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2.3 Participation in WHO Executive Board

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cision of WHO to turn its focus from treatment to a more proactive health policy for disease prevention”, adding his “appreciation for the efforts made by WHO so far for the enhancement of people’s health” (13).

The forty-seventh session of the Regional Committee discussed the following: 1) implementation of the Programme Budget for 1994–1995 and the introduction of the Programme Budget for 1998–1999; 2) ways to implement the “New Horizon in Health” strategy to shift the focus of health policy from treatment to proactive disease prevention and health promotion; 3) annual report on sexually transmitted infections and AIDS; 4) involvement of Member States in UNAIDS projects; 5) poliomyelitis occurrences in the Western Pacific Region and the involvement of Member States in poliomyelitis eradication efforts; 6) report on visits to the WHO project sites in New Zealand and Viet Nam; 7) revision of the “Health for All by the Year 2020” strategy; 8) the changing role of WHO in accordance with global trends; 9) methods to increase the participation of women in the work of WHO in the Western Pacific Region; and 10) preparation of measures to deal with a rapidly aging population and promotion of research on the health of the older people (14). As a subject of concern, the Government of the Republic of Korea raised the prevention of infectious diseases, such as cholera, between the two Koreas (15).


At the thirty-seventh World Health Assembly in 1984, the Republic of Korea was designated as a Member State entitled to name a person to serve on the WHO Executive Board for the first time in 26 years. The Government of the Republic of Korea designated Lee Sung-woo, Director-General of the Bureau of Health Service Policy at the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, as an Executive Board member for three years (16).

At the forty-eighth World Health Assembly in 1995, the Republic of Korea was again designated as a Member State entitled to appoint a person to serve as a member of the WHO Executive Board. The Government of the Republic of Korea appointed Shin Young-soo, Professor of Health Policy and Management at Seoul National University College of Medicine, as an Executive Board member for three years (17).

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Q a delegation of the republic of Korea, including dr shin young-soo, then a Who executive board Member (far right), at the World health assembly in geneva in 1998.

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Q a community nurse practitioner visits rural villagers. in the 1980s and 1990s. Who supported a series of primary health-care projects in the republic of Korea.

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