Betterg Globe Presentation

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Doing Good and Making Money

WHAT IF THERE WAS A WAY? 1. To EFFECTIVELY help hinder global warming, and

2. To EFFECTIVELY help eradicate poverty and hunger in Africa, and 3. To secure YOUR financial future, YOUR freedom of time, but most importantly the future of your children and of the planet on which they are supposed to live,

Rino Solberg – FOUNDER OF BETTER GLOBE • World-known Norwegian businessman and inventor, with patents in 12 countries. • He built the multi-national company “Unislip”, in 13 years, with subsidiaries in USA, Japan, and Germany, with representatives in more than 20 countries, which he then sold in order to retire early and devote his time in writing, personal development, and charity. • He is very famous in the Scandinavian countries as one of the most dynamic speakers for more than 35 years. • He is the writer of 9 books in the fields of personal development and leadership skills, among them the book “Put Integrity First”, which is taught in elementary schools in Africa and can be downloaded at for free.

• He was a Business Consultant for more than 150 companies in Norway, Uganda and Kenya, helping them get certified with ISO 9000 for the quality of their system of operation. • In 1991 he founded with his wife the charity organization Child Africa, which they still maintain and support until today. The organization runs without any salaries for anybody! • In 2006 he started the project “Better Globe” in an effort to accelerate the humanitarian work of Child Africa, by involving profitable business ventures.

INFORMATION ABOUT THE COMPANY • Public record shareholding company, registered in Norway since 2006 ( • Major shareholders: Rino Solberg, Einar Formo, JanTore Øvrevik, Einar Steinshaug. • In its first 4 years of operation, Better Globe has offered more help to Child Africa, than Child Africa managed to collect in its first 15 years of operation. • Recently, the company bought 60,000 hectares of land (600Km2, 1/15 of Cyprus) in Sosoma, in order to be able to support global expansion in sales.

• Recently, the company launch a brand new, state of the art, online business system, in order to be able to support global expansion of representatives. • The company is debt-free with a very high Credit Rating Attest.

“By 2026 to do more than any other single organization or government to eradicate poverty and hunger in Africa, and to hinder global warming, while at the same time securing the financial present and future of the people that will take part in this initiative.�

In Better Globe there are three ways to help D: Member (Donator) Α: Ambassador I: Investor

I: The position of Investor and global warming! • Which is the most useful and profitable investment that you can make today for yourself and the planet? • To buy Better Globe trees! Why? • The value of BG trees starts to increase from the time they are planted and continues to increase while they grow. Why? • As they grow they offer harvest and wood. • But, what else could increase the value of a product? • The law of demand and supply!

Massive deforestation leaded to the dramatic DECREASE IN SUPPLY  The total forest areas have diminished by 50% since 1960!  More than 90% of the original forests in West Africa are permanently lost!  In Africa only 1 tree is planted for every 28 trees that are cut!  In the last 20 years more than 300 million hectares of tropical forests have disappeared!  In Central America, 40% of all the rainforests have been cleared or burned down in the last 40 years, mostly for cattle pasture to feed the export market (often for US beef burgers).

Population increase, economic revolution, new applications =  INCREASE IN DEMAND  Population increase as well as the economic revolution that takes place in the developing countries (mostly China and India) leaded to the HUGE increase in demand for timber. – In the developed countries (Europe, USA, Japan, etc) the average consumption of timber per person exceeds 200 kg per year. In the developing countries the average consumption per person is 4 Kg/year!  New applications in industry and medicine – Scientific breakthroughs in forest biotechnic and refinement of forest raw material resulted in an increased field of utilization of trees and thereby a rapidly increasing demand for wood

Tropical Deforestation / Demand for Wood 115



1600 1400











200 0


1985 Tropial deforestation





Millions m3 (Demand for Hard- and Precious Wood)

Million hectares (Tropical Deforestation - source: WWF)


Demand for hard- and precious wood

Trees – The best investment for the planet. The best investment for you!

Better Globe Forestry Ltd • Registered company in Nairobi. • Jean-Paul Deprins – Managing Director • Jan Van den Αbeele – Executive Director. In the top 5 foresters in the whole world Cooperators: University of Ghent, Belgium • KEFRI: Kenya Forestry Research Institute • KFS: Kenya Forestry Service

The combination of Better Globe trees • The Better Globe trees are a combination of: – Acacia Senegal (Gum Arabic) – Mukau (tropical, tall, hardwood tree)

• This combination has been carefully selected by scientists because it secures high return from an early age, it is durable, it grows in dry and hot conditions, and it recycles a lot of CO2 • 2 Better Globe trees recycle 1 tone of CO2 (1 carbon credit), gas which is considered responsible for global warming.

