in this process you recommend it smoke marijuana? The prosecutor would need to smoke a bud to understand some things.

Did you think at some time you were going to win the trial? For the quality of arguments, witnesses and all I thought yes. I came to the delivery of the verdict with a huge smile and the first words I heard were: “It finds the defendant guilty of drug trafficking”, I felt discomfort and discomfort, but eventually I could achieve my goal.



FREEDOM TO GREEN WEED According to the world drug report of 2012 of the United Nation office against drugs and crime, “Cannabis is the most widely illicit substance used in the world, there are between 119 and 224 million of consumers in the entire world and it is still increasing”. Anyway marijuana is still illegal and punishable in most countries, although, this situation is already in a counting down; legalization and decriminalization are words that are on everyone’s lips and in many countries start to take the first steps towards freedom of this soft drug consumption. Holland would become the perfect example and role model for the topic, in this region of the Netherlands, best known as the Mecca of Cannabis, although don’t legalize Marijuana, how is believed, it is tolerated the consumption and sale only into this famous “Coffee Shops”, shops authorized to sell up to 5 grams per person, only to adults. Although decriminalization is closer to being accepted, Uruguay wanted to take a bigger step and go straight to legalization, as well as for production, sale and consumption of marijuana, this project of law law still has to go through the Senate for final approval, but all indications are that this initiative will be succeed.

In USA the federal government continues against the legalization, but many states have already accepted the consumption of Marihuana for recreational purposes, such as Colorado and Washington and 20 other states allow its use for medical purposes. On the other hand, in North Korea is not legalized marijuana, but it’s not illegal. Cultivation, sale and consumption of cannabis are not regulated by the government, nor marijuana considered as a drug. Times have changed, whenever the rejection by this drug is less, little by little it becomes more popular among young people and is more accepted by adults. Portugal showed that with less prohibition, the control of addiction is higher and decreases violence, then, why the weed is still so poorly regarded by much of society?

By Constanza Ferraro.

Within Latin America, along with Uruguay’s breakthrough in the topic, countries like Mexico, Colombia, Guatemala, Portugal, Ecuador, Argentina and Chile have been unwilling to be outdone about decriminalizing personal use in the case of Chile, Colombia, Portug al and Ecuador and consider legalizing weed in order to control their sale, eliminate drug trafficking and violence in the case of the majority. But the case in Chile is quite paradoxical, because it was decriminalized the consumption but not the production and sale.

REFERENCES story?id=20118755

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AROUND THE WORLD Switzerland decriminalized the possession of marijuana:

Until October of this month in Switzerland marijuana had been illegal and kept a complete control of the sale and production of products. Today the situation has changed since that anyone over 18 years old can carry up to 10 grams of marijuana. Strict punishment will be for people who are selling drugs to minors.

France legalized the medicinal use of cannabis:

Marisol Touraine, Minister of Social Affairs and Health in Paris government signed the legal amendment allowing medical use of marijuana. This change eliminated the prohibition of cannabis activities which opens doors to research and development of medical treatments based on this plant, as previously only allowed industrial use.

Iran: Society strictest in the world.

The Islamic Republic of Iran has decided not to execute minors for drug crimes but continue to kill adult traffickers. Minors to which they have been sentenced to death for drug offenses will have to meet his punishment in a different way, this is a life imprisonment. Iran is the country that applies the death penalty to more children; this situation has been denounced by various human rights organizations.

Czech Republic bets on medical cannabis:

Last November, the Czech parliament passed a law allowing the use of medical marijuana for a wide variety of treatments. Although still lacking the last legal proceedings it appears that the final decision will be in favor of marijuana. What catches the attention is the way the law is applied, since during the first year of operation will be the state that will pay to import cannabis to supply patients who may require it. After that is intended to regulate private cultivation. The news is another step forward for the European country, where nor the consumption, nor the size, nor the self-cultivation are not penalized. The Czech citizens can have up to 15 grams in the form of cigarettes and a maximum of 5 plants “decorating” the garden of their home.



Now that the heat is unbearable you can try this delicious ice cream recipe with surprises, I promise until the time the bus will fly.


