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alexine sammut portfolio | 2015

alexine sammut alexinesammut@gmail.com Sch旦nhauser Allee 8, Berlin, DE DE +49 17686583869



June14 Meyer-Grohbr端gge & Chermayeff

Bauhaus University Dessau | 2013-15

2014 - current Architect | New York, NY / Berlin, DE

Brandlhuber+ 2014 Architect | Berlin, DE

TomDavid Architecten 2012 - 2013 Architect | Rotterdam, NL

Architecture MA [1,1] Prof. Sam Chermayeff

Iowa State University | 2006-07 College of Design Prof. Nadia Anderson

University of Malta | 2003-08 Bachelor of Architecture & Civil Eng. [Hons.] Faculty for the Built Environment Dean Prof. Alex Torpiano

Self Practising 2011 Licensed Architect | Malta

TBA Architects 2008 - 2011 Junior Architect | Malta

honours/awards urban living exhibition at DAZ 2015 | Berlin June14 Meyer-Grohbr端gge & Chermayeff

Bauhaus University Dessau 2015 | Architecture MA overall best student award

areas of expertise

How Soon is Now? Exhibition

design, design management, graphic skills, construction documentation, furniture design, exhibition design, construction documentation & detailing.

2014 | Berlin June14 Meyer-Grohbr端gge & Chermayeff


LVQR 90th anniversary branding

English | Italian | Maltese [native] French [conversational] Dutch | German [basic]

sustainable market square 2012 | Casablanca, Morocco AC-CA competition | First Place

2011 | graphic design competition shortlisted

licensed architect & civil engineer 2010 | perit act malta awarded practising warrant

software proficiency

UNESCO Ggantija heritage park

AutoCAD, Rhino, Revit, Adobe Creative Suite, SketchUp, Cinema 4D, 3d Studio Max, Vector Works

2010 | Gozo, Malta competition | honorable mention

selected works


abc2015 art fair | berlin | 2015 June14 Meyer-Grohbrügge & Chermayeff, Berlin DE

aluminium garden exhibition | berlin | 2015 002 the June14 Meyer-Grohbrügge & Chermayeff, & Studio Toshihiko Mitsuya, Berlin DE

003 building group Kurfürstenstraße 142 | berlin | 2012 June14 Meyer-Grohbrügge & Chermayeff, Berlin, DE

baptist church | nyc | 2015 004 universal June14 Meyer-Grohbrügge & Chermayeff, Brooklyn, New York, US

005 inhabiting pattern : pattern[play]house | berlin | 2015 Professor Sam Chermayeff | Bauhaus Dessau University of Architecture

for optimism | berlin | 2015 006 centre June14 Meyer-Grohbrügge & Chermayeff, Berlin DE


ssense concept store | montreal | 2015 June14 Meyer-Grohbrügge & Chermayeff & Brandlhuber+ Berlin, DE

garden | nyc | 2015 008 chocolate June14 Meyer-Grohbrügge & Chermayeff, New York, US bed | berlin | 2014 009 triangular June14 Meyer-Grohbrügge & Chermayeff, Berlin DE


big top berlin | berlin | 2014


LoBe building | berlin | 2014


urban living competition | berlin | 2013


sustainable market canopy | casablanca | 2012


elisa’s house | malta | 2011


life sciences park | malta | 2010

Professor Roger Bundschuh | Bauhaus DIA

Brandlhuber+ Berlin, DE

June14 Meyer-Grohbrügge & Chermayeff, Berlin, DE

TomDavid Architecten, Rotterdam, NL

self practising architect

TBA Architects, Malta


abc2015 art fair | berlin

built | 2015

Commisioned by art berlin contemporary to design flexible spaces for 100 international galleries to exhibit together as part of berlin art week.

June14 Meyer-Grohbr端gge & Chermayeff Private commission for design and execution of abc2015 art fair berlin.

The spaces are defined by corners that create flexible rooms varying in size, hence intimacy. The crosses introduce flexibility of space (from walls to room/s). Unique rooms are created that still allow for communication among the diferent galleries and give the galleries and artist freedom of how their work can be displayed. Assisted in the developing and implementing the architectural concept and developed a strong graphic identity for the fair. Worked closely with curators, graphic designers and creative developers involved.


the aluminium garden exhibition | berlin

built | 2015

Acrylic furniture pieces (a sofa and two seats) were designed and fabricated as part of a agrden installation of 180 structural studies of aluminium plants handmade by Japanese artist Toshihiko Mitsuya.

June14 Meyer-Grohbr端gge & Chermayeff Private commission for design of a acrylic furniture pieces and garden design for Berlin art week. Exhibited iat: Studio Picknick, Berlin.

