Affiliate Marketing programs

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Marketing Programs� LEGAL NOTICE

The Publisher has strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in the creation of this report, notwithstanding the fact that he does not warrant or represent at any time that the contents within are accurate due to the rapidly changing nature of the Internet. While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this publication, the Publisher assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein. Any perceived slights of specific persons, peoples, or organizations are unintentional. In practical advice books, like anything else in life, there are no guarantees of income made. Readers are cautioned to reply on their own judgment about their individual circumstances to act accordingly. This book is not intended for use as a source of legal, business, accounting or financial advice. All readers are advised to seek services of competent professionals in legal, business, accounting, and finance field. You are encouraged to print this book for easy reading.

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The Blogging Institute My name is Alexis Kenne and I’m the owner of . Over the last few months I’ve gone from being a LOSER affiliate to finally starting on the path of becoming a SUPER AFFILIATE and Expert Blogger! I shared some of my experiences on my blog I quickly realized how important was a mailing list in an online business. I then did everything to learn in the shortest time possible to send a ton of free targeted traffic to my main site at and to my blog plus by making some small split tweaks to my conversions (opt-in rates) I’ve also managed to capitalize on the amount of traffic I do get. More Traffic = More Opt-ins = More Sales If you are struggling to get traffic to your site and /or struggling to make money online then I can help. Check out my site for access to my free affiliate marketing success kit, or visit my blog for some of the hottest affiliate marketing and traffic driving tips.

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One last thing before you begin reading the rest of the guide, I actually offer a FREE 7 day ecourse on how to make money blogging. You can get access to it at

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Table of Contents

Just What Are Affiliate Programs


Affiliate Traffic Tricks


Choosing A Profitable Affiliate Program


Easy Affiliate Profit Increasers


Make Money, No Product Required!


Squeeze Those Visitors


Using A Squeeze Page To Built Your List


Recommended Resources


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Just What Are Affiliate Programs Are you looking for a relatively easy way to make money online? If you have been doing research online, you may have come across programs that are known or referred to as affiliate programs. Affiliate programs are a great way to make money online, but do you really know what they are? If not, you are urged to read on. Before examining affiliate programs, namely what they are, it is best if you first familiarize yourself with internet marketing. All business owners need to market their business to the general public. Since all online customers are internet users, online business owners need to market their products or services to the internet community. This is where the term internet marketing comes from. A wide variety of different marketing tactics are considered internet marketing. Just one of those marketing tactics is affiliate programs. What is nice about affiliate programs is that they not only benefit online business owners, but they also benefit other webmasters; webmasters just like you. When an online business owner, who is selling a product or service, wants to increase their sales, they seek assistance from other webmasters. This assistance is typically sought from webmasters who have a website that is, in one way or another, related to the product or service being sold. For instance, if the product being sold is a work at home e-book, webmasters Download Your $97 Gift >>>> Here

The Blogging Institute running work at home business sites are likely to be sought after. If and when this partnership is formed, the exact details will be worked out. In most cases, you, the webmaster, will be asked to display links or banners that lead the other website; the one where the product, in this case a work at home e-book is available for sale. As it was mentioned above, affiliate programs are a great way for online business owners to increase their sales and profits, but they are not the only ones who benefit from affiliate programs; webmasters do as well. Business owners who run an affiliate program usually work in conjunction with an affiliate tracking company. This company uses cookies and other internet technology to track internet user clicks. This means that if an internet users clicks on one of your affiliate links and ends up making a purchase, the tracking software used will record that purchase, when it occurred, and the amount of it. This allows business owners to know exactly how much you helped them out. In turn, you will be rewarded for this assistance. Speaking of being rewarded, this reward is referred to as commission. With affiliate programs, you receive commission for helping an online company generate internet sales. The amount of money that you receive will all depend on the company in question, as well as the amount that you originally agreed to. Many of the businesses who are looking for affiliate partners advertise, upfront how much their affiliate partners make. This amount is typically a percentage of the sale. As previously mentioned, that percentage will vary, but it is not uncommon to see percentages from three percent all the way to fifteen Download Your $97 Gift >>>> Here

The Blogging Institute percent. If commission is not determined by percentage, it will often be a flat rate amount.

