05 hERITAGE Take a ride around town on a Viking classic 13 RoAd Hit the road on one of our sporty racers 23 FIXEd whEEl Single speed for city cycling 29 URBAN/URBAN SpoRT Bikes to get you around town and further afield 37 TREKKING Tear up the trails and enjoy the adventure 43 TANdEMS Grab your partner and take to the street 51 FoldERS & ShoppERS Take your bike anywhere, commuters dream come true
fi rs t e s tabl i s h e d i n wol ve r h am pton i n 1 9 0 8 th e Vi ki n g bran d h as a h i s tor y r i ch i n t h e t rad i ti o n o f to p qu a l i ty road bi ke s t h rou g h ou t t h e ce n t u r y. Q u a l i ty, s ty l e an d d u rabi l i t y h ave al ways be e n t h e h a l l m a r ks o f Vi k i n g Cycl e s. Tod ay ’s Vi k i n g s e m bod y t h ose core qu a l i ti es a n d l o o k to w i d e n t h e ran ge to su i t t h e eve r i n c rea s i n g dem a n ds of ch an g i n g l i fe s t y l e s. for 2013 t h e ra n ge i n c l u des: He r i tage, Road , fi xe d wh e e l , ur ban / ur b a n S p o r t, Tre k k i n g, Tan d e m s, fol d e rs an d S h op p ers a n d E- B i kes. Each m od e l n ow u t i l ize s t h e te ch n i ca l devel o p m en ts o f tod ay ’s m anu fact u r i n g proce s se s an d l i g h twe i g h t tu b i n g. Vi k i n g s taf f h ave som e com bi n e d cyc l i n g kn owl edge of ove r 300 ye ars. we l ive an d bre at h e cycl e d e s i g n , m a nu fa c tu re a n d se r v i ce ; ou r h e r i tage i s w i t h t h e i n d ep en den t c yc l e tra de, w h e re we are t r u s te d an d can be re l i ed o n .
welcome to our world.
57 E-BIKES Ease the strain and let someone else do the legwork
From the moment the company was formed, over 80 years ago, Viking has embraced the needs and aspirations of its customers and translated these into what has become a unique range of cycles.
Today, our designers continue to create cycles that have a style and function unlike any others. New designs are placed in the capable hands of our time-served Brand team, who painstakingly develop every detail of the all Viking cycle models.
The Viking Cycle Company was formed in 1908 by Alfred Victor Davies. Before the turn of the 20th century he worked as a railway clerk in North Wales and was transferred to Wolverhampton.
Some time later a building was acquired in Princess Alley to house the works. Around this time Viking started making frames and so changed a bicycle assembler to a bicycle manufacturer.
Viking Cycles Limited was formed in 1939 when the company produced about 800 cycles a year. After the war, production rose to 2,000 cycles a year and the company decided to form its own road racing team.
In May 1955 it was decided to separate the manufacturing side of the company from the retail outlet.
Proven quality, style and durability have always been the trademark standard of this brand.
He started earning extra money in his spare time by mending bicycles. The railway company found out about his repair business and he was told that he had to give it up immediately or leave the railway. He decided to continue with the business and so he left his job.
Alfred Davies retired just before the Second World War and was succeeded as Managing Director by his son, Reg Davies. He built the business up from a small undertaking in the 1930’s to a large scale manufacturing concern, producing around 20,000 cycles a year.
Bob Thom joined the company as a player-manager for Viking’s first lightweight cycle team and Reg Davies designed a couple of lightweight machines. The Viking road racers were introduced in 1948.
Viking’s first cycling team also included Ben Whitmore and Bill Allen and Bob led the team to victory in the B.L.R.C championship in 1948, 1949 and 1951. Another team member Ian Steele, won what was perhaps their most important triumph when he came first in the first Tour of Britain in 1951. Viking’s name soon became synonymous with racing because of the team’s many successes. Viking had 1,250 bicycle dealers throughout the country supplying club type machines and became one of the premier names in the business.
The bicycles were designed by Reg Davies, who was an experienced club rider and so had the necessary experience to design a good racing machine. Production continued to increase, reaching a peak in 1963 when 20,000 machines were produced with a workforce of around 70. In the mid 1960’s the club-market started to fall but there was an up-and-coming market for children’s cycles.
Reg Davies responded brilliantly to this by designing a children’s machine with a unique frame. As children grow rapidly it was commonplace to buy several different sized machines for a child from the age of 5 to the age of 10.
Today’s Viking has all these qualities and more, the range now encompasses a much bigger selection of types of bike to suit the ever increasing demands of changing lifestyles and modern environments.
Reg solved this problem by designing a juvenile machine in which the frame grew with the rider. This was achieved by using telescopic rear stays and a telescopic seat tube. The idea was very successful and this market soon accounted for three quarters of the company’s turnover.
The Viking range today includes road bikes, trekking bikes, heritage bikes, tandems, folders and shoppers, urban bikes, urban sports bikes, fixed wheel bikes and E-bikes.
Using all the modern technical developments of today’s manufacturing and lightweight materials, the new Viking bikes are ready to face the next hundred years.
retro chic
FEAT URING: 1. Shimano 6 speed Microshift gears
2. Black front basket
With a nod to the good old days of cycling the Viking Heritage range comes packed with technical and practical features that brings retro and modern together. This year’s collection of coloured frames, leather grips and designer look saddles, brings fashion and design to every cycling trip.
3. Town and country ladies frame with a low step over top tube
4. Comes fitted with rear carrier, full mudguards, kickstand, front basket and comfort grips and saddle
2013 sees the return of the Mixte frame, perfect for the stylish rider who likes agility and control. Viking Heritage mixes retro looks and modern technology perfectly.
— Full size mudguards
— Alloy stand for ultimate convenience
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Code: VG200 (16") VG201 (19")
Code: VG202 (16") VG203 (19")
Code: VG02 (16") VG03 (19")
Code: VG207 (16") VG208 (19")
Frame: 26" Wheel ladies frame with a low step over top tube. Fork: Hi-tensile 26" with ovalised blades. Gears: Single speed. Chainset: Single chainset with a painted chainguard. Wheels: Viking 26" alloy rims. Tyres: 26" All black trekking tyres. Brakes: Alloy V brakes with alloy levers. Steering: City style trekking handlebar with close up stem. Saddle: Viking comfort saddle with chrome seat post. Plus: Comfort grips, trekking style pedals and full mudguards. Weight: 16.3kg Frame Sizes: 16", 19" Colour: Pearl White frame and fork.
Frame: 26" Wheel ladies frame with a low step over top tube. Fork: Hi-tensile 26" with ovalised blades. Gears: Single speed. Chainset: Single chainset with a painted chainguard. Wheels: Viking 26" alloy rims. Tyres: 26" Black trekking tyres with gumwall sides. Brakes: Alloy V brakes with alloy levers. Steering: City style trekking handlebar with close up stem. Saddle: Viking comfort saddle with chrome seat post. Plus: Comfort grips, trekking style pedals and full mudguards. Weight: 16.3kg Frame Sizes: 16", 19" Colour: Bright Red frame and fork.
Frame: Town and country ladies frame with a low step over top tube. Fork: Hi-tensile 700c with ovalised blades. Gears: Shimano 6 speed with Microshift rotational gear lever. Chainset: Single chainset with a full chainguard. Wheels: Viking 700c alloy double wall rims with small flange hubs. Tyres: 700c x 38mm All black trekking tyres. Brakes: Alloy V brakes with alloy levers. Steering: City style trekking handlebars with a close up stem. Saddle: Viking brown comfort trekking saddle with chrome seat post. Plus: Brown comfort grips, trekking style pedals, rear carrier, full chromoplastic mudguards, kickstand and black front basket. Weight: 17.3kg Frame Sizes: 16", 19" Colour: Pearl White frame and fork.
Frame: Town and country ladies frame with a low step over top tube. Fork: Hi-tensile 700c with ovalised blades. Gears: Shimano 6 speed with Microshift rotational gear lever. Chainset: Single chainset with a full chainguard. Wheels: Viking 700c alloy double wall rims with small flange hubs. Tyres: 700c x 38mm All black trekking tyres. Brakes: Alloy V brakes with alloy levers. Steering: City style trekking handlebars with a close up stem. Saddle: Viking comfort trekking saddle with chrome seat post. Plus: Comfort grips, trekking style pedals, rear carrier, full chromoplastic mudguards, kickstand and black front basket. Weight: 17.3kg Frame Sizes: 16", 19" Colour: Pastel Pink frame and fork.
