Creating And Using List To Make Money

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The Blogging Institute

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The Blogging Institute

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My name is Alexis Kenne and I’m the owner of . Over the last few months I’ve gone from being a LOSER affiliate to finally starting on the path of becoming a SUPER AFFILIATE and Expert Blogger! I shared some of my experiences on my blog I quickly realized how important was a mailing list in an online business. I then did everything to learn in the shortest time possible to send a ton of free targeted traffic to my main site at and to my blog plus by making some small split tweaks to my conversions (opt-in rates) I’ve also managed to capitalize on the amount of traffic I do get. More Traffic = More Opt-ins = More Sales If you are struggling to get traffic to your site and /or struggling to make money online then I can help. Check out my site for access to my free affiliate marketing success kit, or visit my blog for some of the hottest affiliate marketing and traffic driving tips.

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One last thing before you begin reading the rest of the guide, I actually offer a FREE 7 day ecourse on how to make money blogging. You can get access to it at

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My Facebook Fan Page My Twitter Page My Youtube Channel My Articles at ezinearticles My LinkedIn Account My Google+ Account

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The Blogging Institute

Autoresponders Autoresponders… these are one of the largest problems for some marketers who aren’t willing to spend a dime. If you’re one of those marketers, just stop reading this eBook. To make money, you have to invest. I’m not telling you to invest 10 grand, or anything close to that, but a start up $100 is needed. Now, what Autoresponders basically are, are custom PHP scripts that collect people’s emails and names, then send out emails to the people. Of course, some of you are urging to say “This could be made easily with PHP!” Well, that is true, but they don’t have nearly as much features as Autoresponders, though if you want to start up with a budget of $0, those might be the way to go. Custom PHP scripts that handle those types of things may have errors and will probably cost money. Unless you find a free script without errors and know a thing or two about PHP and Autoresponders, then I would suggest getting an Autoresponder. Ok, so let’s get into the topic of Autoresponders. The main Autoresponders are: Aweber, iContact and Get Response. If you simply type their names up at Google, you’ll find their website, and from there, you can investigate which out of the three would be the most affordable, and easy to use option.

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Squeeze Pages In a nutshell, squeeze pages are the website that people come to and leave their name and email to get their free report, or video. There are many different types of squeeze pages, however, I’m not going to be talking about that much because this is a beginners guide. There are hundreds of squeeze page templates, probably even hundreds that your Autoresponder gives you as a gift! If you didn’t receive any squeeze pages from your Autoresponder, or feel that they won’t convert, then I have a solution for you! Download these squeeze pages that convert up to 62%: /pages/freesqueeze-page templates.php! I personally had great experience with that guy, and his squeeze pages. They are absolutely great! So once more, even if your Autoresponder does provide squeeze page templates, then I would still recommend you take a look at these free templates that I supply. Now, getting into conversions, if you’re getting 50% or higher conversions for your opt-in, you could be the new internet marketing superstar… no joke. The normal conversion rate for unique visitors is around 30%. If you have a great squeeze page, then your conversions will probably be higher. Personally, after lots of experience, I already get over 70% conversions, simply because I target the right audience and know what people want. If you have a 30% or higher conversion rate, then you’re doing it right, you could even consider yourself doing “good”! On the other hand, if your squeeze page is converting at 15% or lower, then you’re definitely doing something wrong. You either don’t Download Your $97 Gift >>>> Here

The Blogging Institute have good graphics, good copywriting (which for those who don’t know is persuading with words), etc. Now, let’s get into talking about video squeeze pages vs. text squeeze pages. In my opinion and many others, it’s even shown by some statistics, video squeeze pages convert much better then text squeeze pages if they are done properly, meaning; you have copywriting write your voice content, a voice over actor create the audio and you have a kinetic typographic artist create your video if you’re explaining something with words.

Video squeeze pages should be to the point. They should be no longer then 5 minutes, recommended is two and they should pull the reader in. If within the first 30 seconds you don’t persuade your visitor to stay, or put out some important information, then you’re doing it wrong. Your conversions will fall to the ground. Text squeeze pages are implemented in a little different way. You need some facts on the side that need to be to the point, and you should have a call to action (the next part will talk about call to action and what it is) on the side. It should explain what the product you’re offering is; at the top or bottom. You should have a very strong headline, especially with text squeeze pages because there is no video. Graphics… oh how twenty first century. Truth is, you need graphics to convert. Your squeeze pages won’t convert with a simple text box, a red headline and an arrow. It’s much more complex then that nowadays. Now, to gain your visitor’s trust you must show them how worthy you are and how professional you are. Download Your $97 Gift >>>> Here

The Blogging Institute I’m telling you this straight up, without graphics, you’ll die in the email marketing, and even the whole internet marketing world these days! Outsource on graphics. Once again, straight up, you won’t be able to create good graphics yourself. Spend $20 or so outsourcing the graphics. That $20 might increase your conversions by 20%+, which can lead to hundreds, thousands, even ten’s of thousands of extra dollars!