The plants and furniture arrangement was specifically designed to fit the gallery space. The aluminium garden tests the borders and their limits that are stretched as far as to disappear. It is about soft borders. It tests the boundaries of the materials in question, which can develop immense strength, while appearing fragile and delicate. Tasked with developing project vision and development. Prepared working drawings and managed and co-ordinated makers for timely production of all pieces. Responsible for on-site preparation of the event.


building group KurfĂźrstenstraĂ&#x;e 142 | berlin

in progress | 2015

Six towers covering 3,400 sqm surround the perimeter of the site. They overlap, vertically and horizontally, without defining clear boundaries between the units.

June14 Meyer-GrohbrĂźgge & Chermayeff Design and execution of 23 units for a building group [baugruppe], in Berlin. Exhibited iat: Bielefelder Kunstverein : Artists commissioning Contemporary Architecture

The structure forms one large single space continuum with endless variations of organisation and spatial combinations. The overlaps, provide each unit with its personal spatial conditions, all having one very high and one lower space. Some are connected to each other through a shared space which can be private and/or shared with neighbouring units. Neither cohabitation nor sharing is enforced; though flexibility allows the inhabitants to create their private and shared spaces to their liking.


universal baptist church | nyc

in progress | 2015

The new church building is brought out of it’s current narrow confines, extending along the whole site and neighbourhood through a shared garden that enhances the communal feeling.

June14 Meyer-GrohbrĂźgge & Chermayeff Private commission for the re-design and execution of the universal baptist church and town houses in brooklyn, new york.

By also maximising the Floor Area Ration [FAR], the plot and budget are used in the most efficient way. Supervised the team to produce initial concepts and make drawing preparations for client/investor meetings. This project gave me a thorough understanding of the NYC building Code regulations.


inhabiting pattern : disappearing through pattern

master thesis | 2015

Patterns are almost never seen as they really are. The aim has been to develop an eye for patterns that work to make things disappear.

Prof.Sam Chermayeff Self defined research proposal on disappearing through pattern. https://onpatterns.wordpress.com

Driven by a fascination through use in 2D illustrations to expose a space, the idea is reversed. Patterns are studied to see how far they can go to make 3D space disappear in architecture. Beyond lightness. Into nothingness. Blurring borders between inside and outside, ceiling and floor, walls and corners. The goal here is to explore how they can be used to create an architecture that is stripped of it’s components forming a place where one can get lost willingly, anytime. A pattern (play) house.


centre for optimism | berlin

built | 2015

Over the course of nine weeks, the group Centre for Optimism transformed the BDA Galerie, Berlin in a place to meet, discuss and dream. Collaborated closely to develop and materialise the metal furniture and structure for the CFO.

June14 Meyer-Grohbr端gge & Chermayeff with curator Clara Meister and STIFF. Design and execution of metal hut and furniture peices that build the Centre for Optimism. Exhibited at: BDA Galerie, Berlin

Week after week, themed events took place, in which architectural elements were introduced as part of lectures and discussions with guests. The elements are based on a flexible design, that is realised in the course of time.


open furniture | berlin

built | 2015

Concieved as part of a series of objects that while essential to the program do not prescribe space.

June14 Meyer-Grohbrügge & Chermayeff Private commission for a set of four furniture pieces.

These pieces are about an open furniture that fit into and with many architectures. In turn these objects can either ‘take up’ space thereby fighting the square meter obsession and they can be part of a plan to create efficiency for more choice.

June-14 Meyer-Grohbrügge & Chermayeff


ssense concept store | montreal

invited compatition | 2015

The SSENSE proposal is about opening up possibilities. The design maximizes usable space in the most flexible way.

June14 Meyer-Grohbrügge & Chermayeff with Brandlhuber+ Design and submission for new SSENSE store and identity.

By placing the required fixed elements, plumbing, the elevator and so on, in a compactly at the back, we open up the entire floor plate to different functions.The second, more public, stair snakes through the building diagonally dividing each floor differently as one moves up.The staircase is designed as a light division of space, taking the minimal possible volume. In this way it allows for a perception of the whole space or two divided spaces.


Involved with translating brand strategy into live environment and developed a good understanding of materials and finishes. F L OOR 5



Mixed accessories and other (curated by SSENSE)

B R A N D L H U B E R + / J U N E - 1 4 M E Y E R - G R OH B R Ü G G E & C H E R M AY E F F


display cases, novelties, exhibitions, pop up store, designer take over, popular events

Th e lu xu ry is a lu xu ry of s p a c e . Th e p rop os a l a t t e mp t s t o giv e a s mu c h as possible t o t h e s h op . Th e old b u ild in g a n d t h e n e w me e t e a c h ot h e r f u lly, n e it h e r is denied t h e p le a s u re of t h e ot h e r.


chocolate garden | nyc

under construction | 2015

The idea is to extend the current chocolate parlour into an existing back yard.

June14 Meyer-Grohbr端gge & Chermayeff Private commission for the design and execution of an extension to the Chocolate Room, in Brooklyn New York.

The Chocolate Room opens up to a Secret Garden that houses a tent that can be totally closed for private functions or completely open to the rest of the garden for bigger events.


the triangle bed | berlin

built | 2014

The triangular-shaped bed, measures 3,69 m x 2,50 m. It is a place for one, or many. It should be big enough to get lost on and small enough to feel cozy in.