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Code: VG204 (19") VG205 (22")
Code: VG206 (18")
Code: VG209 (16") VG210 (19")
Code: VG211 (16") VG212 (19")
Frame: 26" Wheel gents trekking frame. Fork: Hi-tensile 26" with ovalised blades. Gears: Single speed. Chainset: Single chainset with a painted chainguard. Wheels: Viking 26" alloy rims. Tyres: 26" Black trekking tyres with gumwall sides. Brakes: Alloy V brakes with alloy levers. Steering: City style trekking handlebar with close up stem. Saddle: Viking comfort saddle with chrome seat post. Plus: Comfort grips, trekking style pedals and full mudguards. Weight: 16.3kg Frame Sizes: 19", 22" Colour: Black frame and fork.
Frame: Traditional style Ladies frame with a low step over top tube. Fork: Hi-tensile 26" with ovalised blades. Gears: Single speed. Chainset: Single chainset with a full chainguard. Wheels: Viking 26" alloy rims. Tyres: 26" All black trekking tyres. Brakes: Alloy V brakes with alloy levers. Steering: City style trekking handlebar with close up stem. Saddle: Viking brown comfort saddle with chrome seat post. Plus: Brown comfort grips, trekking style pedals, rear carrier, full mudguards and brown front basket. Weight: 16.8kg Frame Sizes: 18" Colour: Pearl Ivory frame and fork.
Frame: Town and country ladies frame with a low step over top tube. Fork: Hi-tensile 700c with ovalised blades. Gears: Shimano 6 speed with Microshift rotational gear lever. Chainset: Single chainset with a full chainguard. Wheels: Viking 700c alloy double wall rims with small flange hubs. Tyres: 700c x 38mm Black trekking tyres with gumwall sides. Brakes: Alloy V brakes with alloy levers. Steering: City style trekking handlebars with a close up stem. Saddle: Viking Comfort trekking saddle with chrome seat post. Plus: Comfort grips, trekking style pedals, rear carrier, full chromoplastic mudguards, kickstand and black front basket. Weight: 17.3kg Frame Sizes: 16", 19" Colour: Pastel Sky Blue frame and fork.
Frame: Traditional style ladies frame with a low step over top tube. Fork: Hi-tensile 700c with ovalised blades. Gears: Shimano 7 speed with a Shimano STI gear lever and Shimano freewheel. Chainset: Single chainset with a full chainguard. Wheels: Viking 700c alloy double wall rims with small flange hubs. Tyres: 700c x 38mm All black trekking tyres. Brakes: Alloy V brakes with alloy levers. Steering: City style trekking handlebars with a close up stem. Saddle: Viking brown comfort trekking saddle with chrome seat post. Plus: Brown comfort grips, trekking style pedals, rear carrier, full chromoplastic mudguards, kickstand and brown front basket. Weight: 17.3kg Frame Sizes: 16", 19" Colour: Black frame and fork.
Ladies single SPEED Pearl White
GENTS single speed Black
ladies single speed Bright Red
ladies single speed Pearl Ivory
La dies 6 SPEEd 700c Pearl White
ladies 6 speed 700c Pastel Sky Blue
ladies 6 speed 700c Pastel Pink
ladies 7 speed 700c Black
dow ntow n
Code: VG213 (16") VG214 (19")
Code: VG215 (16") VG216 (19")
Frame: Traditional style ladies frame with a low step over top tube. Fork: Hi-tensile 700c with ovalised blades. Gears: Shimano 7 speed with a Shimano STI gear lever and Shimano freewheel. Chainset: Single chainset with a full chainguard. Wheels: Viking 700c alloy double wall rims with small flange hubs. Tyres: 700c x 38mm Black trekking tyres with gumwall sides. Brakes: Alloy V brakes with alloy levers. Steering: City style trekking handlebars with a close up stem. Saddle: Viking brown comfort trekking saddle with chrome seat post. Plus: Brown comfort grips, trekking style pedals, rear carrier, full chromoplastic mudguards, kickstand and brown front basket. Weight: 17.3kg Frame Sizes: 16", 19" Colour: Pastel Yellow frame and fork.
Frame: Town and country ladies frame with a low step over top tube. Fork: Hi-tensile 700c with ovalised blades. Gears: Sturmey Archer 3 speed internal gears with rotary shifter. Chainset: Single chainset with a full chainguard. Wheels: Viking 700c alloy double wall rims and 3 Speed internal gear rear hub. Tyres: 700c x 38mm Black trekking tyres with gumwall sides. Brakes: Alloy V brakes with alloy levers. Steering: City style trekking handlebar with close up stem. Saddle: Viking brown comfort saddle with chrome seat post. Plus: Brown comfort grips, trekking style pedals, rear carrier, full chromoplastic mudguards, alloy kickstand and brown front basket. Weight: 18.3kg Frame Sizes: 16", 19" Colour: Pearlised Grey frame and fork.
Code: VG217 (16") VG218 (19")
Code: VG219 (18")
Frame: Traditional style ladies mixte frame with a twin top tubes. Fork: Hi-tensile 700c with ovalised blades. Gears: Shimano 7 speed with a Shimano STI gear lever and Shimano freewheel. Chainset: Single chainset with alloy cranks and a chainring chainguard. Wheels: Viking 700c alloy double wall rims with small flange hubs. Tyres: 700c x 38mm Black trekking tyres with gumwall sides. Brakes: Alloy side pull callipers with alloy levers. Steering: City style trekking handlebars with a close up stem. Saddle: Viking brown comfort trekking saddle with chrome seat post. Plus: Brown comfort grips, trekking style pedals, rear carrier, full chromoplastic mudguards and alloy kickstand. Weight: 16kg Frame Sizes: 16", 19" Colour: Bright White frame and fork.
Frame: Traditional style alloy ladies frame with a low step over top tube. Fork: 26" Hi-tensile fork. Gears: Shimano 7 speed with a Shimano STI gear lever and Shimano freewheel. Chainset: Single chainset with a full chainguard. Wheels: Viking 26" Alloy rims with small flange alloy hubs. Tyres: 26 x 1.75" Black trekking tyres with gumwall sides. Brakes: Alloy V brakes with alloy levers. Steering: City style trekking handlebars with a close up stem. Saddle: Viking brown comfort trekking saddle with chrome seat post. Plus: Brown comfort grips, trekking style pedals, rear carrier, full chromoplastic mudguards, alloy kickstand and brown front basket. Weight: 15.5kg Frame Sizes: 18" Colour: Lilac frame and fork.
ladies 7 speed 700c Pastel Yellow
ladies 7 speed 700c Bright White
ladies 3 speed 700c Pearlised Grey
ladies 7 SPEEd 26" wheel Lilac
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go the distance
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1. Viking road saddle with micro adjust seatpost
2. Viking 700c 36 hole double wall rims, carbon fibre fork and quick release hubs
— Shimano Sora 18 speed gears with STI dual control levers
Viking bikes heritage was born on the road, with teams winning major events from 1948 and in 1951 taking the tour of Britain first place.
3. Lightweight alloy tubing with road geometry and mudguard clearance
4. Alloy cranks with cartridge BB
You don’t need to be a pro racer to enjoy the lightweight feeling of a road bike. You will get the rush from every commute or weekend jaunt and as soon as the miles start flying by you will start to feel like a pro race winner. — Alloy A-head stem
Viking bikes will come this year with all the technology you will need to compete in the urban race. The range this year is fitted with the latest STI changers and even carbon forks on some models, all built to make the Viking road bikes into mile eaters.
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Code: VG273 (30cm)
Code: VG274 (35cm)
Code: VG279 (35cm)
Code: VG280 (53cm) VG281 (56cm) VG282 (59cm)
Frame: Hi-tensile tubing, road geometry and mudguard clearance. Fork: 20" Hi-tensile fork. Gears: Shimano 14 speed gears with Shimano stem shift control levers. Chainset: Double road 34/42T chainset with chainring chainguard. Wheels: Viking 20" double wall alloy silver rims with small flange hubs. Tyres: 20" x 28c All black road tyres. Brakes: Alloy side pull calliper brakes with alloy road levers. Steering: 350mm Road handlebar with Promax black stem. Saddle: Viking road saddle with black seat post. Plus: Black handlebar tape. Weight: 11.4kg Frame Sizes: 30cm (12") Inside leg measurement 20–25" Colour: Bright Yellow frame and Black fork.
Frame: Hi-tensile tubing, road geometry and mudguard clearance. Fork: 24" Hi-tensile fork. Gears: Shimano 14 speed gears with Shimano handlebar mount control levers. Chainset: Double road 38/48T chainset with chainring chainguard. Wheels: Viking 24" double wall alloy silver rims with small flange hubs. Tyres: 24" x 28c All black road tyres. Brakes: Alloy side pull calliper brakes with alloy road levers. Steering: 380mm Road handlebar with Promax black stem. Saddle: Viking road saddle with black seat post. Plus: Black handlebar tape. Weight: 12.7kg Frame Sizes: 35cm (14") Colour: Bright Yellow frame and Black fork.
