Component 1 Alex Critchell

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Component 1 Alex Critchell

Design Brief Due to the ever increasing and demand for improved technology it is rapidly decreasing the demand for Libraries and community research centres. I am going to design an efficient and effective way of attracting new and old members back into the library. My library must accommodate a range of topics within the facility, this would attract a range of people. The theme of my design is going to be organic, movement and flow. The theme of organic structures will help make the construction and operation sustainable. Movement and flow in exterior and interior spaces will make spaces easily accessible and flow well between social spaces and private spaces. At a minimum, the library should support: Private rooms • Public and social spaces Sections for most topics (e.g., geography, English) • Outside spaces •

Specification •

The exterior and interior structures should be organic and resemble the theme of movement and flow • Accommodate and make it easily accessible for those who are disabled • Must include a modern, organic green park around the Library, this includes seating and spaces for activities • Parking connected to Library • Separate spaces for private and public usages • Desks and chairs • Unique chairs to make environment feel friendly • Must be modern and initiative designs • Being Eco-Friendly, most natural sunlight available • Digital library area

Site Analysis – Hornchurch Sports Centre

Location Opportunities My project will be based in the space of Hornchurch Leisure Centre. Working with a large land increases the opportunity to incorporate other designs such as landscaping, outside facilities and large scale designs.

115 m 95 m

57 m

47 m

Location Challenges One main reason why I chose this location was due to the old Hornchurch Leisure Centre. I decided that as the old leisure centre was the main economic hub in Hornchurch, I wanted to design a building that follows the same pattern. Following the theme of my design, organic, the design must be built in a environmentally friendly way with limiting the amount of deconstruction of the surrounding area. I must make sure that the usage of materials and construction methods work in harmony with the natural landscape.

40 m 65 m

The site is located next to a busy park and adjacent to a leisure centre so I need a car park space that facilities large quantities of visitors. This would require a good transportation system and appealing scenes around my space. In addition there is a sixth from which will also invite more people into my library. The spacing is approximately 5 – 6 acres of space available to build on. The area around my space is very residential.

Site Analysis – Sketchup Model of my site

Current leisure centre

I made a cad model of my site this helped me with getting new ideas about my design. Also, the cad model allowed me to experiment with different viewpoints. I have also accurately made the CAD model, so it is virtually realistic.

On site house


Park at the back of site


Cricket club house/storage

This is the new Harrow Lodge Leisure Centre. This project has many new features that the old leisure centre didn’t have. The new project has eco friendly materials, also it has solar panels located on the roof.

Cricket pitch


Site Analysis 2 and Potential Layouts – Sketch up models Accessibility - Library access from all directions.

10,509.42 m²

Size - Size is 10,509.42 m² and I need a perimeter around the space for access. This will allow better flow through my building.

Layout 1 - I decided to create an adjacent curve that the current leisure centre has. This creates a more symmetrical design. Layout 2 – I added a car park into my space which was one of specification targets, this allowed me to connect the entrance and carpark together via a walkway.

Layout 3 – Having 2 entrances allowed the shape to my site enhance. Also having 3 walkways meeting into a mid point increase social cohesion in my design.

Site Analysis – Solar Patterns Orientation of the Site Refers to the sites relation to the N suns path, wind patterns.


S Why do I need to know this? Site orientation drastically increases the energy efficiency of my building while decreasing the affect of my building to the natural environment. Knowing the orientation will allow me to know the heating and cooling of my building, when done right, maintain the optimal temperature for my site.


East - 7:00 am How has this helped me? The solar patterns has increased my knowledge of the overall site analysation. I also now know I ned to create a design that increase the amount of time with sun on the building. How can I incorporate this knowledge into my design? Atriums and other sun beneficial designs like solar panels will help my project achieve the environmentally friendly targets. From the orientations of the site and the sun patterns (recorded when sun is at its maximum potential and longest duration) I know I need to build a design that faces East – West.

South - 12:00 pm

Including the atrium design, the orientation of my building doesn’t matter, I just need the atrium to cover the East to West, with more facing Wes t (as this is where it rises).

