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1 There are a few question many people ask themselves when they want to get into this online marketing, or want to make money online, and that is, is this really possible?, are people really making money online?, how much will it cost or how to get started making money online? The answer is yes, the problem is there are a lot of programs out there some legit, and some not so legit, and it’s hard to tell real from fake, so how do you find a program that’s legit. First and foremost it’s about doing your research, who is selling the product, what are the reviews of the product they sold in the past, are people getting real results, and not some fake review. It’s also about following someone who’s is successful and do what they do. I’m a member of a company called five dollar funnel because it’s simple, it’s in prelaunch right now, and sometimes it’s good to join a company that’s brand new to get a good jump start on things, and it works also you won’t go broke joining this company. I know these guys are legit because I’m involved in other successful companies they own or involved in, so this was a no brainer for me, if you want to check it out, you can visit the site here, what five dollar funnel is, is a simple 3 step instruction that anyone can follow especially those who are just starting out and it only cost 5 dollars to start, with the potential of making a whole lot more, check out the video here, they will even give you the five dollars to start, so you are actually starting with no out of pocket expense which is always great. So if you are just looking for something to get started in online marketing, then this is a good way to get your feet wet. If you haven’t already you can check out the five dollar funnel here.

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