Frame: Lightweight alloy tubing, road geometry and mudguard clearance. Fork: 24" Hi-tensile fork. Gears: Shimano 14 speed gears with Shimano handlebar mount control levers. Chainset: Double chainset 38/48 with chainring chainguard. Wheels: Viking 24" 36 hole double wall alloy rims. Tyres: 24" x 28c All black road tyres. Brakes: Promax alloy side pull with alloy levers. Steering: Road handlebar with Promax alloy ahead stem. Saddle: Viking road saddle with black seat post. Plus: Black handlebar tape. Weight: 11.6kg Frame Sizes: 35cm (14") Colour: Black frame and Neon Green fork.
Frame: Lightweight alloy tubing, road geometry, mudguard clearance, and bottle bosses. Fork: 700c Hi-tensile fork with mudguard clearance. Gears: Shimano 14 speed gears with Shimano SL-A050 handlebar mount control levers and Shimano 7 speed freewheel. Chainset: Prowheel double 42/52, chainring chainguard and a cartridge BB set. Wheels: Viking 700c 36 hole double wall rims. Tyres: 700c x 23 All black road tyres. Brakes: Promax alloy side pull with alloy levers. Steering: Promax road handlebar with Promax alloy ahead stem. Saddle: Viking road saddle with black micro adjust seat post. Plus: Black handlebar tape. Weight: 12.25kg Frame Sizes: 53cm, 56cm, 59cm Colour: Black frame and Neon Green fork.
Code: VG275 (53cm) VG276 (56cm) VG277 (59cm)
Code: VG278 (30cm)
Code: VG285 (53cm) VG286 (56cm) VG287 (59cm)
Code: VG309 (53cm) VG310 (56cm) VG311 (59cm)
Frame: Hi-tensile tubing road geometry, mudguard clearance and bottle bosses. Fork: 700c Hi-tensile fork with mudguard clearance. Gears: Shimano 14 speed gears with Shimano SL-A050 handlebar mount control levers. Chainset: Double road 38/48T chainset with chainring chainguard. Wheels: Viking 700c 36 hole double wall alloy rims with small flange hubs. Tyres: 700c All black road tyres. Brakes: Alloy side pull with alloy levers. Steering: Promax 410mm road handlebar with Promax alloy stem. Saddle: Viking road saddle with black seat post. Plus: Black handlebar tape. Weight: 13.4kg Frame Sizes: 53cm, 56cm, 59cm Colour: Bright Yellow frame and Black fork.
Frame: Lightweight alloy tubing, road geometry and mudguard clearance. Fork: 20" Hi-tensile fork. Gears: Shimano 14 speed gears with Shimano stem shift control levers. Chainset: Double chainset 34/42 with chainring chainguard. Wheels: Viking 20" 36 hole double wall alloy rims with quick release front hub. Tyres: 20" x 28c All black road tyres. Brakes: Promax alloy side pull with alloy levers. Steering: 350mm Road handlebar with Promax alloy ahead stem. Saddle: Viking road saddle with black seat post. Plus: Black handlebar tape. Weight: 10.7kg Frame Sizes: 30cm (12") Inside leg measurement 20–25" Colour: Black frame and Neon Green fork.
Frame: Lightweight alloy tubing, road geometry, mudguard clearance and bottle bosses. Fork: 700c Hi-tensile fork with mudguard clearance. Gears: Shimano 14 speed gears with Shimano SL-A050 handlebar mount control levers and Shimano 7 speed freewheel. Chainset: Prowheel double 42/52, chainring chainguard and a cartridge BB set. Wheels: Viking 700c 36 hole high double wall rims and small flange hubs. Tyres: 700c x 23 All black road tyres. Brakes: Promax alloy side pull with alloy levers. Steering: Promax road handlebar with Promax alloy ahead stem. Saddle: Viking road saddle with black micro adjust seat post. Plus: Black handlebar tape. Weight: 12.25kg Frame Sizes: 53cm, 56cm, 59cm Colour: White frame and Black fork.
Frame: Lightweight alloy tubing, road geometry, mudguard clearance and bottle bosses. Fork: 700c Hi-tensile fork with mudguard clearance. Gears: Shimano 14 speed gears with Shimano down tube control levers and Shimano 7 speed freewheel. Chainset: Shimano A050, 42/52 and a cartridge BB set. Wheels: Viking 700c 36 hole high double wall rims and KT small flange hubs. Tyres: 700c x 23 All black road tyres. Brakes: Alloy side pull dual pivot brakes with alloy levers. Steering: Promax road handlebar with Promax alloy ahead stem and low stack ahead headset. Saddle: Viking road saddle with alloy micro adjust seat post. Plus: Black handlebar tape and resin pedals with toe clips and straps. Weight: 12.2kg Frame Sizes: 53cm, 56cm, 59cm Colour: Apple Green frame and Black fork.
boys 14 S PEEd 20" wheel Bright Yellow
gents 14 SPEEd 700c Bright Yellow
boys 14 SPEEd 24" wheel Bright Yellow
boys 14 SPEEd 20" wheel Black
boys 14 SPEEd 24" wheel Black
gents 14 speed 700c White
gents 14 SPEEd 700c Black
gents 14 speed 700c Apple Green
Code: VG308 (35cm)
Code: VG288 (53cm) VG289 (56cm) VG290 (59cm)
Code: VG296 (53cm) VG297 (56cm) VG298 (59cm)
Code: VG302 (53cm) VG303 (56cm) VG304 (59cm)
Frame: Lightweight alloy tubing, road geometry, mudguard clearance and bottle bosses. Fork: 24" Hi-tensile fork with mudguard clearance. Gears: Shimano 14 speed gears with Shimano STI levers and Shimano 7 speed freewheel. Chainset: Prowheel 38/48 chainset and a cartridge BB set. Wheels: Viking 24" 36 hole high double wall rims and KT quick release front hub. Tyres: 24" x 28c All black road tyres. Brakes: Alloy side pull dual pivot brakes with alloy levers. Steering: Promax 380mm alloy road handlebar with Promax alloy ahead stem and low stack ahead headset. Saddle: Viking road saddle with alloy micro adjust seat post. Plus: Black handlebar tape and resin pedals with toe clips and straps. Weight: 11.9kg Frame Sizes: 35cm (14") Colour: White frame and Black fork.
Frame: Lightweight alloy tubing, road geometry, mudguard clearance and bottle bosses. Fork: 700c Hi-tensile fork with mudguard clearance. Gears: Shimano 14 speed gears with Shimano STI levers and Shimano 7 speed freewheel. Chainset: Prowheel 42/52 chainset and a cartridge BB set. Wheels: Viking 700c 36 hole high double wall rims and KT quick release front hub. Tyres: 700c x 23 All black road tyres. Brakes: Alloy side pull dual pivot brakes with alloy levers. Steering: Promax alloy road handlebar with Promax alloy ahead stem and low stack ahead headset. Saddle: Viking road saddle with alloy micro adjust seat post. Plus: Black handlebar tape and resin pedals with toe clips and straps. Weight: 12kg Frame Sizes: 53cm, 56cm, 59cm Colour: White frame and Black fork.
Frame: Lightweight alloy tubing, road geometry and mudguard clearance. Fork: 700c Hi-tensile fork with mudguard clearance. Gears: Shimano 16 speed gears with Shimano STI dual control levers and an 8 speed Shimano 12/23T cassette freewheel. Chainset: Shimano A050, 42/52 and a cartridge BB set. Wheels: Viking double wall alloy rims with alloy quick release hubs and black spokes. Tyres: 700c x 23 All black road tyres. Brakes: Alloy side pull dual pivot brakes with alloy levers. Steering: Promax alloy road handlebar with Promax Alloy ahead stem. Saddle: Viking road saddle with micro adjust alloy seat post. Plus: Black handlebar tape and resin road pedals with toe clips and straps. Weight: 11.8kg Frame Sizes: 53cm, 56cm, 59cm Colour: White frame and Orange fork.
Frame: Lightweight alloy tubing, road geometry and mudguard clearance. Fork: 700c Carbon fibre fork. Gears: Shimano 16 speed gears with Shimano STI dual control levers and an 8 speed Shimano 12/23T cassette freewheel. Chainset: Shimano A050, 42/52 and a cartridge BB set. Wheels: Viking 700c 36 hole double wall alloy rims with alloy quick release hubs and black spokes. Tyres: 700c x 23 All black road tyres. Brakes: Alloy side pull dual pivot brakes with alloy levers. Steering: Promax alloy road handlebar with Promax Alloy ahead stem. Saddle: Viking road saddle with micro adjust alloy seat post. Plus: Black handlebar tape and resin road pedals with toe clips and straps. Weight: 10.9kg Frame Sizes: 53cm, 56cm, 59cm Colour: Bright Blue frame and Black fork.
