VOLUME 117 No.4 December 2023
Merry Christmas and a
Happy New Year
to all RTBU Members and their Families Print Post Approved 25500003-01148
NSW BRANCH Head Office
Level 4, 321 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Tel (02) 92642511 Email nswho@rtbu-nsw.asn.au Website www.rtbuexpress.com.au
Jervis Bay
Tram and Bus Division 83-89 Renwick Street Redfern NSW 2016 Tel (02) 93197277 Email nswbus@rtbu-nsw.asn.au
Locomotive Division
Level 4, 321 Pitt Street Sydney NSW 2000 Tel (02) 92643400 Fax (02) 92647679 Email nswloco@rtbu-nsw.asn.au
RTBU Holiday Park Vacancies - Book your holiday now
The RTBU Holiday Park is a great place to escape to for a peaceful break in the National Park and a walk along the beach. Avoid the rush and the high season rates - book your holiday now. The Holiday Park is situated in a National Park and Members can enjoy a holiday by the sea and relax with fishing, tennis, boating, swimming or bushwalking. RTBU members can also now get discounted rates at the United Services Riverside Resort at Port Macquarie.
For booking enquiries please telephone Head Office on
(02) 9264 2511 Find Us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/RTBUNSW AND
Selective advertising is available in RAIL & ROAD at competitive individual issue rates or a discounted annual rate. A design service is also available to have your advertisement professionally designed to your specifications.
RAIL & ROAD is the official journal of the NSW Branch of the Rail, Tram and Bus Union and is produced as part of the union’s communication strategy to inform and report on matters of interest to members. All editorial and advertising inquiries should be addressed to the union office on Tel: 02 92642511; email: nswho@rtbu-nsw.asn.au Printing - Brightset, Banksmeadow, (02) 9316 4800 Art & Design - P Design - proberson@hotmail.com - Phone 0402 032 949
Newcastle Office
33 Gordon Avenue, Hamilton NSW 2303 Tel 02 9264 2511 Email newcastle@rtbu-nsw.asn.au
Wollongong Office
Level 1, 306a Crown Street, Wollongong, 2500 Tel (02) 9264 2511 Email wollongong@rtbu-nsw.asn.au
Branch Executive Secretary President Assistant Secretary (Road) Assistant Secretary (Rail)
Alex Claassens Craig Turner Peter Grech Robert Hayden
Elected Full-Time Officials Branch Secretary Alex Claassens Locomotive Divisional Secretary Farren Campbell Tram and Bus Divisional Secretary David Babineau Tram and Bus Divisional President Peter Grech
Director of Organising
Toby Warnes
Industrial Campaign Organiser
Courtney Thompson
Branch Organisers
Craig Turner Ricky Keehn Matt Bindley Wayne Moody Amanda Perkins Bronwyn Kelly
Locomotive Organisers
Steve Wright Kevin Pryor Marc Chapman Greg Cameron Brian Head
Industrial Officers Branch
Tram & Bus Locomotive Legal Officer - Locomotive Locomotive Executive Officer
Helen Bellette Jason Hart Aayam Chrestha Lizanne Bennett Sebongile Mbele Peter Matthews Bob Hayden
From the Branch Secretary It’s hard to believe that 2023 is already coming to an end. It’s been a big year for the RTBU NSW, and as we head into the festive season, I’d like to thank everyone for their massive contributions this year. This year brought on a lot of developments that have changed the shape of how we’ve been doing things. We started off the year with a massive win - with the Sydney Trains and NSW Trains EA being voted on by 80% of all employees, and 96.3% of employees voting yes. The fight for this was a long and difficult path that took years, but we can well and truly look back to this year and see this as a turning point for commuters and workers alike – with the EA delivering on key provisions on bettering work conditions and improving rail safety. The fight continues next year though, with the next Sydney Trains and NSW Trains negotiations just around the corner. And of course, with the election of the Minns-Labor Government, we’ve also had a massive change in how we deal with the Government. We’ve been able to work constructively with the new government, especially through the Major Change Agreement that we signed off on with the combined Rail
Unions. And of course, we are determined to keep pushing for the best possible outcomes for all our members. It’s also been a big year for the Loco division which has seen the lockouts of PN workers and QUBE workers. I want to acknowledge the incredible strength and determination of our members – it’s been difficult, but members have held out and stayed strong. The fight that our members have had to deal with hasn’t been easy – and their perseverance is what will ensure better outcomes for everyone. The Salaried and Admin division also felt the heat with a lockout of workers at Pacific National IPS. Their fight continues, but I commend the strength and courage of this newly unionised group of workers and look forward to their contribution to our union into the future. The Tram and Bus Division have had a successful year finally resolving some major sticking points for members. The seemingly never ending fight in Region 6 was able to be settled with members voting to approve an enterprise agreement that brought to an end the two tiered system. And in a major development for our bus drivers, after consistent pressure from RTBU officials and delegates, the NSW
Government announced that staff opal cards would be provided to all bus drivers. The Opal Card fight continues though, as we continue to push for our members at Metro Trains Sydney, Transdev Light Rail, Transport for NSW, and non-bus driving bus workers to also be afforded this same right. We’ve also had the NSW State Government announce that they will criminalise industrial manslaughter by July 2024 – a long overdue announcement that will place NSW in line with the rest of Australia. We’re pleased to see the government announcing their intention to follow through on this by July 2024. As we know, the Union’s work doesn’t stop over the festive season. We’ll be looking ahead to 2024 and continuing our efforts around key industrial negotiations and issues. I would like to wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I know that for many, the transport task does not stop throughout the festive season, and I’d like to send a big thank you to you all for the work you put in. I do hope everyone will be able to spend time with their loved ones during the festive season.