1/2 liter of milk 5 grams of buds 1 tablespoon vanilla extract

125 grams of sugar 4 eegs yolks


BUDS; before starting select 5 grams from your favorite buds…


...and the buds

2You have to cook the milk to a simmer, stirring occasionally, but not much. The idea is to bring it to the boiling point to extract the cream…


Once you get the cream (2) we combine it with our mixing psychoactive (3, 4, and 5) and stir energetically without fire.

3Meanwhile, to the four

egg yolks we add sugar, without mixing…

4…and then add a teaspoon of vanilla extract…



After all the ingredients are in a container, the mixture must be brought to the freezer for two hours. Then removed, stir energetically for the last time and put back in the freezer for half an hour and is ready.




The Marijuana can also affect the reproductive systems. On men, Marijuana modifies the sperms structure, causing sterility. On women, it can change the menstrual cycle. On people under the age of 18, it could affects intelligence, attention and memory.

AS MEDICINE As an alternate medicine, the cannabis has beneficial effects like amelioration of nausea and vomiting, stimulation of hunger which is important in AIDS, Anorexia and Bulimic patients, intra-ocular eye pressure lowered and analgesic effect, which is important in Arthritis patients and can be used to treat heroine addiction. Marijuana can be used to stop nausea and vomiting by the effect of euphoria. Thanks to dronabinol, a substance Cannabis containts, people who have loss of appetite can use it to stimulate their appetite; it less effective than the traditional treatments, but it works. Cannabis can also relax the muscles tension due to THC and cannabidiol, reducing shaking and spasms. Because of the relaxing effect, the pain is reduced and the person’s mood is improved. All of these are effective in people who have AIDS, Anorexia, Cancer, Sclerosis, Arthritis, Glaucoma, chronic pain, Epilepsy, Depression, Anxiety and other illness. Do not worry about its addictiveness because it is less addictive than caffeine, heroin, alcohol, cocaine and nicotine, the last one is the most addictive. But after all, Marijuana still lacks FDA-approval because it has negative effects, and the positives ones are cover with legal drugs, making it unnecessary. The Cannabis sativa is an annual plant, people have cultivated this plant throughout the history as a source of industrial fiber, oil, food, recreation and what we are going to talk; medicine.

So, Marijuana can be something really fun with friends or alone, but be very careful now that you now the consequences!

By Bonnie Henriquez.

The different components that constitute Cannabis sativa allow it to stimulate the whole human brain. Its effects are slow to appear but their duration is greater. Marijuana’s main active component is THC. The Cannabis affects cerebral receptors related with pleasure, memory, reaction time, alert states, and temporal perception, among others. By influencing these receptors, the drug can cause, among others problems, intellectual functioning decrease, driving abilities decrease and alteration of reality perception. Moreover the effects produced in the brain, the drug can produce physical symptoms: cardiac frequency increase, pulmonary infections (because of the carcinogenic contents on the smoke) dehydration and eyes redness. It also can cause psychological alterations: anxiety, hallucinations, panic, etc. The gravity and intensity of these problems varies according the administrated doses.


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DID YOU KNOW? The exhibition by the New England Journal of Medicine, was taken in 72 countries to 1442 doctors, of whom 76% said they agree to prescribe cannabis in patients with cancer branched.

This was highlighted by an open clinical study conducted at the Hospital Unit of Harvard Medical School. The test was carried out with 40 patients.

HOW TO DO IT? First, whay you need is...

More than three thirds of doctors are agreeing with prescribe cannabis.

THC helps in cases of dementia in older adults.


THC helps in cases of sleep apnea.

A study published by the journal Frontiers in Psychiatry by scientists at the University of Illinois, showed that THC reduces seizure frequency in patients with moderate sleep apnea.

Then fold the paper into 3 parts.

Then, take the paper between your hands and squeeze it to make it like this.

Marijuana was used as a truth serum in the armies of the United States during World War II. In United States marijuana is more sold than Smartphones.

In the market marijuana will always be the winner

THC reduces inflammation caused by allergies.