Code: VG291 (47cm) VG292 (53cm)
Code: VG293 (53cm) VG294 (56cm) VG295 (59cm)
Code: VG305 (53cm) VG306 (56cm) VG307 (59cm)
Code: VG299 (53cm) VG300 (56cm) VG301 (59cm)
Frame: Lightweight alloy tubing, ladies road geometry and mudguard clearance. Fork: 700c Hi-tensile fork with mudguard clearance. Gears: Shimano 14 speed gears with Shimano STI levers and Shimano 7 speed freewheel. Chainset: Prowheel 42/52 chainset and a cartridge BB set. Wheels: Viking 700c 36 hole high double wall rims with KT quick release front hub. Tyres: 700c x 23 All black road tyres. Brakes: Alloy side pull dual pivot brakes with alloy levers. Steering: Promax alloy road handlebar with Promax alloy ahead stem and low stack ahead headset. Saddle: Viking road saddle with alloy micro adjust seat post. Plus: White handlebar tape and resin pedals with toe clips and straps. Weight: 12kg Frame Sizes: 47cm, 53cm Colour: Bright White frame and fork.
Frame: Lightweight alloy tubing, road geometry, mudguard clearance and bottle bosses. Fork: 700c Carbon fibre fork. Gears: Shimano 14 speed gears with Shimano STI levers and Shimano 7 speed freewheel. Chainset: Prowheel 42/52 chainset and a cartridge BB set. Wheels: Viking 700c 36 hole high double wall rims and KT quick release front hub. Tyres: 700c x 23 All black road tyres. Brakes: Alloy side pull dual pivot brakes with alloy levers. Steering: Alloy road handlebar with Promax alloy ahead stem and low stack ahead headset. Saddle: Viking road saddle with alloy micro adjust seat post. Plus: Black handlebar tape and resin pedals with toe clips and straps. Weight: 11.1kg Frame Sizes: 53cm, 56cm, 59cm Colour: Black frame and Carbon Black fork.
Frame: Lightweight alloy tubing, road geometry and mudguard clearance. Fork: 700c Carbon fibre fork. Gears: Shimano Sora 18 speed gears with Shimano STI dual control levers and a 9 speed Shimano 12/25T cassette freewheel. Chainset: Prowheel 53/39T double chainset with alloy cranks and a cartridge BB set. Wheels: Viking 700c 36 hole double wall alloy rims with alloy quick release hubs and black spokes. Tyres: 700c x 23 All black road tyres. Brakes: Alloy dual pivot side pull with Shimano alloy levers. Steering: Zoom oversize alloy road handlebar with a zoom oversize alloy ahead stem. Saddle: Viking road saddle with micro adjust alloy seat post. Plus: Black handlebar tape and resin road pedals with toe clips and straps. Weight: 10.7kg Frame Sizes: 53cm, 56cm, 59cm Colour: Bright White frame and Carbon Black fork.
Frame: Lightweight alloy tubing, road geometry and mudguard clearance. Fork: 700c Hi-tensile fork with mudguard clearance. Gears: Shimano 24 speed gears with Shimano STI dual control levers and a Shimano 12/23, 8 speed cassette freewheel. Chainset: 52/42/30T Triple chainset with alloy cranks and a cartridge BB set. Wheels: Viking 700c 36 hole black double wall alloy rims with CNC sides, KT alloy quick release hubs and black spokes. Tyres: 700c x 23c All black road tyres. Brakes: Promax alloy dual pivot side pull with Shimano alloy levers. Steering: Promax alloy road handlebar with alloy ahead stem. Saddle: Viking road saddle with micro adjust alloy seat post. Plus: Low stack cartridge headset, black handlebar tape and resin road pedals with toe clips and straps. Weight: 12.5kg Frame Sizes: 53cm, 56cm, 59cm Colour: Platinum Grey frame and fork.
boys 14 SPEEd STI 24" wheel White
ladies 14 SPEEd STI 700c Bright White
gents 14 SPEEd STI 700c White
gents 14 SPEEd STI 700c Black
gents 16 SPEEd STI 700c White
gents 18 speed STI 700c Bright White
gents 16 SPEEd STI 700c Bright Blue
gents 24 speed STI 700c Platinum Grey
gents 16 SPEEd EZ-FIRE 700c Black Code: VG312 (53cm) VG313 (56cm) VG314 (59cm)
Frame: Lightweight alloy tubing, road geometry and mudguard clearance. Fork: 700c Hi-tensile fork with mudguard clearance. Gears: Shimano 16 speed gears with Shimano ST-221 EZ-Fire shifters and an 8 speed 12/23T cassette freewheel. Chainset: Shimano A050, 39/53 and a cartridge BB set. Wheels: Viking double wall alloy rims with alloy quick release hubs and black spokes. Tyres: 700c x 28 All black road tyres. Brakes: Alloy side pull dual pivot brakes with alloy levers. Steering: Promax alloy flat handlebar with Promax alloy ahead stem and low stack headset. Saddle: Viking road saddle with micro adjust alloy seat post. Plus: Viking comfort grips and resin road pedals with toe clips and straps. Weight: 12kg Frame Sizes: 53cm, 56cm, 59cm Colour: Black frame and fork.
gents 16 SPEEd EZ-FIRE 700c White Code: VG315 (53cm) VG316 (56cm) VG317 (59cm)
Frame: Lightweight alloy tubing, road geometry and mudguard clearance. Fork: 700c Carbon fibre fork. Gears: Shimano 16 speed gears with Shimano ST-221 EZ-Fire shifters and an 8 speed Shimano 12/23T cassette freewheel. Chainset: Shimano A050, 39/53 and a cartridge BB set. Wheels: Viking double wall alloy rims with alloy quick release hubs and black spokes. Tyres: 700c x 28 All black road tyres. Brakes: Alloy side pull dual pivot brakes with alloy levers. Steering: Promax alloy flat handlebar with Promax alloy ahead stem and low stack headset. Saddle: Viking road saddle with micro adjust alloy seat post. Plus: Viking comfort grips and resin road pedals with toe clips and straps. Weight: 12.5kg Frame Sizes: 53cm, 56cm, 59cm Colour: White frame and Carbon Black fork.
f ix ed wheel
city slicker
f i x ed w heel
f ix ed wheel
1. Monte Grappa retro leather road saddle with micro adjust seat post
2. Matching retro handlebar tape
— Traditional look and feel of the early viking road bikes, but with modern parts and construction
Fixed wheel, single speed or Fixie, it doesn’t matter what you call it, but what happens when you ride it you start to feel at one with the bike. Viking Fixed Wheel bikes come with an uncomplicated approach to cycling, but have the essentials to add a touch of cool.
3. Viking heritage head badge, Promax side pull brakes
4. White coloured KMC Z510 chain
All Viking bikes come with a Flip Flop hub so you can set it as a fixed or free wheel. Retro look decals on the Race and Trackmaster hark back to the glory days of Viking racing heritage. So if you’re looking at a city slick road racer with control and simplicity, the Viking Fixies are perfect.
— Flip Flop hub, for fixed or freewheel riding
clubm aster
tr ackm aster FI XED wheel
Code: VK4453 (53cm) VK4456 (56cm) VK4459 (59cm)
Code: VK40.53 (53cm) VK40.56 (56cm) VK40.59 (59cm)
Code: VK4353 (53cm) VK4356 (56cm) VK4359 (59cm)
Frame: Hi-tensile tubing with retro road bike geometry. Fork: 700c Hi-tensile fork with straight blades. Gears: Shimano 14 speed A050 gears, Shimano A050 gear levers, cartridge BB set, Shimano 7 speed freewheel and KMC chain. Chainset: Shimano FC-A050 53/39T with 170mm alloy cranks and a cartridge BB set. Wheels: Viking 700c silver double wall alloy rims with alloy 36 hole quick release hubs. Tyres: Kenda K191 700 x 23c black. Brakes: Promax alloy dual pivot side pull brakes with Promax alloy BL-250 road levers. Steering: Promax HB-2035, 440mm Road handlebars and alloy ahead stem. Saddle: Monte Grappa retro leather road saddle with an alloy micro adjust seat post. Plus: Alloy pedals. Weight: 12.2kg Frame Sizes: 53cm, 56cm, 59cm Colour: Bright Red frame and fork.
Frame: Hi-tensile tubing with urban single speed geometry. Fork: 700c Hi-tensile fork with straight blades. Gears: Single speed with 18T fixed cog, 16T freewheel and KMC Z510 chain. Chainset: Dotek 44T with alloy cranks and a cartridge BB set. Wheels: Viking 700c silver double wall alloy rims with Joytech alloy 36 hole hubs and a flip flop rear hub. Tyres: Kenda 700 x 23c black. Brakes: Promax alloy dual pivot side pull brakes with Promax alloy BL46 trekking levers. Steering: HL alloy semi riser 600mm handlebars and alloy ahead stem. Saddle: Sports trekking saddle with an alloy micro adjust seat post. Plus: Alloy pedals. Weight: 12kg Frame Sizes: 53cm, 56cm, 59cm Colour: Black frame and fork.
