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Premium CARE Plastic Surgery

Patient Information Program

Book Presented by Dr. Alex Campbell Dr. Carolina Restrepo



Patients want the best when it comes to plastic surgery, and now they have an option that offers international clinical expertise, advanced technology with accredited standards, and luxurious facilities all complemented by a warm and personalized human touch. Based in beautiful Cartagena set in a gorgeous Caribbean setting, we are able to provide a premium level of service and quality in plastic surgery that results in an excellent patient experience and superior outcomes.

Eyelid Surgery w Facelift w Rhinoplasty Ear Surgery w Chin Enhancement Breast Augmentation w Breast Reduction Breast Lift w Abdominoplasty w Liposuction

Our Plastic Surgeons Premium Care Plastic Surgery is home to plastic surgeons Dr. Alex Campbell and Dr. Carolina Restrepo, who enhance the appearance men and women that come to the practice for the very best in care. Both of our plastic surgeons are internationally recognized for their experience and contributions in plastic surgery, and together offer the combined expertise and experience from some of the world’s most prestigious centers. Dr. Campbell and Dr. Restrepo also did additional fellowships in pediatric plastic surgery, considered to be the most delicate and challenging of fields, demanding extreme precision. Dr. Alex Campbell brings his Los Angeles and Beverly Hills background Cartagena to offer patients the latest and most refined techniques in cosmetic, reconstructive, and pediatric plastic surgery. He is the author of multiple publications and speaks around the world on issues of plastic surgery, global health, and international surgical care. Dr. Campbell is also actively involved in charity, and is a founding member of one of the largest pediatric cleft care centers in the world, located in Guwahati, India.

Dr. Carolina Restrepo is from Bogota, Colombia, which has achieved global acclaim for innovations and cutting edge techniques in cosmetic, reconstructive, and pediatric plastic surgery. She brings a female perspective and woman’s touch to our patients, along with a South American spark that enhances the atmosphere of our practice. Dr. Restrepo is also a founding surgeon of the high volume cleft center in Guwahati that is changing the paradigm of cleft care.

Welcome to Premium Care

We are pleased that you have downloaded out patient iBook , designed as an educational resource detailing many of the life changing procedures we perform. We have assembled the information, insights, and recommendations in the iBook so that our patients can be as involved as possible in their care. Any plastic surgery procedure has a huge impact on your life and a well researched and thoughtful decision process will make this impact happy, successful and beneficial. Plastic surgery brings about not just physical change, which in turn brings psychological changes as well. There is tremendous power in plastic surgery, and your investment in the process can ensure that you unlock the true potential of the new you. This booklet discusses the important information you need to know in order to make the best decision for yourself. It also discusses aspects of surgery that can affect your daily life such as financing and payment options, how long to take off of work, and how to best prepare for your surgical procedure. Premium Care is reinventing the plastic surgery experience among a spectacular Caribbean setting in Colombia, and our team of medical and service professionals is here to make all of your dreams come true. If youʼre looking for innovative and experienced plastic surgeons in Colombia, youʼve come to the right place. Our practice understands how to help our patients achieve their individual goals, and leave them feeling beautiful inside and out. Give us a call at (+57) 312 545 5569 in Cartagena and (+1) 305 8481909 in United States, or request a consultation online to speak with one of our plastic surgeons at Premium Care Plastic Surgery.

Dr. Alex Campbell & Dr. Carolina Restrepo

info@premiumcareps.com www.premiumcareplasticsurgery.com

Plastic Surgery in Colombia

Known for its beautiful people and for excellence in cosmetic plastic surgery, Colombia has positioned itself as the regional leader in cosmetic surgery. Plastic surgeons in Colombia are world renowned for their skill and eye for beauty, and have long been serving a population where the commitment to looking great is a national obsession. 1 Several prestigious international surgeons now also base themselves in Colombia, providing the region with additional expertise and sophistication.2 There is high demand for aesthetic plastic surgery in Colombia, with one of the highest rates of procedures performed per capita in the world. Now that the country has reemerged as a prime tourist destination, Colombia has become known as a first class destination for medical procedures and cosmetic treatments.3,4 Thousands of patients are traveling to Colombia from abroad every month for treatments, causing huge growth in this sector of the economy.5, 6, 7 Patients from the United States, Europe, Asia, and Latin America now have access to the top quality medical services as well as new hospitals, providers, and facilitators at a fraction of the cost.

