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Major Change Agreement for Sydney Trains and NSW Trains

Union members know better than anyone else that consultation is the best way to ensure good outcomes.

That’s why the Combined Rail Unions recently pushed the current NSW Government to commit to ensuring the experts in the room –the workers – are always consulted on the major matters of importance to us.

After many years of dealing with governments that refused to engage with workers and watching the disastrous outcomes of that, the Combined Rail Unions were heartened recently when the NSW Transport Minister, Jo Haylen, stated that the NSW Government doesn’t just acknowledge the important role the workforce play in our transport system but that she was willing to sign an agreement committing to engaging with unions on any major changes at Sydney and NSW Trains. This commitment is part of the ‘Sydney Trains and NSW Trains Major Change Agreement’, ensuring collaboration between rail agencies, workers, and unions for successful changes.

The agreement guarantees no forced redundancies due to changes and prioritises direct employment over contractors. This shift recognises the crucial role of unions in making positive transportation decisions.

It’s clear that after watching the shocking way the previous government handled transport –and now dealing with the fall out of many of the poor decisions made – the current government has recognised the importance unions like the RTBU play. By getting the NSW Government to sign an agreement committing to engage constructively with unions, we’re setting the groundwork for a positive shift in the way transport is handled in this state. Obviously no one is naive enough to think that an agreement of this nature will solve every problem or that there won’t be disputes with the government in the future, but it is certainly a sign that workers have shown, through our unity and commitment to getting the best possible outcomes for both workers and commuters, that we shouldn’t be ignored.

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