Frame: Hi-tensile tubing with road single speed geometry. Fork: 700c Hi-tensile fork with straight blades. Gears: Single speed with 16T fixed cog, 16T freewheel and KMC Z510 chain. Chainset: Dotek 44T with alloy cranks and a cartridge BB set. Wheels: Viking 700c silver double wall alloy rims with Joytech alloy 36 hole hubs and a flip flop rear hub. Tyres: Kenda 700 x 23c black. Brakes: Promax alloy dual pivot side pull brakes with Promax alloy BL-159A road levers. Steering: Promax HB-T323 435mm track handlebars and alloy ahead stem. Saddle: Monte Grappa retro leather road saddle with an alloy micro adjust seat post. Plus: Alloy pedals. Weight: 12.2kg Frame Sizes: 53cm, 56cm, 59cm Colour: Black frame and fork.
road F IX E D w heel
race ma ster FIXED w heel
Code: VK41.53 (53cm) VK41.56 (56cm) VK41.59 (59cm)
Code: VK4253 (53cm) VK4256 (56cm) VK4259 (59cm)
Frame: Hi-tensile tubing with road single speed geometry. Fork: 700c Hi-tensile fork with straight blades. Gears: Single speed with 18T fixed cog, 16T Freewheel and KMC Z510 chain. Chainset: Dotek 44T with alloy cranks and a cartridge BB set. Wheels: Viking 700c silver double wall alloy rims with Joytech alloy 36 hole hubs and a flip flop rear hub. Tyres: Kenda 700 x 23c black. Brakes: Promax alloy dual pivot side pull brakes with Promax alloy BL-250 Road levers. Steering: Promax HB-2035 440mm road handlebars and alloy ahead stem. Saddle: Sports trekking saddle with an alloy micro adjust seat post. Plus: Alloy pedals. Weight: 12kg Frame Sizes: 53cm, 56cm, 59cm Colour: Black frame and fork.
Frame: Hi-tensile tubing with road single speed geometry. Fork: 700c Hi-tensile fork with straight blades. Gears: Single speed with 18T fixed cog, 16T freewheel and KMC Z510 chain. Chainset: Dotek 44T with alloy cranks and a cartridge BB set. Wheels: Viking 700c silver double wall alloy rims with Joytech alloy 36 hole hubs and a flip flop rear hub. Tyres: Kenda 700 x 23c black. Brakes: Promax alloy dual pivot side pull brakes with Promax alloy BL-250 Road levers. Steering: Promax HB-2035 440mm road handlebars and alloy ahead stem. Saddle: Monte Grappa retro leather road saddle with an alloy micro adjust seat post. Plus: Alloy pedals. Weight: 12.4kg Frame Sizes: 53cm, 56cm, 59cm Colour: Sky Blue frame and fork.
gents 14 SPEEd 700c Bright Red
gents single SPEEd 700c Black
gents single SPEEd 700c Black
gents single SPEEd 700c Sky Blue
gents single SPEEd 700c Black
urb an / urb an sport
escape to the city
u R Ba N / uR B a N Spo RT
uRBaN / uRBaN SpoRT
FEAT URING: 1. Sports geometry frame design
2. lightweight sport trekking saddle
— Shimano 21 Speed, STI control, EZ-Fire plus levers
3. Trekking style pedals
Blending the speed and agility of a road racing bike with the comfort of a trekking bike, gives you the unique combination of Urban Sport. This is a bike that will make the commute to work or the trip into town for shopping seem more of an adventure.
4. Alloy adjustable stem with lo-rise handlebars
Viking Urban bikes offer comfort and speed along with the components, style and build quality you can expect from a brand with such great history.
— hybrid sports geometry alloy frame
Code: VG251 (19") VG252 (22")
Code: VG249 (16") VG250 (19")
Code: VG258 (18") VG259 (20") VG260 (22")
Code: VG261 (18") VG262 (20") VG263 (22")
Frame: Hi-tensile tubing with urban sports geometry. Fork: 700c Hi-tensile trekking with straight blades. Gears: Shimano 21 speed with STI control, EZ-Fire Plus levers and a Shimano 7 speed freewheel. Chainset: Triple chainset with alloy crank arms and chainring chainguard. Wheels: Viking 700c double wall alloy 36 hole rims with alloy hubs. Tyres: 700c x 38mm All black trekking tyres. Brakes: Alloy V brakes with Shimano alloy levers. Steering: Hi-rise handlebar with an alloy adjustable ahead stem. Saddle: Viking sports trekking design saddle with a black seat post. Plus: Comfort grips and trekking pedals. Weight: 13.6kg Frame Sizes: 19", 22" Colour: Matt White frame and fork.
Frame: Hi-tensile tubing with urban sports geometry and a low step over top tube. Fork: 700c Hi-tensile trekking with straight blades. Gears: Shimano 21 speed with STI control, EZ-Fire Plus levers and a Shimano 7 speed freewheel. Chainset: Triple chainset with alloy crank arms and chainring chainguard. Wheels: Viking 700c double wall alloy 36 hole rims with alloy hubs. Tyres: 700c x 38mm All black trekking tyres. Brakes: Alloy V brakes with Shimano alloy levers. Steering: Hi-rise handlebar with an alloy adjustable ahead stem. Saddle: Viking sports trekking design saddle with a black seat post. Plus: Comfort grips and trekking pedals. Weight: 13.6kg Frame Sizes: 16", 19" Colour: Matt White frame and fork.
Frame: Lightweight alloy tubing with urban sports geometry and a replaceable rear drop out. Fork: 700c trekking with straight blades. Gears: Shimano Acera 24 speed with STI control, EZ-Fire Plus levers and a Shimano 8 speed cassette freewheel. Chainset: Shimano FCM-171 triple with alloy crank arms, chainring chainguard and a cartridge BB set. Wheels: Viking 700c double wall alloy rims with alloy quick release hubs. Tyres: 700c x 38mm All black trekking tyres. Brakes: Alloy V brakes with Shimano alloy levers. Steering: Hi-rise handlebar with an alloy adjustable ahead stem. Saddle: Viking sports trekking saddle with an alloy micro adjust seat post. Plus: Dual density trekking pedals. Weight: 12.5kg Frame Sizes: 18", 20", 22" Colour: Matt Silver frame and fork.
Frame: Lightweight alloy tubing with urban sports geometry and replaceable rear drop out. Fork: 700c Hi-tensile trekking with disc mount. Gears: Shimano 21 speed with STI control, EZ-Fire Plus levers and a Shimano 7 speed freewheel. Chainset: Shimano FCM-131 triple with alloy crank arms, chainring chainguard and a cartridge BB set. Wheels: Viking 700c double wall alloy rims with alloy quick release disc hubs. Tyres: 700c x 38mm All black trekking tyres. Brakes: Promax mechanical disc brakes with Shimano alloy levers. Steering: Hi-rise handlebar with an alloy adjustable ahead stem. Saddle: Viking sports trekking saddle with an alloy micro adjust seat post. Plus: Trekking pedals. Weight: 12.5kg Frame Sizes: 18", 20", 22" Colour: Matt Black frame and fork.
p imlico
Code: VG255 (18") VG256 (20") VG257 (22")
Code: VG253 (15") VG254 (18")
Code: VG264 (18") VG265 (20") VG266 (22")
Code: VG267 (18") VG268 (20") VG269 (22")
Frame: Lightweight alloy tubing with urban sports geometry and replaceable rear drop out. Fork: 700c Hi-tensile trekking with straight blades. Gears: Shimano 21 speed with STI control, EZ-Fire Plus levers and a Shimano 7 speed freewheel. Chainset: Shimano FCM-131 triple with alloy crank arms, chainring chainguard and a cartridge BB set. Wheels: Viking 700c double wall alloy rims with alloy quick release hubs. Tyres: 700c x 38mm All black trekking tyres. Brakes: Alloy V brakes with Shimano alloy levers. Steering: Hi-rise handlebar with an alloy adjustable ahead stem. Saddle: Viking sports trekking saddle with an alloy micro adjust seat post. Plus: Trekking pedals. Weight: 12.5kg Frame Sizes: 18", 20", 22" Colour: Matt Grey frame and fork.
Frame: Lightweight Alloy tubing with urban sports geometry with a low step over top tube. Fork: 700c Hi-tensile trekking with straight blades. Gears: Shimano 21 speed with STI control, EZ-Fire Plus levers and a Shimano 7 speed freewheel. Chainset: Shimano FCM-131 triple with alloy crank arms, chainring chainguard and a cartridge BB set. Wheels: Viking 700c double wall alloy rims with alloy quick release hubs. Tyres: 700c x 38mm All black trekking tyres. Brakes: Alloy V brakes with Shimano alloy levers. Steering: Hi-rise handlebar with an alloy adjustable ahead stem. Saddle: Viking sports trekking saddle with an alloy micro adjust seat post. Plus: Trekking pedals. Weight: 12.5kg Frame Sizes: 15", 18" Colour: Matt Grey frame and fork.