In a way, the affiliate program that you choose to apply to will have a large impact on the amount of money that you make. That is why it is extremely important that you choose an affiliate program wisely. It is important that you thoroughly examine the amount of money that you can make, through commissions. It is also important that you familiarize yourself with any rules or restrictions that an affiliate program has. For instance, there are some rules as to how you can link to or promote an affiliate product. It is important that you not only familiarize yourself with these rules, but follow them. If you do not, you could find yourself disqualified from participating in the program. In short, affiliate programs are a great way to make money online. Affiliate programs allow you to legitimately make money online without having to have your own product. It is hard, if not impossible, to find other online money making opportunities like this one.

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Affiliate Traffic Tricks With affiliate programs, you can easily sell products without even having to have the product in your hand. As nice as it sounds, you still need to have you own website; it is a requirement for many affiliate programs. Having a website is ideal, but to really make money with affiliate programs, you need to have a website that receives a relatively high amount of traffic. If you would like to increase the amount of traffic that your website sees, you should examine newsletters. They are a great way to increase website traffic. Before examining how newsletters can help you increase your websites traffic, it is best that you first understand newsletters. When it comes to understanding newsletters, there tends to be a little bit of confusion. Newsletters come in a number of different shapes, sizes, and styles; they are all used for different purposes. Newsletters are essentially emails that are sent to those who have requested to receive them. Some use newsletters solely to update their customers and other uses them just as means of regular communication. Despite a variation in purposes, one the most common uses of a newsletter is to increase traffic. One of the most common questions asked, concerning email newsletters is “why?� A large number of individuals, namely affiliate program participants, wonder why they should even bother writing and then distributing a newsletter. In all honesty, there are an unlimited number of reasons why you should write and distribute newsletters to those who are interested in receiving them. The number one reason is because you can do it as little or as often as you want. Many webmasters only send out newsletters as often as their time allows them to do so. It is also important to note that your newsletter content can be Download Your $97 Gift >>>> Here

The Blogging Institute whatever you want it to be. In fact, you may even want to think about tying in your affiliate program or the products that you are selling.

In conjunction with an affiliate program or an affiliate product tie in, you can not only use newsletters to increase your website traffic, but also to promote your affiliate products; products that you are responsible to help sell. You can do this by writing a quick review or recommendation of the products or products that you are helping to sell. If you haven’t tried the product yourself, you may want to try and find other internet users who have. Most of the time, you will find that many internet users are more than willing to write a quick review, just for the sake of helping others. If you are an article writer or if you enjoy writing, you may want to write your own newsletters. If you are not an article writer or if you are, but you just don’t have the time to produce you own newsletters, you don’t have to. There are a number of alternatives for you to choose from. One of the easiest alternatives is to pay a professional to write your newsletter for you. If you are looking for a free way to make a newsletter, you are urged to examine article directories. Many article directories give out free usage rights for their articles. This means that you can easily find newsletter content, that you didn’t write, without having to spend a dime! When using article directories, it is advised that you use articles that are, in one way or another, related to your website or the affiliate products that you are helping to sell. As you can see, there are a number of reasons why you should at least think about writing and disturbing a newsletter. In addition to those reasons, there are also an unlimited number of benefits to using newsletters to your advantage. Whether you make the decision to write your own newsletters, hire a professional, or use free content from article directories, you are Download Your $97 Gift >>>> Here

The Blogging Institute urged to give newsletters a chance. In the end, you might be surprised just how effective they are.

Choosing A Profitable Affiliate Program Affiliate programs are a great way to make money online; if you choose the right affiliate program. That it why it is extremely important that you carefully choose which affiliate program or programs you want to join. When it comes to choosing an affiliate program, do you know what to look for you? If this is your first time joining an affiliate program, you are urged to keep on reading. Below are some guidelines that you may want to think about following. Perhaps, the most important thing that you need to remember, when choosing an affiliate program, is to not pick the first affiliate program that you come across. This is a big mistake that many affiliate program participants make. Unfortunately for you, this can be a costly mistake. What many do not realize is that the product you choose to promote will reflect on you and your business. That is why it is important that you take the time to thoroughly examine an affiliate program first. You will want to choose an affiliate program that involves a product that you can stand behind, one hundred percent. One of the best ways to know that you are dealing with a legitimate affiliate program and a quality product is to test that product out. Although you are advised to do this, you may not want to or you may be unable to do so. If that is the case, you can still research an affiliate program or even the product that is being sold. You can easily do this online. One of the best ways to do your research is to perform a standard internet search. Download Your $97 Gift >>>> Here

