How To Use PRL

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The Blogging Institute

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The Blogging Institute This eBook Is Brought To You By Alexis Kenne Dot Com This eBook Comes With Free Giveaways or Resale Rights, However You May Not Change The Contents In Any Way


To Use PRL�

LEGAL NOTICE The Publisher has strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in the creation of this report, notwithstanding the fact that he does not warrant or represent at any time that the contents within are accurate due to the rapidly changing nature of the Internet. While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this publication, the Publisher assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein. Any perceived slights of specific persons, peoples, or organizations are unintentional. In practical advice books, like anything else in life, there are no guarantees of income made. Readers are cautioned to reply on their own judgment about their individual circumstances to act accordingly. This book is not intended for use as a source of legal, business, accounting or financial advice. All readers are advised to seek services of competent professionals in legal, business, accounting, and finance field. You are encouraged to print this book for easy reading.

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The Blogging Institute My name is Alexis Kenne and I’m the owner of . Over the last few months I’ve gone from being a LOSER affiliate to finally starting on the path of becoming a SUPER AFFILIATE and Expert Blogger! I shared some of my experiences on my blog I quickly realized how important was a mailing list in an online business. I then did everything to learn in the shortest time possible to send a ton of free targeted traffic to my main site at and to my blog plus by making some small split tweaks to my conversions (opt-in rates) I’ve also managed to capitalize on the amount of traffic I do get. More Traffic = More Opt-ins = More Sales If you are struggling to get traffic to your site and /or struggling to make money online then I can help. Check out my site for access to my free affiliate marketing success kit, or visit my blog for some of the hottest affiliate marketing and traffic driving tips.

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One last thing before you begin reading the rest of the guide, I actually offer a FREE 7 day ecourse on how to make money blogging. You can get access to it at

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My Facebook Fan Page My Twitter Page My Youtube Channel My Articles at ezinearticles My LinkedIn Account My Google+ Account

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The Blogging Institute

How to Use Your PLR PLR…Private Label Rights Content can be an online business lifesaver. Whether it’s articles, reports, ebooks, recipes, howto’s or reviews, there is a ton of PLR content you can easily purchase and use for your own business. This blueprint gives you plenty of ideas of what you can do with your content, how to make it your own and how to find quality and credible sources of PLR content.

Ideas for PLR If you want to maximize the use of your content, sometimes you need think outside the box. Here are 31 ideas to get started. NOTE: All PLR sellers have their own unique terms of use. Always read the terms of use for any PLR you purchase to ensure you stay within the guidelines. While most of the ideas in this blueprint will be generally acceptable, it’s possible that a handful of your PLR purchases may not allow you to use all of the ideas in this blueprint. TIP: PLR can be reused and repurposed over and over again. That means, you can use a number of the ideas in the list below for EACH piece of content you purchase. Always think -> MAXIMIZE! 1. Content for Search Engines: Do some keyword research (use the free trial) and adapt the PLR article title and body for that keyword phrase. Remember to use the keyword in your web page’s title tag, description and any links you make to the article. 2. Articles for Your Ezine: If you publish an ezine, throwing in some PLR articles is a simple way to beef up your content. In fact, you can pre-write a number of ezine issues quickly and easily using PLR. Simply put them together, schedule them in your autoresponder and you’re ready to go. Download Your $97 Gift >>>> Here

The Blogging Institute 3. Editorial Commentary for Your Newsletter: If you don’t publish a formal ezine with articles, you may want to use PLR to make commentary in your newsletter. You might publish the article on your website, include a link in your newsletter and add your commentary. 4. Load Up Your Autoresponder: PLR is an easy way to put together a prescheduled autoresponder series. Simply load up a series of related articles, add some promotions, your company information and that’s it. 5. Email Ecourse: Use PLR to make an email course, or as it’s frequently called an “e-course”. Sometimes you can purchase pre-made email courses or simply find a number of articles on the same topic and use those as the basis of your course. 6. Blog Posts: Add PLR articles to your blog. If it’s a personal blog, add your own commentary and use the personalization tips later in this blueprint. 7. Promote Products: PLR allows you to focus on promotion, while someone else puts together the content. Add promotions and recommendations of your own products or include affiliate links to other products. 8. Display Ads: When you post the article to your website, choose a relevant graphic ad (or put in your graphic Google Adsense code) to include in the body of the article. It will sure to be noticed by those reading the content. 9. Affiliate Program Articles: Many PLR providers allow you to adapt the articles for your own affiliate program. Take the articles, add promotions for your products and allow your affiliates to publish the article with their affiliate links. 10. Affiliate Program Brandable Reports: Either bundle up some articles or take a PLR report and allow your affiliates to brand the PDF with their link. Download Your $97 Gift >>>> Here