Frame: Lightweight alloy tubing with urban sports geometry and a replaceable rear drop out. Fork: Suntour 700c suspension Fork. Gears: Shimano 21 speed with STI control, EZ-Fire Plus levers and a Shimano 7 speed freewheel. Chainset: Shimano FCM-131 triple with alloy crank arms, chainring chainguard and a cartridge BB set. Wheels: Viking 700c double wall alloy rims with alloy quick release hubs. Tyres: 700c x 38mm All black trekking tyres. Brakes: Alloy V brakes with Shimano alloy levers. Steering: Hi-rise handlebar with an alloy ahead stem. Saddle: Viking sports trekking saddle with an alloy micro adjust seat post. Plus: Trekking pedals. Weight: 14kg Frame Sizes: 18", 20", 22" Colour: Matt Blue frame and Black fork.
Frame: Lightweight alloy tubing with urban sports geometry and a replaceable rear drop out. Fork: Suntour 700c suspension fork. Gears: Shimano Acera 24 speed with STI control, EZ-Fire Plus levers and a Shimano 8 speed cassette freewheel. Chainset: Shimano FCM-171 triple with alloy crank arms, chainring chainguard and a cartridge BB set. Wheels: Viking 700c double wall alloy rims with alloy quick release hubs. Tyres: 700c x 38mm All black trekking tyres. Brakes: Alloy V brakes with Shimano alloy levers. Steering: Hi-rise handlebar with an alloy ahead stem. Saddle: Viking sports trekking saddle with an alloy micro adjust seat post. Plus: Dual density trekking pedals. Weight: 14kg Frame Sizes: 18", 20", 22" Colour: Matt Red frame and Black fork.
Gents 21 SPEEd EZ-FIRE 700c Matt White
gents 21 SPEEd EZ-FIRE 700c Matt Grey
ladies 21 SPEEd EZ-FIRE 700c Matt White
ladies 21 SPEEd EZ-FIRE 700c Matt Grey
gents 24 SPEEd EZ-FIRE 700c Matt Silver
gents 21 speed EZ-FIRE 700c Matt Blue
gents 21 SPEEd EZ-FIRE 700c Matt Black
gents 24 speed EZ-FIRE 700c Matt Red
cam d en
Gents 24 SPEEd EZ-FIRE 700c Grey / Black Code: VG270 (18") VG271 (20") VG272 (22")
Frame: Lightweight alloy tubing with urban sports geometry and a replaceable rear drop out. Fork: Suntour NEX-4110-V4 suspension fork. Gears: Shimano Acera 24 speed with STI control, EZ-Fire Plus levers and a Shimano 8 speed cassette freewheel. Chainset: Shimano FCM-171 triple with alloy crank arms chainring chainguard and a cartridge BB set. Wheels: Viking 700c double wall alloy rims with alloy quick release disc hubs. Tyres: 700c x 38mm All black trekking tyres. Brakes: Promax mechanical disc brakes with Shimano alloy levers. Steering: Hi-rise handlebar with an alloy ahead stem. Saddle: Viking sports trekking saddle with an alloy micro adjust seat post. Plus: Dual density trekking pedals. Weight: 14.5kg Frame Sizes: 18", 20", 22" Colour: Grey frame and Black fork.
escape to the country
FEAT URING: 1. Retro styled comfort saddle
2. Viking quality design
With room for panniers and baskets the Viking trekking range allows you to explore the country routes, without missing out on the quieter tarmac roads. A perfect combination of town and country, Viking trekking offers you hours of reliable exploring.
3. Viking elastomer comfort saddle, alloy 4 point fixing rear carrier and full chrome plastic mudguards
4. Full mudguards, sprung rear alloy carriers and reflectors come as standard
Fitted with long mudguards & rear carrier makes it truly an all weather bike.
— Side stand for convenience
— Retro leather look matching saddle and grips
Code: VG222 (19") VG223 (22")
Code: VG220 (16") VG221 (19")
Code: VG230 (19") VG231 (22")
Code: VG228 (16") VG229 (19")
Frame: Gents trekking Hi-tensile frame. Fork: Hi-tensile 700c with ovalised blades. Gears: Shimano 18 speed with Shimano EZ-Fire levers and Shimano 6 speed freewheel. Chainset: Triple chainset with alloy cranks and with enclosed chainguard. Wheels: Viking 700c alloy double wall rims with alloy hubs. Tyres: 700c x 38mm All black trekking tyres. Brakes: Alloy V brakes with alloy levers. Steering: Hi-rise trekking handlebar with an alloy adjustable stem. Saddle: Viking comfort brown saddle with chrome seat post. Plus: Brown comfort grips, trekking style pedals, alloy kickstand, chromoplastic mudguards and rear carrier. Weight: 17.4kg Frame Sizes: 19", 22" Colour: Black frame and fork.
Frame: Ladies trekking Hi-tensile frame with a low step over top tube. Fork: Hi-tensile 700c with ovalised blades. Gears: Shimano 18 speed with Shimano EZ-Fire levers and Shimano 6 speed freewheel. Chainset: Triple chainset with alloy cranks and with enclosed chainguard. Wheels: Viking 700c alloy double wall rims with alloy hubs. Tyres: 700c x 38mm All black trekking tyres. Brakes: Alloy V brakes with alloy levers. Steering: Hi-rise trekking handlebar with an alloy adjustable stem. Saddle: Viking comfort brown saddle with chrome seat post. Plus: Brown comfort grips, trekking style pedals, alloy kickstand, chromoplastic mudguards and rear carrier. Weight: 17.4kg Frame Sizes: 16", 19" Colour: Black to the frame and fork.
Frame: Gents lightweight alloy trekking frame. Fork: Hi-tensile 700c with ovalised blades. Gears: Shimano 21 speed with Shimano EZ-Fire levers and Shimano freewheel. Chainset: Shimano triple chainset with alloy cranks and a cartridge BB set and full smoke chainguard. Wheels: Viking 700c Alloy double wall rims with Alloy hubs. Tyres: 700c x 38mm Black trekking tyres with gumwall sides. Brakes: Alloy V brakes with Shimano alloy levers. Steering: Hi-rise trekking handlebar with an alloy adjustable stem. Saddle: Viking comfort saddle with alloy seat post. Plus: Comfort stitched grips, trekking style dual density pedals, chromoplastic mudguards, alloy rear carrier and alloy kickstand. Weight: 15.5kg Frame Sizes: 19", 22" Colour: Graphite Grey frame and fork.
Frame: Ladies lightweight alloy frame with a low step over top tube. Fork: Hi-tensile 700c with ovalised blades. Gears: Shimano 21 speed with Shimano EZ-Fire levers and Shimano freewheel. Chainset: Shimano triple chainset with alloy cranks and a cartridge BB set and full smoke chainguard. Wheels: Viking 700c alloy double wall rims with alloy hubs. Tyres: 700c x 38mm Black trekking tyres with gumwall sides. Brakes: Alloy V brakes with Shimano alloy levers. Steering: Hi-rise trekking handlebar with an alloy adjustable stem. Saddle: Viking comfort saddle with alloy seat post. Plus: Comfort stitched grips, trekking style dual density pedals, chromoplastic mudguards, alloy rear carrier and alloy kickstand. Weight: 15.3kg Frame Sizes: 16", 19" Colour: Pearlised Grey frame and fork.
Code: VG226 (19") VG227 (22")
Code: VG224 (16") VG225 (19")
Code: VG234 (19") VG235 (22")
Code: VG232 (16") VG233 (19")
Frame: Gents trekking Hi-tensile frame. Fork: Hi-tensile 700c with ovalised blades. Gears: Shimano 21 speed, with Shimano EZ-Fire levers and Shimano freewheel. Chainset: Prowheel triple chainset with alloy cranks and a cartridge BB set and full smoke chainguard. Wheels: Viking 700c alloy double wall rims with alloy hubs. Tyres: 700c x 38mm Black trekking tyres with gumwall sides. Brakes: Alloy V brakes with Shimano alloy levers. Steering: Hi-rise trekking handlebar with an alloy adjustable stem. Saddle: Viking elastomer comfort saddle with chrome seat post. Plus: Comfort stitched grips, trekking style dual density pedals, chromoplastic mudguards, rear carrier and alloy kickstand. Weight: 17.4kg Frame Sizes: 19", 22" Colour: Midnight Blue frame and fork.
Frame: Ladies trekking Hi-tensile frame with a low step over top tube. Fork: Hi-tensile 700c with ovalised blades. Gears: Shimano 21 speed with Shimano EZ-Fire levers and Shimano freewheel. Chainset: Prowheel triple chainset with alloy cranks and a cartridge BB set and full smoke chainguard. Wheels: Viking 700c alloy double wall rims with alloy hubs. Tyres: 700c x 38mm Black trekking tyres with gumwall sides. Brakes: Alloy V brakes with Shimano alloy levers. Steering: Hi-rise trekking handlebar with an alloy adjustable stem. Saddle: Viking elastomer comfort saddle with chrome seat post. Plus: Comfort stitched grips, trekking style dual density pedals, chromoplastic mudguards, rear carrier and alloy kickstand. Weight: 17kg Frame Sizes: 16", 19" Colour: Pearlised White to the frame and fork.