In this Issue Industrial News Building a union for the future . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Loco News QUBE Enterprise Agreement offer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Aurizon Bulk and Containerised Freight Rail Operations Enterprise Agreement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Bus & Light Rail News White Paper for Better Bus Services Released. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Region 7 Update. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Region 8 Payroll Dispute Update. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Region 6 Update. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Bus drivers decorating for the Christmas spirit! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Transdev Light Rail EA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 General News Pacific National Integrated Planning Services members take the upper hand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Australian Rail Track Corporation Workplace Determination. . . 11 International News Tories Derail the Right to Strike . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 New Zealand: Supporting RMTU’s Fight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 New CEO takes reins at ONRSR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 RTBU-Owned Training Organisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Festive Season Offifice Hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 RTBU profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Re-imagining our workplaces for people with disabilities . . . . 17 Join the push to Close the Labour Hire Loopholes. . . . . . . . . . . 18 Safety Matters Be Aware of Impersonation Scams. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Whistlestop 47th Taree and District Railway Retirement Club. . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Retirement of Central’s Union stalwarts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Claassen’s Classic Christmas recipes & Crackers. . . . . . . . . . . 23
Industrial News 30 years on and we’re building a union for the future This is an edited extract from National Secretary Mark Diamond’s speech to the 2023 RTBU NAtional Council Dinner in Brisbane. One worker choosing to take action on their own is capable of making a difference. But a united collective of workers choosing to take action is capable of moving mountains. It’s no wonder that employers who don’t respect us, have learned to fear us. Having said that, the RTBU is not here just to have the fight. We understand that building worker’s power is the means, not the end. We’re an industry union, and our goal is to achieve strong, successful industries - providing good, secure, safe jobs for Australian workers. And we can achieve that end through many different ways. Negotiating better Enterprise Agreements and campaigning for better government policies are just two. A smart, strategic union uses all the levers it has at its disposal. And that’s why earlier this year we started looking at how to lift safety standards across our industries through delivering union-quality training.
National Secretary Mark Diamond and ACTU Secretary Sally McManus
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We needed to find a training partner who had a reputation for doing training well, would not compromise on quality, and who displayed union values. We did our due diligence and we found the partner we were looking for – Victorian based RTO Training Ahead Australia. After some honest conservations, and respectful negotiations, we did the deal. We’re now to chart the path ahead for TAA, to expand operations nationally, and eventually give all of our members, as well as all employees in our industries, the opportunity to access union-quality workplace training. So why did we do it? Because we could. And we could, because, as a united, national, all grades union, we have the financial and organisational capacity to take on any project that is in the best interests of our members. I don’t know if the elected representatives of our predecessor unions - the AFULE, ARU, ATMEOA and NUR - were thinking of delivering industry training when they were debating the merits of amalgamation in the early 90s. I suspect they probably weren’t, but they were thinking about how to future-proof their unions. And they knew that being part of something bigger would allow them to do things they could not do on their own - like acquiring a training organisation for the betterment of members and all workers in our industries. And that’s why, I believe, the acquisition of Training Ahead
Host Nazeem Hussein Australia, and the decision to expand its operations nationally, was - in many ways - the moment our amalgamation reached its maturity, because it delivered, beyond a doubt, on the amalgamation promise. Our Union has come a long way in the past 30 years. Three decades on, we’re still building worker’s power. We’re a respected, professional, member-led organisation – 35,000 members strong. We’re a campaigning outfit that doesn’t just give our members a voice, it gives them a megaphone. We’re expanding our reach and our influence across our industries - improving workplace safety, lifting the standard of training, and ensuring terms and conditions which allow workers in our industry to live a dignified life. And it’s not over yet. We’re just warming up. The success we have achieved in our first 30 years has given us momentum. Our momentum opens further opportunities. Opportunities for future, exponential success. I can’t wait to see what the next 30 years brings.
RAIL & ROAD December 2023
When it matters contact Michael Barnes, Scott Dougall or Peter Lleonart for an obligation free consultation. Carroll & O’Dea are lawyers for the Rail, Tram and Bus Union and can assist you with your legal needs. Workers Compensation Personal Injury Damages Claims Motor Vehicle Claims
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Providing trusted advice to RTBU members for over 50 years.
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Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation Level 18, St James Centre, 111 Elizabeth Street, Sydney NSW 2000
Loco News QUBE Enterprise Agreement offertoo little, too late
QUBE management made a last ditch effort to get an Enterprise Agreement offer across the line before legal proceedings got into full swing this month. • Clause 5.2 – the removal of “Award” cuts your right Members were encouraged to again vote ‘no’ to this to recognise and access the ongoing benefits and underwhelming offer that would see the financial gap improvements made to the conditions of rail workers between workers and all the other rail operators get in the Rail Industry Award. further apart. • Definitions – Changes to the definition of “Hourly or We are in the Fair Work Commission this month on Normal Rate”. Again, this means that if this QUBE’s application to vary both the 2015 and 2019 agreement gets voted in, then there will be no Enterprise Agreements. QUBE is trying to vary these entitlement to any loadings, penalties, or allowances agreements so that Weekend, On-Call, and other under the Rail Industry Modern Award, leaving you allowances are not payable under those two Enterprise 20 to 30 thousand dollars behind every other rail Agreements. operator. An intractable bargaining application is being filed to • Term of the Agreement – if this agreement is voted allow the Commission to step in and give members a up as proposed, it will likely come into operation in replacement agreement that is fair, and contain a pay February 2024 and will not nominally expire until rise every year, but importantly it will not be based on February 2027. Despite this being a long running any “non-permitted matters” for bargaining, claims agreement, the last pay rise provided under the like indemnities, signing of Deeds, and withdrawal of agreement is due on 1 April 2025 – leaving a large court proceedings, which includes the removal of the gap of no pay rises in this ongoing cost of living Federal Court underpayment claim. crisis. Factoring in a moderate period of bargaining While the Federal Court Proceedings regarding the after nominal expiry, realistically it could easily underpayment claim will be heard in the new year. amount to three years without a pay rise. The bargaining team received a draft copy of the • Despite these amendments largely being directed at proposed Enterprise Agreement and highlighted some introducing loaded rates, QUBE has not attempted to of the areas for members to consider when voting provide any information to show how employees will down this agreement. be better off overall on QUBE’s proposed loaded • Rates – Somehow Rates have gone backwards from rates when compared to the Rail Industry Award. QUBE’s June 2023 proposal, despite QUBE’s • Depending on your roster, things might get a little further amendments to the EA that are solely for its close. A current QUBE Level 4 is paid $51.50 per own benefit. Remember that in June the rates hour for all ordinary hours worked, including package was 6%, 5% and 5%, which has now been Saturdays and Sundays. Under the Award they would reduced to 4.5%, 4.5% and 4.5% despite the be paid $51 for a Saturday and $68 for a Sunday. agreement containing far worse terms than the June There’s also morning and night shift allowances, 2023 proposal. You would think that if QUBE were on-call allowances and more that boost your wage proposing amendments to reduce its wages liability under the Award. A QUBE employee with a lot of it would contain a sweetener from what was weekend and morning/night work may be better off previously agreed, but instead has delivered a slap in under the award. the face. • Clause 4.2 – now includes a “loaded hourly” rate, which means that if this agreement gets voted in, then there will be no entitlement to any loadings, penalties, or allowances under the Rail Industry Modern Award, leaving you 20 to 30 thousand dollars behind other rail operators such as Pacific National, Aurizon, 1 Rail and SSR.
