Landscape Presentation

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Mul:ple sketch models I created, in order determine the shape of the façade and also to get a beAer sense of how the spaces would look. As seeing them in 3d makes them more real and habitable or not in some cases.

Various sketches looking first at the spaces I wanted to create, then how the requirements of the spaces dictate the loca:ons within the building, along with

the climate requirements of the rooms and how these would factor into there loca:on within the building complex. The plan ended up being manipulated many :mes in order for the flow of the building to work much beAer.

Plans and Perspec:ves

The plans have been render to show the quality of light experienced within the spaces, with some of my already included climate strategies. Solar stacks that also bounce light into the spaces. The light quality is also shown in the interior perspec:ves, in order to show a more realis:c idea image of how the internal spaces will look.

Plans sec:ons and eleva:ons, showing again light quali:es to some extent in the interior spaces. But more showing how the outside spaces will be habited, also the lay of the land in terms of the gradients produced by the manipula:on of the contours. Plus some basic construc:on details, which show the floors and ceilings, being made out of concrete to act as a high thermal mass (climate) and the walls being breeze blocks with a wooden cladding inside and out.

Landscape Plan: Showing the paths and exterior spaces, which follow the same experience to the par:cipant as that found when exploring the rest of the site. As many of the original trees will be kept even though the ground level will be reduced in places by using tree wells (diagram leO). This allows the trees to remain and slowly become use to the change in level. This will result in a healthier looking surrounding to the building much quicker than if it was all cut down and then re planted. Some trees will be replanted, especially the types which a listed below in the key as they draw in birds and insects, which help to give the idea of health and wellness to the garden. Which will help to bond the garden landscape to the purpose of the building.

Pictures of Model

Approach to garden villa View from 1st floor veranda, looking at wood garden space.

Overall model

View at front of building

Approach to contemplation space View from 1st floor veranda, looking at sound garden space and the contemplation space in the background

View from the top roof, looking at the yoga space, which is defined by a clearing and 2 slabs of red brick mosaic. With the garden villa in the back ground.

View from garden villa to building Boardwalk that connects all levels together. My landscape concept, features lots of small spaces, that are surrounded by heavy woodland. This is to simulate the same experience you get with the rest of the site. You explore the woodland and find small ruins and spaces, this is hopefully the same experience that will be felt in these gardens.

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