Make Money From Twitter

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The Blogging Institute

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The Blogging Institute This eBook Is Brought To You By Alexis Kenne Dot Com This eBook Comes With Free Giveaways or Resale Rights, However You May Not Change The Contents In Any Way


Money From Twitter� LEGAL NOTICE

The Publisher has strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in the creation of this report, notwithstanding the fact that he does not warrant or represent at any time that the contents within are accurate due to the rapidly changing nature of the Internet. While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this publication, the Publisher assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein. Any perceived slights of specific persons, peoples, or organizations are unintentional. In practical advice books, like anything else in life, there are no guarantees of income made. Readers are cautioned to reply on their own judgment about their individual circumstances to act accordingly. This book is not intended for use as a source of legal, business, accounting or financial advice. All readers are advised to seek services of competent professionals in legal, business, accounting, and finance field. You are encouraged to print this book for easy reading.

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The Blogging Institute My name is Alexis Kenne and I’m the owner of . Over the last few months I’ve gone from being a LOSER affiliate to finally starting on the path of becoming a SUPER AFFILIATE and Expert Blogger! I shared some of my experiences on my blog I quickly realized how important was a mailing list in an online business. I then did everything to learn in the shortest time possible to send a ton of free targeted traffic to my main site at and to my blog plus by making some small split tweaks to my conversions (opt-in rates) I’ve also managed to capitalize on the amount of traffic I do get. More Traffic = More Opt-ins = More Sales If you are struggling to get traffic to your site and /or struggling to make money online then I can help. Check out my site for access to my free affiliate marketing success kit, or visit my blog for some of the hottest affiliate marketing and traffic driving tips.

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The Blogging Institute

One last thing before you begin reading the rest of the guide, I actually offer a FREE 7 day ecourse on how to make money blogging. You can get access to it at

Additional Useful Links

My Facebook Fan Page My Twitter Page My Youtube Channel My Articles at ezinearticles My LinkedIn Account My Google+ Account

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The Blogging Institute

HOW DO I MAKE MONEY FROM TWITTER? Due to the recent rise of Twitter and the “Tweet” (posting within twitter) a lot people are asking this question, and I would like to offer a potential solution. We have all heard of Twitter and its potential traffic power. A power that many say is helping their business. It must be said at this point though it would appear just as many are saying it is not helping at all and is a drain on their time. FYI A tweet takes about 20-30 seconds, so these people must have real hectic lives if they can’t spare that a day!!! In this report I would like to offer my own perspective on this subject and how I believe Twitter CAN be used to drive traffic to your site(s) and in turn you can then make money from the customers who come from twitter. I do not believe you can just make money from twitter, you need to use it as a funnel for traffic to your site and perhaps the sites you are an affiliate for. So let’s get started……

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The Blogging Institute

WHAT IS TWITTER? Twitter is a social network site. Let’s just think about that phrase for a moment. Social – means things like mix, integrate, meet and have fun with. If someone calls you a social person it means you are usually a pleasant person to be with and you like the company of others. Network – When we think of this word in business, and we say he/she is good networker we think of someone who is good at working the room, makes good small talk, perhaps offers some hints and tips to a prospective client, with the ultimate aim of making a deal. A networker has a chat with someone, gains their confidence and probably ends up giving their, or taking the other persons business card with a view to doing business together. Not necessarily selling to them, but doing business with them. If we put those 2 words together we get an idea of how internet marketers use “social networking” sites to “grow their business”. You notice I have used the term “grow their business” rather than making money. If you go onto to twitter with the sole purpose of making money you will fail. People do not join twitter with the thought of; “Hey I’m gonna join Twitter ‘cos I want to be sold to. I love being sold to and I can’t wait to have those affiliate links rammed down my throat, YIPPEE!!!” Nobody likes being sold to. Download Your $97 Gift >>>> Here

The Blogging Institute Actually I will correct myself there, because I actually do enjoy being sold to…..when it is done well. There are many people who are real pro’s and you know you are being sold to but they make the experience so relaxed and enjoyable that you don’t really mind. That is the kind of person you want to be. Be relaxed and make the experience an enjoyable one for your (potential) customer.

