Five Steps to Free Yourself of Credit Card Debt Summary: Are credit card debt problems giving you sleepless nights? Then it is time to act on the following debt management solutions. Credit Card Debt Credit cards are one of the primary factors in accumulating debt problems. This plastic money has made making purchases so easy that we tend to get used to it without realizing it. But now debt management solutions experts have found ways to get rid of credit card debt with the following steps. Immediately Stop Card Usage Once you know the seriousness of your debt problems, you should immediately stop using credit cards. Bury them, cancel them, or whatever it takes, but do not accumulate any further debt by shopping with credit cards. Opt for Low Interest Cards It might sound a bit surprising, but experts of debt management solutions suggest getting a lower interest credit card and transferring your balances from higher interest credit cards to it instead. Your poor credit score might be a hindrance to getting a new card at this time, but there is no harm in trying. Tackle Smaller Debts First It is a common misconception that you should address bigger debts first. But debt management solutions experts beg to differ. They suggest tackling the smaller ones first for two reasons. First, it will boost your confidence. Second, it’s easy to clear off smaller debts as compared to larger ones. However, don’t stop making at least minimum payments on your larger debts while making the smaller debt payments, or your debt problems will accumulate again. Maintain a Budget There is a saying, “If you don’t know where you are going, you will reach nowhere.” Similarly if you don’t keep track of your expenditures, then it is tough to address your debt problems. That is why debt management solutions companies suggest maintaining a budget of your debt payments and how much you would be able to save every month. Improvise Your Credit Score Your credit score is a great resource for learning about your financial condition. So you have a poor credit score - is there anything you can do to improve it? Debt management experts suggest starting by paying off any old bills. It might sound strange to call up creditors after so long to pay off your debt, but you will witness a drastic improvement in your credit score in a very short period of time.