DICTIONARYONLINE The Webtype:siteand Mobile App The industry: Educa�on & Languages Descrip�on: Professional terminological dic�onary by Design Industry. Specialists by graphic, web and communica�on design are applicable for this edi�on. The transla�on is represented in two languages, russian and english. The words and colloca�ons are based on the Cambridge Dic�onary. design/paperback/product-pm8j9v.htmlh�ps://www.lulu.com/en/us/shop/alexandra-chudinova/wordbook

1st Screen

The alphabets and search.

Visitor can buy
2nd Screen the
book and find the detailed menu.

Inside Page
Choosing on the first page the Alphabet, visitor can slide the cards and choose other alphabet.

In the Mobile Applica�on, the visitors can create their dic�onary and be comfortable in searching for the design words and saving in the personal library.

THEATER In this case, I want to represent my skills in analyzing the analogues. toComfortablemanage the tabs The �tle selec�on makes the separa�on between the blocks The header selec�on makes the a�en�on and propor�on for all screen The ac�on bu�on has the right place on the screen. User reads the informa�on on the le� part and take decision on the right The informa�on has neutral colour and readable The air in design The bu�on for booking the �cket and choosing perfomance has a good place on the screen where the logo has place mostly. This ComfortableofShorttakesposi�onthea�en�ondescrip�ontheperfomance. and compact

SALONBEAUTY Web site Man page (slider), clickable inside pages I created two possible design solu�ons in represen�ng client’s service User can take an appointment online and contact with administrators

Slider on the main page

Full web site design

The main page can be scrolled to the sta�c Screens
Virual tour - addi�onal op�on in the sec�on “Palace”

The page with op�on “To buy” the tour

GET WONKY Landing Page 10 Screens The screen scrolling Clickable elements Gif anima�on