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Aurizon EA Agreement in Principle

TROJAN RAIL - Vote and Mistruths

Your RTBU negotiating team is pleased to advise that after 3 ½ months of negotiating, agreement in-principle has been reached with Aurizon on a replacement EA.

In early November, Trojan circulated an employee update that contained part results of the recent Majority Support Determination vote they had conducted.

Whilst the negotiations have not been what we would consider normal, we have been able to reach a good outcome that sees all conditions within the agreement either improved or maintained. We have not been able to achieve everything that we set out to achieve, but we have certainly gained some good improvements for you, as members in your Enterprise Agreement. This now finalises negotiations. discussions have been respectful and genuine consideration and debate has been undertaken by both sides. It is now time for members to consider the Enterprise Agreement and ask questions that will allow you to make an informed decision of whether you believe the conditions contained within the agreement are a benefit to you and your families. The final position delivers the following further improvements if accepted by employees and approved: 1. 2.5% each for 4 years 2. Back pay to be paid from 1- November 2021 once EA is certified with FWC, IF approved 3. EA comes into operation 7 days after certification if accepted and approved 4. Nominal expiry date of 10 November 2025 if accepted and approved

What they failed to mention was the actual results which were as follows; Eligible Voters – 93 Total Votes Received – 72 Total Abstained – 21 Total Yes Vote – 38 Total No Vote – 34 Contrary to Trojans newsletter, a majority of those that voted did vote yes. Unfortunately, there were 21 people who did not vote at all. The Fair Work Act requires a majority of all employees to vote yes before they will issue a Majority Support Determination (MSD). What does this all mean? It does not mean that the majority of employees don’t want an EA. It means there are 21 employees who were most likely too scared to vote after Trojan’s scare campaign. The fight is far from over and it will only take some small actions from those 38 employees who voted yes to force Trojan to the table. Trojan employees still have the Union’s full support. Some employees working the Aurizon Grain Trains are not actually employed by Trojan Rail but rather are employed by another subsidiary company of Trojan Recruitment called “RAIL LOGISTIC SERVICES PTY LTD”? We have spoken to some of these members who didn’t even know this until they checked that this was the case. All their communications have Trojan on them. These employees didn’t even receive a vote! I am sure some members may have previously thought such actions only happened at Trojan’s competitors, but this proves Trojan are no different, only capable of making money by paying lower wages. During the voting process several of our members called us and advised they had been phoned and told to vote No by Trojan, and were also told that to vote yes may result in the company losing work. This was a clear falsehood and was squarely aimed at intimidating employees. We also know that contrary to Trojan’s newsletter that stated “at no stage told you how to vote or think”, there were many instances of managers phoning employees and sending them text messages telling employees to vote No! Employees know this; we wonder who Trojan is trying to fool? The RTBU legal and industrial officers will be reviewing the situation and we will again be in contact with members as to the next steps in gaining the right to bargain for an EA for Trojan Members.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

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