W - 16:00 pm

Secondary Research – Exterior Movement and flow design

Splash point leisure centre is a sporting facility located in Brighton. I have explored this space because of the movement and flow works well in this design. The long rectangular buildings are at different heights, curve and elongated. Having the rectangles at different heights make the space more appealing fills the space. The curves and elongated rectangles make the movement creates better flow throughout the building.

These different perspectives show the buildings movement and flow very well. The design where the building starts from the road and then ends at the beach front. The flow throughout the space ends at the beach.

Designs From Secondary Research – Inspiration from fossils



4 Exploring the theme of organic flowing formations, I created this design. I like this form, which looks like a shell or fossils planispiral shape.



This building included the organic and movement theme, the roof varied in height and length. This interested me, this zoomed in drawing shows the movement and flow well

Organic Concepts from Primary research

I took photos of ammonite fossils that I have from different perspectives to show the from of the object. I drawn the simple shape of the fossil which allowed me to create a little concept idea.

From the little concept I had a decided to morph the concept into a semicircular design. This design allowed me to develop it into a space.

I created a building with my design concept into the building. I liked this concept because it allowed movement within my space.

Primary Research – Organic Photos I am experimenting with the plants in my garden. I have pictured different types of plants from pond water to flowers. From these drawings I have concluded that the organic flow theme will suit well with the design of the library. A library needs to be a calm and relaxing setting to be in. Organic themes will bring a comforting and peaceful atmosphere.

This sketch shows the 2 types of plants and the formation of the plant. From this I could make different designs from these forms.

Model Making - Experimentation Of Circular Designs

I experiments with thin card and made random designs from circles. The inspiration came from the organic research I did, circular and curved formations are the most visible from organic structures. The interior space would be able to include movement and flow well. Also I like the different levels that the design has; for example every different level would be another floor or another room.

Experimentation With Curved Models

This structure would work well with my library design. The theme of organic will flow through this concept idea and my library. The idea of movement and flow interior space for me feels like a open planned walkway, this concept allows visitors to walk in any direction.

Secondary Research, Interior Design Research – Location: University of Aberdeen

Initially I wanted to make a library which has organic exterior and movement and flow interiors. I can incorporate the two themes together. The interior spaces that I have researched have organic, movement and flow themes in it. This interior is very modern, the colours complement each other well with the light grey and white colours with the natural organic wood brown. The overlooking view in the interior shows the different level beneath at different angles.

The view down to the ground floor are shaped differently and also slanted at a 55° angle The heart of the architecture is the spiralling atrium which connects all the levels, you can see this in the exterior cut elevation of the building. I love this feature as it also creates a maintainable amount of natural sunlight which creates a more sustainable environment. Lowering the amount of artificial light means minimising the long term running cost and energy usage.

Interior Space of Library I have explored the plan views of this space. These drawings are level 1, 2, and 7 which were the most interesting floors. All of the floors had social spaces which included lounges and chairs The library is on all of the upper floors, (2 – 7th ). This library looks very enticing from the exterior and interior design, the regular square shape exterior and the social opened planned interior creates an exciting space. The interior u design is very organised from, ground floor which includes reception and café, and the 7 floors above are library and study rooms. The studyrooms are located on most of the floor which include desk spaces and computers.

How can I include this in my design? From an exterior perspective I think basic original shapes like a square wouldn’t work with my theme I’m using whereas the interior spaces are very inspirational. I could include the private and social spaces, library that has different sections for each topic. Such as each level have only 5 topics/genre of books and studies. I would try and make my design at a maximum of 3 levels. I want to include social spaces in my design as it makes everyone interact with each other.










Library Interior Research

I have looked into curved and organic shapes used in library's. Most of these images show the bookcases curve around a space to make the flow in the room better.

Seating design going through the bookcase.

This bookcase design shows the curves and flowing movements I want in my interior design.

This drawing shows the separating rooms and how you can walk in between rooms, I like this concept because it encourages movement through my space.

Curved bookcase

As of interior research and design, I want all the library rooms to be connected. A way to do this is having gaps in the bookcases with each room being a different topic. Such as being in a science based book room and walk into the other room to a maths based library.

Connecting all the components together

Seating designs imbedded with bookcases

Curved bookcases designs in the library

My design of a library interior. This could be one of many book rooms.