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RAIL & ROAD December 2023
Aurizon Bulk and Containerised Freight Rail Operations Enterprise Agreement Negotiations on the new Enterprise Agreement have continued between the Locomotive negotiating team and Aurizon management. At a recent meeting at the Newcastle office, the Unfortunately, when we reconvened a few weeks later, negotiating team submitted draft Clauses to Aurizon we were disappointed to find that Aurizon Management Management. These included: had not fulfilled their part of the agreement. Instead of providing us with their proposed clauses, they presented • Discipline a table outlining why the RTBU Clauses were • Redundancy insufficient. This feedback even included a dismissive • Employee Representative Committee comment in reference to personal call time. • Work Health Safety and Fatigue Frankly, this development was extremely disappointing and felt like a waste of our day. A dismissive approach • Home Base Provisions to member claims, and bargaining more broadly, is not • Parental Leave conducive to getting an outcome. Aurizon needs to do • Domestic And Family Violence Leave better as members expect a mature and outcome-driven negotiation process. • Roster Principles • Accommodation Standards • Short Term Transfers • Temporary Transfers These clauses formed the foundation of our discussions on the day, with your RTBU Negotiating Team committing to forwarding more clauses to Aurizon Management in advance of the next meeting. It was agreed that the best approach moving forward is to integrate the Locomotive Division positions into the draft Enterprise Agreement and proceed from there. This means that the RTBU’s position will be the focal point of our negotiations.
Tram and Bus Express is constantly updated with new information from around the depots – including workplace disputes, industry updates and news about RTBU Members.
Members who subscribe to the web site get a fortnightly email with links to all the latest scoops. Printed newsletters will also be distributed around depots.
tramandbusexpress.com.au RAIL & ROAD December 2023
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Bus News White Paper for Better Bus Services Released Last month, the NSW Bus Industry Taskforce released its white paper on alleviating traffic congestion issues as a way to enable better bus services in Sydney. This plan is designed to make bus travel more appealing to commuters by allowing buses to move efficiently through Sydney. Traffic congestion in Sydney has resulted in significant economic losses, costing the state tens of millions
of dollars each year in lost productivity. The plan includes implementing ‘bus priority’ policies such as dedicated lanes and adjusting traffic lights to encourage commuters to choose buses over cars. However, the Taskforce noted the very significant concerns about a bus driver shortage - which as we all know has been prevalent for a long time.
Region 7 Update
In what was already one of the most complex bargaining rounds we’ve ever seen, yet more complexity has been introduced. We are now liaising directly with that bill at the end of the day, and it to ensure the best outcome for all the Transport Minister and RTBU shouldn’t be the workers! workers. officials had a meeting with the NSW These discussions are ongoing, but we The company has flagged the Treasurer in November to discuss hope that we’ll soon be in a position to introduction of a two roster System options for the government to pay know exactly how things will play out in April which they will begin to to bring everyone up to the ex-STA and what members need to do schedule mid-January so we have a conditions. Someone has to foot definite deadline.
The former NSW Liberal Government claimed that privatisation would lead to better services- these commuters would hardly agree! Page 8
RAIL & ROAD December 2023
Bus & Light Rail News Region 8 Payroll Dispute Update The payroll dispute in Region 8 continues. Since evidence provided by members has shown consistent and significant errors in the audit results, the RTBU has been pushing for more accountability from the company and better availability for supporting documents to beprovided to members so they can verify debt claims themselves. The hard work of delegates checking these alleged debts on the ground has negated over 100k claimed by the company from drivers. KDH were required to report back to the Fair Work Commission with a date outlining when they would be able to speak to all members that were affected by over and underpayments by the company. KDH have flagged that
they will be able to speak to everyone by March 2024. As previously advised, we recommend members do not pay back any money until there is definite confirmation that they were overpaid. It is also important to note that the company should be giving advice on how tax adjustments will work. Members should be mindful that repayments should not put financial strain on you or your family, and you should only pay back any proven debt at a rate you can afford. If that’s $1.00 a week, then that’s what it is.If any member who has been affected feels there have been any discrepancies throughout this process, please reach out to the union office or your local delegate for assistance.