• Acacia Senegal

4 kg Χ €5 = € 20 per year

– Is widely used in vital industries such as food, drink, printing, pharmaceutical, cosmetology and more. – Natural emulsifier in soft drinks and juices, natural stabilizer in dairy products and foam of beer, and more. – Necessary ingredient in many tin products and other precooked and frozen food. – Necessary ingredient for the elastic wrap of capsules. – Grows in hot and dry areas – Lifespan: 25-30 years – From the 5th year onwards it produces 4 kg of gum per year. In 2004 the price of its gum was $1.50-$2/kg. In 2006 it jumped to $3-$4/κιλό (that’s a 100% increase!). Today (2010) it’s around $7- $8/kg

• Mukau – Timber of choice for furniture, parquet, doors, window frames, wooden houses, and more. – Grows in hot and dry areas – 15-20 years commercial life. – Grows fast and reaches 20 metres height! – A 20-year old Mukau tree gives us ½ m3 (cubic metre) of timber, which today (2009) pays us at least €250! – Last year the price of hardwood timber rose by 25%! – 1 Mukau tree converts ½ tone of CO2 to oxygen. CO2 is the gas that causes global warming. – How old do you think is the tree on the left? (Mukau tree from Better Globe’s plantations)

MONEY GROWS ON BETTER GLOBE TREES  The price of a Better Globe tree is €15.  With this money you are not just buying the tree, but you also buy the services of planting and taking care of it, for 20 years from Better Globe Forestry Ltd!  Better Globe Forestry Ltd owns 3 plantations. All trees are growing in a controlled environment that is near water, is securely guarded, and has many fire gates.  Even though the average loss of trees in plantations in Africa, from fires, diseases, natural disasters, etc, is only 1%, Better Globe for every tree sold is planting a backup tree in one of its other 2 plantations.  In statistical terms, this is equal to 10,000% guarantee and security!

Better Globe Forestry Ltd – The plantations

Better Globe Forestry Ltd – The plantations

Better Globe Forestry Ltd – The plantations

Your Profit • Your MINIMUM (guaranteed with a contract) profit from 1 Better Globe Tree is €169! (just from the fact that the tree is growing!) € 15* x 15 % x 15 years


+ **€ 15 X 10 (on the 20th year)


- € 15 (today’s retail price) = Total NET profit

€ €

-15 169

**Inflation and annual increase in timbre price will be added to your profit! *Retail price at 2010 = € 15 per tree

Where does the money come from? 1 Better Globe Tree: €15.00 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Year 13 Year 14 Year 15 Year 16 Year 17 Year 18 Year 19 Year 20

€ 2.25 € 2.25 € 2.25 € 2.25 € 2.25 € 2.25 € 2.25 € 2.25 € 2.25 € 2.25 € 2.25 € 2.25 € 2.25 € 2.25 € 2.25 €150.00

= €184 Minus the retail price @ - €15

Your MINIMUM NET PROFIT is = €169!

Minimum contract obligation 15 % x €15.00= €2.25 per year x 15 years.

Gum Production Per Tree: 4 kg Χ €5= €20/year! Minimum contract obligation 10 Χ €15= €150

Current price for a 20-year old Mukau tree: €250! How much do you think it will sell in 2030?

BG Trees – The best savings plan in the world! David Bach (Famous financial planning expert and author of the best-seller “The Automatic Millionaire”)

“If at the beginning of each month you AUTOMATICALLY pay 1/8 of your income in a savings and investment account, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE to fail with your finances. You will end-up, AUTOMATICALLY, and without realizing it, an “Automatic millionaire!”

Why should I do it? • Early retirement. • Comfortable retirement. • Studies of my children. • Legacy for my children. • Freedom of time. • Financial freedom. • Medical expenses. What is your latte-factor?

How can we eradicate hunger and poverty in Africa?

Global warming is drastically diminishing the available suitable land for agriculture.

80% of Africans are poor farmers with very few resources.

Most children have no access to clean water, food and basic education.

Solution to the problem

Global warming is drastically diminishing the available suitable Tree planting land for agriculture

80% of Africans are poor farmerswith very few resources Micro financing

Most children have no access to clean water, food and basic School Building education


D: Donator (Member) • Buys an investment “donation package” of €49 per month which ON THE BASIS OF A WRITTEN CONTRACT includes: – – – – –

2 Better Globe trees for him (so the €30 are for the member) 2 donation trees (given to local communities) 500 litres of drinking water €1,5 goes to the microfinance bank €1,5 goes to building and running schools through Child Africa The 2 Better Globe trees belong to the Donator, and will pay him back at least 7.5 TIMES MORE MONEY than what he gave to buy the donation! (+ inflation + increase in timber price)

The donation costs €1.63/day and returns €12.08/day MINIMUM!

Each donation contains: 2 Better Globe trees 2 donation trees 500 liters of water €1,5 micro finance €1,5 school building

The Donation Program Philsophy €  

€  

   

€  

 

 

 € 

 


  €            

 € 

 

Become a donation customer today!  Neutralize your family’s climate gas emissions.  Help poor farmers to support their families.  Give education to children that cannot afford to attend school.  Ensure water to the communities.  Hinder desertification and erotion.  Help our planet!  And on top of that: Get 7,5 times more money than what you give!  Be a part of this win-win-win concept! • What if there was a way to be an active member that buys a €49 donation each month, without paying ANYTHING? • What if there was a way to make some extra money TODAY? • What if there was a way to build RESIDUAL income in Better Globe?