Secondary Research – Library and Seating Interior

This interior works really well to show the shape of the room. It curved around the exterior walls and ceilings. This is in the theme of organic and movement/flow design. Cooperating a design like this in my space would help feel the organic design not only in the exterior but interior.

Bookshelves in the design Seating in the design

New Interior Design – New Concept This is a concept that I came up with that has a circular pattern which has bookshelves within the extruded part along the floor. I done elevation views to show more angles of the design. 1

2 I want to make a little concept which follows this design. The one aim is to make it more circular and curved and having it flow around the interior walls

These are seating or places to store books


Follows the curvature shape of the ceiling

Interior Research – Seating Concepts

I chose to take photos of the bright plants in my garden meanwhile looking at the organic forms. The formation of this flower is unique by having the leaves point upwards. This could be used in my design such as having upward facing walls or designs.

I wanted to make a library design whereby the interior follows the same theme of the natural curve of the exterior.

The inspiration from the primary photos, show a stream with rocks either side. The stream became the room and the rocks became the curved and natural sides/walls of the interior space.

Concept 2, Interior Research – Library Bookshelves Design This concept is about Library rooms and the design I want to explore. From the primary photos, I made a design which works well with the theme and different levels.

ELEVATION VIEW I created a design in sketch up showing how the interior layout could look like each contour indicating where bookshelves will go. I also used a wooden affect on the bookshelves to show what the material will look like.

Interior Research – Private Study Rooms

This is a basic example of most library private study rooms. Like the first image I wanted to make a curved space which has multiple ways of using the space. I also wanted to have a curved pathway so its not a rectangular corridor with rectangular rooms either side. One way to stop this is having a curved study room in the middle of the corridor which made people walk around it. This will then lead to more rooms around the corner of the middle study room.

Here I have done a little concept idea with using curved shapes and how it works with materials and different usages. I thought about having a pattern on the interior walls which guides people around the interior.

This technical drawing shows how it will be construction in a more realistic manner.

Concept 3, Interior Research – Private Study Rooms

Desks Conference Tables

Interior Model –

showing ideal designs

Interior Research – Atrium And Usage Of Sunlight

Exterior and Interior Research –

Exterior Images

The interior and exterior has similarities of having different levels with keeping the curvatures and organic harmony. I like the way they carry on the design throughout the buildings exterior and interior.

This exterior has many organic resemblances such as the curves and different levels. It also has an organic surrounding area, this increases the harmony of both architecture and nature together.

Curvature and Atrium Architecture

Interior Images 1


Interior sketches showing all the levels of this building, and the sun roof design.


The interior has 5 floors with 3 main floors, with a sky light entering in on all the floors. I want to include a design like this in my project. As it brings a harmony of nature to my design but also carries a renewable and green friendly aspect which is important.

Maxxi Museum – Exterior Research The external architecture has both themes of movement and flow in addition with minimalism. The flow and movement elements are the multiple trajectories of the buildings and the different ways it curves and moves around the space. The straight zones flow into curved zones, laminar and different heights change into layered zones.

Maxxi Museum – Interior Design

This interior design work well with the flow of the exterior. I drew a section view which shows how the stairs work inside the museum. This spaces uses different levels and

Model 1 – Making new concepts

Concept Ideas – Transforming paper to concept ideas I wanted to create a design with multiple levels and heights. This will contrast the idea of space. I was influenced with the plan view from my research of the Splash point Leisure Centre exterior design. The building has different levels and also curved in different directions.


With the plan view I made a sketchy idea about how I can use different levels in my design. I decided to make the 3 individual buildings at different heights.

Elevations show the height from the different sides of the space. I think this concept works I want to develop this more to fit into my specification

Development 1 – New Ideas

The atrium development will be one of the main interests that will be prominent in the exterior and interior design. I am wanted to create an atrium that is seen from the lobby upwards

The shape of my model began to look rectangular. my main thought process was to make it a curved and irregular shaped design, so making the main windows curved allowed the design to flow a lot more.

Whilst looking at different perspectives of my model, I realised it was hard to find the way to the main lobby. I decided to create a concept where it led to the entrance. One way to solve this was to extend the building so there was 2 other windows facing the entrance.

