4 Things to Know Before Suing Your Landlord
O Getting into a heated dispute with your
landlord can make even the most beautiful apartment in Toronto feel like a slump. O If the situation continues to escalate and you feel you’ve done pretty much all you can, you might consider taking your landlord to court.
O Determine whether it’s really worth it. O Know When/When Not To Sue Your Landlord. O All of Your Documentations Must Be In Order. O Not All Disputes Have To Land in Court.
O Suing your landlord in Toronto will mostly
end in paying legal fees at a small claims court. O Taking your landlord to court for a few hundred dollars may not be worth your time or money if legal fees will equal to thousands. O Before you hire a legal representative, estimate the return on investment. O CIRCL will help people in legal activities of rental houses.
Although there may not be a “perfect time” to sue your landlord in Toronto, you should have a good idea of when it will be worth your time and when it won’t.
O Invoices paid from the cleaning or repair
company O Emails/text messages tent between you and your landlord O Well-written letters from a witness. O Rental receipts
O The process of attending court can be
very time consuming and can end up costing quite a bit. O Even if you’ve done the math and feel as though you’ll still profit, you can still consider other options.
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