Region 6 Update The transition to a single roster system is set to commence on 10th December 2023. As such, at the time of writing, the rosters are currently being presented to the local roster committees.
The expectation is that there will be enough work to ensure that most if not all lines are filled by those who are currently on rosters. Putting the work back together and equalising the penalty rates and shift parameters delivers on the RTBU promise to protect it’s members in a fight for fairness and equality that lasted years.
Bus drivers decorating for the Christmas spirit! As we head into the Christmas season and many people start to wind down, our members are working throughout the holiday season to get commuters to where they need to go. But many will get into the spirit by decorating their vehicles like the ones pictured. Thank the driver if you happen to hop onto one of their decorated buses this holiday season!
Transdev Light Rail EA
The RTBU is currently bargaining to replace two enterprise agreements with one that would cover all tram workers in Sydney. The benefit for this is obvious; one out all out. We multiply our power so that we fight more effectively for everyone. Previously the drivers on L1 (Pyrmont depot) were on their own EA, having split off from the single Agreement several years ago. We also have the new Parramatta service coming online next year so we need to make sure that those workers are not covered by a Greenfield Agreement, but get the collective benefits that all Transdev workers have. The division is also looking to bring on an organiser with a rail background who understands the industry intimately. This will deliver better servicing and representation for members who work in Light Rail from Newcastle to Canberra. We’re hoping to have that position filled early in the new year.
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General News Pacific National Integrated Planning Services members take the upper hand in David and Goliath battle
Members at Pacific National’s IPS have been put through the wringer by the multi-billion dollar company in recent years. But together, they’re standing united and fighting back. A number of years ago, Pacific National – one of the country’s largest freight operations. - eyed off workers in the IPS section of the workforce and moved to take them off their enterprise agreement and put them all on individual contracts – a tried and tested business recipe for driving down wages and conditions. The company’s plan worked, and the IPS workers who are responsible for safety critical roles such as scheduling, fatigue management and rostering, saw their pay packets dwindle by about 40 per cent. Recently however, RTBU members at IPS decided it was time to fight back and started a campaign to win back fair wages and conditions. With the backing of the RTBU, the 120-odd strong workforce at IPS have taken control, standing united against the might of one of the country’s biggest rail operators. When, after attempts to negotiate a fair and reasonable agreement with the company failed, IPS members were forced to take protected action, including notifying of a 72 hour stoppage. Rather than see the stoppage for what it was – a genuine attempt to force the company back to the negotiating
table – the company announced it would lock any worker taking part in the action out of the workplace for a whole week.
At the time of print, the IPS workers had forced the company back to the bargaining table and negotiations are still ongoing.
RTBU NSW Director of organising, Toby Warnes, described the move at the time as unprecedented and outrageous.
Mr Warnes said that regardless of what the final agreement looks like, the IPS workers are a real example of unionism and solidarity at its finest.
“This is a deplorable move from Pacific National and a clear attempt to take advantage of a small section of the workforce whose wages and conditions have been slashed by tens of thousands of dollars over recent years,” Mr Warnes said.
“These members have shown what is possible when you join together and refuse to give up,” Mr Warnes said.
“After being put on individual contracts which cut their pay packets by up to 40 per cent recently, the workers simply wanted to negotiate a reasonable pay and redundancy deal with the company that would put their take-home pay in the same ballpark as other similar roles elsewhere. “But rather than treat its workers with the respect they deserve, Pacific National management has made the outrageous decision to lock these workers out of their offices. “These are safety critical workers who aren’t asking for much – just to be treated with dignity and respect and for a fair and reasonable pay and redundancy package.”
“Just months ago, this was essentially an un-unionised section of the workforce who were being taken for a ride by their employer. “Now, they’ve proven the value of being part of the union and the importance of solidarity in achieving the fair wages and conditions workers deserve. “It’s been a real David and Goliath battle, but these workers simply will not give up until they get what they know they deserve. The strength and unity they’ve shown has been incredible. “We’re hopeful that common-sense will finally prevail and these workers can finally get back to doing what they do best – concentrating on moving our freight and their fellow Pacific National workers safely around the network.”
Australian Rail Track Corporation Workplace Determination Case On 24 October 2023, your RTBU legal team appeared in the Fair Work Commission to progress our Workplace Determination case. Australian Rail Track Corporation had raised a jurisdictional issue, arguing that the Fair Work Commission can’t make a determination because all issues between the parties are “settled”. We argued to the Full Bench that it should note that ARTC refused to engage in the 21-day bargaining period that it is supposed to following an order that terminates bargaining. We are not sure how long it will take for the Full Bench to hand down a decision on this legal point. Once this last desperate obstacle thrown at us by ARTC has been cleared, we should be in a position to get our Workplace Determination – stay tuned for updates.
The issues we are seeking to have arbitrated in the Workplace Determination are: • Wages (we’re seeking 5% per year) • Scope confined to Operational Workers • Restoring unlimited sick leave • Arbitration in our dispute resolution procedure • Pay parity for Civil Workgroup Leaders and Signal Workgroup Leaders • Time off in lieu for work performed on a public holiday • Increased long service leave.
Merry Christmas and a
Happy New Year to all RTBU Members and their Families RAIL & ROAD December 2023
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International News Tories Derail the Right to Strike In the UK, the Tory Government has forced through a new law that will force train operators to guarantee 40% of a normal timetable to run on strike days. This new regulation isn’t limited to the rail sector; it also extends to education and healthcare workers, curbing their right to strike. What’s concerning is that rather than addressing the pressing issues of rising living costs and wages
struggling to keep up with soaring inflation, the UK government’s approach has been punitive, rather than constructive. We know first-hand that governments that fail to collaborate effectively with Labor unions often lack the insight needed to understand the challenges faced by workers and find solutions.
