Adapt & Extend presentation

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My Scheme

“Create a sense of a larger community of learning�

Site Plan

Create a Grand New central Core Redesign the Wings Redesign the Interior layout Update the look of the library with a Modern Facade Brand New Cartoon Extension (West Wing)


New Central Core

Aim to make the core the main Circulation zone in the library. University of British Columbia -Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Large atrium in centre of the building links all the floors together, creating both a social and circulation hub.

Create an elegant repeated form from the stairs that guides users up through the space. Stircase will run up both sides of central void.


Grand Entrance

Above: Section taken through central core facing West

Above: Perspective of front entrance, taken from surrounding ground level.

Right: Internal Perspective from 2nd floor looking down into void.


Rear Entrance

Initial sketches of planned regeneration of rear entrance, showing idea of creating a buffer zone.

(Right) Front perspective of new design for rear entrance. Access straight into the Centra core atrium and circulation zone.

(Above Right) The existing structural butress is surrounded in a glass box with wood finishing. This creates a buffer zone between the outside and the internal spaces. (Left) Light study of the space at night. The louvres will create interesting light effects at night, making the space social and habited even in the darkness of night.


Interlinking spaces within exhisiting library Wings

Above: Section of West Wing of Library

First ideas for the exisiting wings Create series of small atriums, linking the diffferent floors together and improve the “sense of a greater community of learning�.


Redesign The East Wing

Overall Concept Get rid of the exisitng structure where pc labs are currently situated. Create terraces on all levels that overlook each other and create a social space on all floors of the east wing, currently very unsocial.

Above: Development of terraces in the East wing. Looking at variouis “Drastic� options to enhance the wing.


Above left: Section through East wing, showing new atrium with overlapping walkways. Above Right: Social Terraces on all floors at front of building. Left: Interior view up East wing atrium. Right: Study blocks at back of east wing bring symetry to form of the East wing.


Reordering of the interior Layout is linked to Facade Design Where does this link to my design?

Zollerein School Building

I am relocating the study zones and social zones within the exhisiting “The initial concept for the project was a concrete cube 35m by structure into zones that work well together. Taking note of noise pollution 35m, perforated by thousands of small apertures of different sizes� and temperature change. Ziger/Snead. The sizes of the holes changed depending on the purpose of the zones behind the facade.

The facade will change depending on which type of zone is behind the facade. A Mesh will cover the exhisiting windows which will be replaced with whole new panels of glass. It will also act a solar shading during the hotter months.

Left: Initial conceptual sketch of how the front of the building would be. It shows the facade changing as the zones behind change.


Interior Zoning Diagram


Facade Design and its Environmental Importrance

(Above left)Investigation into mesh perfuration shape. (Above Right) Investigation into light affect created by different shapes. (Right) Environmental stratergies for East wing, looking at solar portection, ventilation ad Mesh location devlopment, either in accoustics. front or inbetween butress’s.


Overiding concept of West Extension What do i want the extension to be? The extension will have its own identity, yet be seen as part of the overall library complex through the use of the updated facade design.

1111-Lincoln Road Brutal Structure elegent and simple spaces flexible usesSpecial event zones.

Create a greater sense of a large community of learning. By creating spaces that overlook each other, the different floor levels will be visually linked together.


Extension Exterior

(Above Left) Front Facade-Day, (Above) South West Elevation, (Below Left) Front Facade- Night, (Below) Rear facade.


Connection with exhisting Library (Left) Plans of Ground floor showing connection of spaces from exhisting to extension and ground floor entrance to lecture theatre. (Right) P1: First view when entering building. Shows the walkways that connect into the exisitng library. (Below) Section AA of circultion zone and the changing floor level, so they overlook each other. (Below right) P2: The view from the exhisiting library into the extension.The open plan social zones link the seperate areas together.


Overlooking Floor Planes (Left) Plans of First floor showing the upper access to the lecture theatre and its internal layout. (Right) P3: Looking down the central atrium which acts as both a ventilation stack and creates dramatic interior views. (Below left) Plans of 2nd floor, showing the retreating floor planes. (Below Right) Section BB: Shows the form of the lecture theatre and creation of spaces around its form.

15 (Left) Plans of third floor showing the roof terrace and social area/cafe. (Right) P4: View down into the entrance atrium. Views of the interior spaces are possible from many parts of the building. (Below Left) Roof Plans (Below) Initial concept sketch of roof terrace (Below Right) P5: View into interior social space, with wooden solar shading louvres.


Technology and Environment

Extension Structure concept

Summer Solstice (June 21st) 80 Degrees

Equinox (September/march 21st) 60 Degress

Winter Solstice (December 21st) 30 Degrees


Ventilation, Solar and Acoustic systems in Extension


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