June14 Meyer-Grohbrügge & Chermayeff Private commission for design and execution of a bed. Exhibited iat: Nolan-Judin Galerie, Berlin.

Exhibited in Berlin for How Soon is Now - an exhibition by 12 Berlin-based architects, designers and engineers that revisits themes from the legendary This Is Tomorrow exhibition, held at the Whitechapel Art Gallery in London in 1956. It is now used and enjoyed in Brunnenstraße 9, Berlin. I was tasked with evolving product development from briefing to definition and with onsite surveying, fitting and construction.

June-14 Meyer-Grohbrügge & Chermayeff


big top berlin | berlin

academic work | 2014

The relationship between the words longing and belonging has a unique relevance in architectural discourse. In this studio I examined the implications and possibilities posed by such a debate.

Prof. Roger Bundschuh Studio Longing & Belonging

A circus tower nicknamed Big Top was conceived representing the idea of an extended circus family. Usually synonymous with nomads here they occupy and share simultaneously a controversial site in Kreuzberg Berlin. Together with the city they live, work and learn, sharing the plot, the river front, the fun, the games, and the tower that is crowned with a spectacular circus.

back cover


urban living competition | berlin

invited compatition | 2013

The way we look for loneliness and connections have changed drastically.

June14 Meyer-Grohbr端gge & Chermayeff Design and submission for the Urban Living competition , Berlin. Featured in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Exhibited at: DAZ, Berlin - URBAN LIVING - Strategien f端r das zuk端nftige Wohnen, 2015.

The rooms where retreat and production take place must be rethought-their borders softened. Our answer is a high complex density building providing openness and intimacy. It uses three basic living conditions new to Berlin. We generate an architecture of hospitality (ground), an architecture of suburban withdrawnness (upstairs) and total openness (roof). By layering we create new energies between these extremes.


LoBe building | berlin

under construction | 2014

Commissioned by artist and curator of LoBe London Berlin Art Kunst to design a building that would grow and transform with its’ inhabitants.

Brandlhuber+ Private commission for design and execution for the new LoBe building in Wedding, Berlin [DE] Featured in: afasia archzine

The LoBe building is moulded around the 14 families which will live and work there. A typology for a minimum sized apartment was established, liberating the rest of each floor for bigger more flexible apartments. Self sufficient rooms could be used as studios for guests, added/subtracted to increase/decrease the size of each home when such need arises. Below lies the new LoBe gallery, a shared workspace, a cafe, a communal garden managed by Prinzessinnengarten and a slide.


sustainable market canopy | casablanca

1st place | 2012

The canopy proposal features an elevated plaza and underground services level, providing an infrastructure for legal and illegal markets that dominate the context and are a vital part of the economy.

TomDavid Architecten Design and submission for AC-CA competition http://www.ac-ca.org/en/casablanca05winners Featured in: Dezeen; designboom; archdaily; inhabitat; worldarchitecturenews; phaidon; vectorworks

The structure provides shade and a simple way to clean the market square by disposing the rubbish in chutes tucked between columns, directing litter into underground bins. Led and supervised the design team during the preparation of program, schematic layouts and design options. I was also responsible for finishing the drawings and material necessary for the winning proposal on a very tight schedule.


elisa’s house | malta

built | 2011 self practising Architect Design through completion of a two storey home on existing residence.

This two storey building challenges the typical Maltese house layout.

Commissioned by the Cilia family

Designed around the lifestyle of a young couple and their child, this first residential project creates an introverted world of its own. The more private sleeping areas are located in the lower section of the house freeing up the uppermost floor that opens up to the surrounding views. A doubleheight inner yard directs light throughout the space. The result is a series of rooms, both private and public that flow from one to next, thereby eliminating the need for a corridor. As the lead architectI was responsible for preparing the full set of drawings for planning permit acquisition. I gained knowledge of budget and planning control, supervised site visits through to project completion. Responsible for detailed preparation of design and construction documents during all project phases.


life sciences park | malta

built | 2010 TBA Architects Malta Design through completion of holistic facade concept applied throughout site buildings and landscape.

Malta’s Life Sciences Park was conceived with a campus like atmosphere.

Commissioned for state funded BioMalta LifeSciences Park

Four key buildings house world class facilities like labs, offices, lecture theatres, meeting rooms and several other shared facilities, providing local and international organisations circa 11,000 sqm of research facilities. Given the local generally hot climate, the facade design was driven to promote efficient cooling of the buildings. I was tasked with developing the external envelope, including the integration of performance requirements and resolving construction details. I furthermore produced a full set of facade documentation. I continued to manage all facade related queries to maintain the architectural design intent. Gained experience in experience in tender/construction/detailing drawings.

alexine sammut portfolio | 2015

alexinesammut@gmail.com Schรถnhauser Allee 8, Berlin, DE DE +49 17686583869

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