New Zealand: Supporting RMTU’s Fight for Better Work Conditions and Safer Transportation Our union knows how vital it is to stand together for improved work conditions and safer transportation worldwide. It doesn’t matter where it happens; when workers in one place win, it’s a win for workers everywhere. At the moment, what we are seeing play out currently in New Zealand’s transport space is eerily like our fight here in NSW. UGL, who has been a big player in the NSW railway space, have won the contract to run Auckland Rail by underbidding their contract. And because of their underbidding, what follows now is their attempts to cuts jobs and conditions. Some of the jobs on the cutting block are vital safety critical workers.
UGL’s track record clearly reflects a willingness to compromise worker well-being in their pursuit of profit maximisation. Many of our members will remember the arduous campaign for the New Intercity Fleet, a dispute in New South Wales that lasted for many years stemming from similar concerns. Our fight was long and draining, but by staying true to our values and strength as a union, we succeeded. Along the way, we learnt many valuable lessons. As we closely monitor the situation in New Zealand, we remain poised to seize every opportunity to demonstrate our solidarity and support for workers striving for improved working conditions and enhanced transport safety.
Merry Christmas and a
Happy New Year to all RTBU Members and their Families
New CEO takes reins at ONRSR
There have been changes at the helm of the Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator (ONRSR), with a new CEO, Dr Natalie Pelham, announced in late October. Dr Pelham has taken over the “Dr Pelham has an impressive important role – a move the track-record when it comes to rail RTBU says should be seen as an safety in this country and we’re opportunity to focus on better looking forward to seeing the impact transparency in rail safety. she can have within ONRSR,” Mr Claassens said. Dr Pelham comes to the role with an impressive career in public service and expertise in rail safety through her former position as Chief Investigator and CEO at the Office of Transport Safety Investigations (OTSI).
“As the Chief Investigator at OTSI, Dr Pelham proved to be rigorous, fair and an excellent communicator.
RTBU NSW Secretary, Alex Claassens, said the union looks forward to seeing Dr Natalie Pelham work to improve rail safety in her new role.
“The RTBU has long called for a review into the way our safety regulator is run and this new appointment – combined with the commitment of state, federal and
“We’re excited to see that same commitment to rail safety translate over to her new role.
territory transport ministers to review national rail safety laws – is a great opportunity to improve transparency around rail safety in this country. “We’re looking forward to working with Dr Pelham to improve rail safety in this country for the benefit of workers, commuters and the community broadly.”
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RAIL & ROAD December 2023
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Page 13
RTBU-Owned Training Organisation
As all of you would be aware, training organisations in our industries often deliver sub-standard training. The RTBU has long been concerned with the safety implications that arise as a result of poor practice by such organisations, and now, we are setting out to fix that problem. The RTBU has acquired Training Ahead Australia (TAA) taking ownership from 1 August 2023. By acquiring TAA and maximising its potential, our intention is to: • Ensure quality training for our industries • Deliver medicals (Category 3 at first and then more later) • Improve safety standards • Become a recruitment funnel for our industries • Deliver training to our officials, employees, delegates and HSRs • In time, offer free courses to all RTBU members who want to upskill or cross-skill Over the coming months, key personnel from TAA and the RTBU will meet to formulate a strategy on how to maximise TAA’s potential
for the benefit of all members. This will include strategy on expansion of its Victorian operations to the rest of the country, expanding the medicals and courses TAA offers, and even considering whether to turn TAA into a not-for-profit for the benefit of all. TAA’s ultimate success will take time to achieve. We are hitting the ground running but will need your patience and support over the coming period while we map out and then steer TAA to its full potential. In particular, as enterprise agreement negotiations arise, if there is potential at your employer for TAA to deliver training, we will be seeking your backing to force clauses into the enterprise agreement requiring your employer to train workers with TAA.
Being union trained at union quality will and should become a way of life in our industries. But your support is essential to achieve this. Over time, we hope that the RTBU will not only be viewed as a union, but also as members’ career progression and training partner for life. For example, as TAA grows and becomes successful, we intend to provide training opportunities for members to upskill or cross skill within our industries free of charge. All of this will take time to achieve and we thank you for your patience and understanding as we embark on one of the most transformative endeavours the RTBU has undertaken in recent years. The delivery of rail infrastructure training and HSR training in NSW will commence in early 2024.
Festive Season Office Hours The Rail, Tram and Bus Union, Pitt Street Office, will be attended as follows:Friday, 22nd December 2023
08.00 – 13.00
Saturday, 23rd December 2023
Sunday, 24th December 2023
Monday, 25th December 2023
Tuesday, 26th December 2023
Wednesday, 27th December 2023
08.00 – 16.30
Thursday, 28th December 2023
08.00 – 16.30
Friday, 29th December 2023
08.00 – 13.00
Saturday, 30th December 2023
Sunday, 31st December 2023
Monday, 1st January 2024
Normal Office Hours of 08.00 – 16.30 will resume on Tuesday, 2nd January 2024 Page 14
RAIL & ROAD December 2023
RTBU profiles Dave Weblin What’s your role at the RTBU? I am the Divisional Secretary for the Rail Operations Division. As Divisional Secretary of the Rail Operations Division, I work closely with the Secretaries of the Signallers, On-Boarders, Transport Officers, Station Wages and Guards Sub-Divisions on matters that affect their members. I also would normally still do my day to day work as a Train Guard, although recently I assisted in the office while the President was on leave. How did you get involved in the union? How long have you been involved? I’ve always been passionate about standing up for what I believe to be right, and for looking out for my workmates. When the Depot President position fell vacant at Leppington in 2015, I ran for the position and was successful, but even before taking that position, I was an active member from the moment I joined the railways in 2011.
other memorable day involved me accompanying one of our other organisers to talk to members at Metro Train Services. There I found a newly unionised workforce, who once again were extremely welcoming and passionate about their jobs, and also their union. Once again I was impressed with just how passionate RTBU members can be.
