Proven online Reputation management methods that benefit corporations

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Proven Online Reputation Management Methods that Benefit Corporations Don Sorensen, Reputation Management Expert and Founder of Big Blue Robot, Reveals New Methods For Improving the Online Reputation of Corporations and Executives Provo, Utah (PRWEB) March 15, 2012 -- Don Sorensen, one of the most prolific bloggers on the subject of online reputation management and founder of Big Blue Robot, today released new methods to help individuals and companies improve their online reputation and better navigate their ever-changing online presence. Sorensen’s philosophy is that reputation management is a hybrid between optimizing websites for search engines and online marketing. “On one hand, reputation management is about optimizing the right content so that it will rank well for company-branded search results, commented Sorensen, executive and corporate reputation management expert. “At the same time, it’s about targeting the right type of people with the right kind of content so that they will form a very specific opinion about a business in only a few seconds.” Mr. Sorensen has merged his 25 years of public relations and marketing experience with online marketing expertise to improve the online reputation of public and private companies and corporate executives. Sorensen points out that it is typically the marketing side of reputation management that gets lost in the shuffle of creating great search results. “Every company or individual should ask three very important questions when analyzing their online presence: Who is searching for my company? What are they looking for? And how can I give it to them?” Sorensen said. “It’s crucial to implement strategies for optimization of positive content for a business, but it’s a little more difficult trying to ascertain who exactly is searching for your company and define the best content to give them. I’ve designed these methods to help both companies and individuals identify that content.” Who Is Searching Online? Sorensen explains that before a company or individual can figure out the type of content to fill a branded search results page with, it is important to know who the target is. By knowing the average age, income level, social status, and other information about customers or target audiences, one can better understand the type of content needed to make a positive judgment. What Are Customers Looking For? Sorensen further suggests that once it is determined who is searching for a company online it will be easier to assess what kinds of question they are asking and what they want to know about the company or individual. “It’s also extremely helpful to look at the search traffic that is leading to your site. What are the keywords people are using to find the business on the web? And what are the most heavily visited pages of the website?” added Sorensen. “For example, if a company sells children’s toys, the customer base consists of mothers in their mid 30s, and finds that the most heavily trafficked pages on the website are the pages describing manufacturers, it stands to reason that people searching for the company online may be concerned about where the toys are made. Do a little more digging and one may find that there is a large contingent of mothers who may be concerned about the plastics and paints used by the company’s manufacturers—either for health or environmental reasons.” Sorensen realizes that not all questions may be this cut and dried, but recommends that when companies and individuals know who their customers are and what they are searching for, it will be apparent what kind of

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information to provide in order to keep them on the first page of the search results. How to Deliver Information? Finally, Sorensen explains that once a company or individual has determined what the customer is searching for, it is important to deliver that very information. And do so quickly. Instead of burying the information deep in the website, Sorensen suggests creating a sub domain on the website (that will appear as a separate search result) that speaks specifically to that question, reassuring customers that products are safe. Or go a step further and create a micro site that addresses that question and then points customers to the company website for more information. “The quicker you can give your potential customers what they are looking for with a branded search term, the more likely they are to trust you, and the less likely they are to look for that information elsewhere,” said Sorensen. “One of the most important aspects of corporate reputation management is to control your own message so others don’t do it for you. When you know what your customers are searching for, and can fill that need for them, you control the perception of your company as well as the search results they see. And that’s when you’ll truly have a grasp on your reputation management strategy.” A complete list of methods for “Improving Online Reputation,” is free and available by clicking here. About Big Blue Robot Founded in 2003, Big Blue Robot (BBR),, helps corporations and high profile individuals improve their online reputations through search engine optimization of positive web content. BBR has developed state-of-the-art online reputation management strategies for companies doing business around the world, including Germany, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates, and France. Sorensen has been featured in The New York Times and other publications on the subject of reputation management and is now educating, individuals and corporation on defining and executing online reputation management strategies. Press Contact: Paulette Brown, Brown Communications Inc. 770-577-3881, paulette(at)browncommunicationspr(dot)com

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Contact Information Don Sorensen Big Blue Robot 801-592-3396 Paulette Brown Brown Communications Inc. 770-577-3881 Online Web 2.0 Version You can read the online version of this press release here.

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