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Call To Action Call to action is a very simple concept. It’s basically saying “sign up to my list”. Call to action means telling somebody to do something, which in our case is subscribing to our list. You must use call to action a lot, don’t overdo it, but trust me, I’ve seen thousands of marketers under do it. My company and I partly specializes in fixing up squeeze pages too, and 82% out of the people who needed their squeeze page fixed up didn’t have enough call to action! Make sure to put your point across! Once more, don’t overdo it, but put some graphics saying sign up, put some text saying sign up, put a part in your video saying sign up. I think you get the point.

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Product Now, all you need before advertising your squeeze page is a product. Your product can be anything, a report, an eBook, a software, a PLR product that you purchased, a video anything. I bet you can think of a decent product that you can create in a few hours. If you can’t, or struggle to, then go ahead and find a PLR product that you have rights to give away (it will most likely cost you $5-$10), and give that away! If you’re thinking of creating a product that’s BS, then don’t. You aren’t just “taking their name and email” and running away with it. You’ll need to build trust with your list. In the future, if you want to offer a product to them and the product they got for free was good, they’ll probably be thinking “That one was great and informative, what’s the next paid one going to be, gold!?”

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The Blogging Institute

Traffic At this point, you’ve got almost all of your content set up, all you need is traffic. You need people to see your squeeze page and sign up to your list. I’m going to tell you the truth, not fluff. It’s hard to get traffic. Most people end up paying for PPC traffic and spend hundreds, even thousands of dollars advertising their squeeze page, but the worst part is that most of them fail at the end even once they have their list! A very easy method to get traffic is from forums. Go to forums that you participate in often and make a thread about your free product. Because it’s free, tons of people will view your thread, view your website and subscribe to your list. If you don’t have many forums that you go to regarding your niche, sign up for some, spend a few days hanging out in them and build some trust. Then, make a thread about your free product you’re offering them.

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The Blogging Institute Another method to get traffic is from search engines. If you are ranked well for your keyword, you’ll get a bunch of visitors who will subscribe to your list! So how do you get that high search engine ranking? Well first of all, you have to have nice content on your website. Without nice content, Google or any other major search engines won’t like your website. Secondly, it needs backlinks. The more backlinks your website has, the better your website will rank. To get these backlinks, you’ll either have to create them yourself which you can do my simply going to blogs around your topic and posting comments with your website URL with it, or you can purchase backlinks. If you want a decent search engine ranking you’re going to have to buy backlinks, not only create them youself because that will take forever. I would recommend creating about 30 backlinks yourself and spending about $100 on high PR backlinks. Believe me, don’t get carried away by the quantity, look at the quality. Chances are, most of the “quantity” type backlinks won’t even count to Google because they’re so low PR. I would also suggest getting .EDU and .GOV backlinks because Google loves them, literally. It’ll boost up your search engine ranking instantly!

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Trust Once you’ve already built your list, you’re probably thinking it’s “smooth sailing” from now on. Well it’s not. You’re going to have to build up trust. So how do you build up trust? Well first of all, you need to offer a good report or whatever your product you offered them is. Once they see the value in your product, they’d want to buy your other products because they will probably be 10x better and they will learn a lot from them. Another way to build trust is by giving them good tips on your niche, and giving them other free resources.

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The Blogging Institute Once you’ve built your list and you actually see people following you, then you send them out affiliate offers and backend products/services that you had in mind. But beware, that’s when unsubscribe rates are high! So keep on offering them tips and free resources, along with the affiliate offers and products that you offer. Make sure to make it seem like the paid products are much better then the free resources and that they are practically “gold”. That way you’ll get more sales. Another way to make money is by offering solo ads. If you have a list of 1,000 or more subscribers, then you could start doing this. Offers ads to people with the same niche as you that want to also build a list. Or people that simply want to advertise their company/business.

Outsourcing Outsourcing… it’s hot and needed. Like I said earlier in my eBook; if you’re not willing to spend a dime, this isn’t for you. Outsourcing is the act of paying somebody to do your “dirty” work for you. A website that is very cheap, but has many possibilities is called Fiverr. Inside there, people offer Download Your $97 Gift >>>> Here

The Blogging Institute gigs to do all sorts of things for the fixed price of $5! You can get some quality stuff in there for the low price of $5. Some examples of gigs; graphics, a complete yes! In this place there are some very talented people who are willing to create graphics for a price of what usually costs 5x more! For example; eCovers, they are 3D models of your product that make it seem as if your product was tangible. Another example is backlinks. There are tons of people with either; great software that create hundreds and thousands of backlinks, or people that know a way to create backlinks on high PR .EDU and .GOV websites. There are tons of great gigs within link building that people do for $5, which as I stated before, is a complete bargain!

Conclusion Thank you for reading my eBook and subscribing to my list. I treat all my subscribers very well and send out a lot of useful information that will help you improve your marketing success in the future, so please stay subscribed! Download Your $97 Gift >>>> Here

The Blogging Institute Hopefully you got a lot out of this guide. It took some energy and time to write it, but in the end, I’m glad I did as I’m helping hundreds of other marketers become successful in internet marketing!

Thank You

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