The Blogging Institute 11. Create a Frequently Asked Questions Section: If you’ve got a bunch of “how to” PLR articles, use them to create a FAQ or Frequently Asked Questions section on your website. 12. Gift with Subscription: Bundle up some articles or take a PLR report and give it as a gift to anyone who signs up for your newsletter. If it’s a valuable offer, people will sign up for your newsletter just to get it. 13. Membership Site Content: Share the content with members of your membership site. i.e. If you own a membership site about dog training, post your dog training PLR articles for members to read. 14. Build an Information Product: Use the content to create an information product. Perhaps, it’s a report, series of reports, a compilation of short how-to’s…get creative with it. 15. Use it for Audio: PLR content can be the basis for an audio recording. Use the recording as a podcast, a bonus for your product or part of a free gift for subscription. 16. Use it for Video: Just like with audio, written content can be turned into video. How to articles make great videos demonstrating a process. Instructional reports can be turned into video tutorials, using PowerPoint, live action and/or screen capture video. 17. PLR Recipes into Recipe Books: Grab a bunch of PLR recipes and put them into a nice book. Add photos, personalize it and offer it to your subscribers or even get it printed for your customers. 18. Pamphlets & Booklets for Offline Giveaways: Attending a trade show or know someone who is? Send along some free booklets compiled with PLR content. Leave booklets at doctor’s office, stores or wherever your target market gathers. 19. Compile PLR into a printed ebook/report using: Try for print-on-demand of your new printed product. Download Your $97 Gift >>>> Here

The Blogging Institute 20. Make it a Bonus Gift for a Shipped Item: Shipping a product to your customer? Use that printed pamphlet or booklet (from #19) as gift for your subscribers. Whether you sell candles, cosmetics or nuts & bolts, there is certainly how-to content your customers will be grateful for. 21. Break up Reports or Ebooks into Shorter Articles: If you’ve got a bunch of PLR reports on your hard drive and can’t use them, break them up. Make it into an article or autoresponder series, it’s up to you. 22. Build Incoming Links with Guest Blog Posts: Ask another blog owner, if you can post some guest content on their blog. Be sure to let them know it’s PLR, but if they’d like, you can add your own editorial commentary, opinions, examples, etc. Many blog owners will be grateful for the extra posts. 23. Create Feeder Website to Link into Your Main Website: Another opportunity for incoming links. Create new contentfocused sites that link to your main website. 24. Regular Discussions on Your Forum: Looking for something to talk about on your forum. Post the articles and ask your members for their thoughts on the subject. 25. Post & Tweet: Post the articles to your website and let your Twitter followers know about it. 26. Make a free giveaway for long-time customers: Surprise your customers with a free digital gift (PLR report or compile some articles into a report), even if they haven’t bought anything in a little while. 27. Use it for teleseminars: Take the informational content from PLR and turn it into a presentation for a teleseminar. Invite people (for free or for an entrance fee) to attend the live teleseminar. Be sure to record the teleseminar, allow participants to ask questions, so you’ll have even more content when you’re finished. Download Your $97 Gift >>>> Here

The Blogging Institute 28. Use it for in-person workshops: Just like with a teleseminar, you can use the content from PLR to create live and in-person workshops and classes. 29. Add it to a website and sell it for profit: Put together a topic-themed website with a nice design, fill it with some PLR content and sell it for a profit. 30. Translate it: Use ideas #1-29 and translate the content into any number of languages. Generate search engine traffic and reach a new target audience. 31. Incorporate the content into a press release. The media loves releases with plenty of useable information. Take some snippets from PLR and incorporate them into a newsworthy press release.