The Blogging Institute Search with the name of the affiliate program or the product being sold. You can also check out websites that are known as scam websites. These websites tend to profile companies, individuals, or business opportunities that regularly scam consumers. Before applying for or signing up for an affiliate program, you are advised to read all of the rules, restrictions, or guidelines associated with that affiliate program. Unfortunately, you may find yourself disqualified from an affiliate program right off the bat. For instance, there are a large number of affiliate programs that prohibit their products from being advertised on websites that display pornography, foul language, and other offensive content. Familiarizing yourself with an affiliate program’s rules and guidelines will prevent you from being denied from a program or later dismissed from one. Perhaps, one of the most important things to remember, when choosing an affiliate program, is the product that you will have to sell. In conjunction with making sure that the product is a quality one, you will also want to make sure that it is related to your website or business, in one way or another. For instance, if your own website focuses on computer programming, you will not want to join an affiliate program that sells pet products. Joining an affiliate program that is related, in one way or another, to your own website may increase your chances of making a sale; thus increasing your profits. Although it is important to choose a quality product to stand behind, you also need to remember that your goal is to make money. One of the easiest ways to make a substantial amount of money is to choose an affiliate program that pays their affiliates decently. The average commission for affiliates is

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The Blogging Institute three to five percent of each sale made. While this is a good percentage to make, there are higher paying affiliate programs. You may want to look for affiliate programs that pay around ten percent. In fact, there are even a select number of affiliate programs that pay around fifteen percent in commissions. The above mentioned guidelines are just a few of the many that you will want to take into consideration, when choosing an affiliate program. Although the above mentioned points are helpful, the most important thing to keep in mind is your judgment. Using your best judgment is the easiest way to choose an effective affiliate program.

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Easy Affiliate Profit Increasers In today’s society, everyone is searching for easy ways to make money. In a way, affiliate programs can be considered one of those opportunities. If you have a website that receives a high amount of traffic, you may be able to make money with affiliate programs, with little or no work. Despite the possibility of making money with little effort, you may want to think about putting forth some effort. There are a number of relatively easy ways that you can go about increasing your commissions. If you are already in an affiliate program, you likely know exactly what affiliate program commissions are. If this is your first time joining an affiliate program, you may want to learn a little bit more. Affiliate program commissions are just like the commissions that many retail stores offer their employees for making large sales. If and when you join an affiliate program, you will be notified of your commission rate ahead of time. Say, that rate is five percent. Every sale that you help to generate, you will receive five percent of that sale in commissions. Many times, all you need to do is place a link or a banner on your website. That is why affiliate programs are often considered on the easiest ways to make legitimate money online. One of the easiest ways to increase the amount of commission you make with affiliate programs to choose your programs wisely. When it comes to affiliate commissions, different programs offer affiliates different commission rates. Typically, a common Download Your $97 Gift >>>> Here

The Blogging Institute commission percentage is three to five percent. There are a select number of affiliate programs that have a ten or even a fifteen percent commission rate for affiliates. Joining an affiliate program that has a relatively high commission percentage is one of the easiest ways that you can increase the amount of money you make. Another one of the many ways that you can go about increasing your commission is to be successful. Although this is often easier said than done, it can help you immensely. Most affiliate programs reward their highest performing affiliates. For instance, once you reach a high level of earning, like one thousand dollars in sales, you may be promoted to a higher commission level. Many affiliate programs do this as a way to motivate their affiliates. If you can successfully make sales, you can see an increase in the amount of commission you make. In addition to choosing your affiliate programs wisely and performing better, you can also increase your commissions through experimentation. There are a large number of different ways that you can go about increasing your affiliate program commissions. The only thing is that not all of these ways work for everyone. The best thing that you can do is experiment. You will need to take the time to see what works for you and what doesn’t. When experimenting, you may want to try writing affiliate product reviews or recommendations, sending out monthly newsletters, optimizing your website for search engines, or submitting articles to article directories. It is also important that you give it time. Increasing your affiliate commissions is not something that will happen overnight. The only way that you can increase your commissions right off the bat is by signing up with a high paying affiliate program. However, even with those programs, you are not guaranteed to Download Your $97 Gift >>>> Here

The Blogging Institute make any sales right away. If you are interested in using search engine optimization on your site, sending out newsletters, or submitting to article directories, you need to give these methods time to work. Although you may want to see results right away, it doesn’t matter if it helps one week from now or two months from now, at least you will be able to see an increase in your commissions. By keeping the above mentioned points in mind, you should be able to see an increase in the amount of money you make with affiliate programs. After time, you may very well end up making a full-time income just with affiliate programs.