Frame: Gents lightweight alloy trekking frame. Fork: Hi-tensile 700c with ovalised blades. Gears: Shimano Acera 24 speed, with STI control, EZ-Fire Plus levers and Shimano 8 speed cassette freewheel. Chainset: Shimano FCM-171 triple chainset, with alloy crank arms, full smoke chainguard and a cartridge BB set. Wheels: Viking 700c alloy double wall rims with alloy quick release hubs. Tyres: 700c x 38mm Black trekking tyres with gumwall sides. Brakes: Alloy V brakes with Shimano alloy levers. Steering: Hi-rise trekking handlebar with an alloy adjustable stem. Saddle: Viking elastomer comfort saddle with alloy seat post. Plus: Comfort stitched grips, full chromoplastic mudguards, alloy 4 point fixing rear carrier and alloy kickstand. Weight: 15.5kg Frame Sizes: 19", 22" Colour: British Racing Green frame and fork.
Frame: Lightweight alloy tubing with trekking style geometry and low step over top tube. Fork: Hi-tensile 700c with ovalised blades. Gears: Shimano Acera 24 speed with STI control, EZ-Fire Plus levers and Shimano 8 speed cassette freewheel. Chainset: Shimano FCM-171 triple chainset with alloy crank arms, full smoke chainguard and a cartridge BB set. Wheels: Viking 700c alloy double wall rims with alloy quick release hubs. Tyres: 700c x 38mm Black trekking tyres with gumwall sides. Brakes: Alloy V brakes with Shimano alloy levers. Steering: Hi-rise trekking handlebar with an alloy adjustable stem. Saddle: Viking elastomer comfort saddle with alloy seat post. Plus: Comfort stitched grips, full chromoplastic mudguards, alloy 4 point fixing rear carrier and alloy kickstand. Weight: 15.4kg Frame Sizes: 16", 19" Colour: Aqua frame and fork.
gents 18 SPEEd EZ-FIRE 700c Black
gents 21 speed EZ-FIRE 700c Midnight Blue
ladies 18 speed EZ-FIRE 700c Black
ladies 21 speed EZ-FIRE 700c Pearlised White
gents 21 speed EZ-FIRE 700c Graphite Grey
gents 24 speed EZ-FIRE 700c British Racing Green
ladies 21 speed EZ-FIRE 700c Pearlised Grey
ladies 24 speed EZ-FIRE 700c Aqua
tand em
share something special
Ta ndem
Tand em
1. Lightweight alloy tubing frame with replaceable rear dropout
2. Full length mudguards and trekking pedals
— Reflectors and full chrome plastic mudguards
3. Alloy sprung rear carrier
Daisy Daisy give me your answer do... this is how the song goes, but everyone who rides a tandem can’t help singing the ditty to themselves or even out loud. The Viking Tandems not only put a smile on your face every time you ride, but also on the faces of everyone who sees you.
4. Dual density grips for added comfort
All the latest equipment and lightweight frames turn tandem cycling into an enjoyable event, every day you take to the streets on a Viking Tandem.
— Shimano Acera 21 speed with STI control and EZ-Fire plus levers, chromoly forks and eccentric bottom brackets
Code: VG241 (17/15") VG242 (19/17")
Code: VG245 (19/16") VG246 (20/18")
21 speed EZ-FIRE 700c Platinum Grey
21 SPEEd EZ-FIRE 26" Wheel Black
Frame: Fork: Gears: Chainset: Wheels: Tyres:
Lightweight alloy tubing 26" wheel tandem design frame, gents style front, ladies style rear and replaceable rear drop out. Hi-tensile 26" forks. Shimano Acera 21 speed with STI control, EZ-Fire Plus levers and a Shimano 7 speed freewheel. Triple chainset with alloy cranks and chainring chainguard, 2x single chainsets with alloy cranks, chainguards and eccentric cartridge BB sets. 26" Double wall alloy rims and alloy hubs. 26" x 2.30" Puncture resistant all black tyres.
Brakes: Powerful alloy V brakes with Shimano alloy levers. Steering: Silver riser handlebars, alloy ahead front stem and adjustable reach alloy rear stem. Saddle: Viking brown comfort padded saddles with alloy seat posts. Plus: Brown comfort grips, alloy pedals. Weight: 22kg Frame Sizes: 17/15", 19/17" Colour: Black frame and fork.
24 SPEEd EZ-FIRE 26" Wheel Platinum Royal Blue Code: VG243 (17/15") VG244 (19/17")
Frame: Fork: Gears: Chainset: Wheels: Tyres:
Lightweight Alloy frame tubing 26" wheel Tandem design with Gents style front, Ladies style rear with replaceable dropout. Hi-tensile 26" with ovalised blades. Shimano 24 speed with STI control, EZ-Fire Plus levers and a Shimano 8 speed cassette freewheel. Triple chainset with alloy cranks and chainring chainguard, 2x single chainsets with alloy cranks, chainguards and eccentric cartridge BB sets. 26" Double wall alloy rims and alloy hubs. 26" x 2.30" Puncture resistant all black tyres.
Brakes: Powerful alloy V brakes with Shimano alloy levers. Steering: Silver riser handlebars, alloy ahead front stem and adjustable reach alloy rear stem. Saddle: Viking brown comfort padded saddles with alloy seat posts. Plus: Brown comfort grips, alloy pedals. Weight: 23.5kg Frame Sizes: 17/15", 19/17" Colour: Platinum Royal Blue frame and fork.
Frame: Fork: Gears: Chainset: Wheels: Tyres:
Lightweight alloy tubing, 700c tandem design frame, gents style front, ladies style rear and replaceable rear drop out. 700c Cromoly fork. Shimano Acera 21 speed with STI control, EZ-Fire Plus levers and a Shimano 7 speed freewheel. Triple chainset with alloy cranks, 2x single chainsets with alloy cranks and eccentric bottom brackets. Viking 700c alloy double wall 48 hole rims with alloy quick release hubs. Viking 700c x 38mm black tyres with puncture resistant protection.
Brakes: Alloy V brakes with Shimano alloy levers. Steering: 2x hi-rise trekking handlebars with an alloy ahead front and an ahead alloy adjustable rear stem. Saddle: Viking gents and ladies comfort trekking saddles with alloy seat pillars. Plus: Dual density grips, trekking style alloy pedals, full chrome plastic mudguards and alloy rear carrier. Weight: 23.5kg Frame Sizes: 20/18", 19/16" Colour: Platinum Grey frame and fork.
com pa nio n
21 SPEEd EZ-FIRE 26" Wheel Bright White Code: VG239 (17/15") VG240 (19/17")
Frame: Fork: Gears: Chainset: Wheels: Tyres:
Hi-tensile tandem frame. Hi-tensile 26" forks. Shimano 21 speed with STI control, EZ-Fire Plus levers and a Shimano 7 speed freewheel. Triple chainset with alloy cranks and chainring chainguard, 2x single chainsets with alloy cranks, chainring chainguards and eccentric cartridge BB sets. 26" Double wall alloy rims and alloy hubs. 26" x 2.30" All black tyres.
Brakes: Powerful alloy V brakes with Shimano alloy levers. Steering: Silver riser handlebars, alloy ahead front stem and adjustable reach alloy rear stem. Saddle: Viking brown comfort padded saddles with chrome seat posts. Plus: Brown comfort grips. Weight: 22kg Frame Sizes: 17/15", 19/17" Colour: Bright White frame and fork.
24 speed EZ-FIRE 700c Metallic Dark Red Code: VG247 (19/16") VG248 (20/18")
Frame: Fork: Gears: Chainset: Wheels: Tyres:
Lightweight alloy tubing, 700c tandem design frame, gents style front, ladies style rear and replaceable rear drop out. 700c Chromoly fork. Shimano 24 speed, Shimano STI control EZ-Fire Plus levers, Shimano 11/30 and 8 speed cassette freewheel. Triple chainset with alloy cranks, 2x 42T single chainsets with alloy cranks and eccentric bottom brackets. Viking 700c alloy double wall 48 hole rims with alloy quick release front hub. Viking 700c x 38 black tyres with puncture resistant protection.