What is one of the highlights of your time at the RTBU?
What are some of the big challenges facing RTBU members in the future?
One of my absolute highlights at the RTBU was actually during my time as a HSR. When Sydney Trains were introducing ATP, they designed a cab layout for the K Set that was completely unfit for purpose. They invited RTBU and HSR representatives to see the layout, but called it their final consultation and refused to discuss with us any changes or concerns we may have. As a result of pressure from myself and Locomotive Division representatives, Sydney Trains made the decision to completely scrap their plans to install ATP on K Sets.
RTBU members face some considerable challenges going forward, but I am sure our members and our elected officials and paid staff are up to the job. Technological advancements will always be a challenge, and something we must always be mindful of, although they also present opportunities if we leverage them properly. Across most of the Rail Operations Division, we are also seeing an uptick in assaults on members in customer facing roles, something that employers and government need to tackle head on.
Tell us about a memorable day on the job? During my time in the office, I actually have two memorable days, and both involve being welcomed by members into their workspace. The first was going on a ride along with On-board staff at NSW Trains so that I could understand their role. What I found was the same as I have found just about everywhere in Sydney Trains and NSW Trains, and that was a group of workers passionate about their job. The way I was welcomed in and had their jobs explained to me, and their concerns raised with me, was a testament to our membership. The
RAIL & ROAD December 2023
Do you have any heroes/inspirational influences? I actually find the story of Bernie Banton to be particularly inspirational. Bernie worked for James Hardie with their asbestos products for many years and as a result developed asbestosis and mesothelioma. For over a decade, Bernie fought James Hardie and heartless governments to ensure victims of these products were treated justly, all whilst slowly dying of the diseases he himself had developed as a result of working for James Hardie. If I can be even half the worker representative that Bernie Banton was, I will feel like I have done a good job.
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Nyssa Parsons What’s your role at the RTBU? I hold the position of Secretary for the Fleet Manufacture, Overhaul Maintenance & Service Division. In this role I sit on the Executive of the NSW RTBU which is a decision-making body of the union and the Audit and Compliance Committee where we go over the finances of the union. I also hold a position on the Branch Council and step up when needed in my role as the senior vice president of the union. How did you get involved in the union? How long have you been involved? I became a member of the RTBU in 2008 and have been active within the union in various roles since 2014. I became more active within the union as I felt at the time I wasn’t being informed of things going on in my workplace, so decided to step up. What is one of the highlights of your time at the RTBU? Working with our amazing cleaners in the last enterprise agreement to obtain a higher standard of cleaning allowance giving cleaners an extra $2.25 per hour of their shift. This was a hard 18-month fight and the cleaners never backing down and saw us being dragged to the commission for almost bringing the network to a stand still due to trains not getting cleaned as normal as part of protected industrial action taken.
Tell us about a memorable day on the job? The day that we secured not only the $2.25 for cleaners but also secured in writing a letter of commitment stating that all current locations which have new trains coming into will still be cleaned by our current members and that these jobs will not go to the private sector. What are some of the big challenges facing RTBU members in the future? There’s always the threat of privatisation in some form taking over cleaning and maintenance jobs, although we have strengthened clauses around this from happening it always plays on our minds as a union. Do you have any heroes/inspirational influences? Anyone that is willing to take a stand and know what they are entitled to in their workplace and fight to make this happen or improve it.
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Re-imagining our workplaces for people with disabilities RTBU members comes in all shapes, sizes, colours and abilities, but our workplaces are not aways as inclusive or accommodating. In fact, too often our workplaces are designed in ways that make it hard (if not impossible) for people with disabilities to access them or use them.
“The RTBU Enabled Committee will be the first of its kind, that we know of, in the Australian union movement,” Alex said.
“But if we are going to take the inclusion agenda seriously then we have to do more than just reducing barriers.
The RTBU is determined to knock down the barriers that discourage and prevent people with disabilities from participating fully in work and in their communities.
“The purpose of the Committee will be to empower members with disabilities – enabling them to develop strategies for overcoming barriers to employment in our industries.
“We need to redesign our infrastructure, our service delivery methods, and our organisations so that they reflect and work for all members of society.
NSW Branch Secretary Alex Claassens has been leading the charge - working with the International Transport Workers’ Federation to develop a global Railway Workers Disability Charter to support unions in organising, bargaining and campaigning for disability equality worldwide.
“The Committee will be encouraged view to consider possible clauses for insertion into Enterprise Agreements, and new or amended workplace policies to make workplaces more inclusive.”
“That includes making sure people with disabilities, including neurodiverse people, are represented in our political parties, our parliaments and our trade unions.
Alex also moved a motion at the recent RTBU National Council to establish an RTBU Enabled Committee to give members with a disabilities a louder voice within the union.
The motion was seconded by SA/NT Branch Secretary Darren Phillips, and passed unanimously. “Obviously there is much more that can be done to reduce barriers to participation for people with disabilities - and accessible public transport is just one of those,” Darren said.
“The change can start with us – we can do a better job in advocating for members with disabilities, and in giving them a platform so they can advocate for themselves.” The National Office will now work with State Branches to get the committee up and running in 2024.
Merry Christmas and a
Happy New Year to all RTBU Members and their Families RAIL & ROAD December 2023
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Join the push to Close the Labour Hire Loopholes
As part of ongoing work examining the state of public transport systems around the world, the ITF has launched a new collective vision on the financing of this crucial public service.