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Make Money, No Product Required! Would you like to make money by selling products online? If so, do you already have a collection of products to sell? If not, do you have the money needed to obtain them? If you are like many others, who want to make money online, there is a good chance that you do not have the funds needed. After all, if you did, you likely would not be looking for ways to make money online. While you might automatically assume that it is impossible for you to make money online, especially if you don’t have any products to sell, it isn’t. There is good news. That good news is that you can make money, a substantial amount of money, even if you don’t actually have a product to sell. As it was stated above, there are a large number of individuals who want to make money online; however, many think that it is impossible to do because they don’t already have a collection of products or they don’t have the money needed to make the purchases. Unfortunately, when this occurs, a large number of individuals just give up. You are advised against doing this. As previously mentioned, it is possible to make money online, even if you don’t have any products to sell. You can do so with affiliate programs. Affiliate programs are programs that create a partnership with business owners and webmasters. If you are already a webmaster this is great, but if not you can easily become one. As you likely already know, a webmaster is an individual who owns and operates their own online website. Once you have a website and you find another business, which is running an Download Your $97 Gift >>>> Here

The Blogging Institute affiliate program, you can enter into a partnership with them. This partnership is unique because you can both benefit from it. Affiliate programs work to help business owners increase their sales, but they also help webmasters generate extra income. Although affiliate programs sound nice, you may be looking for more information. After all, with internet scams at an all time high, you can never be too cautious. While some affiliate programs are operated in different ways, they tend to be operated in similar matters. This matter involves the business owner creating links or banners for webmasters, just like you, to display on their website. Special tracking software, which is often referred to as affiliate tracking software, is used. That software will enable a business owner to determine exactly when you helped them generate a sale and how much that sale was. This sale will, in turn, generate additional income for you by way of commissions. The amount of money that you make will all depend on the affiliate program that you choose to join, but your commission is often a percentage of your sale. In some instances, can also be a flat rate amount. When it comes to affiliate programs, one of the questions most commonly asked is “why?” As previously mentioned, affiliate programs allow you to make money selling a product that isn’t even yours. This means that you do not have to deal with any inventory. You also don’t have to ship any products to the buyers. In fact, you shouldn’t even have to communicate with your customers. Your affiliate partner, the one who is selling the product, will do all of the work for you. What could be easier than that? If you are interested in making money online, without having to have your own products to sell, you are urged to further Download Your $97 Gift >>>> Here

The Blogging Institute examine affiliate programs, namely the programs that are available for you to join. You can find these programs by examining large affiliate hosting programs, such as LinkShare. You can also find affiliate programs to join by examining the online websites of various online retail stores. Typically towards the bottom of the main homepage, a business will outline whether or not they have an affiliate program that you can apply to. If you are really looking to make money online, you are urged to find a product, a service, or a company that you can fully stand behind, one hundred percent.

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Squeeze Those Visitors Affiliate program participants rely on sales to make money with affiliate programs. The only thing is that many new participants forget that they also need to rely on website traffic. After all, without traffic, no one will be able to see your affiliate products, let alone buy them. That is why, if you are in an affiliate program, you need to work on increasing your traffic. There are a number of steps that you can take to increase your traffic. Just three of these steps are outlined below.

STEP # 1 – SEO If you are an established webmaster, you likely already know what SEO is. If not, you need to familiarize yourself with it right away. SEO, which is also known as search engine optimization, may have an important impact on the success of your website, even its failure. The goal of search engine optimization (SEO) is to increase your search engine ranking. Having a high search engine ranking increases your chances of seeing traffic from search engines. Search engine optimization encompasses a number of different methods, but one of the most important is content. You need to have content on your website; it is what search engines pickup. You will also want to use keyword tracking tools; they enable you to determine what keyword phrases internet users are Download Your $97 Gift >>>> Here

The Blogging Institute searching with. Using those keyword phrases on your website is sure to increase your website traffic.