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The Blogging Institute

Customizing Your PLR If you’re posting PLR to a personal blog or adding your company name to it, you may want to take steps to make PLR more uniquely yours, without completely rewriting the content. Here are some ideas for simple customization: 1. Add your opinion. To suit a wide variety of purchasers, PLR sellers often sell content without any strong opinions. This makes it easier to pack a little more opinionated punches into your content. 2. Add examples. When explaining a process or giving instructions, incorporate examples your audience can relate to. For example, an article for parents about bedwetting can include experiences/case studies of your own customers…or even yourself. 3. Add your own formatting and punctuation. As a writer, your writing likely has a visual style. You may frequently incorporate the use of sub-headlines, questions to your audience, bullet points etc. You may… like me… incorporate the use of ellipsis often to create a pause. 4. Hire a ghostwriter. If you’re looking for a specific voice or angle to a topic, a ghostwriter can rework the content for you. 5. Use current events to make the content more topical. For example, if you’re publishing an article about influenza, include information from recent headlines, studies, etc. 6. Niche it. General content can often be customized to a more specific audience. For example, if you are publishing a weight loss article, rework it so it appeals to the issues many mothers have with weight loss. 7. Add statistics and other relevant data. Show your readers more depth to a topic by including statistics and data with your PLR content. Download Your $97 Gift >>>> Here

The Blogging Institute 8. Add quotes. People love thought-provoking quotes. Find relevant quotes to your topic and give your readers something to think about.

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Rewriting Your PLR Some people like to rewrite PLR. They may want completely original content for their website or they want to submit content to publishers who require completely original content. Rewriting PLR can take a bit of time, but some people develop a real knack for it. But if you want to do your own rewrites or train your own writer to do them, here are some basic guidelines to follow. By the way, for a complete blueprint specifically for rewriting PLR, be sure to pick up a copy of Marie Ynami’s How to Re-Write PLR Articles in Less Than 10 Minutes. It’s only $10 and the guide we’ve recommended for awhile now.  Read the article in full first, so you completely understand the main and finer points.  Edit the title and any subheadlines. You may want to do some keyword research, as mentioned earlier in this blueprint, and target a new keyword phrase.  If you want to keep all the same points, in the rewrite, do your rewriting paragraph by paragraph. If you just want the same general idea, you may be a bit more informal with your rewriting.  Rewriting paragraph by paragraph is likely easier than rewriting sentence by sentence. Simply take the ideas presented in each paragraph and rework those into your own unique wording.  Take care when you rewrite specific parts of an article, that you retain the main ideas. If you alter the main ideas too much, you might lose some of the oomph of the article.

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The Blogging Institute Quick Publishing & Using All Your Content At times it can be overwhelming when PLR collects on your hard drive, but if you have a plan…and only buy the PLR content you can use, it won’t happen. Quick WordPress Publishing: If you publish with WordPress (and no, it’s not just for blogs… you can create a regular ol’ content site with WordPress as well), then quick publishing is a snap by using a plugin. Other Website Publishing: If you don’t use WordPress or don’t want to use plug-ins, you can establish routines and procedures that will help you use more of your PLR content and use it efficiently. o Schedule your publishing time. If you get new PLR

content of the 1st of each month, set aside a couple of hours the first Wednesday (for example) of each month to work on publishing. o

Hire someone. Hire a virtual assistant to help you load the articles to your website. That saves you TONS of time and will help ensure you use all your PLR content.


Copy-and-Paste first then edit. You might find it helpful to copy-and-paste all the PLR into pages on your site and then go back and edit the pages as needed (changing titles, adding promotions, editing text, etc.). By breaking up the work into tasks, you can make faster work of it.


If you get seasonal content, schedule it. If you use a publishing system that allows you to schedule content, load up whatever you have now and then schedule it for the appropriate time of the year.

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Trusted PLR Sources There are plenty of PLR providers out there. They are DEFINITELY not all equal. If you’re looking for quality content that hasn’t been sold a thousand times over before it reaches you, try the following: Special Report Club: This is my PLR site. I provide monthly content memberships, as well as a wide-variety of instant info product packages all on Internet Marketing topics. Coaching PLR Content: This is a site I co-own with Nicole Dean. We provide limited ready-to-go packages of content to create high-ticket coaching programs, multi-media courses, and business tools. This PLR is perfect for Coaches, Consultants, Service Providers and Online Entrepreneurs! Easy PLR: A variety of articles, reports and autoresponder messages on a variety of topics. All Private Label Content: This is a site provides a wide variety of topic-specific PLR memberships and one-time bundle purchases. All Marketing Content: Monthly content for the business to business market including articles, recipes, product profiles and reports (free marketing article pack). All Health Content: Monthly content for the health market including articles, recipes, product profiles and reports (free health article pack). All Mom Content: Monthly content for the mom market including articles, recipes, product profiles and reports (free mom article pack).

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The Blogging Institute Mom PLR Ebooks: Complete ebook marketing packages to market to moms. Packages include ebooks, promotional materials, graphics, sales copy and more. Natural Mom PLR: Natural and green niche article packs of particular interest to moms.

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