Costs are often 30-50% less than in the United States and Europe, saving patients thousands of dollars on cosmetic procedures while providing all of the safety and quality that they would receive in top U.S. and European centers.8 Premium Care Plastic Surgery also offers a complete medical tourism experience complete with comprehensive care packages, five star hotels in stunning locations, and exquisite service throughout. 1

International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. Available at: http://www.isaps.org www.premiumcareplasticsurgery.com (Our Surgeons) 3 Bureau of Consular Affairs, US State Department, Dec 30, 2011. Available at: http://travel.state.gov/travel/cis_pa_tw/pa/pa_1766.html 4 Tourism Statistics Colombia. Ministry of Commerce and Tourism, Colombia, Dec 30, 2011. Available at: https://www.mincomercio.gov.co/publicaciones.php?id=16590 5 Comparison Platform for Global Healthcare, Colombia. Avaiable at: http://www.flyclinic.com/ 6 Colombia Medical Tourism - Some of the finest cosmetic surgeons anywhere. Available at: http://www.medicaltourism.com/en/destination/colombia.html 7 Colombia on the Vanguard of Medical Tourism
. Proexport Colombia. Miami, 23, June, 2010. Available at: http://www.proexport.com.co/ 8 www.plasticsurgery-colombia.com 2

Medical Tourism in Cartagena Medical tourism is a rapidly-growing practice of traveling to a destination in another country to receive medical and surgical care because the destination allows better access to care, provides higher quality care, or offers the same treatment at a more affordable price. Cosmetic surgery in Colombia represents an increasingly attractive option for consumers looking for the ultimate combination of quality, price, availability, service, enjoyment, and value. Travel for plastic surgery has become a more and more widespread phenomenon, combining the expertise of a variety of arenas including plastic surgery, wellness, hospitality, and tourism. Premium Care has redefined the recovery experience with specialized treatment protocols to maximize the preparation, healing, results, and overall enjoyment. Transformation is a physical and emotional process, and there is something about the Caribbean setting that seems to enhance the entire the process. Our healthcare, service, and tourism specialists seamlessly blend their services to offer unmatched personal care while guests enjoy the luxuries of Cartagena, the Jewel of South America, a masterfully preserved UNSECO World Heritage Site and gateway to the Caribbean coast. A stroll through the Old Town in the evening and delicious meal at one of the endlessly diverse local restaurants is a great way to end a day of progress, and to ponder tomorrow and beyond!



What to Expect:

Research the plastic surgery procedure(s) you are interested so that you can make the most out of your consultation. Also learn about our surgeons from their profiles and resumes.

All consultations take place at the main office located in Bocagrande. The luxurious clinical atmosphere, skilled staff, and personalized attention provide a comfortable setting.

Write down all of your questions so that you donʼt forget any when you meet your surgeon. Compile a list of all medications, and be prepared to discuss your medical history.

Your plastic surgeon will meet you and discuss your goals. He / she will perform a complete medical history and a thorough examination. After taking photos, you will have a very specific discussion about the changes you want, and the precise options available for each goal. You will discuss all aspects of care, and be educated fully about the surgical and recovery process.

Bring photos of how you want (or donʼt want to look). If you are seeking rhinoplasty or breast augmentation, bring in some photos that are appealing. If you are seeking facelift or other facial rejuvenation procedures, bring in old photos of yourself at a younger age.

Consider bringing a friend or family member for additional support and opinions.

Ask all of your questions. Donʼt be afraid of anything! Our plastic surgeons will spend all of the time that you need to make sure that you are fully informed.

Virtual Consultations: Virtual consultations further enhance the care process for international patients by utilizing telemedicine for initial encounters and evaluations, to determine the options available for a given patient request, and develop a preliminary treatment plan.

How Much? After a virtual or in person evaluation Premium Care will provide you with an itemized quote detailing all fees associated with the treatment process. We work very hard to provide to make dreams come reality for our patients, and work with them to attain the financing needed.


Experience Premium Care in Cartagena As your plastic surgery and cosmetic enhancement professionals, we want you to be confident knowing that we are a team of highly trained and skilled clinicians. We offer the finest in patient care in peaceful, refined, and state-of-the-art facilities. We have also reinvented the postoperative recovery experience, caring for our patients with a unique level of attention and detail, and strategies that are proven to enliven the spirit, quicken the healing process, and improve results.


Premium Care aims to make each encounter, experience, and treatment outcome so satisfying that the patient looks forward to repeating the experience and is inspired to recommend it to others.

Preparing for Surgery

Good Health: It is very important to be in good physical health before any surgical procedure. If you have diabetes, high blood pressure, or are immune-compromised you should get these under control before your treatment. Talk to your physician ahead of time to find out if there are steps you can take to optimize your medical condition for surgery.

Stop Smoking! The surgical side-effects of smoking are very serious and can cause complications both in surgery as well as during the recovery process. People who smoke have a tougher time under anesthesia. Also, smoking restricts blood vessels, making it very difficult for your cells to receive the oxygen that they need during surgery. Likewise, not having enough oxygen can slow down the healing process, hampering your bodyʼs ability to recover. If you smoke, it is recommended that you quit smoking a month before your surgery.