Big businesses, including many in the transport industry, have been using loopholes to drive down wages and conditions for decades. In transport in particular, we know companies use labour hire loopholes to allow them to pay workers less even though they’re doing exactly the same job. The Federal Government, after pushing from the union movement, has introduced the Closing the Loopholes Bill which aims to stop businesses from exploiting the loopholes and start paying workers proper wages and entitlements. Unsurprisingly, the Bill has been met with push-back from many big businesses who would much rather
money went into their back pockets than in the pockets of workers. The RTBU believes that people working alongside each other doing the same job should get the same pay, which is why the union has thrown its support behind the Close the Loopholes campaign. The Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) is running a campaign to close the loopholes and keep wages moving. It’s time to update Australia’s workplace laws to protect workers and keep wages moving. You can be part of the campaign at www.australianunions.org.au/campaigns/ close-the-loopholes
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Safety Matters Be Aware of Impersonation Scams Scam Awareness Week ran from November 27 to December 1 with the theme for this year’s campaign on ‘impersonation scams.’ Each year, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission runs a campaign on behalf of the Scam Awareness Network (SAN) and this year’s was the first delivered by the National Anti-Scam Centre. Around 80 percent of scams reported to Scamwatch involve some form of impersonation of a legitimate entity. Scammers have been known to impersonate any organisation or brand through a variety of channels, meaning we need to remain vigilant to avoid suffering from financial loss or having our identities compromised. The top scams by amount lost include investment scams, dating and romance, false billing and phishing. Identity theft and phishing scams (where people are tricked into giving out their personal information) are among the top ten scams reported to Scamwatch. How to avoid being scammed- scammers rely on people not spotting the warning signs to catch them off guard, especially if it looks like it comes from someone trusted like a legitimate person or business.
RAIL & ROAD December 2023
Steps to protect yourself- stop, think and protect. STOP- don’t give money or personal information away to anyone if you’re unsure THINK- ask yourself if the message or call could be fake PROTECT- act quickly if something seems wrong To find out more, go to www.scamwatch.gov.au
Page 19
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Merry Christmas and a
Happy New Year
to all RTBU Members and their Families RAIL & ROAD December 2023
Page 21
Whistlestop 47th Taree and District Railway Retirement Club On Monday, 6th November, 76 past and current railway employees attended the annual Taree and district Railway Retirement Club luncheon. Attendees came from far and wide, including from Bribie Island, Wollongong and Sydney. Two recipients were awarded their plaquesBernie Kirst (Kempsey) and Graham Phillips (Taree) while life members of the union Terry Quinn and Dallas Kriss also made it to the event. A good day was had by all- the next event will be held on the first Monday of November in 2024.
Retirement of Central’s Union stalwarts
Late this year, the Loco Division was finally able to present retirement plaques to a couple of Central’s Union stalwarts - John (JR) Ralston and Luke Burke. Whilst both Luke and John wanted to retire quietly and without fuss, we had retirement plaques made and had been trying since 2022 to arrange a time/place that we could get them together to make the presentation. With the help of Paul Foster, we were finally able to meet for a few ales and present Luke and John with their plaques. John retired in 2022 with 43 Years Membership and Luke retired in 2022 with 41 Years Membership. Both John and Luke were active and proud unionist at Central for both the AFULE and RTBU. Good stories were told with plenty of laughs about the “good old days”, the characters on the job, and how the job has changed over the years. A great afternoon was had by all, and it was great to finally get the two mates together to make their presentations.
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RAIL & ROAD December 2023
Rum Balls *
Ingredients: 250g crushed milk arrowroot biscuits 395g sweetened condensed milk 1/4 cup cocoa 1 cup coconut 1 ½ tbs rum ‘to taste’ 1 cup extra of coconut to decorate Method: Combine all ingredients in a bowl. Wet hands and roll into balls. Roll the balls into the extra coconut. Refrigerate until balls ‘set’. * not to be consumed before Rail Safety work!
hristmas recipes
Baked ham with pineapple
Ingredients: 1 fully cooked bone-in-ham Whole cloves 1 can of pineapple rings ½ cup of brown sugar Maraschino cherries Method: Score ham with shallow diagonal cuts and insert the whole cloves into the diamonds. Put into a roasting pan and cover, cook on 165°C for 1-1 ½ hours. Drain pineapple, reserving ¼ cup of juice to combine with brown sugar. Pour the juice and brown sugar over the ham, arrange the pineapple slices and cherries and bake uncovered for another 45 minutes or until a thermometer reads 140°C.
For a laugh- Christmas crackers What do you get when you cross a deer with a steam engine? A train-deer Why was the train engine humming? It didn’t know the words to the Christmas carol What’s Santa’s favourite train station? Ho-Ho-Holsworthy What do you call trains that like toffees? Chew-chew trains!
RAIL & ROAD December 2023
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Have You Left the Industry? Retired? Or No Longer Want to be in the Union? If you have left the industry, permanently or for a period, have retired, or are off work due to illness, or no longer want to be a member of the RTBU, you must resign, or suspend your union membership, in writing. Our union rules provide that members leaving the union for whatever reason, must do so in writing. If you do not resign in writing, you will continue to be included on our union membership and liable for the dues owing for that time. Please note: Regardless of whether your union dues were paid by direct debit or through payroll deductions, the employer is not authorised to change your membership details after resignation or leaving the union. You must do this personally.
Please contact the membership office at the union for more information.
Join the RTBU Retired Members Association Many retired members continue to receive copies of the journal Rail & Road, and take an interest in the life of the union. Many have also said that they would like to maintain a closer connection and involvement with the work of the union. The RTBU Retired Members Association was established to provide a forum for former members to meet, work on campaigns, address issues of particular relevance for retirees and to identify ways of assisting, supporting and contributing to the work of the union. It is expected that the Retired Members Association will function independently and pursue issues that it identifies as priorities. If you are a retired member of our union, we would like you to consider joining the Retired Members Association. Membership forms are available from the RTBU Head Office, Level 4, 321 Pitt Street, Sydney or on the union website: www.rtbu-nsw.asn.au
For more information, contact Peter O’Connor the union office327 on 195 (02) 9264 2511 For more information, contact ChrisatDoyle on 0425
or the union office on (02) 9264 2511 Page Page 24 14
RAILraIL & ROAD December 2023 & rOaD June 2010
Given Name(s)
Gender Male Female
Street Address
Post Code
Home Telephone Number
Work Telephone Number
Date Of Birth
Mobile Number
Email (work) Email (home)
Employee Number
Occupation: Eg Train Driver
RTBU Member Number
Work Location/ Depot
Date Commenced
Employment Status Fulltime
CHANGE IN BANKING DETAILS IMPORTANT Members need to specify the date of their next pay so that when the membership fee debit occurs on a Friday there is sufficient money in the account to ensure the transaction is not dishonoured which results in you then being charged an additional fee by your bank.