A: AMBASSADOR To become an Ambassador of Better Globe you need to do 3 things: 1. Purchase 1 donation package: 2 trees+€19: 2. Purchase 10 Better Globe trees in one transaction: 3. Pay the annual fee for your online business system:

€49 €150 (10Χ€15) €65 (€5.40/month)



In order to be able to receive business income you must buy a donation each month unless you managed to waive it, in which case Better Globe pays for it! Your Online Business System includes: 1. Personal website with capability for 128-bit secure transactions. 2. Back-Office, which tracks all the sales that happen in your network. 3. Sales and marketing tools. 4. Informational and training material for Ambassadors. 5. Electronic email invitation system.


Your business is divided into 2 Sales Organizations 2:1 ή 1:2 • You have the right to sell trees and donation package and earn income by putting them either in Organization 1 ,or in Organization 2. • If you want to increase the turnover of your Organizations, thus your income, you can add/sponsor Ambassadors in Organizations 1 and/or 2. • BETTER GLOBE PAYS 5 TIMES EVERY MONTH: • For tree sales you are paid every week and for donations every month. • You are paid for ALL sales (whether you did them or your organizations did) that are in BALANCE. • BALANCE means: You have twice as many sales in one organization than the other. • For every 3 trees in balance you get €3, NO MATTER WHO SOLD THEM! • For every 3 donations in balance you get €6, NO MATTER WHO SOLD THEM! • For every 3 Ambassadors in balance you get €36, NO MATTER WHO FOUND THEM! • Whatever is NOT in balance is transferred to the next sales period.

The balance rule ensures fairness and equality!

200 trees

6 trees

100 trees

Left 200 + Right 100= 300 In balance: 200+100=€300 Fund Reserve: 0-0

2 trees

Left 6 + Right 2= 8 In balance: 4+2= €6 Fund Reserve: 2-0

Left 300 + Right 8= 308 In balance: 16+8= €24 Fund Reserve: 284-0

• All trees that are not in balance are transferred to the next week for 6 months and all donations not in balance are transferred to the next month for 1 year!

In the first 60 days as an Ambassador you can buy FOR JUST ONE TIME 100 trees with €200 discount!

= €300 commission! Surplus of +200 trees


100 trees purchased

In 60 days one Sales Organization will probably be bigger than the other, in which case you buy the 100 trees on the weak organization to, both, balance, and boost the moral of that organization! At the same time you have MINIMUM income for that week €300! This means your trees really cost you ONLY €1000!

In the first 60 days as an Ambassador you can buy FOR JUST ONE TIME 100 trees with €200 discount! Average yearly increase of timber price

10 %



Net Profit: € 17.075

Net Profit: € 29.167

Net Profit: € 102.989!

With ONLY €1.300 investment!


Net Profit: € 41.875

In any month that you have three personal sales of donations in Organization 1 and three in Organization 2 you receive on the 1st of the following month a FREE DONATION!


Every Month

Every Month

• You are paid every month for each Ambassador in balance • You are also paid each month from all yours and your network’s monthly-savings customers!


80 €500 As, Is, Ds

300 As, Is, Ds €2,000

1,000 As, Is, Ds €7,000

6,000 As, Is, Ds €45,000

How can I SECURE my FINANCIAL PRESENT AND FUTURE, and my FREEDOM OF TIME? Red Side 90% of people 10% of wealth Income based on personal effort

Α: Ambassador Business Investment Charity Environment

Employee Small Business or Self-employed

Big Business


Green Side 10% of people 90% of wealth Passive Residual Income

D: Member (Donator) Investment + Charity + Environment

I: Investor Investment + Environment

You are at the RIGHT PLACE, at the RIGHT TIME! Now you are asked to do something that most people don’t, when they are in front of big opportunities!


FOR YOU: • • • • • •

The socio-economic structure of the whole world is facing an unprecedented crisis. Companies react by firing people and cutting salaries. Governments react by imposing more taxations and cutting social benefits. This leaves most people WEAK, EXPOSED, and HELPLESS! How satisfied are you with your own savings and investments until today? What have you secured for you and your children until now?

FOR THE PLANET: • Global warming threatens with complete melting of the ice on the North Pole! • Extreme weather conditions are becoming more and more extreme! • The climate in Lenanon becomes warmer and warmer every year and the dry seasons bigger and bigger!

You are at the RIGHT PLACE, at the RIGHT TIME! Now you are asked to do something that most people don’t, when they are in front of big opportunities!


Kenya, Africa

Kenya, Africa


€19 ARE ENOUGH FOR FOOD FOR A MONTH! As much as you spend for eating out in just one day!

BETTER GLOBE – The Perfect Solution!  For a better future for this planet!  For a better future for us and our families!  For a better future for our friends and relatives!  For a better future for people in much more need than us!

Plug-in and become part of the solution! All companies are useful on this planet, but only one is NECESSARY for its survival:

Better Globe! That’s why it will become the biggest!

Welcome to Better Globe!

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