(815) 347-6896 alexandrarose608@gmail.com imalexandrarose.com
2012- 2013 Savannah College of Art & Design 1999- 2003 The Evergreen State College
Alexandra Rose Sustainability Professional
Human-Centered Design Research • Group Facilita on •Project Management • AutoCAD 2008-2012 • Microso Office Suite • Adobe Illustrator • Adobe InDesign • Hand Rendering • Space Planning • Product/ Ergonomic Research and Design
M.A. Design for Sustainability B.A. Studio Art & Art History
Work Experience 2007-2012 Architectural Associate HPZS Architects Chicago, IL
Performed cri cal facade inspec ons and wrote reports for repair programs Managed construc on administra on and mee ng minutes Designed elements for high end residen al projects Planned spaces for commercial tenant renova on Created and submi ed successful Request for Proposals Proac vely a ended workshops and con nuing educa on courses to stay current on new building trends and technologies Progressively gained increased responsibili es including project management Was first in office to earn LEED creden als
2006-2007 Architectural Associate Warren Johnson Architects Pala ne, IL
Called a “superstar” by principal architect and earned a 20% raise within first four months of employment Oversaw suburban retail store conversions Created AutoCAD drawings for permi ng and construc on use Obtained building & health dept. permits in suburban and urban municipali es
2004-2005 Residen al Designer Clyde’s CAD & Design Flagstaff, AZ
2011-Present 2009
Appren ced for 6 months before being promoted to Designer Was frequently the most profitable designer in the office, earning several profitsharing bonuses Oversaw high-end residen al projects from schema c design through the permi ng process Worked directly with clients to design and dra new custom homes, addi ons and remodels LEED Green Associate Completed user training for the safe opera on of suspended access equipment
Online Publications The Green Rose Unconsump on, Guest Post
Design Ethos, Guest Post
Sustainable Design Blog, h p://alexandrarose608.wordpress.com, 2013-Present "Altering Percep ons on the Disposable Pen: The Student Led Penterven on", April 23, 2013 "Pizza and Other Slices of Life at Beach High: Pilo ng Frog Designs Collec ve Ac on Toolkit", Feb. 13, 2013