When it came to the basic look of my contents page, I wanted it to be white, as the front cover was black, but I also wanted the same characteristics and graphical features of my front cover, so the background of my contents page is a brush downloaded from http://psbrushes.net
The handprint is also from http://psbrushes.net I wanted it to be edgy and recogniseable, but not to divert attention from the main features of my contents page, so I made it into a faded blood red as opposed to a bolder more oblique red. The paperclip is inspired by research into college magazines, the magazine The Underground Art School, had a DIY style that included artwork and colourful drawings, but still retained a high quality look.
I included the headphones because it would project my idea of a performing and creative arts college, I made them black because I wanted all of my features to stand out against the white background. I included the cracks and the syringe to make the contents page look more edgy.
When I mention the interview with Kyanna Sutton, as I have on my front cover and my contents page, I want to include interesting quotes that would attract attention and give an insight into what kind of articles my college magazine would include. Kyanna commenting on Banksy portrays an interesting view, and it also keeps within the theme of an art college magazine.
I used multi coloured DYMO labels because not only do I think they stand out as opposed to usual Microsoft fonts, they are included in my other half of the contents page and on my CD cover in another preliminary task, although I wanted my magazine to be an oppurtunity to experiment with different computer programmes, images and features, I want all of my work to have some form of slight consistent theme running through it.