Brakes: Alloy V brakes with Shimano alloy levers. Steering: 2x Alloy hi-rise trekking handlebars with an alloy ahead front and an ahead alloy adjustable rear stem. Saddle: Viking gents and ladies brown comfort trekking saddles with alloy seat pillars. Plus: Brown dual density grips, trekking style alloy pedals, full chrome plastic mudguards and alloy rear carrier. Weight: 23.5kg Frame Sizes: 20/18", 19/16" Colour: Metallic Dark Red frame and fork.
fold ers & shoppers
commute with confidence
fol d ers & sho ppers
fold ers & shoppers
FEAT URING: 1. Secure yet simple locking mechanism
2. Alloy sprung rear carrier
— Folding frame with quick release mechanism
Viking folding bikes offer the perfect travelling companion. Fold when you need to use other forms of travel, for example a car boot or a train compartment. But also fold when you need to store beneath the stairs or under your desk at work.
3. Alloy frame, 7 speed Shimano gears with STI levers
4. High quality silver finish with easy folding handlebar system
Fold and go! That’s the message Viking want you to think. Never be restricted to just one form of transport, combine everything and don’t miss out on the cycling. — Matching retro style grips and saddle
Code: VG237 (11")
Code: VG238 (11")
Frame: Hi-tensile tubing 20" wheel folding frame with quick release mechanism. Fork: Hi tensile fork. Gears: Shimano 6 speed with Shimano revoshift rotational gear lever and Shimano 6 speed freewheel. Chainset: Single with smoke coloured chainring chainguard. Wheels: Viking 20" alloy rims. Tyres: 20" x 1.75" Black tyres with gumwall sides. Brakes: Alloy V brakes with alloy levers. Steering: Riser bar with a silver stem with a quick release folding mechanism. Saddle: Viking comfort design brown saddle with chrome seat post. Plus: Brown comfort grips, kickstand and right hand folding pedal. Weight: 14.5kg Frame Sizes: 11" Colour: Pearlised White frame and fork.
Frame: Alloy 20" wheel folding frame with quick release mechanism. Fork: Hi tensile fork. Gears: Shimano 7 speed with a Shimano STI gear lever and Shimano freewheel. Chainset: Single with smoke chainguard and cartridge BB set. Wheels: Viking 20" alloy rims. Tyres: 20" x 1.75" Black tyres with gumwall sides. Brakes: Alloy V brakes with alloy levers. Steering: Riser bar with a silver stem with a quick release folding mechanism. Saddle: Viking comfort design brown saddle with chrome seat post. Plus: Brown comfort grips, kickstand, chromoplastic mudguards, rear carrier and right hand folding pedal. Weight: 13.7kg Frame Sizes: 11" Colour: Platinum Silver frame and fork.
6 SPEEd folding frame Pearlised White
6 SPEEd folding frame Blue Code: VK12024
Frame: 24" Wheel Hi-tensile folding tricycle frame with QR lever mechanism. Fork: Hi-tensile 24" wheel. Gears: Shimano 6 speed with Shimano revoshift gear lever with a Shimano 6 speed freewheel. Chainset: Single chainset with enclosed chainguard and cartridge BB set. Wheels: Alloy 24" front rim and alloy 20" rear rims. Tyres: Cheng Shin 24" x 1.75" front and 20" x 1.75" rears. Brakes: Front alloy V brake, rear roller brake and alloy levers. Steering: Hi-rise trekking handlebar with an alloy stem. Saddle: Selle Royal comfort saddle. Plus: Full mudguards and rear basket. Weight: 20kg Colour: Blue frame and fork.
7 SPEEd STI folding frame Platinum Silver
e - bikes
clever cycling
e - bi k es
e - bikes
FEAT URING: 1. Matt black 9AH 250W brushless motor
2. Quick release seat post with comfort saddle
The electric bike revolution is with us! Today’s Viking E-bikes are lightweight, fast charging, foldable and best of all carry the guaranteed smile factor. Everyone who takes our bikes for a ride will instantly get the help from the powerful motor upfront; making hill climbs a thing of the past. With massive distances on one charge and comfort built in, the Viking E-bikes are the future for commuting and leisure cycling. Join the electric bike revolution.
3. Secure, easy release action, locking system
4. Shimano 6 speed gears with metal mudguards and folding kick stand
— Comes fully assembled
— 3 Modes of power at the touch of a button
V I kING H a R R I E R
Code: VK56 (13")
Code: VK57 (13")
Frame: Fork: Gears: Chainset: Wheels: Tyres: Brakes: Steering: Saddle: Battery: Plus: Weight: Frame Sizes: Colour:
Tig welded alloy 20" wheel folding frame. Tig welded hi-tensile. Shimano 6 Speed with a Shimano SL-RS35 6 speed revoshift gear lever and a Shimano 6 speed freewheel. Single chainset with 46T chainring, 170mm alloy cranks and a chainring chainguard. 20" Alloy black 36 hole rims, alloy hubs and 13G spokes. 20" x 1.75" Black tyres. Alloy black V brakes with alloy brake levers. Zoom alloy riser handlebars and a zoom alloy folding stem. Velo comfort saddle with a black zoom alloy seat post. A 24V-9AH Li Ion battery, 250W brushless motor, 3 mode controller to adjust the level of assist, 6 hour battery charge time and 35 to 45KM range. Free delivery and assembly anywhere in the UK mainland, alloy rear carrier with bungee strap, folding pedals, full 20" wheel mudguards and kickstand. 21kg 13" Pearl Orange frame and fork.
Frame: Fork: Gears: Chainset: Wheels: Tyres: Brakes: Steering: Saddle: Battery: Plus: Weight: Frame Sizes: Colour:
Tig welded alloy 20" wheel folding frame. Tig welded hi-tensile. Shimano 6 Speed with a Shimano SL-RS35 6 speed revoshift gear lever and a Shimano 6 speed freewheel. Single chainset with 46T chainring, 170mm alloy cranks and a chainring chainguard. 20" Alloy black 36 hole rims, alloy hubs and 13G spokes. 20" x 1.75" Black tyres. Alloy black V brakes with alloy brake levers. Zoom alloy riser handlebars and a zoom alloy folding stem. Velo comfort saddle with a black zoom alloy seat post. A 24V-9AH Li Ion battery, 250W brushless motor, 3 mode controller to adjust the level of assist, 6 hour battery charge time and 35 to 45KM range. Free delivery and assembly anywhere in the UK mainland, alloy rear carrier with bungee strap, folding pedals, full 20" wheel mudguards and kickstand. 21kg 13" Pearl Pink frame and fork.
VIkING E - G o
VIk ING E - Go
Code: VK54 (15.5")
Code: VK55 (15.5")
Frame: Fork: Gears: Chainset: Wheels: Tyres: Brakes: Steering: Saddle: Battery: Plus: Weight: Frame Sizes: Colour:
Tig welded Alloy 20" wheel folding suspension frame with low step over top tube. Tig welded hi-tensile. Shimano 6 Speed with a Shimano SL-RS35 6 speed revoshift gear lever and a Shimano 6 speed freewheel. Single chainset with 48T chainring, 170mm alloy cranks and a double chainring chainguard. 20" Alloy black 36 hole rims, alloy Hubs and 13G spokes. 20" x 1.75" Black tyres. Alloy silver V brakes with alloy brake levers. Zoom alloy riser handlebars and a zoom alloy folding stem. Comfort saddle with a zoom alloy seat post. A 24V-8.5AH Li Ion battery, 250W brushless motor, 3 mode controller to adjust the level of assist, 6 hour battery charge time and 35 to 45KM range. Free delivery and assembly anywhere in the UK mainland, alloy rear carrier, front and rear lights, folding pedals, full 20" wheel mudguards and kickstand. 21kg 15.5" Black frame and fork.
Frame: Fork: Gears: Chainset: Wheels: Tyres: Brakes: Steering: Saddle: Battery: Plus: Weight: Frame Sizes: Colour:
Tig welded Alloy 20" wheel folding suspension frame with low step over top tube. Tig welded hi-tensile. Shimano 6 Speed with a Shimano SL-RS35 6 speed revoshift gear lever and a Shimano 6 speed freewheel. Single chainset with 48T chainring, 170mm alloy cranks and a double chainring chainguard. 20" Alloy black 36 hole rims, alloy Hubs and 13G spokes. 20" x 1.75" Black tyres. Alloy silver V brakes with alloy brake levers. Zoom alloy riser handlebars and a zoom alloy folding stem. Comfort saddle with a zoom alloy seat post. A 24V-8.5AH Li Ion battery, 250W brushless motor, 3 mode controller to adjust the level of assist, 6 hour battery charge time and 35 to 45KM range. Free delivery and assembly anywhere in the UK mainland, alloy rear carrier, front and rear lights, folding pedals, full 20" wheel mudguards and kickstand. 21kg 15.5" Green frame and fork.
the viking brand is distributed exclusively in europe by avocet sports li mited.
Units 7 & 8 Shield Drive Wardley Industial Estate Worsley Manchester M28 2QB
Avocet Sports has a policy of improving and developing it's products continuously. We reserve the right to change specifications without prior notice.
Tel: +44 (0)161 727 8508 Fax: +44 (0)161 727 8608 B2B Design and Photography Vast