STEP # 2 – Article Distribution Have you heard of article directories before? Article directories are websites that act as hosts for collections of articles. They often contain a large collection of articles, sometimes even millions of articles. In exchange for providing your content free of charge, article directories will allow you to insert a link at the end of your article. This link should direct readers to your online website, namely the page that outlines the affiliate products that you are selling. Not only will it help to increase your website traffic, but your sales may also increase. When it comes to submitting to article directories, which is often referred to as articles distribution, you are advised to create yourself a schedule. To effectively use article distribution, you need to submit multiple articles. In fact, the more articles the better. You should create a goal for yourself, like submitting at least five articles a month. It is also important that you create content that is relevant to your website. If it is not, your readers might not click on your clink; thus defeating the purpose of submitting to article directories. STEP #3 – Blogging Over the past few years, the popularity of blogging has skyrocketed. In addition to personal blogs, a large number of online businesses are now relying on blogs to help increase their website traffic and you can too. Blogs are nice because you are given choices. You can create your own, free blog or you can pay to have your blog hosted on your own domain name. Download Your $97 Gift >>>> Here

The Blogging Institute When creating a blog, you can create your own content, which may include product reviews or recommendations. In fact, you don’t even have to write your own content. You can use content from many free article directories; many will give you free usage rights. Speaking of article directories, if you submitted your own articles, you can even use them for your blog. The only thing you need to remember is to link back to your original webpage. Doing so in each blog post will help to increase your traffic. The above mentioned three traffic increasing steps are just a few of the many that you can take. These three; however, are a few of the easiest ways that you can go about increasing your website traffic. With a small amount of effort, you can easily see an increase in traffic, in what seems like no time at all. In fact, you will not only see an increase in traffic, but you may also see an increase in your affiliate sales.

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Using A Squeeze Page To Built Your List Three Traffic Triggers Have you heard of a squeeze page before? If you are like many other internet users, you haven’t. If you are trying to make money, through selling an affiliate product or service, you are advised to examine squeeze pages. After giving it a close examination, you will see that there are a number of different ways that squeeze pages can help you. When it comes to squeeze pages, you will find that they have a number of different definitions. In fact, it is sometimes difficult to pin down the exact meaning of a squeeze page. Although there are some variations, all squeeze pages, no matter how they are defined, have the same goal. That goal it to help you get the names and email address of internet users; internet users that you can then send emails or newsletters to. If properly executed, a squeeze page, which allows you to create an email list, will not only increase the amount of traffic that your website sees, but it may also increase the amount of affiliate sales you make. As it was stated above, there are a number of different definitions for a squeeze page. There are many professional who believe that squeeze pages are simply a page where you have a small form that your visitors can fill out. Many times, the only information asked for is a first name and an email address.

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The Blogging Institute Once an internet user provides you with that information, you can then send regular emails or newsletters, whichever you prefer. While many squeeze pages have nothing on them, there are many professionals who feel that you should provide a little bit of information. This is fine to do, but you want to be carefully with providing too much information or making your information appears as if it spam. For instance, if you are running a website that is centered on caring for your pets and the affiliate products that you are selling are pet related, you may want to write a little bit of information on pet care. However, when doing so, you do not want to promote your products now. Providing too much information may not only make it so your visitors don’t need to signup for your email alerts, but it may also discourage them from doing so. There are also many professional who feel that you need to give visitors a reason to sign up for your newsletters or email alerts, like an incentive. The decision as to whether or not you want to offer an incentive is yours to make, but it is important to note that incentive have a positive track record. As an incentive, you may want to give you customers something free, such as en e-book. Keeping with example mentioned above, you may want to offer visitors are free e-book on pets, just for providing you with their name and email address. In most cases, this approach works wonders. It is a known fact that everyone loves free stuff, especially if it is something that they could use. Now that you know exactly what squeeze pages are or what they can be considered, you may be wondering exactly why you should have one. As previously mentioned, internet users provide you with their names and email addresses on squeeze pages. Sending unsolicited emails can be considered spam Download Your $97 Gift >>>> Here

The Blogging Institute and you may also be reprimanded by your web hosting company, your email provider, or even your affiliate programs. When an internet user actually provides you with their contact information, your email contact is no longer considered spam. In fact, you can send emails or newsletters to the individuals in question, as often as you would like. This is when you could then take the opportunity to promote the affiliate products that you are helping to sell. Developing a squeeze page is relatively easy to do, especially if you have some web design experience. If you are unfamiliar with web design, you should still be able to create your own squeeze page, with assistance from a site building program or a professional web designer. If you would like to be able to promote your websites and your affiliate products as often as you would like, you are urged to create yourself a squeeze page today.

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