Part time
Next Pay Week
DETAILS OF BANK ACCOUNT TO BE DEBITED Name of Financial Institution (Bank)
Branch where account is held
Account in the name(s) of Bank/State Branch Number: (BSB Six Digits)
Account Number (Maximum of 9 digits)
Credit Card Number
Credit card in the name of
Expiry Date
I/We authorise and request the Australian Rail Tram and Bus Industry Union, until further notice in writing to arrange for my/our account described in this direct debit authority, to be debited with any amounts which the debit user may properly debit or charge me/us through the direct debit system. I/We authorise and request this direct debit authority to remain in force until cancelled, deferred or otherwise altered in accordance with this service agreement. SIGNATURE
DATE Please Email your completed form to nswho@rtbu-nsw.asn.au by using the submit button Post: Level 4, 321 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000 or call • Tel: 02 9264 2511
Given Name(s)
Gender Male Female
Street Address
Post Code
Home Telephone Number
Work Telephone Number
Date Of Birth
Email (work)
Mobile Number
Email (home) Employer
Employee Number
Date Commenced
Occupation: Eg Train Driver
Work Location/Depot
Employment Status Fulltime
Part time
the undersigned, hereby apply to become a member of the I, Australian Rail, Tram and Bus Industry Union, an Organisation of employees registered under the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 as amended, and hereby undertake to comply with the Rules and By-Laws for the time being of the Union. Signature of Applicant
I, the undersigned, hereby apply to become a member of the Rail, Tram and Bus Union of New South Wales, an Organisation registered under the Industrial Relations Act 1996 (NSW) as amended, and hereby undertake to comply with the Rules and By-Laws for the time being of the Union. Signature of Applicant
via DIRECT DEBIT fortnightly OR 1. I agree to pay $ CREDIT CARD fortnightly. or any other amounts as may be determined from time to time in accordance with the Rules of the Union. I certify that I have received a copy of Rule 14, Notification of Resignation From Membership. 2. I/We authorise and request the Australian Rail, Tram and Bus Industry Union, until further notice in writing to arrange for my/ our account described in this direct debit authority, to be debited with any amounts which the debit user may properly debit or charge me/us through the direct debit system. 3. I/We authorise my employer to notify the Australian Rail, Tram and Bus Industry Union of any change of address during my employment. 4. I/We authorise and request this direct debit authority to remain in force until cancelled, deferred or otherwise altered in accordance with this service agreement. Signature of Applicant
Account Name OR Name on Credit Card Financial Institution Branch
Date of next pay
IMPORTANT Members need to specify the date of their next pay so that when the membership fee debit occurs on a Friday there is sufficient money in the account to ensure the transaction is not dishonoured which results in you then being charged an additional fee by your bank.
Bank / State Branch No. (BSB)
Card Type
Account No. / If Credit Union Membership No.
Expiry Date
Credit Card Number
Please Email your completed form to nswho@rtbu-nsw.asn.au by using the submit button Post: Level 4, 321 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000 or call • Tel: 02 9264 2511
4. A notice delivered to the Branch Secretary shall be deemed to have been received by when it was delivered.
5. A notice of resignation that has been received by the Union is not invalid because it was not addressed and delivered the Branch Secretary.
OF THE RTBU 1. A member may resign from membership of the Union by written notice addressed and delivered to the Secretary of his/her Branch. 2. A notice of resignation from membership of the Union takes effect:– (a) where the member ceases to be eligible to become or remain a member of the Union (i) on the day on which the notice is received by the Union or (ii) on the day specified in the notice, which is a day not earlier than the day when the member ceases to be eligible to become a member, whichever is later; or (b) In any other case:– (i) at the end of two weeks; or (ii) on the day specified in the notice: whichever is later. 3. Any subscriptions, fees, fines and levies owing but not paid by a former member of the Union in relation to a period before the member’s resignation took effect, may be sued for and recovered in the name of the Union in a Court of competent jurisdiction, as a debt due to the Union.
6. Resignation from membership of the Union is valid even if it is not affected in accordance with this Rule, if the member is informed in writing by or on behalf of the Union that the resignation has been accepted.
What happens if I get pregnant, sick for an extended period or take leave without pay? If you are on unpaid maternity leave, sick or are off work for a substantial period of time you can seek to have your membership fees suspended until you return to work by giving written notice addressed and delivered to the Secretary of his/her Branch under Clause 11 (8): (8) Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this Rule, should any member during any financial year be without pay owing to ill health or to other causes which a Branch Executive regards as warranting special consideration, then the Branch Executive may grant the member exemption from payment of all or any contributions imposed in accordance with the Rules for all or part of the period during which he/ she is without pay. During the period of the exemption, the member shall be deemed to be financial.
The Rail, Tram and Bus Union is bound by the Privacy Act and your information can only used for RTBU processes and cannot be used for any other purposes.
The RTBU Executive, Officers and Staff wish all members and their families
Level 4, 321 Pitt Street Sydney NSW 2000 Tel (02) 9264 2511 Email: nswho@rtbu-nsw.asn.au Website: www.rtbuexpress.com.au