Studies claim that marijuana decreases the risk of developing diabetes. La investigaci贸n fue dirigida por el Dr. Rajendra Tangirala, co-director del Centro de Investigaci贸n de la Diabetes en la Universidad de California. Lleg贸 a la conclusi贸n de que los fumadores de marihuana tienen un menor riesgo de diabetes.

The University of Bonn through a study found that marijuana applying directly to the skin disminute allergic inflammations.


Put the snuff right in the middle of the paper, with your hands take it and spin it with your fingers.

Starts to close the cigar turning and pressing slowly with your fingers, finally, to paste it pass the tip of the tongue on the paper, just like a letter.




There is a British man who in addition to being a professor of physics, musician, politician, writer, fugitive and spy is one of the greatest legends of marijuana trafficking, his name is Howark Marks, aka Mr. Nice. Mr. Nice did the largest marijuana transactions and he connected with groups such as the CIA, the IRA, MI6, and the Mafia. Marks has a great academic history, he went to Balliol College, Oxford to study physics and there he entered the world of marijuana for the first time, he acknowledges that changed his life and was delighted with the effects of the drug, was that’s when his life changed, and another person appeared, Mr. Nice. Eventually he was giving more value to marijuana; he wanted to give to the world what caused the little leaf. Over time it became one of the greatest representatives distributed and marijuana will, people nickname in many ways, but obviously the most famous nickname was Mr. Nice, people named after their peaceful approach as never use violence in their time of “reign”. Years later, in 1988 he was arrested and transferred to the federal prison in Indiana, United States, was sentenced to 25 years in prison but eventually gave him his freedom 18 years earlier than expected. While he was in prison he wrote his autobiography which was a great sale exist at that time and also film director Bernard Rose created a movie in his name called “Mr. Nice “. Currently Howark Marks is 68 years old, is writing, is married and has four children.




Candidates for president 2014-2017

“Need to train the police, judges and prosecutors, as the Thousands of detainees, very few dealers. Consumers stop all Day, we have a bad drug policy. Today should be a substantive debate about the decriminalization of self-cultivation, for Chileans to exercise their freedom, because it is guaranteed. “

Now we are going to see each candidate’s opinion about legalization read and meditate see who is the best candidate for the presidency. The decision is in your hands!!

“ It’s a really good idea the experiment in Uruguay decriminalization the Sale and consumption of weed, to reduce drug and trafficking and Crime. However drug policy should be elaborate in coordination with other nations in the region, as suggested by the Organization of American States.”

“ We must allow the cultivation for personal consumption or for Medicinal use. The drug policy of the state has been erratic.The repressive approach is a complete failure without accounting for an educational and preventive.”

“We believe in the law of Holland 2 implies that in a restricted environment to prevent overconsumption and also avoid the mob that is generated through the weed.”

“I’m ready to review the effectiveness of our drug policy if what we are doing is right on prevention, education and fight against drug traffickers. In this context it is possible to Re-evaluate whether or not to continue calling weed as a hard drug”.

“I think we should decriminalize marijuana and encourage self Cultivation. This is a hypocritical society. Now is classified as a hard drug, but consider serving as palliation of diseases like cancer.”

Correct the error Bachelet, who was wrong to classify it as one of the most serious drug should not punish the consumer itself legalize self cultivation, which has nothing to do with traffic. My concern is not to define a market value of marijuana or regular business. My concern is to stop arresting thousands of young people every year, as it is now. It is time to distinguish traffic than it is use and possession “.

“We are against the legalization of all drugs, either soft or hard. We believe that if people want to drug rehabilitation in the case of a person of good economic situation can. Although I think you need to add exceptions, for example, for medicinal purposes.” “We are in favor of legalizing weed as medicinal and recreational use. The most important thing is to rescue the market for weed drug trafficking. “

By Valeria Rivera.