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The Blogging Institute

A GOOD NETWORKER/SALESMAN Imagine you were at a party and a guy comes up to and says:“Hi I’m Bob, can I ask do you have life insurance?” You are going to automatically say “Yes I do thank you”, even if you don’t, and you are going to try and get away from that guy as quick as possible. However if you met Bob at a party and he introduced himself and asked a question about you like, “Did you have far to come to the party?” Or perhaps started talking about the weather or sport or what the party was like, you would stay and chat to him. Eventually the conversation would get around to what you do for a living, you’d tell him, and you would automatically ask him what he does and he says “I am a Life Insurance consultant”, if you didn’t have life insurance you would probably tell him that straight away. So he’s been talking to you for 10-15 minutes, he probably knows where you live (can guess the value of your house), if you are married and have kids (outgoings vary depending on both these things), what you do for a living (Can probably guess how much you earn) and finally you have told him you have no life insurance. He has built a rapport with you, taken an interest, he’s a nice guy. He tells you its something you really should consider. Perhaps he says something like “Do you know it always strikes me as amazing the number of people who don’t make provisions for their loved ones after they’ve gone” He tells you a few of the consequences of not having life insurance and you are “disturbed”, CRIKEY!!! You now actually want life insurance. Download Your $97 Gift >>>> Here

The Blogging Institute You start asking him questions about it. The types of cover Periods of time you need to pay How much does it cost? He has got you on the hook. You are the one doing the questioning and pushing for the sale. He says “Look, I don’t want to bore you with this stuff at a party. Do you have a card or something to write your number down with? I’ll have a look for you and see what I can do” I’ll give you a call in the week and perhaps we can meet up for a drink and get you sorted then” “I WILL SEE WHAT I CAN DO FOR YOU!!!!” Boy he’s good. You give Bob your number. He rings you next week and it game over. A much more pleasant experience I am sure you’ll agree and social networking, and indeed internet marketing works in much the same way.

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The Blogging Institute

No one wants to be bombarded with sales pitches. On twitter users “follow” each other. You will follow someone you are interested in personally or interested by what they have to say or perhaps what they stand for or represent. As someone who is marketing in a niche you need to provide good interesting things for your followers to read about, You need to produce good quality content. If you want to use twitter as a tool to grow your business and ultimately make money from it I would recommend getting yourself a blog. You can market on twitter without one, by tweeting about things in your own personal life that are niche related, but anywhere you send your followers will not be your site.. If you are in the weight loss niche for example but don’t have a blog of your own and you tweet about a great new recipe you’ve seen, it won’t be your site you’re sending the follower to. If you are sending them to an affiliate link that you will make money from, that is fine every now and again, but if you do that day in, day out, you’ll lose them pretty quickly. Personally though I think if you have a blog, you can tweet about what you have just written on it. So you could tweet; “Just discovered a great new recipe for flapjacks with only 1% fat. Find out more at www.thenameof” Your follower then clicks on the link to your blog where you have written about this great new recipe and how lovely the flapjacks are. Download Your $97 Gift >>>> Here

The Blogging Institute You put the recipe on your blog too. So you are giving this follower some great content. You have told them about a recipe for really healthy flapjacks, but not only that you have given them the recipe for free too. “Hey”, they think “This is a good person”. “Wait, below the recipe there’s something else, what does is say?” “If You Want 100 More Easy Tasty Low Fat Recipes for Delicious Meals The Whole Family Will Love Just Enter Your Details In The Box Below”. “You bet I am going to enter my details for 100 free recipes!!!”

Bingo they have just joined your mailing list. You let them know about a great recipe, you gave them the recipe and then you offered them another 100 for absolutely no cost, all they had to do was give you their name and email

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The Blogging Institute

Now it’s up to you to build an even better relationship with them using the autoresponder sequence you have set up. You can mail them 2 or 3 times a week to start with just to get your name into their minds with some more free recipes, cooking tips and hints. Then for every 5 or 6 freebies you send to them, send something they need to pay for. If it’s a product of your own that’s perfect you can build a list of buyers. Alternatively if you are an affiliate of a cooking utensil company for example you could send 3 mails talking about the necessity for having the right tools for the job if they want to make great tasting healthy food to help with their diet. Then the 4th mail you say something like “As you know I have recently been talking about getting the right pots and pans etc, well I have found a great offer; PANS-R-US is having a limited sale where they are offering 60% off until midnight tomorrow night. Click on the link below and treat yourself to some much needed new utensils” Yes you have sold to them but you have given them some great tips, hints and free stuff. You have helped them in their quest to make better tasting healthy food which will ultimately help them lose weight. That is basically it. There is no big secret that’s being kept from you by the gurus. This is the kind of thing all successful marketers do. The thing is they don’t just do on Twitter. They do it on Facebook and MySpace too. They do variations of it in Joint ventures and adswaps.

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The Blogging Institute Provide me with something good and I’ll provide you with something good. In the case of twitter, it’s you provide good content, and they provide their details. What you do with those details is down to you. I hope you have found this report useful.

Thank You

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