Development 2 – Layout and Atrium design

These drawings show the model in the actual position of my site. Where the main glass design facing South, and the back of the design facing North.


Interior drawings, shows where the interior goes in an Xray drawing.

Development 3 Sketches – Perspectives, Plans, Elevations

2 1 G

Finished Component 1 Model This is my component 1 final model. This is the main block of the project. The main block on top will be sitting on top of a smaller version of the main block. This will give the support of the heavy main building. I wanted to create a design with the influence of curves and organic structures. My first design was to create curves with a wave like structure, so I decided to play with the design and flip it. This creates this form, the curved walls, which has 3 floors and a ground floor which will lead to all the floors by a stair well. I made sure the scale was appropriate with the site I have. So the length of the building is 80 meters with site being 95 meters. the flat glass is 30 Meters long. This will be the main glass to look out onto towards the park. I made this glass the main focal point of my design because I want natural sunlight through when people are using my site but also enable the harmony between nature and the park and my eco friendly site. The main block consist of 3 floors with each floor being 4500mm tall, this was the average height of normal office block levels. I didn’t want my building being too tall so it obstructs views of the park and surrounding areas. Each floor will be demonstrated via SketchUp, but the plan for the floor are; 1st floor – Bookcases and research. 2 nd floor – computers and better seating, 3 rd floor – private study rooms and meeting rooms with a bigger speech room. Making each floor a separate meaning will allow people to be in the correct places that they need to be in. it will make it easier to travel round my space. I also made a ground floor design which is smaller than the main block, this is for the entrance, reception and café area in my design. I wanted to make an entrance of my design to be able to see up to the main block. This will allow me to create an atrium and a stairwell from the ground floor to the top floor. This will be easier access and look better when entering my building. Modelling this design was a challenge, as I had to make a curved wooden veneer to run along the inside card.


Exterior Final Design

Interior Final Design

Evaluation, my design met my design brief criteria, this design overall shows an organic exterior and interior with 4 floors. The atrium gets smaller each time you go up a floor. I realty enjoyed making part 1 because during model making I experimented with a rang of materials. In the end I modelled with wooden veneer which gave off an environmentally friendly, organic finish.

Bookshelves Interior Views – 1st Floor

The library interior was successful in the design. I wanted a design which curved around the side like the exterior does. Personally I think this is an efficient design which enables visitors when using this space, to be able to walk around the side of the bookshelves. I also decided to leave space near the glass windows for seating. This allows people to quickly pick up a book and sit down, enjoying the view of the park. Since it is on the first floor, it enables people to quickly come in and take a book and go, or stay. This saves time for visitors because they don’t need to go up many floors.

Camera height of a visitor walking towards shelves.

Back of the shelves pointing towards the exterior.

These interior views show what it is like for a visitor in my space. these shelves are 5ft 8 inches high, which allows people all sizes to hopefully be able to use my design. The design of my bookshelves increase in size the further you walk to the right side of the building. I did this to show a gradual change in size, so this could compare to having kids books on the left hand side and the adult books on the right side.

Shows the bookshelves curving around.

Seating available next to the shelves.

The way the bookshelves are the same height but different lengths in order to characterise where the books go.

Seating Interior – 1st Floor

This seating interior was very successful, all of the seats have an organic design to it with it also having layers. This became a theme of mine which allows the seats to have height to them instead of ordinary seats. I also wanted the design to look like it came from the floor. As if the floor came with the seats as an extruded part of the floor. I think I tired to emphasise this in my SketchUp drawings.

Xray Perspective views of seating

Private Study Rooms – 3rd Floor This design are private sturdy rooms, this is located on the top floor which allows people to look out at the view whilst studying in a quiet private room. Initially I wanted glass to be curved around the room which allowed people to see in and out. But it became apparent that it wasn’t appropriate for the design. I also think this model is good to show the layout of the individual rooms.

Sky light roof.