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50 PEOPLE THE 50 MOST INFLUENTIAL MARIJUANA SMOKERS IN THE WORLD Perhaps, for many people will result impressive to read all these names because they are celebrities, some of them have an open relationship with marijuana as others not, we invite you to read: 1. Barack Obama 2. Oprah Winfrey 3. Bill Clinton 4. Clarence Thomas 5. Stephen Colbert 6. Jon Stewart 7. Jay-Z 8. John Kerry 9. George Soros 10. Bill Maher 11. Bill Gates 12. George W. Bush 13. Andrew Cuomo 14. Rand Paul 15. Sanjay Gupta 16. LeBron James 17. Rush Limbaugh 18. George Clooney 19. Michael Bloomberg 20. Lady Gaga 21. Brad Pitt 22. Ted Turner 23. Tom Brokaw 24. Michael Phelps 25. Jennifer Aniston 26. David Letterman 27. Morgan Freeman 28. Angelina Jolie 29. Martha Stewart 30. Seth MacFarlane 31. John Hickenlooper 32. Andrew Sullivan 33. Susan Sarandon 34. Conan O’Brien 35. Matt Damon 36. Lincoln Chafee 37. Maya Angelou 39. Sarah Palin 40. Phil Jackson 41. Johnny Depp 42. Madonna 43. Robert Downey, Jr. 44. Bryan Cranston 45. Miley Cyrus 46. Hugh Hefner 47. Rihanna 48. Oliver Stone 49. Rick Steves 50. Snoop Lion (antes Snoop Dogg)


“I smoke marijuana when I compose my song”.. Lady Gaga “Smoking marijuana reveals your own self to yourself”.

Bob Marley

“The marjuana not a drug, it is a leaf”. - Arnold Shwarzenegger “Drugs in my life have had an important role, not only relax, calm down and have a good time, if not also helping me develop creativity and to see the other mensa codad. No marijuana almost pueodo ensure that there would have been Apple Computers” - Steve Jobs

This information is not intended to suggest that to succeed you have to use drugs, marijuana will not make an intelligent, productive nor brilliant person, but you have to know that smoking occasionally will not hurt you or close doors to greater opportunities.



If we talk about who is Manuel Lagos before May 16, for the chileans majority, maybe would be anonymous, although for the artistic results better known for being one of the best producers in the music. On May 16th, while preparing one of the many protest “Cultiva tus Derechos”, demanding a better drugs policy in our country, and also the cannabis legalization, which would be developed on Saturday 18 May, quickly began to circulate the news of two detainees for transgress the law anti-drugs, one of them, singer of “Los Bunkers”, and the other, brother of the renowned TV host, musician, host of the “Festival de Viña del Mar” and radio announcer, Sergio Lagos. These details, explain clearly the great attention that was given to this news from the media. Now as usual, even before the police raided the place, a lot of journalists were outside of the production “Evolución”. Since that moment speculations began, rumors and judgments that these called journalists started quickly to report concepts like: “network traffic”, “famous people involved”, and “kilos of weed”, concepts that make us recall cases such as the renowned actor of Chilean films like “Machuca”, Ariel Mateluna, the radio announcer Matías Vega and the ex reality guy, Francisco Barrena. When this information started to circulate in social networks and in the media, information and details of this news were known little by little. First, the pseudo “network of traffickers” was debunked. It isimportant to say that one of the involved in this story, Álvaro López , was able to travel the same night of the arrest to México, with his famous band “Los Bunkers”, and more importantly, the called “kilos of weed”, were grams. Still, these grams were enough for the public prosecutor in charge of this

case, Christian Toledo, ratified that the amount confiscated was too much for personal use. We all imagine that this case will be one more of the media judgments that some of the familiar faces in our country confront, and it will be just like that, but no, the prosecutor protected by the poorly supported law 20.000 of Ricardo Lagos and aggravated by the government of Michelle Bachelet, the questionable “Reglamento de Drogas”, which classified as equal to Marijuana and Cocaine, determined 60 days remand for Manuel Lagos. Is here when we begin to analyze a lot of details related to this inefficient and unclear law 20.000.