Medical Preparation You will meet with an anesthesiologist and have some lab work done, to make sure you are healthy enough to undergo surgery. Our surgeons, anesthesiologists, and staff at Premium Care will explain everything you must do and know before your surgery

Avoid Certain Foods, Drugs, and Medications Over the counter drugs that contain aspirin can thinn the blood and can cause difficulties in surgery. You will be asked to refrain from aspirin, aspirin-containing products, vitamin E, and St. Johnʼs Wort up to two weeks before surgery. Ibuprofen and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories should not be taken in the two days prior to surgery. Dr. Campbell and Dr. Restrepo will give you a complete list of foods and medications to avoid.

Homeopathic Remedies Arnica Montana is an herbal remedy that our doctors may recommend to help decrease swelling, soreness and bruising after your surgical procedure. Arnica has been safely used for hundreds of thousands of plastic surgeries over the past 15 years and has become an increasingly common treatment in many types of surgeries. Physicians and patients alike find that using Arnica Montana helps speed the post-operative recovery process by reducing uncomfortable swelling and bruising and often postoperative pain, as well. If your doctor recommends Arnica, he or

Personal Preparation § § § §

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Clean your house (or have it cleaned) before your surgery. Arrange for child and/or pet care during the initial recovery phase. Move needed objects from tall cupboards or shelves to waist height. Stock up on recovery food items including frozen or prepared meals. Have some soup, yogurt or other bland foods available for the evening after surgery. Purchase bags of frozen berries or peas to reduce swelling. Purchase all of your medications and dressings before your surgery, including antibiotics, pain medications, stool softeners, and antibacterial soap. Keep all medications and dressing supplies organized and handy. Make sure your bed is set up with lots of pillows to elevate your head. Arrange for entertainment such as must-see DVDs, books, and games.

Phone a Friend Youʼll need help. Arrange for someone to drive you to and from surgery and to stay with you for at least the first night following surgery. Effective planning can make your recovery as brief and relaxing as possible.


Pre-Op Instructions § § § § § § § § §

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Leave all jewelry and personal items at home. Take out all body jewelry. Do not wear contact lenses the day of your surgery. Do not wear any make-up for facial surgery. Wear comfortable clothing that is easy for us to get you dressed into after surgery. Wear comfortable shoes. Shower the night before and wash the surgical site(s) with antibacterial soap. Wash your hair the night before surgery. Shower the morning of surgery and wash the surgical site(s) with antibacterial soap. If you are having a general anesthetic for your surgery, do not eat or drink anything after midnight the evening beforehand. Try to get a good night's sleep, knowing that you are in good hands with Premium Care. Bring your medications and post-operative garments. Arrive our accredited surgery center early for a great start.

Before Surgery § §

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Our great nurses will get you into a gown and through all preoperative preparations. The anesthesiologist will meet you prior to surgery, review your history, perform a medical examination, and explain the plan of care. An intravenous line (IV) will be placed to deliver medications. Your surgeon will meet with you and make all necessary preoperative markings. He / she will answer any last minute questions and exchange information with your companion(s) in order to contact them once surgery is complete. You will hug your loved ones before entering the operating room with a team of professionals centrally focused on your safety and delivering excellent results.

Your Surgical Procedure

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Your surgeon and the entire team will be by your side as you count down to a peaceful sleep. As you rest comfortably, your surgeon will apply all of his / her skill and expertise to carry out the surgical plan. An OR full of expert medical providers works seamlessly to ensure the best possible procedure. We are especially proud of the team work in the OR, which shortens operative times and increases efficiency of surgeons. After surgery is over your surgeon will place all postoperative dressing and garments. Our recovery room nurses will guide you through a gentle emergence from your sleep, and make sure you are comfortable as you wake up and realize that you are finished with surgery!

After Surgery §




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Once you are fully awake, tolerating liquids, and feeling comfortable we will transfer you to your hospital room, or to a waiting vehicle for patients going home. Nurses and/or your family / friends will help you to get settled in according to the surgeonʼs instructions, and provide assistance you during the first 24-48 hours after surgery. You will take pain medications and any additional medications as directed. Take stool softeners as directed to avoid constipation. Your diet will begin as clear liquids and progress to light foods after anesthesia. Go slowly at first as anesthesia meds and pain medications sometimes cause nausea. If you have nausea you will take medication prescribed. Your surgeon will check in on you the night of surgery to make sure everything is proceeding well. If there are any questions or concerns, you will call Premium Care directly and receive immediate service, advice, and action if needed. We predict a smooth recovery process but are always prepared and available for our patients.