Atrium Interior Views


The new addition to harrow lodge library includes a new building next to the original site. The structure will still remain a similar design or organic curves but it is being built for a different purpose. This new sites purpose is to deliver a whole new community of people together, it will act as a high tech research centre. Our nearest high tech research centre is in London, connected to a university. This new site will have sustainable materials so less carbon and toxic emissions, good transport links, brings communities together and bring a good economic income to the town. I think this building will create more opportunities for the community. It will also bring more people to my component 1 design (library).

Specification • My new building will have an organic themed resemblance. • Eco friendly designs • Using sustainable materials • Have different spaces for each high tech research topics • Easily accessible for disabled people

Design Brief The new addition to harrow lodge library includes a new building next to the original site. The structure will still remain a similar design with organic curves but it is being built for a different purpose. This new sites purpose is to deliver a whole new community of people together, it will act as a high tech research centre. Our nearest high tech research centre is in London, connected to a university. This new site will have sustainable materials so less carbon and toxic emissions, good transport links, brings communities together and bring a good economic income to the town.

Site Analysis -

Harrow Lodge Library and Leisure Centre. Since my site is the same as my part 1 I am going to do a more in-depth analysis of the site. At my site there are many opportunities for new community facilities. For example, new sporting facilities and educational facilities. Creating these new facilities will bring more people in my site. So creating this new research centre will entice people to visit my site. Therefore I have to plan where my building goes in contrast of not blocking the existing sites and future sites. Future sites like storage facilities, smaller stadiums, other pitches like 5 aside, new educational buildings like auditoriums or public speaking halls. So I need to have cautiousness of new renovations the site needs and the ideal placement of my building. I am going to do research of my site, with topography, photographs and sketches. I have 2 options for my site, the first site is next to a leisure centre. Next to the leisure centre are gaunge and waste material from the construction which is still currently there. Having to build on this space will allow the landscape to be free from the waste material and allow pedestrians to have a better view over the park. In addition, this site is next to the leisure centre which will allow social cohesion within the two spaces. My second site is next to my part 1 design. This building has free space next to it. A reason to have the two buildings adjacent to each other is because my part 2 project is a high tec research centre. With a library and a research centre next to each other it enables cohesion within the two sites.

Council Facilities Cricket Pitch

Pleasant views instead of looking at waste materials

Cohesion between two buildings

Two similar spaces together with cohesion

Good views coming from park

Conclusion: Site 1 • Site one has better environmentally friendly options of construction. • Better accessibility • Cohesion between space • Adjacent to my part 1 project.

Challenges: • Smaller space to work with • Near to housing so height of my building cant block their view of the park • Hidden behind the Leisure Centre



Good views coming from park

Challenges: • Need a design that doesn’t obstruct views of my part 1 project • Hard to have onsite car park area • Harder to access • Hidden behind part 1 • Less sunlight

Organic Forms Research – Triangular shapes into organic forms

Outlining the triangular forms made it visually easier to develop the idea whilst still incorporating the triangle designs.

It began to look like a ceiling from here. With the point at the top and having triangular forms coming down.

Development 1 of concept – Organic Ceiling Concept

Ceiling Development 1 – Evaluation This concept is a very good example of what I ideally want my ceiling to be like for my part 2. Having stackable curves in different directions gives a sense of safety and shelter. I also began to sketch elevations to get a better angle of how the ceiling curves downwards towards the ground.

I designed this ceiling with a stackable form because it enables me to understand that is going on inside the space. I also made it open in some areas. This will enable sunlight to go through.

Transforming triangles into organic shapes allowed me to get an understanding of what organic designs are. They don’t have to start as curved designs.

This concept reminds me of Zaha Hadid’s architectural designs. She designs her buildings at different levels and incorporating different levels int my design could be a good starting point in my design development.

Organic Inspirational Concept – Bird Winged Building

This concept made me want to research more about organic design, so I am going to research Zaha Hadid's work

Concepts – From Bird Concept

This second concept I made is pavilion like structure that could be found at the entrance of my building. I made the form from my research of organic flowers.

I made this little models from stapling paper at different points, where I carved curves in the paper. These concepts are very organic and I’m going to try and make concepts with these models. The elevation drawings show the front and back of my concept. It shows how the main body of structure hits the floor.

Zaha Hadid – Grande Dame, Organic Structures

Exterior Research - Walt Disney

Final Model – Part 1, Part 2

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