SERGIO LAGOS Like almost everybody, Sergio had known stories related to this issue, but he never imagined that one of these stories will be so closer for him. Is like this, as he never was silent or had afraid by what people will say or with social or criminal charges that could be brought against him, also affecting his public image. Nevertheless, in a few days, he started to analyze and study the details of this case and why his brother was arrested as well as being treated as criminal or as drug dealer and why without irrefutable evidence of the crime as he was charged, his detention was justified. With the support of his family and his friends, Sergio Lagos began to carry out a social campaign around the cause of his brother, Manuel Lagos. Clearly with much more influential contacts that a common citizen had, it allowed a campaign much more massive, with the support of much more adherents who are demanding changed in our drugs laws, not just pointing to future laws: “ For me is so sad that many people in these years has suffered this. I


believe that in addition to reformulate this forward, we should make some sort of compensatory measure of redress. Many people have been stained with the papers and the risk of more complex problems should fall back into a situation of this type, to be processed with a lot more rigidity”.

LAW 20.000 It is true that these days the Law 20,000 has been much discussed, but if we make a little history, we must remember that this law is generated by Eduardo Frei Ruiz-Tagle, but was approved the day February 16, 2005 by the government of Ricargo Lagos Escobar, and is under the government of Michelle Bachelet, when the Marijuana is classified as a hard drug, along with cocaine and cocaine base, which means, according to the same article, they are “substances or narcotic or psychotropic drugs, producing physical or psychological dependence, can cause serious toxic effects or significant damage to health “, definition which is contradicted by scientific evidence. Another controversial point of this regulation is the lack of clarity by not specifying quantities to distinguish between a single consumer and a dea ler, and this same way, the prosecution does not apply criteria that are harmful while trying as a major trafficker or a drug addict who is simple consumer.

JUST FOR ASKING: 42 QUESTIONS TO LAW 20.000 It is not a secret that the 42 sentences have become in the most popular videos in the actuality, and using this popular format, a big group of influential characters, including musicians, journalists and entertainment figures recorded a video, in addition to solidarity with the familiar story of Manuel, they talk about their uncertainties about the Law 20.000, and also the failings of this law. Characters like Humberto Sichel, Pablo Paredes, Francisco Saavedra, Leo Caprile, Matias del Río, Rodrigo Salinas, Carmen Gloria Arroyo, Consuelo Saavedra, Rafael Gumucio, Felipe Bianchi, Juanita

Parra, Iván Valenzuela, Chico Pérez, Manuel García, Blanca Lewin, Nicole, Alejandra Valle, Javiera Parada, Los Bunkers, Héctor Morales, Martín Cárcamo, Rodrigo Guendelman, Katyna Huberman, Begoña Basauri, Eduardo Caces, Daniel Alcaíno, Stefan Kramer, Néstor Cantillana, Francisco Reyes, Joe Vasconcellos, Pato Pimienta, Cecilia Rovaretti, Fernando Milagros, Rolando Jiménez, Nano Stern, Sergio Freire, Pedro Ruminot, Leo Quinteros, Roberto Márquez, Verónica Calabi, Carolina Urrejola, Ana María Gazmuri, Werne Núñez, Los Tetas and Quique Neira, they are who formulate these questions in this video that have almost a million of views on Youtube. Questions like: “Why this regulation gives the same treatment to cannabis and to the heroin and cocaine base?”, “Why the people insist to say that marijuana the gateway drug when they are snuff and alcohol?”, “If with the law 20.000 I can consume, but I haven’t where to get it, where I can obtain it?”, are some of the 42 questions that made this video so famous and discussed.

NOWADAYS The prosecutor Christian Toledo, reported on Friday August 30, the national producer Manuel Lagos, have been sentenced to three years and one day in prison, with probation, after taking responsibility for the crime of drug trafficking. Manuel was two months in detention, after they were found in possession of 630 grams of marijuana. After the trial that was held last Friday August 30, Manuel insists in his innocence of the charges against him, and that is only a consumer and not a dealer, charge for which he was sentenced to three years in prison and also, as Lagos, was the only solution to avoid going to jail. Hans Quinteros (dealer), distributor of the drug, and Manuel Lagos, must pay a fine of 10 UTM and be disqualified from holding public office.

