1 minute read
14. Infection control capacity-building, certification and monitoring
Performance target
TPT Coverage Rate
Contacts: Baseline: 5% (2018) 2020: 15% 2021: 25% 2022: 40% 2023: 60%
PLHIV: Baseline: 52% (2018) 2020: 65% 2021: 70% 2022: 75% 2023: 80% • Policy review and issuance (NTP MOP 6th edition roll out) • Develop road map for TPT Strategy • Introduction and scale up of 3HP and other shorter regimens • Monitoring TPT implementation, including reporting from the private sector • Development and dissemination of SBCC package for provider specific and client specific
Key activities
14. Infection control capacity-building, certification and monitoring
Prevention of transmission, especially in health facilities, is of utmost importance.
Given the recent WHO guidelines, which recently were translated into an online learning course by the NTP and DOH Health Human Resource Development Bureau, focus will be on ensuring compliance and implementation. A system of measuring compliance and subsequent mentoring and supervision has to be developed and implemented.
Performance target
% of TB facilities complying with WHO infection control guidelines
Baseline: no data 2020: 70% 2021: 80% 2022: 90% 2023: 100% • Promotion of infection prevention and control e-training modules • Development of TB infection control compliance checklist • Monitoring and supervision • Updating TB facility certification process • IPC e-training certificate as part of revised certification requirement