3 minute read
Duwamish Valley Youth Vision Project
Academic Professional Professional
South Park, Seattle, WA 2022 (in progress)
The Duwamish Valley Youth Vision Project allows youth leaders to be the liaisons for the Seattle neighborhood, South Park. community in informing the City of Seattle’s Comprehensive Plan Update. Using the Urban Belonging app provided by Gehl Architects, three youth leaders (Joanne, Sebastian & Maria) are using photovoice and equitable data-gathering processes to collect and analyze community-generated data that will then be provided to the city. Community-generated photographs directly respond to the barriers and opportunities within South Park outlined by the City of Seattle’s Comprehensive Plan Update including: Climate Change, Economic Development, Housing, Parks & Open Space, Transportation, and Growth Strategy. After learning and mastering the app themselves, the youth leaders taught other youth and residents of South Park how to use the app and tell their stories. In the coming weeks, the youth leaders will lead workshops on discussing and analyzing the data gathered. This is a way to tell stories from community members on what they wish to improve, as well as preserve within South Park.
Work closely with local youth leaders to design and frame the study. They also help shape the photovoice study; the prompt and annotations in app. 2
Use photovoice and Gehl App to engage youth leaders and community members in documenting their lived experience.
With data from the app as well as the workshops, maps will be created in GIS to spatially represent the community’s stories and lived experiences. 3

Collectively, the youth leaders will lead community members in workshops to analyze their own data to gain more nuanced insights.

Together, the maps and information will be implemented into a report for the City of Seattle to use as a guide when re-writing the Comprehensive Plan.
Show us the Duwamish Valley through your lens and capture waht is meaningful to you. What would you like to improve, and what would you like to protect in your community? Youth leaders teaching other local youth the app.
Local youth showing us their community via photovoice.
Analyzing data from app in a workshop


Seeing the community through their eyes

The project combines photovoice data (map E) with GIS analysis, showing how ecological, social justice and mobility issues are connected in South Park: Map (A) shows how SP is the only ‘residential area’ in the city enclaved within a industrial zone. Map (B) charts ecological data to show that SP is prone to flooding, is positioned next to industrial shoreline and has many private-owned wastewater drainages on the other side of the river polluting the river. B also shows almost no DWW swales (biofilters) installed in SP. Map (C) shows how SP is connected to the rest of the city via the street grid. Map (D) and (E) show that SP has one of the hightest percentagse in Seattle of people of color and people with income under 200% of the poverty line. C: South Park is poorly connected to the rest of the city, due to bad infrastructure E: South Park has one of highest % people with income under 200% of poverty line

E: Engaging local communities in South Park, member have captured 300+ photos of what they want changed in the neighborhood + what to preserve in SP. South Park