Elephants drunk, drugged cows, cats with hallucinations ... Many people believe that using drugs is a human vice and unnatural behavior, but they are wrong, as we do many animals rely on plants and fungi to stimulate or relieve aches. More than 300 species of animals are drugged and do consciously. For example we have the Wallaby, these adorable animals are addicted to heroin, after trying a dose these start jumping in circles in the poppy fields until fall. The jaguar has a great addition to the leaves of Banisteriopsis caapi, this plant contains a psychoactive chemical that jaguars used to stimulate its senses and improve its ability to hunt. Domestic cats get high with a plant that grows wild in the fields is called “catnip”. Cats take time to get high, since first it reviewed the plant several times and then take the smell and finally chews it. Minutes later we see its belly up and watching the sky.

The phrase “I drive better when I am drunk” apparently is perfect for bats since they consume large amounts of fruit fermented sugars which end up being alcoholic beverages, even so this does not cause problems when flying.

By Alexa Mansilla. To keep talking about alcoholics animal species are going to name the fruitfully, yes, you read that right, a while ago it was discovered that male fruit flies drowns its love sorrows in alcohol, as it consume these substances when a female rejects.

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Materials: A snorkel, a mesh to pipes, a sharp knife or saw, a good adhesive, two nuts of the same diameter or slightly wider than the snorkel tube and sandpaper.

Once cut, you can throw the small side.

You have to put glue around the tip of the snorkel tube.


So looks the snorkel with the first nut adhered.

Now you have to put glue on the edge of the nut that is in the tube.

On top of the nut paste the mesh of the pipe.

Then you need to paste the second nut to the tube, above the mesh.

So looks the tube with the two nuts attached.

Here is our summer pipe, just missing the weeds and a swimsuit.

Cut a piece of the top of the tube to shorten the snorkel.

This step is optional. To facilitate entry of the nut you can abrade the cut tube ends.

Then you press the nut so that it is well adhering. We’re ready for the pool party. Enjoy!



ARIES: Family and love will be focus this week. Be as generous as you can, because karma is often lurking nearby. Perhaps is a really good day to smoke “Haze” because its effects cheer you. TAURUS: Step back, let other people go their way or you can lose friends.” S.A.G.E” is the best option for you to smoke this week because its effects are long lasting and don’t get you anxious. GEMINI: You will have a great love this week; love is next to you maybe you can invite your love and smoking “Blueberry” because its effects make you feel happy and euphoric. CANCER: Follow that way and you will achieve all your goals, this is a good week to get your smoke “Kali Mist” because its effects are strong, long lasting and stimulates your brain in order to have clear ideas. Good Luck!

LEO: This week you need an additional company and a lot of security to avoid insecurities and doubts, this week you can smoke “Vortex” because it inhibits depression and is good for socializing.

SAGITTARIOUS: How much money do you need? A lot? Try to get a job before time runs out. This week you can smoke “Northern Lights” because its effects are strong and keeps you active.

VIRGO: You should think that problems are part of life, try looking at the solution and not the problem; you know what you need to be happy. This week is a good choice smoking “Agent Orange” because it takes away the stress and fear.

CAPRICORN: Be careful. Just try to keep your friends close and you’ll be fine and obviously smoke together. The best weed for this week is “Master Kush” for its relaxing effects, is perfect for keeping a conversation or watch a movie.

LIBRA: Your life is very good right now, you should stick with that spirit and you will keep making great things. “NYC Diesel” is perfect for smoking this week because its effects help to recreation and mood.

AQUARIUS: Your life is boring now, do not let that continue to happen, you have to go out more with your friends, this week is perfect for smoking “Blue Cheese” as its effects produce euphoria and happiness. PISCES: Keep cheerful and positive and people around you will feel the same. Maybe you can fine the true love. You can smoke “Stargazer” since is perfect for share in couple because it causes harmony between mind and body.

SCORPION: Life will put you many obstacles this week, you should relax and be optimistic because after the storm comes the sun, , you can smoke “Cinderella 99” since it eliminates stress altogether.

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