Acknowledge the Mental Process


You will be experiencing the emotional reactions that accompany the transformation of plastic surgery. Remember that these are normal responses, and compare your mood with the typical processes defined.

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Recovery Is an important part of the plastic surgery experience, and we pride ourselves on working with our patients after surgery to give them every advantage for great outcomes. It is important to take good care of yourself, allowing yourself enough downtime and not pushing too hard to get back to your normal activities. We will guide you through the process, and empower you to lead the way.

Basic Guidelines: If your procedure takes place above the shoulders (neck, head, face), keep your head elevated for several days, even when you are sleeping. This will help minimize swelling or bruising. Ice is most valuable after facial procedures such as facelift and eyelid surgery. Use ice packs or frozen peas for approximately 10-20 minutes each hour. Most valuable during the first 24-48 hours. If your procedure requires a compression bandage or garment, make sure to keep it on for the full duration. Your body needs extra support and the bandage or garment will help minimize swelling. If your procedure involved your skin you may need to stay out of the sun or wear extensive sun block for several weeks. Your surgeon will let you know when youʼll be able to bathe, wear makeup, resume light activities, and participate in more strenuous activities. You may be an exceptionally strong and resilient person, but you still need to take the time and rest during recovery. Continue to follow age-defying activities such as getting enough rest, lowering stress, exercising, and eating healthy. Follow your doctorʼs instructions. And get ready for many, many compliments on the “new you” – the you that has been waiting to come out for so long.

Emotions Â

After surgery, you may be: Anxious Restless Sad

Sore Tired Irritable

Depressed Bloated Bored

Your treated area(s) may be: Tender Swollen Bruised


Asymmetrical Numb Firm

All these emotions and physical symptoms are a normal part of the healing process. The best thing you can do for yourself is to take a deep breath and follow your doctor's postoperative instructions carefully, making sure to return for your scheduled postoperative appointments. If you are concerned about something that doesn't seem quite right, call your surgeon immediately. It will take time for the new, improved you to emerge. Be patient. Revisit this page so you remember that your feelings are to be expected. Consider keeping a journal of your highs and lows, which can be therapeutic.

Maintaining Your Results

Support your decision to have a cosmetic procedure with a healthier lifestyle. Your actions can help the procedure last longer, ensuring a vibrant, healthy, happy vision of you. Protect Yourself From the Sun The sun ages skin faster than anything else. By breaking down collagen and drying out skin, sun damage causes sagging, wrinkles, and pigmentation irregularities. Drink Plenty of Water Keeping your body properly hydrated greatly influences the quality of skin and improves overall function Reduce Stress Stress causes the face to scowl, creating dynamic wrinkles that can become permanent. Take preemptive measures to reduce stress because a happier you makes for a younger-looking you. Give Yourself the Gift of Sleep Sleep allows your body to recharge, makes you more alert and sharp. We all look better when well rested. Eat a Healthy Diet and Maintain a Healthy Weight Being overweight makes people look older and can stretch out the skin and tax the body. Exercise

Builds muscle tone and decreases body fat.

Risks and Complications All surgeries come with some level of risk or chance for complications, although the chances are very low. It is important for you to be fully informed before your treatment and your doctor will go over possible complications with you in full detail during your consultation. This is also the time to ask them any questions you may still have. Closely follow all pre- and post-operative instructions given to you by Dr. Campbell, Dr.Restrepo, or their staff. If you have been asked to avoid certain foods, medicines, drugs, vitamins or minerals, do so. If you are told to wear a compression garment or refrain from certain activities after the treatment, follow these instructions. They are made with your safety in mind as well as to help your recovery go as smoothly as possible.

Scars There is no such thing as “scarless” surgery. If there is an incision, there will be a scar. Dr. Campbell and Dr. Restrepo take great care to place incisions in the most discreet places possible and to close them using the most advanced techniques. Each individual will scar differently. Some people will heal with barely a trace of an incision mark while others may be susceptible to darker or raised scars. Scars have a long healing cycle. You will see remarkable changes in your scars during the first 3 months, but you will not know what a scar will ultimately look like for 12 to 24 months after surgery. Scars take a long time to mature and become less and less noticeable with time.

Premium CARE

S ca r C ar e Pr og r am

Hydration - Antibiotic ointment first 48 hours Adhesive Tapes - Limit motion and tension Sunscreen (SPF 30) - Sun increases pigmentation Massage - Using a topical gel such as Mederma or

Aquaphor 3x/ day for 8 weeks.

Bocagrande , Cra 3 No. 4 -­‐21 Of 302 Cartagena de Indias Colombia (+57) 312 545 5569 (+1) 305 484 1909 info@premiumcareps.com


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